The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Trojan Horse

The Trojan War raged for ten years with the Achaeans laying siege to the city. The war, it is said, ended when the city of Troy fell to the ruse of the Trojan Horse, a hollow horse in which Achaean soldiers were hiding and which the Trojans believing it to be harmless brought into their city. The soldiers, it is said, then emerged from the horse and let the rest of the army in and because of that ruse, the city of Troy not only fell but was sacked. But one wonders what might have happened if Troy had been defeated but had not been destroyed.

* * *

“I don’t believe it.”


“Look. The Trojans have left us with a horse. Do they really think that we wouldn’t remember what we did to them before? I say we burn the thing to the ground.”


The troops looked at their captain.

“Wait,” the man said again. “Wait.”

“For God’s sake, why Felonius? Isn’t it obvious what they intend to do with that thing?”

“And that is why I tell you to wait. It is indeed obvious so one must ask himself, if it is so obvious what they intend to do with it, then why did they do it?”

The men looked around at the others around them. No one, it seemed, had an answer to their captain’s question.

“I, for one, would like an answer to that,” the captain said. “I would most certainly like an answer to that before we do anything rash.”

“You’re not saying that we should take it into our city, are you?” asked one of the men.

“I may in fact be suggesting exactly that. The Trojans know how we tricked them before so they know that we would be leery of bringing the horse into our city but what if that were exactly the thing that we were supposed to do?”

The men looked around at one another. Finally, it was Gluteous who spoke up. The men had always said that he and his brother Maximus were a couple of asses, but in this case at least, they supported Gluteous. “Excuse me, Captain,” the man said, “but I don’t think the men understand. Are you saying you think we should bring that thing in here?”

The Captain rubbed his jaw thoughtfully and then he came to a decision. “For now, yes,” he said. “Bring it in, but station a guard around it and let us be on the alert for the first sign of treachery.”

“I still say we should just burn the thing to the ground,” said another of the men.

“Yes, you’d like that, wouldn’t you, Arsononius. For now though, we will do it my way. Bring that thing in here and throw the cretin that’s chained to it into the dungeons and for now, I will consult with the oracle.”

The men were starting to grumble. Even Imbecilius thought it was a stupid idea and he never seemed to be right about anything. Still, the captain was the captain, so against their better judgments, the men set out to bear the Trojan offering inside their city walls.

* * *

The captain’s boots echoed down the hallway as he made his way to where the oracle was. Up a flight of stairs and then up another and up still another. His knees were getting a little weak as he climbed up and up and up. He hoped he was doing the right thing. Oracles could be so finicky.

Finally, he came to a door and he knocked.

And he waited.

Finally, the door opened.

It was a man standing there. “Yes?”

“I need to consult the Oracle,” the captain said.

“The oracle is busy.

“Come on Ellisonius.”

“The oracle is busy,” the man said. “Come back tomorrow.”

The old man most likely would have closed the door if the captain of the guards hadn’t put his foot in its way. “This is important,” the captain said. “I need to speak with the oracle now. It’s a matter of life and death.”

The old man seemed unmoved.

“It could be your life and your death, Ellisonius.”

“What do you mean?”

“If the city walls are breached, where do you think the attackers will come first?”

“The city walls breached?”

“Come on, old man. I haven’t got all day.”

The man seemed to finally make up his mind. “You may enter,” the man said, “and this had better be good.”

“It is.”

The captain was led to a darkened room. For the life of him, he couldn’t see anything in the room but it seemed as if the oracle’s caretaker could. “Sit here,” the old man said.

“Sit where?”

“Sit … now.”

The captain sat and almost as if by magic, a chair seemed to appear beneath him.

“Good luck,” the old man said and the captain knew that the caretaker had left and he was alone.

“I understand you want to ask us a question,” a woman’s voice said out of the darkness.

“It’s about the horse from Troy. It appeared outside our gates just this morning and we want to know if it’s safe to bring it inside our gates.”

“Why do you ask us? You’ve already made that decision.”

“How do you know that?”

There was silence and the captain berated himself for his stupidity. You didn’t ask the oracle stupid questions.

“What I want to know,” he asked, “is is it dangerous?”

There was a pause before the oracle’s voice answered:

Danger comes in so many forms,
But according to established norms,
This one is as safe as safe can be,
Presenting no real harm to you or to me

“So it’s safe then?”

There was silence and the captain berated himself again. No stupid questions, he told himself. The oracle had already answered that. No stupid questions. He thought again. “Does Troy seek to challenge us again?”

Again, there was a pause before the oracle’s voice answered:

A foe while vanquished is still a foe,
So the answer to that is never no,
Harm can be brought in many a way,
But it’s not in the horse that’s come here today

So the Trojans didn’t like them. That was hardly a surprise and hardly unexpected. Not after the way they’d been defeated. Not after what had been done to them when they were defeated, but the oracle had said there wasn’t any danger in the horse but still, that led to one overarching question. Why had the Trojans sent it?

The captain of the guard came out to find the thing standing there in the courtyard. The thing was huge. The captain of the guard smiled to himself. Maybe they’d done it just to piss them off. Maybe the Trojans had built such a monstrosity knowing full well that they’d take it inside their walls and knowing that such a thing would be a monumental headache. He wished he could believe that but he couldn’t.

“Keep a good watch out,” he told his men. “We know they’re up to something. Don’t let them take you by surprise.”

“I still think we should burn it to the ground,” Arsononius muttered to no one at all even as the captain of the guards walked away.

* * *

There’d only been one Trojan in sight from the moment that the structure had arrived and that man was hard to miss. After all, he was chained to the horse.

They’d used him to help haul the thing into the city although there were some like Homicidius that thought that they should kill the man right there on the spot, but fortunately for the man, cooler heads prevailed.

Once the structure had been brought inside, the man was cut loose and he was promptly tossed into the dungeons.

“I want to see him,” the King said when the Captain of the Guard told him where the man was.

“Yes, sir.”

“I want to see him, too, Father.”



“You want too much.”

“Father, you have no sons so someday, I will be queen here. If you want me to do right by the people, you have to let me learn.”

“I know, but these Trojans are scum.”

“But, Father, if you can deal with them, then I should be able to deal with them.”

“I’m not going to deal with him,” the King protested. “I’m barely going to talk with him. I just want to see him.”

“Then I won’t have to talk with him either.”

“Diana. No.”



“I’m going to have to be able to do it sometime.”



“You’re incorrigible. You know that, don’t you?”

“Maybe just a little.”

* * *

The prisoner was in his cell when the King and the others arrived. A jailer beat on the bars. “You there. Stand up, you Trojan dog. Stand up and show some respect.”

“I’d rather not.”

“That was not a request, you scum. Either you stand up or we’ll come in there and make you stand. Just so you know, I rather hope you don’t stand because I’d like to come in there and teach you some manners.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“I would.”

“Then I suppose I ought to stand just to deprive you of what you want,” and with that, the man stood.

“What’s your name?” the king asked.


“Minon? What was your mission here?”

“I’m here to bring you a gift. That is all.”

“Gifts don’t need personal deliveries and certainly, there is no love lost between your people and ours.”

“That is true on both points.”

“So why are you here?”

Diana missed the next few words because at just that moment, her pussy twanged. It was such a surprise that the princess barely managed to fight back the urge to gasp.

“… that I don’t believe you, Trojan.”

“You don’t have to believe me. I’m merely saying what I’m saying. I can’t convince you of its validity one way or the other.”

“Would you listen to this one. He sounds like a lawyer. I ought to kill him for that alone.”

“Kill all the lawyers,” the jailer said. “That’s a good one, sir. Someone should write that down for posterity.”

Once more, the princess fought back the urge to gasp but this time was even harder. One thing was certain though. Her pussy was definitely wet.

“… don’t know what your game is,” the king was saying, “but whatever it is, it won’t work.”

“As you say, your majesty. It won’t work. That’s good to know.”

* * *

“So Princess, does your father know you’re down here all by yourself?”

The princess stepped out of the shadows. She’d waited until she was sure everyone in the palace was asleep but somehow, she knew the prisoner would still be awake. “How’d you know I was there?” the princess asked.

“Oh, princess. I always know when there’s a pretty woman around. Do you want to know how I know?”


“Oh, Princess. I think you know how. It’s why you came back here, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

“Oh, Princess. You know that isn’t going to work. I’ve already told you I know why you’re here.”


“Come here. You know you want to.”

The princess stepped out of the shadow but she didn’t approach the prisoner. “How do you know?” she asked again.

“I told you to come here,” the man said.

“I don’t want to.”

“But Princess, I’ve already told you I know why you’re here. Approach me now!”

Princess Diana couldn’t help it. She was offended with the tone that this man was using with her and yet at the same time, she found herself getting hotter and wetter.

“I’m not going to say it again,” the man said. “I’m a prisoner in your jail. I can’t do anything so come here … unless, of course, you’re scared.”

He was right, really. He was the prisoner, not her. She wasn’t scared, or at least, she should’t be scared. She took a step closer and then another.

“All the way over, princess. I want you right here in front of me.”

The princess closed the distance and suddenly she found herself standing right there in front of the man.

“That’s good,” the man said. “You like doing what you’re told, don’t you?”

No, that wasn’t right. She chafed at the rules. She chafed at the restrictions and yet … and yet at that moment, it did feel right to do what she was told to do.

“You said you wanted to know how I knew.”

The princess nodded.

Oh … my … God. The man had his cock out and he was sticking it through the bars of his cell, and oh my God, the man was huge. The man was hung like a … like a horse.

“See something you like, Princess?”

The girl nodded.

“You can touch it if you want to.”

She shouldn’t, the princess told herself, and yet even as she told herself that, she saw her hand reaching down and then her fingertips were touching that monster cock.

“Come on, Princess. You can do better than that.”

The princess was about to tell him that she wasn’t going to do it but before she could, she found her fingers wrapping themselves around the man’s cock.

“See, I knew you knew what to do,” the man said. “Now it’s time for you to stroke it.”

She wasn’t going to stroke it and yet when she looked down, that was exactly what she was doing.

“Stroke it,” the man said again. “Stroke it,” and every time he said it, the princess seemed to grow more and more bold in her actions.

“Keep going,” the man told her. “Keep going.”

The man was moaning now.

“Keep going.”

The princess couldn’t stop herself. She just had to keep stroking the man’s cock.

“Oh fuck,” the man groaned. “Oh fuck,” and then in the next instant, his cock erupted in the girl’s hand.

“You did a very good job there, Princess. Next time, we’ll work on something different.”

“There won’t be a next time.”

The man just grinned. “We’ll see about that, Princess. We’ll see about it next time.”

“There’s not going to be a next time,” the princess said again.

* * *

“Good evening, Princess.”

The princess stepped out of the shadows. “How’d you know I was there,” she said.

“I think we already established that the last time you were here. So are you here to broaden your horizons?”

“Broaden my horizons?”

“I told you that the next time you returned, we’d try something different.”

“I know, but—”

“But what?”

“But I don’t want to do anything different. I just want to do what we did before.”

“I understand, but unfortunately for you, it doesn’t work that way.”

“What doesn’t work that way?”

“This isn’t about what you want. It never was about that. This is all about what I want and if you don’t like that, then you can leave right now.”

Diana had every intention of turning around and marching back up the steps and leaving the dungeons and the prisoner behind her but somehow, she just couldn’t seem to make her body act.

“I see you’re staying,” the prisoner smirked.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked dejectedly.

“Well for starters, why don’t we start where we left off. Come over here.”

Diana didn’t even try to resist. She approached the man in his cell.

“Kneel before me.”

Diana looked down. It was dirty here. It was, after all, a dungeon. Cleanliness wasn’t the top priority in this place and yet even as she thought these things, she found herself dropping to her knees.

“That’s right,” the prisoner said. “You need to kneel before me. Now take my cock out.”

The girl’s hands were reaching through the bars and quickly she was opening the man’s pants and pulling them down.

“Now, here’s where the fun begins. You ever sucked a man’s cock before?”

Diana shook her head. “That’s gross. I would never do that.”

“Well, you’re about to start doing it,” the man said, “and you’re going to love it, too, but first things first. How about you kiss my cock.”

“I told you,” Diana said. “You’ve got me all wrong. I don’t do stuff like that,” and yet even as she said it, Diana kissed the man’s cock.

“I thought you said you didn’t do it,” the man said.

“I know. I know, but I … I guess I kind of want to a little bit, but I’m not going all the way.”

“Now, lick your way around that cock.”

Again, Dana did as she’d been told to do.

“You can feel the need building inside you. You can feel the need to slide your mouth down around my cock. Let it build,” the man said. “Let it build until you can’t hold back no more.”

Diana could feel the need building inside her. This was insane, she told herself. She didn’t even do this kind of thing.

Mmm. But maybe she should.

Diana shook her head. What was she thinking?

She was thinking it would be nice to suck the man’s cock.

No. That was wrong.

She was thinking it wasn’t as wrong as she’d thought it was before.

She was thinking it didn’t matter if it was wrong.

She was thinking it might not be so bad to feel that cock inside her mouth.

And why shouldn’t she anyway. She knew she wanted to do it.

“Oh yeah,” the man groaned. “There you go. You’re really getting into it now.”

Yeah, of course she was, the princess wanted to say, but really, what was the big deal. Oh sure, she knew she’d made a big deal about it before but now that she was doing it … now, it just seemed to feel so right. In fact, the more she did it, the more right it felt, and she couldn’t wait to make this guy cum and she couldn’t help but wonder what it was going to feel like when he came in her mouth.

“Oh, princess,” the man groaned. “Oh, princess. I didn’t know you were such a good cock sucker.”

She didn’t know she was that good a cock sucker either but she was glad the man thought she was.

“Oh fuck,” the man groaned and in the next instant, Diana felt it. Oh my God, she told herself. Oh my God, he was cumming in her mouth. He was cumming in her mouth and it tasted so incredibly good.

Oh my God. There was cum in her mouth. Oh my God. What the hell had she just done. Oh my God. She couldn’t believe what a slut she was.

“Did you like that?” the man asked.



“I can’t believe it,” the princess practically shouted. “I can’t believe what you just made me do.”

“What I made you do?” the man said with a laugh. “Seems to me you pretty much did that on your own.”

“I did not,” the princess raged. “I did not. You did something to me. I know you did.”

“Did I? Well, I suppose we’ll have to discuss it further the next time you come down to see me.”

“There’s not going to be a next time,” the princess said. “I don’t know what you did to me, but whatever you did, there’s not going to be a next time.”

“Sure thing, princess.”

“There’s not, I tell you. There’d better not be, or else.”

“Or else what?”

“Or else,” the princess said and with that, she got up and stomped away.

The man just watched her go and it was only after she was gone that he said what he had to say. “Sure thing, princess,” he said softly. “Sure thing.

* * *

“Princess. You’re back. No more hiding in the shadows this time, is there?”

“You did something to me, didn’t you?”

“Did I?”

“You know you did.”

“Well, if that’s what you think, then why are you here?”

“Because I want to get fucked.”

“Have you ever been fucked before, princess?”


“So I’m going to be your first then.”

“Yes,” the princess said in a terse voice.

“You don’t sound so happy about it.”

“What? Are you going to make me suddenly happy to have you fucking me?”

“I wouldn’t do that, princess.”


“No. There’s no need. After you get fucked by me, you won’t need me to make you like it because by then, you’ll already love it.”

“You sound pretty sure of yourself.”

“Let’s just say I know what I can do.”

“All right,” the princess said with resignation. “Let’s get this over with then. Wait!”


“You’re not going to get me pregnant, are you?”

“Princess, take my word for it. I’m not going to get you pregnant. You can trust a Trojan.”



Okay then. Let’s go.”

The prisoner just smiled and his hands gripped the bars. “I don’t think I’m going anywhere. You want to fuck me, you’re going to have to come inside.”


“You heard me, Princess. I want you inside here with me. I want you on this side of the bars.”

“I … no, I mean—”

“Why don’t you open the jail cell door, Princess, and then you can step inside here with me.”

She shouldn’t be doing this, the princess told herself. She so shouldn’t be doing this and yet …

And yet, there she was, opening the cell doors and stepping inside the cell.

“There you are,” the man said. “There you are, here with me, just like any kind of common criminal. That’s what you are. What kind of criminal would you be. A thief, I don’t think so. A debtor. Not your style. A harlot. Now that’s more the ticket. A loose woman with loose morals. Someone who’d sell her body to have her way in the world. That’s you, isn’t it?”

That wasn’t her. That was what Diana wanted to say. It was just that her pussy seemed to be responding to the man’s words. The more he called her a slut, the more it seemed that that was exactly what she was.

“You’re just a cheap, little tart, aren’t you, princess.”

“Yes,” she moaned.

“Why don’t you pull up that dress and show us your wares.”

God, she was such a slut but she couldn’t help herself. She had to do what the man told her to do so she hiked up her dress.

“You’re wearing panties.”

“Yes, of course.”

“A slut like you shouldn’t be wearing panties. Take those off.”

She wasn’t a slut, the girl told herself. She wasn’t a slut. The only thing was it was getting harder and harder to believe it, and it was even harder still when she removed her panties.

“Lie back on that bench,” the man told her. “Lie back on the bench and spread your legs and then I want you to tell me what you think I should do.”

The girl leaned back on the bench and her legs seemed to open almost of their own accord and then there were her fingers finding their way between her legs and rubbing up against her pussy and she knew what she needed. She looked up at the man standing over her. “I want you to fuck me,” she said.

“What’s that?”

“I want you to fuck me,” the girl said again.

“I thought that’s what you said. Say it again.”

“I want you to fuck me.”

The man leaned forward and then his cock was sliding between the girl’s legs. The head of his cock pressed up against her tight, little hole. “Tell me,” he said. “Are you still a virgin?”

“Am I what?”

“Are you still a virgin?”

“Yes. I am still a virgin.”

“Imagine that. A virgin slut. Now that’s a contradiction in terms if I ever heard one. I’ll bet you don’t want to be a virgin anymore.”

“I don’t want to be a virgin anymore.”

“Tell me what you want me to do.”

“I want you to fuck me.”

The man shoved his cock up against the girl’s resisting pussy. Her pussy fended off his first attempt but it couldn’t prevail against the second.

“Oh my God,” the girl gasped.


“Your cock.”

“What about it?”

“It feels so good.”

“Of course, it does. It’s just the sort of thing that a slut like you would love.”

“Mmm yes.”

“Yes what?”

“Yes, I love it, and yes, I’m a slut.”

The man’s cock continued to pound the girl’s willing pussy. “Of course you are,” he said. “Everyone knows you’re a slut.”


“You’re a slutty slut.”

“I’m a slutty slut.”

“I’m going to cum,” the man said.

“I want you to cum.”

“I’m going to cum in your slutty, little pussy.”

“I want you to,” the girl cried out. “I want you to cum in my slutty, little pussy.”

“Oh yeah, and you know what?”


“I’m going to cum right now.”

“Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.”

The girl could feel it. The man was doing just what he’d said he was doing and she could feel him cumming in her tight, little pussy and she just couldn’t help herself. Maybe it was because she had a slutty, little pussy or maybe it was just because she was what she thought she was, but as soon as the man started to cum inside her, she started to cum, too.

In time though, the princess had redressed herself and she was standing outside the cell again. “You can come back here anytime you want, princess,” the man told her. “You can come back here anytime you need to get that pussy of yours fucked.”

* * *


The man looked up to find the princess standing before him but he hardly looked all that surprised. “Yes, Princess,” he said.

“I’ve come to set you free.”

“Set me free. But my dear, we were just getting started teaching your pussy to be everything it needs to be.”

“I know, but my father has signed your execution order. I just found out about it.”

If the man was worried, he hardly seemed to show it. “I think we have some time first.”

“No, we don’t.”

“Unlock my cell,” the man said.

“Now you’re talking.” The girl quickly unlocked the door and the man finally stepped out of his cell but he still didn’t seem to be in any hurry to go. Instead, he turned the girl around and he pushed her up against the bars of his cell. “I said I think we have some time first. Pull up your dress.”

She wasn’t wearing any panties this time. She knew better than to do that.

The man stepped up behind her and he rubbed the head of his cock against the girl’s pussy. “Where should I put this, princess?” he asked.

“Mmm. In my slutty, little pussy.”


“In my slutty, little pussy,” the girl said again and then she moaned as she felt the cock actually go where she wanted it to go. “Oh my God,” she moaned. “Oh my God, yes.”

“I want you to remember this, princess. I want you to remember just how good this feels long after I’m gone. Will you remember it?”

“Yes,” the girl moaned.

“You’re going to remember Minon’s cock, aren’t you?”


“Minon’s cock is the best.”


“And now, Princess, it’s time for your reward.”

“My reward?”

“Your reward,” the man said and even as he said it, his cock came inside the princess’s wet and waiting pussy and that was all it took to make the princess cum, too.

“Princess, Achaean men just can’t satisfy you anymore. You know that. You know what you need. What you need is a Trojan.”

“Mmm yes,” the girl moaned.

“Your father will probably try to marry you off for political gain, marry you off to some prince with a weak dick. You must not allow this to happen. You are better than this. You deserve more.”

“I … I deserve more.”

“If you’re father tries to do such a thing, you must resist, and if you cannot resist, you must escape and you must come to Troy where you can get the dick that truly satisfies you.”

“I must go to Troy,” the girl moaned.

“You must go to Troy and be the slutty, little princess that we all know you to be.”

“I am a slutty, little princess.”

“Then it’s time, princess.”


“Time to give a stupid, little, slutty princess what she needs.”

The princess couldn’t help but cry out as she felt the man’s cock erupt between her legs and even as it did, she felt her pussy respond to that cock, clamping down and choking the cock inside her even as she started to cum herself.

“And one last thing,” the man said.

“Yes,” the gasping woman said.

“If you ever do get to Troy, do come looking for Minon. Of all the Trojans, his cock is the best.”

“But where will I find you.”

“Oh, I’m easy enough to find,” the man said. “Just go to the palace and ask for the prince. Tell them you’re a slutty, little Achaean princess who needs to get her pussy fucked like she did in her father’s dungeons. They’ll know what to do with you.”

“I will, and Minon?”


“Thank you for everything.”

The man grinned. “It was my pleasure princess,” and with that, he was gone.