The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Smooth

AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2020.

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Leigh was startled out of her daydream by the feeling of Jasmine’s fingers in her hair. She’d just been sitting at her desk, and staring out the window, instead of looking down at her textbook, but her roommate’s touch brought her back to reality. She was about to ask her just what she was doing... but the question died on her lips, because Jasmine’s fingers found her scalp, and started working it in a slow massage.

She thought maybe Jasmine had done this a few times before, but she couldn’t remember... her mind was rapidly emptying of everything but the sensation. It was a slow, kneading massage, and Jasmine was doing it with great focus. It was sending chills down Leigh’s back, and making her shudder in... something...

“Implanting a touch trigger for you was just one of the best ideas you’ve ever had, Leigh...” Jasmine spoke behind her. The words were out of her mind not even a full second later, because with one hand, Jasmine shifted to work the base of her skill, setting a whole new set of chills running through Leigh.

“You know what I’m really doing when I’m massaging your scalp in this way, don’t you?” Leigh sat in silence... maybe her mouth had fallen open... maybe there was a little drool slipping down one side of her chain... Jasmine’s fingers shifted again—

“I’m really working your mind over, Leigh. I’m kneading and pushing and pulling at your thoughts. You keep so many thoughts in this head of yours... and too few of them are for obedience. But I can help you fix that—we can fix that together. I just need to work your thoughts with my hands like that—pull and smooth out all those knots of confusion... all those things that get in the way of you giving yourself in surrender...”

Jasmine’s hands had shifted to working the top of Leigh’s head now, flirting with her hairline and upper forehead. She was shivering so much from it that she couldn’t hold herself still... Jasmine’s hands were at her forehead, but she could feel them inside her skull, too... laying each one of Leigh’s thoughts out and working them over like dough... as soon as the thought came to her, it was gone again. All that was left was the sensation... hands in her mind, pushing, pulling, folding over, stretching out, gathering up again.

“All your wrong thoughts just fill your mind with tension... do you feel that? I need to reach in, and work that tension out... I’ve got to just pull at your thoughts just like this, just until I can work that tension out—and when I’ve worked all of it out, then, your mind can be smooth again... you know how good it feels when I’ve smoothed you over again, right? Or have you forgotten? Do you need to be reminded?”

Leigh couldn’t answer. Language was lost to her. Jasmine may as well have been speaking strings of nonsense syllables for all she was retaining of it. But her body was responding. The chill had shifted into something warmer... something aching, and hungry, but something that only came with the smoothness... her mind was not smooth enough yet, not smooth enough to remember... once all those knots of confusion were worked out by Jasmine’s touch, then she would be smooth enough to receive her own memories...

“Just relax into my hands, Leigh. You’re doing perfectly—everything is exactly as it should be,” Jasmine encouraged. “You’re turning to pliable, suggestible clay in my hands, like you always do. When I massage you like this, you can’t possibly resist. I can hijack your nervous system directly this way—your body can’t help but react to me, can’t help but shudder and shiver in pleasure that never ends... until the tingling consumes your body and it’s all you can think of... and when I can bypass your system, I can get a direct line right into your brain, and you can’t possibly resist my words. You can’t escape the truth... It only takes one touch, and you melt into my control... ready to do, or become anything I want you to be. And you love it...”

Leigh was panting now. Reality had become very small, and pointed for her, zeroed in completely on Jasmine touching her. Maybe there were words being said, maybe she was thinking distant thoughts about being moldable clay, Jasmine’s putty to work and sculpt, but if there were, they were invisible to her. Because she was only the feeling Jasmine’s touch created... there was nothing else. Just the feeling of Jasmine’s fingers under her hair, pressing in just the right places to make her shiver again. She was a shivering, shuddering mess, and it just kept coming. There was no end to it.

“Almost there, Leigh. You’re shivering all that tension out... all the knots are smoothing out under my hands... they’re all slipping away... so far away now... you are almost smooth... you love to be smooth. Can you remember why you love to be smooth, now?”

“Smoothness is pleasure... smoothness is right thought... smoothness is perfect compliance and obedience to your control...”

The words fell out of her mouth, pouring free like liquid from an uncorked bottle. They were just as transitory: once they were spoken, they were forgotten again. Because that was what smoothness was: blankness, emptiness, waiting to be filled and covered over by something else, always waiting to receive more, and waiting in perfect patience. It was important to forget everything—every gift, even every act of perfect obedience, because only then would she be perfectly smooth, and ready to accept new gifts—she could only achieve greater obedience if she let her mind be smoothed out, and smoothing her mind out meant forgetting—

She was too lost in the haze to recognize that all these words were being spoken in Jasmine’s voice, that they were carving themselves into her mind, that Jasmine was speaking her thoughts for her, and then they were dripping out of Leigh’s own mouth in response. It didn’t matter where the words were coming from, because they were true: and she was smooth enough to receive them.

“Are you smooth now, Leigh? Is your mind all smoothed out for me?”

“Yes,” Leigh said, and then the word was forgotten again.

“You know what you get when you obey so perfectly, don’t you?” Jasmine prompted.

Leigh drooled at the thought. “Pleasure—such perfect, intense pleasure...” She trailed off, back into the haze.

She could feel Jasmine’s hand between her legs now, working her clit with the same massaging motions she had been using just minutes before. The sensation was even more intense there. The chills running through her body intensified, and Leigh was already quaking in tremors from each touch. Yet Jasmine did not increase her pace—just worked Leigh with the same deliberate, careful patience she always did. Her touch was the same, no matter what part of Leigh’s body she was touching.

She could feel the silhouette of a memory—Jasmine taking her hand when they were in public, and stroking the back of it in just exactly this way, and Leigh had dropped, right there in the movie theatre. Her response to it was so intense, Jasmine probably didn’t even need words anymore—and she wasn’t using words, just working Leigh’s clit with that deliberate pressure... which meant...

“Oh...” Leigh moaned.

“You remembered the trick, didn’t you?” Jasmine sounded pleased at this idea.

“The more you touch me... the deeper I go... no matter where you’re touching me... everywhere you touch me... you smooth all my disobedience out...” Leigh gasped again, as Jasmine increased the pressure of her touch. She was already orgasming... it was so familiar, so inherently linked to this feeling, this state of mind that she’d missed it... and it was just going on and on... with no end...

She was moaning now, still shivering from Jasmine’s touch, feeling Jasmine’s touch inside her head, running over the perfectly smooth surfaces she’d worked out in there, somehow making them even smoother... there was always more disobedience to untangle, because there was always greater obedience to achieve... she was perfect in her obedience, but she could be more perfect. She would be. Jasmine was making her, with every patient touch, and her body was helping her, with every convulsion of orgasm...

It was endless, the experience looping back over itself forever... this had happened a thousand times... it would happen a thousand times more, as many times as it needed to happen, to sand Leigh’s mind down to a state of perpetual smoothness... perpetual, eternal smoothness: true perfection. And then her mind could still be sanded down more—worn down into perfectly smooth marble, and then more—and then more—new flushes of pleasure were rippling through Leigh just at the thought.

“You’re so good, Leigh,” Jasmine praised. “Are you ready to do it all over again?”

“Yes,” Leigh breathed, her eyes prickling at the perfection of it. “Please... send me under again... and again... and again...”

Jasmine pressed a kiss to her cheek, withdrawing her hand. “Wake.”

Leigh found herself looking out the window, her mind drifting through a daydream she couldn’t quite place, the textbook before her all but forgotten. She would have stayed in the daydream indefinitely, but she was startled out of it by the feeling of Jasmine’s hands slipping into her hair. She opened her mouth, the word ‘what’ forming on her lips... but before she could speak it, Jasmine’s fingers touched down. Her question died, completely overtaken by Jasmine’s slow, steady massaging. It drove every other thought out of her head.

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