The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Rachel’s Love Potion 2: Rachel’s Love Potion’s Love Potion

Part Four

The rest of the slumber party was soooooo much fun! Sooo much. So much. Really.

I’ll say this: nothing makes you quite so self-conscious about what you must look like getting fucked by your best friend than watching him sticking it to your second best friend over and over again. I couldn’t even say how much sex I watched those two had over the next few days. Once he’d gotten his wiener wet, the floodgates were opened. Literally. I don’t wanna get all graphic or anything, so I’ll just say it the way Knox said it: he made her pussy gush like a fire hydrant that sprayed fish juice.

I don’t even want to think about what that means, and I certainly resent the tired stereotype that women’s vaginas smell like fish, but I think it at least sums up my point. And I guess, after days and days of my front row seat to the Joanna’s Leaky Pussy Show, OK, maybe there’s a very, very minor likeness.

So yay. I did it, hooked up my two best friends and made a new couple. That was something to feel good about. They certainly felt good about it. Like, really good. Like, almost so good I wanted to ask if they wouldn’t mind giving it a rest for a while so they could explore some other aspect of their budding relationship. Like, literally any other aspect. Whenever one of them got that gleam in their eye, I’d do my gentle best to steer conversations to help them bond on a personality level. You know, over the kinds of things that brought people together, like sports, or pop culture. Religion. Their stances on impeachment.

They did not take my bait. At one point, I started keeping a timer on my phone to track how long they were going between one sexual escapade to the next. Sleep aside, their best was a period where they went an hour and nine minutes because Knox wanted to focus on an episode of his dumb show; then he thought listening to her beg him to fuck her again was so funny he made her stew for a bit.

I mostly tried to stay out of the way. My phone had been left behind back at my house, and it felt rude to walk out in the middle of our little party to retrieve it. So I tidied up, exercised, spent some time tending Knox’s hydroponic herb garden, where he grew many of his own alchemical ingredients. I asked if they wanted to have the place to themselves , but the two insisted that I stay and hang out with them. Every time I offered. Every time.

We finally finished Knox’s little zombie show, thank gosh. Good thing there wasn’t a quiz, because other than Rick and Coral, I couldn’t name a single other character. Joanna and I found our long-discarded clothes, the first time we’d worn a stitch in days, each hugged Knox goodbye, and left. He groped Joanna’s ass when she hugged him. Not mine, though. Which, I guess, was good. Friends probably shouldn’t grope friends’ asses. Even if they were so used to it that it would be sort of weird that they didn’t.

“I finally get it,” she said back at my house. The air smelled so good in here. Hardly even a whiff of jizz. “I couldn’t at first, not at all. Not even close. But I get it now.”

“Get… what?”

“You and Knox.”

I crossed my legs not at all defiantly. “Get what?”

“I mean… the magic.”

I froze. That was top secret! How on earth did she know? Sure, if you started opening books in his study and found the one that screams its text aloud as you read it, or noticed that the view out the windows showed the world two seconds in the future, or god forbid stumbled upon the dread wraith Primek, Defiler of Strays in the linen closet without knowing the safe word…

“Magic? I have no idea what you’re talking about. Definitely no magic that I’ve ever seen over there, and even less that I had any part in creating.” Yeesh, if she found out I’d tried and failed to give her a potion to make her obsessed with Knox, she’d freak!

She cocked her head, not buying my innocence for a heartbeat. “I meant his cock, Rach. The things he can do with his hands? What the hell are you even talking about?”

Oh, so she hadn’t discovered his vocation as a warlock. What a relief! Wait, what? “His hands?”

“You don’t have to keep playing dumb any more, OK? I get it. Yeah, maybe the guy is kind of a selfish douche, but man. I almost want to go back over for another round right now. But I know I don’t need to tell you that, eh?”

“No, yeah, totally.” I rearranged the cushions on the end of the sofa for a moment. “Though, like, that’s not really why we’re friends. You know that, right?”

“Riiiight, sure,” Joanna said, laughing and patting my knee.

I sighed. There was no point trying to explain the deep, rich, multitudinous reasons Knox and I clicked. I had in fact learned the word multitudinous while journaling about my newfound friendship one day, just to try to better capture what was in my heart. I’d never had to look up words to describe things between Joanna and I.

Oh, well. Not like anything could come between me and Knox.

“You’re sure you don’t wanna hang out?”

“I mean… what would we do?” said Knox. In the background, I could hear a sound that could only be someone gagging. No doubt Joanna, and no doubt on his schwing-schwong. I rolled my eyes. She didn’t even know that the gagging sound is one of Knox’s turn-offs, unless he’s goofing around and playing that game we play where we see who can hold their breath the longest. I use his cock in my throat to prove I’m not breathing, and he’s on the honor system. Even so, I always win.

(Sweetheart that he is, he probably lets me win just to make me feel good.)

“I don’t know. I was thinking we could hit the pool? I know it’s—”

“It’s sixty-something out, Rach.”

“—sixty-something out…” I glared at the phone. “But I could turn on the heater, and as long as we stay in the shallow end…”

“Yeah, I think I’ll pass. Jo’s over, and she’s refining her blowjob skills, and I mean… she’s not going to get better if she doesn’t practice.”

“Oh. Yeah, that makes sense. I mean, if you want, you could come over here, and I could, you know, do that for you. You know I know what I’m doing.”

“Um, maybe tomorrow? Sorry, it’s just… she’s so… oh fuck, she’s…”

I drummed my fingers. Knox was pretty insensible when he was coming, and it always took him a minute to screw his head back on. In the meantime, I could hear Joanna hamming it up, wailing and moaning at who knows what. Nobody had an orgasm from giving a blowjob. Something like that really would take magic, and Knox had told me a hundred times he didn’t squander his power doling out pleasure to others. Not even me. I felt proud to have a friend who held himself to such a strict code, despite how much he must want to do nice things for me.

“Sorry about that. Anyway, I’ll let you go. Jo and I are going to head to The Dancing Bear, see if she can’t pick up a few techniques. Girl’s got a long way to go.”

“Oh, that sounds fun!” I lied, but very enthusiastically. Maybe he’d pick up on the interest in my voice and—

“So we’ll see you later,” he said.

“Yeah, see you—” The line went dead. “Tomorrow?”

“Wow, Ian really kicked you out?” I asked Joanna tomorrow when she strode right into my house without even knocking, reeking of Knox’s cum and with sex hair very much in evidence. Without Knox.

“Locks changed and everything. Fucking bastard.”

“Oh man, Jo, I’m so sorry. Did he say why?”

There was a pause. “I guess one his friends saw… Knox told you we went to a strip club, right? I thought I heard him say something to you when we were heading out, but my bell was rung pretty good. I really need to find out what that guy eats to make his jizz taste so fucking incredible.”

OH. It suddenly clicked. Dancing Bare. I’d thought it might be some kind of petting zoo. The disclusion stung marginally less. “Yeah, I think he mentioned it.”

“So yeah, looks like one of Ian’s buddies was there, and… he passed word right along, like the good little bitch boy he is.”

“Oh no! Ian went that far off the deep end just because you went to a booby bar to have a few drinks with a guy? Man, that’s harsh. You already broke up. That seems like quite the overreaction.”

Another pause. “Well… I wasn’t just… having drinks.”

I gasped. “Were you doing drugs?! Joanna, you should know better than to—”

“I was dancing.”

Joanna had interrupted me, and had spoken so softly I wasn’t sure I heard her. “Come again?”

“I said, I was dancing. Like, on a stage. With a pole. Well, near a pole. I don’t really know dick about pole dancing.”

I did. I’d learned it, just for Knox, just because it cheered him up to see my naked legs swinging on chrome. But no, I’d sat at home alone with my vibrator. “Since when did you know anything about strip dancing?”

“It’s called strip tease, and it’s not like it’s all that fucking hard. You just wiggle your parts and every thirty seconds or so take off another piece of clothing until you run out.”

“You got nakey? In public?! Joanna, that’s so unlike you!” Not that she was a prude, but still, she closely associated skin concealment with dignity. I remember she’d broken up with a guy once because he’d asked her for a selfie with some cleavage. I knew she’d loosened up since then, but I didn’t know she’d come completely unscrewed!

“Just what are you trying to say?” she said, a little frost in her voice. “Like I’m some kind of slut or something? You’re the one who let him install webcams all over your house and stream your naked ass all over the internet.”

“Those are not on the internet!”

“That’s not what Knox tells me.”

He’d told me the same thing, but my hope that he’d been kidding was reaching an all-time middle. It was very hard to imagine him lying to my face, betraying my trust and shattering my dignity, but if he had, I’m sure he’d have a good reason for it. I mean, what kind of bestie would secretly rake in a bunch of money selling porn of their friend without even asking her? Heck, that would raise all sorts of questions, like if it had anything to do with why he’d gotten rid of all my old clothes, or why he made me dress like a trampy little slut, or why he switched off the cameras when he came over to fuck me. When you thought about it in that light, it would look like he wasn’t my friend at all, but some monster, a depraved creep who got off on taking advantage of my affection for him to use me as a cash cow and a fuck toy.

It was laughable.

I said, “Look, I’m not accusing you of anything. I’m just… that’s so…” Insane, I wanted to say. “Why did you do it? Did the mood just randomly strike you?”

“Rach, you know me. That mood would never, ever strike me.”

“Well yeah, so…”

“So Knox wanted me to do it. So, after a little negotiation, I did it. That’s it.”


“Oh come on, you know how the guy gets. He has a serious hard-on for pulling power trips. Like, literally. Pretty sure the less I’m into something, the more he likes it. And let’s just say, I was super not into stripping.”

“But like, if it’s a negotiation, what’d you get out of it?”

“What do you think I got out of it? Same thing you always get for giving the dude what he wants. A little taste of that magic fucking cock of his. He said if I didn’t get my ass up there, he’d… well, it doesn’t matter. I did it, and fucking hell was it worth it. Hashtag yolo, hashtag no regrets.”

“Joanna, you’re homeless. How could it possibly be worth it just for some sex?”

“I’ll land on my feet. I was thinking maybe Knox would wanna move in together. I mean, I’m basically his girlfriend, same as you. Not that I’d be super proud of having to pay my rent in pussy, but it’s only until I’m back on my feet. Or if he likes things better that way. You think he’ll take me in?”

“Move in…! Joanna, you two have only been dating for like a week!”

“Yeah, you’re right. Maybe that is too desperate. Could I crash at your place for a few days? Would that be cool? I’ve been having fun with our guy, but I miss you like crazy, girl. Whaddaya say, got a little space for me?”

“Of course I do, Jo,” I answered after a hesitation I hoped she didn’t notice. “It’ll be nice, hanging out with just the two of us.”

“Two of us. Heck, I say we invite Knox over and start another slumber party, see if we can’t double the subscribers to your cams!”

After clarifying that threesomes were absolutely off the table and being relieved to hear Joanna say the same, I managed to contact Ian and persuade him to let me come over and retrieve her stuff. Furniture was right out, but her clothes and personal effects were boxed up and waiting for me when I arrived. It was just as well. Aside from having no room for them in my place, I would have felt awkward stealing the couches and bed and table and whatnot out from under him. Even Joanna conceded she felt bad for the guy. It’s one thing to get dumped out of the clear blue; it’s another to find out your slightly frigid ex-girlfriend went out publicly stripping for the amusement of some rando while the corpse of your relationship was still warm. That was rough. There wasn’t much I could say to him, so I did the nicest thing I could think to and came and went as quickly as I could. That was that.

I think Joanna was pretty surprised to find out that I really didn’t own any “normal” clothes. “So it’s not just getting dressed up to impress Knox? You really sit around the house dressed like… that?”

It was hard not to glare. “Knox got this for me. It was a present. All my clothes were.”

“Yeah, but why couldn’t you buy some sweats? Fuck, Rach, for what you have in your purse you could head to Walmart right now and buy a pack of plain white t-shirts, maybe even a pair of pants.”

I took a deep breath. I didn’t like being forced to explain my feelings for Knox. It all made perfect sense in my head, but as soon as I had to organize it into words and sentences, it was like trying to build a lego house, except with marbles instead of legos. “They’re gifts, Jo. You don’t know Knox like I do. It would hurt his feelings if I blew him off, and after all he’s done for me, I couldn’t do him like that.”

She arched an eyebrow. “So… you two provide each other mutual sexual satisfaction, and somehow that obligates you to dress like his fuck slave?”

Admittedly, the outfit had literally come in packaging that labeled it as “harem girl attire,” but it was so much more elegant than some cheesy bargain rack genie costume. Everything was soft and billowy fun and the perfect shade of green to complement my eyes. Sure, it was also totally see-through, but so what? It made Knox happy to see me in it, like it made me happy to see him in pretty much anything. The fact that he trusted me enough to share all of his fantasies with me was so lovable I teared up sometimes when I was dressing myself, hand to god. The sluttier it got, the more often it happened.

“Look, I’m fine with it, he’s fine with it. Once you really get to know him, you’ll understand.”

“Well if he thinks he’s throwing out all my clothes to dress me up like that, he’ll get to know another side of me, too.”

* * *

“I feel like such a fucking skank in this thing,” she complained the next day. We’d had a bonfire in my back yard, incinerating every last stitch of clothing she owned. She’d thrown a fit when he told her what he was going to do, but that hadn’t stopped him. It hadn’t even slowed him down. Honestly, after a whole night of sidelong judgy glances at my own clothes, I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a teensy tiny-ish part of me that got a little kick out of watching it all burn to ash, her precious sense of fashion superiority incinerated in a blaze of humiliation.

All right, maybe not so teensy. Sue me. I was still giving her a home, wasn’t I?

The smell was surprisingly bad, but only one of my neighbors came out to demand an explanation, and the sight of Joanna and I in our dental floss bikinis went a long way toward explaining it to Mr. Gill’s satisfaction. It was funny how much more he came around ever since Knox and I had gotten to be friends. The toast of the neighborhood, that guy.

“Well I think it’s kind of cute,” I rebutted, beaming my gratitude to Knox for the generous purchase. Honestly, it felt a little weird having him buy us matching bikinis, to say nothing of changing into them in front of him, but he was adjusting, same as us. I wasn’t about to make it harder on him. I was glad to be back inside, though. It was chilly out.

“She can have mine,” Joanna retorted.

Knox smirked, addressing his reply to her enormous jiggling bosoms. “And leave you high and dry in case the Swedish bikini team’s recruiter stops by? I wouldn’t dare.”

“You think we got some contenders, eh?” She gave them an extra jiggle.

“I think one of you may be a few cup sizes shy, but maybe he’ll let you put that velvet pussy to work and give you an honorable mention.”

I laughed, but I didn’t feel it. Joanna, however, had not given up on her sulk. “So what exactly am I supposed to do tomorrow? The day after?”

“I thought girls were all about wearing their friends’ clothes. Isn’t that a thing?”

“It’s a thing when one of them doesn’t have a wardrobe full of fetish slut wear.”

I took a gentler tack. “Also, it doesn’t really work when they don’t wear the same size. She’s actually a lot bigger than me.”

“I’ll say,” said Knox, helping himself to a couple handfuls of her most prominent point of biggerness. I hadn’t really meant to tear her down, but… having him think I did, for only a second, might have been nice.

“She’s right though.” Her bikini top was struggling to find the right place. There was a sweet spot where it covered ninety percent of her nipples, but off a millimeter in either direction, the thing slipped completely up or down. Maybe she was wearing the same size as me. “Even if I was willing to wear that stuff, it’s all so damned tight I couldn’t squeeze into it.”

“Give me a few days. A week tops. I’ll round up some more outfits for you. Until then, you can make do.”

“Make do? What the fuck does ‘make do’ mean?”

“Try to think of it as a bonus. This way, if I get horny and want to stick it in somebody, your cunt’ll be the most accessible one. Tie-breaker goes to the biggest slut.”

“Don’t call me a slut,” she said darkly.

“Oh, Jo. Fair enough, you’re not a slut. Come on, Rachel. Let’s go up to your room. I really want to fuck somebody, and it looks like Little Miss Not-Slut here isn’t in the mood.”

I perked up at the prospect of some alone time with him. It had been so long! “Sure, sounds—”

But I was cut off by Joanna throwing herself in his path, pressing her nearly naked body against him and smothering him in a rain of kisses. “But you said if I let you burn all my clothes that you’d come inside and give me a little somethin’ somethin’. Come on, tell me you don’t want me. You know I look crazy hot in this.”

Did she ever. Not that I didn’t look hot. That sounds so conceited! But I think most guys would agree, probably. Still, if we put it to a vote, neither of us had the least little doubt who would win. Maybe, maybe, I was prettier than her. She says so, at least, and I’ve heard people say the same. Still, those people usually said it as a consolation because she was still really pretty, and then… I mean, those boobs. Dat ass, as they say. She was exactly the kind of woman most guys—Knox included—fantasized about, the conventional curvy bombshell. She only lacked the blonde hair to be a shoe-in for that recruiter.

It didn’t take her ten seconds to change his mind.

Knox gave me a friendly open-palm slap on my bare ass. “Hey, Slut Junior—mind staying out here and keeping an eye on the fire while I throw your buddy a bone?”

“No, no—you two have fun.”

Jo waved over her shoulder as he herded inside. “See ya Slut Junior!”

I glared at her backside, jiggling as vigorously as the front. “That’s only OK when Knox says it.”

I’m pretty sure neither of them heard me. But I sure heard them. I’m pretty sure the whole neighborhood heard them. I gave Mr. Gill a little wave when I saw him peeping with a pair of binoculars, but they were affixed on my bedroom. Because apparently that was where they’d decided to do it. An hour later, with the fire safely tamped down, I made my way back inside and camped out on the couch. It was freezing down there, but my clothes and blankets were both in the closet off my bedroom, and I know Knox gets upset if the thermostat’s up too high when he’s sleeping. I stretched the spandex patches on my bikini to cover a few more square centimeters of skin, then snuggled into the empty crevice in the back of the couch and did my best to sleep through the fuckathon upstairs.

“Where you going?”


“When will you back?”

“In a bit.”

“Dressed like that?”


“Have f—”

The door swung closed on Joanna’s farewell. It had been mere weeks since she’d moved in, and I had to admit it was actually starting to chafe a little. Not that I wasn’t happy to be doing my friend a favor. Two of my friends, really, because it had become very, very clear how much Knox liked having his girlfriend living right around the corner. It meant he could come by whenever he felt like having sex with her, and then go right back home so he didn’t have to actually socialize. If they ever had dates that weren’t simply pretenses to fuck in locations other than one of our houses, neither ever mentioned them to me.

It had become official somewhere along the way. Joanna was Knox’s girlfriend. She’d agreed to let him call her that in exchange for being allowed to give him a blowjob. “Dessert,” they’d called it. I could hardly believe how much she seemed to like performing oral sex, but did she ever! Any time he didn’t feel like breaking a sweat but still wanted an orgasm, all he had to do was snap his fingers and point and she was on her knees squealing with delight.

I know that sounds like hyperbole, but I mean literal squeals. From Joanna. The girl who’d bragged that she scraped guys’ penises with her teeth on purpose to teach them not to ask a second time. Now giddy for a command to suck her new boyfriend’s cock.

Knox had hardly touched me in weeks. That was fine, of course. We weren’t that sort of friends—“fuck buddies,” Joanna called it—but yeah, we’d ordinarily had sex or done something sexual pretty much every day, usually multiple times. It was an adjustment, for sure. My new roomie had speculated that we’d been subjected to some kind of Pavlovian conditioning, orgasms so powerful we couldn’t help but crave more, but I think she was only rationalizing. Yes, I felt a little uncomfortable if I didn’t get myself off every day, which I couldn’t remember ever being the case pre-Knox, but it wasn’t like it was a compulsion, like it was with her. For me, it was only the result of my bestie waking me up to my own healthy and natural sexual needs. Another reason I was so grateful to him.

Her wardrobe still consisted of that skimpy bikini and her birthday suit. We’d found she actually got so horny waiting around for Knox that I had to make her sit on a towel before she started ickying up my furniture. (Obviously Knox and I had already leaked all over everything already anyway, but still, she was a guest. Rude.) I still felt weird sitting around with her bare boobs out all the time, but she seemed to have adjusted pretty quick. Heck, whenever she wasn’t making sexy times with Knox, she was joined to me at the hip.

We watched TV together. She brushed and braided my hair for me. She helped me with meals. She’d sleep in my bed if I didn’t tell her I needed space. Unsolicited back massages became common, though she somehow couldn’t understand why getting my shoulders rubbed by my naked female friend left them as tense as ever. Once, she was waiting right outside the bathroom door for me when I finished, and it startled me so bad I screamed. If we were both awake, and she wasn’t occupied with Knox, she was my shadow. My naked, well-fucked, cum-spattered, hotter shadow.

Thank god my shadow couldn’t follow me out of the house on account of not having any clothes. She’d let Knox drain a big portion of her savings ordering some outfits to show off his trophy girlfriend. (Her term. His was “cum factory.”)

I didn’t know where I was driving until I stopped in his driveway.

“Rachel? What are you… oh fuck. What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked when I started sobbing on his doorstep. That was Knox for you, so upset to see his best friend crying that it actually seemed to make him a little angry.

He let me in, and as soon as I stopped crying such that I could talk, I told him everything I’d had on my mind since introducing them to one another. I’m pretty sure it didn’t even make sense. How could I be glad to have a break from all those unwanted sexual advances and at the same time be jealous of the new focus of his affections? How could I be so proud to be taking care of my friend in her time of need while simultaneously wanting to push her out a window?

“You know, you’re welcome to join us if you’re feeling left out. Frankly, she could use a few pointers from you. I haven’t got her properly broken in yet. Still way too preoccupied with her own pleasure, the selfish cunt.”

I lay my head on his shoulder, grateful for his attempt at empathy. “That’s sweet, but I think this is one of those times where I’m not looking for you to solve my problems. Just listen, and tell me things are going to be OK.”

“OK? Jizzycakes, come on, things are going to be amazing. Hell, I’d loan you some of my happiness if I could. I’m having the best year of my life, and you’re a huge part of that.”


“What, you don’t believe me? Hell yeah you are. This time last year, I was lost in my work. Obsessed with it. I barely slept, wasn’t eating well at all, had nothing but my right hand for company. Then you come along, and suddenly I have a girl I’d been fantasizing about for years right there, ready for anything I want any time I want.”

“You… fantasized about me?”I wrinkled my nose. That was a little awkward.

“Sure I did. I bet every guy you know fantasizes about you. And they haven’t even seen you naked. Sure, you might not have Jo’s body, but sometimes I almost miss those cute little titties of yours. You might be in, what, your… late twenties? Thirty?”

“Twenty-six.” I didn’t bother adding that my birthday had been last week. At first I’d worried he’d somehow forgotten it, but maybe he sensed how Joanna’s clinginess was grating on me and given me the gift of a night without her? Or at least, a night with my earbuds in, trying not to hear her howling out another dozen orgasms, which I’m sure was the best he could do.

“Only twenty-six? Wow. Well still, you got the pussy of a teenager, and the tightest little ass I ever saw. I was a little worried at first you’d have one of those flat non-ass asses, but it’s definitely there, and it’s grown on me.”

“You’re gonna make me blush!”

But he went on. “Then, just when I think I’ve gotten as lucky as I could hope to get, you up and serve me Joanna on a silver platter. And that bitch… I mean, sure, you’ve got a hotter face, but she’s got T&A like you only wish you had. You can’t fuck a face, after all, right? Well you can, but you know what I mean. That bitch… when she comes, her whole fucking body comes, no joke. Her pussy spasms like it’s trying to jerk me off, like she’s—”

“Hey, I spent months doing kegels so I could learn to do that!”

My friend kissed my forehead and gave my boobs a reassuring fondle. “You did. But that’s what I mean, your pussy learned how to do it, but hers… it just knows. And it’s always hungry for more. No chasing her down, no forcing myself on her, no pretending we’re anything but two people who love to fuck each other.”

I nodded. I’d reflected more than a few times along those same lines, how lucky I was to finally have a guy friend that I never had to worry was going to try to hit on me, or pretend to feel one way but really be harboring some kind of secret romantic notions. I could always count on Knox to want nothing more than my friendship and my body, with not a single romantic notion behind any of it. He wouldn’t know how to romance me if he tried. From what I’d seen of the way he treated Joanna, he was lucky any of it worked on her. That bossy, demanding, frankly degrading way he had with her would never work on me.

“Well I’m glad you’re happy. Joanna’s always been a handful, and it looks like she’s going through kind of a two-handful phase lately.” I caught my phrasing, rolling my eyes and ignoring his childish giggles. “Lucky for her she’s got you to help straighten her out. Honestly, sometimes… sometimes I wonder what you get out of it.”

He cocked his head to one side. “Sex. Sex with a super hot girl. Have you seen her? She’s so fucking hot, Rach.”

I grit my teeth. “Yeah, but you already had tons of sex with a hot girl. I mean, sort of.” This time, I was blushing at my own moment of egotism.

“Hey now, don’t you worry, Rach. You’re still doing the macromammarian cream rub, right?”

I’d forgotten the word for it—and forgot it again already just now—but I sure had. Every morning, I slathered that stinky goo on and let it sit for thirty minutes. The stuff made me nervous; the list of caveats and addendums Knox had given me about it was as long as my leg. Don’t ingest it, don’t let it dry on my hands, don’t expose it to sunlight, don’t make fun of it verbally or nonverbally… on and on. It at least necessitated cloistering myself in my bathroom, which gave me a reprieve from Joanna and her clinginess.

“Of course I am. I know how important my breast size is to you. How much work you put into making the stuff for me. I am running a little low, though. Hey, maybe I could help you out in the lab? Now that I’ve officially brewed a potion, maybe I could be your lab assistant. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

“You’re about eight years of study and five years of post-demon-pact practice shy of being a worthy assistant,” he said firmly.

I couldn’t help myself. I pouted. “But it’s taking so long! Isn’t there something you could give me that would be faster?” Was I really pushing him to overnight me a pair of D cups? The things Joanna was pushing me into!

“Of course there is, but partial body transfiguration is in the realm of chaos magic, which means there is major potential for side effects. Besides, I have Joanna now to keep me busy, so not like there’s some rush.”

“Right. Yeah, I get that. I just miss you, Knox.”

He hooked a finger in my pussy and tugged vertically until I rose up on my tippy toes to look him in the eye. “Come on, babe. Another six months and those titties of yours will be worth a damn. Maybe not as big as hers, but at least you won’t be flat any more. Besides, who knows, maybe one of these days I’ll get bored of her and come on back to my number two, give that puss of yours another try.”

I brightened at that. “Really?”

But Knox only laughed. “Of course not. How the fuck could anybody get bored of perfection?”

* * *

Perfection. I didn’t bother disguising my glare at Joanna. Not that she cared. Not that she noticed, her face impaled balls deep on Knox’s shaft. What kind of friend was she? How could you set a girl up with the nicest guy in the world and have her only turn crummier and crummier?

Each passing day was some new slight. Early on it was little things. Leaving the lights on when they left a room. Adjusting the thermostat without asking. Ousting me from the shower while I was still sudsy so she could bathe him. Even annoying little pranks like monitoring the camera feeds so they could walk in on me masturbating, or the morning they locked me out of the house in nothing but my underwear when I stepped out to get the mail. Once I realized it had been Knox’s idea, I realized it was actually pretty hilarious, but still, when I’d been out there listening to him fuck her silly against the private side of my front door, I had been positively livid.

It should have come to no surprise when, after being up half the night listening to them fuck, then seeing her literally dribbling his cum out of her pussy on great-grandmother’s kitchen chair when she stumbled in for breakfast, that I snapped. Yet it was plain that she was surprised indeed.

“I think you need to find someplace else to stay.”

The spoon tumbled from her fingers into her raisin bran. One blink and I couldn’t tell what was spattered milk and what was cum she hadn’t bothered to wipe off her boobs. “What?!”

“I said—”

“I heard you. But why? Rachel, what’d I do? Whatever it was, I’m sorry! But you can’t—I mean, don’t—I don’t know what I’ll do!”

“I’m sure you’ll land on your feet.” Or more likely on her butt, legs spread nice and wide.

“Babe, you’ve got to talk to me. Is this because of me and Knox? Because if it is, I’m so sorry! I can totally cut back. A little, at least. But for you, I’ll fuck him as little as possible if that’s what you want. Just don’t—”

“Joanna, I’m sorry. I really am. But I think if you look inside yourself, you’ll see that this isn’t working out.”

“My insides tell me you’re the most important person in my entire life, so no, I don’t see that. Just please, please tell me why and let me try to make things better.”

“All right. How about for starters, you don’t pay rent. And you don’t have a job. And you’re not looking for one.”

“You don’t work either! Knox pays your mortgage with the porno cams!”

“That’s a security system,” I corrected firmly, “and that’s between me and Knox. But we can dig deeper if you like. Since moving in, you’ve burned all your clothes, so you sit around my house naked.”

“So do you!”

“In my house. You’re having sex—extremely loud, extremely messy sex—all the time, and I’m constantly cleaning up after you and your boyfriend.”

“OK, that one’s on me. But I can do better. I’ll try to talk him into less spraying me and more letting me swallow his—”

“Joanna, no. You’ve been really rude ever since you moved in, and I just care too much about our friendship to watch it get destroyed by putting all this strain on it.”


“The decision is final. Since you don’t have anything to pack, you can have until the end of the day to make some arrangements.” I let out a sigh. “I’m sure Knox will take you in, anyway.”

She still had the gall to continue protesting as I stormed out. But I had meant what I said. This had been a very rough spell for us, and I didn’t want to lose her by forcing her worst qualities—and her boobs and her butt and her pussy and all that—in my face all the time. That was what Knox’s face was for. Especially since he wasn’t letting me sit on it at all any more.

“You’ve got to take her back,” Knox said to me a few days later. It was the first time I’d seen him since banishing his little girlfriend, though he at least had the decency to look contrite.

“No. I’ve been miserable ever since I let her crash here. You want her, you got her.”

“I only want her when I want her. Ever since you kicked her out, she’s been lurking around, moping any time my dick’s not in her. She misses you, Rach, and she feels horrible. Plus, she’s killing my mojo. There are guys who enjoy fucking a girl while she’s got mascara streaking down her face, but I’m not one of ’em. I like ’em cheerful and obedient. Maybe a little sullen sometimes, but not like this.”

“I know. But still, you can’t expect me to take her back in. It was a nightmare. I’m glad you’re having fun with her, but I wasn’t. And I know you wouldn’t wish more of that misery on me.” I hugged him just for being the kind of guy who’d never let me doubt such a thing.

He shoved his hands down the back of my panties and played with my ass in silence for a while. To think that once upon a time, I’d been a little weirded out that he was so forward with his non-romantic friends, yet after so much time without it, it was a welcome reassurance that he was still my good ol’ bestie who molests me.

He and I were so close that he must have been thinking the exact same thing. Wordlessly he pulled down my panties, and without the need for a command, I got to work helping him out of his clothes. It took only the gentlest pressure for me to assume a fuckable position, ass up in the air, bent me over the armrest.

So I know I’ve said in the past that as a lover, Knox leaves a bit to be desired. But I tell you what, after weeks of neglect, it was actually… kind of amazing. I’d never especially fantasized about a guy whose approach to love-making was essentially to amuse himself without even a thought for my pleasure, but after feeling so distant, it actually felt really good to be… owned. Not in some weird bondage way, just in that familiar feeling of Knox using my body as his personal pussy playground. I did my best to make it fun for him not because I wanted to upstage Joanna, but simply to show my best friend that I would do literally anything for him.

I came when he decided to switch to fucking my ass, and again in unison with him. The second one was normal enough. I always felt great about such profoundly friendly moments. But to get off simply from feeling Knox take my butt without so much as a “here it comes”... this was unusual. Unusual, but really, really fun.

Man, after all this time, was I finally coming around to his way of seeing our friendship? Maybe. All I know was, I’d never felt less awkward about cuddling him after sex as we dribbled out onto my couch cushions.

“Look, maybe we can work out some kind of compromise,” he said some time later. I’d been so warm and comfy, I’d been half asleep, but I woke up in an instant.

“Compromise? What, like joint custody?” I wrinkled my nose.

“No, no. I mean… you’re right. Ever since I started fucking her, things between the three of us have been off. So maybe we need to look at what everybody wants and see if we can’t find a better way to achieve it.”

I sat up. “Go on.”

Knox scooted to the far side of my sofa and traced a triangle on the middle cushion. “So let’s think about it. We have three parties involved.” He designated the three points of the triangle as me, himself, and Joanna. He gestured along the lines between each point as he pondered aloud. “You want to spend more time with me, but I’m too busy fucking your hot friend. You and I both want a little space from Joanna, but she’s got no other options, just chick friends who’d never take her naked ass and dudes who’d for sure mistake her availability on account of it.”


“So we’re all she’s got. So what we need is something the three of us can stand doing together. Something fun. Something we all enjoy.”

“More Walking Dead…?” I asked, heart in my throat. Please don’t let it be that!

Thankfully, Knox laughed it off. “Of course not. I was only punking you dummies with that. I can’t believe you never called me on it.”

I giggled. “Knox!”

“No, what I actually meant was sex.”

The giggle caught in my throat. I waited for him to once again show he was joking, but was disappointed. “Sex? How do you mean? Like, alternating days with you, or something?”

“Rachel, you know what I mean. Come on. You can’t tell me it never crossed your mind.”

All right, so I did, and it had. The t-word. Something she and I had been propositioned for easily a hundred times, though usually from creepy dudes in bars rather than boyfriends/best friends like Knox. It was something we’d never genuinely given any consideration. Plain and simple, neither of us were even a little bit into chicks. Not in a homophobic way or anything, but I just didn’t find the female body all that appealing. I liked broad shoulders and muscled bottoms and six packs and chiseled jaws with a ghost of stubble. I even liked penises, silly perplexing things that they were. Women were all soft and lumpy and jiggly parts. Plus let’s be real, vaginas are kind of gross-looking. Hard pass.

“I know what you’re getting at, but I hope you don’t have your heart set on it. You’re barking up the wrong tree. Me and Jo and you, in a threesome? Not gonna happen. She’ll tell you the same.” He frowned. I felt a little bad to dash his hopes, but come on. Knox, however, seemed to need more convincing, but I quickly cut him off. “Here, I’ll text her. She can tell you herself.”

I fished my phone out of the sofa cushions where it had disappeared when Knox was fucking me and brought up Joanna’s name. I’d turned off notifications from her the day I’d kicked her out, but evidently that hadn’t stopped her from sending dozens of messages imploring me to talk to her. I didn’t feel good about it, but I reminded myself I had felt a lot less good about how things had been before I’d given her the boot.

you around? I began after unblocking her.

Almost instantly, my phone confirmed that she’d received it and was typing. yes, was all she said.

Ignoring the many pleas and questions from her prior texts, I pursued my agenda, holding the screen so Knox could see. on a scale from 1-10, how stoked would you be to 3some it up with me and Knox?

I crossed my legs, regarding my friend with a smile I couldn’t quite keep the smugness out of as I awaited her answer. “Want to place a bet on whether she goes with one, zero, or some insanely huge negative number?”

Knox didn’t reply. We sat, waiting, the message left on read. “So offended she’s not even responding? Man, I didn’t even consider that one. Maybe she’s—”

The front door crashed open. Joanna stormed into the living room a moment later, and before I could even quip about Knox’s misstep, she was on me. And I mean on me on me. Her body on my lap, her hands on my boobs, her lips on my lips. I squeaked in alarm, but it was quickly apparent that a little feeble squirming wasn’t going to get her off of me. As kind of a tiny person, it took all my strength to finally shove her away, dumping her right on top of Knox’s imaginary triangle.

“What’s wrong?” she had the nerve to ask.

“What’s wrong?! Jo, you just had your tongue in my mouth!”

“You said you wanted me to—”

“I never said that! You were supposed to say no, like every other time some jerk has asked us!”

Knox snorted. “I’m some jerk now?”

“No, of course not, but—”

“I’m sorry, babe, but your text made it sound like you were inviting me.”

“Well I was, sort of, but you weren’t supposed to agree to it!”

“Now you tell me.”

“Were you at Knox’s? How did you even get over here naked?!”

“I took my clothes off by the door.”

“In like half a second?!”

“Wasn’t much by way of clothes.”

“I can see that! Remember when you threw your naked body on top of me?!”

“Sure, but only because I thought you wanted me to!”

“Why would I—”

Knox stood up and stuck his fingers in his mouth, a piercing whistle following. “Ladies! Get a grip. Jesus, I’ve had both of your tongues in pretty much every conceivable place you could stick ’em and you don’t see me losing my shit over it.”

“You’re a guy!” I snapped.

He planted a hand on my chest and shoved me down into the couch beside Joanna. “Rachel, I get that you’re emotional right now, but you need to chill the fuck out. We’re doing this for you.”

My jaw dropped. How could such a wonderful man be so obtuse? “For me? For me?!”

“Yes, for you. Look, I was trying to be circumspect about it, but fine, I’ll speak plainly. Jo and I are hitting it off great. She’s insanely fuckalicious, and I’m the super-dick that she can’t get enough of. It works. If it were up to me, I’d walk out right now with my favorite toy in hand and you wouldn’t see me until I got bored of her. So probably never.”

“But Knox… We…”

“Joanna, however, is awfully fond of you, and I acknowledged that you are on occasion an amusing fuck, so I decided we’d throw you a bone and let you be our third wheel. But if you’re not willing to take your pal’s charity, then fine. We’ll leave, and have a nice life.” He snapped his fingers. “Joanna, come.”

She hesitated. “You mean, like, come with you, or like… come?”

But he just started walking toward the door. Joanna took a few steps after him, but stopped and turned to me. “Rach, come on. We can just… get it over with. It probably won’t be so bad, you know?”

I glared. “You’re really going to ask me for this? I mean, I get it from him. He’s a guy. But you? Are you even my friend any more, or am I only someone you thought you could use to help you get off your boyfriend?”

Her dark eyes glistened. “How can you even ask me that?”

“Just go. Knox is going to need you. Use you. Whatever. But go.”

Knox was apparently thinking along the same lines. “Hey fuck toy, get your fat ass moving! My cock’s not going to suck itself, ya know!” We were sympatico, even now.

With one last conflicted look, she left.

Naked, dripping Knox’s cum from my pussy in time with the tears from my eyes, I tried to make sense of it all. But there was nothing to it. On the surface, it very much felt like Knox had written me off because I wouldn’t, in essence, be his fuck doll. A crude term, I know, but it was essentially what he’d asked, for me to let him pose me and play with me and use me for his sexual amusement. It was disgusting. Insulting. Humiliating. A betrayal.

Like he expected me to give in to his every perverted desire simply because he thought I was too smitten with him to refuse him even something I wholeheartedly did not want. That sneer on his face, contemptuous, as if I were a toy that had come without the batteries included. Like I was powerless to deny him, like Joanna was as well, like everything between the three of us should always work out exactly the way he and only he wanted it. Like the two of us were some kind brainwashed sex slaves only with our “master” replaced by twisted notions of friendship and sexual cravings.

So, as I said, it all made no sense, because obviously Knox was the furthest thing from that.

Nevertheless, I reminded myself to be realistic. It wasn’t like Knox was perfect, after all. He had his flaws, like anybody else. Knox snored. He always left me to pay the check. The man had sexually violated me a dozen different ways on hundreds of different occasions. He had indeed forgotten my birthday. I accept those flaws. Heck, by now I’ve come to embrace them as part of his wonderful whole. But even so, none of that gave me any idea why he might be reacting this way. I know I hadn’t changed. Which only left one variable.


Over the next few lonely, miserable days, I ignored her repeated text entreaties begging me to reconsider, and gave our friendship a lot of thought. Why was she doing this to me? What had I ever done to her to make her try to hurt me like this? Could she really have felt so betrayed that I’d spent so much time with Knox this year that she’d try to pay me back by stealing him from me? I wanted to believe the two had simply hit it off so well that she let her affections overwhelm her loyalty, but that didn’t make sense. As long as I’d known her, Joanna had never gone gaga like that for a guy.

Was it really nothing more than good sex? I mean, I had no doubt she was having herself a very, very good time with him. I’d just had one myself—and sex deprivation was making the loss of my friend all the harder. I found myself posing for the web cams, masturbating in front of them, even talking to them in case by chance Knox was watching me. But he never called. I guess whatever lust I might have inspired, Joanna was there to take care of. From the way she was acting, it was almost like that stupid love potion of mine had worked, only I knew Knox would never deceive me about something that huge.

And that was what it really boiled down to. Her hot body trumped whatever I had to offer. I didn’t know why, but that was the simple truth. As my longing for the simple embrace of my best friend mounted, I fought off panic attacks and the worst pangs of jealousy and depression I have ever felt in my life. Knox had told me I was prettier, sure, but what did that matter if I couldn’t compete with the rest of her?

My phone flashed. Hey babe, miss you.

Great, another Joanna text. What was she going to say to try to drag me into bed with them this time? Maybe she’d straight-up bribe me, wave some cash in my face to sweeten the deal by adding prostitution into the mix. Just seeing her name made all the sadness go away and replaced it with a smoldering rage.

we’re leaving in a few hours to go to my dad’s lake house for the weekend. guess he wants to fuck me in my parents bed or something I dunno. She inserted an eye roll emoji, like it wasn’t her being the gross one. you should come tho. we’d totally make room for you. we don’t leave until five-ish, so pls come over before then? or think about it? I miss you so much you wouldn’t believe it.

I glared at the phone until it went dark again, and for some time after. A weekend away with my Knox. Would “it” be so bad that it wouldn’t be worth it? I tried to tell myself that kissing Joanna wouldn’t be different from kissing a guy, and that touching her would just be hands touching skin, same as if it was a guy, just with different skin. Maybe I could get away with not having to do anything with her vagina, or having her touch mine. Knox had to be missing it, after all, didn’t he? Maybe he’d be so busy fucking me that she wouldn’t have the chance. Or maybe he’d be so focused on fucking Joanna that he wouldn’t take note of my lack of engagement.

I thought and thought and thought about it. Finally, that evening, I slipped into one of my slightly less whorish outfits and made my way towards Knox’s house. I was done waiting. Time to take back my friend, no matter the price.

There was no need to bother knocking. When it came to Knox’s house, there was no need. For much of the past year, this had been my home away from home. So many wonderful memories here. The time I surprised Knox for his birthday with a homemade carrot cake, his favorite; the time he surprised me by face-fucking me in my sleep; the time he talked me into role-playing a girl scout knocking on his door, desperate to be her troop’s top cookie seller and willing to do anything to secure a sale; the time I’d brought my dear friend Joanna here for a week-long slumber party that had somehow ruined everything.

I stopped on the front steps, closing my eyes and taking some deep breaths to steady myself. Painted on the back of my eyelids were depictions of scenes from that dreaded threesome she’d talked him into pushing for so hard. I was experiencing it without ever experiencing any of it. It was like I’d already lived it, they were so vivid.

The taste of Joanna’s spit lingering on her side of his cock as we competed over surface area. Glares were exchanged at the prospect that the other would be the one to make him come first, even though there would be no real way of telling.

The tension in my hair as her fingers sunk in, holding my face to the union of their debauchery, his pussy-slicked cock slipping in and out of her as I licked away in a futile effort to slurp the last of her off.

Moans, those howlish moans, Joanna beyond knowing or caring which of us was sucking on her nipples. (It was both of us. Knox would insist on both of us.)

Her tongue in my mouth, kissing me in all those ways only my ex-boyfriends and Knox ever had. Each catching the other sneaking a peek to discern how much of it was theater for our audience’s sake and how much, if any, sincere enjoyment.

The crack of each smack on my behind when Knox caught me dragging my feet. Taking turns punishing me, scolding me, laughing at me as I whined and promised not to hold back any more.

The weight of Joanna’s body on top of me as I lay on my back. Knox hovering behind her, alternating between our pussies for a few strokes at a time as we molded ourselves into a single combined mass of warm wet holes. Our bodies aligned slit over slit, tits on tits, mouth locked on mouth, eye to eye as we helped him forget which one of us he was fucking at any given moment.

I opened my eyes, and then the door.

“Hello? Jo? Knox? You guys here?”

Nobody answered. I moved from room to room looking for them until I was certain they weren’t home. Fresh traces of them were everywhere. Her underwear was scattered everywhere, and at least two pairs were fresh enough to still be visibly wet from her incessant arousal. Or his cum. Maybe both. A very cliché pair of handcuffs was affixed to one bedpost, but there was no Joanna attached to the other end, no Knox standing by to put his captive to good use.

They were gone. I had missed them.

Just like I had hoped.

I made my way downstairs, careful to shut off lights behind me, even leaving doors open or closed as I’d found them. I didn’t want to leave any sign of my passage, to catch them completely by surprise. Knox had changed the locks to his basement laboratory—what I affectionately referred to as the fungeon, though he always insisted peevishly that it was a workspace—but I’d long since discovered where he’d hidden them. I’d tidied up his place for him too many times not to know all the nooks and crannies, and the gap behind the candelabra was too conspicuous not to think to look there.

The fungeon looked much as it had when I’d last been down here. A stark contrast to the upstairs, both in its likeness to antiquity and the sheer attention to neatness that wasn’t at all present in his living space. The books organized rigidly on their shelves, ingredients sorted into alphabetically arranged bins, implements and containers packed away neatly. It made me smile, that ruthless attention to detail and fastidiousness in his labors. He didn’t come here to screw around. This was a serious place where he did serious things.

Thank goodness Knox was the wonderful guy I knew him to be, or who knows what kind of mischief he might get up to in such a place.

As for me, I meant to put things back the way they belonged. With my own very serious expression, I began to gather up my materials and prepare for war.