The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2021.

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Elli was waiting for the weekend to come around again. Not because anything in particular was coming up, and not because she had anything to look forward to. Just because waiting for the weekend was something to do.

Lately, all of her weeks had been blending together. It had been a gray couple of months for her, in which all her weekdays had seemed to drag on, and she’d been left with an overwhelming feeling of boredom more often than not.

Her approach to this feeling, and to her seemingly interminable weekdays, had been to try and psych herself up for the weekend. All week long, week after she week, she counted down to it, trying to make herself excited for its arrival— just so she could be excited about something. It was sort of like a mental trick for herself. Usually by the second half of each week she would actually start feeling at least a little excited for her upcoming Saturday and Sunday; but also, excited about the fact that if she got to Saturday, it meant another week was over.

And even though each week felt the same to her, counting them down, even though they were leading her nowhere, helped. She could imagine that at some unspecified time in the future she would wake up and find her life colorful again, and if another week was over, she was another week closer to reaching that time in her life.

Then when the weekend came around, Elli always found it to be as gray as the rest of her days. Often she started counting ahead to the following weekend even before her present one had ended. But her mental trick was getting her through— slowly, week by week, she was moving through her boredom and closer to a hypothetical moment in which she wouldn’t feel so bored anymore.

It wasn’t that she hated her life, or was waiting for some dramatic and exciting change. It was just that she’d seen it all before; her life was a serious of repeating routines that never varied, and it had been like that for years. After so much time, it was hard not to be bored.

Her day to day honestly looked the same whether it was a weekday or a weekend. Elli was married to Brad, and she had been married to him for close to ten years. She’d married him young, almost as soon as she’d reached adulthood, and most of her independent adult life had been spent as his wife. She’d never even bothered getting a job out of high school, since she’d married him almost right away.

Elli spent her time running the house, doing the chores, going out and doing errands, seeing her friends. Also, when it was spring or summer, she always made time for her hobby, which was gardening. She liked to grow flowers, as well as vegetables and fruits she could serve on her table for dinner or other meals.

None of these things were so boring in themselves; it was just that she’d been doing all of them for so long, and she knew exactly what to expect from them. There was never anything about them that was new, or exciting, or different.

She lived in the same house she and Brad had moved into after they were married; she ran the same errands at the same places on the same days every week; she went to see the same friends that she’d known for her whole life. And every night she went to sleep to wake up and do everything again the exact same way the next day. And every week she counted down to the weekend, reached it, and started counting again.

Her marriage to Brad was predictable too. They got along; they were good companions to each other. They went on dates to the same places. They had the same kind of sex in the same positions once or twice a week— quick, mutually satisfying, but ultimately just a tick in a marital to-do box. They talked about the same things at dinner, they talked about the same things at breakfast, they went out together on weekends to the same places.

They had breakfast topics of conversation, and they had dinner topics of conversation. They cycled through them at each respective meal— they made chitchat about their lives. Elli packed Brad his lunch in the morning and put little notes into it for him that all varied on the same themes. Once every few months they went away on a trip together to one of the same vacation spots they always visited— once or twice they threw a dinner party together, and served the same kinds of recipes at it, and shared it with their same friends they’d had over a million times before.

Elli knew she was lucky, and she had nothing to complain about. After ten years, it was impressive the way that she and Brad had gotten marital happiness down to a set of repeating task. What had been an intense burst of inspiration in the form of young love had long since simmered down to a sustained constant of contentment and marital peace. This was not an easy thing to come by in the marital realm. And though their love had dimmed to something with the strength to last long term, unwavering— that meant it was also always the same.

There was nothing in Elli’s life that ever changed except for what she sometimes changed herself. She’d tried dyeing her hair a few times from her natural red to other colours— she’d gone strawberry blonde for a while a few months ago. The time before that she’d tried dark brown with highlights— and the time before that she’d been bold, and tried black. It had never given the sense of novelty she’d been looking for.

She’d also tried changing her diet more than once. She’d specifically tried dieting, and adding more exercise. She had a bit of weight that sat heavy about her hips and she’d made the changes to see if she could lose it, but the various things she’d tried had made it go away.

She’d tried by new lingerie to spice up her love life with Brad, too, more than once. She’d gotten some carefully designed bras with intricate detailing to highlight her C-cup breasts; and she’d worn the lingerie for him. He’d been appreciative and complimentary, but they’d had sex in their same position, done the necessary foreplay and then gotten him in and out of her in their usual, brief timeline before falling asleep together immediately after.

The only difference had been that when Elli woke up in the morning, she woke up in fancy rumpled lingerie instead of her usual casual sleepwear.

Elli hadn’t been terribly disappointed. She wasn’t all that sexually adventurous— neither was Brad, which is why they’d both established a simple, standard repeating sexual routine that they’d stuck to. She’d just thought it was one more thing worth trying, in search of novelty.

And when the spring came around, Elli’s perennial flowers always budded again the way they did every year, and she tended them. Each year she tried to plant some new things to grow as well as her old staples, but even that variation did little to make any one year stand out from all the others.

In short, Elli’s life was a series of chores on a track. And in earlier years and earlier months it hadn’t bored her so much. But after taking the endless repetition for so long— a decade! — she’d finally reached the point of being bored with it. She’d seen everything— she’d tried changing all the details that made up her routines and her life experience, but none of those changes had yielded any excitement or novelty for her.

So she had at last reached her point of counting down her weeks to weekends that never made any difference when they arrived. If the rest of her marriage and the rest of her life would be like this, it was okay. She’d just keep counting it away one week at a time as she waited for the years to pass and her life to dwindle down. And maybe eventually the boredom would leave her again. If her biggest problem was that she had a comforting and familiar life that provided her with everything she wanted and needed, and had been like that for the past ten years, she was a lucky woman.

Still, in spite of all her counting, Elli often found herself feeling restless. And this restlessness came up a topic of conversation— with her husband, and with her best friend Ute, too.

Ute came over every other week for lunch on Wednesdays. And the alternating week, Elli went to Ute’s for lunch. It was one such Wednesday. This time they’d eaten together at Elli’s house, and the crusts from their sandwiches were sitting on their plates. Elli was staring out her window, looking at where her garden was starting to come in for another season in another year, and she was feeling that restlessness again.

She spoke up, but kept looking at her buds in the earth outside. Every time she saw them, each year, part of her hoped they were a sign of novelty budding in Elli’s life more generally. So far that had never panned out.

“Do you ever get tired of the routine, Ute?” Elli asked. while you’re waiting me

“Sure I do,” Ute said.

Elli kept looking outside. “Do you ever try to change things up to make things more exciting?”

“More exciting where?” Ute asked.

Elli looked from her garden to her friend. Ute was the same age as her— they’d been friends since they were children. She’d grown into her looks.

Ute had been an awkward gangling child, but her features had filled out, and she was a moderately attractive woman. Her hair which had been naturally blonde in her youth had darkened to a brunette with age. Though her gangling figure had filled out too, she was still a petite woman with a pretty small B-cup chest. She knew how to dress for it though— she always looked good in her outfits every week when Elli saw her at their standing lunch date, and today was no expression.

Ute was looking at Elli in interest, clearly waiting for her to clarify. “I just mean in general,” Elli said. “Do you ever change things up in order to make your life, as a whole, more exciting?”

Ute’s look of interest smoothed into a look of understanding. “Oh, I get it,” she said. “I thought maybe you were asking a more targeted question about my marriage to Zachariah.”

Elli shook her head. “No, just your life in general, but if you did have something to say about your marriage, I’d obviously be happy to listen.”

Ute picked up one of her sandwich crusts, and pulled it apart. There had still been a few scraps of meat between the remaining bread, and she took those scraps with her fingers and placed them in her mouth to eat.

“Nothing much to report there,” she said, when she’d finished chewing. She took up one of the crusts, but not to eat— just pressed at it absently with a few of her fingers as she held it steady with the other hand.

“Sex went out of the picture years ago for us, and I don’t miss it really,” Ute went on unprompted, still pressing at her bread crust with her fingertips. She didn’t look at it. “I was never that interested in sex. It was just something to do. So when Zach lost interest too and we just sort of… stopped having it, I didn’t care and really, I still don’t. We don’t have sex anymore, but we spend lots of time together otherwise. I think we get along pretty well for a couple who’s been together as long as we have. We find ways still to have friendly fun with each other.”

Ute put her crust back down at last, and looked back to her friend. Elli gave her the same smile as ever. It was true Ute and Zachariah had been together a while. They’d actually gotten married a few months before Elli and Brad, so it had been a long time for them too.

“But as for your more general question, about it I ever try new things in order to add a little excitement to my life— yes, I do, every now and then. I actually did something that involved you a few weeks ago. I never thought to mention it, but I got something in the mail today, so it seems like as good a time as any.”

Ute turned in her chair to reach into her purse, where it was slung over the chair’s back. She pulled an envelope out that was already split, and slid it across the table.

Elli reached in, giving Ute a look of curiosity as she did.

When she pulled her hand back out, she was holding two tickets into it.

She read the one that was on top of the other, partially blocking it. You’re invited to our museum’s early bird opening! The date listed beneath it was the evening of the upcoming Saturday.

“It was a contest for this new museum opening downtown,” Ute explained. “I don’t think it’s opening until next month, but they gave away tickets for early tours to drum up interest. I entered both our names just for fun— didn’t think we’d win, but if you’re interested, we’ve got the tickets. We were lucky enough to be winners, so it would be a shame not to go, but if you don’t want to, I can just go with Zach instead. I know he’s supposed to have an evening weekend shift, but maybe he can get out of it…”

Elli looked up to her friend. “No, I definitely want to go. Thanks for entering my name for me, I had no idea this was even go on.”

Ute shrugged. “I just got lucky. I usually have the radio on and tuned to a local station when I’m cleaning the house, and someone from the museum came on to the show to mention the contest. So we’ll meet up and head over on Saturday night, then? We could even split a cab there.”

Elli took one of the two tickets and put the other back in the envelope before passing it back to Ute. “Yes, that sounds good.”

She looked back down at the ticket. “Oh— I didn’t notice. It’s a midnight tour!”

Ute looked down at her own ticket. “You’re right. I think I remember them mentioning something about that when I entered us in the contest. I guess eleven-thirty or so would be a good time to meet-up? I think the tour’s just meeting outside the museum.”

Elli nodded eagerly. “Yes, that’s great. Eleven-thirty,” she repeated to confirm.

Ute pushed her chair back, and got up. Elli stood too, to gather both of their empty lunch plates and carry them to the sink.

“I’m glad we can go to this together,” Ute said. “I’m sure we’ll have fun. But I should probably get home. I have some other stuff—“

The dishes were in the sink now, and Elli waved Ute off. “Yeah, go. I’ll see you Saturday!”

Ute let herself out, as Elli cleared the crumbs and crusts into the garbage and started the dishes. She’d already been counting down to Saturday, but this was going to be the first Saturday in a long time on which Elli had something new and exciting to look forward to.

She could already tell that she was going to enjoy counting down to specific (and something new, to boot!) more than she enjoyed counting down to the day for no reason at all.

Elli got on with washing her lunch dishes, thinking about the museum and excited about the prospects of its guided midnight tour.

* * *

When the taxi dropped them outside of the museum, Elli immediately spotted the group of visitors who were clearly there for the midnight tour.

“Well, this makes things nice and easy,” Ute commented, as she climbed out of the cab. Elli followed her lead, first passing the money to the taxi driver, and then once outside, slamming the door shut hard; then the taxi started up and drove away.

Elli had been the one let out onto the street, and Ute had been the one let out to the side walk, so once the cab had pulled out of the way Elli hurried to catch up to Ute, crossing the part of the street between herself and the sidewalk to catch up to her friend. Then together the two of them joined the group of the other contest winners who had gathered outside the museum doors.

There were only a few of them there; it was dark so it was hard to see, but it looked to Elli like there were only six other people in the group besides her and Ute. When she and Ute caught up to the others, they introduced themselves, and all eight contest winners made friendly conversation with each other.

As the time ticked closer to midnight, the group wondered aloud to each other when the tour guide would come to get them, or if maybe the contest really had been a scam after all. In the end they needn’t have worried though, because at 11:55 pm just five minutes before the tour was scheduled to start, the front doors of the museum opened, and a woman in a black dress peeked out from between them.

“Contest winners? Come on inside— we’ve got refreshment here for you all laid out.”

All eight members of the group filed in through the open door and past the woman who was holding it open. In the main lobby of the museum, a few folding tables had been set up and and covered in cloth tablecloths. The tables held a few platters of finger foods; small sandwiches, fruits, vegetables and similar— there was also a table that had eight fluted glasses standing on it which were clearly filled with champagne.

“Take a few minutes to help yourself,” the woman said. “I’ll be your guide tonight— we’re not going to start right at midnight. We’ll get going in about fifteen minutes. Until then, please enjoy yourselves. We want to make sure you all have the best experience possible, so we’ve tailored this night to all of you and arranged everything for your convenience.”

There were murmurs of approval from the group of museum guests. Elli for her part overlooked the food and went straight for the champagne, taking up a glass and sipping at it.

Ute took a small plate and served herself from the hors d’oeuvres before coming back to stand with Elli. She ate in silent contentment as Elli drank from her champagne. The two of them only made occasional comments to each other, and didn’t spend any more time speaking to the other guests. They’d spent a solid fifteen minutes already chatting with everyone, and the two of them were happy for the moment to just be in each other’s company and enjoy their hors d’oeuvres and their champagne, respectively.

When Ute finished her food, she set her empty plate on one of the tables, and also took a glass of champagne and began drinking from it. Elli still had about a quarter of the liquid she’d started out with left in her glass, so when Ute took up her glass, Elli gave a quick toast, clinking the rims of their glasses together. Then the two of them drank on, in the same companionable silence that they’d shared before. The fifteen minutes passed quickly, and at the end of it, the woman dressed in black spoke again.

“I hope you all enjoyed our refreshments,” she said, and all eight tour members watched her as she spoke. “My name is Natalie. As you can imagine, I’ll be your tour leader tonight. I dressed a little formally for this occasion, to celebrate our opening— I see some of you had similar ideas. If you’ll just leave your dishes and glasses on the table, we’ll all leave as a group now and start the tour.”

Both Ute and Elli set their empty champagne glasses down on the nearest table, and joined up with the other six members of the tour to follow after Natalie’s footsteps.

She took them left through the foyer, and under an arch into the first wing of the museum. The first room they went through had walls of plaques and engravings, each one with text write-ups beside them explaining their significance.

Neither Elli nor Ute slowed down to read any of these write-ups. Elli was a little surprised by the content of the first room— but then she hadn’t even read her ticket closely. She was realizing it now— she didn’t even know what kind of museum this was. She hoped the next room would have something more interesting.

It didn’t— this one had lots of old paper documents behind glass; and the room after that was full of various antiques.

Each room seemed to take forever to move through— each of the other six members of the tour seemed fascinated by the things that museum had put on display.

Not Elli. She’d hoped the museum would be interesting— hoped there would be something exciting, or novel to see. So far it seemed like a museum of old boring relics that were a waste of time. Judging by the look on Ute’s face, she was feeling the same way.

Natalie led them all around the ground floor— it was laid out in a horseshoe formation with one room leading on to the next, but their group moved through each room at a glacial pace so each of the other six tour members had the maximum amount of time to study each boring exhibit. Natalie hadn’t been kidding when she’d said the tour had been tailored to the wants of the tour members.

It was just that, unfortunately for Elli and Ute, they didn’t want the same things as the other six.

Finally, Natalie led them out through the last room’s archway back into the foyer they’d started from, and then directed them to follow her up the stairs to the second level.

Elli and Ute hung back from the group, and climbed the stairs last. As Natalie led the group through an arch that led to a room on the left, and presumably another horseshoe formation that comprised the second floor, Elli and Ute shared a look.

“What do you say we let them go on with out us?” Ute suggested. “We can move a little more quickly as just the two of us, and we can see if there’s anything interesting somewhere in this museum.”

“I say that sounds great, and let’s go right now,” Elli responded, eager to break away from the rest of the tour.

Instead of following after Natalie through the arch to the left, the two of them went the opposite way, to pass under an arch to the right.

That arch led them into a long hallway. At the other end of the hallway, there was another arch that led to a door, but there was a sign on the door that said, “Staff Only,” so it seemed like the hallway led to a dead end.

“Oh, look, we’re not meant to be here,” Elli pointed out. There was sign standing three paces ahead of them and deeper into the hallway which read “No Visitors Beyond This Point.”

The two women were just ready to turn back and try a different door when they noticed that there was something further down the hallway— it wasn’t empty.

There was a statue down there.

“I wonder why someone would put a statue in a restricted area?” Elli wondered out loud. It didn’t make any sense to her— but that very contradiction fascinated to her. She’d spent so long living a life where everything made perfect sense and everything always added up. It was a relief to find something that was strange and wrong— something that didn’t make sense, something unexplained. She wanted to find out more about this statue— not to mention that there was a sight thrill for her in breaking the rules and venturing into a restricted area. She’d been far too straight-laced for too long.

“Let’s go and find out,” Ute said, apparently as intrigued by the statue as Elli was.

The two of them walked about halfway down the hallway to where the statue was standing and waiting for them.

It looked to be made out of some kind of stone, but Elli didn’t recognize the type. It was a statue of a man, done in incredibly accurate anatomic detail. The man that had been sculpted was naked, and protruding from his legs was a very erect, very thick, very long penis.

Elli wasn’t even sure that she could estimate its size correctly. She’d only ever been with her husband, so his penis was the only one she’d ever seen, and it was much smaller than the one on this statue.

She and Ute stepped closer, to get a better look at the statue.

Its cock was proudly displayed. The stance it had been sculpted into was ideally placed so that the penis thrust outwards for everyone to see.

Elli felt even more confused by the statue’s placement. This was a stance that was meant to be displayed— a body that was meant to be seen— a cock that was meant to be seen. But the statue had been stuck into a side hallway that led to a dead end, and hidden behind a restricted sign warning any potential visitors away.

It seemed very sad to Elli, suddenly. A statue as beautiful as this— a penis as beautiful as this deserved to be seen, but no one ever would see it as long as it stood alone in this hallway. Why had it been placed here? Why hadn’t it been put into a central room somewhere else, where lots of people could see it?

Ute seemed to be thinking the same thing. “Why was he put back here?” She asked. “No one will ever see him while he’s tucked away in a restricted area.”

“I don’t know,” Elli responded absentmindedly. Her eyes were focused only on the statue’s cock now. “Maybe if we rejoin the tour after, we can ask Natalie. Maybe she can explain to us why they put him here.”

The statue did seem like a him to Elli, suddenly. The thought of calling him an it seemed wrong when he was so lifelike, and so prideful in his stance. He was worthy of recognition— worthy of a male pronoun. He was so much more than just an object; so wonderful to look at. His cock was so wonderful to look at, and Elli just wanted to stare and stare…

It was so different than Brad’s cock— and Elli loved that about it. She’d been looking for novelty, but she hadn’t been looking for novelty like this. But now that she’d found it, she was grateful. This cock was nothing like the cock she saw every day, between her husband’s legs. It had so much more girth— it had so much more length… and it was making her feel something she’d never felt before.

She felt drawn to it. She wanted to get closer to the statue’s stone cock— she wanted to get right up close to it, so she could see it more clearly. It was one of the most beautiful things she’d ever seen. It was certainly one of the most beautiful things in the whole museum, and she never wanted to stop looking at it.

And the more she looked at it the more she wanted to get closer to it… the more she felt like it was calling out to her, inviting her closer… almost as if she could her a whisper of her name… Elli… Elli… Elli… at a level that was just below sound…

Elli stepped even closer to the statue. She was only inches away from that cock now, at eye level with the statue. Its eyes were stone like the rest of it, but when Elli stared into them, she almost thought she could see an expression in them. The look was prideful, and confident. The statue knew that it had a cock that could beat any competition— a cock to be proud of— a cock that deserved worship.

Elli looked back down at the cock, and she felt called to get even closer. She wanted to get down on her knees now… yes… she wanted to get down on her knees— and she wanted to worship that beautiful cock the way that it deserved.

As soon as she’d realized that she had this desire, she moved to kneeling, until her lips were lined up with the cock’s tip. She only had to move her mouth forward and inch, and she could rap her lips around that cool stone and trace the cock’s beautiful sculpted shape with her tongue.

Ute had stopped paying attention to the statue when Elli had kneeled down, and though Elli’s eyes were only on that perfect cock, she could still tell that her friend was watching her, now, and not the statue.

“Elli, what are you doing?”

Elli thought the best answer she could give to that question would be to undertake an action that would show Ute what she was doing. She moved her mouth forward, and wrapped it around the statue’s cock, and when it filled her mouth, Elli couldn’t help but let out a moan that came out muffled around it.

But the moan was only a temporary feeling. As soon as the stone passed her lips, Elli had a very visceral reaction. She’d gotten caught up in the beauty of the statue— and then been temporarily possessed by the desire to get closer to it. But now that she actually had her lips around it, she was aware of herself again, and aware of just how wrong this was.

She was sucking on stone cock. That wasn’t normal. It wouldn’t be normal even for the average woman, but it was even more abnormal for her. Sex was something only meant to be shared with her husband— sex was only something she did with Brad. And the sex she had with Brad was very plain vanilla sex. Sucking off a statue was kinky, and Elli was anything but kinky.

She needed to stand up right now. She needed to take her mouth right off, and leave the restricted area immediately. Who had she been kidding? She was Elli, Brad’s wife— she didn’t break the rules, she didn’t take risks or make mistakes and she certainly didn’t fellate stone statues.

Only… it didn’t seem like she could pull her mouth back. She was hearing something… if she listened closely, she was still hearing her name, at that sub audible level. It felt wrong and foreign to have stone against her tongue. But it was making her wet; and maybe it felt wrong in a way that was almost… right.

After all, hadn’t she come to this museum tour tonight because she’d wanted to experience something new? Hadn’t she been looking for something unfamiliar, something to shake up the status quo of her life? Part of her had been looking for something out of the ordinary, had been looking for something to do or experience that was unlike anything in the rest of her life.

Sucking on the statue perfectly met all of these criteria. Didn’t it feel just… a little good… to be behaving so completely out of character? What would Brad say if he could see her now— would he be embarrassed? Offended? Horrified?

It gave Elli a thrill to picture her husband’s disbelieving face.

She should keep sucking it— she hadn’t even really started sucking it properly yet. She could keep on exploring this strange alternate way of behaving. She could keep pretending to be this other woman, this daring strange girl who could shamelessly kneel down and lick a stone cock without caring who saw or what they thought. Hadn’t she been looking for something like this when she came here?

Elli shook her head, to refute this line of thought, but all it did was cause the stone cock to pull at the insides of her cheeks, first on one side of her mouth than the other. She hadn’t intended to do that, and hadn’t expected it to happen, so for a second it almost felt like the statue had done it to her, even though it was inanimate.

It felt so good to have the cock rubbing against the insides of her mouth that Elli started to really suck it. She hollowed her cheeks around it. She took it down her throat, sliding cool stone over tongue and gently letting the tip of it bottom out against the back of her throat. She pulled back, to twirl her tongue of the tip, tracing out the sculpted veins along the cock’s shaft that had been carefully placed there by the sculptor to more closely imitate right.

Oh, it was so wrong… but she was just getting wetter, and her name was in her mind, pulling at her. Calling her to do what she was doing more… to give in and let herself fully become the wanton slut she had only been pretending to be before this moment… the cock deserved the service of a slut like her, and she should give it… she should let herself be the slut.

She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt alive. She was living flesh and the statue she was loving with her mouth was inanimate stone, but she felt like it was the statue who was alive— and she felt like she had been the one who was only a statue; inanimate, sculpted into a specific form by the limitations and demands of her routine life.

But here, she was a statue come to life. She was not bound by the form she had been carved into by her errands and chores and habits— or the expectations of her friends or her husband. Elli was free to be the wanton slut the statue was suggesting that she was capable of becoming.

Maybe she had been a statue carved out throughout the ten years of her marriage— throughout her entire adult life to date. But it felt like she had become soft clay again, and though the statue before her was still stone, in her mind, it felt to Elli that he had taken her into his hands and was guiding her into a new form with a sculptor’s touch. He could make her into the slut he’d told her in whispers that he wanted her to be. And she wanted to be that… it made her feel so alive to service him with her tongue. She wanted to become anything he wanted to make her… he had told her she had the potential to become what he asked of her, and he knew how to make her realize that potential… and she wanted that to happen.

Elli shook her head again, more forcefully, again unintentionally chafing her cheeks along the sides of the statue’s stone cock. No, this was wrong… not sexy wrong, but wrong wrong. The statue was doing something to her mind… somehow, it was changing her. It was turning her against herself, making her want to throw away everything in her life— even her marriage! Who knew what would be left if she let it happen. Would she even be Elli anymore once this was over? She needed to stop while she could still think for herself.

But she was moaning again, moaning harder, and swallowing the cock more eagerly. Licking out the form of the statue’s cock with her tongue as if it, too, had become soft clay again and she could form it into a new piece of art with the attentions of her tongue. Even if she could, she didn’t think any possible form could top the one that was already in her mouth. It was just too beautiful as it already was for any improvement to ever be possible.

Elli had wandered into a different world as she’d sucked and licked, and had forgotten all about her friend who was standing only inches away from her and watching. Apparently Ute had been struck silent by shock as Elli has serviced the statue’s stone cock, but at last she found her voice, and interrupted Elli’s reverie.

“Elli, what’s wrong with you?” Ute asked— and there was a sneer in her voice. “How can you lick an object? It’s not real— it’s not a person. What’s wrong with you?” The disgust was clear in Ute’s tone, but Elli wasn’t willing to open her eyes and look in the direction of her friend to see if that disgust would also be written into the features of her face.

That kind of disdainful tone would have wounded her even a few minutes earlier, but she was becoming more and more like the wanton slut the statue wanted her to be the longer she went on licking, and she’d already reached the point of shamelessness. She didn’t care what Ute thought.

And she certainly wasn’t about to take her mouth off the most perfect cock in the world even for a second in order to give a spoken answer. She doubled down on her licking, deliberately becoming even more over the top in her actions— now she was doing not only to please her new stone master, but to antagonize Ute and rub it in her face.

All the thoughts of resisting the statue were draining out of Elli’s face… and the statue wasn’t murmuring her name into her thoughts anymore. It was calling her something else now… calling her slave, and being called that was making her even wetter. Licking it was changing her mind around… but it felt like things were moving even beyond the point of mental change.

She felt something in her lips— a tingling, a stinging. It almost felt… like they were growing. Somehow, the statue really was reshaping her clay— giving her thick, plush lips that made easier to suck well. Thick, plush lips to cushion its cock on and against, and as her lips grew out into a plump pout, Elli sucked and licked harder.

He wasn’t stopping there. She felt a similar pressure in her breasts, and they were growing too. Growing heavier, growing bigger, hanging off her body. She must be going up one— maybe even two cup sizes! He was giving her thick busty breasts, just like he had given her plump cushion-y limps.

It felt so good to suck… the more she sucked, the less she thought… the more she sucked, the more she became what her stone master wanted. He wanted her to be his bimbo slave, with no thoughts in her mind except for whatever he whispered into her; his bimbo slave, complete with bimbo lips and bimbo tits, and she was— Elli was so happy about this change that she decided she was ready to take her lips off of him now, and instead cushion him between her thick, luscious breasts.

Her shirt came off and her bra followed with Elli even noticing. She wrapped him in between herself, and set out to give her master a good tit-fuck with the heavy breasts he’d been so generous as to bestow on her. She worked him between her tits, wrapping his cool hardness in her supple warmth, and rubbed her tits all over him, squeezing his girth between them.

Now, at last, she could speak to Ute.

“It feels so good to fuck Master the way he tells me,” Elli told her friend. “Master made me a good bimbo— I love to be Master’s bimbo. I’m Master’s bimbo slave, and I look exactly the way he wants me to. I get to fuck and fuck, and that’s all a bimbo like me cares about. All I care about is making happy. Master wants you to fuck him too, Ute. That would make him happy, so that would make me happy— come kneel beside me.”

Ute had fallen suspiciously silent as the changes had come over her friend, and Elli turned her face to look.

Ute was staring at Elli giving Master his tit-fuck, the way Elli had stared at Master’s cock before she’d started sucking on it. That meant Master must be inside Ute’s head, whispering new truths to her too. That made Elli happy, but even that seemed like it would take too long. She reached out to Ute, and took hold of her friend’s hand.

She gave a gentle pull, and Ute followed the action, coming to kneel beside her.

Elli pulled back from Master with a twinge. She didn’t want to stop fucking Master— she never wanted to stop— but this was about more than what she wanted. It was about what Master wanted, and that was more important right now.

Elli leaned back, shifting out of the way. She didn’t say anything else to Ute— it didn’t matter what she said now, because Elli knew Master was already telling Ute what she needed to hear inside her head.

But Ute did still need guidance from. She helped her friend move over to get in position in front of Master’s cock, and then helped guide Ute to take Master into her mouth.

She was prepared to help more— prepared to guide Ute’s mouth forward until Master bottomed out in the depths of her throat, but it turned out she didn’t have to. As soon as Ute’s lips closed around Master’s length, a change came over. She seemed to have been struck by inspiration, and she began sucking Master as eagerly as Elli had sucked him earlier.

Elli felt no jealousy about this. Master was wonderful— Master deserved worship. He deserved to be worshipped by as many women as he could find, as she was proud of Ute for serving their Master so well and so eagerly. It was turning her on even to watch Ute sucking Master’s perfect cock, and Elli’s hand crept its way down between her legs to play at her clit as she went on watching Ute serve and worship.

The longer that Ute sucked and licked, the more inspired she seemed to become. She was becoming a bimbo slave too… turning into as much of a slut as Elli. That was just how powerful Master’s cock was. Elli understood now that it could anyone into becoming Master’s slave, and that was clearly what was happening to Ute now.

Elli watched with a greedy gaze as Ute’s lips plumped up around Master. The image inspired more frantic stroking from her, and brought greater lubrication out from the depths of Elli’s pussy.

Ute’s breasts were growing too, just the way that Elli’s had, and Elli took a break from her stroking to tear at Ute’s close. She was helping her friend to become naked, because Master would appreciate seeing his newest slave’s nakedness, and it would make Master happy— so it made Elli happy to do it.

She was careful not to interfere with Ute’s sucking in any way as she stripped her friend down, and once her task was done, she went back to rubbing her clit. After a few minutes of that, as Ute kept licking Master, Elli let her hand dip lower to tease at her entrance, and raised her other hand to her breasts to knead them with it, first one than the other. She knew Master could see her too— and knew he was appreciating the way she looked as she fucked her naked body for him to see.

They were both serving Master perfectly, and it was only making them both hornier. Elli could feel herself gushing out around her hand— and as her eyes drank in the sight of her sister bimbo-slave, she saw the telltale signs of Ute’s own wetness streaking down from between her thighs as she went on sucking Master.

After a very long time, Ute pulled back to stand. For a second Elli thought that she would get her chance to suck Master again, and she was excited by the idea.

But instead of moving out of the way, once Ute was standing, she positioned her very wet, very dripping pussy above Master’s tip, and swallowed him up into her cunt.

Elli stood too, struck by an impulse the way Elli had apparently been. She moved herself around to stand behind Master, and carefully began grinding herself against his back, pressing her breasts into him. They were so tender and so full of erotic energy that even this simple act gave her an incredible amount of pleasure. She was dripping even more than before, and she understood intuitively that she was being prepared for her turn on Master’s cock.

But for now it was still Ute’s turn. She’d gotten herself all the down to the base of Master’s cock so that she was pressing her breasts right into the front of Master’s body, the way that Elli was pressing herself into the back of it.

Ute was close enough for Elli to reach— Master was between them, but Elli shifted her head to the side so it was just over Master’s shoulder— and Ute did the same, so that the two of them could meet in a kiss.

Then they were both living in a moment of perfection. Elli was rutting against the back of Master’s body, pressing her soft flesh into him, dragging her nipples against Master’s hardness, and feeling his firmness press into her breasts and inspire deeper pleasure.

And Ute was pressing herself into the front of Master’s body, rutting against him there, as well as taking him completely into the highest depths of her cunt. And at the same time, as they both fucked Master perfectly, in exactly the way he wanted them to, they kissed over his shoulder, and moaned the pleasure and satisfaction of obedience into each other’s mouths.

It felt like an eternity passed this way. As they went on worshipping their master with their bodies, Elli and Ute went on kissing each other, growing more inspired in this action too. Their tongues twisted together in their mouths, and their lips brushed against lips as they kissed and rutted and fucked Master the way he deserved to be fucked.

After a long time time, Ute finally raised herself off of Master’s length, and stepped aside.

Elli took this as her cue— it was her time now, her time to worship Master with her pussy. She was more than wet enough to take him in and service him, and she was barely patient enough to wait for herself to get into position.

She rushed to clear the distance that was keeping her separated from Master; raised herself onto her tiptops, to line her entrance up with Master’s tip, and then with a delighted sigh, lowered pussy onto the way she had seen Ute do it.

Brad was only a distant memory to her now, but even without remembering his name or anything else about him, she knew that Master’s cock was the best cock she’d ever had inside of herself. He was just so thick and powerful, and he was stretching her perfectly. He was stretching her in a way that Elli hadn’t even known she could be stretched, and she knew she wanted him to keep stretching her out forever, if he could.

He felt so good inside her. Her pussy was clenching down around him, and she was sinking further down to find the base of him the way Ute had done first. She was following the tracks of Ute’s lubrication down Master’s cock, taking him deeper— and deeper— making him so happy, and serving him exactly the way he deserved to be served— and there, there it was, she had swallowed him all the way up into herself. She could feel him prodding high inside her, and she ground herself against him, moaning harder at the feeling of him hitting her so deep.

She was rocking and fucking Master’s cock with her body before she knew it. It felt like the most natural, easiest thing in the world. She worked him with the walls of her cunt, she massaged him on all sides with the inner lining of her pussy, and she pressed her breasts into Master’s hard pecs.

She knew Ute had taken her old position— Ute was rutting against Master’s back in the way that Elli had down first, and the two of them met over Master’s opposite shoulder this time to kiss in their reversed positions— now with Elli fucking Master’s cock, and Ute rutting against Master’s back.

They kissed— tongues swirled, lips moved, bodies ground against stone. And there was so much moaning. Some of it was Elli’s — some of it was Ute’s. It was perfect music to Elli’s ears. She knew that Master loved to hear the sounds of his bimbo-slaves’ pleasure; it was one more offering they could make to his perfection and they were both making it freely because he wanted it from them.

But all the sensations layering over each other, and those sounds layering over the sensations beyond that was creating a pleasure in Elli that seemed like it went beyond simple humanity. Master had turned Elli to clay and reshaped her into his perfect bimbo-slave, but now it felt like this pleasure was a kiln that her soft clay had been put into. She was still malleable— or she had still been malleable, until a minute ago.

But the pleasure was a heat that filled the hallway, and wrapped around Elli’s body from all sides and angles. It was hundreds of degrees too hot— too much for the human body to withstand, and yet Master was making Elli strong enough to withstand. He was heating Elli’s clay to solidify it into stone and make the perfection of her servitude and worship permanent. He was changing her from malleable to stone steady perfection like him.

Elli was so grateful for this, suddenly. Master had made her perfect— that had already been enough of a gift. But now, he was going even further than that to make her perfection permanent. Making it so that Elli could always be by his side— and Ute could too.

If he had not done this, if he had left them both human, eventually they would have had to stop serving him. Eventually, they would have been unable to worship him. They would have both continued growing old. They would only have had a finite amount of worship to give him.

But now they had an infinite amount to bestow on him. Or they would, as soon as the pleasure was done baking them both into their final form. Elli could feel it… the places where she was hardening, the places where flesh was trading in for stone. In each part of her body it started deep inside, in the center of each muscle and each limb, and then radiating outwards from each central point, weaving its way through all the flesh it encountered as it went.

All Elli wanted to do was worship Master— it was all she would ever want. And he was giving her the greatest gift of all by bestowing on her endless time in which to worship and serve and please. An endless amount of time in which to make Master happy— and Elli already knew that nothing made her happier than Master’s happiness, so really he was giving her an endless amount of time in which to make herself happy.

The stone had gotten most of the way through Elli know— but it wasn’t that strange of a feeling, oddly. The pleasure was outside her and inside her too, working her from the interior out and exterior in— and she felt it completely. The ecstasy was so intense that its transformative nature made perfect sense to Elli, even if with her thoughtless mind.

All of it was so much, as the last of the process took hold. She was just grateful— so happy, so aroused, that the only thing she could was pour all of her emotions more fully into the worship she was giving Master with her perfecting body. She fucked his shaft with greater fervor— she kissed Ute with greater passion, she pressed her breasts to Master’s chest with greater force.

She found she was pressing stone against stone when she moved her breasts— she was grinding stone against stone when she dragged herself down along Master’s length— she was kissing stone into stone when she pressed her lips to Ute’s.

The transformation was complete— but somehow, Elli understood she and Ute’s time of worship had not come to an end yet.

She fucked Master for a while longer— and then climbed back off him. She and Ute took turns working Master with their bodies in the same way; one of them riding Master’s cock, the other rubbing into his body.

After a few turns like this, they gave Master the pleasure of fucking into their asses. They took turns between the two of them doing this a few times.

Now that they were stone it was all much cleaner— they didn’t leave anything behind on Master’s surface. And yet the pleasure was in no way diminished now that they’d each taken their new form.

But a new impulse came to both of them— there was one more thing Master wanted from each of them, and they both stopped their game of taking turns and stepped back to stand in front of him.

Then each stone woman kneeled before their shared Master, the way they had both done in the beginning before their master had fucked them into the form of perfection. First Elli wrapped her lips around Master— then Ute wrapped her lips around him. They kneeled so close together their bodies were pressing into each other.

First Elli would suck, stone on stone, suck and hollow her cheeks, and take Master in hard. She didn’t have to be careful anymore now that she was stone too. She hadn’t even realized it at the time, but Master had been guiding her carefully through with the pulling of strings in her mind. When she had been flesh it, had been important that she fuck him gently with her mouth so as not to injure herself on his hardness.

But now. Now Elli could fuck Master with complete abandon, in the way she had wanted to all along and never realized. It had been her deepest desire and she hadn’t even known it, but Master had known it because he knew everything, as far as Elli was concerned. He was so much smarter with her. He’d been smart enough to know what Elli had wanted deep down even though Elli had been too stupid to realize it herself. Even though she was too stupid to know it unless Master explained it to her.

But she knew now because Master had wanted her to know. She’d wanted the privilege of completely losing herself to the pleasure and working her body so hard and fast against him that there would be nothing else. She’d wanted to make herself happy in pleasing him, happier than she’d ever been before. Because now that she was stone, she could fuck Master more vigorously than ever before.

Elli completely let loose, slamming Master against the back of her throat, swallowing him roughly, slurping him from all angles and all sides, fucking him as roughly and as forcefully with her mouth as she could do it.

She was trying everything that she could do, trying everything she could to show Master her devotion. She wanted him to know that she was his bimbo-slave and she always would be. She wanted to tell it to him with her body, even though she thought Master probably already understood. Even so she wanted to prove it. It was the only thought in her mind, the only thing that mattered— the only thing she cared about.

Elli fucked Master with her mouth for a long time, her body shaking from the force with which she did it. Each swallow was so intense that it reverberated outwards through her body like ripples through water. It was perfect, and yet at the same time it was never enough. Elli was again grateful that Master was going to give her an endless number of chances to do this, to practice it, to improve at it and do it again and again so that she could always reach a greater level of devotion. So she could prove herself to him all over again, dozens and hundreds and thousands of time.

At last, Elli was finished. She was spent. Master wanted nothing else from her now. Elli stood, and moved to stand a few paces away from Master, and to his side. She placed her hands on her hips in a way that jutted her ass back and her chest forward, and she felt herself becoming still. It was a stillness that had never been possible to her in her life as a human— there was no imperfection left in her body to disrupt it. She solidified in her pose, hardening— and then movement and thought were both lost to her.

But Master wasn’t quite done with Ute, and he had given Elli one last gift before she’d hardened. He’d guided her thoughts to turn her head slightly to the left so that she could still see Ute from her position. This meant that she could watch Ute do what she herself had done only minutes ago.

Ute fucked Master with her mouth with the same abandon and passion that Elli had felt as she’d done it. She took him deep, she took him hard. She wrapped him in her lips, she swirled him with her stone tongue. She fucked him so hard that her entire body she from it, like there was an earthquake disturbing her stone somewhere deep inside and shaking all the way out to move her surface.

Ute pleased Master with her mouth for a long time. Elli watched in perfect thoughtless stone still silence. And finally, much later, Master found his satisfaction in Ute’s mouth as he’d found it first in Elli’s, and Ute’s task was complete too.

She stood as Elli had stood, and moved a few paces down the hall in the opposite way from the one in which Elli had gone.

She stood on the far side of Master, but Elli couldn’t see Ute from her position because Master blocked her. But Elli imagined that Master posed her sister bimbo-slave in the way he’d posed her, and that made her happy too.

Then, when all three of them were stone still and posed, they all entered perfect eternal thoughtlessness together.

They lived out that stone eternity together in that way; time had no further significance to them. They had their own dedicated hallway in which to stand, and display their perfection.

And once every week, Master gave both girls the power of movement again so they could pleasure and please him perfectly, just as they had when they’d done it the first time, when they’d done it so well that they’d reached their new forms.

It was a wonderful existence— a true privilege, and a true gift, and both Elli and Ute knew it. They knew it when they came to life each week to fuck their master with ever increasing skill. And they knew it each time when they returned to the poses their Master had selected for them to occupy at the end of of their fucking until it was time for them to please him again.

They knew, and they knew it was perfect, whether they were moving or still. Whether they were thinking or thoughtless. And at all times they were grateful for the gift they had been given. And grateful that they could go on feeling that way, and experience these gifts forever.

* * *