The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Transformations

AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2021.

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Nicky gave a knock to her friend’s door. It was a Thursday morning, and as she sometimes did, she’d come three blocks over from her house to where her friend Elli lived.

She liked to have coffee with her in the mornings sometimes; and Elli had always made it clear that she liked to host Nicky’s morning coffee, so the two of them could have the chance to catch up with each other.

Nicky and Elli had been friends for many years; since they had been in college. They’d known each other through the ups and downs of life: career changes, and the ebb and flow of personal relationship. They’d known each other through all of their life milestones. Elli had been maid of honor in Nicky’s marriage to her wife, Jen.

And Nicky had known Elli through her marriage to her husband Tom, as well as through the birth and raising of her two kids. For Nicky, it had been hard to stay Elli’s friend once her kids had been in the picture. Nicky very strongly disliked children. She hated being around them; everything they did annoyed her. And it wasn’t age specific. From 0 to 18, she just couldn’t stand them at all.

When most of Nicky’s other friends had become parents, she’d sort of quietly faded out of their lives. But Elli had been such an old friend of hers— the two of them had been friends such a long time that she’d stuck the friendship out. However, in those days, Nicky had always made sure to invite Elli to her place on the rare occasions she was free, instead of going over to hers.

She’d made the mistake once, when Elli’s kids had been four and two, of going over for coffee one morning. The sheer chaos of two toddlers running ransack through the house, and the mess they left behind them, smeared all over everything— and the noise— had caused Nicky to swear to herself that she would never willingly put herself in that position again. Not to mention seeing her friend try to cope with that chaos, while wearing messy clothes and with thrown food in her hair and heavy, heavy bags under her eyes— it had disturbed Nicky on its own. After that, she’d always made sure that she was the host, and Elli was the guest.

It had worked out for Elli, too. She loved her kids and family, and spoke fondly of them often. Nicky tolerated this for the sake of the friendship, though she disliked hearing about kids as much as she disliked being around them.

But even so, Elli had needed a break every now and then. Time to just be a person, and not a mother or wife, and Nicky had always been more than glad to help give her that time. While her kids had been growing up, Elli had been a full-time stay at home mother, and she’d run her house like it was a job.

She’d actually had a fairly successful job before becoming a mother, which she’d landed right out of college, and had gladly given it up only a year or two in, of her own free-will, for the sake of dedicating herself fully to motherhood.

But Nicky had always noticed that all of Elli’s ambitious drive and focused had clearly been channeled into the raising of her children; the planning and scheduling and participating in their lives. Elli had been such a good mother that if her motherhood had been a legitimate job, she would have been promoted many times over, and would have risen to the top of her respective field.

Nicky had always privately thought it was a waste of her friend’s potential. Apart from disliking kids, it was also one of the reasons she never wanted them. She loved her own career, and she knew Jen loved hers, too, and neither one of them had wanted to jeopardize it for the sake of having kids and taking responsibility for them.

But Nicky had never shared these thoughts with Elli at the time. She knew the stay at home life was what her friend had wanted, and even if she couldn’t understand that, she could respect it.

But she’d still always left the door open for Elli to come and be independent and unattached at her house for a while, whenever she wanted to.

That was a long time ago, now. Elli and Nicky had met when they were both fresh-faced young adults, on their first day of college. Now they were both in their late thirties; Nicky was well-established in her career, with a lot of corporate power and a lot of people underneath her. And Elli’s children had both finally started college themselves.

Nicky was glad about this. She’d found Elli’s kids just as irritating through their teenage years. They’d both been petulant, moody, and loud— she’d gone over a few times throughout the duration of their adolescence and had been similarly put off by their presence and behavior.

Each time she’d been over there, she’d witnessed ridiculous dramatics and histrionics. Tempers, slamming doors, shouting insults, hysterical throwings-down on sofas or beds or floors lamenting how unfair the world was, how everything sucked and always would— how everyone was an enemy out to get you.

Three times witnessing these antics— as well as some outright rebellion— had kept Nicky committed to avoiding Elli’s house as when her kids had been younger. They’d been irritating at every age: as babies, as toddlers, as young kids, as pre-teens. Their teenage years had been no different. Yet this annoyance had never seemed to reach Elli; she’d doted on them all through, and spoken nothing by praise and adoration about them. Nicky hadn’t quite been able to understand it.

But since the youngest one had moved away to college just earlier that fall, Nicky could at last come to Elli’s for coffee. And these days, Elli’s house was always clean, pleasantly decorated, and quiet.

Nicky liked things much better since Elli’s children had grown up and gone away.

She gave Elli’s front door another knock for good measure, and just a second later, it swung open, revealing her friend to her view.

Elli was well-dressed today, though only in casual lounge clothes. Still, even in the loose top she was wearing, her C-cup breasts were still distinguishable beneath the fabric. Nicky had never really crushed on her best friend, but she did still have eyes, and often appreciated Elli’s very attractive appearance in a removed kind of way.

Elli always looked well-dressed in everything she wore, no matter how informal. Her red hair was down, and loose, and when she saw Nicky standing on her porch, she gave her a friendly smile.

“Nicky!” She said. She opened her arms, clearly inviting a hug, and Nicky took the invitation, and hugged her. “Nice to see you again,” Elli added, when the hug ended and Nicky pulled back. “I already started the pot of coffee percolating, so your timing is perfect. It should be done in just a minute. Why don’t we go into the kitchen and chat?”

Nicky took Elli’s cue, and entered her house. She moved confidently in the direction of Elli’s kitchen, as Elli closed the front door. She may have only visited Elli’s house a sporadic number of times since the birth of her children, but before children had come into the picture, when Elli and Tom had lived their alone, Nicky and Jen had been over to visit all the time.

So Nicky still knew the layout well, even after all these years— and it was becoming more and more familiar to her, since she’d been visiting Elli with increasing frequency over the course of the past few months.

Nicky reached the kitchen, and took a seat at Elli’s island counter, on one of her tall, backed stools. Elli came into the kitchen after her, and moved around the island to stand across from Nicky.

“So, are you going into the office today?” Elli asked, amicably.

Nicky distractedly put a hand to her own short blonde hair, and chased it through, as she was sometimes inclined to do. It was one of her unthinking ticks— Jen sometimes mocked her good-naturedly for it.

Nicky looked at Elli’s kitchen clock. “It’s already ten o’clock,” she noted. Then she looked back to Elli. “I could go in, and start this late. There have even been days when I’ve not gone in until eleven, or even noon. It’s one of the perks of being so far up my organization’s hierarchy. I have the flexibility to start late some days, and no one cares. They trust me. Probably because I’m one of the few who will actually stick around until eight or nine at night and keep working.”

Elli nodded, just listening to Nicky go on.

“So I could go in this late,” Nicky went on. “It’s one of the perks of my job. But I actually took a vacation day today.”

Elli made a face of mock surprise. “A vacation day! No!”

Nicky laughed. “I know, I know. I never take them. I must have hundreds of them banked, and they’ll probably all sit there until the day I retire. Or maybe when I’m getting close, I’ll use them all at once to book a few years off in a transition to retirement, and retire officially at the very end of them.”

“Well, it’s not quite true to say you never take them,” Elli countered. “You take a few here and there to go on trips with Jen,” she pointed out.

“That’s true,” Nicky granted. “But it’s not even enough to make a dent in the backlog.”

“Fair enough,” Elli said. “So what’s the reason for your vacation day today? Could it be that you’re actually taking a day off, for once?”

Nicky smiled, and adjusted her suit-jacket by taking light hold of its shoulders, and shifting it. Even though she wasn’t going into the office today, her favorite way to dress was still business-formal, and she’d put on her favorite dress suit just for the fun of it.

It was always a little awkward to wear at the office, though. It was her favorite; a beautiful midnight blue color, but it was a little tight. It gaped open a bit, especially in the chest. Nicky was very well-endowed, sitting at a comfortable D-cup size, and most of her suits and other clothes accommodated this, but she’d splurged and bought this particular one, even though it was a size too small, because it had been the only one in this color and style.

As a result she only could wear it when she was not going into the office. She knew from experience it was better to prevent ogling before it could start; and the people under her in her organization would always ogle.

Still, it meant that whenever she didn’t go in, on the rare, maybe two or three times a year that it happened, she made sure to wear the midnight blue dress suit, just for her own enjoyment.

“No, I’m not taking a day off this time,” Nicky answered. “Actually, there are a few files I’m working on right now that are way behind the rest. I’ve been so swamped lately that I just haven’t been able to make any progress on them at all. So I finally booked a vacation day so I can tackle them. If I’m working at home, I won’t have to deal with the other files that are on the go right now, and I’ll be out of reach if any emergencies happen.

“They always do, when I’m actually at work, and then I have to manage and co-ordinate the fire extinguishing for my team. It’s part of my job; I accept it. Things are very high stakes where I work. But it does mean I barely get the time to concentrate and really sink my teeth into something. I’m constantly pulled in all directions when I’m there. So, if I’m here instead— or, at home,” she corrected, “I’ll actually be able to concentrate, with no interruptions, and make some serious progress on these files that have fallen behind.”

Nicky finished her explanation, and felt a little surprised as she always did. It was just so easy to talk to Elli that she just found herself going on and on. It wasn’t like her, really— in most other relationships, she was fairly shy and reserved. But she’d been friends with Elli so long that she was comfortable that she was always chatty when she came to see her. Conversation came naturally, even if Nicky was shy with the rest of the world.

She’d even talked about this with Elli before— Elli was the same way too, and she’d told her so. But just like Nicky, Elli felt chatty and unreserved in the context of their friendship while still being shy towards the outside world.

Right now, Elli was still giving Nicky a friendly smile. “I think you’re the only person I know who would book a vacation day to do more work.”

“Jen was teasing me about it too,” Nicky said, smiling at the memory. “But it’s been a great day for me so far. I slept in, to make sure I was really well rested for my work today— though I still woke up at eight o’clock, or so. After so many years of waking up at 5 am sharp, I just can’t sleep in really late like I used to in college.

“But once I got up, I had some breakfast, said goodbye to Jen when she headed off for work herself, and then dived into my work. I went strong for just under two hours— then I figured I could take a break and come see you.”

There was a ticking noise, and Elli started. “That must be the coffee,” she said. “I think it must be done.”

She turned away from Nicky to the coffee maker, and removed the pot from it before retrieving two cups from her kitchen cabinet. She poured the coffee out, then turned back towards the island, passing one cup to Nicky, and keeping one for herself.

“So how are you?” Nicky asked, taking a sip. “The coffee’s delicious as always,” she added, as an aside.

“Oh, you know,” Elli said, though there was a sigh in it. “I do okay.”

“You sound a little down,” Nicky observed.

“I’m just not used to having the house empty like this,” Elli admitted. “Cameron’s been gone to college for three months now, and I still haven’t gotten used to it. I thought it would be easier this time, since I’d already been through the experience when Kelly left for college two years ago, but it’s actually harder. It’s completely different.”

“Oh?” Nicky prompted. “How?”

Elli took a sip of her coffee, frowning in thought. “Well, when Kelly left, it was hard, but Cameron was still here, and Cameron was only going into his junior year of high-school. He still needed support, and attention, and care— so even though Kelly was gone, my life didn’t change that much. I still had a kid to raise.”

“Makes sense,” Nicky commented, drinking her own coffee as she listened.

“But now, there’s no one left,” Elli added. “Both Cameron and Kelly are gone— all grown up. My job of raising them is over; there’s nothing left for me to do there. And now the house feels so empty. It’s so quiet after so many years of noise and activity. And I guess I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with myself yet. I don’t know what my next step will be. And I miss them.”

Nicky personally couldn’t understand this sentiment at all— but she knew she’d never really be able to understand the inner workings of those who actually liked kids, let alone wanted them. She could still be a good friend and play at sympathy, even if she didn’t understand.

“Sorry to hear that it’s hard for you,” she said. “Are you at least appreciating the extra time alone that you have with Tom?”

Elli smiled. “Oh, yes. That’s been one good thing. I loved him all the time, but now that it’s just the two of us in the house, it’s been like falling in love with him all over again. We’ve had a lot more date-nights than we used to; and we’ve even gotten away on a few weekend trips together.”

“That’s good,” said Nicky, before she took another sip. “And what about the sex? Have the two of you been more active there, since you’ve got the house to yourselves now?”

Elli made a face. “Not really; but I don’t mind it. I’ve never really cared all that much for sex. Obviously, Tom and I slept together to have the kids, but other than that, it’s been pretty sporadic for us, and honestly, I don’t mind that. I don’t think Tom does either. The sex is the same: infrequent, how we both like it, and aside from that, as I already said, when we’re together, we have a good time.”

Then Elli’s smile dimmed a few watts. “But that’s when Tom’s around. I don’t think things have really changed for him all that much. He’s still got his job; same as he’s had for all the years the kids were growing up. He’s well-established there; I know he likes it very much. He’s done pretty well for himself, in his career. I’ve always been proud of him for it.”

Nicky nodded.

“But he works a lot of late nights now— he never used to, since he wanted to be home for the kids, but now they’re gone, he does. And of course, he’s gone during the day, every day. So I have a lot of time where I’m left to myself, and that’s when I really feel the kids’ absence— when I really feel at loose ends.”

“But even before your kids left,” Nicky started, “they were in school for years. You’ve had your days to yourself for a long time.”

“Yes, I know,” Elli admitted. “But I was so involved in their lives then and in the upkeep of the house. Between coordinating with other mothers, planning meals, cleaning, my days were completely full. Often times I didn’t even manage to finish everything before the kids would get back home at the end of the day. But with just me and Tom here, the workload to keep up the house has drastically reduced. And obviously there are no more activities or school events to co-ordinate with other mothers any longer.”

“So what have you been doing with your time?” Nicky asked. “Have you thought about getting back into the workforce?”

Elli scrunched up her nose. “No, I haven’t,” she said. “It would take a lot of thinking and planning, and then a lot of work. I just haven’t started the process at all.”

“No pressure,” Nicky said. “It was just a thought. Have you taken up any hobbies?”

“No, I haven’t really done that either,” Elli said. “Actually, what I’ve mostly been doing with my time is visiting around with neighbors here and there. Or going out to sit in the garden. I’ve actually been spending a lot of time with Ute. Have you seen much of her lately?”

“Not so much recently,” Nicky said. “I think I’ve visited her maybe once or twice a month for the last stretch of time. I was seeing her more frequently before that.”

Ute was a mutual friend of theirs. They hadn’t known her as long as they’d known each other, but it had been a few years now. She’d moved into their neighborhood after both of them, with her husband— just after she’d gotten married; the same as Elli and Nicky had both done, but Elli and Nicky had gotten married a few years before Ute.

In the early years of their friendship, they’d all seen a lot of each other and had barely gone a day without getting together; sometimes just the three of them, but they’d often coordinated dinner parties and the like and attended them all as couples, with their spouses.

This had reduced in frequency when Elli had had her first kid, but the women had still met up at about a weekly or bi-weekly frequency. And though all three of them had seen less of each other, at that time, Nicky had taken up visiting Ute more often, because she didn’t have kids, and that fact had made her home feel like a safe haven to Nicky.

But in recent years, Nicky had hardly seen Ute at all. A few times a month only; and sometimes, she’d skip a month without meaning to— just getting so busy with the rest of her life that she’d forget about it.

So Nicky really had no idea what was going on in her friend’s life— and was curious to hear about Elli’s visit with her.

“So, you’ve been visiting Ute a lot recently,” Nicky said, breaking the temporary silence that had come. She drank again from her coffee mug. “What’s going on in her life?”

Elli took one last sip from her own mug, drinking deep and clearly emptying it out. Then she set the empty mug on the counter.

“Things aren’t going so well for her,” Elli answered, with a rueful twist of her mouth. “She and Ben are actually getting a divorce.”

Nicky felt her eyebrows raise in surprise. “I didn’t know they were having trouble,” was the only thing she could think to say.

“Oh yeah,” Elli said. “They’ve been on rocky ground for ages. Fighting all the time, just making each other miserable. Actually, they’ve been separated for quite a while. The divorce just became final a week or two ago, I think.” Elli added.

“Where have I been, through all this?” Nicky asked. “I’ve seen Ute now and then in the course of the last two years, but she’s never mentioned anything about this to me.”

Nicky felt a little guilty about this— like it made her a bad friend.

“Oh, don’t feel bad,” Elli said, waving her off with one hand. “She hardly told anybody. She was partly ashamed— and also partly hopeful they could still work it out, even after they separated. Even while they were apart, the two of them were still meeting up and trying to talk things out, but it ended in fights more often than not. And they must have tried every marriage counselor in the city, but. In the end, they just couldn’t make it work.”

“So what was their main problem?” Nicky pressed.

“Well, Ute really wanted kids,” Elli replied. “She’s the same age as us, as we’re all getting towards the end of our thirties. She felt the clock was really ticking for her, and she wanted to get going on it while she still had the chance, but Ben did not want kids at all. So there was endless friction between them about this until it finally broke up the marriage.”

It made sense to Nicky, but she felt sad for her friend. She’d seen firsthand how happy Ute and Ben had been together back in the day; she knew how much Ute had loved him, and she couldn’t imagine how awful she herself would feel if she ever lost Jen.

She couldn’t understand Ute’s desire to have children though. Especially since she’d wanted it so much she’d let it destroy her marriage. Couldn’t understand that. Not at all.

“But you’ve been seeing lots of her, lately?” Nicky prompted.

Elli gave a nod. “Yes, almost every day. The divorce was only finalized a few days ago, but she’s been down for a few months, knowing the end was coming. So I’ve been over there, keeping her company, trying to cheer her up. It’s helped me, too. I’ve also been feeling down, because of this empty house.”

“Well, I hope you start to feel better as soon as you can,” Nicky said, really meaning it. She downed the last of her coffee— the remains of which were by now cold. Then she put her mug down, and stood. “It was really good to see you, like it always is. But I’ve still got an entire vacation day ahead of me, and lots to do, so I should get going.”

Elli smiled again. “Thanks for visiting! Good luck with your work.” She stepped around the counter, and gave Nicky a friendly hug, which Nicky returned easily.

Then Nicky gave Elli one last wave goodbye, and headed for home.

* * *

The rest of that Thursday passed in a blur for Nicky, though she did get almost all of her work done. Friday went similarly quickly, and she was in such a rush to leave in the morning that she didn’t have a chance to stop in and say hi to Elli on her way.

So before she knew it, it was Saturday morning again. And this particular Saturday, Nicky had the house to herself. The night before, Nicky had driven Jen to the airport. She’d gone away for the weekend to go stay with her parents, and pay them a visit. It had been planned for a while, but it had still snuck up on Nicky, and though she’d only been gone for twelve hours, Nicky missed her.

Weekends were when she got to spend the most time with her wife; she was so busy the rest of the time that it was hard to get quality time in, but on the weekends, there was plenty of it to be had. So it was hard, having Jen gone.

The house felt a little too empty, Nicky found, so after getting dressed and eating her breakfast, she left again to go see Elli.

When she knocked on the door this time, Elli looked happy as ever to see her.

“Oh, Nicky, great! Come in.”

Nicky went.

“I was actually hoping you might come over. The house is even emptier than usual for me today,” Elli explained, as the two of them once again made their way to her kitchen. “Tom’s away on a business trip— he left yesterday morning, and he’ll be gone all week. So it’s really great to have your company this morning.”

When they reached the kitchen, they both sat down at Elli’s island together.

“Actually, Jen is away too,” Nicky volunteered. “She’s gone to visit her parents. I had completely forgotten that visit was coming up. She must have booked the tickets a month or more ago, and I knew at the time that she had, but the time just seemed to slip away and before I knew it, she was going.”

“I guess we’re both on our today, then,” Elli said with a smile.

“Not anymore,” Nicky pointed out. “I’ve got nothing else to do today, so if you’ll have me, I’d be happy to stick around here—”

There was an interruption at that moment. Elli’s kitchen had a set of exterior double doors that opened onto her back porch, and Nicky’s statement was disrupted by the sound of a firm knocking on them.

“Oh, sorry, I’ll just get that.” Elli said, getting off of her stool and walking to the door.

When she pulled it open, both she and Nicky were able to see who it was.

It was Ute, standing there, on Elli’s back porch.

Nicky hadn’t seen her since the previous month, but despite Elli’s description of how her life was going (not well) she actually looked pretty put together.

Her brown hair was nicely styled, and she was dressed in a well-fitting blouse that accentuated her B-Cup breasts. Nicky had never paid much attention to Ute’s body, because it was much less impressive than Elli’s was, but she had to admit. Ute looked pretty today.

“Ute,” Elli said. Her voice was cheerful. “This is a nice surprise! What brings you ever here today?”

“Well, I was actually going to ask if you wanted to come with me to visit Nicky, but since Nicky’s already here, I don’t need to,” Ute answered.

“You wanted to see me? Why?” Nicky asked. She felt a little flattered, actually. Often she was the one who had to reach out first and set-up visits with Ute. It was nice that Ute had wanted to take the initiative to do it, for once.

“There’s something I wanted to ask both of you,” Ute explained.

“Well, ask away,” Elli invited.

“I wondered if the two of you might want to come and stay over at my house this weekend,” Ute added.

Elli looked back to Nikki. “Funny you should ask,” she said, looking back to Ute a moment later. “Nicky and I were just talking about how we had nothing to do, and how we were going to be alone for the weekend.”

“Oh?” Ute commented.

“Jen’s gone to visit her family,” Nicky elaborated.

“And Tom’s off on a business trip,” Elli said. “So we’re both completely free.”

“That is lucky,” Ute remarked. “So? What do you ladies think? How does a girl’s weekend at my place sound?”

Elli and Nicky shared one more look.

“Sounds good to me,” Elli said, in the minute after. “Just let me run upstairs and grab a few things, and then I’ll be over.”

“And I’ll just stop in back home and get a few of my things,” Nicky stated.

“Great,” Ute said. “See you girls at my house in just a few minutes, then.”

She turned away to step back down Elli’s back porch, and leave.

Elli and Nicky stood looking at each other for a further second.

“This is usually the time that I would stop in and tell Tom I was going somewhere,” Elli commented.

“Same for me,” Nicky agreed. “I’d usually be telling Jen right about now.”

“But it’s the middle of the morning,” Elli went on. “I know he’s in the middle of a business social event at his conference. He left me his itinerary.”

“And Jen’s taken her parents out to run errands,” Nicky commented. “She texted me so just a half-hour ago.”

“So I guess we’ll just have to tell them later,” Elli concluded.

“I guess so,” Nicky agreed.

“Well, I’ll just grab some things and then see you over there,” Elli added.

“Yeah,” Nicky agreed. “I’ll see you.”

* * *

Just a few minutes later, Nicky was standing at Ute’s door with an overnight bag in her hand. She’d gotten everything she needed in record time, and had made quick strides to get over there as fast as she could.

She hadn’t been to Ute’s house for a few weeks, but it looked the same as she remembered from the outside. She knocked, and it was Elli who opened the door.

“I just got here myself,” Elli said. “You can come into the living room with us and put your bag with mine,” she suggested.

When Nicky followed Elli inside, she found Ute’s house looked just like she remembered on the inside too, as well as on the outside.

In the living room, Ute was already sitting on the couch. And just inside the door, Elli’s own overnight bag was sitting on the floor. Nicky set hers down to the side of it. Then she and Elli went over to join Ute on the couch, sitting down on either side of her.

“I made some coffee for all of us,” Ute said. “I put some milk in it.”

Nicky noticed that Ute had changed her shirt. She’d been wearing a tight blouse before, but in the time since Nicky had last seen her, she’d changed it for a very loose, shapeless sweater.

It was hard to see Ute’s body beneath it at all— but it looked just a little like Ute was bigger than a B-cup. Maybe Nicky had seen wrong before, or maybe she was seeing wrong now. It was hard to tell.

But, sure enough, there were two mugs of coffee sitting on the coffee table in front of the couch; one across from where Nicky was sitting, and one across from where Elli sat.

“Thanks,” Elli said, taking her mug. “I always like to drink my coffee with milk in it.”

“Me too,” Nicky agreed, taking her own mug.

Both friends took generous sips of their coffee.

“This milk is really good,” Elli said, after a minute. “Is it a special brand?”

“You could say that,” Ute answered. “Don’t worry about that right now. Just enjoy your coffee.”

Nicky agreed with Elli— the milk tasted better than other milk that she’d had. It had a sweetness to it that regular milk lacked, and it left Nicky craving more. She drank more deeply from her cup, chasing the milk eagerly to the base of the mug— downing it as quickly as she could.

When the mug was emptied, Nicky felt… strange. The room felt like it was spinning around her in lurches and twisted. It couldn’t seem to stay still. Each time Nicky thought it had stabilized, it gave another swoop again, whipping itself around in cycling circles.

Something about the spinning made Nicky want to laugh. She felt so light, suddenly, like she might float up off of the couch. The laughter fell out of her, as easily as breathing, and she laughed and laughed at the silly, spinning room.

There was another noise beneath her own laughter, and it took her a long time to figure out what it was— but eventually she did. Elli was laughing too! She must also have been watching the room spin— must also be thinking the room was so silly to spin like that.

Hearing Elli laugh made Nicky laugh more; and from the sounds of it, hearing Nicky laugh made Elli laugh more too. The two of them laughed harder, and the room kept spinning. There was a word for it, Nicky thought, but it took her a long time to remember it.

She was dizzy, she realized much later. Something about that was even funnier to her. She laughed at her own dizziness.

But the longer she and Elli laughed, and the longer she went on feeling dizzy, the more that a new feeling was developing in Nicky. It felt good, but it was developing low in her body, spreading through her lower back, and twisting behind her hips, arcing in the valley that extended between them.

The word for the feeling came slowly to her, just as slowly as everything else had come. She was horny.

That wasn’t so funny— that felt good instead of funny. Nicky was so horny she could feel it all through her body now. She wanted to cum, and cum hard. It would feel even better to do that.

But Nicky was still laughing— the room was still spinning. There was still plenty about the situation that was hilarious to her, even if her own arousal wasn’t.

She bet that Elli was aroused too— she seemed like she was just as dizzy and giddy and Nicky, so Nicky thought she must be just as turned on, too.

But there was nothing either of them could do about their arousal. They were both stuck laughing in a spinning room.

But then, there was a hand on her shoulder, and Nicky felt the room settle back into an even position. It was Ute’s hand, and when she looked at Ute she was able to see.

Ute had taken her sweater off, and she hadn’t been wearing anything underneath it. Nicky was looking right at her naked breasts.

They looked wrong, but Nicky couldn’t think why. There was something about them… she couldn’t put it together in her head.

They were huge. So round and full, and hanging heavily off of Ute’s frame, as if they contained a great amount of liquid.

Nicky sniffed. There was a smell— it reminded her of the way the milk had tasted in the cup. Nicky’s body followed it without meaning to, moving closer to where the smell was stronger, and it was strongest right at Ute’s nipple.

“You can smell it, can’t you, Nicky?” Ute asked— but Nicky couldn’t think straight enough to respond. “You can smell my mommymilk and you want it. When you drink it, it will numb out your mind… but you crave it. You want to taste it— my breasts are just full of it. Go on— latch on to me.”

Nicky felt her mouth fill with saliva, and then closed her lips around Ute’s nipple.

Ute’s head came to cradle the back of Nicky’s head, but Nicky barely noticed. That flavor was back in her mouth— the flavor that she had tasted in the coffee, and as soon as she tasted it, she was desperate for more.

Soon, she was sucking with everything she had, hard enough that her jaw was sore. She was working her cheeks into soreness too, and moving her lips and tongue together to keep the stream of liquid coming into her mouth. Her whole face felt a little hot from the exertion of working the milk into her body, but she couldn’t stop.

When the milk got into her mouth, she barely had time to taste it. She was swallowing it almost as fast as she could bring it in, but the more she swallowed, the thirstier she seemed to get. She kept drinking, drinking and drinking— but there was always more mommymilk waiting there for her, and the more she drank, the better it tasted.

It was making her feel stranger. Her whole body was burning in arousal, but that made her happy. Of course she was happy! She was a slave, drinking her mommy’s milk. Why shouldn’t she be happy? It was so sexy and fun and tasty to drink the good milk she wanted to drink it forever, and she would never stop until her mommy told her to.

She was so happy that she could have started laughing all over again, if her mouth hadn’t been busy. And her head felt so empty now. She remembered the feeling she’d felt before— that feeling that she was going to float up off of the couch. It must have been all the thoughts in her head that had made her so heavy and weighted her down.

The good milk sent all those bad thoughts away, so she could just be a happy, giggly bimboslave just like her mommy wanted. And when all the bad thoughts were gone, Nicky was light enough to float up off of the couch.

Her head was empty, but her body was full of feeling still. She was more turned on than ever, and the milk was a constant stream of flowing entering her mouth and running down the back of her throat into her waiting stomach.

But being so horny was starting to be uncomfortable. She needed to come, and she needed to come badly. She whined for her mommy to help her.

Then she felt hands on her body. Slipping beneath her shirt to play with her nipples— then slipping beneath her skirt to play with her pussy. She whined harder, bucking her hips into the touch as she kept drinking and sucking hard.

She was so wet and messy between her legs, but Ute’s hand was still there, stroking over her folds and playing with her clit. It only made Nicky hornier and more aroused, but at the same time, there was a touch of relief that it brought. It was easing some of the built-up tension, at least a little, and Nicky was grateful for that at least.

Nicky kept drinking, in time with the finger-fucking she was getting — Ute had slipped some fingers inside her, and was pumping them in and out, quickly. It only motivated Nicky to drink harder, and drink more.

But beyond the arousal, a new feeling was coming. There was a heaviness in her stomach now— Nicky was getting full. She whined again— she didn’t like the feeling, she wanted to keep drinking, but there was nothing she could do about it. Sending more down was starting to be painful.

Ute hadn’t missed the whine, though, and she guided Nicky to release her nipple, and pulled Nicky back from her body.

“That’s enough for you, now. Just sit there on the couch and be good while I give Elli some attention.”

Nicky did as her mommy had told her. She sat back on the couch, feeling heavy and full. The room was spinning again, and she laughed half-heartedly at it. She couldn’t laugh as fully as she’d been laughing before. That feeling of fullness had made her drowsy, and it was hard to summon enough energy to laugh as hard as she’d been doing it before.

But it was okay to sit there, and watch the room spin. She was being good— doing exactly as she’d been told. It felt good to do that— felt good to be obedient.

Nicky realized, with a feeling of relief, that she was still a bimboslave, even though she wasn’t drinking the milk. The milk had turned her into a bimboslave, and she still was one. It had sent the bad thoughts away, and as long as it was there, sitting in her belly, it would keep all the bad thoughts away. She could stay there, feeling that light floaty feeling, and she could stay there, feeling that empty-headed feeling.

Nicky thought the two of them were the best feelings in the world. She never wanted to stop. They were such gifts, and she was so grateful that her mommy had given them to her.

The room spun, but she didn’t laugh anymore. It was too hard— staying awake was too heavy— she didn’t think she could do it— she was slipping—

She fell asleep.

* * *

Nicky woke up with a headache some time later. She was still on the couch, but at some point had spread out into a lying down position.

Her head was aching badly, and her throat was parched. But she felt like herself again— the last stretch of time before she’d fallen asleep was coming back to her, and she saw it in a completely different light.

The things she’d thought— the things she’d done! It was so humiliating she wanted to hide her face in her hands, but there was no time for that, just then. It was most important of all, now, that she leave before Ute came back and did something else to her.

Or to Elli, she realized slowly. She had no idea what the fate of her friend had been— only vaguely remembered Ute saying it was “Elli’s turn” when she’d finished with her.

Head still pounding, Nicky pushed herself up off the couch into a sitting position, to look around the room.

Elli was there— still in the room, but she was lying on the floor— also apparently asleep.

“Elli,” Nicky hiss-whispered. She didn’t want Ute to hear and come in, if she could avoid it. “Elli!” She repeated, speaking as loud as she dared.

Elli stirred awake, and opened her bleary eyes to the room. “What—?”

She turned over, and then shakily sat up, pressing a hand to her forehead. “Nicky? Where are we? What—?”

“No time to talk now, Elli,” Nicky stressed. “We need to grab our bags and go, right this second.”

Elli still looked confused— and maybe a little thoughtful at the same time, but she nodded silently. “If you could just help me stand,” she said.

Nicky nodded to herself, starting the climb to her own shaky feet. She could barely move—the after-effects of the dizziness she’d felt before were extreme, and it was very difficult to stand, let alone walk, but on stumbling feet, she made it over to Elli, and extended a hand down to her.

Elli took that hand, and both women pulled hard together to bring Elli up to standing.

Once both were stood together, Elli put an arm around Nicky’s shoulders, and leaned into them. Nicky put her arm around Elli’s shoulder’s too. “I think I need your support to stay standing as much as you need mine,” Nicky admitted.

“I think we can manage it together,” Elli commented. And together, the two turned around to face the room’s exit, and their two bags, sitting just to the side of it.

They both walked as far as their bags, and stopped to look down at them when they reached them.

“We seemed to make it over here alright,” Elli said. “But I think if we try to take those, it’ll topple us. I know I feel much too weak to be able to lift something like that.”

Nicky nodded. “I think you’re right. She weakened us, with what she did. We’ll just have to leave them.”

The two started walking again, but as they did, Elli spoke once more. “Who weakened us?”

Nicky frowned. “You really don’t remember what happened before you fell asleep?”

Elli shook her head. “It’s like a brick wall.”

They could deal with that later, Nicky decided. All they had to do was—

Their progress forward stopped suddenly, and it was only a second later that Nicky realized they’d both walked into Ute.

Their shaky equilibrium was too unstable to take an unexpected disruption like this, and after knocking into her, both stumbled back and lost their balance, falling once more to the floor.

“Were the two of you trying to escape?” Ute didn’t sound angry about this— more amused, than anything.

“Yes,” Nicky said, shortly. “We’re not going to stay here and let you turn us into your sex dolls.”

“Don’t be silly,” Ute said. “I’m not going to turn you both into sex dolls. Only one of you— and the other one, I’ll turn into an adult baby.”

Nicky stared up at Ute in disbelief. She’d understood the words, but the idea seemed completely insane to her.

Elli was silent beside her, so Nicky spoke for both of them. “Why?”

“Elli could back me up on this, but I’ve wanted a baby of my own for a long time. And I’ve been very interested in you both sexually for almost as long as I’ve known you. You’re both very attractive women.”

Nicky listened almost in shock— she’d had no idea that this had been going on in her friend’s mind at all. And there was a new dread— Ute sounded like she was very committed to her plan, which meant that, unless they could get out of here, one of them was going to become a sex doll, and one of them was going to become an adult baby.

“So I found an online store that could help me out,” Ute went on explaining. “I got all the equipment I’m going to need for your transformations. And of course, some drugs for me to encourage rapid lactation. They really did work well— I came to see you and invite you over, and then as soon as I got home, I took the recommended dosage. And by the time you both arrived, my own transformation was complete. It worked that fast.”

Nicky remembered the shapeless sweater Ute had been wearing when they arrived— she’d changed again since then, into a regular shirt that made her size obvious. But the sweater she’d worn before made sense now. And Nicky’s intoxicated impression of Ute being bigger than she remembered had been correct, after all, even if she hadn’t entirely been able to make sense of it at the time.

“The milk you both drank made you so obedient— started both your transformations very effectively.” Ute’s voice was like a purring now. She was clearly very pleased with this fact. “And as an added benefit, it made you both so weak that even while you’re still in your right minds, you can’t leave, because your bodies aren’t capable of lifting an overnight bag, let alone making the trip all the way to your homes. And even if the first effects of the milk have mostly worn off, the obedience it created in you is still there. You both still want to obey, even if your conscious minds try to fight it.”

Nicky hated the things that Ute was saying. She hated them most of all because she was so afraid they were true. She felt like herself, but she also felt so different. Drinking the milk had changed her— the memory of being a bimboslave made her feel differently about herself, even now that her mind had more or less returned to normal. As long as she remembered what that had felt like, she could never quite be the person she’d been before.

What she was most concerned about now was Ute’s next move. Either fate would be horrible— to be nothing more than a love doll, or to be reduced to an adult baby. But Nicky knew which one she was dreading more. Being a love doll would be bad, but for Nicky, being an adult baby would be the ultimate humiliation.

Ute had been very careful not to hint at which fate she intended for which woman. And Nicky wished she would hint at it. If it was her fate to be the love doll, she wouldn’t be happy about it, but she could almost resign herself to it. She could at least go through that transformation satisfied that she had been spared the very worst humiliation. It would be a small consolation.

She just wished Ute would give some sign. Not knowing either way was the worst part. And the longer Nicky lay there on the ground, looking up at Ute, the more she felt that there would be no escape. And while that was upsetting, there was still some faint hope that she could still be spared the very worst. It was something to hold onto, at least.

“You’ve both listened very patiently to me,” Ute added, after a minute. “I appreciate that. But let’s get the rest of your transformations underway.”

Nicky felt the hope again— at least Ute would have to explain which one of them would be which.

“Come on, Nicky,” she said. “We’ll get you set-up first. I’ll take you down the hall to your new room.”

New room? Nicky didn’t like the sound of that— but maybe love dolls got their own rooms, too. Maybe she could still be the love doll. She hoped against hope that it could be so.

Ute pulled Nicky to her feet easily, and led her by the arm down the hall to the room she’d promised.

When they stepped inside, Nicky’s stomach dropped.

There was a very large adult-sized crib standing in the corner.

“No, please,” Nicky begged. “I don’t want to be the baby. Make me the love doll, please, anything but the baby— I hate babies!”

“I know,” Ute said, smiling in satisfaction. “I think that’s why you’ll make such a good baby for me. Let me just get you set-up, and the machine will do the rest.”

When Nicky had come into the room, the crib had taken up all her attention first. But now she saw it wasn’t the only thing in the room.

Along the wall next to the door, there was a machine. It was a simple thing, but the sight of it was frightening to Nicky.

It was composed of a screen, which sat at about eye-height for someone who was sitting down, and a metal extension which ran along the floor and connected to the base of a very thick, very large upright dildo.

Ute guided Nicky over towards the dildo, and Nicky’s body was still so weak from the milk that she couldn’t resist Ute’s guiding grip.

When Ute had positioned Nicky in front of the machine, she quickly undressed her, stripping her naked before guiding her down into a crouch that lined her entrance up with the dildo’s bulbous head.

Nicky’s legs shook with the pressure of trying to keep herself suspended above it. All her body wanted to do was sag downwards, but she knew if she did that, the dildo would be enveloped in her pussy.

Ute reached forward, to turn the machine on, and Nicky was so close to the dildo that she could feel it had started to vibrate.

“Come on, Nicky,” Ute encouraged. “Be a good girl for me and just sink down. You know you want to do it— you want to be a good girl for me.”

Nicky told herself that she didn’t want that, because she knew what would happen as a result if she did it, but it seemed that what Ute had told Nicky before was true. Though her conscious awareness had come back to her, it seemed there was some deeper part of her that was still bound up in the desire to obey Ute’s commands, and she found her body doing as Ute had instructed, even as her mind objected loudly within her.

Nicky sank down onto the vibrating dildo, plugging it into the furthest depths of her cunt, and she was already so sensitized that when it went in, her whole body shook around it. It was too pleasurable— it was too much.

“Now, open your mouth for me,” Ute instructed— and Nicky hated herself when she did.

Nicky hadn’t seen where Ute had been hiding it, but in that next second she produced — horror of horrors! — a pacifier, and tucked it gently into Nicky’s mouth.

“Suck,” she instructed, and, unwillingly, Nicky did, working the rubber nipple in her mouth as hard as she’d worked Ute’s nipple earlier.

Ute flicked one more switch on the machine, bringing the screen to life.

“Just watch, and let the machine do the rest. And keep the pacifier in your mouth. We want to keep your mouth filled up with a placeholder in-between your feedings. It’s not like you’ll be needing your mouth for anything else. You’ll have forgotten how to speak soon enough.”

Ute passed from the room, then, pausing only briefly at the door out, and turning off the light switch to leave Nicky alone in the glow of the screen.

What the screen was showing her was a wash of pretty shifting colors. But Nicky didn’t trust them at all— they made her feel so funny when she looked at them, but she couldn’t look away, either.

There was something about the way they washed, too. They moved in warm shifting pulses, and somehow, when the colors pulsed, the dildo inside pulsed in time with them. Each shift was perfectly synchronized, the dildo following the screen’s every cue; responsive to every changing detail.

It was a strange feeling. Nicky almost couldn’t tell the difference between sight or sensation; had she felt the colors, or had she seen the sensation? The two were becoming more and more closely entwined the longer she sat, crouched there, with the dildo buzzing in her pussy.

At first, the melding of sight and sensing was all that happy. This was a little unnerving, but not outright disturbing. But after this had gone on awhile, the machine’s objective clearly changed.

It happened after the line between dildo and color pattern became seamless. The two were, at least in Nicky’s mind, perfectly lined up with each other so that they were indistinguishable from one another. And it was at this point, as Nicky felt the shifting visual patterns moving inside, that Nicky felt the words starting to trickle into her head.

It was good for her to let go— it was good for her to get. She didn’t need to remember anything anymore— didn’t need to remember how to do anything, how to be anything. She could forget everything she knew about being a person, about being an adult— she could forget everything and give in completely.

She could become totally helpless, and that would be good. There would be someone to take care of her— someone to give her whatever she needed. She didn’t need to remember how to take care of herself anymore. She only needed to give in, and forget everything she’d known, unlearn everything she’d ever been taught, so that all she could do was feel.

The words were overwhelming. They came in so quickly, and Nicky couldn’t even entirely focus on them, because the colors that she was watching and feeling were distracting her and making it hard to focus. She could hear the words in her head, in a sense, but they were slipping in past her mental defenses, coming in like murmurs she couldn’t be entirely sure were real.

She wanted to be a baby. It was good to be baby— comforting and fun, thoughtless and easy, with someone wiser always there to do all your thinking for you—

No, Nicky thought, defiantly. She didn’t want to be a baby. She hated babies. She hated them so much. They were noisy, they were fussy, they did nothing but eat and sleep, make messes of themselves and cry. They were useless.

She, Nicky, was useful. She was a senior director at her organization. She was a wife. She had a place in society. She was a productive, contributing member. That was what she liked— she’d always been independent, always wanted to make something of herself, and she had. She wouldn’t go back to being useless for anything.

But being useless was good. It was yummy and warm and sleepy and soft and good. She could be useless all the time, and never have to think a thought again. Words were too much work— words were too hard. Why did she need to have so many words inside her head? Wouldn’t it be better just to forget some? Surely she could let some go… she didn’t need that many… she didn’t need all those words to sit up there…

No, Nicky thought again, more weakly this time. She could feel holes cropping up in her memory and tried to fend against them. She wouldn’t willingly forget anything if she could help it. She was Nicky. She was an adult woman— she was a wife, she was a corporate director— she liked that, she’d worked so hard to become all those things. She had a use, she was useful, she did not want to be a baby.

She hated babies. She hated, hated, hated them, and she would not become something that she hated. She’d always hated babies, even when she had still been a kid. They were just so irritating. Everything they did— everything they were— it was so enraging. She’d wanted to pull her own hair out more than once, during those times in her life that she had been so unlucky as to get stuck in proximity to a baby.

It had been the relief of Nicky’s life when she’d found out that Jen didn’t like kids either, and that she had no interest in babies. Nicky had been glad to think she could go the entirety of her life without any kids or babies around. She’d escaped them— she never had to be around them, apart from brief stretches out in public that couldn’t be helped.

She certainly wasn’t going to become a baby herself. If she did, she would never be able to get away from it— there would always be a baby around her because she would be the baby. She wouldn’t allow it to happen.

But it was good to be a baby! Babies got to laugh at everything, because everything was just so funny. Babies got to eat, and sleep. Babies didn’t even have to keep themselves clean, because someone else would do that for them. Babies didn’t have to think. Babies never had to think again.

She was a baby. She didn’t have to think anymore.

Something about that sounded wrong. She wasn’t— she wasn’t—

But she could feel the colors shifting inside her pussy. And the room seemed to be spinning around her again in that way that made her want to laugh. And there was only truth in her head— she was a baby. She was a baby. Babies didn’t think. Babies didn’t think. It was good and warm and pleasant and good to be a baby.

She was a baby.

She was a baby.

The baby let out a giggling laugh around her pacifier and stared blankly ahead with an empty, thoughtless mind.

* * *

When Ute had taken Nicky down the hall, she’d left Elli alone in the living room. Elli spent the next few minutes of her absence trying very hard to stand up, but without Nicky to support her, she found herself too weak to do it on her own.

Still, she tried to get up and leave in a series of increasingly frustratingly attempts. She made no progress.

After a long time, Ute came back. “You waited for me to come back and program you just like a good slut, didn’t you?”

Elli shivered involuntarily when Ute called her a slut. She didn’t like that kind of degrading talk, but apparently her body had missed the memo.

“You’re going to be a beautiful little love doll for me, aren’t you?” Ute asked, lowering herself to sit on the floor next to Elli. “All you have to do is let it happen… my milk is already in your mind, breaking your resistance down. It’s making you so susceptible to my voice… all you have to do is listen to me. Listen, and feel…”

Elli was shaking her head, but Ute’s words were sinking in anyway, and no matter how hard she shook, she couldn’t shake them out of her mind.

“When I tell you to feel dizzy again, you’ll feel dizzy,” Ute instructed. “And when I tell you to feel pleasure, you’ll feel pleasure. You’re so responsive to me you can’t do anything but obey.”

Elli was still trying to shake her head, and find the words to argue these statements away— but it wasn’t working. Ute’s words were affecting her, having exactly the effect that Ute wanted them to have. They were becoming true even as Ute spoke them.

“You’re dizzy now,” Ute said, and it started the room spinning and wobbling around Elli. “The dizziness makes you confused, and the confusion makes you more receptive to what I’m saying.”

It happened just as Ute said. The room spinning made Elli feel unstable and unsure of everything— and in the wake of that feeling, Elli felt as if she had been left wide open to anything that might like to come in. And Ute was there to send words in and take full advantage of this.

“You’re my love doll,” she said. “You can’t think, you can’t act without making it about my pleasure and serving me. You’re just a thoughtless love doll— just a slave to me, and we’ll fuck the slavery into you, and we’ll drive all your former autonomy out with pleasure.”

The room was spinning so hard around Elli that she couldn’t concentrate on Ute’s words long enough to try and refute them. She was too disoriented for that.

In the next second, she felt hands on her body, getting in under clothes, stripping them off. They played with her breasts— they played with her pussy.

Elli wanted to flush in shame— she didn’t like sex all that much at the best of times. She was perfectly happy in her mostly sexless marriage— happy having sex be a sporadic occasional thing, instead of a frequent recurring one. Even on a good day, sex was mostly boring to her.

But having to feel pleasure here was actively repellant to her. She could tolerate sex, she rarely enjoyed it, but now her body was responding with so much pleasure that she hated it.

She didn’t like sex… she didn’t want pleasure… and yet…

The more pleasure she felt, the more distant these thoughts seemed to become. The more the pleasure grew inside her, the more it seemed to dwarf everything else until it was forgotten.

“That’s it,” Ute encouraged. “I’m fucking your resistance right out of you. The more pleasure you feel, the more that it all drains away from you. It’s all draining away, now— you can feel it. It’s turning into you a mindless doll for me. A mindless doll that only wants to fuck and be fucked, and do whatever I say.”

It was happening— it was happening, and it felt incredible. Her head was becoming as empty as it had felt before when she’d tasted Ute’s milk in her coffee. There was no room in there for anything that wasn’t pleasure-oriented. There was no room for anything in there that wasn’t Ute’s will. Her head was empty of herself, and full of Ute.

The only thing that mattered was Ute. Everything she did, everything she was had to be about Ute and what Ute wanted. She had to be about Ute, and what Ute wanted. She would be Ute’s love doll. She was Ute’s love doll, because the pleasure had made her become it. She only cared about Ute and pleasing her— nothing else was real to her anymore.

“You’re almost there, now,” Ute noted. “Just a little more.”

Ute was rubbing at Elli’s clit quickly, now, and Elli felt that her orgasm was approaching quickly. She knew when it came it would lock the new truths of her existence into place. She would be a mindless love doll for Ute forever— and she would love that.

“Alright, Elli,” Ute said. “You’re about to come. You’ll come when I say so. And when you come, you’ll be my love doll forever. You’ll orgasm now, in three… two… one…”

It struck, and everything that had been true about the love doll before was gone. The love doll was only a love doll— had only ever been a love doll. And that made the love doll so happy. It was so wonderful to be a love doll that the love doll felt full of gratitude towards its owner.

“How may I please you, Ute?” The love doll asked, wearing a thoughtless smile.

Ute guided the love doll down with her hands to find the place between her legs, showing the love doll exactly how she wanted to be pleased.

And the love doll was thrilled to do it for her.

* * *