The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Prison Guard

Guardsmen we are, sworn to serve
Our duty is to protect and preserve
Our minds are trained, our thoughts controlled
We are the guardians, our stories untold
We wear the rubber, we shave our heads
We follow orders, without question or dread
We march in lockstep, a perfect machine
A force to be reckoned with, or so it would seem
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This story is set in the guard universe. For an introduction into the world the guardsman live in see: The Making of (c)F-7985-656-882

The Story beginning when Training a new Guardsman: Making of A-8007-399-033 its the story of a different family unit from the same batch of training.

Please contact the Author at:

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Chapter 6

005 then was to report to his mentor: Guardsman 911, was a seasoned veteran of the prison system. He had been working in the underground cell block for over 10 years and had seen it all. His muscular build and stern demeanor commanded respect from both prisoners and guards alike. He was giving 005 a tour of the facility.

“See those wire fences over there?” said Guardsman 911, pointing towards the perimeter of the prison. “That’s the first ring of security. It’s there to keep the prisoners in and keep people out.”

“And then there’s the second ring,” he continued, gesturing towards the rows of surveillance cameras and the riot-proof doors.

“That’s all about restraint. We’ve got control collars to keep the prisoners in line, and cameras and guards everywhere to make sure they stay where they’re supposed to be.”

“But the third ring is the most important one,” said 911, lowering his voice. “That’s all about restructuring the prisoners. We use relationships, counseling, and ideological lessons to try and get them to see things our way. It’s not always easy, but it’s the only way to truly keep this place secure.”

He also explained the strict rules and regulations that all Guardsman and prisoners had to follow, including the zero tolerance policy for disobedience. 005 couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated by his partner, but he knew that he had a lot to learn from him.

Despite the bleak atmosphere, 911 seemed to be in good spirits. He walked down the rows of cells, chatting casually with the prisoners.

“Hey, how are you feeling today?” 911 asked a prisoner with a 5-digit number on his orange overall. The man looked up at him with empty eyes, before mumbling a response. “I’m doing okay, I guess,” he said softly.

“I know it’s tough, especially after everything you’ve been through,” 911 continued. “But trust me, the counseling sessions and ideological lessons really do make a difference. And hey, you’ve got the chance to make amends for your past mistakes and become a better person. That’s something to be grateful for.”

The prisoner looked at 911 with a mix of gratitude and skepticism. “I’ll try my best,” he said. “I just hope it’s enough.” “It will be,” 911 reassured him. “Just keep an open mind and be willing to learn. That’s all we ask of you.”

As they continued their tour of the cell block, 911 kept up a steady stream of conversation, offering words of encouragement and advice to the prisoners they encountered.

“Have you thought about joining one of our counseling sessions? It might be a good way to work through any issues you might be facing and get some support from your fellow prisoners.” 911 waits for a response from the prisoner, before continuing.

“We have experienced therapists who can help you process your emotions and develop coping mechanisms. It’s completely voluntary, but I really think it could be beneficial for you.”

The prisoner sighed. “It’s just hard to trust anyone in here. The counselors are all Guardsmen, how can they be truly independent?”

“I understand your concerns,” 911 said. “But I can assure you that the counselors are trained professionals who are committed to helping you in a non-judgmental and unbiased way. They are here to listen to you and offer guidance and support, not to punish or reprimand you.

Prisoner: “I don’t know, man. I mean, I know you guys are trying to help, but it’s hard to trust someone who’s been so heavily conditioned. I’ve talked to some of the younger Guardsmen and they barely remember anything before joining the Guard. It’s like they’ve completely forgotten about normal life.”

911: “I understand your concerns, but I promise you that we’re all here to help. And yes, we do go through a lot of conditioning these days, but it’s for a good reason.”

Prisoner: “I guess I can see that. It’s just hard to relate to someone who’s so removed from reality. It’s like they’re not even human anymore.”

911: “I understand what you’re saying, but I assure you that we are still human. We have feelings and emotions they are just suppressed sometimes. We still have the capacity to care and connect with others.”

Prisoner: “I just feel like I’m nothing more than a number to these guys. They don’t see me as a person, just a piece of property to be guarded.”

Guardsman 911 smiled: “We are nothing more than a number, too” and he pointed to the silver number on the chest of his rubber uniform.

Guardsman 911: “We’re here to help you become a better person, and to make sure you don’t end up back here again.”

Prisoner: “But how can you help me when you’re just as trapped as I am? You can’t leave the Guard until your term of duty is over, right?”

Guardsman 911 sighed as he thought about the end of his service. He had been in the Guard for almost a decade now, and while he had always known that his time here would come to an end eventually, the thought of leaving still filled him with dread.

Guardsman 911: “Well, that may be true, but we’re still here to do our best to make a positive impact on your life. Let’s focus on the here and now, and see what we can do to improve your situation.”

They left the prisoner and walked on.

It was clear that he took his role as a mentor and protector seriously, and that he genuinely cared about the well-being of the men under his charge. 005 couldn’t help but feel a sense of respect and admiration for his partner, and he knew that he had a lot to learn from him.

“It’s important that they understand why they are here and how they can better contribute to society once they are released,” 911 explained. “We want to rehabilitate them, not just punish them. That’s why we have such a structured program in place. It’s not just about discipline and control, it’s about helping them become better people.”

005 listened intently, taking in everything 911 was saying. He had never really thought about the purpose of the prison system before, but now it all made sense to him. He was eager to learn more and do his part in helping the prisoners in his care.

As they continued their tour, 911 introduced 005 to some of the other guards and prisoners.

Despite the warm greetings and the friendly banter, 005 couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. The guards seemed almost robotic in their interactions, as if they had been programmed to be friendly and efficient. Would he become like them? Would he, too, become a soulless automaton, following orders and carrying out his duties without question or hesitation?

“You see, 005, our job as prison guards is not just to keep the prisoners locked up and secure.”, the talking of 911 interrupted his thought. “It’s also our responsibility to help them reform and become productive members of society. That’s why we have programs in place to teach them new skills and ideas. It’s not easy, and some prisoners are resistant at first. But with time and patience, I’ve seen many of them turn their lives around and come out of here ready to contribute to society. It’s a rewarding job, and I’m proud to be a part of it.”

005 nodded, taking in everything that 911 was saying. He was still a little nervous about his new role as a prison guard, but hearing about the positive impact he could have on the prisoners’ lives made him feel a little more at ease.

As they walked, 911 placed a hand on 005’s shoulder. It was a small gesture, but it was filled with warmth and camaraderie. 005 couldn’t help but feel a sense of comfort from the touch.

“Don’t worry,” 911 said, sensing 005’s unease.

“I’m ready to do my part,” he said.

“I knew you would be,” 911 replied with a smile. “Welcome to the team, 005. Let’s get to work. This is all a lot to sink in, so I let to off your duty early. Maybe you go for a thorough run with your partner 006? it will help to settle your thoughts.

005 smiled at the suggestion and nodded. “Yeah, I think I’ll do that. Thanks, 911.”

As he jogged alongside 006, 005 couldn’t help but feel grateful for the support and guidance of his fellow Guardsmen. As 005 and 006 ran through the grounds of the Guard station, their rubber suits glistening in the sunlight, they couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and purpose.

As he ran, 005 couldn’t help but think about the prisoners they had met earlier. He couldn’t shake the feeling that they were just as human as he was, and he couldn’t help but wonder what had led them down the path that had landed them behind bars.

As they ran, 005 couldn’t help but think about the events of the day. The tour of the facility, the prisoners, the guardsmen... it was all a lot to take in. Finally, as the sun began to set, 005 and 006 finished their run, panting and sweating but proud of their accomplishment. The heat of their bodies mixed with the coolness of the rubber, creating a unique and almost sensual feeling. Despite the intense physical exertion of their run, they couldn’t help but feel a certain level of comfort and ease within their suits.

As they reached the end of their run, they stopped and embraced, their rubber-clad bodies pressing against each other. 006 leaned in and pressed his lips against 005’s, the touch sending shivers down their spine. As they kissed, 005 couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. 005 closed his eyes and melted into the kiss, feeling a sense of love and affection that he had never experienced before. He had always been conditioned to be a loyal and obedient member of the Guard, but this moment felt different.

“I love you,” 006 whispered, his voice barely above a whisper.

005’s heart skipped a beat, and he felt a surge of emotion wash over him. He had never imagined that he would fall in love with someone, let alone another member of the Guard. But as he looked into 006’s eyes, he knew that he had found something special, something that he had been searching for his entire life.

“I love you too,” he whispered back, feeling his heart fill with joy and happiness.

In that moment, nothing else mattered. The training, the conditioning, the rules of the Guard—it all seemed insignificant compared to the love that they shared. T

Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them. “There’s nothing wrong with a little PDA between partners,” a higher ranking Guard called out with a wink. They couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed, but they knew they had to keep their focus on the job at hand. 005 and 006 nodded, flushing with embarrassment. “Yes, sir,” they said in unison. „Just be sure to keep it professional while on duty."“

Higher Ranking Guardsman: “In fact, the Guard takes its roots from the military structure of ancient Sparta, where close relationships and bonds between soldiers were considered a key component of their success on the battlefield. So go ahead, express your love for each other. It will only make you stronger as a team.”

As they walked, 005 couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. He had always been a little nervous about expressing his feelings for 006, but knowing that it was accepted and even encouraged by the Guard made it feel much more manageable.

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The reporter interviews the the High Ranking Guardsman: “Love and relationships between guardsmen are actually encouraged by the Guard. We believe that it helps to strengthen the bond between our members and promotes a sense of unity and camaraderie. Plus, it’s a way for our guardsmen to release stress and find emotional support within the ranks.”

Reporter: “But how do you ensure that these relationships don’t get in the way of their duties?”

“That’s where GUMS comes in.”

“GUMS?” the reporter asked.

“Yes, the Guard Union Management System. It helps to ensure that all relationships within the Guard are healthy and productive. It can even help to increase or decrease affection levels as needed.”

“Wow, that’s quite advanced,” the reporter said in amazement.

“Yes, it’s just one of the ways we work to keep our Guardsmen happy and focused on their duties.”