The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Taken For A Spin: The Journalist

I meant to write this as a single small chapter to introduce a new character in my main Taken For A Spin story, but I accidentally wrote an independent 7,000-word story. I hope you enjoy it. This one was fun.

“Good Morning, Diana,” Aaron Lee half-heartedly spoke. “What’s so important that the director called us at 4:00 AM on a Monday?”

Diana looked up from her notes and shot Aaron an excited smile. “We got a very interesting tip last night,” the bubbly Latina chirped while anxiously tapping her pen. “About a dozen young women came into the main office last night. They dropped off a fancy exercise bike and made several claims about how their former employer used it to brainwash them.”

Aaron sat down across from Diana. The chair squeaked loudly and echoed in the old office-converted warehouse. “So they were crackheads like usual?”

“Not this time…” said Diana, “These girls were terrified but quite coherent and intelligent. I’m talking PHDs, and engineers, not our typical crackheads and Karen’s. They claimed their boss used that bike behind me to brainwash them, but one of their coworkers figured out how to reverse the effect.”

Aaron walked over to the bike in question as he pondered Diana’s words. “This bike is really nice!” Aaron remarked as his fingers traced along the exercise bike’s frame. “This thing is made out of titanium and carbon fiber. I can’t even imagine how much this uh M-C-1000 costs… But can it mind control people? I’m thinking we have another failed cult on our hands.”

Aaron & Diana had seen many unusual things in their five years working at UPN. More or less, they did undercover and high-risk investigative journalism. They would sell their stories to the highest-bidding national or international news networks whenever they uncovered something good. At five years on the job, they were still working their way up the ladder to better locations. However, they still found interesting stories occasionally in the North Carolina and Virginia areas.

Diana stood up and straightened her black pencil skirt before approaching Aaron. “Yeah, I think so too… and I hope that’s all it is,” Diana replied while looking at the bike. “Some of the other branches have found irrefutable proof of mind control experiments and the like in the past, but those stories never sell. Nobody wants to touch them. A good cult story might buy me a new car!”

Aaron just smiled and nodded in agreement. as Diana continued speaking. “Anyway, I’ve been up half the night researching the bike and the girl’s stories. I haven’t really read through anything, but it’s all printed there on the desk.” Diana pointed to the desk and then twirled around and began walking away. “I’m going to the break room for a nap. Wake me up in a couple of hours!”

He acknowledged her request and surreptitiously watched the petite Latina’s pert behind sway as she walked across the warehouse. “It’s too bad we’re coworkers,” Aaron thought to himself and shrugged, “not that she’d date me anyway.”

For the next few hours, Aaron reviewed the information Diana had gathered. She had found some interesting info, and Aaron could feel his initial reluctance to believe the bike was a brainwashing fading. The girl’s backgrounds and statements didn’t align with typical cult behavior. Diana had also found some snapshots of an old webpage for a company named MKU Electronics. Nothing was incriminating on the website, but the design was oddly familiar to a website run by an experimental subliminal advertising company several years back. That company was the focus of another story that none of the news sources would purchase.

“Nothing else to do but hit the street, I guess,” Aaron mumbled as he headed to the break room to wake Diana up.

He opened the door and found her already awake and pouring herself a coffee. “Great job on the research, “he praised his partner. She was a master researcher, and he wanted her always to know that. “I’m heading out to check out the bank that had a similar bike stolen and Triple D Engineering, where the girls came from. Oh, and please reach out to Regan at the DC office and see if they found anything similar to this bike when they hacked that subliminal advertising company.”

“Yes sir!” the petite girl sarcastically replied as she jokingly saluted.

“You better be careful! I might use the magic mind control bike to make you say ‘yes sir’ like you mean it.” He said with a smirk.

“Ha! In your dreams,” she joked back. “We both know that bike isn’t going to do anything! Oh, and I have a doctor’s appointment in a couple of hours. I’ll have Regan call you if she finds anything.”

One good thing Aaron had going for himself, at least in terms of the investigative journalism industry, was his exceptional averageness. At 5′–9″ with brown hair, brown eyes, and a medium build, he looked like a real-world reproduction of a default character in a video game. Aaron’s looks didn’t help him with women, but it didn’t dissuade them from settling for him either. In a word, most of his exes would call him forgettable. Luckily, in his field, that was a boon.

Disguises were a mainstay of Aaron’s investigative strategy. For larger workplaces like banks, his favorite strategy was to dress up as a repairman. It’s rare that anyone will question a man with a tool belt or a ladder in the workplace.

As expected, no one batted an eye as Aaron walked through the bank and took the private elevator to the administrative offices’ floor carrying a small ladder.

The first thing Aaron noticed upon exiting the elevator was that almost every employee was an attractive woman. The second thing he noticed was that they were all blondes. “Interesting,” he mumbled under his breath, “I guess the boss has a type….” The secretary in front of what looked to be the largest office was especially gorgeous.

“Are you here to fix the Air conditioner?” The blonde secretary asked joyfully. “Mast… Mister Michael’s office gets a little too warm sometimes!”

While eyeing her name tag and briefly admiring her impressive bust, he replied, “Yes, Christine, I just need to get in there and check the ducts. I’ve encountered a few areas where they’ve collapsed and cut off flow in this building. Is now a good time?”

The long-legged blonde hopped from her seat and chirped, “Now is the perfect time! He just left for lunch. Let me unlock the door for you.”

The office was furnished in peak 1980s executive style with hideous green quilted vinyl furniture and wood-paneled cabinets and walls all around. The office was immaculate, though. Not a single paper was out. Instead, everything appeared locked and filed somewhere in the wall of filing cabinets and drawers. Aaron crossed his fingers that Christine would leave him alone in the swanky old office. He knew he could easily break into the low-security 1980s locks in the office if he didn’t have an audience.

Luckily, Christine left him alone after a few moments of chit-chat while he set up his ladder and began “inspecting” the first vent he spotted. Aaron wasted no time getting out his lockpicking kit.

The cabinets were decently labeled. “Taxes, employee records, alphabetical accounts, expense reports…” Aaron read aloud while walking along the row of cabinets, “Ah! Here we go, miscellaneous.”

With the dexterity of a seasoned thief, Aaron rapidly disengaged the filing cabinet’s locking pin with a rake pick. Aaron found dozens of instruction manuals for appliances, software, and other non-relevant files.

Unperturbed, he unlocked the employee files on a whim. He flipped through to Christine’s file first. To his delight and surprise, there was a printed photo of her in the file. The picture showed Christine in workout attire, riding a bike identical to the MC1000. What really caught Aaron’s eye was her almost orgasmic expression, with her eyes glazed over and back arched. On the back of the photo was a date and note that said “Macro 1A, AQI 124%.”

Aaron found similar photos and scribblings for nearly every other female in the office. The only immediately useful info was that the majority of the female employees had their pictures taken in the same month.

“I’m running out of time here,” Aaron anxiously mused. “I don’t know whether I should check the desk drawers or the expense files for last May. I only have time for one.”

Since Aaron knew he could break into the files quickly and easily, so he opened the expense files. With some frantic sifting, he found a thick file folder with an invoice for $265,000 from MKU.

Time to go!” Aaron quietly exclaimed as he stuffed the file folder into his tool bag. He hurriedly relocked the cabinets and grabbed his ladder just as Christina stepped back into the office.

“Did you get it fixed?!” She asked with an infectious smile.

“It should work a bit better now, at least. The duct was partially clogged.” He lied while lugging his equipment out the door while she held it open. “I’ll be back with my crew to inspect and fix the rest by the end of the week.”

With pleasantries exchanged, he retraced his steps back to his van, keeping his head low to avoid identification from security cameras.

Aaron’s heart was still pumping hard from the excess adrenaline as he made his way to his next stop, Triple D Engineering. Driving past the building, he remarked, “Nope! not worth it!” As the half dozen security cameras came into view in the empty parking lot. “Looks like they are shut down anyway… Not surprising since all of the employees think they were brainwashed.”

Instead, Aaron navigated back to his and Diana’s secret office. To review the files he had pilfered from the bank. “No one spends $265k on a single bike… unless they are using it for money laundering somehow.” He mused frustratedly. “Laundering doesn’t explain any of the other evidence, though!“

Just then, he came across the answer. Hidden amongst the invoices, police theft report, and other files was a small booklet titled “MC1000 quick reference manual.”

On the first page was a prominent warning to the user that the contents of the quick reference manual are meant to be used only by a user who has read the complete user manual and especially understands the section on conflicting commands.

A sharp but manageable headache had formed behind Aaron’s eyes after reading the pocket guide for two hours. It was not unlike trying to read the tiny New Testament bibles that used to be passed out to school children in the South every year (yes, that used to be a thing up until the early 2000s). Nevertheless, Aaron decided he had a decent understanding of the supposed functions and operation of the mind-control bike.

After plugging in the bike, he located the additional programming section and entered the passcode on the note haphazardly taped to the seat.

Inside the additional programming menu, he found all the options he expected after reading the pocket guide.

-Activate/Deactivate Arousal and Mind Control Mode (AMCM) [Deactivated]

-AMCM active duration [8 hours]

-Programming Mode: [Manual]

-Experimental Intensity Toggle: [unavailable without admin key]

-Automatic memory adjustment: [ON]

-Trigger phrase for permanent changes [You belong to me]

-Duration of programming [24 hours]

-Arousal and Mind Control Deprogramming Mode [ON]

“Well, if this thing somehow works, this explains how all those girls got deprogrammed.” Aaron clicked the radio button and toggled the deprogramming mode off. The bike beeped, and a message popped up.

“Are you sure? The deprogramming mode cannot be reenabled without an admin card installed.”

After clicking the box for affirmative, he toggled the AMCM to ON and, just for fun, edited the permanent changes phrase to be “give yourself to me,” and then he closed the menu.

Out of curiosity, he placed his hand on the supple silicon seat and used one leg to force down a pedal quickly.

“Fuuuuck!” He yelled in pain as a massive shock and vibration ran through his arm and up his neck, forcing his hand to clench tightly to the seat. The shock rapidly subsided as the bike wheel came to a halt. Aaron tumbled to the ground when his hand finally released.

“Jesus Christ!” He exclaimed while rubbing his throbbing hand. “Does this thing brainwash people by traumatizing them?” Quickly getting up, he foolishly kicked the bike in anger, adding to the pain since it was made of titanium.

While he was angrily walking off the pain, Diana walked through the doorway. Her footfalls echoed loudly in the brightly lit warehouse. “What did you do this time!” Diana exclaimed with amusement. “You know what, don’t answer that. I’d rather hear how your investigation went!”

Aaron immediately composed himself after being startled by Diana’s sudden appearance. Her offhand comment about not caring about what caused his pain was not a surprise. While Diana had a lot going for her in the looks, brains, and outwardly bubbly attitude departments, she was also quite shallow and self-centered once someone really got to know her. Aaron knew he wasn’t much better, though. It was imperative that they remain anonymous as investigative reporters. Keeping relationships while they lied about their work and often inexplicable working hours was impossible in the long term. It takes a self-centered introvert to work that kind of job. Diana was also wholly against fraternizing with coworkers, and she was not attracted to Aaron anyway. He, on the other hand, found everything but her inner personality quite alluring.

“I didn’t find much that’s directly useful.” He lied as she met him at the bike. “Triple D is closed down, and they have too many cameras. I did find an invoice at the bank to MKU Electronics for a whopping $265k. Guess what the only line item was.”

“There’s no way! Just the bike?!”

“Yep!” He said and paused to formulate another lie. “I’ve got it set up and tried it briefly. It doesn’t work. My guess is if it works at all, it needs a special key in that slot on the side of the screen. We don’t have it.”

“That’s a shame,” she spoke sarcastically. “We really could have improved our office culture if I had walked in on you being brainwashed!”

“Hey now! I have carefully crafted half of this office’s culture, and I’m very pleased with that half,” He joked back. At least we have an in-office gym now. It’s a damn nice stationary bike. I’m definitely going to use it some.”

Diana just laughed and then said, “I won’t tell the main office we still have it if you don’t! Let me give this overpriced deranged cultist’s bike a try.”

Aaron suppressed a smirk as Diana climbed up onto the bike. Worst case scenario, he figured he could laugh when it shocked the hell out of her. In the best-case scenario, HE could make some changes to the workplace culture.

With bated breath, he watched as she positioned herself on the exercise bike. She struggled momentarily to get comfortable as something about the seat felt odd to her. Finally, she gave the pedals a slight pump but immediately stopped as she let out a cute squeak. After shaking her head at the strange feeling, she adjusted her sitting position, which gave the bike seat better contact with her erogenous zones. This time, she pedaled hard immediately. In a split second, all her thoughts were overridden with pure ecstasy.

She let out a desperate moan of pleasure as her eyes locked onto the spirals on the bike’s display. The unholy combination of vibrations, electrical shocks, pressure, and subliminal messages completely overwhelmed her mind, preparing her to be programmed. With stupefied awe, Aaron watched her gradually succumb to the bike’s special features.

Suddenly, the office phone’s ring cut through the whirring of the bike and Diana’s moans of pleasure. Startled, Aaron studied Diana’s face to ensure the interruption didn’t cause her to snap out of her trance. With a sigh of relief, he turned away from the blissed-out girl to answer the phone.

The caller ID showed the number for the Washington, DC, office he had asked Diana to contact. “Hey Regan, this is Aaron.” He answered the phone.

“Hey Aaron… Look, I’ll keep this short and sweet,” Regan spoke tersely. “Yes, MKU is the new name of the company we did the subliminal advertising story on. Their name pays homage to the MK Ultra experiments, which they provided most of the tech, equipment, and drugs for. They are probably the most dangerous civilian business you can come across—the fact you are alive means that the trackers in that bike have been disabled. Regardless, DO NOT sell this story. MKU is probably the only company I wouldn’t risk fucking with.”

“Oh, I see,” Aaron replied, a little shaken, “What should we do with the bike?”

“Whatever you do, do not use it!” She replied, “I know it seems far-fetched, but it almost certainly works. If I were you, I’d dump it in a river under the cover of night and never ever speak of it again.”

Aaron acknowledged her advice and ended the call just as Diana started getting very loud on the bike. As he turned to look at the petite Latina, she suddenly arched her back and screamed in pleasure. Shortly thereafter, the bike’s screen flashed rapidly and reflected against her watering, glazed-over eyes. Diana’s pedaling slowed, and her moans subsided. The only sounds were the quiet whirr of the pedals and Diana’s slowing breaths.

With reserved excitement, Aaron walked his way over to Diana. He waved his hand in front of her face. Diana’s blank expression and glassy gaze remained unfaltering. He gently caressed her soft cheeks with no response either. Getting a bit braver, he snaked his hand beneath her bra and felt her ample tits. Her nipples seemed painfully hard due to the intense arousal the bike forced on her.

Aaron had never considered himself lacking in morals before this moment, but seeing… and feeling his hot coworker on the proverbial platter was more enticing than he could ever have imagined. Not to mention, his arousal was beginning to cloud his judgment as well significantly. “They say power corrupts,” He mumbled, “but in my case, I think opportunity uncovers….” He’d always been a thief, but he never expected he could steal someone’s mind.

Glancing at the bike’s screen, Aaron read:

“Subject acquisition complete! AQ intensity rating 153%. Subject ready to accept commands. State the subject’s designation to continue...” flashing on the green-tinted screen.

The pocket manual taught Aaron that the AQI measured how effective commands would be after programming and how strong the arousal and submission side effects would be. A 100% minimum was required, and 200% was the maximum possible without an admin card. Without the full user manual, he didn’t know exactly how much more effective the extra 53% would be.

With slight paranoia, Aaron made a quick visual scan through the warehouse. He felt like disapproving stares were boring into him. In the years he had worked at the warehouse, nobody had ever walked except him and Diana. So he knew it was all in his head.

He turned back to the blank canvas in front of him. “Well, pretty girl, I don’t think I can resist trying this on you.” He said to the tranced-out girl. “If our roles were reversed, you’d probably do the same too… Diana, can you hear me?”

Diana’s name triggered the auditory processing block in her mind to release. The bike’s preliminary subliminal programming went into effect and prepared her for manual programming. “Yes, Master, I await your commands,” she moaned monotonously.

An electric shock of pleasure and adrenaline coursed through Aaron’s body. He was turned on before, but after hearing Diana call him master, he was painfully hard and absolutely certain the bike worked. “Yes, I am your master, “ he spoke firmly and confidently, “but I’m also your boss now. You will call me sir unless I tell you otherwise.”

She didn’t outwardly acknowledge the command, but Aaron expected that after reading the pocket guide.

“Strip naked for me, then get back on the bike,” he commanded.

The rustling of clothes immediately followed his command. Diana started by removing her top and showing her beautiful tanned skin and lacy bra. While she began working on undoing her bra strap, Aaron started stripping off his clothes as well. It just felt right to him, plus his pants were feeling incredibly tight.

By the time Aaron had stripped naked with his dick standing up proudly in anticipation, Diana had just removed her bra. Aaron stroked his dick and smirked approvingly as her large but perky tits bounced with each pump of her legs on the bike. Her nipples were hard and seemingly begging to be touched. Before he could reach out and feel them, she stopped pedaling and lifted herself off the bike.

Almost instantly, awareness flooded back into her eyes. Aaron saw this, and a tinge of fear immediately went down his spine. He expected she would stay in a trance while performing this quick command.

Instantly, Diana became aware of the wetness and pulsating need between her legs. She had never felt that horny before. It wasn’t all-consuming, but it was damn close. She consciously tried to move her hands to her wet pussy to masturbate, but her hands had other plans. As she grasped the waistband of her skirt and panties, she noticed Aaron’s nudity and erection for the first time.

“What the hell, sir,” She exclaimed while bending over and stepping out of her bottoms. “Why are you naked, and why is your… your cock so hard?”

Diana feigned anger, but the aphrodisiac and submission effects of the bike weren’t going to let an opportunity with her boss’ hard cock go unused. Unfortunately, her command to get back on the bike overrode her intense need.

Aaron was initially concerned, but that worry faded as he saw her climbing back onto the bike with her face flushed pink with clear desire. “That’s right, get back on the bike!” He said tauntingly, “Pedal as hard as you can! Make yourself mine!” The power he felt over Diana was quickly becoming intoxicating. He had never felt this kind of absolute control before. He stared hungrily at her bouncing tits, round ass, and dripping cunt.

The added electrical connection between her sopping wet pussy directly to the seat, and the short time after her previous cycle, vastly intensified the effectiveness of the bike’s brainwashing features. Diana pedaled harder than Aaron thought was humanly possible as she silently endured sexual pleasure greater than normal humans ever experience.

After mere seconds, the acquisition process was completed. “Yes, Yes, Yessssssss!!!” She broke her silence with a screaming orgasm as the bike’s screen flashed into her vacant eyes once more. The bike screen listed out an extremely high AQI of 176%

Aaron rubbed his cock slowly as he tried to plan his commands out. He couldn’t think of a single convincing reason why he shouldn’t make Diana his perfect plaything. He had lusted after her in the past but was smart enough never to make a move. She wouldn’t have been interested, and it would have crippled their working relationship. Frankly, he couldn’t do his job without her brainpower helping. But things were different now. He knew he could have his cake, have it prepared just for his liking, and eat it, too.

Neither of them had close ties to other people or even family. Contact between other offices was even extremely limited. Secrecy was paramount in their field and organization. No one would notice if he improved upon his sexy Mexican coworker. Only his morals could slow him down, but they were but fleeting shadows under the haze of lust and power he felt.

“When I give you a command while you are on the bike, you will repeat it back to me,” He spoke hoarsely. He desperately wanted to hear her fall under his power.”

“When you give me a command while I’m on the bike, I will repeat it back to you,” she robotically responded.”

Satisfied, he began dumping every command he could think of into his coworker’s malleable mind.

“Even though you officially have the same work title as me, you know you are and will always be my personal assistant.”

“I am your personal assistant, and I always will be.”

“You want to be the best personal assistant possible for me.”

“I want to be the best personal assistant possible for you.”

”You will assist me with ANYTHING I want.”

“I will assist you with anything you want.”

“You love me completely and unwaveringly.”

“I love you completely and unwaveringly.”

“Your lust and attraction for me are immeasurably strong.”

“My lust and attraction for you are immeasurably strong.”

“Your only purpose in life is to serve me, please me, and pleasure me.”

“My only purpose is to serve you… please you… pleasure you.”

Aaron had read in the pocket guide that he could also alter specific body processes. Anything that the brain could subconsciously control could be changed, like saliva production, breathing rate, and adrenaline, as the example mentioned.

“Your pussy will always be wet and ready for my dick.”

“My pussy will always be wet and ready for your dick.”

“Whenever I give you a sexually related task, your pussy will become as wet as possible for the task’s duration.”

“My pussy will get as wet as possible whenever you give me a sexual task.”

“Your entire body is five times more erotically sensitive to my touch.”

“My entire body is five times more erotically sensitive to your touch.”

“Your mouth is as sensitive to my touch as your pussy.”

“My mouth is as sensitive to your touch as my pussy.”

“You will often forget you are an independent being. Your drive to serve me is so intense you will sometimes see yourself as an extension of my will, a part of me that I fully control.”

“I will often forget I am an independent being. My drive to serve you is so intense I will see myself as an extension of your will, a part of you that you fully control.”

“Obeying and pleasing me makes you very happy.”

“Obeying and pleasing you makes me very happy.”

“You are incapable of feeling negative emotions towards me.”

“I am incapable of feeling negative emotions towards you.”

“You will do your best to protect me and our new relationship.”

“ I will do my best to protect you and our new relationship.”

“You will immediately get back on this bike anytime I tell you to.”

“I will immediately get back on this bike anytime you tell me to.”

“You will always tell me the truth.”

“I will always tell you the truth.”

“You will trust me completely. I know what’s best for you.”

“I will trust you completely. You know what’s best for me.”

Aaron was at the precipice of orgasming on his own. This situation was hotter than anything he’d ever imagined. He let go of his throbbing cock and groaned frustratedly. He wanted to save his orgasm for his new toy. That reminded him to give her one last important command before waking her.

“You love everything about my cum.”

“I love everything about your cum.”

He took one last look at the sexy Latina’s blank eyes and knew he’d have her on this bike again just to see that stare. “Diana, get off the bike now,” he said with anticipation.

As Diana lifted herself off the drenched bike seat, she instantly regained awareness of her situation. Immediately, her mind screamed at her, “Everything is as it should be; you had a normal bike ride!” She accepted this immediately. Quickly, the thought was replaced with pure, unbridled, debilitating sexual need as the temporary aphrodisiac effect of the bike stacked with the permanent arousal side effects of the bike. Her legs were jello. As soon as she completed her command to get off the bike, she collapsed onto the cold concrete floor and spread her legs wide.

Aaron smiled. Either the bike had wholly destroyed her mind, or the aphrodisiac effect he read about utterly overwhelmed it. “Diana, are you ok?” He asked.

“Mmmm yes…. Yes, sirrrr.” She slurred and moaned, “I’m just so horrrny.” She twitched slightly as she lay limply beside Aaron’s feet.

“Come on,” Aaron commanded, “follow me over to my desk where we have carpet.”

Diana replied with a yes, sir, but couldn’t find the strength to stand up. With Aaron moving away, she resigned to crawl the short distance. Aaron watched with pleasure as she crawled to him. She looked up at him almost worshipfully as she crawled. Her heavy but perky tits jiggled near the ground with each movement. All thoughts of Diana as an equal vanished from Aaron’s head; she would be his pet, his plaything, whatever he wanted her to be.

When she reached the carpet, her body fell limp again. The temporary aphrodisiac effect was quickly waning, so some bodily control was quickly returning. She managed to spread her legs with her knees up to give her boss, her master, a better view of her dripping pussy.

“Play with yourself while I get a good look at you.”

“Yes sir, mmmmm thank you, sir!”

Aaron knelt down beside his prize. She was sexier than he ever had fantasized. He roughly grabbed her tits, savoring the feel of pliant globes spilling out of his grasp. Diana just moaned and pressed her tits into his hands harder. She couldn’t believe it, but his hands on her tits felt just as good as her own fingers felt in her pussy. Just when she thought it couldn’t feel better, her master kissed her. Other than an orgasm, Diana had never felt such an intense pleasure as when Aaron made out with her. She couldn’t do anything but moan into his mouth and squirm beneath him.

She was just on the verge of orgasm when he stopped kissing her. He left her panting and shocked as he moved down to watch her frantically fingering her pussy. Since she was following a sexual command, the bike’s programming was working its magic and making her cunt as wet as her body could physically manage. Aaron moaned at the sight of her soaked thighs, hands, and the spreading damp spot on the carpet beneath her. Translucent juices were nearly streaming out of her neatly shaved pussy.

“Diana, just how horny are you for me?” he asked while caressing her wet thigh. “I’ve never seen anyone this wet in my life!”

“I-I’ve never f-felt like this before!” She exclaimed much more clearly as the temporary aphrodisiac effect mostly abated. “Every inch of my body is on fire! I can hardly control myself, sir! I-I can feel my p-pussy dripping for you! I want you so bad right now, sir; please touch me more!”

Aaron couldn’t wait any longer. He had to fuck this girl, or he was going to cum all over her hands-free at this rate. “You looked so fucking hot crawling to me,” he spoke deeply. “Get on your hands and knees so that I can fuck you from behind!”

“Oh god, yes!” She exclaimed and scrambled into the enticing pose. She wanted to please him badly, so she took extra care to arch her back excessively and wiggle her ass for her master. “I’m so horny for you, sir! Please use me to please yourself! Take what’s yours! Show me how much I belong to you!”

Aaron positioned himself behind the desperate girl’s pussy. A continuous stream of pussy juices fell out of her needy hole. He slipped his cock past the entrance. She was so well-lubed that there was almost no resistance as he completely filled her spasming cunt. She screamed in ecstasy as she experienced the strongest pleasure she could ever imagine. She orgasmed immediately, but it was overpowered by the feeling of millions of nerve endings in her cunt, firing with 5x the strength as usual around Aaron’s cock. Her arms went limp, causing her to scream her pleasure into the carpet. The revised position gave Aaron even more stimulation as he fucked her unprotected pussy even more deeply.

Diana’s mind pretty much shut down as he fucked her incredibly sensitive pussy. She couldn’t process the difference between Aaron’s thrusts and her orgasms. She only remained conscious enough to ensure her body was positioned in the way that made her boss moan the most. She desperately wanted to please him.

After a few minutes of fucking the perfect pussy before him, Aaron knew he couldn’t last much longer. The instinct to breed the sexy Latina was strong, but he resisted and pulled out. Diana made an adorable whimper as the intense pleasure subsided, even though she craved more.

Aaron stood up and held his soaked cock out toward his new toy. “Kneel and suck!” He ordered tersely while panting from exertion.

“Yessss, sir!” She moaned while scrambling to a kneeling position.

She usually wouldn’t have even considered sucking a cock covered in her juices; however, even if she wanted to disobey the command, she couldn’t. The order to often think of herself as an extension of Aaron’s will was currently working its magic. It was a strange feeling for Diana. She still knew she was a living body, but she didn’t have a complete sense of self. Her sense of self would return, but temporarily, it was buried beneath Aaron’s. She was as much a part of him as his own arm. An arm doesn’t question its owner’s wishes; it just immediately responds as commanded. She could still feel and react to her own pleasure and needs, but not on a conscious level.

So, she instantly engulfed her master’s cock. Her subconscious didn’t like the taste of her cunt juices, but that input was buried beneath the staggering sexual sensitivity of her mouth. It didn’t matter for long anyway, as she got her first taste of his precum. “I love everything about your cum,” echoed endlessly in her otherwise empty conscious mind. The strength of the command to love cum fought against her loss of self enough to break through. Diana’s only conscious thought was getting more cum and precum from Aaron.

She staved off the intense pleasure in her mouth that threatened to make her collapse onto the carpet. Instead, she moaned desperately onto her master’s cock as she gave him the sloppiest, most enthusiastic blowjob he could fathom. Her mind disabled her gag reflex so she could accomplish her goal faster.

This time, it was Aaron’s turn for his legs to turn to jello. He eased himself down onto the carpet as Diana hungrily followed and climbed between his legs without stopping.

“Good godddddd…. Y-you… fuuuuuck, I’m going to cum in your mouth!” Aaron attempted to speak through the intense sensations.

Diana began cumming in anticipation. Her low, throaty moans pushed Aaron far over the edge. Both of their eyes rolled deep into their heads as they experienced the most intense orgasms of their life. Diana savored and swallowed every drop of his load. When he finished cumming she desperately searched for any she missed. Aaron finally became too sensitive and made her stop.

“That was amazing!” Aaron panted out in a daze. “I-I know I should feel more guilty, but fuck! I’m never throwing this away.”

“I love everything about your cum!” Diana moaned monotonously while licking her lips.

Aaron recognized she was under the temporary identity removal command he gave her. It was just as hot as he had imagined, but he wanted to talk to Diana right now. “Diana, listen,” he began, “after we have sex, you can remember that you are a person. You’re a person that belongs to me, but still a person.” He wasn’t sure if that would work but assumed it would since he deliberately left the command impermanent.

As predicted, awareness returned to her blank visage. “Sorry!” She apologized jovially, “I lost myself a little there! That was better than I thought possible, sir! Why haven’t we done this before!”

“I didn’t think you’d be open to this kind of thing since we’re coworkers.” He replied.

She sat up on the carpet in front of him as her hand absentmindedly found its way back to her pussy. “Sir, I am mmmmmm… always completely open for you.” The slick sounds from her gently fingering her cunt made the connotation of her words abundantly clear.

A breath caught in Aaron’s throat at the sight of her clearly offering herself to him again already. He knew he didn’t deserve this, but he was damn sure going to make the most of it. “Are you still horny?” He asked, surprised.

“Oh my god, yessss! She exclaimed. “Until a few minutes ago, I had never even been half this horny! Y-you’re built like a Greek god, and you fuck like a god too! I’ve never felt anything like this. You have no idea how strongly I love you… lust for you…God, even my mouth….”

Aaron smirked. It was clear his programming worked well. He certainly wasn’t built like a Greek god. His body, like his sexual prowess was average at best. Her commands had altered her view of him, though.

He was curious if her arousal would ever calm down, though. The pocket guide mentioned that the higher the AQI, the higher the minimum and maximum arousal levels of a person would be. As a test, Aaron slapped her fairly hard on the cheek while she was still talking.

She yelped and ceased talking to caress her cheek but did not look angry. “How horny are you now?”

“I-I feel exactly the same,” she said timidly. “Normally, that would turn me off completely and piss me off, but I’m indifferent about it since it was you.”

It wasn’t a perfect test, but even without being able to feel negative emotions, he expected she would still drop in arousal. He was pretty confident this was her new minimum arousal level. “Explain to me how horny you feel right now,” he commanded her.

“Mmmmmm, sir, I don’t think I could explain in terms you’d understand, “she replied huskily as she fingered her pussy, “because I can’t even understand. Let me put it this way. The only thing that’s keeping me from desperately begging you to fill all of my mmmm empty, needy holes is my obligation as your personal assistant. To be the best personal assistant possible for you, I have to be coherent when you aren’t using me for your pleasure, sir.”

Something about knowing she was barely able to keep herself from falling entirely to her urges turned Aaron on. She couldn’t function without him, and that made him feel immensely powerful. Even with her servitude to him giving her the will needed to avoid losing her mind, she still couldn’t resist fingering herself. “Well, the good news for you is I intend to fuck you as often as I can manage.” He said with a smirk. “Another question… how submissive do you feel to me compared to before today?” Multiplication of submission tendencies was another side effect of the bike he was curious about.

“My submission to you varies from absolute to nearly absolute,” She replied happily. “When I was sucking your cock I lost myself completely and thought I was part of you. In that state, I would do anything you wanted because I am you… orrr at least a part of you. Right now, I would still do pretty much anything outside of genocide. I do still have my own thoughts and opinions, more or less, though, but I wouldn’t take much for you to change them, and that’s kind of hot!”

“If you could go back to how you were before today, would you?” He asked seriously.

“No! Absolutely not. I was meant to be your perfect personal assistant! She spoke adamantly. “I was so wrong and unhappy before I realized you are my master, not my equal!”

“Then give yourself to me.” He used her trigger word to make her changes permanent.

Diana felt a jolt of pleasure rack her body as a programmed orgasm distracted her mind long enough to override the 24hr programming time limit. “I-I give myself to you.” She said with complete certainty and joy. “I belong to you now.”

There was just one more thing Aaron wanted to do before he took his new belonging home. “Diana, you said you loved me a few moments ago. Do you love me enough to marry me?”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!!! A thousand times.” She Immedialelely exclaimed. “I will be a perfect wife for you!”

“Then get down on one knee and ask me slut!” He commanded with excitement. He’d always wanted to see the roles reversed with proposals.

Diana hurried to kneel on one knee beneath Aaron. “Sir, will you m…” she spoke with reverence before being interrupted.

“You can do better than that!” He said with mock disappointment. “I want to see how desperate you are to marry me. Don’t stop playing with your pussy. Hold my cock with your other hand, and call me master until I tell you otherwise!”

Diana nodded and smiled excitedly as her hands found their places on her clit and her master’s cock. “Mmmmm , Please master...“she begged between moans of pleasure. “Let me serve you...let me become your perfect submissive little wife...make me yours forever...p-please... p-pleeeease let me marry you!”

Impressed by her desperation, he told her he would let her marry him. He stopped her as she was about to jump up with glee, though. “Obviously, we can’t officially get married. It would raise too many questions with our job. But, if you’re a good girl and can come up with some good vows right now, I will unofficially marry you right now!”

She put her hand on her naked breast over her heart. “Master...I promise to serve you with everything I be your loving, obedient, horny please you in every way possible...” she begged desperately between ever-increasing moans. “You a-already own my mind and body… take my soul now! Please, let me be your bride.”

Aaron was flabbergasted. The bike was a gift beyond all belief. In an hour, Diana had gone from a sarcastic coworker to an obedient toy begging him to take her soul. He recognized the correlation between him and the devil, but it felt too right to care. He knelt to her level. “I hereby pronounce you my perfect wife. You may kiss me!” He spoke with true happiness.

Fireworks exploded in her mind with the contact of his lips on her hypersensitive mouth. She sealed the giving of her soul with a kiss and a wet orgasm. The next hours of her life were spent with very little conscious thought as her master used her blissed-out, malleable body and mind in every way he desired. Whenever she returned to awareness, she knew she’d already crave more.