The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Princess and the Popper

Chapter 2

This was a problem, Catherine thought as she bit into the gum and she immediately tasted a rush of cinnamon. She was a princess or at least she was supposed to be one and yet just moments before, or was it really just moments before she wondered, she’d let some guy fuck her in the ass.

Not let, she corrected herself. She’d pretty much begged him to do it, she thought as she chomped away on the gum. What the hell was the matter with her,

The pub owner, Mr. Anders, was looking at her almost as if he were waiting for something and right then and there, Catherine decided she wasn’t going to play his game. He could wait all he wanted but she wasn’t going to give him the pleasure of letting him think he was controlling her and when she got back to the palace, Ooh when she got back to the palace, the people who had been tormenting her were going to see the full extent of the power that she could unleash on them.

And still the Anders man just watched her. What was he waiting for, she wondered yet again.

She blew a bubble and …


She was back in her room in the boarding house, she thought, and then almost at the same time, she corrected herself. This was Deedee’s room, not her room. Her apartments were back in the palace. It was odd though that in a small way, she’d come to think of Deedee’s tiny room as her room, too.

She wondered if Robert was around. She was pretty sure he wasn’t. She wasn’t sure how she knew that but she was pretty sure he wasn’t.

What the heck was she supposed to do here, she wondered. If she were back in the palace, there would have been plenty of things to do but here in this … in this room … it was all so sparse. There really was nothing here except a bed and a dresser and lacking anything better to do, Catherine went to the dresser.

The clothes were as sparse as the rest of the room which Catherine found oddly comforting. The girl Deedee didn’t have much, she thought, as she fingered the girl’s clothes.

Her fingers touched a pair of panties and suddenly Catherine had a thought. She wasn’t even sure where the thought had come from but as soon as the thought was there, it seemed to take hold of her and no amount of telling herself that the thought was stupid or should be ignored would make the thought go away.

She wanted to try on Deedee’s panties.

It was dumb. It was foolhardy. It was borderline unhygienic and besides, she had better panties back in her apartments in the palace.

And yet there it was and once there in her mind, it was a thought that just wouldn’t go away.

She pushed her own thong down and she couldn’t help but feel a surge of pleasure when she did it. She knew her ass derived pleasure from being touched but apparently it also got pleasure when her panties were being removed and with her panties finally removed, she quickly kicked them aside.

She now gathered up a new pair of panties, stepping in with first one leg and then stepping in with the other and she pulled them up her legs and …

And the most amazing thing happened. Wherever the new panties touched her newly resized bottom, she began to itch and the longer she left it there, the more intense the discomfort got until finally she had to rid herself of the panties.

That was so strange, she thought, as she chomped on her gum and looked at the offending garment. She picked up another pair of panties and just as she had done before, she stepped in with one leg and then with the other and she pulled the panties up.

And just as before, her ass had started to itch as soon as the panties were in place and it continued to itch until she finally rid herself of the offending garment.

Catherine stared balefully at the two pairs of panties. What the hell was wrong with them, she wondered. Whatever it was though, she wasn’t going to do that again. She snatched up the pair of panties she’d been wearing earlier and stepped in with one leg and then in with the other and …

And just as had happened with the other two panties, her ass had started to itch uncontrollably as soon as she’d pulled the panties into place and the itching only got worse the longer she kept it like that but as soon as she slid the panties back down, the itching went away.

What the devil was the matter with her, she wondered as she chomped on her gum and stared at the three offending pairs of panties and then she blew a bubble and …


Who really needed to wear panties anyway, she thought. When you had an ass as big and full and round as hers was, it almost seemed a shame to stuff it inside a pair of panties and from that moment forward, she decided that she’d never wear another pair of panties.

And besides, now that she’d made her mind up, she realized she’d never really wanted to wear panties anyway. Oh sure, when she’d been in the palace, they would have made her wear panties and sure, those panties would have been made of the finest materials, but they were still panties. She hated being told what to do. It was one of the reasons that she’d wanted to get out of the palace. Out here, she could do whatever she wanted to do and what she wanted to do was to never wear panties again.

Of course there was one thing that you couldn’t deny. Panties did have one benefit. If some jerk did somehow manage to see up her skirt, he’d now have a clear view of her pussy. Of course, it wasn’t like she was going to let that happen but she was going to have to be more vigilant just in case.

It was fortunate for her, Catherine though, that while Deedee didn’t seem to go for overly long skirts, at least what the girl had available for her to wear wasn’t so short that it would get her into trouble.

She’d had to rummage through the other girl’s things to find out just exactly what she had to wear and at first, Catherine had hated herself for doing it because it felt like snooping and she would have hated it someone had done that to her and even if Deedee wasn’t exactly a friend, she was definitely helping her but she’d had to admit that it was a bit of a necessity because she didn’t know how long she’d be here and she was going to have to find some clothes to wear.

She nodded her approval as she chomped away on her gum and she looked at the skirts on the bed. Yes, she told herself as she blew a bubble. Yes, these would do nicely.


She looked at the skirts laid out before her on the bed and she couldn’t help but frown and then she pawed at the skirts and every time she touched one of them, it seemed as if she was finding something lacking in all of them.

Finally, she’d had to admit, that her initial assessment had been wrong. None of these skirts would work for her because they just weren’t short enough. She didn’t blame Deedee for it. This was after all her room. She could wear whatever she wanted but she’d left her in a tenuous position. She needed something to wear.

Of course, she could go buy something but that posed yet another problem. If she was back in the palace, she could have used money from her allowance to buy whatever she wanted but she hadn’t run into any money while rummaging through Deedee’s things and besides, it would have seemed wrong to use it even if she had.

Of course if it really was an emergency then she supposed she could be forgiven and of course she would have seen to it that Deedee was generously compensated for her loss.

But all of that was moot. The girl didn’t seem to have any money.

Catherine chomped away on her gum in frustration. She knew she absolutely needed a change in wardrobe. She knew everything would have been so much better if only she’d been able to get herself some shorter skirts but alas, that appeared as if it was not to be. She blew a bubble and then …


There was a card and while it wasn’t that large, Catherine couldn’t help but wonder how she’d missed it before and yet there it was. Still frustrated with her lack of options, Catherine picked the card up to see what it offered.

“For new clothes,” the card read, “see Jonathan.”

Catherine couldn’t help but be elated. This card it seemed was the answer to all her problems although if she’d thought about it, she would have realized that it really wasn’t. She still had no money to buy new clothes with but that thought never occurred to her. In a matter of moments, she was on her way to the address on the card.

The shop appeared to be dark when Catherine arrived and when she tried the handle on the door, she realized it was locked. No, she thought to herself as she peered in through the window. No, this couldn’t be. No.

She was still peering in through the shop window when she felt someone tap her in the shoulder and she heard a man ask her, “can I help you with something?”

Catherine couldn’t help but jump as she turned to face the man. He wasn’t a tall man. One might have even called him dainty if one wanted to be uncharitable. He wasn’t much of a man, Catherine couldn’t help but thinking. “I was looking to get some new clothes,” she said.

“Well I guess you’ve come to the right place,” the man said as he shifted the parcels he’d been carrying and took out a key. “This is my shop.”

Catherine watched eagerly as the man unlocked and opened the door and then said, “After you.”

It wasn’t a big shop, Catherine couldn’t help but notice. It was more of a tailors shop but there were also racks and shelves with finished clothes as well and for the first time since she’d found the card, Catherine couldn’t help but wonder if she’d let herself get too excited too quickly. She was starting to wonder if this man was going to have what she needed.

“Now,” said the man after he’d set his parcels down, “why don’t you tell me what you need.”

“I need some new skirts,” Catherine said, “but I have to be honest with you. I don’t have any money.”

“Well, we can worry about that later,” Jonathan said. “What’s wrong with what you’re wearing now?”

“It’s too long,” Catherine said. “I think I need something shorter.”

Jonathan seemed to size her up as he looked at her. “I don’t know. What you’re wearing now seems fine to me. About how long do you need the skirt to be?”

Catherine reached down and she couldn’t help but shiver as her hands brushed her hips. She was still so sensitive there and she wouldn’t have minded if her skirt ended right there at her hips but if she wasn’t going to wear any panties, then maybe even that was too short so she moved her hands down a little more to the tops of her thighs. “I don’t know,” she said. “Maybe down to here.”

Jonathan stroked his chin as he looked at her. “Okay yeah,” he said. “I think maybe I can help you out with that.”

“But like I told you,” Catherine said. “I don’t have any money.”

The tailor just smiled at that. “I think we can figure that one out when we get to it. For now though, I’m going to have to take some measurements. Would you take off the skirt you’re wearing now?”

“I, um, I’m not wearing any panties,” Catherine informed him.

Jonathan nodded. “That’s okay but I’m still going to need you to take off that skirt.”

Catherine knew she shouldn’t really let him look at her naked pussy but in the end, her need for a change of wardrobe finally won out and she pushed her skirt down.

The tailor quickly moved in and he efficiently took his measurements without saying a word and Catherine couldn’t help but wonder if she should be relieved at what was obviously a very awkward position for the both of them or if she should be annoyed that he hadn’t told her how nice her pussy was.

“Yes, well I’ve got your measurements right here,” the man said, “and I have to say it appears as if you’re in luck. I think I’ve got some skirts here in my shop that are exactly what you’re looking for.”

“You do?” Catherine asked and she couldn’t help but be amazed at her good fortune.

“I do indeed. They were for another customer who decided that she didn’t need them after all. They are awfully short, though so they’re hard to move but I think they’re exactly what you’re looking for. Would you like to see them?”


“Wait here,” he told her. “I’ll only be a moment.”

Catherine couldn’t believe her good luck. She hoped the skirts would be just what she was looking for although she had to admit that even if they were and even if he was going to give it to her cheap, she still didn’t have any money at all but he’d said that maybe they could work something out.

Jonathan was back a few moments later and he was carrying a rather large box which surprised Catherine. She wouldn’t have thought that the skirts she needed were really all that big so why did they need such a large box.

Jonathan motioned for her to sit on a couch and after she’d done that, he put the box on a table in front of her. “Go ahead,” he told her. “Open it up.”

It wasn’t as fancy as some of the boxes she’d gotten gifts in but Catherine removed the top and then she couldn’t help but gasp. They looked to be exactly what she was looking for.

The one on top was a black skirt. Underneath that was a brown skirt. Underneath that was a bright red skirt. Underneath that was a pleated plaid skirt that looked like something a schoolgirl might wear and so it went. The last three skirts were all in different shades of pink.

Jonathan had watched with amusement as she went through the box. “You like?” he asked when she was done.

Catherine couldn’t help but gush even as she chewed away on her gum. “They’re perfect,” she said but then her face clouded over. “But I already told you. I don’t have any money. I can’t afford these.”

“And I already told you. We’ll figure something out on that accord. Like I said, I had a customer who backed out so these have just been taking up room in my shop. Bad luck for me but good luck for you. You’d be helping me out if you took them off my hands.”

Catherine really couldn’t believe her luck but then she realized something. “I really should try them on. Do you have a fitting room?”

“Sorry. No fitting room but you don’t need a fitting room. You can try them on right here.”

“But I already told you. I’m not wearing any panties.”

“There’s only the two of us here,” the tailor told her, “and I don’t mind. My customers get undressed in front of me all the time.”

Catherine chomped away on her gum. Maybe it wasn’t that big of a deal to him but it was a big deal to her but she really, really did need those skirts and now that she’d seen them, she was desperate to try them on. “You won’t look, right?”

“Well, I do need to see how they fit.”

Fine. She just didn’t care anymore. She kicked aside the hideous skirt that she’d been wearing which was so horribly long that it almost came down to her knees. She knew the tailor was watching her but so what? He could watch if he wanted but he was only going to get one last glimpse of her pussy before she had one of his skirts on.

She grabbed the first one out of the box which was a black one. Ooh, she cooed to herself. She was sure she was going to like this one if it fit. She stepped into the garment and she pulled it up and hooked it closed.

“There’s a mirror over there if you want to see how you look,” Jonathan said.

Well of course Catherine wanted to see how she looked so she scampered over to the mirror to check herself out.

It was perfect, Catherine thought and as she turned in front of the mirror. No, it was better than perfect. Not too short and not too long and it seemed to be perfect for her incredibly small waist and her firm, full bubble butt and it wasn’t like the skirt was going to rat her out. She might not be wearing any panties but you wouldn’t know that just by looking at her. Of course, if she bent herself over, that would be a whole different story.

“So what do you think?”

“I love it,” Catherine told him but then her face clouded over. “But I told you I don’t have any money.”

“Yes, I know. I said we’d figure that out later. For now, there’s something I’d like for you to get for me.”

“What is it?”

“Well it’s in a box on the top shelf over there. Do you see it?”

Catherine chomped away at her gum as she looked up at the box. She could see the box but at the same time, it looked awfully high up and she couldn’t help but wonder why Jonathan didn’t get the box instead.

Still, he had had all these wonderful skirts for her and from what he’d already said, it sounded as if he was willing to cut her a deal on the skirts so the last thing she needed was to get on his bad side so she blew a bubble even as she went to the shelf and stood on her tip toes as she reached up to get the box.


Something happened. She’d barely gotten her fingertips on the box when she found herself falling backwards only she wasn’t falling at least not exactly. She had the box but she was still standing on her tip toes.

“Is something wrong?”

“I can’t straighten my feet,” she said in a near panic. “I can’t straighten my feet.”


“I can’t straighten my feet. I reached up here to get this dumb box and now I can’t straighten my feet.”

“Why don’t you sit on the couch here and let me take a look at that for you.”

She was going to have to do something, Catherine thought as she tumbled down onto the couch but then there was Jonathan massaging her calves and her feet but when he tried to straighten her feet, she couldn’t help but cry out in pain. “Did that hurt?” he asked.

“Of course, it hurt. I already told you I couldn’t straighten my feet.”

“Very odd,” he said as he continued to look at her feet and calves. “I really don’t see anything wrong here.”

He really was quite the gentleman, Catherine thought. As short as her skirt was and with the lack of panties, all he had to do was turn his head ever so slightly and he’d have a perfect view of her tight, little pussy and just why the heck was she finding that thought so appealing.

“Wait here,” the man said. ‘I think I know exactly what you need.’

Wait here, Catherine thought as the man left the room. That was so funny. Like how could she actually go anywhere with her feet like this.

Jonathan was back a few moments later with three boxes. “Another customer wanted me to get these for her but then she backed out at the last moment but I think they might be just your size.”

Catherine looked in the box as he took,the lid off the first box and inside was a pair of very high heels. They had to be five inches at least but maybe more like six.

“Let’s just get these on you,” the tailor said as he slipped them on her feet. ‘There you go. Stand up and let’s see how those feel.’

Catherine stood even as she was thinking to herself that she couldn’t wear six-inch heels for the rest of her life.

“How do they feel?” Jonathan asked.

This was so wrong, Catherine thought and yet at the same time, she couldn’t help but feel so right. She was starting to think she might be able to get used to this.

“How do they feel?” Jonathan asked again.

“They actually feel pretty good,” Catherine said. “I’ve never been a big heels person. I always thought they looked kind of stupid but I have to admit that these just kind of feel right. I think I could totally get used to them, actually.”

“That’s what I thought, too,”the tailor said. “Something’s happened to your foot so you can’t put it down flat but in these heels, you won’t ever have to and besides,” he said as he circled around her, “between those mini skirts and those heels, you’re really showing off your legs.”

“Is that a good thing?” Catherine asked.

“Oh my, yes. It’s a very good thing. Now about what we were talking about earlier, you were quick to tell me you didn’t have any money and I was just as quick to tell you not to worry because I was sure we could figure something out. Well, I think I’ve got it figured out.”

“You do? What are we going to do?”

“Well you’re not going to do much of anything,” Jonathan said and Catherine was sure she could feel him lifting up her skirt from the back “you’re just going to stand there and let me do this.”

She probably should have said no, Catherine told herself. She probably should have said no but darn it, she really, really needed those clothes and now she needed those heels too. She just couldn’t tell him no, she told herself even as she felt his cock slide between her legs.

And besides, now that she knew what he wanted, she realized just how wet her pussy was, too, so maybe it was just better to let him do whatever he wanted to do with her.

He was already in her pussy and Catherine couldn’t help but love it. She bent just a little at the waist and spread her legs to give him even more access to her pussy.

It was the only permission that Jonathan needed as he put his hands on her hips and fucked her harder.

Maybe it was wrong but Catherine just didn’t care. She chomped down as he fucked her harder. He could do whatever he wanted.

“Fuck,” the man groaned and his hands tightened on her hips.

And that’s when Catherine felt it. He was cumming inside her and she couldn’t help but blow a bubble.


She was back in the pub sitting at a table across from Mr. Anders. “How’d it go?” The pub owner asked her.

“How’d what go?” Catherine said as she tried to play it coy.

The pub owner just sighed. “I think we both know that you can’t wear panties anymore and that you love wearing skirts that are so short that you run the risk of showing anyone and everyone what you have between your legs and I think we both know that the only shoes you can wear from now on are extremely high heels. None of that is going to change.”

Catherine was hardly going to validate the man’s claims and sure while she might have had some minor setbacks while she’d been out and about, she was sure the doctors in the palace would be able to set her straight once she got back inside. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she told the man.

Mr. Anders just sighed. “So I’m assuming that means you’re still claiming to be the princess.”

“Of course. I’d already told you that before.”

Anders sighed yet again and then he removed the gum-filled tin from his pocket but now there were two empty places. “Choose one,” he said.

For all of the man’s talk, Catherine really didn’t think he could do everything he’d said he could. To be fair, hadn’t she always had a firm, round ass? Hadn’t she always loved the thrill of wearing skirts so short that she was nearly always flirting with showing off her pussy. Hadn’t she always loved wearing very high heels?

For a moment, she creased her brow. For a moment, she was unsure of her answers but then she knew what the answers to those questions were but that didn’t mean she made this next choice lightly. She finally chose a yellow piece of gum.

“An excellent choice,” the pub owner said. “We will see what comes of that.”