The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Note: for those of you not interested, this story takes place alongside my main series, Jewels of the Gods, but neither has any real bearing on the other. Just trying some new things in this side story. Thanks for taking the time to check it out!

Pride before the fall

“What is a novice of Kirshara doing standing at my doorstep?” The Seer demanded. “Your order has no love of my kind.”

The Seer was said to be blind, and those milky white eyes certainly seemed to confirm that, but those eyes were locked on me and it felt like they were staring into my soul. She was dressed in a simple gray robe, and holding a sturdy looking cane that probaby knocked a head or two. The Seer’s wrinkled face indicated she wanted to do so now

I drew a calming breath, I may have shown up on her doorstep unannounced, but I would not be deterred. “Well, the Reverend Mother may or may not have any love for you, but she still seeks out your wisdom. I would do the same.”

The Seer continued to stare into me, finally she said “Come inside then.” And without hesitation or hint of a stumble the Seer turned around and walked back into her small house.

For a second, I was elated. I had been right. I hastened to follow The Seer into the house and discovered she was already seated on a cushioned chair and looked like she had been waiting for me for hours. My eyes locked onto a couch on the other side of a rectangular table in front of The Seer’s chair. I quickly sat down without waiting for an invitation, facing her across the table.

“Thank you.” I said, “My name is —”

“I know who you are.” The Seer was abrupt. “And I know what you want. I feel I should warn you, things might not end well if you continue your current course.”

I hesitated, caught off-guard, “Thank you for your warning, but I will succeed.”

“Unlikely,” The Seer snapped back. “You are motivated by jealousy, and negative motivations yield negative results, you shouldn’t need a seer to tell you that. Let go of your resentment of Jewels, it will destroy you.”

Uncomfortable with staring into those milky, white orbs I let my eyes drift around the room. One wall had bookshelves from floor to ceiling, filled with a variety of volumes but her eyes drifted over the titles she could see without reading them. Why in Kirshara’s name would a blind woman have books? I pushed the thought aside and spoke into the silence that had fallen, “I am not resentful! I am a better exorcist now than she could ever be, and yet they’ve accomodated her even after getting into trouble with the law! Why should she get special treatment? I need to show them I am better!”

The Seer smiled, aware of my discomfort, “Seeking out a spirit more powerful than you are ready for while breaking your Order’s rules to do so might not impress them as much as you hope, even if you succeed.” She paused, I had the feeling she was assessing me, and finally sighed. “I already know there’s no deterring you, and if you are smart enough to discover my association with your Reverend Mother, you’re smart enough to find it on your own.”

“I will succeed.” I said stubbornly, “please, tell me where I can find such a spirit, and when I return with proof of my skill they will see they don’t need Jewels or anyone else!”

The old woman continued to gaze in my direction, she was NOT looking at me dammit. Her wrinkled face softened slightly, “You realize this rivalry is one-sided now, don’t you? It likely always was. if you fail as an exorcist, you can still be a priestess, but if Jewels fails she will be sentenced to true slavery. Her ‘special treatment’ involves daily humiliation and intimidation, and the knowledge she can never be truly free again, is that not enough?”

“My parents were poor, they couldn’t afford any sort of donation to the temple to entice them to take me as a novice. They almost had to beg for me to be allowed to join. It was only after they discovered my….gifts...that the temple was willing to accept me. Otherwise my father would have had to join the work crews expanding the temple, for free! And then Jewels comes along, a straggler, from another world with no money and no family, and they just take her right in and give her everything. Hell, they didn’t discover her gifts until later, even when she wasn’t special she was handed everything! Well, I deserve it to! And I will show them all it was a mistake to overlook me!” By the end I was almost shaking and I Had to work to steady my breathing. I would lay up at night feeling this when I Thought about the injustice of it.

The Seer shook her head and sighed again, “Very well, I shall perform a Seeking for you, but first let me tell you the real reason I charge for my services, knowledge comes at a cost, and fools who misuse that knowledge must add coin to the cost.”

A few hours later I was staring at an abandoned warehouse near the docks. A couple of years ago there was fire that briefly raged out of control, destroying many of the buildings in this area. Most had been rebuilt, but the owner of the warehouse couldn’t afford repairs, and now stood in blackened deterioration.

Why would a spirit be here? I wondered to myself. The Seer had said this spirit was bound to a specific area as most were, and the Seeking indicated this spirit was, well, it was seeking something. What an insubstantial spirit would seek or desire was a question neither of them could guess the answer to.

I observed the building for a solid half an hour, it appeared deserted. There were no lights, no sound, no movement. This area of the docks wasn’t patrolled very often so she didn’t want to stay there too long, but it was definitely best to make sure the way was safe. She was uncomfortably close to Helltown, a seedy area of the city where a few exiled devils ran the show.

Empty buildings like this were frequently used as clandestine drug or magic labs. Substance use and abuse were rampant in Gamorray. The pleasure trades demanded it, and there were so many lost and broken people in this city it was all they had. As the pleasure trades were world wide, so was the demand and distribution of drugs. Gamoray was one of the most corrupt cities one would ever come across, and it was whispered in the halls of the temple these devils were a major factor.

The streets had already turned dark as the sun set behind Vraktor, the island’s central volcano. The shadow from the massive volcano covered the city, whie the sky still shone with daylight. I crossed the street from my observation spot and approached the main entry to the warehouse. There was no reason for stealth at this point, but I didn’t want to draw attention to myself either.

I reached into a pouch attached to my belt, removing a talisman I had, um, borrowed from the temple. It was a simple triangle of silver with a ruby in the center. The ruby would shine when in the presence of otherworldly creatures, including the dead. There were symbols engraved in the silver, their meaning lost to time, that would shine with the ruby. Nobody knew why, but the talisman worked, and she would need it tonight.

The doors were ajar, and I winced at the sound one made as I opened it further so I could enter. The lobby was relatively clean, as the fire only consumed part of the storage area itself, and she was relieved she did not find some homeless person using it as a shelter. She decided to quickly reconnoiter the building while she waited to make sure it was empty, and to just have a general knowledge of the layout.

I went down the main hallway, there were a few empty offices and cubby holes, but otherwise unremarkable, I found the entrance to the storage area easily. There were still crates and other containers scattered throughout the large space. Most were untouched, but some were damaged, and others knocked open. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary as I wandered among the containers, but I had to admit I probably didn’t know what ordinary was in a warehouse.

I happened to be looking at something on the floor when I noticed the pouch seemed to glow red. I opened it quickly and saw the talisman glowing. Cursing to myself I pulled out the talisman and began turning slowly, trying to determine which direction I needed to go. I stifled my irritation with myself, I had not expected the spirit so early, it was very unusual. I needed to focus on the task at hand, not cry over mistakes almost made.

The ruby glowed a little brighter as I faced the damaged section of the warehouse. Now was the time for stealth. I placed the talisman back into the pouch and crept towards that section. The spirit would make no noise and neither could I, so I would have to keep my eyes open for it. The drawback to the talisman now was the spirit might notice the glow before I could see it and leave, or strike first.

There! Movemen! Something white and amorphous further down the row of crates I crept through. It floated around going from crate to crate, and I could see the form of a woman in the haze, fading in and out. Something was different about this spirit. I couldn’t say what, I had been exposed to many types of spirits during my training, and read about many more. None of them were like this. It didn’t have that alien feeling, it felt like it belonged in this world. That wasn’t possible of course, but something made me feel concerned.

Without taking my eyes off the spirit, I lifted the symbol of Kirshara I wore over my head and let it drop to the ground. I reached into my bodice and pulled out my personal symbol, letting it rest on my shirt. All followers of Kirshara wore her holy symbol in public. However, her acolytes always had a personal symbol they wore. It was usually an object associated with when they opened themselves to her love and her glory. It wasn’t hidden, it was personal, so was not casually shared. For me, the symbol was a locket my cousin gave me, to symbolize our life long friendship, regardless of blood. An image of Kirahara was on the outside of the locket, and their likenesses resided within. It symbolized her faith, and everything she believed in,

My personal symbol could increase my power, but these items were not meant to be used in such a way, and there was a risk of the object being destroyed. I paused, was this really worth the risk? Would I really risk losing my most prized possession to upstage Jewels? She didn’t deserve all she was being given, all that I felt I had earned, but I suddenly felt like I was putting everything at risk, and she wasn’t worth it. I would find another way.

Reluctantly, I turned away and began to walk back in the direction I came from when I heard laughter. I whirled around, and there it was again! Another laugh! That spirit still had not noticed me, it was looking at a small crate on the ground, and somehow I heard her laugh! And was that a dance?

Are. You. Fucking. Kidding ME?!?! Even this fucking spirit gets what she wants but I don’t? First fucking Jewels, then this fucking bitch? Something snapped in my brain, I was angry, so very angry. I was NOT going to let this happen! Without thinking I took up my symbol and growled out an attack cantrip, meant to quickly stun the spirit long enough for me to immobilize it.

A small glowing white ball of energy appeared and streaked towards the spirit, striking it in the back and sending it sprawling over the crate. Instead of staying down like I expected, it immediately got up and leaped towards me. I barely raised my hands to form a protective shield in time. Anger was quickly replaced by shock and fear. The “mist” was gone and this woman was pure rage, striking my shield over and over again. Greyish white energy splayed over the shield with each strike, and I would not be able to hold it for long.

There was no choice, in desperation I began to chant the exorcism ritual. It was a gamble my shield could hold long enough, but the attacks kept her in place as well as immobilizing her did. I think she was screaming as she attacked, her face distorted in that all-consuming rage, She realized what I was doing and her attacks increased in strength and ferocity.

Sweat poured down my face as I chanted the ritual, with every strike the shield came close to me, and it was weakening fast. I was almost done, forcing the words out and somehow keeping myself steady. I was terrified and only wanted to live through this! The shield seemed right in front of my eyes now, as she lifted her hand to strike the final blow I completed the ritual and flung my hand out as if I was striking first.

“Back where you came from bitch!” I yelled. A look of surprise replaced the rage as she was lifted up by some unseen hand, then she seemed to shrink as she was pulled away into the ether, screaming her anger and reaching for me futilely.

I stood there shaking. It was over. Holy Kirshara I beat her!!! I laughed out loud in giddy victory. The fear was gone, forgotten as elation filled me. Take that bitch!! Take that Jewels! Take that all of you!!! I am the best and you will all know it!!!

I sat at the table and gazed at the open book without seeing the words on the pages. I was really just trying to “look busy” so I could be left alone. I didn’t want to return to my room, my roommate might be asleep, or worse, she might be awake. I was so excited I couldn’t rest, and I was wishing dawn would hurry up and get here so I could inform the Reverend Mother of my accomplishment.

I did it!!! I really did it! I had tracked that spirit down and sent her back to where she came from! She had been powerful too, and showed a resistance I had not expected. It had not been enough, no, not enough.

A small breeze seemed to ruffle my hair, I automatically looked around, puzzled. Where had that come from? I got up and checked the windows, all of them were closed. I shrugged and returned to my chair. I chuckled at my nerves, I still wound up tight!! Well, I would just have to settle down before everyone woke up. Oh how she looked forward to seeing the Reverend Mother’s face when she told her what she had done. After they verified her claims none would deny she was the best. Take THAT Jewels!!!

The breeze returned, stronger this time. Ruffling through her hair like fingers. In fact, it felt more like someone was touching me! I leaned forward and turned on my torso, trying to look behind me, but nobody was there. Except for the bookshelves and study areas, the library was empty.

Maybe it was time to return to my room after all. I faced forward and placed my hands on the table, about to stand up when I felt something press against the sides of my head. My eyes almost popped out of my head in shock as I tried to get up and found I couldn’t. I tried to get up again, but whatever was holding my head was keeping my whole body in place.

Suddenly I felt this pressure on the back of my head. It was different. I could feel the pressure against my skull, but it wasn’t pressing against bone. It was pushing against something else? What was it? I was getting nervous as the pressure increased, something was trying to get inside me!!! OH Kirshara it was trying to get into my mind!

My hands had been trying to get a purchase on the table and began flopping around as the pressure became unbearable. Finally, whatever was holding that pressure back collapsed. I felt something opening as the pressure forced itself into my head, I moaned as the pressure filled my head. My flapping hands stopped and slowly rested on the table. My eyes widened to saucers and I felt my mouth open, almost like an “O”

All I could feel was this pressure filling me. I couldn’t think, all my thoughts seemed to be pushed against my skull, squeezed into immobility by that incredible pressure. All I could do was sit there and exist. I don’t know long I sat like that, a dazed expression on my face and drool starting to drip from my mouth.

Then I could feel the pressure slowly withdraw, and my crushed thoughts expanded to fill the void in my mind, Oh shit Oh shit!!! what’s happening to me?!?! My restored thoughts were screaming at me and I was filled with terror. The pressure wasn’t completely gone, it was still there in the back of my mind, still inside me.

I licked my lips and the drool without thinking as I tried to get up again. I was still held in place by something and I couldn’t do anything except moan again as the pressure thrust forward filling my mind. My thoughts squeezed back against my skull and my face returned to it’s empty place, eyes and mouth open in what looked like wonder.

Once more I merely existed, It felt like forever as time seemed to stop, but somehow I knew only seconds passed as the pressure slowly withdrew again. My breathing quickened as my thoughts rushed back into place. My eyes rolled around trying to see anything that might give me a clue what was happening. oh please let it stop!!! Kirshara hel-

The thought went unfinished as the pressure slammed back into my mind. It filled me so completely, and this time I could feel the folds of my mind part more easily for it. As my empty face gazed outward I could feel my thoughts stopped tight against my skull, they did not recoil from the pressure like before. Instead of trying to “pull away” from this foreign presence my mind did nothing, just let the pressure touch me everywhere inside. I just existed, and it was becoming easier,

The pressure slowly withdrew to the back of my skull, my eyes blinking as my thoughts returned, was it slower this time? I didn’t feel as nervous now, I couldn’t stop what was happening, but it didn’t hurt. If anything it was starting to feel—NO! this has to stop!! whatever it is please stop!

As if to refute me the pressure thrust in hard again. My thoughts slammed back into my skull and something vibrated through my compressed mind, sending shivers through my whole body. Anyone who looked at me now would clearly see the expression of wonder on my face as I was held immobile and something had it’s way with my mind.

I existed, and I drifted, but I didn’t move. My mind wrapped around whatever filled it, even in this empty filled state I could feel my mind start to cling to this pressure. It was becoming blissful, wonderful, so strong and powerful. I could do nothing but hold onto it now, like an anchor keeping me from drifting away as I existed. Just…...existed.

When the pressure withdrew it was immediate, and this time my thoughts seemed to stay pressed against my skull. Only reluctantly starting to expand again and fill those empty spaces. I was trying to think again and was distracted by the sides of my head being freed. I could feel whatever was holding my head ease up, and this time I definitely felt fingers replace the pressure and begin stroking my hair, Or stroking something, because nothing was there.

Just as my thoughts were coming back together, and I was starting to realize I could move again, the pressure returned. It was slow this time, the long hard truth of it parting the folds of mind, I tried to resist it. At least I think I tried to resist, my thoughts scattered so easily before it’s inexorable progress. Pushing deeper and deeper into me right to my very core. Oh Kirshara did I just giggle?

My thoughts stayed happily where they were, pressed and squeezed between my skull and that beautiful pressure. Those fingers caressed my hair and cheeks now and I felt a smile plaster itself across my face. I existed in bliss, and I wouldn’t have cared if the whole temple walked in on me now. Then the pressure started to withdraw and I actually felt anticipation for that pleasurable feeling of my thoughts slowly drooping back into place, but the pressure stopped and suddenly thrust all the way back in, The tip hit something deep inside me, and my whole body shook from the pleasure. The pressure quickly pulled out slightly and slammed back in, over and over, each time hitting my core and making me cry out softly.

The pressure was going faster now. Thrusting into my mind and stirring my thoughts round and round now. They seemed to wrap around the pressure and enjoy being taken. My whole mnd, my whole body did. Somehow I felt the wetness growing between my legs as the arousal in my mind took over my body. I couldn’t see,my eyes were rolled back completely and my head held in place by those silky fingers caressing me. The touch was lighter now, my head wasn’t going anywhere.

Something changed, the pressure which already filled me began to swell, becoming thicker at the base and moving forward. My thoughts eagerly squeezed tighter to my skull parting my mind completely eager to receive whatever was coming next.


The pressure exploded and something shot into my mind. It was hot and SQUIT! it was going everywhere SQUIT! it was gooey and SQUIT! was covering everything SQUIT! SQUIT! inside me with it’s wondrous spiritual essence, I felt a wholly alien sensation as everything that I was, all my thoughts and feelings and memories THRUMMED and it felt good, soooooo very very good. My mind was orgasming!!! Cumming wrapped around this hard powerful pressure. I felt my pussy gush as my body’s orgasm mirrored my mind’s joy.

A quickly as it started it stopped, and the pressure withdrew completely, not even remaining in the back of my mind. I fell back into the chair with a surprised moan, a beatific smile on my face, my arms hanging limply at my sides, looking for all the world like I was passed out drunk, I may as well have been, my mind was filled with that goo. My thoughts weren’t returning to normal like before, it was as if they were floating on that goo. Stuck in it like flypaper. Even my eyes seemed covered in the goo, and I looked at everything as if it was through smeared glasses. I giggled and savored this new feeling as my mind hung open, limp and well fucked, Fucked, yesssssss, that was the right word. Miiiind fucked. I loved it. Loved this feeling of just existing,

Through the blur it seemed like there was something in front of me. As my eyes cleared I saw the same spirit from before in front of me, a triumphant smile on her face. She stood proudly, looking down at me, hand on her hips, and a massive spiritual cock throbbing before my face. Cock was the only word for it, even though it looked more like a force of power than a penis.

For a long time I peered at her, blinking as if that would clear my vision of the goo…...of her goo. A contemptuous smile hovered on her lips as the seconds dragged on. Finally, I reacted a moment later as if I just saw her.

“No! This can’t be! I sent you back where you came from!” I tried to say, but it came out slurred and barely intelligible.

The spirit raised an eyebrow and merely waited for my jumbled and well fucked thoughts to put it together. “Unless……’re from here?” The spirit’s smile broadened and she nodded in response, she drifted closer, her legs ignoring the table, until that cock thing was right in front of my face, filling my vision.

I looked up and around her cock could see her eyes. They glowed with an unholy joy and there was a demand in her eyes. Acknowledge her victory and be rewarded.

Submit, accept I cannot defeat this spirit, and pay the price for my audacity for daring to try.

Despair filled me as I realized for all my talk, for all my dreams of glory, I was nothing. I had tried to overcome this spirit and she had been having her way with me ever since, and I was so weak I liked it. I saw the truth reflected in her eyes, I wanted more of it.

Looking into her eyes I saw all my hopes and dreams be consumed. I could try to go on, nobody could see me now, and the Reverend Mother would never know I made a fool of myself. The spirit would know though, and always return to remind me of my weakness, the promise was there in those eyes. Her power was too great, and victory wasn’t enough, she was claiming me as her prize, no, I wasn’t even worthy of being called a prize. I was to be used as she saw fit, nothing more. Submit, accept it now.

All these thoughts raced through me in my demolished mind, raced now but would have been a crawl an hour ago. I did not know if they were my thoughts or hers, but I was done for. All I had to do was submit and I would exist again. My eyes still on hers, I opened my mouth slowly, offering myself to that phantom cock. Offering to service her. Offering to serve her.

I felt completely conquered as she placed her hands on the side of my head again lightly. That big cock came closer and I leaned forward to greet it, my lips wrapping around it and sucking hard. My eyes opened wide in amazement, the sensations were completely new. I could taste that cock on my tongue, but I could also feel it was my mind trying to put these sensations into terms I could understand. The taste was spiritual, and it was my mind that swallowed it in submission, not my mouth.

i worshipped that mind cock blissfully, the goo already inside me thrumming my sluggish thoughts again. It was somehow different, that cock wasn;t pressing into my skull, it felt almost like it was going down my throat, and my thoughts eagerly caressed what they could of that cock just like my tongue did.

The fingers gripped tighter and pulled my head forward, that cock slid down my throat easily, i did not even gag in reflex. She pulled me all the way down until my nose was pressed against her vague but warm thighs.

you don’t need to breath something seemed to whisper and my mind immediately stopped breathing, just as if i was deep throated with a physical cock. Feelings of trust and safety flowed through me and i drifted, my tongue and thoughts stroking that beautiful cock planted deep inside me.

It was becoming difficult to focus and my lungs began to demand air but I ignored it. i didn’t need to breathe. My conqueror said it was so. my tongue worked faster loving this taste that filled my being. Suddenly she pulled her cock out and I gasped loudly, panting as I stared at that cock mouth agape and tongue futilely reaching for it.

I felt the spirit laugh and begin to squeeze and rub my cheeks. She shook my head from side to side, watching as I tried to keep my eyes on that cock, always trying to reach it. I wanted to worship it more. I wanted it so. I was pathetic and defeated and I was too broken to notice.

Her grip tightened and she yanked my head forward, shoving her mind cock back down my throat, It went even deeper this time, deeper. I thought she had fucked me to my core before but I didn’t know these places existed inside me until she showed them to me. No, I only discovered them as she took them for her.

This time i knew it was my true core though. Straight to my heart, no, my soul. The tip of her cock began to hit my soul with every thrust. i shook with pleasure from head to toe, inside and out. My mind and body were orgasming as she fucked my mouth faster, ravishing my soul as my shattered mind sang in jumbled gratitude.

yes! YES! give me your cum!! please!!! was my chorus as I felt that swelling again and she exploded over my heart and soul. Filling me with her unholy and delicious cum. It tasted like the sweetest candy, the tartest fruit, the softest dough, it was covering my soul like it covered my thoughts, surrounding it and stilling it. My soul joined my mind and body in orgasm and pleasure suffused my entire being as her cum engulfed and enraptured me, binding my soul and chaining my thoughts to her.

Eventually she pulled out and drifted backwards a couple of steps. i gazed at her in contentment and smiled. All those negative feelings towards Jewels, my resentment and jealousy were gone now. Replaced by her cum. What was left of me revelled in it and swam slowly in her essence.

The spirit threw back her head and laughed again. I could “hear” it like I could “see” her and I thrummed in response. She reached inside my chest, where my heart and soul resided, and slowly withdrew her hand. A long trail of her cum followed, still inside my chest and stretching out as she pulled her arm back.

The cum seemed to thicken into a cord, or a leash. She gripped it in her hand and pulled. i immediately stood up, my chest leading the way, and i stumbled forward before catching myself on the table. My conqueror drifted away from the table and towards the door, she gave my leash a yank and I felt my soul pull towards her. My pussy gushed as my soul fluttered and i stumbled after her, leaving the library, the temple, my hopes and my dreams behind.