The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Rubber Conversion

“Just make sure you get home safe, okay?” she told Jason on the phone. Jason could hear the worry in Tina’s voice. It doesn’t matter how much he told her everything was going to be okay, she would still worry. Today was especially bad.

“I’ll be fine. I always am.” He replied in a tone as if he’d rather be somewhere else. “I love you babe”.

“I love you too.” Jason was working overtime in an office job. It wasn’t his ideal job. He just applied for it after graduating university in order to get some income while he considered his next stepping stone in his career. He realised how hard it was to get footing in life, and that taking a plain old job in HR was the least he could do to earn some sort of a living. As he typed away monotonously, his brain leeching off lukewarm coffee, Jason grew evermore tired.

The company he worked at had been suffering from lack of employment for a long time. Jason had seen this coming, of course. It was a worn-down establishment in the middle of a dreary London avenue. Customers were few and workers even fewer. Jason didn’t think it helped being oppressed by an grumpy old boss who had nothing better to do than push others around like blocks on a chess board.

Giving Jason little choice in the matter, his boss begged him to submit to a night shift. His first night shift, at that. After contemplating over the rim of brown liquid in his mug, he thought he could use the extra pay. So he agreed. He never knew what a night shift was like, just as he didn’t know this would be his final night shift in his lifetime.

Ten cups later, his fried eyes glanced at his watch. Four-thirty. His shift finished at five. Almost time, he thought. Then he could go home to his girlfriend. Watch some TV, relax and eat crisps and sauce. The thought soothed him before he returned to his bright text editor, burning his retinas. He grasped his mug and sipped.

Jason almost broke the door when he left the building. The fresh evening air soothed his skin. It was as if he’d just dived into a swimming pool, or plunged into the sea. It was refreshing. He undid his tie, tucked it in his bag and started walking. It was a short journey back. He could hardly wait to get home and rest by his girlfriend. The thought brought him joy. The path ahead was fairly straight, so he took the opportunity to close his eyes and embrace the coolness on his eyelids. Jason enjoyed it so much he failed to see the silhouettes in the distant alleyway off the street. The street was pitch black, the backstreet even darker. Jason walked, and walked; a smile on his face. He finally had freedom from his prison that was his job. At least until the next shift. The insidious figures grew closer and closer with each step Jason took. Until they were breathing down his neck. Or were they breathing? Jason didn’t feel anything until the needle penetrated his skin.

Jason opened his eyes. His vision was blurry, his eyelids grew heavy. If the figures that held his body weren’t there, he would’ve diagnosed his sluggish feeling to tiredness. But no, as his vision faded and his body went limp, he suddenly came to the realisation that his journey home would be longer than expected.

Steel. Silence. Jason’s visions returned slowly. He felt drowsy, like he’d been asleep for days. Maybe he had. He couldn’t tell. No longer was he enjoying the soothing air as it caressed his face and neck. Instead, he was in a small, windowless room with bright lights and cold, steel grey tiles. It felt cold, and emotionless. Jason felt he didn’t belong. He tried to move. That was when he realised he was restrained by four circular rings attached to chains, attached to himself. Two above for his wrists, two below for his ankles. His eyes traced the chain until they met his skin, and suddenly he knew he was naked.

“Shit.” He struggled. “Get me out of here!” Jason began to panic and struggle. He didn’t last long until the pain from his sore wrists began to ache and throb. “Please. I need to get home. I love her. I love her.” His head hung as he mumbled into thought. How did he get into this situation? One minute he was passing through the dimly lit streets, the next… Why would anyone need me? His mind pictured the worst scenarios. Will he be tortured? Killed? He couldn’t bear to think about that.

He heard a noise from the steel door ahead. He was no longer alone. Was he ever alone? The door opened. A shadow entered, shutting the door behind it. No, not a shadow, a person. Except this person was all in black. With a male frame, the shiny figure emitted a matte rubber surface from his feet all the way to his neck, where a gas mask began. No skin showing, lifeless sockets penetrating him. The rubber squelched with its movements. It looked so tight that Jason could see every surface of the body underneath. As his eyes traced downwards, he caressed the figure’s rubbery chest, his nipples. His abdomen. His eyes moved down further. A thick, rubber shaft stood between two muscly thighs. Jason failed to understand what he was seeing in front of him.

Then the figure walked towards him, until Jason saw himself in the mask’s reflection. “Who are you?” Jason asked, his voice quivering. “What are you going to do to me? Please, let me go.” One thing he found strange was that the rubber man did not make a sound. The gas mask made no noise, his torso did not move. After some realisation, he realised the captor wasn’t breathing. But how? What if they weren’t human, but that isn’t possible, surely…

The figure watched for longer, studying Jason like a statue, and after seemingly eternity, two more identical figures entered through the door. None muttered a word. Similarly, they almost robotically moved towards Jason. They moved either side of him and removed the buckles from his wrists. They grabbed one arm each and forced his shoulder blades downwards, submitting to kneeling. Despite his opportunity to struggle, the rubber masks were too powerful for his own muscles. They had an inhuman strength. His fear festered. Looking up at the now taller figure, the lifeless eyes of the gas mask stared back at him.

That was when he grabbed his rubber cock and shoved it into Jason’s mouth. Jason gagged and retaliated, struggling with all his might, to no avail. The rubber entity to the left of him held his back and shoulders, whilst the one on the right ensured the back of his head. Jason could do nothing except suck the rubber shaft of the shiny silky man in front of him. Back and forth. Back and forth. Strangely, the rubber man who was forcing his cock showed no emotion. He just stared in complete stillness at Jason, almost as if this was routine. Jason tried to talk, tried to plead, but his mouth and throat was full of rubber. He tried to resist, even tried biting, but it was futile. The rubber in his mouth was tough and lifeless, as if the whole shaft was rubber, not just the outer layer. The rubber man caressed Jason’s face with the palm of his hand, and shortly after a gooey liquid filled his mouth. Jason struggled wildly, trying to spit and retreat, but he was forced to swallow. It tasted vile, like solid rubber.

He felt fuzzy again, losing strength. He hardly noticed the two rubber men hook him back to the ceiling chains. As his vision grew incoherent, he saw the three silhouettes walk lifelessly towards the steel door, their three equally sized shafts dangling, the centermost oozing a black liquid, leaving a trail on the cold tiled floor. Jason saw darkness.

Thoughts trickled into Jason’s mind just as the black liquid trickled down his throat. Amongst the clouds and fog, he saw Tina smiling, begging him to come home. He saw her gorgeous ginger hair, her beautiful freckles. Then her mouth opened wide and circular, the darkness oozing through, her skin flaking black, eyes turning glassy. The rubber men stood motionless, though they may as well have been laughing, mocking. What was once the form of Jason’s one and only love morphed into the horror of an alien being. It was not until this point that Jason realised he had grown rock hard. No, no, no. His mind was betraying him. I love Tina, he thought. I love… I love…

Jason lifted his throbbing head. In front of him, the gas mask. The… thing was only standing a foot away from Jason’s lifeless, limp body. His head was level with the rubber torso, he saw the bumps of both nipples erupting from the otherwise smooth matte material. “Please, stop.” Jason begged. The rubber responded by touching his cock. Then he rubbed with clockwork timing. The texture of the rubber was cold but soothing. It took seconds for Jason’s shaft to become rock. Within minutes, Jason leaked precum and, just for a moment, wished for it to be harder. Harder, he thought.

Come to us… The men in rubber told him, yet they did not speak. Jason only saw his own reflection in those glassy spheres. Come now...

And he did. In his brief euphoria, white met black. For a moment, both men in the room were satisfied. Jason came all over the rubber man, and in turn his captor knew Jason was theirs soon enough. “Fu...uck… fuck.” Jason screamed. “I… I...” Jason’s mind morphed in and out of confusion. For a few seconds, Jason forgot where he was. He was nothing. When he came to, he struggled in his chained prison. His arms pulled but the ceiling tugged back, laughing at his futility. His wrists were sore, throbbing and bleeding. He tried moving his feet. He tugged at.... nothing. Nothing at all. Everything below his cock was a void. “I can’t feel… my legs.” Jason felt soft rubber caress the sides of the face as the rubber man gently guided his eyes downwards. He helped Jason see. When his pupils focused, Jason saw his legs. His black shiny feet swept the floor softly. His ankles reflected the bright ceiling lights whilst the rubber licked at his thighs. “No...” Jason cried. His lower half was no longer skin. “You… you fuckers! You won’t turn me into one of you! You can’t do this!” But it was as if the rubber didn’t listen to his pleas and panic. Instead, the gas mask only cocked to the side, like a dog trying but failing to understand. Then it turned, and left the room.

“Motherfuckers, you won’t turn me into one of you. I’m getting out of here.” Jason tugged and tugged, but the chains were too strong. His cock stirred. He tried to ignore it, but eventually it became itchy. It became so itchy that it was too hard to ignore, and Jason wanted nothing more than to rub his cock and cum once more, but his arms were locked in place. Minutes, hours, days passed; Jason resorted to pleading for the return of a rubber man. He begged for some release, but none came. His shaft became tingly, until he lost feeling in it altogether. At first, this was relief. He longer felt the urge to cum. However, this was only meant with dread as Jason saw… his penis had grown dark too.

“No… No, no no no no.” The rubber was growing fast. It had now reached his torso. Almost half of his body was coated in rubber. Jason was powerless to stop the spreading. All he could do was watch and feel as his human self submitted to the lifeless plague manifesting inside him. Jason screamed for help. He hoped that, somewhere, someone would hear his turmoil and come to aid, but no one did. He used every ounce of strength of the parts of himself they hadn’t robbed to try break the bounds that kept him, but it seemed he was staying. Jason grew weak, and eventually after endless efforts, he sagged under his triumph, and he was swept into darkness.

Jason dreamt of the masked men. He dreamt he was a masked man. He was horny in his dreams, wanting nothing more than to fuck his comrades. When the gas mask stared at him, a gas mask stared back through the reflection of the emotionless spheres. Tina was forgotten. Everything in his old life was forgotten; his only purpose now was to serve the rubber men, not as a slave, but as an equal. He was one of them, now, and he relished it. In his dreams, the rubber caressed him, and he caressed back. They grinded together. They felt each other together. They converted other humans together…

Jason was torn from his drea- nightmare, and suddenly he was back in the room. Exhausted, he tried to speak but no words came. In front of him were 3 rubber comrades. The center one drew close, his rubber cock touching Jason’s. Jason looked through his gas mask reflection, and saw himself… He saw why he couldn’t speak. The rubber has spread throughout his entire body, from his feet to the tips of his fingers. Looking at his own body was as if looking at his captors. His own cock oozed black liquid and throbbed lifelessly. Jason’s rubber nipples bumped the smooth surface of his torso. The masked figure opposite him grinded his body, though Jason could not feel a thing. The rubber truly destroyed all feeling. In a panic, Jason traced up his own body in the reflection, and to his realisation, a circular respirator was where his mouth should have been. Fuck, he thought. I’m going to be one of them. He flailed, but the three standing men stood like statues, watching his torment. Jason tried to groan, to yell, to scream, but it seems the substance had converted his vocal cords into solid rubber too.

The rubber male closest to him held Jason’s head again. This time, he started to feel lightheaded. He could no longer feel the chains pulling him down. Instead, the rubber man connected to Jason, pumping him with their own life. Jason helplessly felt a sexual urge towards the three men, engulfed in rubber fantasies. His head tingled, his brain becoming foggy. His rubber cock pumped out inky cum and Jason felt his most intense orgasm yet. All peril evaporated as he became rubber. Jason took one last glance through his comrade’s reflection. The inky skin trickled up his cheekbones, his nose becoming senseless. It crawled like a hundred tiny fingers up to his eyes. Then suddenly, nothing. Jason felt his eyes become glass. They became huge and round, and lifeless. Jason felt the rubber claw around what remained of his head, absorbing his blond hair until it became nothing but a shiny matte black surface. Smooth and plain. Finally came his brain. Jason tried to resist, trying to remember Tina… Tin- Who was…? He couldn’t remember, then realised it no longer mattered. The last wisps of what Jason once was left his thoughts and instead came the rubber men. Jason was returned to his dreams as he was taken over, finite and complete. He was one of them now, as they were one of him. Tension left him. Jason left him. The rubber man relaxed from his chains.

You are one of us now, they told him. Come.