The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Stray Cats: The Adventure Begins


Edith Knight strode confidently out of the boardroom; her personal assistant, Etain Rei, walked beside her and one step behind. Their heeled boots clicked in unison against the highly polished black granite floor in the corridor. Three men in dark suits fell in line behind. They were bodyguards—at least they were the ones the public got to see.

This was the headquarters of Con-Amalgamated, a powerful organization, and Edith Knight was in charge, but both were much more than they seemed. Etain Rei, for her part, was entirely not what she seemed: portraying the quiet professional aide, she was actually a highly skilled agent and assassin, and easily one of the most dangerous people on the planet.

Edith Knight turned a corner and walked through a set of double doors held open by a pair of women in simple business attire, and then through an automatic sliding door into a different world. Women in shining silver bodysuits streamed through this part of the complex. At the sight of the procession, they almost broke step, each drawing a breath in reverence at the woman who was the center of their universe.


Turning another corner, the group walked through another automatic door, guarded by another two women in booted white jumpsuits. As the doors closed, Knight and Rei walked to the big desk that dominated the room. Edith Knight sat down while her loyal servant took a place standing at the back wall.

Suddenly a figure in black dropped from the ceiling behind the three men, “Hello Ms. Knight,” Anna said.

“Well,” Knight said, making a subtle, halting gesture to Rei, who had stepped forward, but returned to her ready stance, “Erica, you look well.”

Anna moved forward as the men parted, hands undoubtedly resting on guns under their coats, waiting for a signal from their boss. “You look much better than last time we spoke, Edith,” Anna was eying the motionless Rei, sizing her up, seemingly ignoring the rest, “How’s the leg?”

“Much better,” Knight said, almost warmly, “Your last visit was, shall we say, eventful. However, the last time you were armed. Is it possible you forgot something?”

Anna smiled, “oh, as you well know, weapons are nothing but props when the government designs you to be a weapon,” she paused, taking a step forward, “besides, they’re so bulky, they spoil the outfit.” She moved her hips in her leather pants, black turtleneck and leather jacket, “and your men were so kind as to bring plenty of them should I need one.”

Edith Knight smiled a smile that, in other circumstances, would seem like a greeting to an old friend as the men sprang into action, drawing their guns and moving for position. In less than the blink of an eye and a blur of motion, a booted foot kicked out, knocking one of the guns spinning into the air. With a backflip, Anna was suddenly behind the men, flipping one to the ground and disarming him while kicking another in the stomach and punching him hard. The third fell dazed as another kick slammed into the side of his skull. Anna straightened, tucking one of the guns she held into her belt just in time to reach out and catch the first pistol as it fell.

“Your mistake was to send a man to do a woman’s job,.” Anna smiled, casually pointing the guns in her hands at Knight, who had seemed about to rise

“Oh, how I’ve missed you.” Edith Knight stood, her smile broadening as she clapped her hands together. “I know you’ve not come to kill me, or anything as droll, Erica, because you wouldn’t need the big entrance for that, so shall we dispense with the pleasantries?”

“You need a better protection detail, Edith,” Anna walked forward and put the guns on the desk.

“Oh I don’t know, Erica,” Knight turned to the woman at the wall, “I don’t know that you’ve met Etain. She is, shall we say, very gifted, trained in the ancient art of sinanju under Masters Chiun and Chang Chao-an, just like you .”

“I’m like you, only better,” Rei spoke, emotionlessly, looking at Anna with eyes that offered nothing at all, not cold or warm, just seeing.

“In that cheap, Asian knock-off kind of way,” Anna smiled a sideways smile, watching the reaction and seeing none—no emotion, no anger, nothing. It chilled Anna, knowing intimately the programming and conditioning involved and knowing that it would likely complicate things.

“Why the change of heart, Erica?” Knight stood, thoughtfully watching the unspoken exchange between the two assassins, “Oh, I’m sorry, you go by Anna now, don’t you?”

“Anna is my name, and I’m tired of being chased and shot at. I need a job to make a nest egg and disappear into a safe retirement.”

“Really wonderful that you would come to me ... Anna,” the smile returned, “It’s truly wonderful, and yes, I do indeed have an immediate use for you and, don’t worry, compensation will be more than your wildest dreams.”

* * *

Okay, so I’m inside, Anna thought, looking around the suite she’d been brought to, now what? The place was large, with a private bathroom, entertainment, and an intercom, but no apparent outside communications. She also found no detectable surveillance, but she knew, or at least strongly suspected, it to be there. She knew Renée would be here, somewhere, but she couldn’t sense her; in fact, for some reason, she couldn’t sense much of anything, except what felt like a thousand voices singing in praise to Goddess.

“Shit,” she said aloud, almost falling over when the full intensity of it hit her. It was inescapable, she was surrounded by so many minds, remade in devotion to one thing and one thing only, to serve and please Edith Knight.


I need to kill that twisted bitch and find Renee now, Anna thought. It was something to focus on to silence the overwhelming feelings of the place, the devotion, the awe, and something else: pleasure. The place was awash in the psychic energy of pleasure beyond the capacity of one mind to grasp. It was very hard not to fall into it and much harder to keep from wanting to.

Anna didn’t think Edith knew about her psychic abilities. She knew that Director Dale had figured it out, but, as competitive and paranoid as the Division had been, she doubted it had been shared. So it seemed that this probably wasn’t even an intentional measure, just the side-effect of having so many minds around her completely rewired to a single idea and a single purpose, and the extreme sexual bliss which was part of the conditioning.

To find Renée and take care of Edith, and most likely Etain Rei, before this place wore down her edge, that was the mission. The sound of a door behind her indicated that Ms. Knight had plans of her own. Anna turned to see four women enter. They were dressed identically with the Farrah hair and gleaming white jumpsuits, open at the neck to expose just the right, inviting amount of cleavage. On each collar point, above each obedient, firm breast was a large, embroidered silver star. Anna looked from figure to figure and blank gaze to blank gaze, under assault from the full-force of their identical minds before she realized that one of them was speaking to her.

“Goddess has commanded that you will accompany us to the orientation center to begin your service to our Goddess,” the pleasure soaked reverence of the words and the energy given off by all four at the speaking of that one word—Goddess—put Anna in an almost daze. Her mind spun with the words, and she was falling into the wonderful, green eyes, flecked with gold dust, of the speaker before the recognition came.

It was Renée.

Anna could feel it, the programmed total devotion, and while her mind came in contact with that of her lover, Renée didn’t seem to be there. She could feel the energy, the pleasure, everything, except she couldn’t sense anything of the person who used to be, and, in that moment, Anna Jones felt afraid. It was that fear which jolted her to alertness, almost in time.

“You will join us in the pleasure of serving our Goddess,” Renée-drone said, breathing the word “Goddess” like the sigh of an orgasm, and Anna saw, too late, the device that was pointed at her only a moment before the flash went off and the world went still. She could see, could feel—especially feeling the pleasure-energy experienced by the one who’d flashed her—and she could know that all of this meant danger, but she couldn’t think, not really, at least, and she couldn’t move. Her ability to think of taking an action had been completely turned off.

“You will follow us,” Renée’s accented words came to her and she complied, walking with them out of the room.

In the hallway outside, they fell among the silver-clad servants of Edith Knight—Goddess—and Anna’s mind, freed of the will which had previously been trying to keep the feelings at bay, fell into them. It felt amazing, her mind filled with that much pleasure, that much devotion, and all she needed to do was follow and obey.

Although her mind still told her that she was in terrible danger, the total lack of any will was like a warm blanket, keeping her from the burden of having to act against it. She followed, and felt wonderful. Turning at the opening of a sliding door, she followed the group into a large, long room lined at one side with computer equipment and at the other with what looked like examination tables for a gynecologist’s office—albeit a somewhat kinky one—surrounded by equipment she didn’t recognize. From the ceiling above each table hung a large glass cylinder and more equipment.

“Stop,” sounded a voice, and she did, of course, her mind recognizing the speaker, and feeling good, really good, obeying her. Four sets of hands began to disrobe her and she complied, lifting a leg or an arm when told, feeling the cold of air on her skin and the occasional brush of skin on skin as the four women touched her more personal areas.

She stood there, naked, waiting, or rather not even able to will herself to wait. She hadn’t been told to move, so she just stood. “You will get on the table now,” the lovely voice spoke to her, and she moved, without any thought to do so, lying back on the table with its split-leg rests and places for her arms at her sides. Unmoving, she felt warm breath on her breasts as Renée-drone bent to fasten the straps, securing her arms to the table, and then doing the same to her legs.

There was a sudden rising in the energy flowing around her. Anna could feel it coming closer as, nearer and nearer, voice after voice breathed the word Goddess at the sight of their one true purpose. As the doors slid open, the four women stiffened, their minds awash in the presence of Edith Knight, Goddess.

“Wonderful,” She said, walking to where Renée stood, trembling slightly, “I’m very pleased.” Renée emitted a blissful sigh at the praise, but remained still.

Something started to break loose in Anna’s mind at the sight of the woman and her ever-present protector. Her mind was suddenly thinking again and it was a moment before her thoughts caught up. She was thinking thoughts before even being consciously aware of it, but somehow, she still couldn’t conjure the will to carry them out.

Edith Knight turned, regarding Anna quietly as she approached. “Oh don’t look at me like I’m an evil psycho-bitch. Bitch, yes, sometimes,” she smiled at her own joke, “but evil is such a relative thing. I’m really your creation, if you look at it a certain way. You see, there are thirteen of us, spread all over the world, using the talents of what used to be the Division. That which used to be a contractor taking jobs the governments of the world couldn’t dirty themselves with—that which survived after you thinned the ranks—has become its own society, with each of us eyeing what each other has and each wanting it.”

Anna stared at her, not able to will herself to speak, only managing to form the thought of desire to recover her will.

“Quite amazing, isn’t it?” she held the device so Anna could see it,” one flash and a subject becomes docile and compliant. It will wear off of course, in another hour you’ll be almost back to normal, but I might add that, by then, you’ll be so deep in the processing that you’ll be beyond worrying about that.

She stood for a moment, sizing up Anna’s reaction. “The process is my own creation. While the Director favored her nanites, I prefer the direct approach. My programming process retains everything useful: knowledge, skills, abilities and ties it to unswerving loyalty and devotion to me ... to my happiness. It erases the things which might interfere with that loyalty; that is, it erases everything that could be called individuality ... personality. By tomorrow, you’ll stand next to your pretty pilot over there and not even register her presence, unless I command it. You have no idea how valuable an asset you are, and how happy it makes me that you’re now mine ... we’ll talk again later,” she turned Renée and her three companions—“See to her processing,"—and then turned, walking out the door with her bodyguard in tow.

The four enslaved women moved to their tasks without a word, two taking places at computer terminals with Renée, along with the other, attending the subject herself. Anna looked into the blank eyes of her lover, her mind sensing only the devotion to Goddess, and the pleasure of performing her task in a pleasing manner, and something else. She could sense that Renée indeed did recognize her, that she knew who Anna was, but it was only knowledge, which she was programmed to use as her owner commanded.

A shiny band with a clutch of wires connected was placed around Anna’s head and, suddenly, she couldn’t move. Her head was frozen facing straight upward. She felt the warm, purposeful touch as her legs were spread slightly apart, and something was inserted into her sex. Her brain lit up with sensation as something was switched on, and it was several seconds before she was able to be aware again. Something about magnetic fields, she knew. The band on her head used magnetic fields to delete or repurpose certain thoughts, certain knowledge ... it was really a brilliant piece of work, she thought. It was easy to see that it was also quite inescapable. She didn’t know whether that thought had come from her, or had been added, but she didn’t dwell upon the question as there was much to attract her attentions elsewhere.

The table had tilted to a vertical position and she was now looking at the computer side of the room. The women moved with purpose in their form-fitting uniforms, not missing a beat. They were beautiful; a stray thought came to her: so athletic, so toned, so obedient. Renée came into view, looking at her face. Anna fell into her eyes, feeling the pure pleasure-energy radiating from her, falling into those eyes ... her eyes.

Stop! The thought in her mind came on so strong that it shocked her. She knew in that second that she needed to fight, or try to, if only so that she wasn’t aiding and abetting in what seemed inevitable ... was inevitable ... she could feel the thing in her pussy now, it was beginning to make its presence known more forcefully. Renée really was beautiful, and was feeling so good serving her Goddess ... this is going to be a long night, she thought.

“The subject is ready.” Renée-drone announced. She turned to pull something down and attach it to the ring on Anna’s head. The visor was polished like a mirror, reflecting Anna’s eyes back at her. She could see fear etched in her face as her peripheral vision showed the glass tube being lowered around her. As it contacted the floor she could no longer hear the sounds of the room.

There was sound though, a rising vibration, which she could both hear and feel, and light, the visor swam with flashes of flowing color that was slowly increasing its pace. Beyond, around the edges of it she could see other colors, flashing and flowing arrhythmic to that which almost filled her vision.

She was able to scrape together enough willpower to want to close her eyes, but they remained open, drinking it all in. Her brain tried to think, to concentrate on things, things she’d learned that would help her fight. She remembered a picture, two smiling faces over cotton candy in a photo booth, and her thoughts shifted, telling her that Goddess would be pleased to see two of her slaves so happy together ... serving her ... worshipping her.


The first orgasm rolled like thunder through her body, her mind as the image of Goddess ... Edith Knight filled her brain. Anna thought of resistance itself, of how strong people resisted, and, as the flashes swam and the vibrations hummed through her, she smiled: Goddess liked her slaves to be strong. The next of many orgasmic waves crashed over her as she reveled in the pleasure of making Goddess happy.

Her Goddess.

* * *

Drone N3188 lay still as her sister slaves unfastened her restraints. She felt wonderful, but didn’t feel compelled to do anything or move, as a shiny ring was removed from her head. Drone N3187 stood nearby, N3188 watched her, aware that she had knowledge of her from before coming into the service of their Goddess, and that their lives before had prepared them to be better slaves and more useful. It made N3188 feel good, knowing she was ready to serve well. She could feel something, something in her mind that came from her sister slave. N3187 had overseen her programming and was feeling the reward of pleasure from serving correctly. N3188 didn’t feel jealous of her sister slave. Her purpose was to serve Goddess and right now, lying still and not moving was her task.

She had a thought that she should inform Goddess of her ability to read and influence minds, but her programming told her that Goddess knew all, knew everything, including everything about Drone N3188. It made her feel good, knowing she was now free to serve such a being.

“Stand.” N3187 spoke, and the new slave complied, “you will now report to dormancy center five, for your sleep period and further programming. The new slave complied, walking naked into her new life. Her mind overflowed as she joined the flow of silver-clad slaves going about their tasks; she was carried along through the wide corridors on wave after wave, a chorus of a thousand voices, just like hers. Slave N1388 felt wonderful.

* * *

She awoke at the tone that sounded in her ears. Her sleep pod was already open. After a few stretches, she went to the dressing station to retrieve her uniform from the shelf marked N3188. Pulling on the black leather boots of a bodyguard drone, she drank in the smell of fresh leather. The thoughts of her sister slaves still sang in her mind. It was a constant feeling of complete euphoria. She settled the black turtleneck high under her chin and adjusted the patterned leather armor tunic into perfect alignment. Last came the gloves, luxurious black leather from elbow to fingertip. Her heels clicked briskly as she marched out of the dormancy chamber, ready for her mission in the service of Goddess.

There were two helicopters warming up on the roof of the facility. N3188 strode toward the nearest one. Each carried four people: two warrior drones in white rode in the second chopper with two pilots and, as she joined the lead chopper, there were the two pilots, one warrior drone, and herself. The mission was simple: a competitor had taken two of Goddess’ slaves, and her team was going to take the competitor.

* * *

Lynnea Mierte stood at her private elevator, waiting. Nearby stood two of her slaves, guarding the hallway. She was completely relaxed as she stepped between the sliding doors into the glass car.

N3188 and the three other drones spread out on the roof. They had secured the two roof guards and were working quickly to unlock the access door as the helicopters orbited nearby, waiting for the extraction signal.

Rising to her penthouse, she looked out upon the panorama of the city below: her city, she thought. It wasn’t entirely hubris to think of it as hers, since she had recently, through her business front—a therapeutic spa and clinic, serving high-end clients—gained influence over the minds of the mayor, several city counselors, and prominent business leaders. The city was indeed hers, and most of it didn’t even know her name.

The important ones know my name, she mused.

N1388 moved quickly, incapacitating a guard in the stairwell with a quick hit to the back of the head and flashing another guard further down with her handheld device. The drone who had accompanied her this far would wait here, safeguarding the escape while the rest waited on the roof. N3188 would proceed alone.

Lynnea stepped off the elevator into her private suite and was greeted by a sight she’d been waiting to see all day long. Two women: naked, kneeling women with big, seventies-style hair stared blank-eyed at her as she approached.

“Beautiful,” she purred. “Who do you serve?”

“We serve you, Mistress,” the two said in unison.

“Music to my ears,” Lynnea smiled. “Your days are numbered, Edith ... in time, all that is yours will be mine.” She stopped and turned, hearing a sound and seeing something flash in an adjoining room. A figure appeared shortly after, “Who are ...” she paused, “oh, no ... Erica, no.”

Drone N3188 advanced from the corner of the room, “Goddess sends her regards,” she said flatly, and then the room was filled with a flash of light. “You will all follow me now,” she commanded.

Lynnea Mierte, the self-proclaimed ruler of the city, and her two new acquisitions obeyed, following the woman in black to the roof and the two waiting helicopters.

* * *

Her newest slave, Mistress Lynnea Mierte, was now on her knees, attentively eating her out. Edith Knight smiled. In just over a week she’d increased her power ten-fold, enough to be a direct threat to her nemesis, Solera Dale. Oh, Solera, she thought, I’m coming for you, soon, and it will be sweet music to have your tongue right where little Lynnea’s is right now. “Stop, slave, she said, looking down into the devoted eyes above a face wet with her juices, and then to the two other devoted faces that stared up at her silently, obediently. “Drone Lynnea, you will return to your home and make the changes as programmed, and we shall speak soon.“

“Yes, Goddess.” The room lit with the energy of the new slave’s devotion, and Lynnea rose, lowering her eyes in submission, and turned to leave the room.

“Pleasure your sister, N3188,” Goddess said, watching them—yes, watching the confident, self-assured, bad-assed assassin obediently lick out another who was as deeply enslaved as she was, was almost better than being pleasured herself ... almost.

N3188 almost fell over, hearing, feeling Goddess speak her name. It was like heaven; since she had been programmed she had been completely obedient and it had felt wonderful, but now, in the presence of Goddess herself for the first time in her enslavement, her mind was almost overloaded. She moved to her sister slave without thinking, almost without seeing her. Gently pushing N3187 onto her back, she began, slowly licking and then teasing, taking a nipple lightly in her teeth and then moving down, down, slowly down, her tongue moving in slow circles the whole way. She paused, briefly—not so long as to be disobedient, certainly, but pausing—her attention drawn to several small moles on her sister slave’s skin, just to the side of her sex. There were three moles, almost touching, two above the other. Mickey Mouse … a stray thought came to her, and then she wondered, still moving her tongue in circles, just where had that thought come from? Part of her almost felt a sort of horror, to have what seemed to be a free thought, and she fought to destroy it in her mind. It felt good to obey, and to be such a loyal slave as she was. She wanted nothing to interfere with her obedience to Goddess.

Her tongue and, lightly, ever so lightly, her teeth began teasing and testing at the opening to N3187’s sex. Feeling her sister slave react prompted N3188 to move deeper and intensify, little bit by little bit. N3187 moaned and arched her back as N3188 went ever deeper.

“Oh Erica, you’ve no idea how pleased I am that you’ve joined us,” the voice of her Goddess came to her.

Something—she almost blacked out it was so sudden—like a door opened in her mind, letting in a gust of wind from the outside. Her thoughts tumbled over one another in dizzying rushes, and it was several seconds before she realized they were thoughts she was having, like a bubble bursting in her brain.

Bubble! Frantically, her mind tried to sweep away the thoughts, to destroy them. It was wrong: she was a slave and always would be ... wasn’t she? Then she remembered the marks, the voice, and the word, Erica and she knew, just as she knew she was back ... she was herself again. A fleeting thought that her slave-self had formed about asking Goddess for help and forgiveness faded before reaching her lips.

Anna looked up, at ... Edith—it still took effort to think of her that way, but, as the slave that had been receded, her resolve returned. Renée and Edith were in the same room with her with the latter not suspecting anything, reveling in her victory—just as Anna had hoped would happen, had known would happen—and she wasted no time, bearing down with her mind.

Edith could feel it immediately that something was wrong. She had flashes of thoughts, words, commands, obey, submit, and, for a few precious seconds, she was overwhelmed by them. Looking into the eyes of her slave ... No! It couldn’t be! But, seeing the intensity and presence behind those blue eyes, she knew, Anna had returned. “Slaves, attend!” she forced herself to say as the onslaught on her mind continued and intensified: “Defend! Subdue!“

Hands grabbed Anna as she struggled to maintain her concentration on the mental battle. “Dammit Renée, you’re strong, aren’t you?” Then she realized what she needed to do: ”Blessent mon cœur d’une langueur monotone,” she spoke the trigger, hoping it would still work, Renée fell backward as if stunned, but it was only a brief respite, because a new attacker engaged.

Etain Rei, who had been standing silently at attention the whole time, obeyed her Goddess’ call, grabbing Anna and moving to put her in a sleeper hold. Anna, in her need to maintain concentration was at a disadvantage and felt her neck squeezed and slowly, inescapably, her vision began to blur as her brain was deprived of oxygen. It had been a good try, she thought, but in a few seconds, she was going to pass out and when she woke up, it would be as the obedient slave of Edith Knight once more. Her lights were going dim, she could feel it, oh Hell, it was a shit plan anyway.

Tenir à se éloigner d’elle, salope!” Anna’s darkening mind heard, and then felt the smack of a fist hitting a face very close to her own, and then, suddenly, she was free. As her mind cleared, she could see the unconscious form of Etain Rei lying at the feet of Renée, who stood over her, slightly rubbing her hand. Shifting her focus back to the mind of Edith Knight, she could tell there was no need to worry; the mind was completely pliable and eager to obey.

“Holy shit,” Anna said, rubbing her neck, “for somebody who doesn’t like violence ...”

“What violence?” Renée shrugged her shoulders, “I grew up with five brothers. I know how to beat people up, and ... oh, stop it ... I love how you get all mother bear protective and I’m dah Terminatahhh ... I keewe peepowe. It’s so cute ... How could I ruin that? ... Besides, I think she’ll live ... Her, on the other hand …” Renée turned toward Edith Knight, clenching her fist again.

“Whoa there,” Anna grabbed her arm.

“No whoa,” Renée protested, “her I’m going to kill!”

“In her present state, she’d let you ... I kind of fried her will, I think.” Anna let go of Renée’s arm. “It’s really good to see you,” she smiled.

Renée looked at her, and then at Edith, “You used the bubbles on me?”

“Yes ... glad it worked ... glad it was still there.”

“So I’ve still got her slave shit in here, too?”

“I think we both do, and, unless you want to trust her to take it out, I think we’re stuck with it.”

“So ...” Renée began, “you control her brain?”


“That means we now own a hive of slaves?”

“Um ...” Anna said slowly, “two, I think.”

“What do we do with them ... or her?”

“I haven’t figured that out yet.” Anna said, “maybe have her fix them if she can and then... I don’t know, maybe she could be our new cleaning lady.”

“Maybe she can fix the holes she made in my plane... this is all your fault, you know,” Renee said, “next time I say let’s go somewhere, lets really go somewhere.”

Anna looked at her, quietly.

“You’ll like North Korea,” Renée smiled. “They wear black there.”

la fin