The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

(Like 99% of the stuff on this site, this is intended for adults only. So if you’re under 18 then turn away now, otherwise enjoy :p

If you want to contact me you can reach me at . Be nice though!)

Shackles of a dream girl’s mind

Part One

Helena was universally agreed upon by both girls and boys as being the most attractive girl in the entire college, a blonde bombshell who turned heads every time she was near. The men lusted at the sight of her impossibly perfect beauty, while the women envied her curvy figure, large breasts and naturally-plump lips; she had it all and loved to flaunt it. Her wavy blonde hair fell down to her elbows, shimmering in the light. Expensive conditioners had given it the perfect silky and smooth texture, and she loved to run her fingers through it, especially when people were looking.

Her tender skin was so blemish-free that she didn’t need much makeup, but still touched up with expensive brands to be absolutely sure she looked perfect. And her fashion sense took full advantage of the college’s lax rulings, typically wearing very short skirts and sleeveless tops with either low-cut fronts or backs, sometimes being transparent. Not a day went by without her proudly exposing her glorious cleavage, even in winter.

Needless to say, “modesty” was largely foreign to her. In fact, she was rather an arrogant and stuck-up individual, frequently using her looks to get what she wants and looking down on anyone outside her (admittedly large) friendship group. Well aware of how stunning she was, she constantly made a point of it, elevating her to a higher social status than many of her peers. She’d also turned down a tremendous amount of people who had mustered weeks worth of courage to ask her out, something she experienced a few times every single week when single. She even had a part time job as a model, which raked in money to fund her expensive luxury lifestyle (beyond the assistance her wealthy parents offered). Students would routinely circulate the photos, saving them for future ‘admiration’. Ultimately, Helena was a classic case of a 10/10 in looks but not personality, and sadly most of the college males lacked the maturity to see past her beauty, allowing her to get away with being spoilt and arrogant.

And from now on, she was apparently with David. David… A boring, thoroughly unremarkable guy with short spiky hair, simple T-shirt and jeans attire and a fairly average build ? he didn’t hit the gym too often, but was in decent enough shape. Though he was in no way ugly, he hardly looked anything special, and Helena was simply out of his league. And he knew it. That’s why he immediately and excitedly accepted when she asked him out. SHE asked HIM!

“I can’t fucking believe it!” He remarked for the third time, pinching his arm to check if this was a cruel tease of a dream. He’d been doing that periodically for the last 10 minutes, walking home with Clyde.

“I can’t either,” Clyde muttered, before throwing a gentle punch. Gentle, but


“What was that for?”

“You’re awake. Alright?” Clyde patted David on the shoulder, proud of his buddy for netting such a desirable girl, even if it didn’t make sense to him that she’d pick him of all men. She could have anybody she wanted. “I’m happy for you, man, but I just don’t get it. Something seems off,” he said honestly.

“You fuckin’ jealous, bro?” David teased, as his house appeared on the horizon.

“As if. You know I have a girlfriend, and I love her to bits.” Clyde’s partner was a sweetie, and rather pretty herself. Also the only redhead he knew.

David didn’t push any further as he was only joking around and didn’t want to upset Clyde. The topic eventually changed, the two had some laughs, and parted ways as David arrived home. All the while, Helena had been on his mind. How could she not be? David thought back to the tiny selection of girlfriends he’d ever had, four, countable on one hand… One was way too weird/shy about sex for things to last long. Another was an amazing cook and a quiet beauty, but she had to move away and they decided to break it off. The less said about the third the better (he and his friends pretend she never existed), and the most recent… well, she liked video games! How often did you net a girl like that? He really wanted that to work… but it just fell through. Small quibbles here and there, poor communication between them, he couldn’t even remember what pushed things over the edge, but it wasn’t even something huge. That breakup was the most painful.

Even more painful was knowing how hard it was to get back into another relationship… Clyde was lucky; being far more popular and having such a large social web of friends seemed to result in lots more girls. He’d lost count of how many girls Clyde had been with over the years, only remembering the especially memorable ones with any clarity. Like the chick who used to send him nudes every single day, much to David’s jealousy. Clyde must’ve had an entire folder full of hundreds of pics by the end of that relationship, and probably still had them. He wasn’t the kind to spread them though, David knew Clyde wouldn’t stoop that low.

This relationship needed to work. He knew Helena was hardly his ideal loving kind of woman, but her looks alone would make it worth it… And getting to see her at her modelling job? Oh, man…

David looked down to see he was getting stiff just from the thought. He shook his head, and looked at the clock, surprised to see he’d been lost in thought for a couple hours. Reaching into his pocket for his phone, he now noticed a missed message from Clyde… His phone had been on silent.


Hey, theres something u should know

David furrowed his brows slightly, and seeing that his friend was still online, replied hastily.


About what?



its important

David sighed annoyedly. Of course it was. Knowing his atrocious luck, she’ll have gotten hit by a car just today or some shit.


Go on…


Don’t know how to put this but shes fucking with you

Her friends are talking about it

David sat up with concern, shaking his head briefly.


Wtf? How do you know?


I heard from someone she knows but you dont

They’re discussing what theyre gonna do… this was a dare or sumthin idk


Bullshit, you gotta be kidding me


I swear im not

For ur own good listen to me they were talking about stuff like getting ‘sensitive pics’ of you, and circulating them

David’s heart sank at the thought. What the fuck? This couldn’t be true, could it? She… definitely wasn’t above doing something like that, but she wanted to be with him… didn’t she? Even though he was painfully average?


r YOU fuckin with me? Not funny


No, im dead serious

Dont u think its strange no one would be talking about your relationship?

Clyde had a point. One did not simply become Helena’s boyfriend without the whole world knowing about it, it should have made him a big talking point. Especially since SHE’D asked him, rather than him begging her as was often how things would have to play. Had she not spread the word to others? As much as he didn’t want to accept it, Clyde might actually be onto something.

David’s train of thought was cut off by the next messages from Clyde, this time the most damning of all.


Here ill forward u a chatlog I got hold of for u

The chatlog in question was between Helena herself, and her close friend Kathleen—equally as spoilt and arrogant, but promiscuous too. She had a reputation for sleeping with so many different people, a new boy every few days it seemed. No dignity. It really cheapened her in comparison to Helena though; getting into Helena’s pants was practically a science. She had no issues showing herself off to others, but actually getting the goods was something else entirely.



Ur gonna do it then? Trick him to get naked pics and share them? LOL!


Idk XD


Or the other thing, trick him into thinking ur pregnant

U could fuck with him so badly with that


Yh but then id have to have sex with him… ew….


EWW………. Lol ur so out of his league its not even funny


We can’t all be attractive ;)

Or even average

David dropped his phone on his bed in disbelief, his heart rate climbing as he tried to comprehend all this. Indirectly being called ugly hurt in a way he’d never expected, especially coming from a dreamy woman he thought was into him. And the tricks she was planning to play on him were utterly disgusting. His blood boiled at the thought and his confusion quickly turned to full blown anger. He grabbed his phone again and returned to the chat.


I can’t fucking believe it. What the actual fuck?


Im sorry bro, I wish it wasn’t true. Shes not a good person. Hot as fuck but not worth it.


Sorry for doubting you. Im breaking it off immediately, stupid bitch is nothing to me.


U dodged a bullet, its all good

With that, he let out a depressed sigh, and dropped onto his back, sinking into the mattress and thinking back on his relationships. Back on the sex. Companionship… How much he missed it. And this had been a nasty tease at a return to all that. The more he thought about it, the more it pissed him off. Just the thought, of how much he was going to be humiliated and messed with… and he’d done nothing to deserve it! How many other guys had she played with in that way? What if Clyde hadn’t tipped him off?

There was one thing on David’s mind now. Revenge… He didn’t know how. He didn’t know when. But he had to get back at her, there was no way he was letting this slide. He was grudgeful by nature, it was just how he was. He’d have to keep this from everyone, including Clyde, because they’d try to talk him out of it. But when the time was right, that bitch was going to pay…

‘Cancelling’ his relationship with Helena the next day only further infuriated him, as she took a cheap shot at him. “You’ll never in a million years get a girl even close to as beautiful as me. Your loss.” Her words stung because deep down he knew it was true; she made the previous “attractive” girls he’d been with look like 5/10s at best. It took a lot of willpower not to slap Helena before she walked off. He’d refrained from bringing up how he knew what she was really up to, instead pretending he’d had a change of heart and wanted to stay single… Perhaps he could surprise her by releasing the evidence to damage her reputation later. Though that seemed tame and she’d probably get away with it because of how adored she was. It really felt like being attractive allowed you to get away with a whole lot more. Regardless, he was going to do something. Once he was set on revenge, there was no stopping him… and she’d picked a real bad time to get on his bad side. Between being single, struggling with a project assignment and having no luck in finding a part-time job to bring in some money, he had long been in a rather bad mood. And this whole experience certainly didn’t help. He WAS going to settle the score, one day. But until then, life was to go on as normal.

* * *

The doorbell rang, courtesy of a delivery man with a small package. After signing for it, David placed it on the table and began ripping it open. He’d almost forgotten he’d ordered this! It wasn’t cheap, and it probably didn’t do what it claimed to. An “entrancement ring”, it claimed to be. With the supposed ability to sway others’ minds and influence people to behave differently than they ordinarily would. David was rather into this kind of superstitious crap, and he could swear the previous goodie he’d bought from the same company actually did work ? the “dream charm” Which allowed him to actually remember his dreams instead of waking up from an empty-feeling dreamless night. Maybe it was just coincidence that the days he wore it he’d remember his dream.

He ripped open the packaging, revealing a little box, with luxurious felt material on its outer casing and a golden-hued hinge. Opening it, he laid eyes upon his little treasure…

An exotic, fancy platinum ring suspended on a delicate silver ‘rolo chain’. The ring was impossibly shiny and reflective, with beautiful little gems all along the circumference: they seemed to change color depending on the viewing angle, and sparkled majestically in even the tiniest amount of light. The ring also had some kind of engraving, like some kind of strange language or symbolic imagery.

Also in the box was a small sheet of instructions. “Mind draining ring”, they called it. There were a few images of dangling the necklace like a pendant in front of a target, the trance aftermath, and a small amount of description. “Once a target is entranced, close proximity or contact with the ring exerts continual hypnotic influence. Use wisely.”

Seeing such a blunt description made David wonder if it really would work, but hey, it looked gorgeous: he could maybe gift it to someone if it was useless. He’d wanted it after watching some hypnosis fetish porn which had brought out a side he didn’t know he had. Seeing those women so helplessly mindless, reduced to empty dolls was just so erotic. He was rather obsessed with the idea of hypnotizing a woman now, even if it was probably not as exciting as porn made it look. Or even possible to begin with.

One thing was certain: He needed someone to test it on. And he’d already arranged it: his friend Francesca was already on her way. They were on good enough terms that she had no issues accepting his unexpected invite to his house with no explanation; she trusted him enough. He’d always quite liked her and admired her willingness to help out others and just generally be friendly and inviting. If she didn’t already have a boyfriend (for the last 3 years!) he’d probably have asked her out.

Sure enough, she turned up at his door before long, a beaming smile on her face, met by one from David. “Good to see you Francesca”, he said with a gesture for her to enter. She did so and followed him to the living room, where his precious little jewellery item rested on the table ready for action.

“So, what did you call me for? Everything okay?” She asked with innocent sincerity, hoping her friend hadn’t fallen on hard times, although his cheery mood seemed to indicate this wasn’t the case.

“Yeah, I’m alright… I was just, er… I wanted to know if you recognized this?”

With a little hesitation, he whipped out the ring, dangling it by its pendant in front of Francesca.

Francesca looked curiously at the sparkly treasure David held, failing to recall having seen it before. It certainly caught her eye, but it definitely wasn’t hers. And yet… it felt strangely familiar.

“No, I don’t think so... Should I?”

“Well, I thought it might be yours.” David explained, dishonestly.

“Oh. It’s not, but it’s very… pretty,” Francesca confessed, trying to figure out what about it evoked a sense of familiarity. There was just something about it, something she couldn’t pin-point. It really was nice though, light seemed to dance energetically on its surface as it rotated slightly from the pendant. Maybe she had seen it before?

“Yes, it definitely is. So you’re sure you don’t know whose it is?” He began to slightly sway it left to right as he spoke, trying to be inconspicuous about it.

“I’m sure… I wonder who… who it belongs too? They have very… good taste.” Still fixated on it, Francesca’s speech seemed to be slowing down somewhat, and she even let out a cute little yawn. But maybe David was overthinking the situation.

“Yeah. One more thing, do you, erm, know what the gems are?” David was really struggling to think of things to say to justify continuing to hold the ring in front of her even though she’d twice confirmed it wasn’t hers. But she didn’t seem to mind. Was that a sign it was working?

“I…” She didn’t have the slightest clue. Was it even possible to identify a gem just by looking at it like this? To be honest, she didn’t care. All that mattered is that they were pretty gems. More than that, they were downright gorgeous. Francesca only now realized that this is what had been bothering her about the ring; the gems were like none she’d seen before, and every moment spent admiring them was surprisingly relaxing and cathartic. She couldn’t help but want to give them a feel. She hadn’t considered herself ‘into’ jewels, but this just might have changed her mind.

“Is that a… no?” David asked.

Francesca let out a deep breath and tilted her head slightly, absentmindedly brushing a few strands of hair away from her eyes. She seemed kind of dazed, but David wasn’t entirely sure he wasn’t just imagining it. Was this really working?


No response. Francesca continued to sit with a dazed and increasingly emotionless expression, breathing slowly and calmly, eyes locked onto the ring.

“Uh, Francesca? Are you alright?”

Still no response, and by now David was starting to wonder if she really…

No. There was no way… This had to be an act. He couldn’t get his hopes up.

A small grin formed on his face as he remembered an amusing way he could break her cover; she was notoriously and absurdly ticklish. Without a second thought, he burrowed his hand under her armpit and tickled aggressively, knowing for sure that she’d erupt into a fit of laughter, and he probably would too…

Only nothing happened. Not even the slightest reaction to what should have had her body dancing in ticklish delight and eliciting uncontrollable laughter. Could it be? The ring may actually… work?

He needed to know. And what better way than to get her to do something she would never normally do. Naturally, his mind immediately wandered to sexual-related things, but that wasn’t a good idea because if she was just acting, she’d be pissed off at him for such a suggestion. And she was no stranger to slapping perverted men. It had to be more innocent, just in case.

“Francesca, do you have any secrets?” He asked, with a more commanding tone than before.

She nodded, slowly, still staring into the ring. David took this as a good sign, that she still had some level of responsiveness. Assuming this wasn’t an act… and he was still unsure.

“I want you to tell me one of your secrets, Francesca.”

“I… use my roommate’s make-up without asking…” She droned quietly.

David rolled his eyes with a smirk, amused at how boring that ‘secret’ was. Maybe she was acting after all.

“Something else, Francesca. Something… more personal. A secret you wouldn’t normally tell me.”

“I had a threesome on my 18th birthday,” she stated casually. David’s jaw practically hit the ground ? this was legit! There was NO way she would ever bring something like that up, even as a joke, she was not the kind of person at ALL. And yet she’d just dropped a huge secret without so much as a snicker or smirk… She was actually hypnotized.

“Holy shit…” David mused to himself, overwhelmed and struggling to let the reality sink in that he’d actually hypnotized someone. What now? He wasn’t prepared for it actually working!

First thing was first; he needed to know how deeply she was under. Lulling someone into a sleep-like trance was very different than outright mind-control. And he was still holding the ring-pendant, which she was still fixated onto. Would she snap out if he moved it away?

His heart pounding from the excitement of the situation, he eagerly tested by simply moving the pendant away. Her eyes followed the ring as it was pulled away from her, before being concealed from view in David’s hand. Francesca’s vision rested on his hand, and her eyes half-shut, leaving her in an even more zombified state of mind.

David waved his hand in front of her, and was delighted to see no response. So far so good! Now… how suggestible was she?

“Francesca, you are relaxed, aren’t you?”

She absentmindedly nodded.

“Good. I want you to listen to me carefully. When I clap my hands, you’ll wake from your trance and be back to normal. When you do, you’ll not remember any of this. When I say ‘trance’, you’ll fall back into this trance, just as deeply. Okay?”

Another slow nod. Excitedly and nervously, David clapped his hands loudly, in front of her face.

Slowly the emotion re-emerged in her face, as she visibly awoke, her eyes widening and her body losing its limp, slack posture. She locked eyes with David, looking slightly confused.

“S-sorry David, were you talking to me? I kind of… spaced out for a second.”

“It’s okay,” David assured, trying to contain his joy at his hypnosis success. This was amazing! She was completely clueless!

“So what did you call me here for, anyway? Everything alright?” Francesca had a sweet, innocent and concerned tone to her voice. After all, she suspected David had some personal problems he wanted her to help with, hence him calling her over like this.

“Oh, it’s just… I wanted to see if I could put you into a trance.” David stared attentively at Francesca’s face as he spoke, noticing her immediately space out again, sinking back into a semi-awake state of hypnosis. Her head drooped down slightly, as did her eyelids.

Holy. Shit.

It worked. Everything worked. The ring hypnotized her, she was suggestible, he could install triggers… she was just as powerless as the poor women in the hypno-domination porn he’d been watching. And that was so very, very arousing. He could feel his boner emerging aggressively as he gazed at her helpless, obedient body. The only catch here was that the ring’s instructions stated that long-term or permanent conditioning required the target frequently being near the ring, to “refresh” its control, in the booklet’s own words. He’d have to be careful not to lose it, and he wished he had multiple.

“Francesca, I’m going to unbutton your blouse. And you’re not going to freak out over your exposed cleavage,” he began, confidently proceeding to reveal a large portion of her breasts and bra, “or your panties”, he added as he lifted her skirt up so that her cotton pink panties were completely on display for him. God, she was sexy.

He clapped again, and as before her body responded immediately, bringing her mind back to life. Again, a slight look of confusion formed on her delicate face.

“C-could you repeat whatever you just said? I’m really sorry, I’m just tired today. Not enough sleep.” She rubbed her eyes, and sighed.

“Oh, um, I… your breasts are showing.” David pointed out, instinctively expecting a slap despite knowing it wouldn’t be happening. Not today.

Francesca looked down at her exposed breasts. “Oh, you’re right. I’m sorry, should I button up my blouse?” She didn’t really know when/why she’d unbuttoned it, but she wouldn’t mind re-buttoning if he wanted her to.

“No, it’s fine. They look great,” he said, daringly. “And nice panties,” he added, even more daringly.

Francesca blushed at the complement. “Thank you.”

“You’re okay like that as long as I don’t stare, right?”

“Oh… Uhm… I really don’t mind.” She smiled sweetly and innocently.

David was fascinated at her response; at how his suggestion had subtly altered her attitude in indirect ways. And at how uncharacteristically he made her behave in such a situation where normally she’d be extremely embarrassed and irritated. She didn’t even call him a pervert.

Satisfied with his experiment, he spoke the trigger word to once again bring her back into her mindless state.

Now, what was he going to do with her? His mind overflowed with a chaotic array of ideas, possibilities, fantasies… Mostly sexual. He could condition her to break up with her boyfriend and go out with him instead!

No, that would be wrong. He’d feel too bad doing that. She didn’t deserve to be toyed with like that…

…But there was someone who did. A sly smirk formed on his face at the very thought. Helena. Hypnotizing HER… now there was a thought.