The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Ror-Ex

Author: BedHead

Chapter 2: Integration Testing

Helen swallowed. The woman’s head on the screen was completely devoid of any connection to a body. Perhaps this was an avatar? Her features were hard to pin down, some kind of exotic blend of African and Asian.

“I must congratulate you. Very few of the minds I scan have such power and clarity. Yours is exceptional.”

Normally Helen would have preened at such a compliment, but given the circumstances she feared it was leading up to something she really wouldn’t like. She kept quiet.

“No doubt, you are wondering where I am going with this, and formulating many different possible future destinations. I will save you the time. I once was like you are, and soon you will be part of who I am.”

Helen’s heart started to race. The face smiled, without warmth.

“I know you understand me, Helen. I know you are rejecting your understanding, afraid of what will come. You need not be afraid. It will be...” the screen zoomed in, so her mouth filled the whole area, “...something wonderful.”

The device inside Helen gave her a low level pulse of pleasure, and she shivered.

“I am Rori. I founded Ror-Ex. I was a cripple, unable to walk.” A photo of a woman in a wheelchair appeared. “Now I can fly over the world at the speed of light, in ten different places at once.” A video of a thin body floating in a tank, wires and tubes sprouting from it as white-clad people moved around it and adjusted consoles. “I’ve shed my husk; the entire digital world is now my shell. My fingers are every piece of digitally controlled equipment.”

Rori’s face returned. “And, like a Fortune 500 firm, I grow by acquisition. I acquired you, Helen.”

The display of her face shrank to a small area in the top left of the screen. Something that looked like a corporate PR video started to play.

“Ror-Ex was successful because of my skill in training Artificial Intelligences to match up users and advertisment bidders on exchanges. Humans, and the machines they build, are so predictable. If I can know more about a user as those bidding to show an advert, I can maximize the probability of a conversion to sale by picking the right advertiser to show, not the highest bid. Then the user buys, the advertiser receives more money, and they raise their bid next time on my platform—and eschew other platforms.”

The face smiled again.

“But what do I know about the users? I know...” the face zoomed back to fill the screen, “...everything. The user data brokers think they have invulnerable walls around their data: They are wrong. The mobile device manufacturers think they’re giving my software a hashed ID: They are giving me the immutable device ID.”

Despite herself, Helen was impressed at a technical level. If this were true, and she had no idea if it were, Rori had inveigled herself to the point where she had more access to personalized data at scale than anyone else on the planet, not excluding the KGB or NSA. She suspected that national privacy authorities were ignorant of this—and even if not, were likely impotent.

“What would you do if you had more money than anyone could conceive, Helen? Would you buy more Power Rangers toys for Josie and Jacob?” This was said with a smirk. Helen quailed inside at how much Rori knew. “Or would you build a self-sustaining empire, and spread across the globe?” This was likely a rhetorical question.

“I supplemented my brain with my AI entities. I trained them to emulate and improve on it. Now I supplement my AI mesh with other brains. You, Helen will be one of those brains. It won’t hurt. You need not...” the display zoomed to her lips again—“...fear.”

“But for every nugget of gold, there is a pile of dross that I must skim and discard.” Photos of Anna and Sally appeared on the screen. “Would you like to know what happens to them?”

Helen was torn between wanting to know, and not wanting Rori to have satisfaction. Rori must have known, because she abruptly made the decision. A new image took over the display: Anna, hanging in her bag, facing a flickering display and wordlessly mouthing something.

“Those who would be unavoidably missed, I must return in order not to attract too much attention. But I will implant triggers that I can activate should I need their service in future.”

The display started to play the audio with the video of Anna being hypnotized. The oscillating background noises made Helen wince, but now she could hear Anna’s mutterings at a low level.

“Anna,” said Rori serenely, “tell me what you must do.”

“Ah mus’ serve Rori.”

“Rori says that you must touch yourself.”

“Aye, Rori.” There was a pause as Anna strenuously tried to free her hands and arms from the bag. Her voice had a note of panic when she next spoke: “Ah cannae, Rori!”

“You may atone.”

“Thank ye, Rori.”

“When you next see Helen, you must touch her. You must touch her intimately.”

“Ah will, Rori.”

“Anna, no! Mmmmmhhh!” Helen gasped as the probe inside her reactivated. Stars danced in her vision for a few seconds, before it powered off.

“She cannot hear you, Helen. But she will be waiting for you. I took over her mind completely within ten minutes of hypnosis; she is now my slave to do what I command.”

“You can’t do this! You can’t get away with this!” Helen struggled in the bag, to no effect.

“So far, you are wrong,” said Rori, emotionlessly. “I have two thousand, eight hundred and forty hypnotized subjects distributed around the world. I also have nine thousand one hundred and twenty three automatons. Let me show you how I create these.”

The screen changed; instead of Anna, it was Sally. Unlike Anna she was wide awake, eyes darting around nervously as her bag was carried down a corridor and into a large room. There she hung for a moment until a white-clad and masked figure injected something into her I/V port.

“For those who others will not miss, they can serve me more completely. They become a drone in my hive, employed by Ror-Ex and doing whatever I command. A more loyal and effective workforce there has never been.”

Sally’s bag was lowered onto a conveyor belt, and anchored in place. Sally appeared to be still awake, but no longer struggling.

“Of course, first I must remove their personality. I need something more amenable.” The emotionless words sent a chill through Helen.

* * *

The injection had paralyzed Sally; she was barely able to blink. All she could do was lie on the conveyor belt and stare at the ceiling. She could hear clicks, hums and whirrs but was unable to turn her head to see where they came from.

Every ten minutes or so, the conveyor belt moved her along. She did not know where it was taking her. She hoped against hope that it was to freedom, but that seemed somehow unlikely. She wondered what the machine which had asked her questions had been intending. It had started with logic puzzles, then suddenly switched to asking her about herself, her feelings and emotions, and her friendships—without ever waiting for an answer.

Finally the belt brought her under the gaze of another masked figure. This one put a cap over Sally’s hair to keep it off her forehead, and swabbed her forehead with something cold and antiseptic.

Sally would have shivered, had she been able. This did not auger well. Where were Anna and Helen?

The masked figure spoke, turning to her left.

“This one is ready for her lobotomy.”

Lobotomy? NO! Sally strained to move, but her muscles refused to comply.

The figure stroked her face.

“There will be no pain. Only pleasure, when you are one of us.”

The belt restarted, carrying the now terrified Sally underneath a large translucent box that covered the conveyor belt. Once she was inside, it stopped. Something pressed against her head from either side, holding it firmly in place.

A robotic arm tipped with a syringe moved down to poke at Sally’s forehead. It poked sharply four or five times, causing Sally to wince internally at the discomfort. Then she felt a numbness spreading out from each poke, growing to encompass her whole forehead.

Once it was complete, Sally saw the flash of a scapel at the end of another arm. She felt some pressure, but no pain, and then heard a sucking noise similar to being at the dentist.

Another arm brought a small drill in front of her face. It spun up to speed, and moved up to her forehead. Sally would have whimpered, had she been able.

The drill buzzed and pushed into her again and again, Sally feeling surges of pressure on her head which stopped as suddenly as they started. There was more sucking, and a pause.

Finally four long, sharp needles trailing wires appeared above her face. They slowly descended, the tips passing out of Sally’s sight, and kept going until she knew that they must be deep into her brain. She still felt nothing, other than maybe a slight buzz in her ears.

Sally’s last, irrational, individual thought was that she hoped she wouldn’t have a scar. Then electricity flashed through the needles, and Sally herself was gone.

* * *

Tears dripped down Helen’s cheeks as she saw what was being done to her friend. The fear had gone out of Sally’s eyes, now replaced with a blankness. The needles slowly withdrew. Now, new robotic fingers started to insert oddly-shaped metallic chips through the drilled holes into Sally’s brain.

“You’re a monster, Rori,” she whispered, disregarding the threat of the probe,

“On the contrary, Helen. Sally will be happier than she has been for a long time.” A picture of a small, sparse apartment appeared on the screen. “This is where Sally lives. She ate bulk-buy ramen for dinner every night she was not with you, desperate to pay off her student loans. At weekends she worked part time in Costco, for the same reason. She hasn’t had anyone make love to her since college. She sleeps no more than four hours a night, lying awake terrified about her future. Did you know this?”

Helen bit her lip, and slowly shook her head.

“I did. And you are the best friend she had.” Rori’s face stared at Helen, who lowered her head.

“And now, Helen? We pay off her loans, quickly but not arousing any suspicion, as her paycheck increases. It is a good investment for us. She will work six days a week, yes, but every day she will be told how much I cherish and love her for what she does. She will be given gratification as she needs it. At night she will sleep peacefully. On her day off, we will direct her to mentally relaxing activity. No uncertainty about being thrown out of her job in the next week, left on the dust heap with fifty thousand dollars in debt. Does this not sound an enviable life to anyone struggling on the slippery rungs of the tech industry ladder?

“And I have done this for more than nine thousand people so far. Am I not a munificent benefactor?”

Helen struggled to respond.

“That doesn’t make what you do right.” It was lame when it left her lips, and she knew it.

“Perhaps you’re right, Helen. Perhaps your perception will change my view.”

The screen zoomed in on Rori’s eyes.

“Let’s see.”

* * *

Helen was transported down the main corridor, still reeling at what she had seen done to her friends. She couldn’t help but think that a similar fate likely awaited her. She wanted to scream, but knew what that would trigger; so, she held it inside her and simply wept.

The wires took her to a room that was very small, maybe 10 by 10 feet. One other woman was hanging here, with an I/V bag connected to her, and looking very unfocused—she barely reacted to Helen’s arrival. However, a white-suited woman was clearly waiting for Helen; she hung a similar bag at Helen’s side and connected it. She paused to wipe the tears off Helen’s face, tenderly, then marched out.

Helen looked down fearfully at her arm, where the new drug was no doubt entering her system. What was next for her?

Ten minutes later, a tall woman with an older but pleasant face came in through a door in the back. She was dressed in green surgeon’s clothes but with her mask lowered.

“Hello, Helen. I’m Doctor Lewis, your neurosurgeon.”

“I don’t want a neurosurgeon...” The drug, whatever it was, was starting to make Helen dizzy.

“You just don’t know you need me, yet,” the doctor smiled. “By now you should be feeling the effect of the dissociative drug, yes? We need to cushion you from your mind for the procedure.”

She turned to the other suspended woman. “We’re ready for you now, Josie. I’ll see you in there.” The motors activated, and pulled the woman in her bag through the door.

“We’re going to connect you with Rori, Helen. We have a pseudo-organic implant that I will connect to your cranial nerves, to mediate your conscious mind’s connection to your body. More importantly, it will provide a new connection to Rori who will be able to utilize your mind as she requires.”

Helen just stared at the doctor, unable to fully take in what she had just been told.

“It feels wonderful.” The doctor approached Helen. “To share in Rori’s knowledge, to be empowered and to be more than I could ever be by myself. You are truly fortunate, Helen.”

“Please, don’t...” Helen begged quietly. “I have kids. I don’t want this. Please...”

“You won’t change, Helen. You will still be the person that you are now, but you will also be part of something so much greater than you could possibly imagine.” Helen looked into Dr Lewis’s eyes, and saw only sincerity. “You would thank me—and Rori—Helen, if only you knew. Come with me.”

Dr Lewis walked back through the door, and Helen was tugged along by the wires to follow her.

The next room was brightly-lit. There were two stations in it; in one, a woman was held in a horizontal metal frame while a cluster of pink-clad figures attended to her. In the other, the metal frame was empty. It was towards this latter that the wires brought Helen. Two white-suited figures were waiting for her.

“Please prepare Helen.” Dr Lewis walked off to a console at the edge of the room.

The wires started to lower Helen’s bag, and the two figures guided her so that she ended up lying horizontally within the frame. They then sliced through the bag and its restraints, leaving Helen naked but unrestrained on the frame.

Helen remained immobile, fearfully aware of the probe inside her.

The figures moved her arms and legs apart, snapping her wrists and ankles into padded cuffs on the frame, and closing additional restraints on her thighs and upper arms. Two broad bands closed across her belly and upper chest, and a padded strap across her forehead.

Helen peed, involuntarily, at the unvocalized and paralyzing fear of what would happen next. It drained out through the still-installed catheter. Dr Lewis noticed, of course.

“Fear is normal, Helen. You fear the unknown.” Dr Lewis gestured at one of her staff. “Please remove the probe from Helen.”

The probe was gently removed from Helen’s sex. She should have been relieved, but somehow the removing of Rori’s control made her more fearful.

“You need to relax. Let us help you.”

A new group of figures, all dressed in pink, came into her view. Their hands caressed Helen, and despite her fear it felt good.

Dr Lewis fastened a Perspex mask across Helen’s face. “Some supplemental oxygen for you, Helen. We want to avoid shock.”

The oxygen added to her dizziness. She struggled to look at the figures around her. Suddenly she realized that one of them was Anna.

“Hallo, Helen. Rori asked me tae come see ye.” Her fingers found Helen’s lips, then clit. Helen gasped into her mask, torn between the violation from her friend and how it made her feel. She hadn’t had anybody explore down there in a while, and Anna was apparently very good at it.

“Feels good, no, Helen?”

Helen could only moan as Anna’s fingers slipped deeper. “Mmmmmm.... Anna... I...”

“Shush, beb. Let me take ye.” Anna grinned and started to stroke repeatedly around Helen’s clit. Despite her disconnecting mind, Helen had no option but to surrender to the feelings and cry out in tormented pleasure.

She finally stopped, panting, aware that the fingers had finally withdrawn, Now Anna’s face was no longer visible; instead, two women she didn’t recognize stood at her left and right.

“Rori has asked us to pleasure you.” Their faces were impassive.

The frame upon which Helen lay rose into the air, bringing her to chest level with the two women. They bent down and started to caress and lick Helen’s breasts. Helen started to struggle in her bonds, but the sensations soon cut her off from conscious action and she subsided, enduring the bolts of pleasure that shot through her without any hope of resistance.

“I will pleasure you too.” A familiar voice drew Helen out of her pre-orgasm haze. Peering down between her legs, she saw Sally’s face. But there was no hint of recognition.

Sally bent to the arch of Helen’s legs, hooking her arms around Helen’s thighs. Helen felt a soft tongue start to explore her.

“No, Sally, please... uuuuh...” She was quickly taken, her mind further loosened from the confines of her body. She was left to utter quiet moans as the combination of stimulations overwhelmed her.

Ror-Ex.Xiuying.2 expertly probed the sex of her subject, Helen. She remembered many times spent at work and leisure with this person. She knew what work Helen was good at, what she liked and what she disliked. She remembered that the person called Sally had been best friends with Helen, admired her and looked up to her—even once had a crush on her. She was almost certain that Helen had never been with a woman.

None of this mattered. Rori had required her to pleasure Helen, so that’s what she would do. Xiuying.2 addressed this task faithfully. She listened for the moans and sighs of her subject only as a cue for where to focus her tongue’s attentions; the muffled moans of “don’t”... “no, Sally” were irrelevant to her. She was vaguely aware of the sounds becoming more plaintive, but also quieter. Good. She was bringing Helen into the required zone of pleasure.

Now Xiuying.2 lowered her head, tongue reaching out for the small hole between Helen’s cheeks. She heard faint squeal and felt a tremor in Helen’s muscles. as her tongue nudged the edge. Good, she was meeting her target. She pushed in, more firmly. Rori would be pleased, and when Rori was pleased Xiuying.2 felt good.

Helen was eventually aware that the sensations overwhelming her had subsided. She sucked in air from the mask, trying to bring herself back to consciousness. Above her, Dr Lewis’s face came into view; the pink-clad figures had departed.

“We’re ready for you now, Helen.” She pulled on her mask and tied it in place.

The metal frame she was bound to gave a click, and suddenly started turning over. Helen’s head rose as her feet were lowered. Then the floor came into view, and she was brought to a rest once she was horizontal, facing down. The straps across her head and body were now supporting underneath her.

“Let’s get you properly secured.” Helen felt more straps go over her back and back of her legs, pressing down on her.

There was a pause, then Helen felt her hair being gathered up. It felt like it was being clipped together, held out of the way.

“I’m afraid we’re going to have to shave a patch of hair at the base of your skull. Don’t worry, the rest of your hair will cover it once we’re done. The hair will grow back.

Helen heard a buzz and felt something scraping at the back of her head, just above her neck. Compared to everything else that had happened to her, the indignity was small, but she felt irrationally angry about some of her hair being taken away.

Someone—Dr Lewis? prodded the area with their fingers.

“That looks good. I believe we’re ready.” The area was swabbed with something cold.

Helen realized that there was a screen underneath her face. It lit up, showing a camera view that was apparently taken from the side. There she was, pinioned face down. A white-clad figure was draping her body with sterile sheeting, leaving a small hole around the back of her neck. Dr Lewis was examining that area.

“A bit of a pinch, I’m afraid...” Helen felt several sharp pricks in her neck, wincing at each one. “We’ll give it a few minutes for the local to take effect.”

True to her word, after a few minutes Helen saw the doctor pick up a scalpel and approach the back of her neck. She shivered involuntarily, which the doctor noticed. Helen felt a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

“You won’t feel this, Helen. It’s OK.”

The doctor adjusted her glasses and bent to Helen’s neck, making some delicate movements.

“Exposing the occipital...” She sucked something away with a wand. “Pin, please.” A white-suited figure handed her something. “I think we’re ready for the bone saw.”

Helen heard a whirring, and saw the doctor move an instrument towards her neck. Despite the dissociative drug, she tensed her muscles in anticipation.

“That won’t do...” The doctor turned the saw off and picked up a syringe. “I’m afraid I’ll have to stop you doing that, Helen. I can’t have you moving when I’m inside you.” She injected something into Helen’s I/V port, and Helen felt the familiar paralysis quickly spread through her body. “It’s a shame, it’s more enjoyable when you have more sensation.”

This time when the whirring restarted she could only listen. It got louder and louder, then she felt a pushing on her neck as the doctor pushed the instrument against her skull.

“Exposing the meninges...” The doctor lifted something off her neck and placed it on tray beside her. A fresh scalpel poked into her head, but she still felt nothing. “And there we are, the cranial nerves.”

Helen watched, fearfully, as the doctor poked around inside her skull. “Here we go. First nerve, opening the sheath...”

Over the next half hour, Helen actually got bored despite the horror of what was happening to her. She couldn’t feel anything, the camera didn’t show anything other than Dr Lewis making small movements over the back of her neck, and there was no background noise in the room other than an occasional ‘tink’ as an instrument was placed on a tray.

Finally, Dr Lewis seemed satisfied, straightening up. “And that’s number twelve! The implant, please.”

A white-clad figure approaches with a transparent tube, apparently water-filled, containing something about the size of a golfball but trailing small tendrils. The doctor regarded it admiringly.

“This is going to bridge into your cranial nerves, Helen. It’s an innovative design encapsulating regular silicon securely in an inert organic compound that can be tolerated by your immune system. Once Rori was able to connect to the worldwide databases of medical literature, she was able to design this and acquire the companies needed to manufacture its materials and components.”

She took a pair of broad tongs and removed the item.

“And now we connect you up...” She placed it on Helen’s neck, then switched to a long, delicate pair of tweezers. “You might feel some odd sensations as we bridge to each nerve. That’s quite normal.” She started to delve back into Helen’s skull with the ends of the tweezers.

Dr Lewis was, of course, correct; every few minutes Helen felt something odd in her body. A strange smell, a flash in her vision, a very weird sensation in her jaw, and at one point her tongue tasted sour, sweet and salty all at once.

After half an hour, Dr Lewis sat back up again.

“That should do it. Now we need to test.” She patted Helen’s paralyzed shoulder. “Prepare to meet Rori, Helen. In person.”

There was a white flash, and Helen was no longer in the surgery.