The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Two’s Company

This story takes place in the same universe as Trinary, Homecoming Hojôjutsu. It does make reference to events and characters in those stories and although my intention was to write something entirely self-contained, it will make a lot more sense if you’ve read the rest of the series first.]

Acknowledgements: A big thank you to Steph whose March writing contest inspired the story.

* * *

Alex stepped into the carriage, waiting until the last moment before slipping through the rapidly closing doors. The train started off almost immediately, its strangely liquid movement oddly settling, although it was very clear that opinion was not shared by the majority of her fellow passengers. Crammed in among the sararîman, she found herself instinctively appraising each of them in turn, searching for threats amidst the cramped crush of bodies.

The signal had come through only moments before they had lost Hong Kong and, in the aftermath of that one unimaginable act, the Agency had simply ceased to exist. Hera’s final message had been filled with the usual fire and brimstone. It was a clarion cry, rallying the others to her cause. But neither Alex nor Agronâ wanted to have anything to do with their sister’s crusade.

If they could just get to Nagoya, then perhaps they would be able to join the growing throng heading up out of the gravity well. Shade had shown no interest in the Orbitals, and as a result they were becoming the destination of choice for any whose riders wanted to abstain from their internecine war. Alex had no idea how long that would last, but even transitory safety was better than remaining on the run.

Despite her attempts to keep a low profile, it was simply impossible for her to blend in. Standing just a shade over six foot, she managed to avoid seeming overweight, but the extra layers of subcutaneous fat still altered her shape enough to make her appear tubby. Her skin glistened unnaturally, (even when dry), as its water-resilient coating reacted to the local humidity. The bald pate drew even more attention, and left her no way to conceal the anodised chrome of her interface plugs.

But her hands were the real give-away, and she had to fight the urge to shove them back into her pockets. Flaps of leathery skin spread between each finger and told everyone just what she was. Even though there was far more to her transformation, it was those webbed hands everyone saw. They were iconic and Alex could feel the atmosphere shift subtly against her as she was recognised as the worst kind of outsider. She was an Adapt, and her kind very clearly weren’t welcome here.

Unable, or perhaps unwilling to meet the gaze of any of the other commuters, she tried to distract herself by looking out through one of the spotless windows. For a brief instant she caught sight of the assembled platform crew, lined up beside the departing train and giving their traditional send off (which contrived to appear as half wave, half salute). And then, they were gone, washed into an indistinct blur by the train’s acceleration.

Agronâ’s thoughts touched her very softly, an icy whisper that left its own slow dribble of condensation. She chose not to speak, instead communicating on a far more primal level. But despite the rider’s cryptic nature, Alex really had no difficulty in understanding what she was trying to relay. She was exposed, and it had been such a very long time since she’d resleeved that they would almost certainly have her face on file somewhere.

Cool approval slicked the surface of her mind, droplets of affirmation that left her feeling proud but almost utterly disgusted with her own predictability. Agronâ’s laughter was like a winter shower, soft sleet melting instantly into ice water as it flowed down Alex’s spine. She ignored it as best she could, dropping heavily into the nearest seat and muttering stuttering apologies for the intrusion.

* * *

The Chûô Shinkansen maglev line ran between Tokyo and Shin-Osaka, but followed the Chûô Main Line as far as Nagoya. Despite the circuitous route, it was still the quickest way to the spaceport, especially once they left the underground section of the line and were no longer forced to curtail their speed.

Exactly on cue, Alex felt the familiar pressure changes in her middle ear, as the last car emerged from the station tunnel. Almost immediately the train reached its cruising speed of around four hundred miles an hour; rocketing through the chaotic urban sprawl and out into the more natural randomness of the Japanese countryside.

She knew they were closing in on her. It wasn’t just paranoia; she really had felt a presence. It had been a wrench, to simply abandon everything and flee. But the spoor had been unmistakable, and so, following a well rehearsed routine, she had dropped everything and fled, pausing only to collect an overnight bag from the nearest locker. Then she had headed straight to the station, new identity in hand.

Before the extra expense of reserving a seat had seemed like an extravagance. But now she was here, Alex realised she would have paid at least twice as much to avoid being part of that press of sweaty flesh. However short the journey she had no desire to spend it trying to fend off the apparently ubiquitous groping hands. She considered herself to be pretty broadminded, but she really wasn’t in the mood for chikan.

Her rider’s hiss of surprise echoed Alex’s own, both of them sensing something amiss scant seconds before someone slid effortlessly into the seat opposite. She didn’t recognise the woman at first, but in her defence, Cassie was wearing a different body than the last time they had met. Still, there was something unmistakable behind those deceptively soft eyes and that brief glimpse brought everything back, familiarity adding a painful clarity of its own.

“Cas,” she began lightly, while her fists shook with the effort to retain control, “It’s been a long time. But you’re looking well, and how’s Inari?”

“Too long,” the smaller woman agreed, “We’re fine, as I’m sure Agronâ would confirm, if she wasn’t locked up so tight. What’s the matter, Alex? The way you’re acting anyone would think you didn’t trust us any more.”

“Can you blame me?” Alex asked softly, resisting the urge to reach out. She remembered how it had been, their minds linked so closely that all four of them had effectively become a single entity. But she pushed the memory aside, focussing instead on the bitter tang of betrayal. “We didn’t exactly part of the best of terms.”

“Things have changed,” Cassie suggested, after a moment, nodding her head as if in agreement. “Hera’s gone, and after Hong Kong the Agency has lost its teeth.”

“So much death,” she sighed, her voice thick with emotion, “Hera, Dusk … Susan. Where does it end, Cas? How can it end?”

“Why are you here, Alex?” the other woman asked, and there was no longer any softness in her eyes, “Are you picking sides?”

Alex glanced away, trying to ignore how badly her eyes were stinging. There was something about Cassie’s stare that she just couldn’t bear. Tears prickled at the edges of her vision, and she had to swallow hard, choking down the swell of emotion.

“I just want out, Cas,” she finally managed. “I’m not part of this, not any more.”

“Oh, sweetness,” Cassie smile coldly, seemingly unmoved by the other woman’s tears, “I wish I could believe that. Now, why don’t you try a little bit harder, and see if you can convince me?”

The first probing touch was so gentle Alex almost missed it. In fact, the only reason she detected it at all was because she had been expecting the attack, mostly because Cassie seemed to have forgotten that this was what the Adapt did for a living. Even still, those deft caresses had already slipped effortlessly through at least three layers of defences before she managed to lock them out.

She tore apart the strands of invasive code, letting Agronâ analyse the assault while she focussed on how to respond. Even before the A.I. had been installed, Alex had been a specialist in electronic warfare. Since then she had continued to learn, using the extra processing power to augment her already prodigious talents.

“You’ve been practicing,” she suggested, using the distraction to rein in her emotions. “But I’m still better at this that you. And because of everything we’ve shared I’m going to give you one chance to back down. I don’t want to fight you, Cas, but don’t mistake reluctance for impotence. If I have to, I will rip your mind apart …”

Almost before she had finished speaking, Cassie gave her response. This time she didn’t bother with subtly, relying instead on brute force to overwhelm the other woman’s defences. Alex’s teeth ground together, as the sledgehammer of code slammed into her. The power behind it was incredible, and the attack hit with near physical force.

The world seemed to decelerate, and even her thoughts stuttered to a jerky crawl. She tried to shut down the connection, but everything was happening far too slowly. Reflexively, Alex scattered countermeasures, filling the air with viral chaff. Agronâ tried to shield her from the worst of it, whispering icy reassurance as she sheathed her mind in glacial certainty.

“She’s stronger than before,” the rider whispered. “But she’s still not as strong as us, we can beat her.”

Alex just groaned, trying desperately to cling to that artificial calm while the invasive code coiled around her pleasure centres. The flames of arousal lapped avidly at her frosty shield, and despite Agronâ’s best efforts, the ice began to run in trickling streams.

“Why are you here, Alex?” Cassie hissed into her mind, “Who sent you?”

Around her, the carriage receded, fading into a background of muted colours and muffled sounds. Alex knew the other passengers were still there, she could feel the warmth of their proximity. But that too was slowly ebbing, subsumed by the unnatural heat of Cassie’s attention.

She searched for an answer, recognising the fear behind the other woman’s words but unable to understand its source. Without warning, the code took hold of Alex’s senses, plunging her into darkness for a long moment that seemed to stretch on forever. Even Agronâ’s chill presence was slipping away, leaving her more isolated than she could ever remember.

“What happened to you?” Alex gasped, her fingers sliding helplessly from her rider’s grasp.

“Don’t play stupid with me!” Cassie’s voice screamed through her thoughts. “Tell me, and I’ll make this quick!”

Everything snapped back into place, painfully sharp and unnaturally clear. For an instant it seemed as if the illusion would hold, but it was just too perfect. And yet, even though she knew it was merely an induced, consensual hallucination, she was still unable to break free from its insidious grip. Alex’s hold on Agronâ was growing increasingly more tenuous, and she knew that was all that stood between her and a reality entirely of Cassie’s making.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she whimpered, hating herself for how weak it sounded.

The other woman’s cry of frustration ripped into her, tearing at her clothing. The fabric shivered fiercely and then, as the vibrations grew in intensity, it simply unravelled. The other commuters continued to ignore them, adding another layer to the building sensation of unreality. They were merely simulacra, unable to respond no matter what happened.

Tangled threads flowed from her body, floating impossibly between them. She knew it wasn’t real, at least intellectually, but her denial only seemed to speed the process. Her senses had already been convinced, and now it seemed only a matter of time before her mind also accepted. The disintegration of her clothing mirroring what was happening to her swirling thoughts.

“Tell me!” Cassie grinned savagely, talking hold of the twisting strands. “There’s none of Shade’s taint on you, but I can’t believe the Agency is still interested in me. Not after everything that has happened. Tell me who you serve, Alex. I want to know who you call Mistress.”

Alex didn’t get a chance to answer, before Cassie tugged hard on the hanging fibres. The thin cords snapped out, wrapped themselves tightly around first one wrist and then the other. Even before she could react, Alex’s arms were drawn upwards and outwards, pulling her roughly to her feet. More of the dangling threads lashed around her ankles, binding them to the seat behind her and stretching her body into an uncomfortably stringent ‘X’.

“No one!” she screamed, as Cassie added yet more cords to her bondage. “I serve no one!”

“So be it,” the other woman said, with deceptive calm.

Cassie gestured, flinging a single hair-fine strand along the length of the carriage. Then, with a flick of her wrist, she jerked the thread upwards, unerringly drawing it between the naked folds of Alex’s exposed sex. Cassie grinned evilly before she tightened her grip on the still swirling cords and began to pull. The captive woman could do nothing as the cord was relentlessly shortened. The pressure lifted her up onto her toes, ignoring her increasingly hopeless efforts to escape that unbearable friction.

“You will give me what I want, Alex,” Cassie promised, “Even if I have to suck the answers from the cum-soaked remnants of your bliss-fried brain. Just give me a name, sweetness. Tell me which bitch commands this kind of loyalty.”

The thread was pulled even tauter, biting hungrily into the burning heat of her cunt. Leg muscles trembling with the simulated effort, each shiver let the cruel tether vibrate against that exquisitely sensitive nub of tender flesh. Arousal drooled from her helpless lips, daubing the fibre with glistening droplets. More signals pounded into her pleasure centres, blurring the distinction between the real and virtual still further.

She could feel the invasive code worming its way through her thoughts. Soon it would bypass what little resistance remained and begin to gnaw at the core of her being. Given time it would even erode Alex’s personality, leaving her completely to Cassie’s not-so-tender mercies.

Cassie sawed the tortuous cord back and forth, making her want to scream. But no matter how savagely Alex was treated, it did nothing to quench her building need. The desire just continued to grow, a rising frustration that threatened to consume her utterly.

“Please,” Alex whined, not knowing or caring whether she was speaking aloud.

“A name, Alex,” her tormentor urged, “That’s the price, if you want this to end.”

“I …” Alex began, forcing the words past her gritted teeth, “I wasn’t talking to you.”

* * *

The self-replicating virus that Cassie had used was a vicious bugger, formed from constantly mutating chains of distributed code. But that first assault had given them taste of it, just enough for Agronâ to work on. All she had needed was time, and Alex had provided the perfect distraction. The two minds had worked in tandem, performing flawless digital legerdemain and forcing Cassie to concentrate in one direction while the real magic took place elsewhere.

Agronâ’s fingers slipped between Alex’s and tightened. Her perfect world dulled perceptibly, becoming suddenly more jagged and tawdry. The shadows lengthened, forming eerie phantoms that mirrored this newly revealed reality, and left blurred afterimages in their wake.

“Do you know why I kept this sleeve, Cas?” Alex asked, staring into the eyes of her tormentor’s double image.

She let the first soft pulse echo through Cassie’s body, keeping the energy as low possible. It was gratifying to see her former friend’s expression dissolve into one of confused excitement. Alex remembered that look all to well, the stunned surprise of just how good it could feel. The second pulse was a little more forceful, and far more accurately targeted.

“They had me shadowing bombers, Cas,” Alex explained, as the virtual world began to fracture and pixellate. “Hunting down missile subs and hacking their systems remotely. And while I’d have never risking ‘going active’ when I was out there, you have to admit, if I keep the power output low enough, this sonar makes one hell of a sex toy.”

Steadily she let the sound grow louder, firing ping after ping into the smouldering depths of Cassie’s already aching pussy. At the same time Agronâ back-traced the viral assault, and began to upload her own attack programs into Cassie’s headware. Alex leaned across the narrow plastic table and whispered into the wide-eyed woman’s ear.

“You can’t say I didn’t warn you, Cas,” she breathed. “Just remember, you brought this on yourself. Now … why don’t I show you how much better the real world is compared to all that virtual crap.”

The other passengers couldn’t miss Cassie’s reactions, and whereas their imaginary twins had studiously ignored the two women’s antics, it was clear that in reality they weren’t going to be so lucky. As her fingers dug into the seat, knuckles whitening with the effort, the commuters around them began to exchange worried glances.

Cassie tried to fight it, trashing in her seat as she struggled to rise. But by the time she realised the danger, Agronâ’s attack had already hit Cassie’s motor centres and robbed her of the ability to stand. That didn’t stop her from arching helplessly, clawing at the armrests and moaning out her desperate need.

“I’m not your enemy, Cas,” Alex told her, gently. “Despite everything that has happened, I never was. But you are going to tell me what’s going on, even if I have to make you.”

“Screw you!” Cassie screamed defiantly, even as the first orgasm washed through her.

In response, Alex simply increased the frequency of the pinging, letting each echo nail the shuddering woman’s throbbing clit with pulses of pure delight. Harmonics ran ecstatically through Cassie’s body, each reverberation adding another note to the increasingly powerless woman’s pleasure.

“If you insist,” she smiled thinly.

Then, just as another climax threatened to crash over the trapped woman, one of the sararîman finally plucked up enough courage to intervene. He lurched to his feet, flailing overhead for the emergency alarm. Agronâ barked a warning, sending torrents of frozen concern cascading over Alex’s neck and down between her shoulder blades.

* * *

She groped blindly for the train’s systems, searching for a flaw in its unsophisticated security. The task took only a fraction of a second, but even that brief distraction proved more than sufficient for Cassie to launch her own counterattack. Agronâ startled cry filled Alex’s mind with a blizzard of razor shards as feedback lashed the pair.

The commuter hammered the panicbutton, while the other passengers sunk low in their seats as if trying to appear even more anonymous. But, Alex’s intervention had isolated the system, and instead of the strident alarms he had no doubt expected, the businessman was rewarded with nothing more than a soft click.

There was no time to celebrate their success; they were too busy trying to shrug off Cassie’s reflexive attack. Alex continued to pour energy into the other woman, rapid bursts of sound that ricocheted back and forth seemingly at random. But the pulses were growing increasingly unfocussed, missing their target and turning what should have been mind-melting ecstasy into an erotic but ultimately resistible full-body massage.

Alex could feel the control slipping away, and Agronâ’s muffled hisses left her in no doubt that the internal conflict wasn’t going any better. Cursing softly she tried to ignore the white-noise buzzing in her ears. Alex knew she had to concentrate, but then so did Cassie and she wasn’t about to make it easy for her opponent.

Quite suddenly the character of the signal changed, static resolving into a dull throb that shook Alex to her core. It took a moment to recognise the recorded sounds, and then they were drilling relentlessly into the still trembling walls of her once again helpless cunt.

“Stop it!” she screamed, even as her traitorous body responded to the reflected assault.

Agronâ was already in motion, even before Alex’s thoughts were fully formed. Alex watched, with the uncomfortable sense of detachment as the A.I. rocketed still more deeply into Cassie’s mind, bristling with attack software. Neither of them wanted to harm their former friend, but they couldn’t allow themselves to be taken and right now self-preservation simply overrode all other concerns.

The A.I. plunged, riding the electronic attack straight back to its source. Her software was clearly struggling to render the chaos within, glitching with the effort. And then, quite suddenly she burst through an intangible barrier, and was gone. All that was left for Alex to cling to were her rider’s parting words.

“Oh …” Agronâ’s voice gasped, as if from a great distance, “Bollocks!”

* * *

Echoes of stolen desire rolled through Alex’s body, each pulse forcing a soft groan from her tortured throat. She cast about for Agronâ’s touch, wanting that steely conviction now more than ever. Code tickled deep inside her brain, sliding between the neurones and spiralling hungrily around her limbic system.

Again the world around her began to unfurl, virtual origami that threatened to leave her once more naked and helpless. She shivered, anticipating the sharp touch of that biting thread long before it even touched the swollen flesh of her pouting lips.

Alex could feel her choices slipping away, her defences stripped as easily and efficiently as her clothing. Faced with the inevitability of surrender, her will failing even as the gleaming cord shifted its first shuddering inch, Alex took the only other path she could imagine. She tumbled after Agronâ, letting her consciousness follow the faint whispers of her rider’s startled oath.

Photons swirled, pinwheeling into a wide fractal window. The illusion captured her, and Alex felt herself dropping, even while she fought to abandon that distance awareness. She slid through the narrow strands, feeling them fade into the background. And then she was through, falling heavily into the centre of the construct.

She didn’t know quite what she had been expecting, although what she had felt through the link with Agronâ suggested the worst. But not even her most fevered imaginings could have anticipated the scene that awaited her once her consciousness had pierced the fragile boundary of Cassie’s implants.

It took only a moment for her to realise that the urgent groans filling the perfect sphere were emanating from the whirling maelstrom of flickering golden liquid that hung in its centre. And, by the time she had recognised Agronâ’s soft voice, the other occupants had already claimed her attention.

Two minds sharing the same body. That was the fundamental reality shared by every rider and their host. But here, in the depths of Cassie’s mind she found not two but three separate entities. Her former friend’s consciousness was instantly recognisable, but of Inari there was no sign. Alex stared at the two silhouettes flanking her, as they warped and shifted. The figures refused to remain still, becoming increasingly more dynamic as she struggled to bring them into focus.

More code scrolled behind Alex’s eyes, flowing over the surface of her suddenly pliable brain. She could feel it picking at her thoughts, teasing them gently apart and leaving her open to whatever her attacker had planned. But that wasn’t the knowledge that sent slick pangs of fear skittering over her scalding skin and into the depths of her avatar.

“Oh Bollocks, indeed!” she whimpered, as the pitch black figures finally resolved into recognisable shapes.

* * *

“She didn’t know,” the taller of the two announced, frost forming around every syllable.

“Neither of them did,” agreed her less protean twin, gesturing at Agronâ’s captive form.

Alex tried to touch her rider’s thoughts. She could feel them so clearly, although their sense was clouded and indistinct. A thrill rang through her, as her mind brushed against Agronâ’s. Desperation and fear mingled with the heat of her inflicted passions, but Alex had no words to soothe her companion’s terror.

Three separate worlds fought to hold her attention, and the dizzying kaleidoscope spun hopelessly out of control. Part of her was still sat in her seat, unnaturally still, as her thoughts were picked apart with deceptive ease and the anxious commuters tried unsuccessfully to raise someone on their mobile phones. Another piece stood bare in that same carriage, strung up for all to see and pleasured beyond endurance. But most of her attention was focussed here, in the hidden core of Cassie’s mind.

“But,” she began, “you’re dead!”

“Not quite,” the dark shadow whispered.

“They tried their best,” the pale woman continued, “First Hera, then our dear daughter.”

“She didn’t know,” the other sighed, while a cold mist flowed from her lips.

Alex blinked in confusion, her fear momentarily forgotten. She still didn’t know what was happening, but at least for the moment her captors seemed willing to talk and answer her questions. Agronâ touched her weakly, barely grazing the surface of her thoughts, but the encouragement was still clear. She had to keep them talking and buy them some more time.

“I don’t understand,” Alex admitted.

“Shade thought we were dead,” the shifting figure explained, “when she glassed the Agency. And we very nearly were.”

“I was pretty far gone by the time Cassie found me,” her twin continued. “Radiation sickness. And we didn’t have time for the social niceties.”

“Cas?” Alex asked, wonderingly.

Her friend stared back, an expression of sadness carved into her otherwise beautiful features. With the smallest of nods, the other two granted her permission and the words spilled breathlessly from Cassie’s lips.

“They needed a body,” she said, coldly, “And Inari was never one to share. She didn’t stand a chance, Alex, neither of us did. They just took what they wanted, and brought me here. I’m so sorry, love. We thought you’d come for us … but I never meant for any of this to happen.”

“That’s sweet,” whispered the icy spectre, dismissively, “But we need to focus. I can’t contain this situation; we’ve got a carriage full of panicked passengers, and as soon as we stop they’ll be telling their stories to anyone who will listen. The maglev track itself might interfere with any scanning attempts, but it’s not going to protect us when news of what happens here gets out.”

“Well,” the other figure countered, “We knew this was only a temporary measure, it just lasted far more briefly than we expected. No matter. It was always going to come to this, but before we decide what happens next we need to sort out what we’re going to do with her?”

Sensing the conversation slipping away from her, Alex blurted out the first thing that came into her head. Her mind was already playing catch-up, trying unsuccessful to keep ahead of her racing mouth. She felt Agronâ’s wince, but ignored it. They were all out of options, but that, paradoxically, had always been when she was at her most dangerous.

“Take me with you,” she said, more forcefully than she’d intended.

“What?” Three voices demanded almost simultaneously.

“Hear me out,” she pleaded. “You asked me if I had chosen a side, well now I have. Let me help you, and I can get us all off of this rock. I don’t know if the Orbitals are truly as safe as they say, but it has to be better than staying here.”

“And then what?” the pallid woman asked quietly.

“I don’t know,” Alex admitted, “Whatever you want, I suppose. But I do know this; this war isn’t going to stop until one side has utterly destroyed the other. No one involved is going to try to end it before that happens. In fact, the only one that would have any chance of making them see reason is someone they all know and respect.

“I don’t know about you, but I don’t want any more blood on my hands. So, if I was to make any suggestion, it would be that you use your influence to finish this, before it gets any worse.”

“What makes you think they’ll listen to us?” the shadow hissed, angrily.

“Because you created them,” Alex replied, feeling the A.I.’s anger rippling over her skin, “And because the most dangerous of them all is still your daughter.”

“Okay,” Susan allowed, “Now, why don’t try a little bit harder, and see if you can convince us?”

* * *

They slipped away as soon as the train came to a halt, ignoring the other passenger’s futile attempts to restrain them. Alex felt light-headed, but the nascent vertigo didn’t seem to hamper their progress. Dimly she was aware that something had changed, and Agronâ obviously shared those concerns, adding her own anxieties to that heady mix of emotions.

Something had happened after she made her deal, but no matter how hard she tried to remember, her memory refused to cooperate. It was maddening, but Cassie wouldn’t even acknowledge the question when she’d asked her about it directly.

By the time they reached the shuttle, Alex had decided that enough was enough. But, as she began to slow, ready to demand answers before she would take one more step, a single droplet of frozen flame splashed onto her brainstem, and just for an instant, her heart forgot to beat. Then, just as suddenly, the sensation was gone and, as the darkness receded, she found herself on her knees.

“What the hell did you do to me, Dusk?” She groaned, struggling but still unable to rise. “What is this?”

“Insurance,” another surprisingly gentle voice whispered in her mind, before a second icy tear reminded Alex of her new obligations.