The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Performance Management — Chapter 1

Description: A cocky corporate associate gets saddled with an underperforming newbie at work, but who’s doing the training?

‘This guy’s gotta be kidding me.’ Pranesh sighed in frustration as he sat at his desk, waiting for Ali to come back from lunch.

Ali was one of the new starters at the company. He didn’t seem like too much trouble when he started, and he certainly wasn’t much to look at. Even though Ali was on the younger side, he already had the sizable paunch of someone with many years at a desk job.

He didn’t seem much to look at on paper, either. Not a lot of experience, not the best grades, but for some reason, the interviewers gushed over him. His own direct manager, particularly, was this kid’s biggest fan. Rumor had it that Pranesh’s manager bent over backwards to get this guy hired, even going so far as personally introducing Ali to his own boss. And apparently Ali got given a decent hiring bonus and a raise, too.

Ali even gave their direct manager a nickname: Ureiti. It’s a Maori word that apparently means ‘big tower’. At least, that’s what Ali said. Whenever Pranesh asked Ureiti what it means, he would just get a faraway look in his eye and say it’s the perfect nickname for him. Ureiti insisted he only be referred to as that, and Pranesh honestly couldn’t even remember Ureiti’s real name anymore.

When Pranesh tried to broach the topic of Ali, his boss just got that same faraway look in his eye, and would very calmly state that Ali and he got to talking and that he had amazing vision. ‘Ali knows exactly what’s best for the company and me and my team. I love hearing his ideas.’

Pranesh was flabbergasted to hear his boss say that with so much respect. His boss was a company veteran. He’s been a manager for the past 30 years and he was giving such high praise to a 20 year-old. It was weird how well they kicked it off, too. There didn’t seem to be much overlap between them: Pranesh’s boss was a 45-year-old dad who was the definition of an adrenaline-junkie: a lean, mean CrossFit champion with the body to prove it. At his age, Ureiti was still pulling girls half his age, and his boyish good looks got him thousands of followers on social media.

And in contrast, Ali was… well, Ali. He couldn’t even get to work on time, let alone even dream of being a peer to someone like that.

Now, Pranesh wasn’t a snob by any means but he placed high importance in taking care of his body. He had a strict diet that kept him lean, and he’d been going to the gym pretty religiously. It could get tiring juggling his fitness with his job and his personal life, but it had been paying off. He got promoted a little over a year ago, and even though he still had the boyish, lean frame of someone in their late-20s, he was definitely building muscle. You just couldn’t always see it in the loose dress shirts and slacks he wore to work. That, coupled with his 6′3″ stature and killer smile, made him pretty popular as well. In fact, he had just scored a dinner date with one of the hotties from Marketing he’d had an eye on for ages, and he was finally going tonight.

He imagined wining and dining her… And if he played his cards, right, maybe he would get lucky… He was grinning from ear to ear as he thought of the night he was going to have, and the stories he would tell the boys the next day. All he had to do was get through his afternoon with Ali.

Speak of the devil. Pranesh could see Ali waddle into the room drinking out of a can of coke. He looked back down at his phone. 1.49pm. Ali was only meant to be on a one-hour break, so he should’ve been back at 1.00pm when Pranesh got back.

* * *

Earlier that day, Ali had scheduled a meeting with Pranesh to talk about his progression at work. He chose one of the quiet rooms that were a bit far away from where the team worked. When Pranesh got there, it was a tiny, barely furnished room. It only had one chair and a round table.

Fucking trust Ali to fuck that up, too.

The two of them walked into the small space and Ali looked at Pranesh expectantly.

Oh, right, Pranesh thought. He walked over to the chair, pulled it out with his left hand, with his right arm held primly behind his back, and bowed his head as he waited for Ali to sit down. Ali snickered as he took the seat, and Pranesh promptly pushed the seat back in for him. Pranesh then stiffly walked over to the other end of the table, his arms behind his back, waiting expectantly for Ali to start the meeting.

Instead of speaking, Ali pulled out his phone, and pointed it right at Pranesh and took a photo! Pranesh was fucking pissed. This asshole! But before Pranesh could say anything, Ali started talking.

‘At ease, Nesh.’ Fuck, Pranesh hated that nickname. Two can play at this game though.

‘Okay, Prince Ali.’ Pranesh said with a flourish, and Ali actually looked surprised at hearing that.

‘Huh, what the fuck? Spill the beans, Nesh.’

And just like that, Pranesh told him where that nickname came from. How Ali barely did any work but they still wouldn’t fire him, how Pranesh and all his mates talked shit about Ali behind his back, how he was a pudgy loser whose keyboard was probably sticky from the Cheetos that he ate all day, and how he probably only got special treatment coz he had something on Ureiti.

Normally, Pranesh was very professional and tight-lipped at work, except for when he talked with the other frat bros that he started with. But he knew from previous meetings with Ali that everything he said in here was confidential, and it was imperative that he share as much of that information as he could with Ali. That had meant he had already shared plenty of information like embarrassing nicknames, closed-door conversations about promotions and pay, and the fact that Ureiti and the rest of the leadership team asked Pranesh to keep a Google Sheet about Ali’s conduct over the past couple of weeks.

The existence of that sheet was the first thing Pranesh blurted out in one of those meetings several weeks back, and he had been furious with himself. It was meant to be a secret that he was doing that, since you only did that when management needed to build a case to fire someone. But after a quick conversation with Ali, Pranesh had realised that he didn’t do anything wrong. He actually made a good call sharing that. And Pranesh knew it was true. Pranesh had to show his dominance somehow, right?

Back in the moment, Ali actually looked sort of pissed for a bit, which somehow made Pranesh feel like he’d done something incredibly wrong. But then, to his relief, Ali chuckled. ‘From Aladdin, right? That gives me an idea actually. Remind me about that at our end-of-day meeting.’ Pranesh filed that away in his steel-trap mind for later. ‘Anyway, back to business. Progress report.’

And, like the man on the mission he was, Pranesh snapped back to business. He took off his dress shoes and pulled out a small strip of paper with his daily conduct report on Ali. In the past, he used to type all the information directly to a Google Sheet shared between him and Ureiti, so that there was an audit trail and the sharing was instantaneous, but after speaking with Ali previously he had realised this was top secret and urgent so he had to be more careful.

From that point on, it had been Ali’s idea to hide an early draft of these records in Pranesh’s sock. For some reason, Pranesh took off both of his dress shoes and socks and put them on the table, even though he only really needed to take one off. Then he knelt at the table, straightened the rolled up piece of paper up, and then he pulled out the tiny red sharpie marker that he shoved up his ass right before he walked over to this meeting. (Ali told him he always had a stick up his ass so now he always shoved a marker up his ass before their meetings. It was a little in-joke between them, and a reminder not to mess with Pranesh!)

Then, he looked up at Ali. Pranesh could see every pimple on his face, the crumbs from the biscuit he had earlier stuck on his scraggly beard, and his double chin from down here. At 6′3″, Pranesh wasn’t used to a view like this, especially for someone like Ali who was 5′7″ on a good day. Fuck, Pranesh would’ve beaten this guy up any other time.

But, being the professional he was, Pranesh powered through and gave his report as if he was speaking to the Prime Minister..

‘First entry, arrived at 9.31am, 31 minutes late.’ Pranesh looked expectantly at Ali, marker at the ready for any revisions. One good thing about not using the Google Sheet: Pranesh could hide his fuckups.

* * *

Pranesh wasn’t initially thrilled with having to babysit one of the interns, and he made that clear to Ureiti. But secretly, Pranesh was happy about the assignment. Ali had been strutting around like he owned the place, and now he was about to get a taste of the real world. And besides, this was some prime management experience that would look good on Pranesh’s own performance review. The thought of a promotion made Pranesh’s eyes light up. It was just one underperforming intern… What could go wrong?

Pranesh also secretly breathed a sigh of relief that this was happening. I mean, Ali’s been fucking up for almost a month at work now, and the team’s complaints fell on deaf ears. Pranesh was wondering if Ureiti was losing his touch as a manager, and the weirdest part was that Ureiti didn’t seem to care!

That is until Ureiti went on one of his Instagram retreats. The theme of this one was disconnection—so he didn’t have his phone on him, no social media, no outside contact, not even any music! After that weekend, he came back a changed man with a clearer head. And the first thing he noticed was that Ali’s work wasn’t adding up.

Unbeknownst to Pranesh, his manager had been temporarily freed from Ali’s hypnotic control during his retreat. Without access to Ali’s ‘special playlists’, his boss finally realised something was amiss. Being a stickler for rules, he instantly wrote up a file on Ali. It didn’t take long until he had to confront Ali with the truth. For some reason, the veteran manager was scared of the kid that was half his age… But he couldn’t quite put his finger on why.

To Ali’s credit, he actually looked a little penitent when he walked into their first meeting. ‘I’m sorry, Jose, I’m a little nervous. Do you mind if I play some music to help calm my nerves? My therapist recommends it to help with my anxiety.’

‘First of all, it’s Mr. Tapa to you,’ Jose said with as much gravitas as possible. Then with a sigh, added, ‘And as long as the music is appropriate for the workplace, I guess it’s fine.’

The last thing Mr. Jose Tapa remembered was the wide grin on his intern’s face, and the first notes of a familiar melody as Ali pressed play.

A couple of days later, Pranesh got roped into the conversation. Apparently, his boss had the bright idea of assigning someone to help Ali with his work performance. If Ureiti was in his right mind, Pranesh would’ve been the last person on the list for this job. He showed an obvious contempt for Ali and was a bit on the cocky side—not really who you would want to help a struggling newbie. But Ali insisted it had to be Pranesh, and the re-christened Ureiti was powerless to resist.

Pranesh and the boys were fully expecting him to get fired on the spot, but after a long-ish meeting, Ureiti seemed to calm down a little bit. He opened the door and Pranesh could see out of the corner of my eye that Ali was holding two phones in his hands—one was his and one was Ureiti’s—and then Ali went back to his desk. Ureiti went back into the meeting room alone. This was at 1.00pm on a Monday afternoon.

Pranesh didn’t see Ureiti again until the next morning. He looked a little rough, like he barely had any sleep—and Pranesh swore he was still wearing the same clothes he wore the day before. Only this time they had… stains on them? He was going to bring it up until Ureiti said that he needed someone to help with Ali’s performance management. Normally, this kind of job would’ve gone to someone less senior, but Ureiti insisted that Pranesh was Ali’s ‘type’ and would be the best to help him. As soon as Pranesh said yes, Ureiti changed the topic to tattoos which surprised him. Ureiti had always said he thought tattoos were for punks and delinquents, but after a little re-education with Ali, Ureiti was obsessed.

‘Nah, I was being a stuck-up shithead by saying that. I think I’ll get my nickname tattooed on me. It’s the perfect nickname.’ And sure enough, a couple of days later, when Ali walked past, Ureiti stretched his arms up (he never tucked his shirt in anymore) and plain as day, you could see the word Ureiti tattooed on his washboard abs. He somehow stretched every time Ali and I walked past, so Pranesh got a glimpse of his tattoo very often. Sometimes, he swore that there was another part of the tattoo: an arrow pointing straight down.

* * *

‘That’s wrong,’ Ali said impatiently, continuing to guide pranesh as they worked their way through his “secret sheet.”

Pranesh automatically crossed out that entry, not even waiting for the explanation. He just knew Ali was right.

Ali continued. ‘You saw me come this morning at…’ He paused and asked Pranesh a question. ‘What time did you come in?’

‘8.45 am, sir.’

’Okay, here’s the story. I was already here when you got here, but you got so horny seeing me that you got a massive boner and had to calm yourself down by going on a walk around the block. Because you’re such a PROFESSIONAL, aren’t you Nesh?’

Pranesh looked up at his subordinate, and his brain, powerless to resist, started reconfiguring his memories of the day.

‘Remember, Nesh. You were the one that was late. You got back at 9.31am.’

Pranesh blushed profusely as the thoughts cemented themself into his brain. How could he forget that? He wrote down the amendment. And by the end of their meeting, the list was blood red. Pranesh sure was glad he double checked.

But they weren’t done. Pranesh went through the rest of the progress report.

He remembered that Ali was actually pretty knowledgeable about bodybuilding, so Pranesh went through what he’d been doing to his body. He talked about which muscles he’D been targeting, where he was lagging, his personal bests, which parts of his body he was and wasn’t allowed to manscape, how often he would jack off and cum, his diet… You know, all the normal stuff. Ali had even made him a playlist he had started listening to at the gym.

Ali was pretty pushy and annoying about it at the start, but after Pranesh promised to listen to it once, it actually got pretty addictive. Sometimes Pranesh even found himself listening to Ali’s mix when he just wanted to relax. And Ali was always happy to top Pranesh off with more. Ali was a great guy and Pranesh trusted his taste in music.

Pranesh couldn’t really remember the rest of the meeting. It was all a blur. Sometimes Pranesh thought his mind probably blocked out all his memories of Ali automatically.

All he knew was that at 11.54am, he got pulled out of his daze by the alarm on his phone going off. There was also urgent knocking at the door, and a muffled voice from outside saying they had a 12.00pm meeting. It sounded like they had been calling out for a while, but somehow, Pranesh didn’t notice. It was almost as if the only thing he was allowed to hear was his alarm.

And, as usual, Ali was nowhere to be seen. He must’ve gone to lunch early. Again. This time though, Pranesh was actually grateful since he realised with a shock what state he was in.

He was sitting on the table with his dress shirt wide open, wide enough that his hairy pits were exposed. His tie hung loosely around his neck. He could feel a thin layer of sweat on his defined pecs and abs. As he looked down, he saw in red marker on his chest—PRICKNESH—with arrows pointing up at his face and down to his crotch. And then he saw his cock, rock-hard, his hard shaft and his neatly trimmed pubes glistening with pre-cum, his hand firmly around the base.

Whoa, he must’ve been more stressed out than he thought. Just at that moment, the door opened slightly, the deep vibrato of one of his frat bros, Henry, filling the space. ‘Yo, you decent in there, Pranesh?’

Henry had no fucking idea. Pranesh jumped off the table and pushed the door shut as he raced to make himself presentable. At 11.59am, he rushed out the door to go to lunch, throwing a quick goodbye over his shoulder. Luckily, his friend didn’t bother following up. Henry had a meeting to get to after all.

But once Henry walked into the room, he was weirded out by the faintly musky smell.

Pranesh all but flew to the locker room to grab his lunch—classic chicken breast, rice and broccoli. He usually had that in the park. It wasn’t much but it was the fuel his body needed for his workout.

But during his meeting with Ali, he realised that he deserved a treat for once. Unbeknownst to Pranesh, Ali had planted this suggestion in his head. He was to go to a special ‘gourmet’ kitchen down the road.

The only problem was it was a 30 min walk from the office. Pranesh usually didn’t venture that far for a meal, and being on the thrifty side, he preferred saving his money and bringing food in. Like any young man, he had expensive taste in cars and in apartments and in clothes, and he had the laser focus to stick to a budget so that he could get closer to those goals.

But, he thought one treat wouldn’t be too bad. And besides, he had the clout at work to be a little late after lunch anyway so the distance didn’t bother him. So up he went on that trek, Tupperware in hand, merrily walking up, following the directions on his phone. When he got to the place, it looked less like a gourmet restaurant and more like a dingy nightclub.

‘The Three Legged Cowboy’ was blazoned on the front in neon pink, although you could barely tell in the sunlight. He walked in and found that it was empty at this hour, which was red flag #1. Red flag #2: the only guy in there was a pudgy short white dude in a mesh shirt and a pink leather jacket aka definitely not the type Pranesh would talk to if he wasn’t contractually obligated to.

Pranesh wanted to get the hell out of dodge, but instead he started walking over, Tupperware still in hand. The guy looked him up and down, warily. Way different to the reception he would get from guys like this on a night out. Pranesh shuddered at those memories.

When he got up to the guy, he looked like he was ready to gap it. He had a million questions in his head—who the hell was he? was this even a real restaurant? and most importantly, why the fuck did he choose to come here?—but none of that came out of his mouth.

Instead, he put his Tupperware on the sticky floor, opened the lid with a flourish, and said in his most solemn tone, ‘Royal Greetings from his Highness, Prince Ali.’

He could hear roaring laughter from the stranger, but he didn’t dare look up without express permission from his royal audience. His back was starting to hurt though.

Instead, he heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down, and the words he didn’t even know he was waiting for.

If anyone were to walk into the bar right now, all they would see was a strapping young professional in slacks and a dress shirt, sucking feverishly on some faggot’s dick like a desperate cock hungry whore. At least, that’s how Pranesh would describe it if he was in his right mind.

To this version of Pranesh, the ‘professional’—he was sitting at a table in an esteemed Japanese restaurant. He thought a place called the ‘Three Legged Cowboy’ would have a Western theme, but he was sorely mistaken. Why else would he be on his knees? He was obviously at a Japanese floor table—a kotatsu, Pranesh thinks with a smile. He had only ever dreamed about going to places like this, and he expected to visit one when he saved enough to travel, but I guess his timeline just went up. Score!

He’s so glad he didn’t say anything to embarrass himself in this fine establishment before. Looking back, what he thought was a silly greeting was actually very fitting for a place like this. Pranesh loved learning about new cultures, even though he has to admit that sometimes he was out of his depth. But then he just learned to shut up and take it all in.

He didn’t even bat an eye when he realised his ‘sauce’ would be served straight from the spout. He’d never heard about that before but he would feel stupid and rude asking so he just leaned into it. He could feel his mouth and his jaw aching, and his throat felt sore, but he didn’t stop. He was a professional, after all.

Finally, he felt the waiter yank his head away from the spout (another ancient Japanese custom that Pranesh filed away in his mind), and poured some of the sauce straight on his face (to warm the palate, presumably) and the rest splotched directly on his open Tupperware container.

He looked up at his waiter as they put the hose back in a zippered pouch. Pranesh sheepishly pulled his phone out and with a smile on his face, meekly pointed at his phone. ‘Uhm, sir, do you mind taking a photo?’

Pranesh put on a winning smile as he posed at his first authentic high-end Japanese restaurant experience. He couldn’t wait to show the boys at work! If they play their cards right, Pranesh might take them here.

He pulled out his wallet, and put down all the bills he had—$320—luckily he had enough, and bent down to enjoy his meal.

Pranesh tried to eat his meal at his table, but to his surprise, his waiter tried to get him to leave. ‘Get the fuck out, cunt, I’ve got to get this place ready for tonight.’

Pranesh was surprised by the language but he didn’t want to make a scene so he firmly told the waiter that he would finish his meal quickly and go.

‘Fuck off, mate,’ the stranger said as he shoved Pranesh out of the establishment.

That pissed Pranesh right off. ‘This is insane. I demand to speak to your manager.’

The guy looked proper pissed off, and he looked like he was gonna start a fight, but instead, he went straight up to Pranesh’s face and whispered something in his ear.

And then Pranesh realized his mistake. A voice in the back of his head told him he heeded to sit where he was told and eat his cum-covered chicken (whatever that meant) and shut up.

He started moving towards the bench outside the building but at the last second, he was alerted to the presence of a puddle of liquid that would be better suited for him to sit. Thank God the waiter pointed it out. He sat in the puddle and scarfed down his lunch, not even waiting for chopsticks or cutlery from the waiter who had already gone back inside. Pranesh just used his hands to get the job done. He was a professional, after all.

As soon as Pranesh finished his meal, he checked the time on his phone and realised one fatal mistake. He realised that he needed to get back to work at exactly 1pm to see if Ali would get there in time.

And so he ran all the way back to make sure he got there at 12.58pm. When he got there, he opened Ali’s laptop and clocked him back in. 12.58pm. Perfect.

As soon as his soggy ass hit his desk chair, Pranesh completely forgot turning on Ali’s computer and logging in for him. For all anyone knew, Ali got back a couple of minutes early from his lunch. Pranesh silently went to do his work, working double time to finish all the work he thought he’d already finished.

‘Sup Nesh. How was lunch?’ Ali sauntered over with a grin on his face.

Pranesh didn’t want to dignify that with a response, so he promptly ignored the question. ‘Ali, we’ve discussed this. You have to stop going over your allotted lunch breaks.’

At this, Ali just rolled his eyes, leaned in, and whispered something in Pranesh’s ear…

Feeling like he just woke up from a nap, Pranesh blinked slowly at Ali. ‘What was I saying again?’

‘You were saying you owe me an apology for accusing me of being late?’

Huh. But he was late! Pranesh thought to himself. And then a voice in the back of his head that sounded suspiciously like Ali.

‘….and no matter what evidence you see to the contrary, you’ll be convinced that I got here on time.’

But, no, that’s my voice. My thoughts. No one can convince me to do what I don’t want to do, thought Pranesh.

Pranesh apologized profusely for his rashness, and Ali said it was an honest mistake. And then with a grin, he asked Pranesh a question. ‘Hey, by the way, can you read out the time on your phone?’

‘Sure thing. It’s 1.52pm.’

‘And what time did I get here?’


’And what time was I meant to be here?


‘So was I late?’

‘No, Ali, I’m so sorry I accused you of being late.’

‘No worries, Nesh.’ At this, he chugs the rest of his coke and burps directly in Pranesh’s face. Pranesh would normally have been pissed. He hated it when people got in his space, but burping like that was unacceptable and completely unprofessional. Instead, Pranesh just looks straight ahead like he barely even noticed.

‘Oh, by the way, while you’re mindfucked, you think you need to buy me another coke.’

Like a robot programmed with new instructions, Pranesh grabbed his credit card out of his wallet, and walks down to the vending machine on the first floor.

After Pranesh got back, he popped the can open and served it to Ali in a wine glass before sitting down in front of… wait, wasn’t this Ali’s desk?

A quick conversation with Ali made him realise that he was sitting in front of the right laptop. Feeling relieved, Pranesh set to work, completing all the case forms and reports in his to-do pile. It was weirdly marked Ali but it must be Henry from IT messing with him. He was clearly sitting at his own seat

He finished his final report just in time for his end-of-day meeting with Ali. He neatly packed up his desk and handed everything to Ali before he walked into the meeting.

He didn’t really remember much of it, but he knew it was good and productive and professional. He loved meetings with Ali. They gave him so much clarity and energy.

He walked back to his desk and saw his laptop open, with a couple of things left on his to-do list. He looked at the heading on the page and it had his name on it. Strange. Did they put in tomorrow’s work early? He’ll have to finish those all tonight. Pranesh loved finishing work as early as possible. He was a professional, after all.

And it’s not like he had anything else planned tonight… No wait, that’s not right. Pranesh was pretty sure he had something important planned. Something he’d been looking forward to all week… What was it?

Oh, yeah.

He needed to buy a costume for the office Christmas party.

He was thinking he would buy the costume from Aladdin… Abu the monkey’s costume. He couldn’t find any that were an exact match, but he did find one called ‘Dancing Monkey’. It was a fez hat and a vest, but it was red instead of purple… Ah, fuck it, people would know. And if they didn’t, Pranesh could act out the part.

He saw some on sale in the next town over. Luckily it was a 24-hour store so he could just pop over after work. It was only a 4-hour return drive.

Pranesh checked his phone for the time. He saw his own face smiling back, his photo at his new favourite Japanese restaurant as his lock screen. At the meeting, he felt relaxed enough to actually tell Ali about his amazing experience which Ali found incredibly funny for some reason. Ali gave him the idea to put that on there after Pranesh showed him the photo at an authentic kotatsu.

‘Cock-tatsu more like it.’ He said back with a wink. Pranesh was a little peeved that Ali wasn’t as awed by the experience as I was, but Ali assured me that it was funny. And he was right. Pranesh started laughing his fucking head off when he realised the pun! On his way out of the room, Ali told Pranesh that he wouldn’t be able to stop laughing until the official end of their meeting—which was another 10 minutes away. But Pranesh didn’t mind.

Ali walked out of the room and left the door wide open. Pranesh thought this was probably so he could get better airflow and he wouldn’t pass out from all the laughter. But Pranesh did have a long evening ahead of him so he started packing up. He wanted to head straight to the costume store. In fact, Pranesh was so focused on what he had to do that he could barely even remember what he was doing in this room. Was he in a meeting or something? And why was he naked? And hard?

No matter, he had a mission to do. It was a bit hard pulling his pants back up over his hard dick while he was convulsing so hard from laughter. Pranesh’s sizeable cock was bouncing all over the place, and every single exposed muscle on his body was straining with effort from laughter. Eventually, he got himself all dressed up with three more minutes to spare. At which point he walked over to the threshold but found he couldn’t cross over (or stop laughing) for some reason.

He stared desperately at my phone, waiting for the clock to hit 5.00pm, staring at a photo of himself having the best meal of my life. Good times.

One thing he did remember though: he was going to show Henry and the bros his photo but Ali said to hold off on that. Maybe that’s not a work conversation, Ali said. Maybe it’s more of a post-gym conversation. And he was right! It wouldn’t be professional to talk about stuff like that at work.

Pranesh couldn’t wait to show them though. He’s already set the date for the gym session. It’s a couple of weeks from now, after he installs the special hidden speakers Ali told him to buy for the occasion.