The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Repair Guy

Claire checked herself in the mirror. Hair looked good, teeth were clean... She turned around to look at her back. Sweater tucked in all the way around. Perfect, and all in ten minutes.

As a single mom, she’d been practicing the art of preparing for work in as little time as possible for 18 years, and it still filled her with just a bit of pride. Grabbing her keys and purse, she made her way downstairs to the kitchen, where Courtney and Tiana were still finishing breakfast.

“Alright girls I’m sorry I’m leaving you here but someone called in sick and they need me at the office today. There’s plenty of food in the fridge, there’s a note with the wifi password on the calendar, Courtney you still have your keys if you wanna go for a walk, right?”

“Yeee’th mom, we’ve go’th everyfin’ we need.” Courtney drawled through a mouthful of pancake. “We’re—” She interrupted herself with a gulp. “We’re fine. jeez, I’m finally an adult and now you decide you wanna act like a mom?” Courtney shot Claire a teasing smile.

Claire rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help smiling back. Courtney was right, for most of her childhood Claire had been the ‘cool’ mom—Not negligent or too permissive, but certainly more laid back than the parents of Courtney’s friends. Courtney’s own relaxed demeanor was definitely something she’d gotten from Claire. Now that her daughter was in college and Claire only saw her less than half the year though, she supposed she was feeling just a bit more doting during the time the two had together.

“Well, I was going to apologize for leaving you two without a car all day,” Claire shot back. “But now I don’t feel so bad!“

Courtney just snickered, which left poor Tiana, clearly a little uncomfortable, to respond.

“It’s totally fine Ms Flynn, we don’t have anywhere to be anyways! It’s just nice of you to let us—um, or me I guess—Stay here over spring break!”

Claire laughed gently, hoping to make the girl feel a bit more comfortable. Her daughter’s newfound best friend was fastidious and focused, qualities Claire hoped would rub off on Courtney. But the trade off was that Tiana very obviously lacked Courtney’s knack for playing things cool.

“It’s no trouble at all,” Claire assured her as she grabbed her lunch bag from the fridge. “I’m happy to have you girls here, so please,” She smiled at Tiana while she filled her water bottle. “Make yourself at home, kiddo.”

“Thank you so much Ms Flyyn, you’re the best!” Tiana gushed, sounding quite genuine. She was a sweet girl, Claire was glad Courtney had made such a good friend.

“She’s fine.” Courtney sighed, still smiling.

“No, Tiana’s right,” Claire grinned, switching off the faucet. “I’m the best.” She screwed the lid back on the bottle. " Alright girls, I’m off. Call me if you need anything of course, and feel free to—”


“Huh.” Nobody ever rang the doorbell.


“I’m COMING! relax...” Whoever was out there sure was impatient for someone knocking on doors at eight in the morning.


“Oh my goooooood” Courtney droned from the kitchen. Claire did her best to put on a polite smile before she swung the door open. If it was some kids here to ask if she’d accepted Jesus Christ into her heart she swore to god...

“Hey there, honey.” The sweaty man in a ruffled blue polo greeted her. Well, he definitely wasn’t a religious solicitor; not the way he looked her up and down as he said hello.

“You should be, uuuh...” He looked down at the clipboard he held in one hand. “Claire Flyyn, that right?“

“That’s right...” Marie tried to keep her tone friendly, but the man wasn’t making a fantastic first impression. “Can I help you?”

“Actually, I can help you!” He gave her a toothy grin. “I’m with Airwave Internet Service Providers,” He hooked a thumb behind him to indicate the blue van parked across the street. “And it looks like you still haven’t upgraded to our latest models of router and modem.“

“Um, no I suppose I haven’t, and I’m not really interested.” She offered him a placating smile. “But thanks anyways!” She stepped back to close the door, but he threw out a hand, gestured for her to wait a moment. She sighed, perhaps a bit too audibly. “Yes?”

“Sorry, I bet I came off a bit like a salesman there, didn’t I.” He chuckled. “I promise, I’m not here to sell you a thing. This is a free upgrade, a, uh, mandatory free upgrade. Starting next week the old models are no longer gonna receive service.“

“Oh, wonderful, count on—” Claire caught herself before she made the situation any more awkward. “Sorry. it’s... Fine.“

“It’s a pain in the ass.” The repair tech shrugged. “Those dicks at corporate make the decisions, I just do the dirty work. So, can I come in?”

“Um.” Claire found herself thrown by his demeanor. His ragging on his bosses had apparently been meant to build a little camaraderie between himself and Claire—as a saleswoman Claire was familiar with the technique. But he was so... aggressive about it, aggressive about everything actually, she was having trouble keeping her own irritation in check.

“Look, I—”


“Oh for—sorry about her,” Claire halfheartedly consoled the repairman. “COURTNEY DON’T YELL, IT’S JUST THE INTERNET.... GUY!” Claire shouted back to her daughter in the kitchen. “I’VE GOT IT!”


“Oh... Someone else in the house?”

Claire turned back to the repairman with a look of exasperation that he may have mistaken for being solely directed at her daughter.

“Yes.” She offered no further explanation. “Look, a free upgrade sounds great or whatever, but I need to get to work. You can come back tomorrow if you want.” She wasn’t sure why he would want to, or why he was being so pushy about this given his apparent lack of professionalism, but that wasn’t her concern right now.

“Work? Thought this was your day—Our file just said today was a good day to come by.” He gestured vaguely at his clipboard. “My uh, apologies.”

“Apology accepted!” Claire again moved to close the door. He again moved to speak.

“See I just uh, I’m booked all week, and like I said, before long your equipment won’t be getting any signal... I’d just hate to leave you high and dry like that. If someone else is home, I’m sure they could uh, supervise me while I swap out your equipment, right?“

Claire frowned. His smile was not exactly reassuring, but she supposed she should appreciate his apparent dedication to his clients. She held up a finger. “One moment.” This time, she shut the door before he had a chance to interject.

In the kitchen, Tiana was loading the plates from breakfast into the dishwasher while Courtney washed the pan Claire had used to cook the pancakes—Apparently Tiana really was rubbing off on her.

“Courtney, Tiana, this guy at the front says he has to upgrade our router or something.”

“Courtney quirked an eyebrow. “So?”

So, would you girls mind if he does that while I go to work?” She considered leaving the impolite part unspoken, then decided against it. “Y’know, keep an eye on him?“

“Of course Ms Flynn!” Tiana spoke before Courtney could. “It’s no problem at all—Right, Courtney?”

It was Courtney’s turn to roll her eyes. “Yeah, sure thing mom.”

“Awesome, thank you girls. Thank you, Tiana.” Claire gave her the girl a pointed smile even as she was already heading back towards the door. The girls followed behind her.

Claire swung the door back open, to the front porch where the repair guy was now leaning against the doorframe. “Alright. This is my daughter Courtney,” Courtney gave a little nod. “And her friend Tiana.” Tiana waved and smiled. Nice to meet... you...” Her smile shrunk dramatically as the man visibly gave both girls the same once over he’d given courtney. How lovely. For a moment Claire considered scrapping the whole idea and sending this guy packing.

“Eyes up here pal.” Courtney snapped.

“Ah... sorry.” The repair guy averted his gaze sheepishly.

Right. Courtney and Tiana were adults, Claire was reminded. Neither of them were naive, and Courtney at least was capable of looking out for herself. Hell, Claire had given her daughter her first keychain pepper spray on her sixteenth birthday. Dealing with rude guys was an unfortunate reality, but they could handle it. Claire couldn’t be the type of mom who panicked every time her daughter had to deal with some douchebag, and spending the next however long without wifi just because some nerd never learned to keep his eyes on a girl’s face would be silly.

“Right. Keep an eye on him girls.” She smiled at the guy while she repeated it, but she was sure the smile didn’t reach her eyes. Then she stepped off the porch. “I’ll be home sometime before six. Have a good day!”

“We will!” Tiana called back. “Don’t come back too soon!” Courtney added helpfully. It occurred to Claire that it was actually probably the repair guy who was going to have the less pleasant morning. oh well. As she pulled her car out of the driveway, she just looked forward to returning home, and getting to spend the evening with the girls. Hopefully by the time she got home things would have returned to normal.

Courtney stared at the guy on her porch, waiting for him to break the silence. Normally Tiana would’ve interjected, saved whoever was Courtney’s current victim from the awkwardness, but Tiana had no more sympathy for pervs than Courtney did. So the silence stretched out.

FInally, the repair guy seemed to realize he wasn’t getting an invite unprompted. “Can I... come in?” Courtney rewarded his delayed initiative with a predatory grin as she stepped aside. Enter at your own risk.

“Heh, thanks.’’ The guy stepped between them into the living room, and Tiana shot Courtney a frown and a glance at him while his back was turned. Courtney returned a crooked little smile. Even without the exchanged glances, Courtney knew she and Tiana were on the same page. The guy clearly had wandering eyes and a loud mouth, but they weren’t about to deny her mom this minor favor just cause the dude was a dick.

“So, your router and modem...” The guy scanned the sparsely decorated walls of the living room, as if the devices would materialize if he willed them to.

“Basement.” Courtney said simply. “Here.” She started towards the basement door in the back of the room. The guy followed, and Tiana trailed behind him, like they were escorting a prisoner.

Courtney opened the door and gave him a cheeky smile. “Sorry, lightswitch is at the bottom. Watch your step.”

“Sure thing girlie.” He matched her challenge. His bravado didn’t last long on the steep, darkened, curving stairwell. Courtney waited till he’d gotten to the bottom alone, then descended with practiced ease, Tiana following cautiously behind.

Rather than look for the switch himself, the guy had apparently decided to just stand in the darkness and wait for Courtney to get it—which was probably wise. She reached behind the column of water pipes where it was hidden and hit it, bathing the partially finished room in the yellow glow of old incandescent bulbs. The walls were concrete and there was no furniture, but a white carpet made the room just a bit more comfortable than a garage. The walls were lined mostly with bins, broken up by a couple pieces of exercise equipment and their washer-dryer.

“Back here.”

Resuming their prisoner-walk formation, Courtney led the repair guy to the back corner of the room, where the router and modem stood on a bookshelf adorned with the unsorted crap that had accumulated over the years.

Courtney propped her hands on her hips. “That’s all you need, right?” The guy didn’t respond, instead staring around the basement.

“Hey.” Tiana got his attention. “They’re on the bookshelf. She cocked her head to direct his gaze to the two little machines.

“Aaah, yes, yes that’s what I needed. Perfect. Thanks, girls.” Apparently the guy had the memory of a goldfish, because he said it more to Tiana’s tits than anyone else.

“Great, have fun then!” Courtney grabbed Tiana’s arm and led her up the staircase.

Tiana followed her into the living room, before stopping. She glanced back at the door to make sure the guy hadn’t come too, before leaning into a little huddle.

“Shouldn’t—” She stopped to glance at the door again. “Shouldn’t we stay down there? I thought we were supposed to watch him!

“Not ‘watch him’ as in literally watch him dude, ‘watch him’ as in Make sure he doesn’t steal anything!

Tiana’s response was to simply raise her eyebrows and gesture towards the basement door, her unspoken question quite clear. Courtney let out an exaggerated sigh.

“I meant to make sure he doesn’t steal anything valuable. Anything he could pocket in the basement is junk, he’d actually be doing us a FAVOR to take that shit. Unless you’re worried he’s gonna slip mom’s treadmill into his back pocket, we’ve got nothing to worry about down there. And since I don’t really want to spend all morning hanging out with the creep in my gross basement, we might as well—”

Courtney cut herself off as a telltale squeak from the stairs alerted her to the repair guy emerging from the basement.

The two whirled around in a manner that Courtney was sure made it clear they had just been talking about him, which was fine by her.

For his part, the repair guy seemed to be adjusting to their irritation, or at least getting better at ignoring it. Which made sense, given how willing he was to openly leer at strangers Courtney couldn’t imagine this was a new experience for him.

“Looks good down there girls.” He threw a thumb back to indicate the basement. “I’m gonna get to work, alright? Gotta grab some junk from the truck, be right back.”

“Mmmm.” Tiana assented noncommittally. Courtney and Tiana kept their eyes on him as he walked out. He left the front door open as he went. They continued to stare at the door in silence for a moment after he left. It was incredible how much more pleasant the room felt without him. Courtney turned to Tiana, who was still frowning. Courtney shot her a smile.

“Wanna watch a movie?”

Tiana was in the kitchen making popcorn by the time the guy finally came back. Courtney glanced at him but didn’t bother getting off the couch. She could guess why it had taken him so long to come back, the bin he was dragging looked like it had an entire disassembled washing machine in it. She raised her eyebrows and met his gaze.

“All that for a router?”

He looked down at his bin, then back at her, as if the question was ridiculous. “Router and modem, honey.”

“”Oooookay pal.” She turned her attention back to browsing netflix, and he continued dragging the bin towards the basement. It sounded like he was struggling with the stairs.

“It sounds like you’re struggling with the stairs.”

Courtney couldn’t see down the steps from her seat on the couch, but it sounded like he had stopped when Tiana addressed him.

“Would you like some help?”

Courtney grinned wolfishly. Tiana had an incredible knack for offering help in a way that made it clear that to accept would be to admit defeat. The repair guy clearly recognized that, and wasn’t willing to lose to a pair of college girls.

“Nah nah nah, that’s alright, ma’am.” Courtney could practically hear the strain in his smile. “You girls just relax, I know what i’m doing here.

“Of course you do.” Courtney tried to suppress her snicker, and then realized she wasn’t sure why she was trying.

Tiana folded her legs neatly as she took her seat on the couch and placed the popcorn between them. “Did you find something we’ll both like?”

“Nope! We’re continuing the Die Hard quest. We’re on Die Hard 4. A cinematic classic.” Tiana groaned and sank back into her seat.

“Why are you doooiing thiiiiiiis toooo meeee.”

Courtney cackled as she queued up the movie. “Because I can’t be friends with someone who’s never seen the greatest movie franchise of all time. I used to watch these with my mom when I was a kid”

“Definitely inappropriate.”

Courtney could hear the guy coming back up the stairs. “It’s not inappropriate, it’s…” The guy stopped at the top of the stairs and she could feel his eyes on her, specifically her legs she was pretty sure. She chose to ignore it. After a moment he moved on, passing them as he headed back out the front door. He wasn’t carrying his bin with him, so she assumed he was going to get even more shit. ‘It’s art.” She finished finally. Just because you haven’t learned to appreciate it doesn’t mean—”

“Excuse me!” Tiana cut her off. The guy stopped on the porch, and leaned back in through the door.

“Can I help you Ma’am?”

“You left the door open.”

“Ah.” He glanced up at the door frame around him as though he’d just noticed it. “Guess I did. Sorry about that.” He smiled at Tiana. She didn’t return the favor. He gave up and shut the door behind him on his way back out.

Courtney raised her eyebrows at Tiana, who did her best to look unaffected. She kept it up for about ten seconds before they both broke into laughter.

Over the course of the following two hours and eight minutes, the guy came back in and out Nine times by Courtney’s count, eleven by Tiana’s. Every time he came in he was carrying a new bin of crap. Every time he went out he was empty handed. Courtney was starting to wonder if he was trying to invent a new router from scratch. At least he was making sure to shut the door behind him.

As the credits rolled on the third worst Die Hard movie, he shouldered the front door open yet again, though this time he was only carrying a little metal box the size of a toaster.

“Alright girls, home stretch here!” He tapped the box he was carrying. As he passed by. “Just gimme a couple more minutes.”

“That’s awesome!” gave him a thumbs up, immediately turning to Tiana to furrow her brow and throw her arms in the air—the universal sign for ‘what the fuck?’ She hoped the guy had seen. Tiana shook her head.

Two hours?” She hissed. “Ten boxes of stuff? What the hell is he doing down there!?

“Who cares. Let’s hope he’s really done in a couple minutes and he finally fucking leaves. We worry about where he jacked off after he’s gone.”

Tiana frowned, perhaps unconvinced, bothered by Courtney’s suggestion that he had been jerking off in the basement all day. Courtney chuckled. “Come on, forget it. Your turn to pick.”

Tiana sighed. “Fine. Your house I suppose. Let’s see…”

Tiana chose some British nature documentary, and they had gotten through forty seven very slow minutes of it before Courtney finally heard the guy coming back up the stairs. Tiana shot her an exasperated look before pausing the show. They stood up as the guy made it to the top of the stairs, greasy and sweating, for some reason.

“Well?” Tiana opened expectantly. He returned a crooked grin.

“We’re all set down there.”

Courtney raised a skeptical eyebrow. “You just finished working on the… router. And modem.

“That’s right, sweety. Like I said, all set.”

Courtney threw her hands up in surrender. Alright, sure. Well, you uh, need any help getting your stuff out of here.” She cast her eyes towards the front door meaningfully. SO you can go?”

He frowned a bit. Don’t you wanna… We should test the internet, right?”

Courtney rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you did a great job buddy. You’re an expert, right? C’mon, lets go get your bins or whatever.” She moved towards the basement, but the guy, still standing in the doorway, didn’t move to lead her there or get out of the way.

“Well hold on.” He seemed almost defensive now, I mean, I can’t say for sure It works, I, y’know it’s complicated stuff, without checking I mean…”

Courtney opened her mouth to insist it was fine, but Tiana cut her off.

“Yknow what Court, he’s right.”

Courtney squinted at her friend. “What?

“About the wifi. Who knows if it works, right?” She looked pointedly at the guy. “He’s been here all day, and I’d like to make sure it was worthwhile. It would just suck if he put in all that effort and it doesn’t even work, right?”

Courtney sighed. She would definitely rather this guy be out of her house as soon as possible… Because he was staring at her legs again. And had been making condescending comments all day. Alright, she could see where Tiana was going. The opportunity to roast this creep a bit if he’d fucked up might be worth another minute or two with him in the room.

“Okay.” Courtney agreed. “Sure. Let’s check the wifi.”

“Lets.” Tiana offered the guy a polite smile, probably the first time she’d smiled at him since that morning. He returned the smile without even looking at her face; his attention was tuned exclusively to her boobs. This fucking guy. Tiana already had her phone in her hand, Courtney pulled out hers as well. If this didn’t work…

She smiled to herself while she unlocked her phone. It wasn’t like they were gonna call his boss or anything, they weren’t gonna put the guy’’s job at risk or anything. But chewing him out a bit? That seemed fair, and the guy seemed to know it. It sounded like he might be holding his breath, and he actually took a step back from them. Courtney had to give Tiana credit, the girl could be intimidating when she wanted to.

There it was, UpgradeWifi80085. TIme to find out if the last three hours of being perved on had been worth anything at all .Courtney tapped the connect icon and waited for it to load. She wondered what Tiana would say if-

Courtneys thought process was interrupted by a sudden, bizarre hum, followed by a gasp. Tiana’s gasp? Courtney frowned, but before she could, her phone finished connecting to the wifi, and suddenly the hum sounded much louder. Courtney felt her muscles tense, like she was experiencing a shiver but it just kept going. She tried to turn to look at TIana but the tension just got worse and suddenly she found she couldn’t move at all. A gasp made its way out of her lungs, and she had a sickening feeling she now knew why Tiana had gasped a moment ago.

She tried to move, tried to speak, but found she could do nothing. The only part of her body that was definitely reacting was her heart, which was racing. What the fuck. What the fuck was happening?!

After what felt like hours but could really have only been seconds, the background hum that must have been coming from Tiana’s phone stopped. A moment later Courtneys own phone ceased its humming as well. Courtneys hope’s flared for an instant, but were immediately dashed; she was just as paralyzed as a moment ago. She could only assume Tiana was as well, which left one unknown. Either this was some freak accident of some kind, and the repair guy was frozen as well, or…

“Wheeeeeew.” The guy let out a long sigh, and stepped out of Courtney’s field of view.. “You guys had me real nervous, lemme tell you!”

Fuck. Or that. Fuck fuck fuck.

The guy chuckled. “I was only expecting your mom to be home, honey.”

The comment must have been addressed to Courtney, but she could neither look at him nor respond. She was stuck, mouth slightly agape, staring down at her phone, which had turned itself off in her hand.

“Would’a been a simple hour job. Y’know how hard it was to rig the projector to be able to affect two bitches at once?

Courtney didn’t know what exactly the projector was, but she could put the rest together. This—what this even was—had been intentional, been planned, and… FUCK, and it had WORKED. Whatever the fuck was happening, she and Tiana were at this guy’s mercy. Courtney would’ve stabbed the guy if she could’ve. Instead she drooled a little on her chest.

“All that work,” He continued to grumble. “And it almost went to waste cause you bitches didn’t wanna connect to the goddamn wifi.” He actually sounded annoyed. He was annoyed with them, this fucking pervert or rapist or whatever he was was irritated that they’d made it harder for him to do… to do whateverthis was to them!? This guy was so dead, SO-

Courtney’s seething was interrupted by the sudden feeling of a hand snaking around her stomach, and the sensation of her skin crawling as this guy touched her.

“See.” The guy sounded fainter now, he must’ve been facing Tiana as he spoke. “The projector needs to know where to project, to catch you in the field. So I have it target the area around any device that connects to the wifi. Pretty damn clever, isn’t it?”

How badly Courtney wanted to turn and spit right in his face.

“Hmmm.” he ran his hand up Courtneys front, until he was groping her right boob. Her spine shivered in a way she didn’t even know it could. “You girls don’t have much to work with up top, do you.” Was he groping Tiana too?! She probably should’ve figured that already, that was apparently the whole reason he was fucking here, but it still made her blood run twice as hot as before.

“Well I don’t mind, I like a change of pace sometimes y’know.” A change of pace… did… did he do this often? “Stand up straight girls.”

Courtney’s body moved before she had even processed what he’d said. Her back straightened, her head turned forward, and her arms dropped to her sides. I felt like an involuntary reflex, but longer and more complex. It didn’t hurt, it mostly felt like any other time she moved her body. Except that she hadn’t chosen to do it, and worse yet, couldn’t stop herself.

“Heh, yeah, you two just might make the day’s work worth it.”

Courtney did her best to glare at him, but she still found herself unable to move even her face, as he looked them up and down in a way that was somehow infinitely more demeaning than before.

“Oh, yeah.” he spoke, apparently just noticing something. “Drop your phones.”

Courtneys hand went slack and she heard her phone hit the wood floor at almost the exact same time as Tiana’s. It didn’t sound like either of them broke. As if that mattered at all right now.

The guy smirked. “Yknow, I think you two’d look a lot prettier with a couple smiles, don’t you?”

Oh, the smug prick wouldn’t-

“Smile, girls.”

Courtney’s face shifted to what felt like a pleasant smile before she could react. Fuck him, fuck him!

There we are, yeah I’m really see’in the potential now. C’mon girls, I’ve got something to show you.”

Well that definitely didn’t sound good.

He walked between them and he slapped Courtney’s ass as he went by. From the sound of it he had spanked Tiana too.

“Into the basement girls.” He snickered. “March.”

As she was getting used too, Courtney felt herself more forward instantly. Her strides were stiff and her arms swing mechanically by her sides like a robot as she strode towards the door. With this stupid fucking smile on her face she must’ve looked like a giant doll come to life. Exactly what this sicko had intended, she was sure.

She had been closer so she went down first, with Tiana marching in step behind her and that asshole presumably behind Tiana enjoying the show.

As she rounded the corner into the basement, Courtney’s heart sank even deeper. Tiana marched right up next to her, and by the sharp little gasp Courtney heard, it sounded like Tiana’s had too.

Facing them on the back wall of the basement was some kind of… Chamber. It almost looked like some kind of iron maiden, but with less of a distinct human shape and more wires and fuses running through it. It was open, and looked just large enough to accommodate one person with the door closed. Courtney did not like the implications of that.

“Quite som’thin ain’t it?” Out of the corner of her eye Courtney could see that the guy was looking at Tiana while he said it. He appeared to be resting his arm on her shoulder, like she was his fucking girlfriend. “Just wait till you get inside.”

Behind her placid little smile Courtney raged, but no matter how hard she struggled, all she could manage was a twitch of her fingers.


She could twitch her fingers?

She put all her effort and energy into closing her hand. It almost made her feel lightheaded, and she couldn’t get anywhere close to a fist, but she managed to curl her fingers a bit. It was enough. Whatever he’d done to them must be wearing off already, which meant they had a chance. She just had to-

She froze, or froze more anyways, as she saw the guy moving again. She couldn’t let him know she was getting free until she could actually do something about it. He didn’t seem to be paying any attention to her though. He strode over to the machine and began rifling through one of those bins that he’d brought down. It didn’t sound like he was sifting through metal parts though?

Whatever, Courtney needed to focus. While his back was turned, she tried moving other parts of her body. She was getting more dexterity in her fingers, but her arms still wouldn’t budge, but even her wrists. Her legs were locked too, she couldn’t get more than a toe wiggling going on. Her neck was pretty stiff, and her jaw—Oh! She could clench her jaw! With a little effort she found she could finally stop smiling, even open her mouth a bit, and the more she did it the easier this got. With a bit more time, she might actually be able to whisper to Tiana. Hopefully this was wearing off for Tiana too. If they could talk to each other, maybe they could figure out…

“Ah, there it is!” The repair guy triumphantly pulled something small and pink out of his box. Courtney’s heart leapt, and she smiled again, hopefully just like she had been before. She just needed to keep him fooled until he got distracted again. She could do this.

The guy turned around and held up the pink thing in his hands with a lecherous grin. “I found just the thing for you, little missy.” The thing appeared to be a little dress, except that it didn’t seem to have much of a front. He tossed it at Tiana’s feet.

“Change into that, Princess.” He ordered. “No underwear, just that.”

Courtney’s stomach churned as Tiana instantly began unlatching her overalls. She’d make this guy pay, she vowed to herself.

The guy glanced over to Courtney, where she still stood motionless, smiling placidly. He smirked.

“Not sure what to do with you yet, but you can go ahead and strip too, honey.”

Against her will, Courtney found her arms sliding her jacket off. Daringly, decided to test how much she could resist the command. She worried the guy might notice, but she had to find out. Her concern was optimistic, she quickly realized. Other than fumbling her fingers a bit, she was powerless to stop herself as she peeled off her athletic top and bra, then shucked off her cargo shorts. A moment later she slid off her panties, and that was it. She was now fully exposed in front of this disgusting freak.

Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Tiana pull on the pink outfit he’d thrown at her. It was a poofy skirt that rested on her hips and stuck straight out, practically just a heavy tutu, along with a leotard for the upper body, but with an open front. Tiana affixed a little bow in her hair, and returned to standing up straight with her arms at her sides, just like Courtney. Without any underwear, Her boobs and pussy were also completely exposed.

The creep came over to grope her bare chest.

“Peeerfect.” He practically sighed. “You’ve been quite an uppity little bitch missy.” He tapped her nose while he said it, like he was admonishing a child. “You girlies like you think you’re sooo smart. Well we’re gonna fix that now.” He pointed to the bizarre chamber. “Get in missy, we’ll teach you how to be a good little girl.”

Tiana obediently began marching towards the chamber. Fuck! Courtney still couldn’t move her arms or legs, but she couldn’t let Tiana get in, who knows what it would do! Fuck fuck fuck, she didn’t have a choice. She yelled.


The repair guy jumped, but more importantly Tiana actually stopped. She turned her head to look at Courtney. The placid smile was gone, her face was now a contorted mix of fear and hope. Tiana must also be getting free, and better yet, she had stopped when Courtney told her too!

The control he had over them must not have been specific, it seemed whatever he’d done to them just made them do whatever anyone told them.

The repair guy whirled on her as she shouted.

“TIANA, GO-MMPHH!” Courtney screamed as loud as she could, but the repair guy’s hand over her mouth prevented any actual words from getting out.

“Get in now!” He snapped At Tiana. With an audible whimper she obeyed.

Courtney bit down on the guy’s hand.

“FUCK!” She could feel his hand tense, but he held it there still.

Tiana reached the machine, and climbed in.

“MMPPHHN!” Courtney screamed again, but to no avail. Tiana looked directly at her, her eyes pleading. With what appeared to be some effort, Tiana opened her mouth, but if she was finally able to speak, it was a moment too late. The door of the machine swung shut on its own, and a bulb on the top of it lit up.

Courtney bit down furiously and this time the guy yanked his hand out of her mouth.

“YOU—” She was cut off as he slapped her.

“Quiet down cunt!” He snarled. “Stupid little bitch.”

Courtney tried to yell again, but found she couldn’t raise her voice.

“You sick fuck!”

He ignored her to tend to his hand. It was bleeding in a couple places.

“You girls really have been a pain in the ass, yknow that.” It sounded like he was mostly muttering to himself, he barely acknowledged Courtney. He pulled something from the same bin he had gotten the stupid dress out of and wrapped his hand in it, before flipping some switches on the machine.

“Hey, what are you doing!?” He continued ignoring her, pressing some buttons.

“Hey, what are you doing to her!? Hey!!” She continued berating him.

The machine began whirring, and finally he turned back to Courtney.

“Oh you’ll see honey. And then it’ll be your turn..” His smug smile burned Courtney up. She opened her mouth to yell at him more, but thought better of it. She was probably just entertaining him, and wasting her own energy.

She tested her arms. Still no movement above the hands, but she could almost make a fist now. It was only a matter of time before she was free. So rather than yell at him pointlessly, she settled for a silent scowl.

And they waited. Him leaning against the messy box that seemed to function as a control panel for the chamber, her standing naked with her arms at her sides. After what she guessed was about five agonizing minutes, she found she could finally rotate her wrists a bit. Then-


The chamber made a sound like an oven timer, and steam hissed out the hatch as it began opening.

The repair guy’s smile broadened and Courtney’s heart raced. Once she was free, she promised herself, once she’d gotten away and gotten this fucking pervert thrown in jail, they’d make him undo anything he’d done to Tiana. Whatever he’d done, it couldn’t be that bad… Right?

Tiana stepped out of the chamber, and Courtney choked back a gasp.

“What the fuck!?

Her friend was smiling widely, like she couldn’t have been happier. But more shockingly, her chest had gone from a modest b cup to… Courtney wasn’t sure if there even was a bra size that would fit her now. Her boobs were gigantic, much larger than her head, but they swayed and bounced without any sag, utterly defying gravity. From a distance Courtney would’ve assumed they were fake, except that they looked perfectly natural, and Courtney knew that only five minutes ago they’d been normal sized.

After emerging from the chamber, Tiana just… stood there, smiling with barely focused eyes. It took a long moment for her breasts to stop swaying after she had stopped moving. It took longer for Courtney to snap herself out of her stupor. She had never seen her friend this happy before in all the years they spent together.

“The fuck did you do to her!?” She swore at the repair guy, but was surprised to notice he was frowning at Courtney, as if something was wrong.

“Huh.” He approached her, and she beamed at him as he did. “What’s your name, missy?”

Tiana giggled in a way Courtney had never heard before. “I’m Pussybitch, Master!”


“Well at least that worked…” The guy muttered.

“Tiana!” Courtney called out to her. “Tiana, are you ok!? What did he do to you!?”

Tiana turned to her momentarily, but immediately turned back to the repairman who she had just sickeningly called ‘master.’ Her expression was questioning, as if she was waiting to be told what to do. Courtney couldn’t help but notice a slickness between Tiana’s legs. It was like she was getting wet from sheer joy.

The repair guy shot Courtney a disgusting smile.

“That’s a great question honey.” He addressed Tiana. “Tell him what I did to you, Pussybitch.”

He turned his attention back to the control panel, swatting Tiana’s ass as he did. She giggled again.

“Master’s amazing machine wiped all that worthless free will and, ummm, and personality I had out of my tiny girl brain!” She chirped.

“Tiana…” Courtney fumbled for words. “What are you talking about?!”

“Hehehe, weren’t you, like, listening? My name’s Pussybitch, silly!” She tittered. “I only thought my name was… Was umm…” She frowned, like she was trying to focus. “What was my name?” She turned to pose the question to the repair guy.

“Tiana!” Courtney cried. “Your name’s Tiana!” Tiana ignored her.

The guy waved his hand dismissively without turning around. “I dunno, Tiffany or something. Doesn’t matter.”

“Yes Master, sorry Im such a stupid bitch Master!” Tiana turned back to Courtney. “Yeah the only reason I thought my name was like, Tiffany or something, was because I was too stupid to realize that my identity is totally worthless! Girls are just walking fleshlights, or toilets, or, ummmm…. Or whatever else men say we are! Hehe!” She giggled happily, clearly eager to degrade herself. Courtney wanted to throw up.

“Fuck you!” Courtney spat at the repair guy. “You’ll regret this you fucking asshole!”

“Hey!” Courtney sounded concerned. “You can’t talk to master like that stupid! You’re his property, Say sorry and, and tell him you’ll be a good little fuckhole!” Tiana stomped her foot and pouted to emphasize her tantrum.

Courtney did her best to ignore her best friend’s utter devotion to her new ‘master.’

“You can’t fuck with her head like this! And—And her chest!? What’s wrong with you!”

The guy finally shifted his attention from the control panel back to courtney. “She actually wasn’t supposed to get these.” He hefted one of Tiana’s boobs in her hand. Tiana smiled widely and stood on her tiptoes to make it easier for him. As if his touch was the most important thing in the world to her.

“All that yelling you did distracted me while i was setting up her adjustments. Looks I toggled the ‘T&A Enhancement’ preset by mistake.

Courtney glared. “By mistake!?” You weren’t even paying attention when you did—did this to her!?”

He chuckled. “Not really.”

His cruelty wasn’t surprising, but his casualness still threw Courtney. He was acting like turning her best friend into a blowup doll was… was just another work day for him!

“And besides, I like her better this way.” He slapped one of her breasts and watched it jiggle. “Still think you’re better than me, whore?”

“Oh, no sir!” Tiana shook her head with grave concern. “Im just a stupid fat fitted cumsock Master, I’m so sorry for being such an ob, obnoxs… Um… “ Tiana’s brow furrowed. “Ob… Oh! Obnoxious! An obnoxious stuck up cunt hehehe! It was so silly for me to act like I deserved to be treated with like, any respect at all!”

“Yes, it was.”He patted her head. “Now…” The man grabbed Courney’s chin and tilted it up, then to the side, like he was appraising an object.

“Get your hands off me you fucking creep!” She snarled.

Tsk tsk.” he scolded her like a teacher admonishing a disrespectful child. “What should I do with you…”

Courtney seethed. “Unless you wanna spend the rest of your miserable little life in prison, you’ll let me go, and you’ll change Tiana back to normal!”

The creep stared at her with an inscrutable expression for a few moments. Then he laughed. He actually laughed, like what she had said had been truly funny.

“Hahaha, change her—Ahahahah, change her back?!” He cackled some more. “You dumb cunt. She can’t be changed back, everything this machine does is permanent, that’s the whole point.” He smacked Tiana’s boobs again and she giggled joyously. “That old personality of hers is gone, totally erased.”

Courtney balked. E… Erased? Permanently? Tiana was gonna be like this… forever? Courtney balled her hands into fists, squeezing tight enough to feel her fingernails digging into her palm. She flexed her arms as hard as she could. Should could bend them ever so slightly at the elbows now.

“I’m… I’m gonna fucking kill you!” She roared. “ You turned my best friend into a—”

“Ummm Master?” Tiana interrupted her as if she hadn’t even been talking. “I have to go pee pee.”

The asshole let go of Courtney’s chin to focus on Tiana.

“What’d you say, bimbo?”

As soon as he looked in her direction Tiana cast her eyes to the floor In embarrassment.

“I’m—I’m sorry Master! I said, I um…” She twiddled her thumbs meekly while she met his gaze. “I said I have to go potty, Master.”

The repair guy glared at Tiana for a moment, but a smile slowly crept over his face.

“Now there’s an idea…”

He looked at Courtney. “On your knees, mouth open. Don’t move your head.”

Oh, he wouldn’t… Despite her resistance, Courtney dropped to her knees immediately, and a moment later her jaw fell open. She found she could still move it, but no matter how hard she tried to keep it closed it just worked itself open again.

He looked back at Tiana. “You need to piss, huh fuckmeat?”

Tiana nodded solemnly. “Y-yes Master, really bad!”

“Oh don’t you fucking dare…”

The creep chuckled to himself. “Silly little twat,” He pointed to Courtney. “That’s a potty right there! Go piss.”

Tiana’s face lit up with recognition at the same time Courtney was sure hers twisted into fury.

“Oh you’re right, master! I’m such a dumb cumrag, I didn’t even notice that Courtney’s a potty! I”ll pee pee like a good girl for you Master!” Tiana seemed absurdly excited to do such a basic task for this disgusting asshole. Her breasts bounced up and down in her little dress as she skipped over to Courtney.

“Hey!” Courtney cried. Hey you fucking prick tell her to stop!”

Tiana grinned mindlessly while she squatted over Courtney’s face.

“I swear to fucking god if you don’t make her stop I’m gonna-Gglurblblb” Courtney was cut off as Tiana started peeing into her mouth. Unable to close her mouth for long, should quickly found she had to swallow a mouthful. And then another. And then another.

Around Tiana’s legs Courtney could see the creep groping her ass while she pissed. “Enjoying the potty, dummy? Is she being a good urinal?”

“Glurbl ylblurb!” Courtney tried to curse at him, but did little more than get more piss splashed across her face.

“Yesssssss,” Tiana practically moaned while she emptied her bladder “This toilet feels sooo good master! Thanks for letting me use your property even though I’m just, like, your stupid sexdoll hehe!”

“Uh oh.” The creep chuckled. “Looks like she’s starting to spill.”


He laughed. ”Don’t worry honey, I’m sure that won’t be a problem once you don’t have that irritating personality of yours getting in the way.”

Wait… No…

The guy walked away leaving Courtney to continue gulping down urine. Eventually, finally Tiana finished.

Tiana stood up and away from Courtney’s face with a smile, leaving Courtney to gasp and try to spit out as much as she could. It wasn’t much.

“All done Master!” Tiana announced proudly.

“Good cunt .” The pervert threw something yellow over his shoulder. It landed a few feet from Courtney’s knees.

He looked back over his shoulder to address her directly. “Put that on, honey.”

Courtney couldn’t stop herself from moving to pick up the little pile of fabric, but at least she could finally move.

“F-Fuck you!” Courtney did her best to make it a threat, but her voice was starting to shake. She had a terrible suspicion she knew exactly what he was up to.

He ignored her, moving his gaze to where Tiana was still standing, waiting to be told what to do.

“Get over here Pussybitch.”

“Yes Master!” Tiana skipped over to him, all too happy to obey.

“Get on your hands and knees, right there.” He pointed to a spot on the floor, right in front of the control panel, where Tiana immediately complied.

“Like this master?” With her back arched, her boobs almost swung down to the floor.

“Perfect.” He grinned, taking a seat on Tiana’s back so he could continue to fiddle with the controls.

Picking through the outfit he had tossed to her, Courtney found it consisted of five parts; a bodysuit, a pair of leggings, and a pair of long arm warmers. It was a shiny, plasticky material. All of them a warm yellow, almost matching the stains Tiana had just left on the floor.

She kept her eyes on the guy and his control panel while she pulled the leggings on one at a time.

“Hey… What… What are you doing…” She asked cautiously.

“God.” He sighed as if he was annoyed, but Courtney was sure he was enjoying himself far too much. “You bitches really are stupid.” He slapped Tiana’s ass as if to prove a point. Courtney’s best friend, currently being used as a chair, giggled deleriously.

Courtney pulled on the arm warmers.

“ Whadda ya think I’m gonna do to you, girly?“

“I… I don’t know… A-Asshole…!” Courtney pulled the leotard on last, and found to no surprise that there were holes over her chest and crotch, leaving her as exposed as ever. Finished carrying out her order, she found herself standing at attention like before. She could just barely bend her knees. Her limbs were freer than ever, but nowhere close to being able to run away, and she knew she was running out of time now.

“Are… Are you gonna make me like… Her?” Courtney couldn’t believe she was hoping he would say yes, but if the alternative was what she thought it was…

The asshole dramatically tapped a final few buttons on the control panel, before turning to face her. “I guess if you really can’t figure it out on your own, I can tell you…”

Courtney swallowed nervously.

“Your friend here thought she was a real smart girl, so I turned her into a dumb, drooling fuckpuppet.” He patted Tiana’s head. “You seem to have way too much self worth.”

Her heart was racing now.

He gave her the smuggest, most evil smirk she’d seen all day. “So I’m gonna make you a nice, mindless, obedient little toilet.”

No. No no no no.

“B-but—” Courtney started. This couldn’t be happening!

He tapped the chamber. “Get in.”

“No, No wait!” Courtney’s feet began carrying her towards the chamber that would permanently alter her brain. She clenched and unclenched her hands, flexed her toes as much as she could. Please, she was so close, she just needed to be able to move her arms, her legs, something! “Wait, P-Please!” She cried.

The creep sitting on her best friend chuckled as she strode towards the chamber. Her friend ignored her cries, apparently content to be of service to the man sitting on her.

“Please, I—I don’t wanna be a toilet!” She cried. “I—I won’t tell anyone about this!” She stepped into the chamber. “ I’ll—I’ll do whatever you say, I promise, Just—Just don’t turn me into a toilet! Please, I don’t wanna be a—!”

The door swung shut on her.

“No! No Wait!”

The machine started whirring.

“Please!” Something was happening in the chamber, she could feel it. It was like the air was getting thickened, filling her head. This couldn’t happen, this couldn’t happen!

“No, Please no!” She begged.

Courtney could feel it now, liking something was pushing itself into her brain, like something else was being pushed out. She had to get out, she had to do something, anything, before-

Pottytwat pissed herself as she felt her worthless personality wiped from her stupid little cunt brain in an instant. A warm puddle formed on the floor around her.

She smiled mindlessly. Drool leaked from her mouth and cunt. She was a toilet.

She could feel the pressure building in her tits and they began expanding, until they were as fat as Pussybitch’s. They were heavy and uncomfortable, but Pottytwat knew that didnt matter, because she was a woman and a woman’s thoughts and feelings never mattered.

Eventually, the door swung open with a hiss, and Pottytwat stepped out of the chamber. her giant tits bounced and wobbled as she moved, hopefully in a way Master would like. It was so smart of him to make her wear an outfit that put all her “private” parts on display!

Pottytwat stood at attention, waiting for Master to tell her what to do. She was way too stupid to do anything on her own, of course.

Master stood up and came over to her. He groped her ass, then one of her huge titties. She leaned in to make it as easy for him as she could.

“Yup, this is much better. That’ll teach you stuck up cunts to behave.” Master chuckled to himself. Pottytwat didn’t get what was funny, because she was dumber than a used condom. It didn’t matter, Master seemed to think it was funny, so it definitely was.

“Not gonna be disrespectful now, are you honey?”” Master smirked. “Say, I forget, what was your name again?“

“Pottytwat, Master!” Pottytwat announced proudly.

“Hah, yeah that’s right.” Master strode into the center of the room, where Pussybitch crawled to follow. “Alright, Pottytwat. Introduce yourself like a good girl.”

Pottytwat nodded enthusiastically. “Yes master! This brainless cunt is named Pottytwat. Pottytwat was an obnoxious brat who thought she should get to make her own decisions, but now Pottytwat understands that she is a toilet! Pottytwat will be a good, obedient urinal, and do whatever Master tells her to do!” Pottytwat smiled and bent over to show off her cunt and ass.“Pottytwat is a drooling pissdump, just a mindless bunch of cock holes for your entertainment Master!”

Master grinned and smacked her ass. “That’s a good cunt, you finally understand your place.” He reached down to grab a fistfull of Pussybitch’s hair and pulled her upright onto her knees.”Pussybitch here has been waiting like a good girl while your little brain was being fried.” He shook pussybitch lightly. “Isn’t that right, bitch?”

“Mhmm!” Pussybitch nodded eagerly. “Master said he would play with me again once um, once he was done um, done turning you into, like, a brainless toilet girl, like you were always meant to be!” The pretty brown skinned bimbo giggled to herself, before her eyes shifted downward. Pottytwat followed her gaze down to Master’s crotch, where there was a noticeable bulge in his pants. Pussybitch started drooling. Pottytwat had never stopped.

“I did say that…” Master frowned thoughtfully. “But Pottytwat left this mess on the floor.” He pointed to the puddle of piss that had spilled onto the carpet when Pussybitch had used Pottytwat. “She should clean that up, don’t you think?” He addressed the question to Pussybitch, whose eyes went wide.

“Th-Think, Master?” She frowned for a moment as she visibly struggled to think, but a smile lit up her face once more a moment later. “I’m just a stupid pair of tits and a pussy Master, I don’t think anything at all!”

Master grinned maliciously. “Thats right you stupid bitch. You.” Master addressed Pottytwat now, and she felt her nipples harden at his attention. He pointed at the puddle again. “Where was all that supposed to go?”

Oh no! She had been a bad girl, she realized. “In me, Master.” Pottytwat answered apologetically.

“Right.” Master sneered. “So why is it on the floor then, cunt?

Guilt welled up in Pottytwat’s big bouncy chest and she cast her eyes to the floor. “Because Pottytwat was a bad toilet who disobeyed you, Master.”

“That’s right.” He scolded her. “Now say you’re sorry, and clean it up.”

‘Yes Master!” Pottytwat leapt to obey, falling to her knees immediately and pressing her dumb face against the sopping wet carpet. She slurped up as big a mouthful of the spilled urine as she could before swallowing, Then looked up at her master. “Pottytwat is sorry for being a disobedient pissdump Master!” She shoved her face back into the shrinking puddle for another gulp. “Pottytwat is just a stupid babbeling urinal who should’ve known she was your property, Master!” She slurped up another gulp. “Pottytwat will never make the mistake of thinking she deserves any freedom, or dignity, or respect ever again Master!” She continued to lap up her mistake. She could feel her cunt dripping as her tiny toilet brain struggled to think.

As she sucked up another mouthful, she felt her Master’s shoe on her head, forcing her face into the carpet. “Dumb bitch.”

“Imff fthrry msthr!” Pottytwat moaned a muffled apology. Master rolled her head back and forth in the puddle.

“You’re dripping more out your pussy than you’re drinking up with your face.” He chuckled. “You’d better make a better toilet than you do a mop, cunt.” He took his foot off her head. She immediately continued slurping Tiana’s piss out of the carpet like he’d told her too.

“You having fun?” He asked. Fun? Pottytwat wasn’t sure if she was having fun… Oh! The answer struck her after a moment. It didn’t matter if Pottytwat was having fun, Pottytwat was a toilet, not a person! Duh! Pottytwat gulped down her latest mouthful of piss. “Fun is for people, Master!” She answered. “Pottytwat is just a braindead fuckhole!”

Master laughed. “Ha, you’re right cunt.” Master was happy, She’d been a good fuckpuppet! Pottytwat was so lucky Master had turned all those ridiculous thoughts and ideas she’d had into sludge.

“What matters is if I’m having fun.” Master unzipped his fly. Pussybitch’s eyes were locked on his bulging cock as he dropped his pants and pulled down his boxers. “And I’ve been waiting all damn morning for someone to take care of this for me.”

Pussybitch mewled pathetically, her face inches from Masters throbbing cock. “You’re sooo right Master, We’re so sorry for being such stuck up dumb-dumbs!” She hugged his leg with pleading eyes. “I’m just like, a stupid bimbo cumdump Master, Just a talking cocksleeve!” Her soaking pussy was pressed against Masters shoe, leaving a noticeable shine on it. Master smiled at her display of desperate subservience.

“Stand up both of you.” Master ordered them.

“Yes Master!” The fucktoys spoke nearly in unison.

Pottytwat snapped to her feet instantly, Pussybitch taking just a few seconds longer to detach herself from master’s feet. Pussybitch twiddled her thumbs, her eyes still locked on Masters dick. Pottytwat stood at attention with a smile. She hoped she looked as brain dead as she felt.

Master started forward. “Let’s see….” He grabbed his toys by the hair and pushed them downwards. Pottytwat Sank to her knees instantly. “If those fat tits are as nice to fuck as they look.” With MAster guiding her by pulling her hair, Pottytwat moved to his right side, while pussybitch moved to his left, before they pressed their gigantic tits together to for a nice soft tunnel for master to fuck.

Still holding their heads for support, he thrust his dick between their massive melons.

“Wowie, your cock is like, so big Master!” Pussybitch moaned. “I hope our big boobies make a nice cockpocket!”

Master grunted “Don’t just sit there and make me do all the work you stupid sluts.” He smacked Pussybitch’s tits, and pottytwat felt them jiggle violently against her own. “Stroke it!”

Oh, duh! “Yes Master, sorry Master!” Pottytwat apologized. She couldn’t believe what stupid sextoys they were being, making Master jerk himself off with their tits! Pottytwat began sliding her boobs back and forth across his cock, and Pussybitch followed suit.

Master grunted and thrusted slightly with the rhythm. “That’s right, that’s right… Good little fucktoys.” He slapped their titties again. Pottytwat wasn’t sure if they’d done anything wrong that time, but it didn’t matter. Their tits were his property, he could smack them whenever and however he wanted.

“Guy could get used to this.” Master growled. “Hhhnnnn, I’m gettin’ close already. I wonder, which of my little fuckdolls should get a belly full of jizz?”

Toilets didn’t have ideas or opinions, so Pottytwat just continued to smile and drool. Pussybitch responded instead.

“You can like, fill me up with jizz, please, Master!” She pleaded. “I’m so sorry I acted like I was anything other than a brainless cumbucket Master, I’m stupid and dumb and, and, um, and please just fill my with cum Master! I’m a gaping fuckhole, please use me!” Whatever was left of Pussybitch’s brain seemed overwhelmed by the idea of Master dumping his load down her throat. She slobbered as she spoke, Masters cock was becoming slick with her and Pottytwats combined drool.

“Heh.” Master seemed entertained by Pussybitch’s desperate rambling. “Ok bitch, open wide.” Master shoved Pottytwat to the side so he could position his cock in front of Pussybitch’s face.

“Yes Master, thank you Mast-GLLRCK” Pussybitch’s begging was cut off as Master jammed his cock down her whore throat. She gagged slightly as his length went down, but he ignored her choked blubbering and continued forcing it down. Her eyes glazed over and she moaned contentedly as he pulled her face against the base of his cock. Master laughed. “There, that’ll shut you up.” Master pegan pushing her head back and forth on his dick, and Pussybitch slurped noisily as it was repeatedly forced down her throat.

Pottytwat simply sat mindlessly next to them as Master used what had been her best friend as a cocksleeve. She watched Pussybitch’s throat bulge rhythmically, her eyes rolled up back in her head. Less than an hour ago she had been a sweet girl with a strong will and a love for academia, Pottytwat reflected. And Pottytwat herself had been clever, confident, and fiercely protective of herself and her friends. It was so embarrassing! Pottytwat couldn’t believe she’d never realized how absurd it was for women to have rights, to be taken seriously as people. It was so obvious now that their ideas, their feelings, their opinions, were all utterly worthless nonsense. They were just holes, cumdumps walking around acting like their tiny brains were capable of complex thought.

Master grunted and slapped pussybitch’s face, apparently just for fun. Then he came.

Master grunted and groaned as his hips bucked. Pussybitch’s eyes lit up as she must have felt her Master’s cock pulse in her throat. Semen spurted out of her mouth around Master’s cock, and dribbled down her chin onto her boobs. She mewled around his length, no doubt doing her best to let him know what a good jizz dump she would be. Master ignored her. She was just a warm, wet hole for him to cum in, after all.

Once Master seemed to be finished, he yanked his living cumrag off his dick, His cock exited her throat with a pop. Pussybitch stared at nothing with crossed eyes, tears and cum streaming down her face. Master tossed her to the side where she landed in a heap, her huge tits pressed against the floor. She murmured some stupid incomprehensible cunt noises to herself.

“That…” Master huffed. “Was a good start.” He toed Pussybitch’s slumped form, then glanced at Pottytwat. “C’mon cunts, get up. I’m gonna have a lot more fun while we wait for your mommy.”

Pottytwat smiled

“Yes Master!”