The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Hello, ladies! Would you mind terribly if I joined you for lunch? The theater won’t begin seating my movie for another hour, my friends aren’t here yet, and most importantly, I hate to dine alone.

Oh no, no, please... sit back down. I’m certain you’ve got a few minutes to spare on a Saturday afternoon, the shopping will still be there after we’ve gotten to know one another a bit better.

Hush, hush, hush. Goodness. Are you trying to make a scene? To answer your rather bluntly worded question as well as perhaps a few others I’m sure you’d like to voice at the moment... well, you’re sitting and listening quietly because I asked you to, politely. I enjoy the social convention of mannerly address, probably because I appreciate the contrast with the unmannerly content of my typical conversation. Forgive me for being a little cryptic with my explanation, but slow revelation is a part of my little Saturday ritual, in which the two of you are now participating.

Now, for introductions! You may address me and think of me as ‘Sir’. For reasons that will become more and more obvious, I enjoy anonymity. Now, if you would, ma’am, please answer me pleasantly and truthfully the names of yourself and your lovely companion here. Ellen and Ashley Jennings, do I have that right? Excellent. Ellen, can I take that to mean Ashley is your daughter? I thought so! She has your eyes. And how old are you, Ashley? I see. What year? Very good.

Now then. Ellen, will anyone miss you for the next hour or so, or would you miss any errands that might excite comment later? Excellent. I can see that causes you some distress. Calm yourself, or at least your features. Comport yourself as though you were having a pleasant chat with an old family friend. That’s better. Everything I say to you will be the unvarnished truth, which is a prerequisite for the... efficacy... of my requests. If I tell you anything that isn’t true, you will be able to cut our little lunch here short and call that young police officer across the way that Ashley has been trying to stare holes into for the last few minutes. Eyes on me, please, Ashley, and a pleasant expression, thank you.

Ellen, be so good as to bus my tray, if you would, and purchase one of those giant cookies I see in the display over there for us to share. You might want to make haste, the next few questions are for your daughter, and I imagine you’ll want to hear them. As should go without saying, behave naturally. Thank you.

Don’t worry, we’ll wait for your mother to return before I ask you anything substantive. You may now speak freely, if calmly, and only to me... oof, I take it back. Lets just wait for your mother.

Thank you, Ellen, here, both of you, have some. All right. Now, as I was saying, I am constrained to speak the truth. You have no reason to believe that, but I’m putting it out there anyway. Here are some salient points about your situation:

One, you will never see me outside of the environs of this shopping mall.

Two, I will do neither of you physical harm, although there will be a great deal of indignity involved in our interactions.

Three. after we part ways here in the next hour or so, if you are diligent, you will only see me here one more time.

So, I hope that deals with your more pressing concerns at the moment.

Now th... Ah! we have more guests! Sit, sit! I’ll do the introductions. I almost never get to do this, but I came across you two so early today that now we have some crossover. Ellen and Ashley Jennings, please allow me to introduce Beatriz and Lucia Gutierrez. Beatriz is Lucia’s aunt. I met them here last month. Everyone get acquainted!

Well! Hmm. How to proceed. Lets see... we were just about to ask Ashley here about some of her history, weren’t we, so lets do that first. Ashley, brief answers for now, please. Have you ever had sex? Good job, Ellen, you’d be surprised how often the answer is different at this age. Have you ever seen a man naked? Who? Ah, not family members, have you seen any other men naked? Who? Is that your boyfriend? Did you touch him? No, his penis, have you ever touched his penis. You just watched? All right.

Very good, that’s the embarrassing questions out of the way for now. Beatriz, do you have what I gave you last month in your purse? Excellent. Move to the seat next to Ellen here and give it to her discreetly. Ellen, put it in you purse. Thank you.

Now for some lunchtime revelations. As Beatriz and Lucia here well know and Ellen may have just guessed, the package you just exchanged is a sex toy. As it happens, its dimensions are very similar to my own. I gave it into Beatriz’ keeping last month, and she’s been taking it to Lucia each night and providing her with instruction as necessary. Lucia, what has your aunt been teaching you?

That’s right! Pay attention, Ellen, as these are also instructions for you and your daughter over the next four weeks. Lucia here, Ashley, also has very little sexual experience, and has also never put her mouth on a cock before. So, Beatriz here, who has, in her time, found it within herself to swallow what men give her to swallow, has gone to Lucia’s bedroom every night for the last four weeks and trained our little chili pepper here how to put a man’s comfort first. All in preparation for today!

After we finish our little chat here, I’m going to go see a movie. From what I’ve heard, the running time for this particular film is fairly long, around two and a half hours. Lucia here is going to accompany me to the theater, and as I get settled with my bucket of popcorn and bucket of soda, Lucia is going to settle herself between my legs on the theater floor, and as soon as the opening credits begin, she is going to take my cock into her mouth and keep it there for the next two and a half hours.

Her job has three conditions. One, she needs to get me erect within five minutes. Two, she must keep me erect without completely taking my cock out of her mouth for the entire movie. Three, she needs to swallow my cum while the ending credits are on the screen.

Her training also had three conditions. One, training must be performed every night possible that won’t give away the game to an outsider. Training may be performed early in the morning instead, but be mindful of duration. Two, the trainer must control the dildo at all times during training. This means the trainer holds it, it doesn’t sit on the ground or against the wall. The trainer feeds the cock to the trainee. Three, the training will be thirty minutes a night minimum for the first week, an hour thereafter, and two hours during the final week. I have no idea what the movie will be so the duration of the act itself is always somewhat uncertain.

So, you see, Ellen, the dildo isn’t just a prop to humiliate the two of you for the next month, you will need it to exercise your daughter’s jaw for extended periods of time, or she’s in for a very uncomfortable movie and I’m in for a very substandard blowjob.

Don’t misunderstand me, though, while the dildo isn’t just a prop for humiliation, it most certainly serves that function. A large portion of my pleasure fucking your daughter’s mouth is going to be the knowledge that you spent hours and hours with her pushing a cock into her throat to prepare her for me.

Presuming Lucia successfully completes her task in all particulars this afternoon, my part of the bargain is that neither she nor her aunt will see me again, and more, they will forget this entire episode, as though it never happened. Motivation, right? If, however, she fails in her task, she will be given another month of training, and another movie, to be repeated until she feels semen pumping into her throat during the closing score.

Today, though, Ellen, since I found you and your lovely daughter before the movie, I’m going to throw in another rule. For Lucia, nothing changes. However, if you will wait around the mall while we’re in the movie and Lucia fails to empty my balls at the correct moment, I will release you and your daughter, never to see me again, and without ever housing my warm cum in your child’s little belly. Additionally, you won’t remember any of this, though that’s more to my benefit than yours, at this point. I’ll find another pair the day Lucia finally drinks me.

Hah! Saw your eyes flare up there, Ellen. Look at her, Lucia. There’s a woman who desperately wants you to fail. She doesn’t want to have to sit in this food court next month while her little baby is upstairs in the dark with cum shooting down her throat while straining to lap at my balls with her tongue. Because you will strain, Ashley, when the credits roll. Nothing is a bigger turnoff to me than lack of enthusiasm. I expect Lucia here is going to be trying very hard indeed. She seems industrious.

Well then! Parting instructions, ladies. Lucia, go on upstairs and buy our tickets and my popcorn. I’ll be up presently. Beatriz, occupy yourself wherever you like that isn’t the theater. Come back to this table in three hours to pick up your niece and find out how she did. Ashley, Ellen, it’s possible you will see me here on days other than the one appointed, as this is my hobby most weekends. If you do see me here, either with or without company, you will not notice me. You will not even register my presence. More generally, you will never communicate about me or our dealings to anyone except each other, and only then when you are certain of privacy. If you want to wait to see if Lucia fails, be here in three hours. Four weeks from now, depending on the today’s outcome be here at 2 o’clock and seek me out. If you cannot find me in an hour of earnest searching, you are released, and you will forget everything as though Ashley had a belly full of cum.

All right. Ellen, any pertinent questions that aren’t pleading? Ah, noble, but no, you can’t take her place. Your best course of action is to be diligent about preparing her. Don’t coddle her. Recall that if you are successful, neither of you will remember any of this, including any necessary cruelty on your part preparing her to swallow me.

All right, off you go then, I don’t want to miss the previews. I hate missing the previews.