The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Sisterhood Hospital-ity

The usual disclaimers. Not suitable for children under 18 and not suitable for trying out in real life. For reading pleasure and fantasy only. Enjoy!


Jo and I thanked the truck driver as we alighted from the high driver’s cabin. It has been a long ride to Sante Fe and we were real fortunate to have been picked up by this truck. Only thing was that we were four hours behind time. It was 8 in the evening and our reservation with the hostel said 4pm for check-ins.

“Sante Fe Hos-tel”—the neon lights read as we walked towards the main entrance. We found the hostel for ladies only through the Internet. We were doing a back packing trip in the South-West and we had done all our lodging bookings via the net. We came across this one that pride itself with “Best hospital-ity in the West!” We were a little doubtful at first but chose it for its “ladies only” policy.

We understood the “Hospital-ity” when we entered the door. The main hall was painted in clinical white and the receptionist was dressed as a hospital orderly. It reflected the image of a hospital reception. Groovy for a vacation, I thought, but Jo was a little more reluctant. But knowing that we hardly had a choice, especially when this was not exactly the heart of town, we decided to stay here for the night.

“Welcome ladies”, the man said. “You must be May and Jo.”

“Yes, sorry that we are late,” I said.

“Well there’s a slight problem ladies. Although we take only internet bookings, our rooms are fully booked. Yes, you reserved as well. But as you arrived late, I have assigned the rooms and there are no empty rooms available. I am afraid I will have to put you in separate rooms to share with some other girls.“ I noticed a little strange the way he said “girls”. “Yes, but don’t worry, there are very lovely girls and you will enjoy their company.”

Jo tucked at my sleeve, hinting that we should consider going elsewhere. I was half-hearted but when I looked out the door to the dark lonely streets, I could not see any other options. We exchanged looks of weariness and let out a huge sigh together as we said OK to the receptionist.

“Good!” said the man, sounding kind of relieved himself. “I am sure you will enjoy yourself here. As you can see, it’s a theme hostel here and you will be very well taken care of here in Sante Fe Hos! Please follow nurse Amy and Bel who will show you to your respective wards.”

Two middle aged women, typical of the region as I would have imagined, dressed in nurse’s uniform came from the office behind the desk and led us upstairs. They came across as motherly figures. Our rooms were right at the end of the corridor, mine just beside Jo’s.

“This was previously a hospital, which explains the setting in case you are wondering. A millionaire bought it over when the business wasn’t doing too well and converted it into a theme hostel. Have been doing great since. We were nurses here and he kept us to run the place.” Amy explained. Interesting, I thought.

When we came to my ward, I was not at all surprised when it looked like a hospital ward for two as the whole setting had conditioned my expectations. The rooms actually had gurneys for beds with a hospital gown on top of the white sheets. The other one looked like someone has slept on it and I presumed that it was the other occupant.

“Please be advised that lights out is at 11 pm. And please wear the gown at night. Although it is perfectly safe here, the gown helps us identify any unwanted intruders. The bar is downstairs, the common showers’ at the end of the corridor. And the spa, in the basement, you are encouraged to visit the spa during your stay with us. It is quite an experience. And if you need anything..” “the red button” I interrupted. Amy smiled and left while saying “11pm, the door shuts.”

While I was unpacking, someone knocked on the door. When I opened, I saw Jo and another girl beside her, both in their hospital gowns already, parading them like new dresses.

“Mel, from the next ward.” Jo said. “We met on the corridor. What do you say if we go downstairs for a drink”

“No thanks, it’s getting a little late and I would rather not wonder around this place.”

“Sleep early, dear, Doc’s order!” Jo said laughingly as I shut the door. I was really exhausted from the trip.

I quickly changed into my ‘gown’ (which opened from the back) took a drink and I tugged myself under the sheets. Was too tired to worry about the leather straps and restrains hanging over the side. To add to the theme effect, for certain, I thought, as I slowly drifted into my slumber.

* * *

I was woken up by the opening of the door. The room was dark, past 11 pm I thought. I wasn’t feeling entirely well as there was a spinning in my head. I thought the grogginess was due to my exhaustion. In fact, I felt a little feverish and I was sweating all over. Then I heard the squeaks of a trolley and the creeps of rubber soles that stopped beside my gurney.

“How are you feeling, May?” She put her hand over my forehead as if feeling for my temperature. “A little fever, dear? Well at least you drank the water. I was a little worried when I didn’t see you at the bar this evening. Let us get going now, Jo and company have already gone ahead. The spa is opened for business,” she said with a matronly smile.

I didn’t understand. I was confused. What was she talking about? I could feel my heart beat on my temples when I tried to get up but a wave of nausea overtook me as I fell back on the gurney, weak as if from complete fatigue.

“Don’t worry, baby, you will be fine,” she pressed me back on the gurney as she fastened the straps across my chest. Leather restrains were secured to my wrists, though they were redundant at that point in time. I could barely struggle as I was overwhelmed by the drowsiness and I fought back the desire to throw up. It felt like a super hang-over. I was totally lost. Tried to speak but only a husky whisper would come out from my throat. From the bottom of the gurney, she swung two u-shaped metal plates that was affixed to the side of the gurney three quarters down the length. Before I could understand what they were for, she lifted my left leg and secured my ankle to the fixture. She did the same to my right leg and the lower half of the gurney fell away leaving my buttocks in mid air. “What’s this about?” my mind was struggling to find an answer as my heart began racing.

She did not bother explaining. She put on a fresh pair of surgical gloves snapping loudly in the room that sent thrills through my spine. She took a quick blood sample from my left arm which she analyzed with a portable device. She then took my temperature through my rectum followed by a rectum inspection as she dug deep into me. But most horrendous was when she penetrated me with this phallic metal apparatus which she coated sparingly with lubricant gel. When satisfied, she went on to inspect my breast. The hospital gown faciliated the whole process by giving her access to my entire body without having to remove my clothes. I felt like a Christmas turkey being prepared for the stuffing. Tears began welling in my eyes as I was helpless to the intrusion.

Then as abruptly, she removed her gloves, apparently having completed her task. “Very good, May, you passed with flying colors. Only the fit and healthy are allowed into the spa. Not to mention beauties like yourself. You should consider this a privilege. Look at Joyce. She is a reject, but we believe in giving our guest the fondest of memories.” It was only then that I noticed the grunts from my ward-mate. She was restrained as well in exactly the same spread eagle position as myself. Her head was wrapped in a VR device covering her eyes and ears. Wires run from various parts of her body, most notably from milking device-like cups on her breasts and from between her legs. She seemed to be in a sexual high...

“Let’s get going now. I am sure you will be eager to join your friend, Jo.” Amy said as she returned me to a normal position and she wheeled me to the lift. “Well, I will not be following you down stairs. The sisterhood will take good care of you. Barewell.” She said as I was pushed into the lift. She punched a series of command on the key pad before a green light appeared on the panel. “Barewell.” She said again as the door closed. I descended into a sea of confusion. The first time I thought I heard wrongly. But I was certain she said “bare-well” a second time. “What is this institution about? What did they do to Joyce? Where is Jo? What are they going to do to me?”

The lift stopped, I didn’t know how long later. I wasn’t even sure if we simply descended or moved otherwise. But when the door opened, I thought I was in another planet. It mirrored the spaceships frequently featured in science fiction. It was dark, metallic looking material but organic in design. Some parts shined in organic gel. Others had vapor emissions. But I was most struck by the person who greeted me at the foot of my gurney. She was a lady, of lovely features. Clad in a translucent body suit from neck downwards. Two things sent shivers down my spine. She was bald, completely hairless. Instead, she had this headphone looking object with the bridge running round the back of her skull instead of over the head with a stem ending at her neck. And she was obviously pregnant!!

* * *

“Welcome to the spa where you will be re-energize!” She said. “I am reproduction unit (RU) 2010. I will be your guide in the spa and I will help prepare you for Master. You are a privileged member of the female species and I am glad that you have chosen to join the sisterhood. Those who failed the test can only content with memories, just enough to spread the word around and help us recruit. So, let us now proceed first to the Jacuzzi.”

I was shell-shocked from what I have just heard from this creature, too shock to scream. I was being wheeled down this dark corridor. I struggled against the restraints but to no avail. I was still too weak though the drowsiness had subsided. We crossed some other RU along the way as we negotiated the many corridors in the spa, all pushing a gurney of sort, with their victims, all shaved and in different stages of the preparation, I supposed. I was nervous, but not hysterical, not until I came across this RU, pushing a victim I recognised. It was Jo. I called out for her. But she stared straight through me. Her bald face void of all expressions and unmistakably, the headphones on her temples...

“Nooo! Don’t let this happen. Jo! Jo! What have they done to you? Let me go! Please!...”

When we stopped, I saw the Jacuzzi machine. It looked like a fish tank filled with blue gel fitted under a steel operating table. I tried to struggle as mechanical arms reached out to transfer me over the table but I was easily over-powered. Metallic rings secured me to the table, with my legs apart and my arms stretched over my head, exposing my pubic areas evidently. When done, RU 2010 operated some dials on the wall.

“I want you to open your mouth. This tube will help you breathe in the tank.” She said as this organic looking metal pipe came slithering down from the ceiling. I fought it as it came towards my mouth. RU 2010 professionally pinched my nose and before long, I ran out of breath and as I gasped for air, it slithered into my mouth. It literally felt like swallowing a snake. While it was hard to bite, it was flexible enough to penetrate its way through deep into my throat into my wind pipe. Before I know it, it had taken over my breathing functions. It was the beginning of my assimilation into the sisterhood.

When ready, the Jacuzzi was raised from below as the table submerged into the blue gel. I closed my eyes as I felt the gel started crawling over my skin. I closed my eyes as I was totally being submerged in terror. Too frighten even to scream. As the gel enveloped my body, a warmth sipped through my skin and reached my deepest realm. I could feel it at my anus. I could feel it fill my cunt. It was so comforting, so relaxing....I passed out, or was it the air I breathed....

* * *

When I came to, I was back on my gurney and RU2010 was wiping excess gel off my body. When I looked down, my skin was glowing, like the finest of China with a translucent looking texture. No trace of hair. And when she wiped my head, I could feel the smoothness of my scalp!

“You are indeed a beauty. The gel has done its wonder once again. You are clean and ready for the next stage. Master said that hair is filthy. Master has no hair. This make us closer to Master and more acceptable. You will learn to appreciate in due time and you will thank me” RU 2010 said in a self-congratulating manner.

My mind was in a state of grogginess. My throat still sore from the penetration of the breather pipe. My skin too sensitive to touch. RU2010 covered me with this soft silk looking sheet that took the contour of my body as if it was a moisturising cream being poured over me. It was wonderful and immediately calmed my nerves. I was in a state of sub-consciousness as I was wheeled away. We crossed more new entrants along the way but I was being enveloped in this blanket of warmth.

I floated in and out of consciousness as I was being wheeled through to the next area which RU 2010 referred to as the “massage room”. With the satin sheet covering my body and the new found sensitivity of my skin, I was kind of looking forward to it. But little did I know then that “massage” was but a code word that fitted into the range of “facilities” at the spa. I could feel my strength gradually returning to my body but I made no attempts to struggle as straps held me onto the gurney.

When we finally reach the massage room, I was left in an empty room that resembled some kind of preparation area. There was a tray with a few bottles of ointment and nothing more.

“Please relax and wait patiently. They are currently working on Mel and soon it will be your turn. I will prepare you shortly.” And she left the room. Noooo, they got Mel too......I was in a state of despair once again as I wondered the fate that was waiting for me.

As I slowly got acquainted to the room and the reality beginning to sink in through the blanket of warmth, I was gradually able to focus on the surrounding. That was when I heard the noises that came through the door. There were several distinguishable sounds. It sounded like someone working on a key board. There were background noises of electronic beeps and hisses from the hydraulic machines. There were some murmurings which I couldn’t quite understand. And as I listened harder and concentrated on the voices, I thought I heard a girl’s mindless pleas and intermittent moaning. What she was saying was not clear as it sounded muffled. But I was sure I heard some pleas. Mixture of suffering with yet a hint of pleasure, a feeling of unwillingness and helplessness. She was panting and I could feel the intensity of her suffering. It dawned on me that the same fate awaited me, whatever it was. And my wall of calmness shattered when I saw RU 2010 returning to the room wearing a surgical mask and latex gloves with a filled syringe in her hands.

“Time to get ready for your turn. Mel will be finished soon. Need to give you some medication to condition your body to the treatment.” Things were moving too quickly an as my sluggish brain was trying to digest the information, she shot the contents into my inner elbow as I watched in horror. And when I was about to protest, a shriek came through the door. One that sounded like a big and long orgasm.

“Good! Take over!” I heard a stern voice boomed through the door and Mel’s voice was cut off, silence after that. More hydraulic noises, and hisses. Sounds of metallic clicking...

As I was concentrating on the noises, I didn’t realise that RU2010 has pushed the trolley to my side and has removed the satin sheet revealing my bare body. It was only when she started massaging the ointment on my breast that brought me back to my own predicament. She applied it to my entire breast with special care on the nipples which instinctively hardened in response.

“A little something to help the contact of the electrodes,” she said, " I see that you like it already” She went on to scoop up a good amount of the gel with her index and middle finger and went to the end of the table. Without bothering to spread my legs, she forced her hand between my inner thighs and reach for my vagina. I tried to clamp them together but to no avail as she coated me with the gel. She repeated several times to ensure that it was over flowing with it and to my horror, she did the same to my anus and my navel. I was sobbing uncontrollably as I pleaded her to let me go.

She gave me an assuring smile like she was a nurse comforting a patient awaiting an operation. “You will be fine,” she said as she applied more of the gel on my scalp as if giving me a shampoo...

“Don’t. Let me go, please....,” I pleaded when I saw her removing her gloves, understanding that I am “ready”.

“Next!” I heard the voice again. And just before I was wheeled into the chamber, another gurney came out, with an expressionless Mel on it. She had the strange apparatus on her scalp and her body glistened with her perspiration. She was still panting and shivering from her ordeal but her stone face and blank eyes stared straight into the thin air.

I didn’t want to end up a zombie. I fought against the restrains and I screamed my head off as I was pushed into the chamber to meet the mother of all RUs.

* * *

We entered the room with a few other RUs waiting for us. They were all in this space suit looking garment that resembled a little like those worn in a clean room. However, instead of the white lint-free material, theirs were made of that same satin like material. With the translucent characteristic and with nothing underneath except for some padding at their nipple, they looked like they were all drapped in a huge condom that flows nicely over their lovely pregnant figures. RU2010 handed me to one of them and left the room. I was surprised that I actually would have preferred her presence to go through with this.

“We will take over from here. May? Ah, you are pretty indeed. Don’t worry, I am sure you will find this an enjoyable experience. Let me check your pulses before we go on with the procedure.” One of them said.

While she was doing that, I had time to observe the room a little. There were several consols in the room like a control centre. And in front of it is a big window. And beyond it, is a weird looking device. While the room was dimly lit, strong surgical lights gave the spot light on this device. It was a vertical soft looking cylindrical tube of mechanical devices wrapped in the same satin material. There were tubes and piston and the works of a machinery, like the internal organs of the tubes which was filled with some transparent gel giving the cylindar an organic feel. This cyclindar looked like an upright rodeo machine, the electrical ones used in western bars. And this machinery sat in a middle of a metallic cavity that resembled a cyborg hive, with mechanical fittings around it.

“Good, we are all ready to go” She interrupted my thoughts. We started to move again. We went into a lift like cabin and without warning, a strong draft blew across the cabin. And as suddenly, it stopped.

“Sterilization.” The RU said with a smile. Before I could make out what was happening, the door opened and to my horror, I came face to face with that standing rodeo machine!

“What you see here is the mind massaging machine. It will help connect you to the master. You will behave in the ways of the sisterhood after this.” She said as if she was baptizing me. My mind was in a frantic state, my heart racing and I screamed and pleaded no.

“Oh May, please keep quiet. We would need your fullest cooperation here. Please don’t oblige me to use this” She said as she raised this syringe filled with a blue liquid. I needed no further threats, my screams quickly subsided into helpless whimpers...

I heard some mechanical hissing that came from the rodeo machine and I saw the inside of the machine started moving. Without warning, the entire rodeo machine came over me as if it was going to flatten me. At the same time, the RU cupped my face with her rubbery hands trying to assure me as my entire body trembled with fear. But just as I thought it was going to crush me to death, it stopped when it had me firmly pinned me onto the gurney. As I stopped and pleaded frantically to the RU, two others came into sight to undo my restrains. I was completely pinned down, unable to do anything and my view of sight was restricted by the RU which continued to whisper comforting words into my face.

“Don’t struggle. You want to be one of us. You will be one of us soon. Relax. Accept the Master.” She repeated herself as if it was a chant.

“No, no, please no.” But the harder I pleaded, the harder she seemed to hold my face. When she finally gave me a sympathetic smile and let go of my face, my hopes raised thinking that she was going to let me go. But when the machine started to move again, my heart sank. I realised that my arms and legs were now strapped to the machine. With the soft texture of the machine, I was positioned as if I was hugging it with my legs wrapped around it. At the same time, it was flipping over. When it finally stopped, I was on my belly, resting on this rodeo like machine and my arms and legs hanging over it like I was hugging a giant bolster. My legs were bent at the knees and my back slightly raised. I was resting on the machine from my neck down and the soft machine seemed to take to the contours of my body, including a firm support for my neck. In front of my face is a gas mask looking structure which was positioned to cover my mouth and nose. But I refused to rest on it as it seemed to have a life of its own. I strained my neck away from it as I raised my head but I was shocked when I felt this slimy thing capped over my shaved skull. It was warm on the touch as it covered my head from my eyebrows, or where they should have been, all the way behind my ears to the tip of the back of my neck. It sucked my head into its cavity and started a slow massaging action like a mouth sucking over a firm hard-boiled egg. I could feel my scalp moving over my skull from the strong and firm suction. It had this nauseating impact on me as blood rushed to my head. I swooned as my entire body went completely weak, including my neck and I surrendered as the device firmly pushed my face down and the mask fitted snugly over my face leaving my eyes exposed. Now I understand Mel’s muffled pleas....

When I looked down, I realised a screen on the floor. And as I made out what the images I was seeing were, I let out an uncontrolled scream, it was pictures of myself seen from different angle. My head was wrapped in this long organic looking tube that extended from the top of the cavity as if it was an egg at the point of being laid with slime running at the rim. I was lying there naked hugging this oversized worm like creature and my rear was raised, exposing my private parts staring straight at the control tower. There was no point struggling as the soft texture of the machines allowed them to bind me tightly without hurting me. I was only able to move my toes and fingers.

“Good May, we are ready to begin. Please relax yourself as it will help in the process. You will soon find out that this is a most enjoyable process, if you want it to be, that is.” I hear the voice coming right beside my ears. Head phones, I realised. “I believe the drug that you were given during the preparation must be taking effect now.” It was only then that I started to realise a warmth was growing at my breast and groin area that was at the same time comfortable yet yearning for touch. I was feeling horny. “Well yes. To put it bluntly, the purpose of this exercise it to bring you to an orgasm. You will soon find out that the machine that you are hugging so closely is actually very good at it. The beauty of it is its organic composition. A technology brought to us by our masters. The extension that covers your head is an extension of the computer’s server main frame. But with an organic interface, it is able to read, or should I say detect your brain waves and isolate the vital stimulation from your physical body to your brain. This will help us position the transmitter perfectly over you and send stimulation as if you were touched physically. The whole process is very much dependant on your consciousness and your perception of your sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. When you finally reach orgasm, outputs from your brain will also be traced. This will help us take over your body subsequently. So, please, let us begin...”

Oh no, they are going to implant a transmitter into my brain. No, please, don’t let them do this to me. Transmitter... Oh no, it must be the strange looking device every RU has over their head. No, oh no, please.....

The device over my head continued to massage my scalp. In the midst of the comfort of its warmth, I could feel isolated pin pricks but numbness quickly followed. But a movement in the monitor captured my attention. I could see my breast and navel seen from underneath. The camera must be in the body of the machine. Three tubes started extending towards me. The camera zoomed into my right nipple. The tube opened up splitting into three leafs like the mouth of a worm as it approached my nipple. As my breast was pressed against the “skin” of the machine, the mouth of the tube landed flat on my nipple. In fact, both my nipples as the third one dug into my navel. I was enveloped in warmth as electrical pulses were sent to the three points of contacts that tantilized my deepest sensuality. My eyes closed as the contacts sent waves of pleasures to my brains. I hugged the rodeo machine tighter and harder, despite myself, as I tried to have better contact and stronger sensation.

“Good. Good. Kiss me, kiss me” The voice said. Not wanting to surrender myself to their abuse, I pursed my lips tightly. A gas came through the mask. A musky smell with a hint of semen in it rushed through my nose. I was terribly aroused, my cunt felt like it was on fire and flowing with my juice as my legs were so weak they felt numb. It was overwhelming. Oh I needed it. Oh... This tongue-like object started probing intrusively at my mouth. The image was shown on the screen as well. As I fought hard at it, another tube snaked down from the ceiling of the cavity reaching for my rear. “Don’t resist May.” The voice said. I feared the worst. It headed for my cunt. But just before it arrived, it split into two and the other went for my anus. I tried to tighten myself but to no avail. It explored a little when it touched me sending tickles down my spine and effortlessly, with the gel and my juice, it glided itself into me. “Ahhh..” I moaned but cut short by the intruding tube into my mouth which explored like a hungry kisser. The tubes inside me filled me like I have never before experienced. There was a slight salty taste in my mouth. I have never tasted a penis but I imagined this was what it was liked. The tubes in my rear started to pump me from behind and penetrated me to my deepest realms. On top on their penetrating motion, they were sending electrical pulses into me that sent me shivering with a mixture of pain and lust.

The pleasure was mounting inside me, filling me like air in a balloon, I thought I was going to explode. I was mindless as I grunted with each thrust of the objects. I could no longer fight the intruding machinery as my mind swam in a sea of pleasure, so hard, I was drooling as much as my juice was flowing. More pricks behind my head, more numbness...

The intensity quicken. My grunts mounted. Half groans, half moans. Helpless, yet so comfortable. I could not think of anything else. My mind was flooded with pleasure, irresistible pleasure.

“Take me. Take me..” I heard myself saying, despite myself, I wanted more, more and more...

The world was now spinning. My vision was blurring. My whole body was on fire and helpless from the intrusion. Just when I thought I could hold it no more, there was a sudden blackness that enveloped me, silence, like the world stopped, cut itself off and I was isolate, my head and my thoughts isolated in mind air. And as suddenly, I exploded as I was pushed over the threshold of my limit. My whole body strained against the restrains. Every inch of my muscle tensed as I cummed and cummed and cummed like I have never experienced.

“Good, good, very good. The transmitter would act like a wall between your body. In other words, we are now able to isolate your brain from your body. We could feed impressions into your brain as well as control your body. This is excellent work. You will soon be ready to meet our Master. Take over!”

Everything stopped and retracted from my body. I was exhausted and panting. “Take a deep breath, Jo. Take a deeeepppp breath May.” The mask hissed with a gas mixture as I tried to recover from my exhaustion. My mind drifted under the effect of the drug and before I floated into the darkness, I saw this RU pushing a trolley with the transmitter floating in a glass jar approaching me. She was wearing a surgical mask and dressed in surgical suits.....they were going to implant me. But before I could protest, I lost consciousness.

When I regained consciousness, I was once again in the corridors of the spa. I stared straight ahead. I could hear foot steps but I was unable to move. Like my body was no longer under my control. My mind screamed in utter madness but I know not a hiss came out of my throat.


End of Part 1.