The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Test Audience

mc, md, nc

General disclaimers: This scene is a hypnofetish fantasy. It contains adult language and situations, along with examples of adult fictional characters doing illegal, immoral and/or impossible things to other adult fictional characters as a prelude to sexual activity. If you 1) are under the age of consent in your community, 2) are disturbed by such concepts, 3) attempt to do most of these things in real life or 4) want graphic blow-by-blow sex in your online pornography, then please stop reading now.

Permission is granted to re-post this story unaltered to any on-line forum, as long as no fee whatsoever is charged to view it, and this disclaimer and this e-mail address () are not removed. It would also be nice if you told me you were posting it.

Copyright Voyer, © 2001.

Specific disclaimers: This short piece was originally posted back in 1998 to the Usenet group It was recently brought back to my attention by a posting over on the MC Forum, and I thought it wasn’t half bad, so after a little tweaking and polishing, here it is. Enjoy.

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The door swung open, and the man strolled into the room, his polished shoes catching bits of the light spilling in from the hall. He closed the door behind him and punched the lock, which snapped shut with an audible click. Pausing for a moment, he produced a cigarette and a lighter and tortured the former to life with the latter. A smirk momentarily creased portions of his thin leathery face, and he directed a plume of smoke up towards the ceiling, where it was efficiently whisked away by the omnipresent ventilation system. The room was long and narrow, and with only a couple of steps he crossed the strip of tiled floor to where the high-backed black chair stood facing the bank of television screens. The central screen of this collection was particularly large and currently displayed a scene of two scraggly goateed figures lounging on a threadbare sofa, talking back and forth interminably as their forms were lit by the bluish glow of an off-camera TV set. Their nasal voices dribbled monotonously out of the screen’s attached speaker. If a viewer were to look very carefully at the screen, they might have been able to see a scrim of very faint colors tainting the edge the scene, resembling somewhat the sheen of spilled oil on the surface of a sidewalk mud-puddle.

The man with the shoes and the cigarette gave the back of the chair a gentle push, and the solid piece of furniture spun slowly around on well-oiled casters, its front coming to a gradual halt pointed at him.

The dark-haired woman enveloped in the chair sat quietly, her dusky hands laying loosely in her blue-skirted lap. She stared straight ahead, her mouth set in a slight smile. At regular intervals she blinked, each lowering and raising of her lids slow and deliberate. Her breath was equally slow and even. He waved a collection of long gnarled fingers in front of her face, with no reaction. He studied her with clinical detachment for a moment longer, then removed the cigarette from his mouth and spoke:

“Hello, Linda.”

She gave a start, a movement that was short but emphatic, involving most of her upper body. Then she replied, still staring straight ahead.

“Oh!” The sound was almost a squeak. “Hello, sir.” She blinked again. “I was just watching your new television program.”

“So I see.” A short puff at the cigarette. “If you don’t mind my asking, what did you think of it?”

“I love your new television program, sir.” Her voice soft but earnest.

“Really? A man in my position is always glad to hear that. Tell me, which part of my little program did you like best?”

Her reply was prompt.

“All of the pretty colors, sir. I didn’t quite understand them at first but now... I could just watch them all day. They make me feel so good inside.. they fill me up..” She squirmed a little against the chair’s leather, wiggling her bare shoulders under her sleeveless blouse. ”Please, sir, may I watch your pretty colors some more?” Her hands remained limp in her lap.

“Actually, Linda, I’ll let you in on a little secret about that, if you trust me. I think I know how you felt before, but now... do you trust me?”

“I trust you, sir.”

“To the point that you’ll do whatever I ask of you?”

“I’ll do whatever you ask of me, sir.”

“Good. Look at me.”

Her head swiveled and she looked up at him, her eyes dark and wide and shiny.

“Good. Now close your eyes.”

Instantly her eyes drooped shut, her mouth still smiling, her head still pointed in his direction.

“Very good, Linda. Now then, can you see the colors?”

She hesitated then shook her head, very slowly, the smile fading a little.

“Nnno... I can’t see the colors, sir. I can’t see the screen. My eyes are closed.”

“Yes you can, Linda. That’s the special secret that I wanted to share with you. The secret for just you and me. The colors are right there, they have been there all along, flowing endlessly over the backs of your eyelids.” He extended the forefinger of his unoccupied hand and meticulously tapped her, just once, right between the eyes.

“Ohhh...” Her full lips parted, her eyelids fluttered a little but did not open, showing slivers of white. “Oh, yes, sir! I can see the colors now! They’re so.. beautiful...”

“Yes, you can see the colors, Linda. But only when I tell you that you can see them. Do you understand?”

She bobbed her head, still smiling dreamily. “I understand, sir.”

“For instance, the colors are gone now.” He studied his knuckles, again watched the smoke rise from the cigarette that was lodged among them. “Aren’t they?”

The petite woman gave a little whimper and her shoulders sagged. “Yes sir. They’re gone.” Plaintive.

“And now they are back.” Another tap of the finger.


“More intense and more vivid than ever before.” A third.

“OH!” Her back arched slightly, then she settled back down into the chair.

“What do the colors make you want to do, Linda?”

“The colors... I... they make want to watch them. Watch them forever and ever.”


“The colors... they make me want to cum, sir.”

“Can you cum?”

She squirmed and again shook her head. “No, sir. I can’t cum. I’ve tried very hard.”

“Yes, Linda. The colors make you want to cum. They make you want to cum very very badly. But now, only I have the power to let you cum. Do you understand?”

“I understand, sir...” She swallowed visibly, hesitated a moment, then spoke timidly: “Sir, please.. please may I cum?”

“Maybe later. If you are a good girl, and do exactly as you are told.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Just keep watching the colors flow. And listening to my voice. And getting hornier and hornier. You can do all of that for me, can’t you, Linda?”

“Y-yes, sir.”

“Good. You’re doing very well, Linda.”

Her flush grew deeper. “Thank you, sir.”

“Open your eyes.”

She did so. Her gaze was haunted, pleading.

“Lift up your hand, Linda, and cup it.”

Her hand did so, and he tapped the ash from his cigarette into it before continuing.

“Can you see the colors now?”

“No, sir. I can’t... I can’t see the colors. My.. eyes are open.”

“Hmm. We’ll have to fix that. Close your eyes again. That’s right. You can see the colors now?”

“Yes, sir.” Linda gave off a small sound that was somehow simultaneously relieved and ravenously needy. Her hand remained up in the air. “I can see the.. ooohhhh.. colors again. Your colors. They are.. flowing endlessly over the backs... of my eyelids”

“Good. Watch the colors. Watch them carefully. Because they are flowing slowly off your eyelids now. Flowing onto your eyes. Sinking straight down into your eyes, through your eyes, and down into your mind. Can you see them flowing?”

She nodded silently, her breaths coming in short gasps, her back again arched.

“And now the colors arrive at the center of your mind. The very center. Flowing forever at the center of your mind. Forever. And as the colors flow and flow, and as you listen to my voice, only to my voice, you get hotter and hotter. Wetter and wetter. Closer and closer to cumming. So close now. So close you can taste it.”

“Yesssss. Oh, god yesss.. soo clooossee..” Her eyes remained closed, her face now pointing towards the ceiling, her one hand clenching in spasms against her skirt and then relaxing, the other twitching against only air...

“You want to cum, don’t you, Linda? You need to cum.”


“Getting closer now to cumming. Almost there.. almost..”

For a long second, he watched her writhing form, his arms crossed. He tapped off another bit of ash.

“And... cum. Cum massively.” He gave the chair another push, and it started spinning around and around, as she came. And came. And came. He kept the chair spinning with additional pushes. “It feels so good to cum, doesn’t it, Linda? So good. Your hot little slut-body needs to cum, needs to cum in the same way it needs to breath oxygen. Again and again and again. And there’s only one way it can cum. Only one way you can cum. By listening to my voice. By watching the colors flow inside your mind, listening to my voice, and obeying my voice. Only by obeying my voice. Do you understand, Linda?”

“Y..y..yes!... sir! Under—understand!” Somehow she gasped out the words as the chair continued around and around.

“And you want other people, all of your friends, to feel this way as well. Don’t you? You want to share this pleasure with everyone. Everyone should feel this good.” He stopped pushing, and pushed a graying hair back into place on his head. His contacts shimmered slightly in the light of the screens.

“Yes... share..” The chair come to a stop, but she did not.

“Stop cumming now, Linda.”

She stopped orgasming.

“Open your eyes, Linda.”

Her eyes opened, and she looked up at him, her gaze worshipful, her body once again relaxed, except for the one curled hand.

“Can you see the colors?”

“Yes, sir. I can see the colors very clearly. They are at the very center of my mind.”

“What do you want to do, Linda?”

“I want to feel the pleasure, sir. I want to share the pleasure with all of my friends. Share the pleasure with everyone.”

“And how does one feel the pleasure?”

“By obeying your voice, sir. Only by obeying your voice.” A hesitation. “Please may I have an order to obey, sir?”

“Very well.. if that’s what you want, Linda. Here is my order. Share the pleasure with one of your friends. Show her the colors. Who would you like to share your pleasure with first?”

“Ooh! Brenda Watson, sir! She’s my best friend in the whole world! She trusts me, and it will be very easy to get her to watch the colors. Shall I bring her down here and show her your wonderful TV program?”

“Yes, you may. Since we are finished here, go and call Brenda. She’s that cute little redhead, isn’t she?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Mmm... Good. Excellent. After she has been exposed to the colors just like you, if it works... maybe we’ll all go back to my place, and we’ll run a few.. heh.. final tests. to make sure your understanding of the colors is truly complete. Thank you for your help, Linda. Hopefully we just have a few more bugs to iron out, and then my new show will be ready for... a wider audience.”

“Yes sir!”

“Go get Brenda now.” He straightened his tie and shrugged his drab grayish suit into a more comfortable position.

“Yes, sir!” Linda jumped to her feet, wobbling just a bit on her heels to regain her balance. Her hand still remained up and curled in ‘ashtray’ position.

“Oh... wait... first, one more thing ...” He moved grind out the cigarette in her unflinching palm, then cocked an eyebrow, sighed and instead pinched the flame dead between finger and thumb, leaving one last twirl of smoke. He dropped the remains into her hand. “Lick all of that up for me, would you?”

The colors flowed and the warm dampness once again irresistibly spread between Linda’s legs as she Obeyed His Commands...
