The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


The following story contains strong sexual content. It is intended solely for mature persons who are legally old enough to receive adult materials. Those who are not legally able to receive adult materials or who are offended by them should read no farther.

Further distribution of this story by readers is limited to individuals who are legally able to receive adult materials. Posting of this story at other Internet websites without the author’s permission is expressly prohibited.

The persons and situations depicted in this story are entirely fictitious. Any similarities to actual persons or situations are completely unintentional and purely coincidental.

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I despised driving into L.A.

But it was a necessary evil if I wanted to keep my job. As the manager of a Southern California electronics chain, I had to attend various product shows and demonstrations down in the city.

Today was no exception. One of our suppliers was holding an Expo to show off some of their new gadgets. And, as was expected of my by the man who signs my paychecks, I was there to witness it all.

After seven hours of product demonstrations, sales pitches, and exchanging business cards, I was more than ready to put the experience behind me.

Finally climbing into my car at 4:45 in the afternoon, I plotted my course back home to the desert and my loving spouse Linda. With luck, I could get home in time for a late dinner and my favorite TV show.

But as most residents of the City of the Angels will tell you, a quick sojourn on the L.A. freeway system during rush hour would be more than good luck, it’d be a miracle.

Neither luck nor miracle materialized, and before long my progress on the Riverside freeway had slowed to a crawl. Sometimes I think the L.A. freeway traffic would snarl even if there were 20 lanes.

Finally, after a seeming eternity, traffic cleared and my the needle on the speedometer again passed the 55 niche. Stifling a yawn, I glanced at my watch: it was 7:25 p.m. And I was still two hours from home.

Grudgingly accepting that I wasn’t going to make it home in time to catch the show, my thoughts turned to a more pressing problem: the growling now coming from my stomach.

My doctor had been giving me grief over my cholesterol lately, so I knew Linda wouldn’t approve of a late night snack before bedtime. If I wanted to eat something before bed without getting a lecture, I needed to do so before I got home.

By this time I was in the desert, still a good 30 minutes from civilization and an hour from home. My stomach’s damnable growling had intensified. Then I saw the sign.

“Mac’s Diner Next Exit, Open 24 Hours,” it said in faded painted letters. I preferred a burger from a fast food chain, but beggars can’t be choosers when they’re out in the middle of nowhere.

I got off.

As I hit the intersection at the end of the exit ramp, I saw an old diner tucked away on the other side of the bridge. Wearily, I turned the wheel and headed towards the small building.

As I pulled into the small gravel parking lot, I noticed the place looked deserted. A beat up mid-70’s Ford Pinto was the only other car in sight. The inside was dimly lit but I couldn’t see any movement inside through the windows.

“Just my luck,” I muttered to myself, “either they’re closed or the food sucks so bad no one eats here.” I decided not to ponder the probabilities as the neon “We Never Close” sign reflected in my eyes.

Swinging the door open, I scanned the diner’s interior. It looked like it was last remodeled (and perhaps last cleaned) sometime back in the 70’s. I took a tentative step back towards the door, but was stopped by a sudden pang of hunger.

Before I could weigh the odds of contracting food poisoning in this hell hole, a woman in a waitress outfit poked her head out from around a corner in the back.

“Hi, hun! Be right with ya.”

After a minute or so she emerged. Late-30’s, maybe early-40’s. Long, curly dirty blonde hair, and a pretty face—especially her hazel eyes. If there had been about ten pounds less of her she could have been considered downright attractive.

“Wanna see a menu?” she asked in a slightly countryish manner. “No thanks, I’ll think I’ll just take a piece of pie. What flavors do you have?”

As she ran through a surprisingly long list, I noticed the bold, expensive-looking golden bracelet she wore on her left arm. It seemed out of place with the rest of her attire. Shiny gold links surrounded a large multifaceted dark blue jewel that gleamed despite the diner’s dim light.

“So, hun, what’ll it be?”

Embarrassed at not having paid attention to her culinary laundry list, I blurted out, “Uh... I’ll take a slice of apple, please,” hoping it had been on the list. Apparently it was; she nodded and returned the back to retrieve my food.

She soon returned, carrying a large piece of pie on a plate. After setting the pie down in front of me, she stood across the counter as if she meant to watch me eat it.

Too tired to make anything of this, I decided to get on with the job at hand. As I took my first bite, the waitress leaned over the counter, flashing those pretty eyes at me. “I haven’t seen you around here before, hun. You just passin’ through?”

I nodded as some of the crust fell out of the side of my mouth. “Well, then welcome to Mac’s. My name’s Carlene. What’s yours?”

Much to my dismay, she seemed determined to strike up a conversation. Oh well, I was the only customer in the place, after all. I might as well cooperate.

“Chris,” I answered, trying to sound reasonably friendly.

Carlene and I continued a pleasant, albeit trivial conversation as I ate my pie. I soon found my gaze being continually drawn to those pretty hazel eyes, which she seemed to be focusing on mine.

I turned away awkwardly a few times, only to find myself staring back into them again. As I pondered this peculiarity, she somehow managed to get me to tell her about me, my job, and my wife.

I didn’t notice how her words—and my responses—seemed to come a little slower with each bite of pie.

By the time I finished the pie, my eyes had become locked with hers. Try as I might, I couldn’t seem to look away from them.

There was a sudden uncomfortable silence as I set my fork down. Carlene’s voice now dropped a bit lower as she talked. “It looks like you’re getting’ real tired there. You look like you haven’t slept for a week.”

It was true.

As my gaze fell deeper inside this strange woman’s eyes, I felt my eyelids growing heavy. I tried to shake the cobwebs away, and began to get up.

Carlene learned over the counter and put her hand on my shoulder, gently pushing me back down into my seat. “Don’t fight it, hun. Don’t you worry now, Carlene’s gonna take care of everything. You just sit back and relax. That’s right, just relax...”

My eyelids were barely open, yet my attention remained focused on her eyes. I began to feel two hands pulling on my right arm, holding it out above and over the counter.

“Now, I want you to keep your arm out just they way I’ve put it... don’t you move it until I tell you to.” Was it me, or had her little-girl country voice taken on a more clinical tone?

Continuing to peer deeply into my eyes, Carlene adjusted her golden bracelet, moving it up her left arm towards her wrist. She then held her arm out so that it was positioned just above my extended arm, her left wrist placed above my right one.

I noticed her smile had taken on a look I could only describe as having a devilish excitement to it. Slowly, Carlene began to rotate her arm so that it—and the bracelet—orbited around my extended arm. Still smiling, she began to softly chant, “Encircle and enslave, encircle and enslave.”

I began to feel a strange tingling sensation on my right arm near my wrist. It was faint at first, but it grew stronger with each of the woman’s incantations. The sensation changed; it began to feel cold, heavy, and... metallic. It continued to grow as the woman continued repeating the peculiar phrase.

“Encircle and enslave, encircle and enslave.”

I suddenly detected the presence of something on my arm... no longer just the sensation of cold metal, there was now something physically there.

“Encircle and enslave, encircle and enslave.”

The sensations continued to grow, and soon I felt whatever had materialized constricting itself securely around my arm.

Though desperate to break away, I remained hopelessly lost in Carlene’s gaze. Her cloying smile confirmed she knew I was totally incapable of resisting what was happening.

“Encircle and enslave, encircle and enslave... and lock.”

I heard what sounded like a clicking sound, and Carlene broke the intense eye contact that had so thoroughly held me bound.

My numbed, tired mind tried to comprehend what had happened. “What did you do to me?”

Her devilish smile held a hint of superiority. “I’ve given you something... a present that soon you’ll be eternally grateful for.” She nodded towards my still-extended arm.

As I shifted my gaze, I caught my first glimpse as to what she meant.

Fastened securely to my arm was a golden bracelet, identical to the one worn by Carlene. The light from behind the counter played on its links and the deep blue jewel it held. I stared at the bracelet, trying to make some sense of what was happening. I failed.

My voice returned and I sat stammering, looking for words to express my miscomprehension. “What... I don’t understand.... what is this about?”

Carlene again leaned over the counter close to me, playfully running a hand through my hair. “I’ve made you mine. You now wear the bracelet of submission. It will ensure your complete obedience and your undying affection for me. It will make serving me the focus of your existence.”

I began to fumble with the bracelet’s clasp, frantically trying to unlatch it. It refused to budge. Carlene let out a small laugh. “You’re wasting your time. You can’t take it off. The bracelet is secured to you by an unbreakable magnetic lock. Only a telepathic command from my mind can release it.”

Her voice took on the tone of a mother consoling a child with a cut. “Don’t fret now. Soon you’ll become used to the bracelet. You’ll even enjoy wearing it, just as you’ll enjoy your total submission to me.”

I stopped my feeble attempt to unhook the bracelet’s unyielding clasp. Carlene nodded in approval. “Yes, even now it’s beginning to change the way you think.”

“But why me... and how are you doing this, Carlene?”

She flashed those eyes at me again. She leaned close again, her voice dropping to a whisper.

“I’ll tell you a secret. I’m not really a waitress. In fact, I’m not even from your Earth. Actually, I’m a scientist from another world. You see, I’m here studying your world and its inhabitants. I need Earth people to willingly participate in my experiments and the bracelet makes that possible.”

She straightened up, the look on her face suddenly severe. “And from this moment on you will address me as ‘Mistress Carlene.’”

Mind-altering device or not, I was still trying to tell myself this couldn’t be happening.

A wry smile crossed Carlene’s lips. “You didn’t expect that, now did you? That’s why you’re mine now. Operating in a remote location like this makes it easy for me to capture subjects for study and experimentation.”

Her little-girl country voice suddenly returned. “And who’d ever think a simple little country gal like poor ol’ Carlene could be from ‘nother world?”

It was getting much harder to protest, but somehow I managed. “But my wife... You can’t just...”

I paused as a jolt of energy leapt from the bracelet up my arm.

Carlene flashed a satisfied smile. “See, there’s no need to worry. The bracelet is already taken control. Soon you won’t just have to obey all of my instructions, you’ll want to obey them.”

She came out from behind the counter, stopping as she moved uncomfortably close. Whatever she was—alien or human, scientist or waitress—she was becoming more and more attractive and sensual to me by the second.

“And now, it’s time for our first experiment,” she announced in a low, husky voice, as she brushed her cheek across mine.

“My people tend to be very... hedonistic I think is the word in your language. We crave pleasure, especially sexual pleasure. I will have a great deal fun seeing how long you can satisfy me. Can you satisfy your mistress?”

She moved her bracelet next to the one she had deposited on my wrist. After a moment, the jewels on both bracelets began to glow with a soft, throbbing energy. The lust in her voice was unmistakable. “You want to make love to me!”

Immediately, I began to feel a pressure building in my pants. My mind was a jumble of thoughts, ranging from desire to revulsion and confusion to certainty. “I want to... but my wife... this isn’t right... I want to love you.”

Carlene was amused by my mental torment. She nuzzled my ear. “Now there, you know you want to obey me. You know you need to please me. The bracelet is directing your thoughts now, and its guidance is irresistible. I want you to forget all other people and all other concerns but me. Forget them now.”

I felt another surge of energy from the bracelet, up my arm and back, seemingly right into the base of my neck.

Suddenly, all of my doubts and objections dissolved into nothingness. I took her in my arms and trust my lips towards hers.

She pulled away after several deep kisses, gasping to catch her breath. “I know a more comfortable place where you can continue.”

She leaned over my shoulder, yelling, “Frank, come out here now!” After a moment, the heretofore hidden fry cook emerged from the rear of the diner.

He was 50-ish, balding, pot-bellied, and smelled of grease. And below the tattoo on his right forearm, he wore the golden bracelet that ensured his submission to our mistress.

“Yes, Mistress?” he asked eagerly. “Prepare the examination platform. My new pet is going to show me just how talented he is.” The cook nodded enthusiastically. “Yes Mistress!”

Pulling on my arm, Carlene guided me to my feet. “Come with me, pet. We’re going to see just what you’re capable of.” With that, she propelled me towards the back of the diner.

She led me to a door off the side behind the kitchen. From the outside, it looked as though it might lead to a washroom or broom closet. But as Carlene opened the door, I realized it was much more than that.

Strange otherworldly equipment filled the room, making unrecognizable noises. Devices unlike anything I had ever seen hung from the ceiling, some almost touching the plush carpeted floor.

And in the center of the room, there was a large elevated rectangular platform.

“Come in, pet,” beckoned my mistress, ushering me into her chamber. “We can get started as soon as you remove your clothing.”

I immediately began taking off my clothes. Apparently the bracelet was functioning perfectly now; I didn’t ponder the implications of her instructions, I simply obeyed.

After a few moments I was totally naked. I turned hoping to find Carlene in a similar condition. Unfortunately, she still wore her waitress costume. She could see my disappointment.

“No, pet. You can’t have me just yet.” She nodded in satisfaction at the large erection she had given me. “That’s very nice. But I need to collect some samples first, and run some tests on you. Now, I want you to lay down on the platform on your back.”

I felt an overwhelming compulsion to do exactly what she said. Nodding, I moved meekly to the center of the room and laid down as she had instructed.

Carlene stood above me. She began running her hands over my body, not so much to excite me as to examine my musculature and bone structure. Throughout her examination, I remained fully erect, ready for action.

But my mistress had other ideas in mind. She began attaching small disk-shaped devices to my body—probes of some type—to my arms, legs, and torso.

Reaching upwards, she then grabbed one of the devices that hung from the ceiling. It looked vaguely like a vacuum cleaner hose, with an unfamiliar square metallic device attached to the end.

The device had an opening that was obviously designed to fit over the head of a penis. Carlene adjusted a switch on the device; the lights on it began blinking and it made alternating buzzing and sucking sounds.

The woman turned towards my straining member. She tickled it lightly with her fingers as if to tease me, then slid the device over it.

The sensations the device imparted seemed to run the gamut from ecstasy to agony. It was as if two hands—one wearing velvet, the other sandpaper—were alternately stroking me.

This pattern had the strange effect of keeping me fully erect while preventing me from approaching orgasm.

My mistress let out a fiendish little laugh as she strutted over to what appeared to be an alien computer, no doubt to check out the data she was collecting.

“Hmm.. very interesting. You’re an exceptionally virile human male, my pet. I do believe I will have some fun with you after all.”

She returned to the platform and adjusted the device again. The stroking sensations became progressively more pleasurable, and I quickly ejaculated.

She then removed the device from me, revealing my still engorged member. I stared at in amazement; normally I became flaccid almost immediately after climax.

Carlene noted the perplexed expression on my face. “Confused about your arousal? Remember, I now control you fully through the bracelet. I have no less control over any other part of your body than I do over your mind.

“Now, let’s see what you’re capable of...”

After executing a rather graceful mounting maneuver she was suddenly on top of me. “Now that we’ve taken care of the preliminaries, I think I’ll have you attend to some of my more personal needs.”

She then deftly took me deep inside her, enveloping my member with her velvety insides.

I’m not sure how long she used me to pleasure herself. Thanks to the bracelet, it didn’t really matter to me. Just as long as my mistress was pleased with my performance, that was all that mattered.

I do remember that when she finally allowed me to ejaculate inside her, it felt absolutely wonderful.


It was sometime later; I didn’t know the time. I stood naked, placed inside a cabinet-like chamber in my mistress’ examination room.

Various alien data collection instruments were attached to different parts of my body. I felt very sleepy, very sleepy indeed.

All I could think about was my mistress: pleasing her, loving her, obeying her. I knew she was all I wanted, all I needed from life.

I closed my eyes, happy with the knowledge I was helping her.

I awoke suddenly to the sound of my mistress’ wonderfully melodic voice. “Chris, wake up my pet. I have a special surprise for you.”

As my vision cleared from slumber, the images of my mistress and another familiar female came into focus.

Smiling, my mistress continued. “I called Linda last night after we had finished our... experiments. I told her how you had fallen asleep here at the diner, and asked her to come pick you up.”

She moved behind Linda, who seemed strangely silent and still.

“She was all too happy to come for her beloved husband.”

Her hand caressed Linda’s face and hair, and she nuzzled my wife’s ear as she continued.

“Little did she know what I had waiting for her when she arrived.”

Linda began to smile, and turned sideways to return my mistress’ affection. As she lifted her arms to hug my mistress, I caught sight of the gold bracelet she now wore on her arm.

The door of the cabinet suddenly opened, and I quickly joined my wife as we happily pleasured my—that is, our—mistress.