The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Servile With a Smile

I was kidnapped. I was taken right from my very home while I did my homework and I was brought here.

Here is a jail cell. My jail cell. I’m not sure how long I’ve been here because I was knocked out when I was taken and my cell has no windows so I can only guess at the passage of time.

I have no idea where my cell is but wherever it is, it must be formidable. The first thing I tried to do when I woke up was to try and escape. The door was locked, of course. It wouldn’t be much of a cell if I could just walk out, but the door was more than just locked. The door was solid, solid like it had no give at all, solid like it was sealed.

I yelled. “Let me out,” I screamed and then I screamed again but I had an idea that the only one who could hear me was me.

I moved away from the door. I moved along the walls. I’m not even sure what it was I was looking for but one thing was certain as I moved along. Wherever I was, this place was solid.

My examination did reveal other things to me. The first and most obvious was that I was being watched. There were two cameras mounted in the ceiling and they seemed to move as I did so I was being watched.

The second thing I learned was that while the door to my cell was the most obvious entrance, it wasn’t the only one. There were two other doors but these doors were sealed so tightly that they only became visible to me when I ran my fingers along the wall. Where did those go to, I wondered.

The last thing I learned was perhaps the first thing I should have noticed. My room was a jail cell. It had only a bed and a pillow and nothing else. No floor coverings. Just a concrete floor and a drain. No furniture other than the bed and no covers for the cheesy, little mattress that was there on the bed but most importantly, no sink, no bathroom and no toilet. No place for me to take care of even the most basic of needs. Things were going to get messy real quick if facilities of some sort weren’t provided.

Maybe that was what the cameras were for, I thought. Maybe I just needed to announce what I needed and maybe someone would come get me. I decided to give it a try. I looked up at one of the cameras. “I need to go to the bathroom,” I announced.

I continued to look at the camera. “Please,” I begged. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

I don’t know what I expected to have happen but what did happen was a big, fat nothing.

You know how it is. You start to think about something and suddenly, you find yourself having to think about it. I hadn’t had to go to the bathroom before but now I could feel my body telling me that I really did need to go.

I didn’t exactly have to go, at least not right away, but I could feel the need building inside me. I needed to go.

No, I told myself. You can hold it. You can make it wait.

Sure I could but was anyone going to come. That was the problem. I was getting fixated on that. I really needed to go.

Think about something else, I told myself. Think about anything else. Think about hanging out with Kara and Jenna at the mall. Think about going out on a date with Mikey. Heck, think about Mr. Donnelly’s History of the World class. Think about anything but that.

It worked, sort of, but my mind kept coming back to that need. I needed to go and every time I told myself that, it became harder to think about anything else.

I looked up at the cameras. “Please,” I begged. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

Of course, that did nothing.

It didn’t help that there was nothing to do in that stupid cell, nothing to keep my mind preoccupied and so my mind kept coming back to the one thing I didn’t want to think about.

I was getting frantic. I looked up at the camera. “Please,” I pleaded. “Please. I need to go to the bathroom now.”

That didn’t do any better than any of my previous attempts.

I was starting to accept what that meant. It meant I was going to have to take care of my needs myself.

I started looking at the grate in the middle of the room. No, I told myself. No, I couldn’t be meant to use that. That was just so gross.

I held off for long as I could. I begged with the camera and I wasn’t even sure if anyone was watching but if they were, they did nothing so in the end, I had to do what I had to do. I squatted over the grate and I just let go.

That was so gross. I couldn’t believe I’d done that and the worst part was I couldn’t clean it or myself up.

The next morning, and I suppose I have to call it that even though I don’t know if it was morning or not, the next morning when I woke up, the mess was gone and more to the point, I’d been cleaned up as well. How the hell had that happened. How could someone have done that to me while I was asleep. To tell the truth, I began to doubt myself. Had I really done the things I’d remembered doing?

I’d like to say I was sure because that’s hardly the sort of thing that one wants to imagine doing but honestly, there was no evidence to support my memory.

I was alone and there was nothing to do.

When you’re alone like that, boredom is your worst enemy. You want something to do. You want someone to talk to. I suppose in a way, it’s almost like sensory deprivation. You crave contact with someone else. You want to have something to do but when all you can do is just sit and wait, you go a little crazy.

Food arrived.

I’m not sure when it got there but it just arrived. Was I hungry? Yes. Did I want to eat it? I wasn’t so sure. Food meant bathroom and whether it was real or not, I still remembered what I remembered, and besides, ignoring the food gave me something to do.

So I didn’t eat and I focused instead on my hunger.

No one came to take the food away. I’d almost wondered if someone would but no one did so it stayed there all day long and I didn’t touch a bite of it.

I slept fitfully that next night. I was tired and I was hungry but at least when I was asleep, I wasn’t bored.

The next morning when I woke up, the food was gone which was too bad because I was really hungry but at least that proved one thing to me. I might have imagined it the first night but not two nights in a row. Someone was coming into my room when I was asleep.

I’m not sure that really mattered to me. I’ve never considered myself to be a heavy sleeper but two nights in a row, someone had come into my room and if my memories of the first day were at all accurate, someone had even touched me that following night and if that was what had happened, I hadn’t felt any of it.

Food arrived again.

Were they crazy, I wondered. I’d already shown them I wasn’t going to eat their stupid food. Well, of course, that was yesterday and this day, I was even hungrier than I had been the day before. I actually toyed with the idea of maybe going on a hunger strike but that just wasn’t my style.

And that’s when I noticed the note. It had come with the food. “Obedience is pleasure,” the note said.

I wanted to scream. Obedience?! Obedience to what? You haven’t told me to do anything. You haven’t said anything to me at all.

And that’s when I caught myself. Was I really already giving up? Was I already saying that I was going to be obedient?

Well, the hell with that. I wasn’t going to do that.

And besides, who said I was going to eat their stupid food anyway.

But I was hungry and my hunger nibbled away at my resolve in much the same way that I wanted to nibble away at the food.

Soon, I was eating the food. That damned note though, it bugged me. Obedience is pleasure. Yeah right, I scoffed. I only wish I’d felt it more.

I would have thrown that note in the trash if in fact I had a trash can to throw it into. I knocked the scrap of paper off of my tray and I took a not insubstantial amount of pleasure in watching it fall to the floor but even as I ate, I knew where that note was. It bugged me to have it out there in the open so eventually, I picked it up and I shoved it under my mattress.

That should have been fine, right. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Yeah, that’s what I thought, too, only I knew it was still there in my room and it bugged me to have it there.

Still, I had no way to get rid of it and besides, after a bit, I had another problem.

I had to go to the bathroom again.

I tried to ignore it at first like eating food wouldn’t have this kind of effect on me.

Then I was looking at the hole in the floor. It didn’t take much to convince myself that I wasn’t going to go there.

And that’s when I really started to feel it. I had to go really bad. I looked up at one of the cameras. I’m not even sure why I did it. “Please,” I begged. “Please.”

I’m not even sure what it was that I was begging for. All I knew was I didn’t want to have to go to the bathroom like I’d done before.

I’m not sure what I expected to have happen but what did happen was absolutely nothing.

“Please,” I begged again. “I don’t want to go to the bathroom there again.”

Still nothing happened.

I was getting more and more antsy. “Please,” I begged yet again. “Please.”

I still had no idea what I expected to have happen. All I knew was that I needed something and that’s when it happened. There was a sound from inside the walls and suddenly, one of the doors that I had identified earlier was sliding out of the way.

One look inside the room which was enough to show it to me for what it was. It was one of the most opulent bathrooms that I’d ever seen. It was, in fact, bigger than my cell.

I wasn’t waiting around. I was in the bathroom and then I was there on the toilet and even as I took my place, one of the numerous flat screens positioned throughout the bathroom came to life.

This one was facing me as I sat on the toilet and it featured a woman doing exactly what I was doing although she was having way more fun than a person should actually be having in a bathroom. She was naked like I was and her fingers toyed with her pussy and her hands played with her tits as her pee started to flow.

I couldn’t help watching her. She seemed to relish every moment there on the toilet.

My business done, I got up off the toilet and the image on the screen went away. I shook my head. Weird, I thought. Just weird.

I looked around me. There was a shower as well. Was I allowed to use the rest of the facilities, I wondered.

Well, I was here. Who was going to stop me if I did, and besides, it had been a couple of days. I really could use a shower.

As soon as I stepped into the shower, another of the flat screens came to life and just like me, there was a girl in the shower and just like the other girl on the toilet, this one was having way too much fun. It kind of turned me on and I was embarrassed so I looked away.

Another screen in the shower came on. Different girl. Different shower. But the same result only this one had a man in there with her. The camera was tight on her but I could see his hands as they worked her titties.

Again, I looked away. Again, another screen came on. Still another girl but I got it. Unless I closed my eyes, I was going to have to watch.

To say this one had a guy with her too would have been a bit of an understatement. The camera was above her and she had her hands against the walls of the shower as she looked up at the camera. I could see the water raining down on her but more than that, I could see the lower part of the man’s body as he took her from behind.

She certainly was enjoying it. That’s all I could say and that’s when I realized I was enjoying it, too.

My fingers worked my pussy and my hands played with my tits. I couldn’t believe it but this was so fucking hot. I almost wished it were me.

Maybe I did wish it was me. I could feel myself sticking my ass out just a little, just like the girl on the screen. I knew there wasn’t a man back there to fuck me but I think I kind of wished there was.

She was getting closer and so was I. She was moaning almost continually now and so was I.

She was getting ready to cum and so was I.

And then she really was cumming and yes, so was I.

Another scene was starting with the close of the first and it was a shower scene just like the ones before it. I got the idea but I knew I had to get out of there as well.

I stepped out of the shower and I wrapped a towel around me and even as I stepped up to the mirror, another flatscreen came on. It showed a woman with a towel draped around her just like I had.

It didn’t stay draped around her for long. It dropped away and the girl, naked of course, had this most startled of looks on her face. It was almost as if she were asking herself how it was that a towel could suddenly drop away.

I wasn’t asking myself that. I’d pretty much grown to expect it.

I did what I had to do and I left the bathroom pretty much as quickly as I could.

I was bored there in my cell. In a way, what had happened to me there in the bathroom had given me ideas of things I could do to keep myself busy but they were ideas I didn’t particularly want to have so I resisted the urge to give in to what I really wanted to do and I just sat there in my cell and from time to time, I’d stare at the entrance to my bathroom.

The next morning when I awoke, the bathroom was gone. Well not gone, really but the door was closed and no amount of pleading with the cameras was going to get those doors opened again.

Food arrived and with it came another message. Beggars can’t be posers.

I didn’t even bother to try and remove the message. Heck, I didn’t even know what that was supposed to mean. I mean, I thought about removing it but I knew I was in for a long day filled with a whole lot of nothing so what was the point.

I’m not sure when it was that the words came because as I’ve said before, my feel for the passage of time had ceased. It probably was more than just a few minutes but more than that, I can’t say.

“Obedience is pleasure,” the bodiless words said.

I couldn’t believe what I’d heard and for a moment, I doubted that I’d even heard anything at all. But I couldn’t have imagined it, could I, so I did the only thing I could thing of to do. “What?” I said.

There was nothing.

“What did you say?” I said again. “I really want to know.”

Still nothing.

I growled to myself but you know, growling to oneself gets old really, really fast. After I was done growling, I still had a whole lot of nothing to do.

I measured my cell. For what it was worth, I suppose my cell was rather spacious but in the end, it was still just a cell. Fifteen feet along one side. Twenty along the other. My little tiny bed seemed even tinier in a room of that size.

But still, as I said, it was still just a cell and what was worse was I didn’t even know why I was here.

I was going to go crazy, I told myself. I was going to go crazy if someone didn’t let me out of here soon.

Od course, thoughts like that did me know good and of course, I didn’t go crazy and I still didn’t know why the hell I was there.

Somewhere along the way, the lights went out and suddenly, I was thrust into total darkness.

I screamed but of course, that did no good.

“Turn on those lights,” I remembered crying out.

Of course that did nothing.

It was scary. I’ll admit it. I was in a windowless room remember. When the lights went out, I was in complete and total darkness. It was disorienting. About the only thing in my favor was that there was very little of anything that I could trip over in that cell.

And that’s when I remembered the note. Beggars can’t be posers. Was that what they wanted, whoever they were. Was that what they wanted? Did they want me to beg.

“Please,” I said. “Please turn on the lights.”

The lights didn’t come on but I thought I could sense a change. I don’t know. Maybe it was just my imagination but I thought there was something waiting for me.

“Please,” I said again. “Please turn on the lights.”

Still nothing and yet I was sure I was on to something. What else could I do, I wondered.

“Please,” I begged again. “Please turn on the lights. I’ll do anything if you please turn on the lights.”

Still nothing.

“Please,” I begged again trying to make my voice as plaintive as I could. Please. I’ll do whatever you want me to.”

It was amazing when the flat screen finally flared to life.

I hadn’t even known that there had been one there in my cell. No, to be honest, I was sure there wasn’t. I was sure there hadn’t been anything of the sort there just moments ago and yet there was one there now.

To be honest, the brightness of it kind of hurt my eyes but I wasn’t about to tell whoever it was who had put it there to turn it off or turn it down. Since it was the only light in the room, I was forced to have it there.

It was playing pornographic scenes just like the ones in the bathroom the day before. In a way, that hardly surprised me nor did the fact that the television focused on the only woman in the room. That, too, was like the day before. She was naked and she was stroking the man’s cock as she looked up at him but I had the feeling that the fucking hadn’t started ... yet. What did surprise me was the woman herself because the woman was ... me.

Okay, I knew it wasn’t me but it certainly looked like me. Whoever it was, they must have done a good job going out and finding someone who looked just like me because she very much looked like me.

“Please,” the woman begged. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

My eyes were beginning to adjust to the light from the screen and for some reason, I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.

“Please,” the woman begged again.

God, I couldn’t believe it. She just didn’t look like me. She sounded like me, too. Whoever had done this must have gone to a lot of effort to get this just right.

“You want this?” I heard the man’s garbled voice. “You want this dick?”

“Please,” the on-screen me begged yet again.

I could see the man coming forward and then his cock was right there at her opening. He paused as if to consider what he was about to do but he couldn’t fool me or my on-screen counterpart. We were both watching and waiting, watching and waiting for what we knew was going to happen next.

Neither one of us had long to wait. The man pushed his cock forward but he didn’t enter her all at once. “You want this?” he asked.


“What are you going to do?”

“I’ll do whatever you want.”

He pushed a bit more of his cock into me, eliciting a moan from the both of us, I mean her. “What are you going to do?” he asked again.

“I’ll do whatever you want,” the on-screen me said and I’m not sure, but I think I might have said it, too. It was just so hot watching me get fucked even if it wasn’t really me.

She took a bit more of his cock and then a bit more until he was finally buried inside her.

“What are you going to do again?”

“I’ll do whatever you want,” we both said.

“That’s what I wanted to hear,” the man said.

It must have been because he wasn’t stopping anymore. He just started fucking the girl in earnest and the girl on screen just looked up at him with adoring eyes.

And it was clear that even if it wasn’t me, she was getting exactly what she wanted and that’s when I realized with a start that even as I was watching that, I’d been fingering my own pussy.

I quickly pulled my fingers away. When had I started doing that, I wondered. That scene must have gotten me hotter than I realized, I told myself but I didn’t care how hot the scene was, I wasn’t going to let someone tell me what to do with my pussy.

But that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to keep right on watching those on-screen antics.

And apparently, it meant that my fingers weren’t going to stay away from my pussy because the next time I realized where they were, they were once more between my legs.

Fuck it, I told myself. If that was what I really wanted to do, then fuck it. I was going to rub my pussy.

I think we both knew he was about to cum. “What are you going to do for me?” he asked.

“I’ll do whatever you want,” we both said again.

“Oh fuck,” the man groaned and then he groaned again and I just knew, even if I wasn’t there, even if it wasn’t my pussy he was filling up, I just knew he was cumming in her pussy.

And then the scene shifted. It was her on her hands and knees.

It was her riding on top.

It was her riding the man’s dick.

Always the same girl. Always begging for what she wanted and in the end, always getting what she wanted and in the end, always getting her pussy filled and I was right there with her each and every time, playing with my clit even as she got her pussy fucked.

In time, the screen went dark and I panicked. “No,” I cried out. “Bring it back.”

But it didn’t come back. After a few moments of panic-ridden darkness, the lights came up and the screen was gone and I was left to wonder if it had ever really been there, but there was one thing for certain. The girl on screen sure had wanted to get her pussy fucked and she sure had known what to do to get it, but then I told myself, that was only logical. After all, beggars couldn’t be posers.

The bathroom was opened up to me as well which was a good thing because as busy as my fingers had been, I was pretty much of a mess.

The next morning started pretty much like the ones that had come before it. Food arrived and just as had happened with those other mornings, my meal came with a message.

Servile with a smile.

What did that mean?

Of course, I would have had to have been a total fool to not realize that everything that happened so far centered around sex so it was a good bet that whatever this meant also centered around sex as well. Hell, I hate to admit it, but just the thought of that was enough to make my pussy wet and there was no way my pussy should be betraying me like that.

And I have to admit, there was a part of me that actually liked the sex but just what the heck did that message mean.

Servile with a smile.

I was still mulling over the meaning of that when a section of the wall went from opaque to transparent and suddenly, I could see through to another room. There were people in that room. Men actually, but I didn’t care. They seemed to just be standing around drinking but I didn’t care about that either. I banged on the wall. I had to get their attention.

I could see them but if they could see me, they gave no indication of it. They were just standing around and milling about. I banged even harder on the wall. They had to see me.

Somewhere along the way, it finally occurred to me that I was still naked. It still seemed as if they hadn’t seen me but if they ever did see me, they were going to see I was naked.

And just why the hell did that excite me, I wondered.

It did excite me though. It excited me a lot. I pounded on the wall even harder. They had to see me. They just had to.

And now, I realized there was something more. It wasn’t just that they excited me. It was that they excited me sexually. It was that I wanted to see their cocks. It was that I wanted to feel them in my pussy.

I pounded even harder. They just had to see me.

Servile with a smile.

I’m not even sure why those words popped back into my head but I wasn’t smiling. Somehow, I knew they couldn’t see me if I wasn’t smiling.

I tried to put a smile on my face but nothing happened.

Why hadn’t anything happened?

Because the smile wasn’t real, I told myself. I was trying to force it but it had to be real.

Okay, so how the hell was I supposed to make it real.

Servile with a smile.

Somehow, I knew that was it. I had to be meek. I had to be willing. I had to be willing to let those men have their way with me.

I certainly was that. I couldn’t help but remember the videos from the night before. I’d certainly been willing. Hell, I’d been a whole lot more than that.

Oh, but wow, there were so many men.

And what the hell difference did that make? More men meant more men to please and I loved pleasing men?

In fact, the more I thought about it, the better I felt. All these men meant all those cocks. I wondered if maybe I could get two guys to fuck me at the same time. Maybe one in my pussy and one in my mouth or better yet, one in my pussy and one in my ass.

Mmm yeah. Nothing at all wrong with that. I could feel myself starting to smile.

After all, obedience was pleasure.

What I’d thought was a wall now slid out of the way and for the first time, the men could see me. I stepped into the room. So many men for me to take care of. Mmm. So many men for me to please and I couldn’t wait.

Servile with a smile didn’t even begin to cover what I was and I couldn’t wait to show them what I was and I couldn’t wait to show them what I could do. This was going to be fun.