The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Proper Care and Training of Humans, Chapter 2

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Millie went off looking for the missing tennisball, and then didn’t come back. Naturally, because Sasha was an overbearing freak, and nearly the most annoying woman in the world, as far as Hannah was concerned, Sasha didn’t take this well.

But Hannah knew Millie. She was pretty sure she knew Millie even better than Sasha did. So when an hour or so had gone by, Sasha using all of that time to fret, Hannah had just shaken her head. “I’m sure Millie’s fine, Sasha,” she’d commented, not without bite.

“But why wouldn’t she come right back?” Sasha pressed. For the whole hour, she’d been standing in the clearing she and Millie had been playing tennis in, twirling her tennisracket like it was a nervous habit.

Hannah had been trying to continue her enjoyment of the day in spite of Sasha. This had largely been her philosophy throughout the vacation to date. She kept looking at the book she had open, reading it from beneath the brim of her hat— trying to keep reading, even as she spoke. “You know Millie,” and with her tone said, no you don’t, not as well as me. “She loves going for long walks. And she is prone to getting distracted. Probably when she couldn’t find the ball she looked around and saw how beautiful the forest was— and then decided to go off exploring instead. That’s how most of the walks we’ve taken started— Millie saw some glimpse of forest and ran off, and then I ran to catch up with her.”

To Hannah’s surprise, Sasha accepted this explanation. “Alright. That would be like Millie. But I am going to scold her when she gets back.”

Hannah was so surprised that Sasha had agreed with something she said that she actually looked up at the older woman from over the top of her book, and when she did, Sasha was turning away from the clearing— but she’d been looking at Hannah, and she had pointed a finger for emphasis in concordance with what she’d been saying. The hand that had pointed the finger was drifting down, and Sasha was continuing to walk. Then she was going back into the cabin.

Later, it was dinner. Evening, and Sasha and Hannah were eating together standing across the kitchen island.

“What if she doesn’t come back before night?” Sasha said, her voice strained in concern.

Hannah had to admit it was strange, but she still wasn’t worried yet.

“Millie’s being going a little wild since she’s on vacation. Acting out of character. She could decide while out walking that she wants to rough it a night in the forest— and she’s so experimental right now, on this trip, that she’d actually do it. Then she’ll show up tomorrow morning talking all about her adventure.”

Again, Sasha surprisingly accepted this explanation. It didn’t make Hannah like Sasha any better. But it was, at least, like Sasha was taking Hannah an authority on Millie— respecting the depth of their friendship to each other, in some small way. And though Hannah was opposed to authority, even when she was the one wielding it, it was at least nice to have Sasha recognizing her with a bit of respect.

After dinner Sasha retired to bed early. She said only, “I won’t worry tonight, but if Hannah isn’t back by noon tomorrow, we’re going to have words about you talking me down from my panic.” Then she had gone to her room.

Hannah had decided she might as well get ready for bed too. If Millie had been there, then the two of them could have stayed up having fun late into the night. They’d done that more than once on this trip— Sasha had often been the one who went to bed first.

But Millie wasn’t there. And that was odd of her— not outside the realm of possibility, with the way this cabin trip had seemed to liberate her a little, loose her internal constraints just slightly— but still odd. Hannah knew if Millie didn’t come back tomorrow by lunch, she’d be worrying right along with Sasha— and maybe, when Sasha had words with her and lectured her, she’d feel it was a tiny bit justified— that when Sasha’s panic might have made a difference, when it still might have been possible to save Millie, if that panic had been allowed to fuel action— she’d defused it.

But Hannah shook her head to herself. Millie would of course be back by lunch tomorrow. There was no need to worry tonight— the grim hypothetical future would not actually happen. And since Millie wasn’t here, it was only natural for Hannah to go to her bedroom. If she would be sitting up alone with herself anyway, she might as well be in proximity to her bed, so that when she did get tired eventually, she could just go to sleep.

She moved through the cabin to reach her room. It was a cabin, because of its rustic decor, but it was hardly a wilderness experience staying in it. It was a luxury cabin, more like. It had an elaborate layout, and Hannah wouldn’t have been surprised to learn a team of interior decorators had been set forth on it in a remodeling effort. Sasha would be the type to take an authentically rustic cabin, then remodel and build it out into obscene luxury. Hannah rolled her eyes at that as she closed her bedroom door behind her. Well, she better start getting ready for bed.

One of the signs of the cabin’s luxurious design was the fact that each bedroom had an ensuite bathroom. Hannah made her way to the one in hers. She would brush her teeth first, then get her pajamas after. Her pajamas she could just change into in the main bedroom— but she needed the sink for her toothpaste spit, so better to deal with her bathroom preparations first.

Maybe it was the sound of the running water that didn’t tip her off to the concurrent sound of her window opening— but when she looked back, it was only to see a blur of movement— and then to feel a net falling over her and knocking her to the ground. Something was gathering her up, net and all, and pulling her out of the window— in shock, Hannah’s jaw had clamped on her toothbrush, and it was still held between her teeth. This wasn’t the way things were supposed to be at all. When she’d gone into the other room, she had expected one outcome, one ideal future, and all future potentials had seemed to be pointing that way.

And this was aberrant. This was the worst possible outcome, the cruelest dashing of expectation, and how awful was life, how cruel to the live-rs of itself, if something like this could just happen? Whatever had gathered her up had snatched her and was taking her out the window, down the side of the cabin in a leap, and getting her onto the forest floor that was the ground around the cabin’s exterior.

She was still in the net, but the way her body had hit the ground had knocked her mouth open, and on reflex, to protect herself from choking on her toothbrush, she’d spit it out— she could see it through the netting, lying feet away from her. It had been in her mouth— it had been here— now it was gone from her, over there, and she couldn’t reach it. She couldn’t get it back.

Who had done this? She tried to see the cause behind all of it, the instigator. The night was dark and inscrutable around her.

Whatever had taken her in the net was now taking the netting off of her. It was off— she could see up— she was lying on her back on the ground of the forest around the cabin, looking up at what held the net, what was now throwing it aside in a discarding.

A woman— or not a woman— she was clearly female, but she didn’t look human. Hannah wasn’t studying to become an astrophysicist— just a physicist— but it seemed the educated guess to assume this woman was an alien. Her skin was pink as the skin of no human was pink— she wore a dark blue catsuit, clearly of further advanced technology than any that could be found on earth. If Hannah hadn’t been so out of sorts at having been kidnapped by an alien, she might have been salivating to get that catsuit into her hands, to prod it for its scientifically advanced secrets.

The alien looked about as tall as Sasha— she was probably a five eight in height too— another reason to hate her, if the kidnapping hadn’t been enough. Her hair was silver, and she wore it in a loose, casual bun that was balanced on the top of her head— or she had only gathered half of her hair up like that, the other half was hanging down to her mid-back; the alien’s body was curvy— her breasts and ass were both full, and rounded out— and she was looking down at Hannah with a mixed expression on her face.

“I caught you in my net. I captured you in the wild of your natural habitat— but you’re just looking up at me like a stunned creature. I’ve been watching you for days, and you’ve been in a constant fight with that older human female you’re staying with. I thought you had some natural combativeness in you. But you’re just lying here.”

Hannah’s mind spun. The alien spoke English— the alien spoke good English, with such facility she might have been a native speaker. The only hint that she wasn’t, apart from her very alien appearance, was the strange accent she spoke in. It was not possible to place, recognize— because it had not come from this planet.

Hannah’s mouth was working, but no words were coming out.

The alien shook her head to herself. “Oh, to not be Azella,” she said. Azella— so that must be her name. “If only I was Adella right now, doing this for the first time, when it could all be new.” She was speaking to herself, in English. Strange that she should comfort herself in a foreign tongue— that she wouldn’t revert to whatever language was naturally hers. But she seemed to have an easy facility with it.

But Hannah was affronted— she’d found the language she wanted to speak. “You watched me— you think you can know me after just watching me for a few days?” And she was affronted too— the alien had assumed she was just prone to conflict, just naturally contradictory— when really her problem was with all authority figures, with all authority, just on principle.

And it made her sheepish, but the alien’s challenge was the first thing that reminded her of who she was. She was Hannah Kalman, and she never did anything anyone told her— she never went along with anything she disagreed with, and she never gave anyone respect unless they treated everyone around themselves as equals, and earned that respect.

And it was impossible to think of something she disagreed with more than being kidnapped out of her bedroom and thrown down on the forest floor.

“You don’t know me to any extent,” Hannah said, pushing herself up to standing, and dusting herself off. I’m going back inside the house, now, and locking my window.”

Azella had looked disappointed, bordering on despairing before. But now something had alighted in her eyes— she looked intrigued instead. “Silly human,” she said. “Don’t you see how threatening this situation is for you? Yet you brush me off with complete nonchalance, when I am the one who holds all the power here.”

“I don’t cow to people who have more power than me,” Hannah sniped, barely bothering to turn her head past her shoulder to send the words back as she was already walking away. “It’s just not who I am.”

She heard a rustling sound, and Azella had run in front of her, blocking her advancement forward. “Oh, human, you’re wild. You’re feral just as I hoped— oh, the fun it will be to break you!”

Hannah was, truthfully, starting to feel a bit nervous. She wasn’t the type to ever let this show on the surface. “You won’t be breaking anything.”

But it was clear Azella wouldn’t move out of the way— so Hannah turned, to try and run around the other side of the house— she moved her legs as quickly as she could. She hated Sasha, but she could go in the backdoor— and she could wake Sasha up, and maybe Sasha kept a weapon in the house—

She had just gotten around the corner of the cabin when she felt a force strike her to the ground. Azella was pinning her down, body over Hannah’s back, and Hannah could feel the two inches of height that Azella had over her. Azella was breathing into her ear— she’d really run to catch up to Hannah, and it was reflected in her breath. “Fight me more, Hannah. Fight me as much as you want. My last few recruitment missions have been so boring. Surprise me.”

Hannah struggled— but she was getting somewhere. Azella was trying to keep her down, but Hannah was getting out.

It was just when she had nearly cleared out from under Azella that she felt something slip over her neck.

It tightened flush against her skin as soon as it was there. She’d been so caught up in the motion of escaping that her body had carried it through without registering what had been put onto her. But now she was standing she hesitated for a moment to feel what had been given to her.

It was a collar that was around her throat. She tried to get her fingers under it to pry it off, but it wouldn’t separate from its resting place against her skin even a little.

Azella seemed to have put it on her after realizing she wasn’t going to be able to keep Hannah down— she was getting to her feet more slowly— but she seemed puzzled at Hannah eluding her. She hadn’t just done a catch and release— Hannah’s escape had been genuine, and Azella had had to change tactics to accommodate for it.

But she looked more excited than she had so far in this entire interaction. Her invitation to combat had not been a hollow one— she welcomed what Hannah had done.

From what Hannah had seen of the collar before it had been slipped on her, it was dark blue— like the catsuit Azella wore— had it once been a part of it? No way of telling that now— and Azella was almost up, so Hannah couldn’t dally here. She took off running, this time into the woods— making it into the cabin seemed unlikely— as long as Azella was only a few paces behind her, Azella could easily tackle her to the ground again.

But if Hannah ran into the woods and lost her in the darkness— then it would be safe to double back to the cabin, enter, and entreat Sasha’s help. And any possible weapons that Sasha had. The key was to make Azella lose track of her completely— so she would be free to make it back to safety, lock Azella out, and potentially arm herself if Azella tried to come back in anyway.

So Hannah was running into the night, weaving between the trees— she could hear Azella’s footsteps behind her— but not directly— she was putting distance between herself and the alien, and she could hear that— it sounded like Azella was running in a wandering pattern— checking every part of the forest around her, veering off, seeking Hannah. Only when Hannah could hear no steps at all would she feel it was safe enough to turn around and go back to the cabin.

She was deliberately running in a way that was confusing, in case Azella found her footprints later— doubling back, then cutting off to the left, then coming back, running forward. Cutting off right, coming back, running backward. It was like a physics equation— she was designing it with precision, filling in the necessary inputs to produce the outcome she wanted. She had become practical about this, relying on the mindset she used when she was doing her coursework at college.

It helped her separate from her fear— and though she was so bold, though she could swear in the face of authority and make it feel lesser, she did still feel fear, no matter what anyone believed— and she was afraid, particularly of Azella. Because her mind was putting things together for her in the background— unobtrusively, so she could primarily focus on confusing Azella as she tracked her.

But it was doing it. Azella had put a collar on her. Azella had easy facility with the English language even though her English was alienly accented. Azella had referred to past recruitment trips. So Azella came here often enough and— what? Kidnapped women to be her— slaves? Or her pets? Or both?

She’d said she was bored the last few times, so she’d done it enough for it to become monotonous routine. She’d wanted Hannah fighting and resistant, chose her, reveled in her wildness because— she wanted to break Hannah like an animal? Tame her from wild into domestic?

That was terrifying. So terrifying Hannah abandoned her strategy for a minute. She just wanted to put more distance between Azella and her; she set off running in a forward direction, just to continue along the same way for a while.

And it was then that she first smelled— the scent.

It was somehow odorless and completely affecting. Maybe the problem was that it did have an odor, but one that she would never be able to recognize, because it was an odor of things she had never encountered, that no human could ever have encountered.

Then it depressed her to think some humans might have encountered it— but that any who did had probably been taken away by Azella and couldn’t be found on the earth anymore, by anyone.

And it depressed Hannah when she thought of how good Azella must be at— breaking wild animals— wild humans— she inhaled again of the scent. It was doing something to her body. It was making her brain foggy— she loved to be clear-headed, she loved the use of her brain, it was partly why she was in physics— but she couldn’t hope to continue her complicated pattern of running when now she could barely think.

And other things happened in her body too— it was causing her arousal. Arousal to ensure compliance— to trap the human breathing it in. Azella had realized she could not keep Hannah down so she’d cheated to ensure her victory another way. Hannah was still running but it felt like she was running into a cloud of arousal. As if it were a physical location she were sending herself into, like running into an unbearably hot summer day; the longer running, the hotter feeling. She was running into the arousal cloud, the longer running the hotter feeling— and she realized the odor was coming from the collar around her throat. It was puffing the scent to her and she was inhaling it in.

It was making ideas come into her head. Like she should turn around and start running the opposite direction. Like if she did it would somehow lead her directly to Azella, it would home her in to Azella’s location and make her body run her there. She wouldn’t turn around, but it was getting harder to remind herself why she shouldn’t. When she ran harder, it made her collar release more of the scent, and then she breathed harder, so inhaled it in deeper.

She was starting to feel like the only person in the world who could relieve the arousal in her body was Azella and she was running in the wrong direction. She definitely couldn’t stop to masturbate— and even if she did, it wouldn’t be Azella touching her. It would only be her own hand. She wanted to sob— pheromones. It had taken her a second to think properly with so much going on, but even under influence, she was still scientifically minded. Azella had pheromones, and advanced technology allowed the collar’s transmission of her pheromone.

She hadn’t heard Azella’s footsteps for a while now— and her whole body was screaming at her in lust. She struggled to think— to even remember how to keep putting one foot ahead of the other. It felt like a headache starting in her brain when she even tried to. But somehow she was shambling forward— comforting herself, though she didn’t know why, with the physically painful thought that she had not heard footsteps recently.

So it was to her shock when she heard a voice instead.

“Hannah,” it was Azella’s, it was the voice of the only person in the world who could sate her lust. And Azella sounded bedraggled— she’d been running as much as Hannah had, but she hadn’t ever come close enough to grasp after her— even now, her voice sounded a little removed from where Hannah was. Hannah could barely stumble forward, but she’d managed to keep Azella from directly finding her. And now it seemed Azella was tired of the chase.

“Hannah,” Azella called out again, sounding like she was stumbling forward herself. “You’ve given me a better chase than any other pet I’ve ever taken. You’re a wild creature— running free— but don’t you long for the bridle, now? I know you must be feeling the physical craving for pleasure through your body. Wild things don’t get to come. They have to keep running. But if you’re a pet— you can stop. You can rest. You can pleasure when I touch you.”

All of it sounded so sweet. It mixed with the scent of the pheromone and reached into Hannah’s head and grabbed her mind. Before she even understood why she was doing it, she started running in the direction of Azella’s voice. There was too much confusion in her head— thinking hurt too much— for now, she just had to let her body carry her off on running feet. There was still something in Hannah lower than that, though— and that thing was still resolute. It knew this wasn’t over yet.

She made it past the next cluster of trees, and saw Azella standing, saw her from behind— Azella’s back was facing her. She wished for a second that she did have a weapon, whether Sasha had any in the house or not— this would have been the perfect angle.

But her body was not bringing her to Azella to harm her. When she was standing right behind, she didn’t even shove her. She only laid a hand on Azella’s shoulder, and Azella turned slowly to see Hannah behind her.

She smiled a slow smile. “You want my taming now, don’t you?”

Something burst free in Hannah and she dropped her hand. Headache and all, she still managed to say, “No!” and make it a shout that resounded right in Azella’s face.

“I’m a human being,” she said, though she was dizzy, and her whole life seemed to spin around her. “I’m not… an animal you can tame…”

But she could barely stand anymore. Azella was helping her to lie down in the forest grass.

“And I’m Ama,” Azella said. Species name the scientist in Hannah’s brain diagnosed. “Ama are superior to humans. That is why my pheromones work on you— short-circuit your little brain. We were meant to be your masters— we come, we enslave you, and we take you back to our home planet. And you all just come along, because you break when we make you. You were made to be our pets. And I have done this so many times— I’ve come on so many of these trips. This is the most fun I’ve ever had— having a wild animal to domesticate, instead one nearly tame to begin with— you’ve made this one of the most special trips I’ve ever taken. I was looking at this contentedly— just a way to add another pet to the menagerie. But as soon as I saw you fighting with that older woman, I knew you could make this so much more special than that. I’ve worked hard to get you; it will be hundreds of times more rewarding when I bring you to obey— but you must be tired of resisting by now.”

Hannah’s headache felt like an inward driving pressure now. She was tired, but her mind was still working hard for her— putting everything together, trying to understand. They came— they enslaved— they took—

She hoped Millie really had just decided to camp in the woods. That she would go home to her mother tomorrow. In this moment Hannah didn’t want to be a traitor to her species, even in private thought, but she had to admit she could think of many other people who would have caved by now. Her body couldn’t resist anymore, but even at such a close range— getting pheromones directly from Azella now, and not just the collar— she could still shout disobedience in Azella’s face. The rebelliousness that had gotten her into trouble so many times in her life was the reason— and a lot of people didn’t have that. If Millie were the one here, she’d give in.

So Hannah was just glad that she was the one here, because she could still fight. Even with such a throbbing, driving headache, she could still fight.

She was lying on the forest floor now— and Azella had sat down alongside her, leaned over her now.

“You’re so tired of being wild,” Azella was coaxing her, and Hannah could feel Azella’s scent wafting over her. It seemed to be touching the skin of her whole body. “You just want to be kept and cared for now, just want to have someone looking out for you. And I can do this for you. You want to be mine.”

“No,” Hannah said, with less vehemence. She was lying still but she felt like the earth was spinning her upside down as she laid there.

She could feel Azella’s hands on her clothes, tearing them off of her, making her naked. And then she watched as Azella licked the palms of her hands with her long tongue, coating them completely in her spit.

Then she set wet hands on Hannah’s naked body, touching her everywhere.

Hannah jumped even in lying. She started. The pheromones had been made liquid— whatever was in them that encouraged compliance was many times stronger when they were a substance that could be applied to skin. Azella didn’t only emit them, she could clearly secrete them in her bodily fluids. And now she was spreading her secretions over Hannah, lubricating her in them. Spreading them over her breasts, using them to make Hannah’s nipples slippery.

Hannah was squirming under Azella’s hands. She weakly tried to raise her own to push Azella back, knock her arms away. It felt like the last thought in her head and she was clinging to it. Azella only smiled at her and kept moving her hands in circles, spreading liquid lust, liquid obedience on Hannah’s surface, painting her in it like it was body paint. She was in a cloud of Azella’s scent, in a coating of her secretion, and Hannah was losing herself.

She had never been this turned on in her life, and more even than when she’d been running, she was convinced now that the one and only creature that could show her relief was Azella. And it wouldn’t be so bad— it really wouldn’t be so bad— to give up her rebelliousness and anti-authoritarianism. She would forget she’d ever had it soon enough— it wouldn’t be so bad— being taken back with Azella, put with her other pets. Wouldn’t be bad, to live curled up at the side of Azella’s bed, or crawling around behind the falling steps of her feet.

The thought had been introduced to her, spread on her body to get into her head, and now Azella was leaning over her, leaning over her pussy and setting lips there.

Licking— licking— and each lick was putting thoughts in her head, coming on the secretions of Azella’s mouth which touched the secretions of Hannah’s lower opening— it was too intense, it wasn’t pleasure in Hannah’s body now, but new thoughts, right thoughts, thoughts she was supposed to be thinking, always thinking— Azella was beautiful and perfect and superior, and Hannah shouldn’t be the one getting licked to her cunt, she should be the one doing the licking, she should always be doing the licking, Azella should be getting the pleasure, Azella deserved her submission and Hannah needed to give it to her. She needed to follow Azella around on hands and knees if Azella told her to be there, because that way she’d be ready to lick Azella immediately whenever Azella wanted her tongue. She moaned. She needed to plead for it.

“Azella— no—” Azella must think she was still trying to resist— why had she been trying to resist before, she couldn’t remember now. “Let me lick— you— please—” It was a sob.

Azella stilled. Hannah struggled to sit up; her head swooped. Or at least felt like it did.

Azella stayed sitting but Hannah rolled on her stomach, putting her face between Azella’s legs; she was looking at the crotch of the midnight blue catsuit, but then she wondered if she was hallucinating. It separated from itself, creating an opening, splitting apart like two lips separating to show the chasm within, but the chasm behind was only Azella’s plasticpink pussy, plasticpink like all the rest of her skin which looked like it could have had white gems set in it in a geometric pattern— Hannah understood— she was being allowed to lick.

She shoved her face in, and moved her tongue fast, swiping it, snapping up everything she could taste, everything she could reach. It was transfusing the submission to her even more quickly; thoughts pouring into her head like secretions into her mouth, thoughts coming in like paragraphs, pages and pages of text that she knew she would never have time to read all of— all she cared about in that moment was showing Azella her devotion, in bringing Azella erotic joy, and bringing that erotic joy to its culmination. Azella had to come. Had to, and Hannah had to accomplish it.

To her immense satisfaction, in just a moment more, Azella was bucking in orgasm. Hannah would have kept her riding for a long time, but Azella was the one who pushed her back. Then it was clear, by the directions of Azella’s hands, that Hannah was to lie back on the forest floor again.

And she did— and she watched Azella, and she watched her catsuit— and what had opened as a mouth now sealed and grew a protrusion. A phallus— and Azella approached her with it protruding.

Azella had already licked Hannah— Hannah hadn’t really expected Azella to lick her once again. In Hannah’s consideration, Azella never should have had to lick Hannah to begin with; Hannah was inferior, Azella superior— and Hannah, feeling how much she belonged to Azella already, hadn’t expected to get her own release. But Azella was positioning herself close— and then Azella was thrusting into Hannah, sticking her protrusion deep.

Hannah bucked, trying to accept the insertion, trying to fit the girth. It was so wide— Hannah had watched Azella manipulate the catsuit enough times, she could have made it form anything— she had made this collar around Hannah’s throat, made it separate off and emit pheromones from its place on Hannah’s neck. So she could have made the phallus of the catsuit smaller, easier to take.

Hannah wondered briefly if this was just misunderstanding on Azella’s part— Hannah had had her fair number of sexual partners in her day, but none of them had been this well-endowed.

She wasn’t sure it was possible for a human to be so well-endowed; the thing was just too large, too unnaturally large. So maybe Azella just didn’t know; maybe she had no point of reference.

But then Hannah would think about how easily Azella spoke in English— about her allusions to the number of pet collecting trips she’d taken. Azella seemed like she should know about human women— what they could take, what was normal for them— so Hannah thought then that Azella had willed this for reasons of playful cruelty— that she was doing this for fun, just to enjoy how much she had lowered Hannah, to make Hannah feel her own inferiority.

She wanted to be mad about that. She wanted to open her mouth and tell Azella she deserved respect. But she wasn’t mad. And when she came to opening her mouth, there seemed other words she was ready to say instead, that she meant more. She could wait to say them— she would wait— only briefly.

“No part of your body must hold itself back,” Azella said, a little breathless as she kept pumping.

Hannah hadn’t known that anything was locked in her mind, but she realized as soon as Azella said that that a key had turned. She would not have been able to orgasm before, without Azella’s say so, but now there was nothing impeding her. Whenever the stimulation got too much, her body would just be able to let itself go.

Hannah hadn’t realized, either, just how stimulated her body was. On the next steady stroke in, which felt like it was plunging into her and making the boundaries of her body extend beyond their lines, Hannah started shuddering, and kept shuddering until everything around her felt like it had shrunk down to the size of her body and gone inside her. After she was done, she felt softer, felt warmer toward Azella than before. Azella kept the thrusts going and changed nothing.

Hannah was realizing, too, that her headaches were going— or they were already mostly gone. Perhaps the orgasm had cleared all remaining tension from her, but there was no further divide in her mind. She could remember how she’d tried to resist before, how she’d struggled, how she’d fought. And now she didn’t care. She only felt soft and warm in her heart— hoped she felt soft and warm in her body for Azella’s enjoyment; then she felt a second orgasm reaching into her body, encircling itself around every muscle.

She was shaking in orgasm again. She was giving her body to Azella, submitting it for Azella to direct her focus on, and Azella kept making her come. The second orgasm ended— each one seemed to melt her mind more, and encourage her heart into greater feeling— then a third came. It happened like a cycle; the build of pleasure, the release, the consequence in her mind and heart. And then all of it started again; Azella driving Hannah through pleasure after pleasure.

Hannah’s mind felt a bit liquefied, like something running, but there was still room enough to wonder if Azella particularly liked driving her pets to come; if other Ama were like this too, or dissimilar.

Azella was smiling. “I gave my sister a hard time about coming along to get her first pet. She’s fun to mock— and I felt a little bored coming with her to get yet another. But like this— it is fun enslaving you.”

The words came out of Hannah at last. “I already belong to you,” she said.

Azella smiled, and kept going. “I know.”