The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Phone Calls

Sequence to Second Meeting.

As promised Mistress Jenny James did call me a few days later. It was latish in the evening, about 10pm, her children had gone to bed, and we were both winding down. Her voice was sweet and soothing. She told me how nice it was to hear my voice, and I said the same. She thanked me and told me that she had been told that her voice was relaxing and pleasant. I told her it was. She talked about how it was nice to relax at the end of the day, and I agreed. She said it was nice to unwind and get comfortable at the end of a long hard day, and how healthy it is to get a good night’s sleep. I don’t remember much else about our conversation, but I must have been pretty tired because I woke up the next morning on my couch with the phone lying on the ground. Not even the disconnected beeping had woken me up, but I was refreshed and felt great.

I don’t know what it was but at 10pm the next night, I felt this urge to dial a particular number. It was Mistress Jenny James on the other end of the line! I found myself relieved and relaxed as soon as I heard her hello. I apologized for having fallen asleep while we were talking the previous night. She stopped me mid-sentence and when she told me I was a very good boy for having called her on time. I was thrilled to have pleased her and it was not long before I was in the same wonderful relaxed state I had been in the night before. I was about to nod off again when she suggested that I go to bed and call her after I was in bed the next night.

Mistress Jenny James said she understood it made me tired to work soooo hard, and that she was glad that talking to her helped me relax. It felt so good to relax for her. She seemed to love me relaxing for her. She suggested that in the future that I should call her from my bed; after all, it was much more comfortable to fall asleep in my bed than on the couch. She loved the thought that her voice would be the last thing I heard before I fell asleep. I don’t remember much more of our conversation, but at least I woke up in my bed the next morning.

Though I tried my best to stay busy at work the next day, time seemed to crawl. Finally the day was over and I found myself undressed and in bed by 9:00 PM. I couldn’t wait and called her. I was surprised that her answering machine picked up and told me that good boys were patient and would call at the proper time. I hung up and watched the minutes slowly tick by on my alarm clock. After what seemed more like a year than an hour, it read 10:00 PM. I dialled, and was pleased when she answered after the second ring. Mistress Jenny James explained that since I had called an hour a head of schedule that I had to be punished and that I would have to wait until 10:00 PM the next night to talk to her, but that she was sure I understood since she knew I wanted to be her good boy. Her voice was different – not the nice relaxing voice I had grown used to, but more dominant, bossier. Part of me loved her like this. Part of me was sorry I had not obeyed her. I was about to apologise, but then she hung up.

I was devastated. She helped me relax. I needed to talk to her. I needed to hear her voice. I needed to please her, and I most definitely needed to be her good boy. I found I couldn’t sleep, and by the end of the night I promised myself that I would always do what she said, so I could be her good boy. I called in sick the next morning, and spent the day moping around the house. I didn’t dress, shower, eat or even drink a cup of coffee. I just watched every clock in the house as seconds turned into hours and hours into days.

Finally it was 10:00 PM and I was in bed dialling her number. As soon as she picked up, she said “Good boy you called at the right time”. I was immediately relaxed and happy. She asked how my day had been, and I explained that I had called in sick and had been miserable because I had disappointed her. She told me that she was very sorry to hear that, but as long as I did what she said it wouldn’t happen again. I promised that I would remember to do what she said from now on. I don’t know how long we talked after that. Being awake for more than twenty-four hours left me beyond exhausted, so I was not surprised to find that I had fallen asleep while on the phone. I felt very refreshed and was determined to make up for my missed day at work. I imagined that everything I did that day was done in her service and before I knew it the day was over and it was 10:00 PM again.

Now I was in bed by 10:00 pm every night talking to her. Mistress Jenny James said that it might be easier for me if I worked out every evening rather than waiting around to call her. Like all of her ideas this was a good one, and I began working out every night. I even began working out on Saturdays. I felt myself getting more healthy. I looked forward to our phone call all day and woke up refreshed every morning.

In order to pay for this new habit of phoning her every night I started to cut down on the cigarettes and drink. The money I saved, I put towards the phone calls. I also fell into the habit of buying her items from her wish list. I would also be more healthy that way!

I soon realized that I had fallen deeply and completely in love with my phone Mistress. Soon I could not remember not ending my day on the phone with her.

One night we got into a discussion about knights and queens. She explained that good knights always obeyed their queens. She said that knights were good little boys that always did whatever their queen told them to do. I had never thought about it that way, but before long I completely agreed with everything she had to say on the subject. She asked if I wanted to be her knight. Of course I said yes. She told me to kneel by the bed and repeat her knight’s oath for her:

She told me to get off of my knees and to get into bed. She explained that now that I was her knight that she would have to send me a token and that I must send her pictures. She told me to send a picture history of myself and to be sure to include a baby picture. She said that I had to remember not to open her packages until we were on the phone.

The next morning I was going through my baby book and photo albums putting a picture history together for her. I put them in a Royal Mail package and posted them, as requested by her. It felt so good just to obey her. She received my photos the next day. She told me I had been a cute baby and little boy. She could still see the little boy in my current pictures. She explained that because of the token that she could not send an overnight letter. She assured me that my patience would be rewarded. I was thrilled to find a box on my doorstep Friday when I got home from work, but I was a good boy and the box was unopened when I called her from my bed.

She told me to carefully open the box and take out the envelope on top. She told me to be careful when I took the pictures out and to only look at each when she told me. Of course I was careful and soon had a stack of pictures in my hand. There was a blank index card on top, and she told me to move it to the bottom of the stack. The first picture was her as a little girl. She was very cute. The next was of her as a young teenager. She asked if there was anything I noticed about the picture. I had to admit that I noticed that she was rather beautiful for a young girl.

She explained that she had been an early bloomer; but that she was sure I had no problem with that. The next picture was her around twenty years old. The thing that really drew to the picture was her eyes. They were huge, such an enchanting shade of light brown, bright and intelligent, so radiant, so healthy, so wonderful. It was like she was looking right back into my soul. I don’t know how long I stared into them before her voice brought me back into focus. She commented that I had gone very quiet on her. I apologized and told her that I had been staring into her eyes. I was so entranced that I could barely reply that I thought they were perfect. She said I was a very good boy.