The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“Project: X”

[This is an adult fantasy and is most definitely not intended for children. Part one of what I hope will be an interesting series. Let me know what you think. I probably won’t be too explicit with the sex in this one, but if explicit descriptions of sex is what you’re looking for, be patient, because I’ll probably be posting something else soon enough that’s a little more to your liking.]

[DISCLAIMER: This story is not intended to advocate robbing illegal aliens (human or otherwise) even if what you’re taking is already stolen. In fact, if you see people robbing a crashed aircraft, your best bet is to hang on to as much plausible deniability as you can, and certainly don’t take on four guys alone, even if you think you’re better armed than they are. Also, this story conveniently ignores Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16, 1969 which forbids any U.S. citizen from having contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles (and they say they have no knowledge of alien life).]

Nathan checked the nutrient bath for the fourth time this hour, making notations on his clipboard as he did so. The vital signs on the being within were just as they should be, he guessed. After all, it’s not every day a high school student runs across a crashed military transport. When Nathan had discovered the chopper lying smoldering on the remains of his uncle’s deer stand, his first act was to check for survivors. Finding none, he’d followed a set of tracks that led to and then away from the chopper. It wasn’t long before he had found four guys speaking Spanish, trying to break open a strong box with the U.S. Army logo on the front. They were dressed shabbily, and unarmed except for one guy with a rusty old shotgun strapped to his back. Nathan had cocked his deer rifle, causing them to freeze in place except for the armed guy, who unslung his shotgun. Nathan had fired a warning shot at the man’s feet and yelled out what he’d hoped was the Spanish for “Put the gun on the ground.” The man had dropped his weapon hurriedly, placing his hands on his head, and the others followed suit. He’d stepped into view, gesturing for them to step away from the box. He’d put one foot on the box and told the four Hispanics to leave, and never set foot on his land again. They’d run away with their hands on their heads, saying things in Spanish he couldn’t understand, but he didn’t like the sound of it, so he fired once over their heads and they quickened their pace. Nathan had picked up the shotgun and the box, carrying them back to his truck and driving back to the paved road. Nathan had taken the well-traveled freeway rather than the back roads, hoping it would make it harder to track him after the Army found the chopper. He’d felt certain that this was one of those tip-top-secret things where any and all witnesses would be killed and all evidence erased if extreme discretion was not used.

The buzzer he’d hooked into his doorbell startled Nathan out of his reverie, and he set his clipboard aside. He felt a gentle mind brush, just as had happened several times in the past couple of days, indicating that the being in the nutrient bath was indeed becoming aware. He glanced at the tank. The being inside was human-looking, female, and pretty damn attractive. It was hard to tell what color her hair was through the fluids in which she floated, but it was quite long, her skin smooth and soft-looking. Her eyes moved around under their lids, as if she were in R.E.M. sleep.

The buzzer sounded again, and Nathan went downstairs to answer it. Clarissa glared angrily at him as she stalked into the house uninvited. She shucked out of her raincoat and put her umbrella in the umbrella stand.

“Sorry, Clarissa.” Nathan said. “I was upstairs.”

“That’s okay, it wasn’t too cold and wet out.” Clarissa said with a chill in her voice that had nothing to do with the weather. “So what’s so important that you had to call off our date?”

“I’m sorry.” Nathan said. “My project has completely taken over. You’re the only one I’d ever trust enough to watch it for me while I was gone, and you can hardly be here and be out having fun with me at the same time. I figured you deserved the freedom to go out and have fun even if I couldn’t be there with you.”

“That’s what’s so frustrating about you, Nathan.” Clarissa said. “Just when I get myself worked into a decent tantrum you do or say something that’s just so sweet I can’t hang on to it.” Nathan chuckled a little as he hugged her.

“Want to come up and see it?” Nathan asked.

“Sure, I’d love to see this weird science project that’s taken over your life.” Clarissa said, following Nathan upstairs. Her jaw dropped when she saw the tank and the being inside. “What’s this? You so frustrated with me you decided to grow a new girlfriend so you can get laid?”

“No.” Nathan said, chuckling. “You know I’m not smart enough to come up with something like this myself.”

“So what is it then?” Clarissa asked.

“Remember the Army box I told you about?” Nathan asked.

“The one with the weird stuff in it?” Clarissa asked. “You said it had a couple of guns in it.”

“A laser pistol, a bigger laser pistol, and something else that I didn’t recognize.” Nathan said. “It was built around some kind of crystal, and I did that how-hard-is-it test, like we learned in earth science in junior high.”

“So what did it rate?”

“Twelve.” Nathan replied.

“There’s only ten spaces on the hardness scale.” Clarissa said. “Carbon is a one, and diamond is ten. There is no twelve.”

“Look at this.” Nathan said, pulling a little industrial diamond from a drawer, showing her one side. It was scratched. Several times. “I scratched it with the corner of the casing. The crystal was even harder, it scratched the case. That makes whatever the case is made of an eleven, and the crystal a twelve.” He showed her the device, a neon green metal box with a large, black crystal mounted into it. It had an array of pins in one side, which Nathan had used to plug it into his laptop. “I figured out what this was as soon as I plugged it into my computer. It’s a communicator. At first nothing made sense, but then whoever’s listening on the other end translated the contents of my computer and I guess the Internet too, because I heard my modem dial up after a little bit, and then the next morning they started communicating in English.”

“You’re pulling my leg.” Clarissa said. Nathan shook his head.

“No, I’d never lie to you.” he said. “I told them how I found the box and plugged it into my computer, and they were so impressed they started feeding me instructions on building stuff. They even showed me how to combine their D.N.A. with ours to make a hybridized xenomorph like the one you see over there.”

“So whose D.N.A. did you use to make her human side?” she asked.

“Remember that girl that got expelled for selling her panties after gym class?”

“You didn’t!” Clarissa gasped. “She’s such a slut!”

“And I bet she doesn’t use a condom either, so I suppose it’s inevitable she should have a child soon.”

“You’re sick.” Clarissa said.

“I’m a red-blooded human being. Would you mind sitting over there by the moose head? I need to send the aliens today’s progress report, or they’ll stop talking.” Clarissa took a seat beside a stuffed moose head as Nathan plugged in his web cam and activated the communicator. A very muscular humanoid with green skin appeared on the screen, his head shaved except for a mohawk up the middle. “Ahrnis? Where’s Khathardh?”

“It is the Day of Humility for her race, human.” Ahrnis replied, scowling. “She is home spending the day in quiet meditation with her family.”

“Sorry.” Nathan said. “No one told me.”

“An oversight.” Ahrnis said. “You have contacted us to make your report, yes?”

“Yes.” Nathan said, picking up his clipboard and reading off his notations.

“So soon?” Ahrnis asked as Nathan read him the brainwave activity numbers. “This is unexpected. But please continue.” So Nathan continued. Ahrnis’ eyebrows raised at the nutrient absorption rate and several other numbers. He asked to see the xenomorph, so Nathan picked up his web cam and, keeping it turned toward his torso until he had it positioned so the tube filled the camera’s view, he panned up and down the tube slowly so Ahrnis could see. “When did her growth begin to accelerate?”

“Just today. As far as our species is concerned, she looks about fifteen right now. She may have hit a growth spurt.”

“Ah, yes, our research indicated your growth rates are not constant.” Ahrnis said. “I will contact my superiors. Stand by.” Ahrnis disappeared, and Nathan set the camera back on its stand. Another face appeared seconds later.

“I am project leader Orisni.” the large-headed, red-skinned female said. “The data you gave substitute supervisor Ahrnis indicates that you need to increase the nutrient content of the subject’s bath by fifty percent.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Nathan said. “What should I do about teaching once she emerges?”

“She is already learning, if your report is accurate.” Orisni said. “The brainwave activity you’ve reported suggests her psi-talents are already active. Further, I believe it best if you jack the monitoring equipment into your console so that we may observe her constantly. You do not have to leave your audiovisual equipment active if such is not your desire.”

“Okay, stand by.” Nathan said. He dug around in a drawer for some cables and began to connect the various monitoring devices to his laptop.

“Receiving telemetry.” Orisni said. “Henceforth you will report directly to me. My code is 241ed1.”

“Acknowledged.” Nathan said, writing the code down and reading it back. He didn’t like hexadecimal, but that was the standard on their end of the cosmos, and it was their equipment he was using, so he had to adapt.

“One more thing: can the other human be trusted? The one reflected in the tank?” With that, Clarissa stepped into the camera’s view like a naughty girl who had just been caught smoking in the bathroom and was cooperating because she didn’t want to get in more trouble.

“Clarissa’s the only human I would trust.” Nathan said.

“Very well.” Orisni said. “Nathan, Clarissa, I bid you farewell until we contact you next.” Audiovisual dropped off on the other end. Nathan unplugged his web cam to give them some privacy.

“Wow, so I’m in?”

“You’re in.” Nathan replied.

“So what’s with the tube-girl?”

“They were intrigued by one of my stories on my harddrive. The one where a young genius grew a superhero in his attic. So they sent me instructions on how to combine a little bit of human D.N.A. with bits of sequence from their Imperial Guard. They never told me anything about teaching her, so I guess they expect her psi-talents to take care of it. I can feel her brushing my mind sometimes, and her eyes do the R.E.M. thing when she does it.”

“Freaky.” Clarissa said. She jerked her head in the direction of the tank, staring at the being within. Nathan felt it too. The sensation of her presence in his mind. Nathan figured it was time to name her. He figured Hope was just the kind of name for her. He stared hard at the tube. Maybe it was a trick of lighting or refraction from the tube, but he could swear he saw her smile. He rose and started thickening the nutrient bath. That would make it harder to see her, and in fact almost completely defeat the purpose of the glass tube, but it was necessary to keep her alive. “Did you feel that?” Clarissa asked as the nutrient bath became cloudier and it became more difficult to see Hope within the tube.

“Yeah.” Nathan said. “It felt almost like...gratitude.”

* * *

Nathan had no idea what had awakened him, but he pulled on the rope anyway, allowing the ladder to drop, granting him access to the attic. Clarissa was there already, having stayed upstairs just in case the aliens called. He pulled the ladder up and closed the trapdoor. He put his hand on the tube and peered into the murky broth within. He could just about make out the outline of Hope within. The brainwave monitor was dancing merrily upward. Suddenly, Hope kicked her legs, breaking the surface and taking her first breath of real air. She pulled herself out, coughing up nutrient fluid as she flopped to the floor, her fall yanking cords out of their sockets. Orisni appeared on the screen, demanding a response. Clarissa plugged in the webcam as Nathan toweled Hope off, pulling off now-useless monitor pads.

“We’ve lost telemetry.” Orisni said when audiovisual contact was established.

“Uh, yeah, the, um, subject sort of jumped out of her tank.” Clarissa said, turning the webcam so Orisni could see Nathan wrapping Hope in a bath towel.

“This was completely unexpected.” Orisni said.

“Good thing you guys are on a forty-hour day.” Nathan said.

“Indeed. She will need a designation...”

“Hope.” Hope said. “My name is Hope.” She opened her ice-blue eyes, glancing over to the screen. Orisni’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Very well.” she said, her voice obviously uncomfortable. “Hope, then. I am...”

“Project leader Orisni, of the United Star Empire. I know.”

“Fascinating.” Orisni said. “We have never tried this procedure using human D.N.A. If Nathan would consent to build a D.N.A. scanner so we could try to recreate the experiment here on the throneworld, we would be most appreciative.”

“Sure, no problem.” Nathan said, giving an offhand salute which Hope mimicked, much to Orisni’s amusement. When the audiovisual cut off to be replaced by instructions, Hope snuggled close to Nathan in a clumsy, childish hug. He helped her to her feet and had Clarissa take her downstairs and find her some clothes. Hope moved clumsily, and quite shakily due to the fact that she’d never really used her muscles before. Clarissa steadied her as she guided her down the ladder and then the hall, while Nathan printed out the instructions wishing his laser printer could do more than five pages a minute.

* * *

Clarissa was so nice to help her out while she was getting used to her muscles, Hope thought. She could sense that this female loved Nathan almost as much as she did. But she seemed afraid to tell him, for some reason. Afraid that maybe he didn’t feel the same way. Afraid that maybe she wasn’t worthy of such a sweet and caring man. Hope knew better. Hope knew how worthy Clarissa was. She knew that he loved almost everything about her. There were problems to get around, though, like Clarissa’s jealous streak, her conviction that everything he did was in response to feelings for her, her habit of trying to force a situation or trap him by asking questions to which there was no right answer...but nothing that couldn’t be fixed. They would both be happier. After all, Nathan had created Hope in the hope—yes, hope, her name was so appropriate for her, she thought—that she would use her powers to help people. She came to her decision as she admired her new outfit in the mirror. She still smelled like nutrient bath, but that could be fixed as well. She pictured in her mind the nutrient molecules on her skin, pictured them moving, amassing into a ball and floating away, and they did. Clarissa stared, aghast. Hope found it amusing to watch her face as the nutrient stuff floated above the trash can, where things that were not wanted should go, after all, and then suddenly stopped floating and just fell in. Hope took advantage of Clarissa’s moment of disorientation and reached into her mind, changing the parts that were hindering her into things that would help her find happiness with the man she loved.

* * *

“Finally.” Nathan muttered as the final page of instructions curled out of his little printer. He stacked all 300-odd pages neatly on one corner of the desk and began unplugging the monitoring equipment. After all, it wasn’t as if it were needed anymore. He heard the ladder going down and looked at the clock on his computer. It was four a.m., and he had school in the morning. Footsteps on the ladder announced Clarissa’s presence in the attic.

“Are you okay?” she asked, putting her arms caringly around him. There was something in her eyes he hadn’t seen before, as if she were incredibly turned on. He guessed bringing new life into the world was indeed a strong aphrodisiac.

“I’m just tired.” he said. “I didn’t get much sleep tonight. I mean, it is kind of exciting, bringing new life into the world, and all.”

“Yes, well, I’m pretty sure building a scanner for E.T. won’t be as time-sensitive as your little Project X. And you can postpone it until this afternoon.”

“Yeah.” Nathan said, allowing himself to be led out of the attic. As Clarissa led him to his room he asked “Where’s Hope?”

“The guest bedroom.” Clarissa replied, taking off their clothes.

“What are you doing?” Nathan asked.

“I’m going to help you get to sleep.” Clarissa cooed, stroking his hardening cock as she pushed him gently into the bed. She pulled the covers over them and kissed him as she climbed into bed. “If we’re really quiet, maybe we won’t wake the baby.” she giggled, the moonlight making her eyes seem to glow with love.

To be continued...