The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Now Hiring, All Positions

“Come on. It’ll be fun.”

“I don’t know,” said Melissa.

“What’s not to know? Summertime’s coming up and they gotta need people don’t they? And besides, we need the cash.”

“Yeah, I guess, but I really want to get a job working with you.”

“That’s why we’re going to go looking together, silly,” said Lindsay. “If they need a bunch of people and we’re there together, they’re more likely to hire the both of us, right?”

“I guess.”

Lindsay wasn’t about to wait for her friend to make up her mind. If they waited for Melissa to make up her mind, summer would be over so Lindsay grabbed her keys and she grabbed her friend. “Come on,” she said again. “Let’s go.”

The mall was crowded but the two friends knew where they wanted to go. The hiring manager at the first store they visited had told them point blank that they were already fully staffed for summer, that they’d started hiring months ago.

The man at the second store said pretty much the same thing but at least he let them fill out an employment application but both Lindsay and Melissa had the feeling that it wasn’t going to amount to much.

And so it went. At every store, the story was pretty much the same. They were already fully staffed. They’d started hiring months ago.

“What are we going to do now,” Melissa wailed.

Lindsay shook her head as she and Melissa drove home. It would have been easy to blame her friend for her procrastination but really, that just wasn’t her style. “I don’t know,” she said. “I just don’t know.”

“We gotta find a job,” Melissa wailed.

“I know,” her friend said. “I ... hey wait. Look at that.”

“Look at what?”

“That sign over there,” Lindsay said. “I think that might be the answer to our problems.

“What is?”

Lindsay pointed at a sign in front of a bookstore. The Occult Bookstore, the sign read. Catering to the needs of the paranormal and supernatural. “It looks like they’re hiring,” the teen said, “and it looks like they’re kind of desperate.”

“But I thought we were going to try and get a job at the mall,” Melissa said.

“Yeah, well, that didn’t work out,” her friend shot back, “and the truth is, we still need jobs if we’re going to have any money at all.”


“I say we try it,” Lindsay said. “I mean what’s the worst that can happen? We find we don’t like it and we end up quitting and we’re right back where we are right now, out of work and looking for jobs.”

“But it looks so dingy,” Melissa said.

She was right about that, Lindsay thought. The exterior was dark just like the windows. Kind of strange, she thought. You’d think you’d want untinted windows so people could see in from the outside. Still, if that was the way they wanted to do things, who was she to argue with what they wanted. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s go inside.”

“I don’t know,” Melissa said.

But Lindsay was already pulling the car into the parking lot. “Come on,” she said again. “Let’s go look.”

A bell on the shop’s door tinkled as the two girls entered the shop. At first glance, the shop appeared just as dark from the inside as it had appeared from the outside. Books lined the walls and ran from the floor to the ceiling and in the center of the shop was an old wooden desk with an old-fashioned cash register.

“Hello,” Lindsay called out. “Hello, is anyone here?”

No one responded to her call.

“Geez, would you look at this stuff,” Melissa said in a semi-awed voice. “Some of these books look really old.”

“Yeah,” Lindsay agreed, " and from the looks of things, I have the feeling the shop doesn’t get much business.”

“Why do you say that?”

Lindsay ran a finger along one of the bookcases. “Kind of dusty,” she said with a little laugh. “Like I said, doesn’t get much business here.”

“Then we should go,” Melissa said. “They’re not going to be able to hire the both of us.”

“But we’re here already. The least we can do is talk to someone.”

“That’s just what I was thinking.”

Both girls whirled to find an old man standing behind the counter. Where he had come from neither girl could say. It was almost as if one moment he wasn’t there and then the next moment, he was.

“I take it you ladies are here about the job.”

Lindsay looked at the little man. His hair was white and it seemed as if it wanted to go in every direction it could. The man wore a little vest which just seemed to make his body look even smaller and more compact. She looked at the man and he looked back at her and then Lindsay shook her head. “That’s right,” she said. “We saw your sign outside, and we were interested in the position.”

“Well, I’ve got two positions,” the man said. “I need a cashier, and as you ladies have already noticed, I need someone to help me clean up around here. I’m not as young as I once was, you know.”

“How much do you pay,” Melissa asked.

The man shrugged. “How about forty an hour.”

“Forty,” Melissa spluttered. “Did you say forty?”

“What? Is it too low? I can do more, if you’d like?”

“How about 45,” Melissa piped up.

“Sure, I can do that.”

“We’ll take it.”

“Melissa,” her friend hissed.


“What are you doing?”

“I’m getting us some jobs.”

“Yeah, but something’s wrong here. He’s ... he’s offering us way too much.”

“So? I don’t care.”

The man just smiled from behind the counter. “Perhaps I should let you two young ladies talk it over first.”

“There’s nothing to discuss,” Melissa said. “I’m taking it.”

But the old proprietor was already stepping away from the desk.

“What’s gotten into you,” Lindsay hissed when the man was gone.

“It’s 45 an hour.”

“It’s too much.”

“It’s way more than anyone else is getting.”

“Yeah, but that’s what bothers me.”


“I wonder what else he’s going to want.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know what.”

“Well when you figure it out, let me know. I’m taking it. I mean just because the other girls weren’t smart enough to find this job—”

Lindsay looked at her friend in amazement. “What are you talking about,” she said. “We found this place by mistake.”

“Yeah so, and you know what, I’m taking it.”

Lindsay watched as her friend walked away.

“Hey, Mister,” Melissa called out. “Hey, Mister. We’ve talked it over and we’re taking the jobs.”

Lindsay wondered how it had suddenly gone from “I’m taking it” to “we’re taking the jobs.”

The man rubbed his hands together. “Excellent,” he told the two girls. “Excellent.”

And that was how it happened. Lindsay seemed to spend most of her time behind the counter while Melissa kept things straightened up and the old proprietor was hardly ever seen.

Lindsay soon learned that the clientele was both eclectic and consistent. There was Mrs. Dreyer. She was a little, old lady who pushed around a little shopping cart but she always came in every day at half past three and she always went to the same section.

Then there was Marvin Jefferson. He was a lot younger than Letitia Dreyer but he had his patterns, too. He was dressed like a businessman but the way his suits looked almost seemed to scream money. He wasn’t half-bad looking and with as much money as he appeared to have, if he’d ever tried to hit on her, Lindsay wasn’t sure what was bound to happen.

And then there was Morris Granville. He came in with his daughter Kelly and the two of them would go off into a section and pick out a book. It almost seemed as if Morris was reading something to her. Sometimes, Kelly would giggle. Sometimes, it seemed as if she was repeating it back. Sometimes, he would correct her and sometimes he wouldn’t, but they always stayed for thirty minutes. Not a minute more and not a minute less, and they never, ever bought anything.

There were other customers, too. People who’d walk in off the streets. Lindsay had learned to recognize them. She knew almost instinctively if the customer intended to buy and almost every time, she was right.

Not for the first time, Lindsay wished the counter had a place to sit but Mr. Rinaldi, he was the shop’s owner, he said it wasn’t appropriate. He said the person behind the register needed to be seen. Lindsay wasn’t sure what that had to do with anything. It seemed if the chair was high enough, she could be seen just fine whether she was standing up or sitting down but Mr. Rinaldi said no.

Another thing he’d said no to was magazines. After just a couple of days, Lindsay had brought a couple of magazines in to wile away the time, but Mr. Rinaldi seemed to know instinctively when she had them.

“No outside reading material,” he’d said.

“But I brought this for me,” Lindsay had protested.

The man had just shook his head. “If you want to work here,” he’d said, “you’re going to hand it over.”

Hardly a substantial threat, Lindsay had thought. She hadn’t wanted to work here anyway, but then she saw Melissa standing off to the side and shaking her head and she wavered.

“Come on,” the man had said again. “Hand it over.”

Still, Lindsay had resisted.

“Young lady, I’m not going to tell you again.”

Melissa shook her head. Lindsay knew what she wanted. Don’t rock the boat. Don’t make waves.

And still, Lindsay hesitated but only for a moment and then she reached in her purse and she pulled out her magazines and she handed them over to the man.

The man took the magazines. “No more outside product,” he said. “Okay?”

Lindsay had been disappointed in herself. Why had she given in so easily and why was it even harder now for her to break the rules.

Lindsay stood behind the desk and her eyes locked in on the door in front of her. She knew she was the first thing the customers saw when they came in and not for the first time, she wondered if that was by design.

She looked at the clock over the door and Lindsay groaned. Still two more hours to go. Two more hours to go. She hated that clock. That clock taunted her. Two more hours, the clock almost screamed. Hell, even when it was just two more minutes, that clock almost seemed to be laughing at her. You can’t go yet, the clock seemed to say. You still have two more minutes.

Melissa appeared off to her side. “Where have you been,” Lindsay asked irritably.

“In the back,” Melissa said.

“You spend a lot of time in the back,” Lindsay said.

Melissa just shrugged. If she noticed Lindsay’s irritableness, she made no mention of it. “It’s my job. I have to keep things straightened up.”

That was true. In fact, of recent, Melissa had seemed to get even more conscientious about her job. The store, it now seemed, had to look spotless, or at least that seemed to be what Melissa thought.

“You want to see what I do in the back?”

“What? No. I’m just fine up here,” Lindsay said.

“Suit yourself,” Melissa said. “It’s your loss,” and with that, the girl sauntered away.

Lindsay growled to herself. Now why did Melissa have to go and say it like that. She almost made it sound as if there was something worth seeing in the back. Probably just trying to trick me, Lindsay told herself. Trick her into switching places and then she could stand behind the counter and Lindsay would be stuck cleaning up the shop. She wouldn’t put that past her friend.

Only thing was, Lindsay couldn’t help but feel that that wasn’t it at all so she stood where she was and she wondered what it was that was there in the back of the store.

She was still fuming about it when one of the shop’s semi-regular customers approached the counter and Lindsay put on a smile as she greeted the woman. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Daltry,” she said. “Did you find everything you were looking for?”

“Yes, I did,” the woman said, “and if you ask me, I think you should go see what’s in the back.”

“Huh? What’s that?”

The woman looked puzzled. “I said I did find what I was looking for. What’d you think I said?”

Lindsay just shook her head. “I’m sorry. I thought I heard you say something else.”


Lindsay took the woman’s credit card and she completed the purchase, handing the bag and the card back to the woman. “There you go, Mrs. Daltry. We’ll see you again real soon, I hope.”

The woman nodded and walked away.

So what was Melissa doing in the back?

No, Lindsay told herself. No. I’m not going to go there. It’s none of my business. I’m not going to go there.

The door to the shop opened and a girl entered. She couldn’t be much older than her, Lindsay figured. “Can I help you,” Lindsay asked.

“Yeah. I’m looking for a book on witchcraft.”

“I think you’ll find we have quite an extensive collection of those,” Lindsay said. “They’re mostly over there in the shelves against the wall, but you’ll find some over here as well.”

“I know,” the girl said.

“If you knew then—”

“I just wanted to tell you you should go and take a look at what’s in the back,” and then before Lindsay could say anything, the girl turned and walked away.

What the hell was going on here?

Maybe she should go and take a look, Lindsay told herself.

But if she did, who’d watch the register.

Stupid job, Lindsay told herself, and Melissa, too. Here she was and her friend had her all fixated on what was in the back, and ...

Damn it. Why couldn’t she stop thinking about it. Just what was so important about what was in the fucking back.

The girl finally had her book and she was coming to the counter. Lindsay rang her up and handed her back her book. There was no one else in the shop. It really wasn’t closing time, but it was close enough and now, she was curious.

Just what the hell was in the fucking back?!

Lindsay locked the doors and flipped the sign from open to closed. She hoped she wasn’t going to get into trouble for closing early.

Lindsay made her way to the back of the shop. There was nothing back here, she told herself, nothing but ...

But a door. Why hadn’t she noticed that before. She turned the handle and the door opened.

There were a set of steps that led down. The stairway curved back on itself and Lindsay wondered yet again why she hadn’t noticed this before.

She heard it before she saw it. It was the sound of someone moaning. Lindsay wasn’t sure who it was but for a moment, the thought crossed her mind that maybe something might be wrong. Someone might be hurt. Maybe she should call the police or something.

As quickly as that thought had come, it disappeared. She had to find out what was going on first. She’d look pretty stupid if she went and called the police and then it turned out that there was nothing wrong so Lindsay pushed onwards.

And then she came out on the bottom step and there they were, Mr. Rinaldi and her friend, Melissa. This was clearly an office. He was sitting at a desk but his chair was turned away from the desk and his vest was open. She was on her knees with her body between his knees and she had her hand around the base of his cock even as her mouth bobbed up and down on his cock.

They had to know she was there but if they did, neither one of them said anything. It was clear it was the man who’d been doing the groaning and it was clear the only noise Melissa was making was as her mouth slurped its way up and down on that cock.

She should say something, Lindsay thought. She should say something or do something but instead, she just stood there and watched.

“Oh geez,” the shop owner groaned. “Oh geez, that’s good.”

Lindsay thought she’d turn and head back the way she’d come but somehow, she couldn’t make her body do what her mind wanted it to do.

“You can come over here and suck me off, too,” the man groaned.

It was the first indication that Lindsay had that either of the two people realized that she was there and she was repulsed at the idea, and then she found herself taking first one step and then another step forward.

No, she told herself. No, she wasn’t going to do it.

Melissa pulled her mouth up off the man’s cock. She pointed her boss’s cock in Lindsay’s direction. “You can have some of this,” she said. “I don’t mind. I’m willing to share.”

In spite of herself, Lindsay took another step and then another. “What are you doing,” she said.

“I’m sucking his cock,” Melissa said.

“I can see that ... but why!”

Melissa seemed to think it over almost as if it were a question that had never occurred to her. “I don’t know,” she said finally. “I just am. Here. You can do it, too.”



“What are you doing?!”

“What? You didn’t think I was spending all my time cleaning up the store did you? Come on. It wasn’t THAT dirty.”

“But ... but what about your boyfriend?”

“What about him?”

“Y-y-you’re sucking Mr. Rinaldi’s cock.”

“Oh I’ve been doing more than that. You want to see?”

“No,” said Lindsay hurriedly.

“Oh,” Melissa pouted. “But I wanted to show you.”

“I ... I can’t,” and with that, Lindsay turned and fled.

Lindsay was back behind the counter thirty minutes later when her friend finally joined her. “It took you long enough,” Melissa said.

“Long enough for what?”

“It took you long enough to join us.”

“What do you mean? I didn’t join you.”

“Oh that. Don’t worry. You’ll be back. I know you will. You can’t help yourself now. I know. You’ll be back. Do you want to know what I just did?”


“I just got fucked. I’ve got his cum inside my pussy right now.”

“Geez, Mel. He’s got to be like eighty years old or something.”

“He is not, and even if he were, you know what? He’d still be totally hot.”

“God, I can’t believe it. You are such a fucking slut.”

“I am not.”

“You are to.”

“I am not.”

Lindsay just shook her head.

“I am not but even if I am, you’ll be one soon enough. You’ll see. You just won’t be able to help yourself.”

Lindsay shook her head. “Not me.”

Mel just grinned. “We’ll see.”

The next day, Lindsay was back behind the counter when Melissa breezed on past her. “I think I’m going to go check up on things in the back,” she said.

Lindsay just shook her head as her friend went by. Slut, she thought.

Lindsay stood behind the counter and she watched the clock. The minutes ticked by and still Lindsay saw nothing of her friend. Before, she might have thought nothing of it, but now that she knew what the girl was doing down there ...

How long did it take, Lindsay wondered. How long did it take to suck off some old guy’s cock, and that’s when another thought occurred to her. Oh my God. She couldn’t be doing that. That was just plain ... plain gross.

But now that the thought was in her mind ...

Lindsay looked at the clock.

Mr. Rinaldi was positively ancient but was her friend bouncing up and down on his cock and why couldn’t she get that thought out of her mind.

Maybe the old man had her friend bent over his desk right now. Maybe he had her jeans down around her ankles. Maybe he was shoving his cock between her legs.

Lindsay stifled a moan. She wasn’t sure why but she could feel her pussy getting wet, but it couldn’t be because of that. Could it?

What the hell was that girl doing down there?

Lindsay looked at the clock. Over 30 minutes had passed and there was still no sign of her friend.

And there were no customers either.

Damn it. What the hell was that girl doing?

Lindsay looked at the clock. It was almost 45 minutes now. What the hell was the girl doing down there?

Lindsay looked at the door. No one was here. Who’d know, she thought. She stepped out from behind the counter. She peered out the door and then her fingers flipped over the lock.

She was only going to go back and check. That’s what Lindsay told herself. She was only going to go back and check.

She slipped in through the back door and she worked her way down the staircase.

She was just going down to check things out.

Slowly, she peeked around the corner. She saw the man. He was sitting at his desk and he had his back to her. He seemed to be working on something on his computer but she saw no sign of her friend.

She couldn’t have left, Lindsay thought, because if she had, Lindsay was sure she would have seen her.

The man still hadn’t seen her. Lindsay was sure of that so the girl continued to watch.

“You can come out now,” the man said.

He couldn’t know she was there, Lindsay tried to convince herself. He hadn’t even looked in her direction so how could he have known.

“I haven’t got all day,” the man said. “I know you want to suck my cock.”

Now, Lindsay was sure he wasn’t talking to her because she knew she didn’t want to suck his old, ancient cock. Well, okay, maybe she was a little bit curious. After all, Melissa had seemed perfectly happy to suck his cock and the girl wasn’t the type of girl who’d just let anyone order her around, so there must have been something good in it but that didn’t mean Lindsay wanted to suck his cock.

The man turned his chair so he was facing the stairway. “Come on,” he said. “I haven’t got all day.”

Lindsay stepped away from her hiding place.

“It’s about time you came down here,” the man said. “Your friend’s nice but what I really wanted was you.”

“Where is she,” Lindsay asked. “Where is Melissa?”

The man smiled. “She’s right here. Why don’t you come see.”

Lindsay took a step forward and then she took another. “Where is she?”

The man pointed at a far wall. “There she is,” he said.

The man was right. Melissa was there but she wasn’t the only one. There were all kinds of girls there, all young and all naked, and each one of them frozen in some kind of sexual position. Melissa was on her hands and knees, her legs spread slightly so that you could see both her pussy and her ass and her head seemed to be in the motion of an endless moan, as if she’d been getting her pussy fucked at just the moment that her body had been frozen.

It was a display case, Lindsay realized. She wasn’t sure how she knew. She just knew. There were two rows of girls each of them perfectly well lit and each of them on display and the most noticeable thing was that there was only one place still empty in the display case.

“I know what you want,” the man said.

Lindsay pulled her eyes away from the display case. She should be mad or upset or something, shouldn’t she? She should be ... she should feel something other than just plain horny, shouldn’t she?

“I know what you want,” the man said again.

He had his cock out and there was no doubt what the man wanted. Almost without realizing she was doing it, Lindsay felt herself dropping down to her knees and sliding in between the man’s legs.

“You know what you want,” the man said.

Lindsay edged forward and she wrapped a hand around the man’s cock.

“That’s it,” the man said. “Suck on it. Suck on that cock.”

Lindsay’s mouth slipped down around the man’s cock and she pushed her mouth even deeper. She had no idea why she was doing what she was doing but she knew she wanted to do it.

“Yeah, you like that, don’t you?”

Lindsay moaned to herself. She did like it. She liked the feel of that cock in her mouth. She liked the way it filled her up.

“Oh yeah,” the man groaned. “Oh yeah. I just knew you’d be good at this.”

Lindsay moaned again. She wanted to be good at this. She wanted to suck that cock. She wanted to make the man moan.

“I’ll bet you’d like to show me your pussy, wouldn’t you?”

Lindsay moaned. The man was right. It seemed as if she hadn’t realized it until that very moment but she knew that wasn’t the case. She knew she’d always wanted to please that cock and she knew she always would and if that meant showing off her pussy, she knew she wanted to do that, too.

Her hands picked at her clothes even as her mouth continued to work that cock. Why had she worn this many clothes, she chastised herself. She was way overdressed. It was so much better when she was wearing nothing at all.

“Why don’t you show me how wet your pussy is.”

That was exactly what she wanted. She stood up and stripped herself of her jeans and then she was down to her panties. Moments later, the panties were gone, too.

“Bend over,” the man told her. “Bend over and show me how wet your pussy is.”

Lindsay bent over the man’s desk. Vaguely, she recalled she’d been thinking about this earlier but it had been Melissa then, right? She spread her legs even as she let a hand slide between her legs. Her fingers played with her pussy. She hoped the man could see just how wet she was.

She let a finger push its way up inside her and she moaned. That felt good, she told herself. Not as good as that cock would, but good enough for the moment, but what she really needed was the man’s cock.

She couldn’t help herself. She gasped as she felt the man’s hand on her ass. Oh geez. That felt so good and so hot. It was almost as if he could make her cum just from touching her and she wanted him to touch her. She wanted it bad.

She was still stroking her pussy when she felt the cock being pushed up behind her. Her fingers grabbed at that cock and then she let it go, trusting that that cock didn’t need her fingers to guide it, trusting that that cock would soon find its way between her legs.

She came almost as soon as that cock entered her and she seemed to keep on cumming. There was something about that cock, something she’d never felt before. Instinctively, she knew she’d always be cumming for as long as that cock was inside her.

“You like this, don’t you?”

“Oh yeah,” the girl moaned. “Oh yeah, I love it.”

“I want to cum on your face.”

Of course, Lindsay thought. Of course. Nothing could be better than that. Nothing could be better than showing that cock just how much she loved having that cock inside her and letting that cock cum on her face was the perfect way to show it.

She knelt in front of that cock, one hand playing with her tits even as the other played with her pussy. She looked up at the man. “Cum on me,” she pleaded. “Cum on me.”

The man seemed on the verge of doing exactly that.

Lindsay’s dark eyes flashed as she looked up at him. She hoped that he could tell how much she wanted him. No, not just wanted, she corrected herself. She hoped he could see how much she needed him.

The man groaned and then he groaned again as the first ribbon of jizz lined Lindsay’s face.

More, the girl pleaded to herself. More, more. Give me more.

Lindsay hardly noticed the feel in her body, how her body was getting stiffer and harder to move but then she didn’t want to move. She wanted to stay where she was and offer her face up for the man’s cum.

Her eyes no longer blinked. They looked up sightlessly as her body froze into her face-creamed position.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Lindsay knew that she was being moved. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Lindsay knew she was being added to the display case. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Lindsay knew that she was nothing more than a decoration on the man’s wall and she could live with that just so long as he took her out every once in a while and gave her a good, hard fucking.

That was all she’d ever need.