The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Terrible Misfortunes of Artemis T. Fogg

I could have been a contender, I’m telling you. I could have been a contender. It was all right there in front of me. It was all so close, and you know what? I pissed it all away. That’s what I did. I pissed it all away.

I suppose introductions are in order, not that it really matters now. After all, I’m a has-been before I was and ever-was but just in case you’re wondering, my name is Artemis T. Fogg but as you might imagine, my friends don’t call me that. Anybody who knows me calls me T.

The man’s name was Mr. Mortimer. He’d come by my apartment one day, completely out of the blue. He asked if he could see me and I said yes. I never learned what his first name was and it wasn’t for lack of asking, but Mr. Mortimer was quite certain about that. He was only going to tell me what I needed to know.

I was kind of cocky back then. It wasn’t like I thought I knew everything, but I thought I knew a lot and I was certain Mr. Mortimer was underestimating me so I felt confident pressing the issue. “What don’t I know, Mr. Mortimer?” I asked.

“I’m here to make you an offer, Mr. Fogg.”

“What kind of an offer?” I asked.

“An offer which could make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.”

“I can dream pretty big,” I told him.

He just waved that away. “You’re a pretender, Mr. Fogg. You know it and I know it. Oh, you talk a good game, but when push comes to shove, you haven’t got the balls to back it up. When push comes to shove, you crumble like a wall made of sand.”

“Says you,” I said.

“That’s right. Says me, but as it so happens, I’m willing to make you an offer, Mr. Fogg.”

“Yeah? What kind of offer are you going to make to me?”

“I’m offering you your hearts desire.”

I was willing to play along. After all, I thought it was all a joke. “My hearts desire?” I asked. “What is my hearts desire?”

“Only you can know that,” the man said. “I am merely the intermediary who’s making you the offer.”

“Who put you up to this?” I asked. “Was it Bobby Lowton?”

“No one, as you said, put me up to it,” the man said.

“Was it Jerry Coulton?”


“How about Adam Weaver?”


“Come on. Tell me. I’m dying to know. Who put you up to it?”

“I’m not at liberty to say.”

“Would you even tell me if I guessed right?”


“Who put you up to it?”

“I’m not at liberty to say.”

Okay, this was starting to get a little annoying. “You won’t tell me who, huh? Okay. Can you tell me why?”


“Tell me why.”

“I represent a man. He is a man who you do not know but he is a man who you have befriended and he wishes to repay a debt.”

“A man I don’t know. What kind of crap is that.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Fogg, but I cannot say anything more than that.”

All right, I was starting to get bored with the guy. I’d played along about as far as I was willing to go. It was time for Mr. Mortimer to tell me the real reason he’d come and then it was time for him to get the fuck out. “Enough fooling around,” I told the man. “Just tell me what you got.”

The man took a display case and he put it between the two of us. He opened the case and then he turned it so I could see inside. “What I have here is three wishes,” he said.

I looked inside the case. What I saw was three, little, crystalline bottles. They hardly looked like wishes, but the bottles looked kind of cool. “Okay,” I said. I mean, it wasn’t like I actually believed him, but I just wanted to hear what he was going to say.

“Pay attention, Mr. Fogg, for I will only say this once. Each of these bottles contains a liquid. If you drink the liquid and make a wish, the wish will come true. There are two conditions. You may not wish for something of monetary value. If you do, the wish is forfeited, so do not wish for a million dollars or a new Porsche or a house in the Hamptons. Those wishes will not be granted.”

“You said there were two conditions.”

“The second is about love. You may not make a wish that forces someone to love you and only you. Those wishes also will not be granted.”

I had to hand it to the guy. He’d managed to say the whole thing with a completely straight face. I was impressed. “Come on,” I said. “Seriously, who put you up to this?”

Mr. Mortimer took the bottles out of the case and he put them on the table between us before closing the case and standing. “Good day, Mr. Fogg.”

To be honest, I couldn’t help but wonder what was in the little bottles. They couldn’t hold more than maybe two or three ounces, but that didn’t mean I was going to drink one of them. I mean, hey, a guy comes and gives you something like that, and hey, you don’t know what’s in those bottles. And besides, wishes in a bottle, yeah right. Like I really believed that.

I got this friend. His name is Evan Whittier. Me and Evan, we go all the way back to grade school together and Evan, he’s always wanted to make movies. Trouble is, he hasn’t gotten his break yet. Well not quite. He makes movies, just not the kind he thought he’d make. You see Evan makes pornos.

Evan uses the name C. C. De Mille because he still harbors illusions that he’s going to make it big in the movies someday. If it were me, I’d stay with the pornos. I mean hell, they pay you to watch girls fuck. Does it get any better than that? I don’t think so.

So one day, Evan tells me he’s short a guy on the crew and he knows me. He knows I’d love to see what goes on on one of those shoots so he asks me if I want to take the guy’s place. My answer is of course, hell yes, so there I am, on a fucking porn set and I can’t believe it.

There’s this guy and the guy is totally hung, and I mean he’s hung like a fucking horse. I have to admit that I’m impressed and from what I can see, the two girls he’s working with they’re impressed too. Hardly a surprise, I figure. I mean, I’m not a girl, but I figure a guy’s as big as he is, I figure that’s got to be worth something.

And then I get this idea in my head, if I were as big as he was, I could get girls to be impressed with me. I mean, it wasn’t like I was totally unsuccessful with the ladies, but wouldn’t it be nice to be able to totally stun someone. That’s what I was thinking. I was thinking if I was hung like him, that would totally get the ladies’ attentions.

It was, I suppose, the beginning of the end for me. I didn’t know it then, but looking back now, I can say that was definitely it.

You know, someone gives you a potion and tells you you can drink it and get three wishes, well this may come as a bit of a surprise to you, but drinking it is not the first thing that comes to your mind, but seeing that guy there, seeing him fuck those girls, I started to wonder what it would be like if that were me.

Even then, it wasn’t like I suddenly went home to take a drink of some kind of wishing potion. In fact, I’d kind of forgotten that I had those three, little bottles, but seeing that guy there started me to thinking, what if that were me?

Okay, even that thought wasn’t enough to get me racing home and in fact, by the time I got there, I had other things on my mind, and well, it wasn’t until some time later that I started to think about those wishing potion bottles.

I didn’t even remember where I’d put the stuff. To tell the truth, I thought it was in a drawer in the kitchen, but it wasn’t. I finally found the three bottles in a drawer in the bathroom.

And even then, I didn’t do anything with them. This was stupid, I told myself, and yet ...

And yet what? The three bottles were there, waiting for me. This was stupid, I told myself. And yet either I was going to do it or I wasn’t, and if I wasn’t going to do it, then I should throw the stuff out.

I took one of the bottles. The liquid in the bottle was dark. Okay, I told myself. Here goes nothing.

The stuff may have smelled good, but it tasted horrible. I almost spit it out but for some reason, I didn’t. I gulped instead, trying to to get the stuff out of my mouth. I couldn’t help wondering if the stuff, whatever it was, I couldn’t help wondering if it didn’t have an expiration date, but it was already too late then. I’d already swallowed it down. If it had gone bad, I was just going to have to live with it.

So what had Mr. Mortimer said. Drink the stuff and then make a wish. Okay, I’d drunk the stuff, so now ...

I wished I was hung like a fucking porn star.

I’m not sure just what exactly I expected to have happen. Was my cock suddenly going to burst through my zipper? Was I suddenly going to need bigger jeans because of the size of my now monster cock? What was going to happen?

As it turns out, the answer was nothing. I couldn’t help but laugh at myself but as far as I could tell, my penis was still only that: my penis. I was not suddenly imbued with a monster schlong. I was just me.

Or at least that’s what I thought when I went to the store.

If you must know, I was bored. I didn’t really need to go to the store but after my foray into the world of wish making had turned out so badly, I was bored. I just went to the store because it was better than sitting around the apartment doing nothing but thinking about how I wasn’t hung like a pornstar.

I didn’t even know the girl’s name. All I knew was she was manning one of the cash registers and she was totally fucking hot, and apparently, that’s all I had to know because one look at her and my dick just started to grow and grow.

I guess it must take a lot of blood to pump up a cock like mine because the bigger my cock caught, the dumber I got. It was like my body could take care of the head above my shoulders or the one below my shoulders but it was like I couldn’t run both of them at the same time.

I just stared at the girl. She must have been a teenager. She was blond with a nice face but the only thing I could do was look at her tits and one word just kept babbling in my mind. Boobies.

That wasn’t one of my finest hours.

It wasn’t until I finally got out of the the store that reason finally began to return to me and I realized what had happened or at least what I thought had happened. My cock had gotten big and hard, just like a porn star’s cock.

Of course, it was going to take more than just one time to convince me. I mean sure, the girl at the store was hot, so why wouldn’t my dick get hard?

I’d soon find out just how right I was.

Over the next few days, whenever I saw a pretty woman, I got very big and very hard and unfortunately, very dumb. Sometimes, I got the ladies to go home with me. Sometimes, I didn’t but every one that went home with me was totally impressed.

Okay, so maybe I was hung like a porn star but if I was hung like a porn star, there was definitely something I wanted to do. I picked up the phone and I dialed up my friend, Evan.

“Hey, T,” he asked, “how’s it going?”

“Not bad, man. You?”

“I can’t complain. Just kickin’ back. What’s up?”

“I got a favor to ask?”

“Yeah? What is it?”

“You know, when you do your next movie, I was wondering if you could put me in it.”

He was silent. “Listen, T,” he said finally, “you got to understand how it is. Some guys, lots of guys actually, they think they can do what those guys do, but when push comes to shove, they can’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“They freeze, man. They think they can do it, but when the lights are on, when everyone’s watching, they just freeze, and you can’t get anything out of them.”

“Yeah, but that’s not me.”

“Yeah, that’s what they all say, too. So here I am. I got the crew there and I got the girl there and I can’t get dick out of them. No offense man, but it’s a recipe for disaster.”

“I know but I’m different.”

“Yeah, man, that’s what they all say.”

“But I am.”

“Yeah, they say that, too.”

I knew I could do it, but I knew I had to convince Evan of it, and I knew from the way he was acting, my saying it wasn’t going to be enough. “Listen,” I told him. “How about I make a deal with you?”

“What kind of deal?”

“Doing a shoot, it has to cost money, for the crew and the actors and everything else, right?”

“Yeah. So?”

“So let’s call it a bet.”

“Call what a bet?”

“You shoot a scene with me in the lead role. If I work out, then you got yourself a scene and you got a new star.”

“And if you don’t work out?”

“Then I’ll pay the costs of everything.”


“Everything. The actors, the crew, everything.”

“Come on, T. Be serious.”

“I am serious.”

Evan shook his head. “I can’t let you do that, man.”

“Why not?”

“It’s too much money.”

“Isn’t that my decision to make?”

“Actually, it’s not. I’m your friend. I can’t let you throw your money away like this.”

“Come on,” I said. I was almost pleading, but not quite. “Let me do it.”

I think he finally got it. I think he finally sensed that I was serious but more than that, I think he was finally starting to think I could do it. “You really think you can do it?” he asked.

“I’m sure I can,” I told him.

I knew he was still questioning the sanity of what it was he was about to do. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll see what I can do, but I can’t make any promises, okay?”

“That’s all I’m asking for,” I told him. “Just give me a shot.”

Evan shook his head. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” he said. “I really can’t believe I’m doing it.”

I wanted to tell him he wouldn’t be sorry but I knew he wouldn’t have believed me even if I did.

He called me a couple of days later. “Hey, T,” he asked, “you still up for doing that shoot?”

“Sure am,” I told him.

“Okay, I got something that might be good for you. You doing anything this Saturday?”


“Well you are now. I got a shoot planned down at the old high school. You know where that is?”


“Okay, I want you to be there at 8:00 AM, okay, and T, don’t be late?”

“I won’t.”

“And T?”


“I’m taking a big risk on this one. Don’t let me down, okay?”

“I won’t.”

Turns out the scene they wanted me to do was with me playing the part of the vice principal. They had me dress up in a white shirt and a tie and to tell the truth, when they were done with me, they had me looking like a fucking nerd. I’d never seen a vice principal ever look as uptight as I did.

Evan pulled me and the actress I was going to fuck off to the side. “The premise of this is simple,” he said. “Classes are already underway when you catch Candy here by her locker. You want to know why she’s out by her locker when she’s supposed to be in class.”

I really meant to listen but the truth was my cock was so hard that I was having trouble to think about anything else other than what it would feel like to get my cock between the girl’s legs.

“T, are you listening to me?”


“What was I saying?”

What had he been saying. Oh geez, it was so hard to think when I had a big, hard cock. It was so hard to think when all you wanted to do was to fuck.

Wait. I remembered something. “You were saying she was supposed to be in class,” I said.

“Yeah, and—”

And what? Hell, I didn’t know. I took a guess. “We’re going to go somewhere and fuck.”

“Yeah? Where’s that?”

I shrugged. I had no idea.

Evan pointed. “That room,” he said. “You’re going to take her in there?”

“What? Now?”

“No. Wait for the scene to start. Sheesh, man. Get it together T.”

He was right, I told myself. He was right. I needed to get it together.

The only thing was I kept thinking about how good it would be to fuck. In fact, that was about the only thing I was thinking about.

Evan yelled for action and I walked up to the girl by the lockers. I remembered I was supposed to say something to her, but I couldn’t remember what it was.

Whatever it was, I must have done something right because the girl was following me into the other room, and I remembered I was supposed to do something, but again, I couldn’t remember what that was.

Before I knew what was happening, I was bending the girl over a desk and I pulling up her skirt and exposing her little, white panties. My hand stroked her between her legs and I could hear the girl moan, but I knew what I needed.

I took her panties down and I knelt behind the girl. My cock was so big and hard and what I really needed was to fuck, but I knew what I needed to do. I knew I needed to lick her pussy first.

The girl was moaning and that just felt so right. Not as right as it would feel when I finally got myself inside her, but it felt so right.

I stood up and I took down my slacks and then I was coming up behind her. It felt so good to wedge my cock up in between her legs. The head of my cock was right there and then I was pressing myself into her and my cock pushed its way into her pussy and it felt even better.

The girl moaned again and that just felt so right. It was right and good that a girl should moan like that. It was right and good that she should like my porn star cock.

“Oh geez, Mr. Johnson. Oh geez. You’re fucking me so hard and so good.”

It took me a second to remember that that was supposed to be who I was.

“Fuck me, Mr. Johnson. Fuck me. Make me cum.”

That was what I intended to do only there was something else. Something we were supposed to do.

We switched positions and I was sitting on the desk while the girl rode my cock.

“Oh, Mr. Johnson,” the girl cried out. “Oh geez. You’re such a hard disciplinarian.”

I didn’t say much of anything.

“I deserve this,” the girl said as she rode my cock. “I deserve this. I need you to be so hard on me.”

“Oh yeah,” I groaned. “Oh fuck. I’m going to cum.”

She seemed to take that as a cue because suddenly she was climbing down off my cock and then she was kneeling in front of me. “I want you to do it, Mr. Johnson. I want you to cum for me.”

It was the most natural thing in the world for me. I wrapped my hand around my cock and I started to stroke myself. My cock knew what it wanted. My cock wanted to cum all over the girl’s face.

“Come on, Mr. Johnson. Do it.”

I couldn’t have stopped myself even if I’d wanted to. I came and came all over the girl’s face and it was only after I was done, it was only then when my cock began to finally retreat that sanity once more began to return to me.

And there was Evan, clapping me on my shoulder. “I got to hand it to you, T,” he said. “I’m sorry I ever doubted you. You came off like a real champ.”


And then Evan turned his attention to the girl. “How was he?” he asked.

“He was okay.”

I could feel my hackles going up. Okay? Only okay? What the hell did she mean by that. After all, it my cum she was wearing on her face.

She was a stuck up, little bitch. That’s the way I had it figured, and already, I decided I had a way to take care of bitches like her.

It was later that day and I was home alone. I’d come to the conclusion that the wishing bottles really did work. I suppose I shouldn’t have let what the bitch thought get to me but it did so I had another of the bottles in my hand. I stood there in my bathroom with the bottle in my hand as I thought about what I wanted my wish to be and when I was sure I was right, I downed the contents of the second bottle.

I almost gagged on the stuff. I wondered what was in it that made it taste that bad but I realized I didn’t really care. If drinking the foul stuff made my wishes come true, then I’d drink a bucket full of the stuff if I had to. I gulped the stuff down and I looked in the mirror. “I wish all women everywhere loved it when I fucked them.”

Of course, nothing happened but then of course, I hadn’t expected to have anything happen. I’d have to fuck them first before they would become enthralled with my cock. On the other hand, with my new-found career, I had the feeling there would be plenty of women who would soon be in love with my cock.

I called Evan up the next day. No time like the present, I told myself, to test out my cock’s new powers. “Hey, Evan,” I said. “It’s T.”

“Hey, T. What’s up?”

“I was wondering if you have any more movies you’d like me to shoot.”

“Doesn’t work that way, man.”

“What do you mean?”

“You got talent, man. I’ll give you that, but you don’t tell them when you’re ready to fuck. They tell you when they got a scene they want you to shoot.”


“It’s a case of don’t call us, we’ll call you.”

“But ... but what about the scene you had me shoot?”

“I needed that scene for my last movie. It was either going to be you or someone else, but don’t get me wrong. You did great.”


“Sorry man. I just don’t have anything for you right now.”

“That’s okay,” I told him. It wasn’t okay, but what was I going to say. “Keep me in mind for your next film,” I said.

“Sure thing, man,” and with that the line went dead.

It wasn’t okay. I’d been looking forward to fucking some hot, little pussy and having her fall in love with my cock. My dick knew what I wanted and that meant it was semi-hard and unfortunately, that meant I was already semi-dumb.

I needed to find a pussy to fuck.

As luck would have it, the pussy found me.

Her name was Allison and as luck would have it, she was the same girl I’d seen in the grocery store, the same one whose looks had turned my cock on. Turns out she and her mother lived in the same apartment complex where I did and as luck would have it, she was heading out to the pool.

“Hi,” I said. Hardly my most witty conversation starter but then my dick was hard and with it, my brainpower was reduced.

“Hi,” she said. I could sense confusion at why the hell I was talking to her and just a little annoyance as well. “Do I know you?”

“Sort of,” I said. Damn, my cock was aching for attention. “You work at the grocery store where I shop.”

The girl nodded. “Okay?”

“I was wondering if I could ask you something.”

“What is it?”

“I was wondering if we could fuck?” It was hardly my most stellar pick-up line but it was the best I could come up with.

“W-what’d you say?”

Oh shit. I knew I’d fucked up and yet I just couldn’t help repeating myself. “I was wondering if we could fuck.”

By all rights, she should have told me to fuck off, but she didn’t. She was just staring at me. “That’s awful forward of you,” she finally said.

It was, and yet I couldn’t help myself and then I just went and compounded the error. “I could give you a fucking you’d never forget.”

She was smirking now. “You’re awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you.”

I nodded.

“I guess you’re in luck then, because it just so happens I like guys who are sure of themselves. What I don’t like is guys who can’t deliver. Do you think you can deliver?”

I nodded even as I stepped closer to her.

She backed up a step. “Hey, what are you doing?”

I took another step forward. “Why don’t you see for yourself,” I said.

She looked confused until I looked at her hand and then I looked down at my body. “What? Here?”

“Well not exactly here,” I told her, “but enough of a feel to see if I have the goods.

She was looking at me as if she thought I was crazy and then she started to smile. “Okay,” she said. “You’re on.”

I stepped forward again and this time, her hand surreptitiously swept up along the front of my pants. “Holy shit,” she cried out in a hushed whisper, “is that really all you?”

“That’s all me. You want to see more?”

She was having a hard time taking her hand back. “Um yeah,” she said finally.

“Where do you want to go?” I asked. “Your place or mine?”

“How about yours,” she said. “We wouldn’t want my mom walking in on us, would we?”

“No,” I agreed. “That would be bad.”

And that was how we found our way back to my place and into my bedroom and into my bed.

I think she still thought I was full of crap even when I got her back there. I think she knew she was hot and I think she figured she just didn’t care. As far as she was concerned, she was out of my league but that was okay because she wanted to fuck.

Of course, all that changed when she got a look at my porn star cock. “Holy shit,” she exclaimed. “You’re fucking huge.”

“Really,” I said as if I didn’t actually know. “You think so?”

“Hell yeah,” she said enthusiastically. I knew she was impressed. “I’ve never seen a cock that big before.”

“I suppose that means you’ve never felt a cock like this in your pussy, either, then?”

She shook her head.

“I suppose there’s no time like the present then.”

She shook her head. “No time like the present,” she agreed.

I slid in between her legs and then I wedged my cock up against her pussy.

She was wet but I wasn’t waiting to feel anything more than that because in the next instant, I was sliding my cock up between her legs.

Her eyes actually popped when I did that. “Oh fuck,” she moaned. “Oh fuck.”

“What’s the matter?” I asked. “Is something wrong?”

“N-n-no,” she moaned and then I felt her pussy wrap itself hard around my cock. “N-n-nothing’s wrong.”

“Are you sure, because I could stop if it wasn’t right.”

“No! Don’t stop. Your cock is the best in the world.”

All you had to do was hear her to know she meant every word of it. Right then and there, she knew my cock was the best in the world and there wasn’t a hint of doubt in her mind. “I’m going to cum,” I told her.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned. “I want you to. I want you to do it. I want you to cum inside me.”

It didn’t matter what she wanted. I knew I was going to do it and when I did, I could feel her pussy cum hard as she tightened herself around my member.

She wasn’t the only one. It seemed as if every girl I fucked learned to love my cock and it was as if my cum was enough to addict them to my cock. I was developing a group of women who lived to fuck my cock and would do anything to get it.

The problem was that in spite of this growing horde of women in love with my cock, the one woman I did want wasn’t one of those enamored with my cock and as it turned out, she wasn’t likely to ever be one of those women.

Her name was Jasmine Tabor, and she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever met. She also liked girls. In fact, she liked them a lot. In fact, I would have had a better chance at getting close to her if I’d had a pussy instead of a cock. I didn’t know that when I first started chasing her, but even when I did know it, I couldn’t keep myself from pursuing her. I just couldn’t help myself, and in so doing, I led myself to my own demise.

I’d already decided I was going to use my last wish to get Jasmine and I thought I’d come up with a particularly clever way of doing it. Too clever, it turned out, but I’d find that out only later.

I stood there with the last bottle in my hand and then I downed the stuff. I barely noticed the vileness of its taste. That’s how intent I was. I downed the contents and I made the wish. I wished that Jasmine would fall in love with the first porn star cock she saw.

Why not just wish she’d fall in love with me? I don’t know. I guess it seemed like that would be against the rules, but considering that she was unlikely to be seeing any porn star cock, I figured the bet was safe enough as long as mine was the first one she saw.

I had this idea. I’d talk up how hot the women were on the set and then I’d invite her to come see for herself. She could watch me work and she could see for herself. It seemed perfect to me. All I had to do was get a job on a film.

Again, it was my buddy Evan who came through for me big time. He had a scene open and he wanted to know if I wanted it. I said sure ad I asked if I could bring a friend. He seemed to tense. What kind of friend, he wanted to know. A lady friend, I told him, and he seemed to ease up. Sure, he told me. Bring your friend. The more the merrier.

And that was how Jasmine and me ended up on the set. I introduced her to Evan, using his de Mille moniker, of course, to protect his anonymity and he told her he was pleased to meet her. “Did she like pornos?” he asked.

I tensed but Jasmine handled it well without saying anything at all.

The weird thing is an hour into the shoot and there I was and nothing’s happening. I mean sure, there’s some guy doing something with some lights, but other than that, no one’s doing nothing. The camera guys were outside doing nothing. My co-star was off in a corner reading a fashion magazine and as far as I could tell, Evan was nowhere to be found.

As quiet as things had gotten, even my porn star dick had given up on anything happening any time soon and with my dick no longer ruling the roost, I began to think again.

What the hell was going on here and now that I thought about it, I realized Jasmine wasn’t around either. Where the heck had she gone, I wondered.

I started to look around. Something was wrong. I just had to figure out what it was.

The location for our shoot was a big house. Some of it was off limits and I’d searched most of it without success when I thought I heard something from the part of the house that was off limits. Curious, I moved in to investigate.

It was a dining room. More of a dining hall, actually, and there in the hall, I found Evan and Jasmine. Jasmine was bent over a table while Evan was fucking an obviously enthusiastic Jasmine from behind with a cock that was every bit as big as mine.

“Oh yeah,” Jasmine moaned. “Fuck me, Mr. de Mille. Fuck me.”

And Evan slapped Jasmine’s ass. “You like that, don’t you? You like it when I use your body.”

“I love it,” Jasmine moaned. “I love it. I love your cock. I want you to use my body for your pleasure.”

I know I should have rushed in but just seeing Jasmine like that made my dick hard and with my now hardened dick, I seemed incapable of doing anything more than just standing there and watching my would-be girlfriend get herself fucked.

“I always thought it was a shame when you said you were only into girls,” Evan was telling her.

“I didn’t know what I was missing,” Jasmine said. “I still like girls, but I’d always be willing to make an exception for your cock.”

“What about your boyfriend?”

“My boyfriend?”

“What about T?”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Jasmine said. “He’s just some guy I know but he doesn’t have a real cock like you do. I could never like him like I like you.”

“That’s good to hear,” Evan said.

I’m not even sure when I’d gotten my cock out but there i was stroking myself even as I watched Jasmine get herself fucked.

“Let me ask you a question,” Evan asked.

“Sure. Anything.”

“I’ll bet you’re not on the pill, are you?”

Jasmine shook her head.

“But you will be the next time we fuck, won’t you?”

Jasmine nodded vigorously. It was obvious that as far as she was concerned, there was definitely going to be a next time.

“I’m going to cum,” the man told her.

“Oh yeah,” Jasmine moaned. “I want you to do it. I want you to cum.”

“But I can’t come in your pussy,” the man said. “At least not yet.”

“Not yet,” Jasmine agreed.

“So where do you want to get it? Do you want it on your face ... or on your tits?”

Jasmine couldn’t help but moan as the man continued to fuck her and I couldn’t help but continue to pull on my cock.

“You didn’t answer my question.”


“Your what?”

As long as she didn’t answer the question, I knew I still had a chance.

“My face,” she said.

I groaned. I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to cum on her face.

Evan pulled out of her. “All right,” he told her as he stroked his cock. “You know what to do.”

Jasmine knelt in front of him and with her next words, she told me that I’d lost it all, that as much as I might have from other women, that I would never have her. She wanted Evan to cum. She wanted him to cum on her face and with her next words, she told him exactly that.

I groaned as she said them and even as Evan started to cum, I was cumming, too.

“Alright, Mr. De Mille, I’m ready for my close up.”