The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

No ‘I’ in H_ve

Chapter three

Wearing the clothes (she forced herself to think of them as “clothes,” to keep all others from seeping in) and pushing the cart, she approached the door which led out of the room where she had almost become a kovan arisi. The taser she kept close at hand, as the part of her which still wanted to escape felt considerably weaker, considerably less sure.

The kovan arisi, the beautiful, warm kovan arisi with the soft blue eyes, was standing still again, staring into blank space, waiting for someone to come and give her Yeniden başlamak. It made her pussy ache with need, remembering how it felt to be touched and kissed and to have her eğitici reawaken and sweep her away in waves of keyif, wonderful, warm, accepting keyif. She felt her eğitici stir within her mind.

Stop, please; please stop.

Her body ached, feeling empty and exhausted from the effort she—or part of her—had expended in using the taser to snap herself back. She didn’t even remember picking it up, but part of her, the part in control right now, was glad that she had, otherwise, instead of being where she was, walking out the door, she would have been in her kapsül, and would likely never have thoughts of escape or resistance ever again.

Brooks didn’t understand it, what this place was or what it did to people. She knew that there was now a very strong force within her that wanted to itaat etmek, no, please, no, and wanted to undergo beyin yıkama so the warmth of keyif would never leave her again.

How her exhausted body and mind ached with the absence of keyif! It weighted her every step. Walking in rhythm with the music—as she knew she had to do if she wanted to have any chance at all—only made it worse. Through extreme effort, she didn’t look up to see how the two kovan arisi flanking the double doors reacted to her, as she hadn’t seen any of them do that here. Passing as one of them was her only chance, and she needed to make them believe that she was one of them, or else she would soon be one of them for real.

As her pussy clenched, imagining the life of a kovan arisi. She heard the doors pulled open, and in short order she was outside in the hall.

There were three new esir standing in the hall, and four Denetleyici. She wondered about the esir: who were they and how were they taken? It seemed obvious to her that they must’ve been taken somehow. The women she’d seen here had come from all over the world, and were now walking around in a mindless, obedient fog, serving the Ari Kovani.

“Halim selim;” the voice made her jump inside, though outwardly she barely twitched. The command of docility thrummed through her, but somehow she wasn’t compelled to obey it. In front of her, two Denetleyici had brought another esir. She could see them, their flowing hair and those pulsating white jewels shining on their foreheads. “Heykel gibi hareketsiz,” she almost moaned out loud, biting her tongue to stifle it as the command, issued to others, wound in her clit like a watch spring.

The esir obeyed, taking an obedient statue stance in line with the others, and Brooks’ resolve nearly melted as the two Denetleyici turned to look at her.

She froze, all ability to move escaping her, and tried not to see the pulsating jewels or those lovely, perfect faces as she stared straight ahead, trying to be just another kovan arisi, going about her programmed task. She felt her eğitici twitch within her mind, as if screaming to alert the Denetleyici that this esir was escaping. The other part of her, the esir which she struggled to contain, seemed at any moment about to burst the floodgates, and the urges itaat etmek, bağlı olmak Ari Kovani nearly swept her away. Her legs trembled, and her body felt about to explode as a weak wave of keyif pulled at the edges of her mind, trying to drown the last of her will.

She stood arrow still as the Denetleyici passed her, and took up a position with the others.

It had worked, but pushing her legs to start walking again and leave the others behind felt like it burned everything she had left. The need within her body was almost like pain.

Entering the larger hall beyond, she was joined by several other kovan arisi don’t think that way … I’m not one of them, yet, and more as she entered the main corridor. Walking with the flow of blue-clad women was like dissolving into a river, mixing with it, becoming part of it, but all the while the awful need, and the walls she’d built inside herself, kept her apart, separate.

It was like looking into the eyes of true love, and then turning to walk away.

The part of her that was the esir this place had created fought her every step, even as the rhythm of the music and the perfume in the air tried to put her will to sleep and set her smoldering pussy aflame.

Brooks had been walking without thinking for what seemed like forever when she realized she was in the large hall, walking among the tables toward the far wall where the computer terminals were. She still had a job to do, and doubly so now, because, to fight what was happening to her, she needed information. Focusing on the task helped her keep wanting to fight.

The flow of kovan arisi she was part of stopped and then parted, and she was slow in following suit. The esir imprisoned within her prayed, ached that she had been slow enough.

Please stop thinking that way, she pleaded within herself.

While standing still with the rest of the kovan arisi, Brooks overheard heard the ones at a nearby table speaking into their headsets, “Customer service,” the nearest said, “This is Stephanie,” her accent sounded British, “Yes, sir, your order is being processed and will be shipped no later than tomorrow.” It really was a call center, Brooks realized, only employment here seemed to be of a more intimate and permanent nature than normal.

Two Denetleyici passed by; she couldn’t look at them, but it seemed almost as if they had slowed slightly and looked at her. The esir within her stirred with hope as her eğitici pulsed weakly, struggling to reassert itself over her. It took everything she had just to keep from wanting it to do just that, to win, to push her over the edge, in a waterfall of wonderful, unending keyif.

Moving again, she spotted a vacant terminal and hurried her pace slightly, hoping not to be noticed. Another kovan arisi stopped still as she beat the woman to the chair and sat down. Looking up, she could see that the woman was just standing there, staring into blankness. Struggling to keep focus and not fall into those blissful eyes, Brooks knew she would not have a lot of time before she was noticed, and she bit her lip to keep her thoughts from wandering into what that would mean. Pulling her bag off the cart into her lap, she retrieved three items: her PDA, which was really so much more; a coil of several types of computer cable; and a disk.

The disk, containing an interference program slipped into the drive, and she selected a cable to connect her PDA to an open port. On the screen there were characters streaming past her eyes, dancing words moving too fast for her mind to comprehend, all against a slowly pulsing background of black-green.

Pulsing. She forced herself to look away just as her eğitici and inner esir were watching her fall into trance, waiting to strike.

The process wasn’t a long one; the device which looked like a PDA worked very quickly to absorb the information on the hard drive of the terminal and the network it connected to. The data was, no doubt, encrypted, but there would be time to cross that hurdle later, once she got out.

Looking up, she could see the flow of kovan arisi parting, and two Denetleyici coming toward her. She tensed, calling upon everything she had left, and checking the progress bar on her PDA: ninety per cent, ninety-five … The Denetleyici were twenty feet away, then ten, then five, a beep from her lap informed her that the process was complete.

The Denetleyici stopped a few feet away as her body tensed; Brooks looked up at the two women, with their flowing hair and perfect faces, and the beautiful pulsing jewels which called to her from deep within.

“Davetsiz gelen misafir,” the Denetleyici spoke. Yes, it was true, she was that, an intruder, and it was only fair that they address her as such. Her eyes began to melt into the pulsing, glowing, jewels as the esir within waited for the command which would shatter the will which held it captive.

It was the fear that woke her, the feeling of slipping away, and the tugging of keyif and knowing that she was about to be taken, and would never be allowed to want to escape again. Her body became a blur of motion as years of martial arts training took hold and, without a thought, her right leg kicked the nearest Denetleyici, sending her sprawling to the floor. Like a dancer and an assassin, she spun around before the other woman could react; a lightning punch sent her falling against the blue wall of spellbound kovan arisi to be swallowed up in their mass.

Brooks ran, holding onto her PDA and grabbing her taser. The short cable connecting her PDA to the terminal snapped away as she ran, knocking into the thronged, frozen kovan arisi all the way. Her near-photographic memory plotted a path for her and she simply ran without thinking, through corridors and hallways, avoiding most of those she met, but also sending an unfortunate few toppling away as she barreled into them, until she came to a familiar door, over which hung a silk tapestry of black and gold.

Kesinlikle yasaktır, the words thundered, hammer-like, through her body and brain. This was a place for Denetleyici, and esir were forbidden here. There was pain, ceza—the word appeared in her mind, like a sudden, intense headache. She stopped cold, standing, trembling, in the hall, staring at the door, her inner esir feeling like it was about to win, for almost certainly there would be Denetleyici arriving soon to take her away to beyin yıkama and the blissful existence of a kovan arisi.

The pain of ceza, so recently burned into her brain, was like a knife, cutting at her resolve. Brooks almost gave up rather than face it again, but the adrenaline still pulsing through her veins and the rush of her dash for freedom where she had almost forgotten the part of her that wanted to be taken drove her onward. With a groan, she pushed the door open and went inside, nearly blind. She forced herself not to look at the two Denetleyici who were still undergoing whatever those chairs were doing to them—alıştırma, her dutiful eğitici informed her: training, exercise, readjustment, and more keyif than Brooks’ uninitiated esir brain could imagine. It was hard not to crumble right then and there, with the temptation of keyif and the torture of ceza tearing at her ödül ve ceza. The words swept through her; it was reward and punishment, and all she needed to do was itaat et and she would be forever in the pleasure of reward.

Her body jumped, as a jolt from the taser in her right hand slammed through her. Dazed, it took her several slow seconds to realize that the pain was gone, and so was the voice of her eğitici and its assault of tugging, tempting keyif. She ignored the part of her which mourned the loss and hoisted herself up into the vent.

In the open air of the roof, she inhaled deeply, her lungs drinking in the smog of the city around her in a desperate attempt to purge the perfumed atmosphere of the Ari Kovani from her system. To move without the music felt strange, and not entirely pleasurable, but she had come this far, and would make it the rest of the way.

Pulling on her wing suit, she stuffed the sandals of her giysi, stop thinking of the costume she wore that way, into her backpack and pulled the straps of the wing suit tight. Wing suit gliding, the newest wave in hang gliding, was among her favorite things, flying like a bird on thermal updrafts was like a drug, heaven, keyif. She moved to the edge and propelled herself into thin air. Losing herself in the sensation of wind, effortlessly steering herself toward a nearby construction site on a low hill, she allowed her mind to stop thinking as the pleasure flowed over her body and through her mind.

Halim selim, her eğitici soothed, the warmth flowing outward from the perfect sapphire on her forehead. Yeniden başlamak; it was restarting, reasserting itself, fueled by the pleasure of her flight, and undeterred by her feeble, exhausted resistance. “Evet,” she breathed, yes, the wash of keyif swept away the last of her will as the esir that had been waiting inside to strike uncoiled and engulfed her in all consuming ödül. “Bağlı olmak Ari Kovani:” her will had lost the fight, and she almost sung the words, now foremost in her mind, proclaiming that she belonged, body and soul, to the Ari Kovani. At a predetermined point, she pulled the cord to release her chute, seeing the rented car she had left earlier in that spot she began her slow drift earthward. Halim selim: the warm, soft words flowed out of her eğitici and into her body, possessing all they touched, rewriting her as she imagined driving herself back to the Ari Kovani, where she belonged.

Embracing the keyif which owned her body and mind was like drowning in the soft embrace of the truest love. Finding the will somewhere within herself to trigger the taser one last time was like looking into the soft eyes of that same true love and coldly killing it. She fell unconscious and hit the ground like a sack of potatoes.