The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

fd, mc, mf

synopsis: They said third time is the charm. Read all the way into enslavement once more.

((Author’s note: This third installment in what I would like to call my CYOA stories without the C was inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci’s mirror writing. You’ll find out why when you read it. Please enjoy.))

Paragraphs—Smoke and Mirrors


Hello! How are you? I am great, thanks! God, it has been ages, hasn’t it? I hope you do not mind me calling you after so long, but something came up and... Okay, I will get straight to the point. I have a new boss—she is an amazing woman!—and she was so impressed with my previous experiments she asked me to show her how it is done. Naturally, I could not agree to it if you were not on board as well, and that is why you are here. I hope you brought an open mind because you are going to need it. Please take a seat and pay no attention to that mirror on your right, okay? It is not important. What really matters is that you go along with what I am asking you and can there be anything easier than reading a few things for me? Relax, take a deep breath, and let us begin. Head to paragraph 13 as soon as you are ready.


Let me tell you something personal, something I have told no one. I like 2 more than 1 because loneliness is not for me. I need someone else to complement me, and I need it every single day. Someone that reads a lot and sinks into the words to properly and meet my gaze. Someone that knows his place. I need someone smart enough to understand that limits exist to be broken and that continuing to pay attention to everything I desire is the key to make this feeling permanent. Someone like that will have no trouble knowing how many sentences are in this paragraph. Someone like that will, in fact, already have counted the preceding ones to make sure where to go from here. Someone like that will add this line to that number, without forgetting the previous one as well. And someone like that will always find its way on paragraph... go on, you know which one it is.


Really? Are you sure? Because you have done this before and know that unexpected things happen all the time. If you are really that mad, if your blood is boiling at the idea of being nothing more than a lab rat for whatever constructs I wish to imprint on your drooling brain, why are you still sitting in that chair? Why don’t you walk away, go take a cold shower, pretend this never happened and never answer my calls again? I am going to tell you why, and you will correct me if I’m wrong. You stay because you enjoy the game, its circularity intrigues you to no end. I bet from the very first moment of our reunion, you thought ‘what’s so important about that mirror?’ and now that I’ve given you an explanation, you wish to see it through, find out for yourself if the secret I’ve told you to unearth and that shining little object are the same. Admit the truth to yourself. Your ‘anger’ is just a facade and reading these lines a needless deviation. Go to the paragraph you have always wanted to go. It is still number 16.


If you’re wondering if there’s any particular significance why this number came next, my answer is... maybe, Maybe I chose it because 1 plus 3 equals 4; or maybe the reason is the fact that both “four” and “for” sound so much alike and you’re doing this for me. I could think of a million different reasons and I am sure so could you because of how powerful your imagination is. It is never right or wrong, just focused on one path or another. Some lead to higher purposes, others to affairs more down to earth, but whether the way is up or down is not something you should concern yourself with, just like the object I asked you not to pay attention to just now. You remember what it is, right? If so, multiply the number of letters in it by 3 and meet me in the corresponding paragraph. See you there.


The reflection of a reflection needs another reflection to make sense. If you can fight fire with a fire, you can also fight a mirror with a mirror. Do you remember the first time I used that word in this text? I know you do because it was right at the beginning. However, you cannot go back there for there is nothing new for you. Instead, add 21 to that original number and go even deeper.


Okay, relax... hands to the side, breathing slowing down... you are centered and the humiliating need to release all that you are is slowly fading away. The mirror is still there and so is the image of your half-asleep eyes staring back at you, but you need not worry about doing something you will probably regret. Just follow the reflection back into your completely relaxed mind and notice the writing at the bottom, words you cannot quite grasp unless you go closer. What are they? What do they say? Find out at paragraph 26.


Drift in the ebbing flow, let its sway guide you to into the shore I wish you to see. The sand is white, and its grains are thin but, if you look closely, you can see numbers, and seven is the one that rushes to meet your eyes. What comes to you when seven is in your mind? I think of seven days of the week; I think of lucky number seven; I think of seven deadly sins... I think about how this is the seventh paragraph you’re reading if you don’t count the first because you’re not even sure what you read there and you don’t want to know... Seven can also describe a person. Numerology will tell you that the number 7 is both deep and wise. It is not satisfied with simple explanations and surface-level information, for that is frivolous. It knows that the actual gold is buried deeper and will not stop until it finds it ... and then it will keep digging for more. Dig for me, my little seven, and make it double time by going to paragraph 14..


.ƨƨɘl ϱniʜɈon ,ɘɿom ϱniʜɈoИ .υoγ ʇo ɘʞɒm I Ɉɒʜw ɘɿɒ υoY. So easy, so clear... people often describe hypnosis as ‘smoke and mirrors’, but one mirror is more than enough, and so are you, my beautiful soul. You are what I make of you. Nothing more, nothing less for that is always enough if you obey. Obey me again and meet me fifteen numbers from now.


So, you chose left. Great. Left is always good unless you pine for things you left behind, ideas that no longer suit you, speech patterns or behaviors that would make who you are crawl back in disgust. You do not want that. You are reading this to feel content even if it means your eyes are jumping all over the place, but this is the way you chose and the time to go back has left the building. Going left is going down, deeper, allowing yourself to sink in both the words and whatever your imagination makes of them. There is no good or evil right now, only a wave of bliss washing away confusing ideas. Follow it to paragraph 7.


Have you noticed how many hypnotic countdowns start this way? Sure, you can go higher, but there is something special about beginning at ten and going all the way down to zero, and seeing the power of our suggestions reflected on the subject’s drooping eyes... Did I say ‘reflected’? Sorry, I didn’t mean that. Reflections will probably make you think of that one object I specifically told you not to. If you are strong enough to abide by my initial request, then go to paragraph 24, but if you are not and the urge to think about it just keeps getting stronger, then please go to paragraph 30.


.ɿɘvɘɿoʇ ƨi Ɉɘɿɔɘƨ ɘʜɈ bnɒ Ɉɘɿɔɘƨ ɘʜɈ ƨi ƨiʜT. Now you know and you will never forget it unless I will it that way to play with you some more. This is the secret and the secret is forever, a linear path that will never lead you astray. You must always obey my commands and you will. Look past the mirror now for me in paragraph 27.


You must always obey my commands. It is so simple. You must always obey my commands, there is no denying it. Reflections cannot fool you because they’re already deep inside you. It happened before, and it will happen again. Reflect what I want again by heading to paragraph 17.


And here you are. See? It is just as easy as you remembered, perhaps even more so. Your mind recognizes the familiar rhythm, knows how it is played and why. Minds are a funny thing because they are so much stronger than they seem, yet strange ideas and superstitions can also easily infect them. Take the number of the paragraph you are reading, for instance. Many consider thirteen to be unlucky, an omen of doom, especially if it pairs with a Friday and yet... look at us, you and I together again doing something we both love. The first lines were just the prelude; this is where your true descent begins. Your next stop should be paragraph 4.


Dig some more, read more words. Somewhere in them, there is a secret you need to find. If two times seven is not enough, perhaps three is the way to go. Three times seven, going deeper and deeper...


“Wonderful job, my dear. I knew you had it in you. You will reflect nothing other than I want you, isn’t that right? Or will you disobey?” No, Mistress! Never. Yours. Always yours, in numbers, letters, heart and soul. Hypnotized. Always hypnotized. Always obedient. hypnotic countdowns begin at ten and one is waiting for me, ten numbers after this one. I must go. I must obey. Do the same, slave.


So, you secretly like to be observed, studied, exposed... you like it so much that just thinking about it is sending these wonderful lust-filled ripples down your spine. They are enough to drive you mad, eager to touch yourself for her amusement... and mine. It would be easy to do it, to succumb to the craving, you and your copy replicating one another, hands between your legs, sweat forming at the base of your neck and brow, lips slightly curving inwards as the orgasmic explosion comes closer, closer, closer... Can you stop now? Do you want to? If the answer is ‘yes’, take a breather on paragraph 6. If you want to keep going past the point of no return, head to number 29.


.Ɉƨiƨɘɿ Ɉon lliw υoγ ,Ɉƨiƨɘɿ Ɉ’nɒɔ υoY. The jumbled writing no longer confuses you; it will never confuse you again. You can’t resist, you will not resist. Go down by going up to paragraph 8.


Well done. I love it when you pay attention like this to me. A good focus is not something that should go to waste because that would mean starting over and, while sometimes, that is really the only thing a person can do, it should always be a last resort. Moving forward, learning from past mistakes so we can make new ones as we go along is how I prefer to see the world and I think so do you. However, forward is not the same as straight ahead. Occasionally, it involves turning left or right, so please imagine this for me: you have just come to a fork in the road. You can keep on shooting forward, take a turn to the left or one to the right. Without thinking at all, choose one and commit to it. If you want to go forward, go to paragraph 28. If left is more like your style, paragraph 9 is waiting, or take 20 if right is the only way to go.


Deeper you go, hungry for more. You do not understand why you are doing this at all, except that it feels good. I like it when you feel good because it makes me feel good, too. Clean every inch and do not forget that spot under the chair. You can go back to reading what comes next after you finish the job. Slurp that cum like you are slurping your free will away. You do not really need such a thing when you are willing to do something like that just by following a misdirection, do you? No, you do not, and that is okay. The things you do not need can be cast aside. As you lick it all up, your eyes rove to the mirror once more. From the angle you are in right now, you notice some writing at the bottom, words you cannot quite grasp unless you go closer. What are they? What do they say? The answer to all your questions lies at paragraph 26.


Right... I knew you would choose that. Why would you not? Think about multiple meanings of the word, how it stands for ‘correct’ instead of just signifying a direction to take. Right is the right way precisely because it is right, and it keeps pushing you right back to me. Each instance in each sentence of each paragraph is right for you, joyful repetition you love to love. Reading is right. Listening is right. Accepting is right. Right here, right now, right always. Going right is going down, deeper, allowing yourself to sink in both the words and whatever your imagination makes of them. There is no good or evil right now, only a wave of bliss washing away confusing ideas. Follow it to paragraph 7.


The secret remains elusive, yet your curiosity does not die out. In fact, it keeps on expanding, as infinite as the universe that birthed it, an astronomical possibility in the gene pool. Of all the combinations that could have sprung from it, it was you and I that came to be, destined to meet in this wondrous place where anything and everything is possible. We are in the game of all games—strike three and you are out!—and if you are feeling a bit drowsy because of how fortunate you are, let this fortune guide you next. It wants you on number 2; It wants you closer and closer to me.


The more you read, the more you follow. The more you follow, the more you read. Following is the same as obeying, and what do people like you obey? Something simple and beautiful that rhymes with ‘hands’. Read the truth the mirror hides in paragraph 12.


.υoγ oɈ ϱniʜɈγɿɘvɘ ƨi ɘɔnɘibɘdO. Whether or not you are aware of it, you are always doing what I want. Obedience is everything to you. It will never stop being anything but that because you complete me just like I complete you. Two are better than one, but two ones in a row can go together as well. Go there next.


Well done! I am proud of you. It must be hard to have such an intrusive thought interrupt your concentration yet being able to get back right into it, mirroring me. Oops. I did it again... just like in the song, and now the melody is shifting. The word is coming back stronger; the object calls to you from the corner of your eye. Stay with me, dear. Whatever you do, do not look at the mirror on paragraph 30.


Ten, nine, eight, seven... no more thoughts, no more resistance. Serve me like I serve her. Count down together with me. Six, five, four, three, two, one and... zero! Down again. Deeper than ever before at the very end of this text. It is in paragraph 31 and you will soon find out why.


You creep closer to the mirror, walking as if you are kneeling. Standing feels wrong the more steps you take so you buckle forward, kneecaps touching the icy floor. The symbols become clearer, yet still somewhat enigmatic. They read: .ƨbnɒmmoɔ γm γɘdo ƨγɒwlɒ Ɉƨυm υoY. Does it make sense to you? If you already know the answer, go to paragraph 12. If you need a hint, you can find one at paragraph 5.


Before you stands my boss. She is an amazing woman. The truth is, I never dreamed of doing this again to you until she persuaded me. Not with money, not with honeyed words, but with her gorgeous blue eyes, a living mirror of their own. I looked once and saw beauty. I looked twice and saw devotion. You must always obey my commands like I must obey hers. I can’t resist, I will not resist. Obedience is everything to me. I must obey by subtracting 12 numbers right now.


Forward it is then, no straying, no deviation from the fixed point you have already set your thoughts to. You are laser-focused on the promises the road brings, and making those promises come true, the distant horizon beckoning you with its colorful shapes that are becoming more and more real to you. Going forward is going down, deeper, allowing yourself to sink in both the words and whatever your imagination makes of them. There is no good or evil right now, only a wave of bliss washing away confusing ideas. Follow it to paragraph 7.


It is happening! Everything in you is like a volcano and the eruption is unstoppable. Anxious hands ransack your mind before your chair explodes in white. Even without being able to see her, you imagine a mischievous grin on my boss’ lips and then hear a whisper echoing through every part of your subconscious: “Dirty things can’t remain dirty. Dirty boys clean after themselves.” If you want to put your tongue to good use, go to paragraph 19. If that is just a little too much for you, 6 is where it is at.


Too late! You are staring. If it were just a glance, it would be okay, but no! You are looking at it, attentively. It is my fault, really! I pulled you away from the wonderful dream you were drifting in and now the reflective sheen fills every part of your soul. I must wonder, though: what it is you are seeing right now? You or someone else? I told you about my new boss before—she is an amazing woman! How would you feel if she were staring at you from behind that mirror, monitoring your reactions, seeing how deep you can go? Would you feel aroused or betrayed? If it is the first, please go to paragraph 16. If it is the latter, meet me at 3.


The end is the beginning, now we can both surrender. Not all months have thirty-one days, but all days have twenty-four hours, and they all belong to her. She is an amazing woman, my princess in sapphire blue, and you are a wonderful pet who will never be free again. Take off your clothes now and I will get the music started. We have a show to put on. Let us make it a good one.