The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Nighttime Visitor

AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2021.

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It was the rustling noise downstairs that woke Doreen. It sounded like someone had knocked something over down there.

At first Doreen told herself that it must be something she’d dreamed. She rolled over in bed, content with that idea. The rustling was only a dream, and she could go back to sleep.

But then there was an even louder clattering noise, as if the person who’d knocked into something had just tried to pick it back up again.

Doreen’s next half-asleep thought was that it must be her roommate… they’d knocked into something, and now they were picking it up…

Doreen sat up bolt-straight in bed.

She didn’t have a roommate.

She’d used to have roommates a few years ago. Not very considerate ones, either. In some ways she still had battle scars from that time. And sometimes, like when she was half-asleep, it was easy to forget that those roommates were in the past now. She lived alone in her own house.

But she wasn’t half-asleep anymore. She lived alone, so if there was someone downstairs, it was an intruder.

She considered calling the police. But what if the intruder was already on their way upstairs?

No, it was a smarter idea to sneak down and see if she could get a better idea of what they were up to— and maybe even see if they were armed.

If they weren’t, she could try to ambush them herself.

She unplugged her short lamp from the wall behind her end table, and took the lamp cover off. It was as good a weapon as any— especially if she could get the lightbulb to break on the intruder’s head.

Luckily, she slept with her door open at night, so she was able to make it out of the room, lamp in hand, without the sound of a door opening giving her away. And she was comfortable enough in her own house that she could navigate down the hallway even in the dark. Down the hallway, and down the stairs which were luckily still new enough that they didn’t creak.

There were many times that Doreen was grateful she’d bought a new house right after the build was complete. This was just one more of them.

She made it down the stairs, and pressed herself against the dividing wall to the living room.

She peaked around the corner.

Someone was in there. And they’d turned the standing lamp on. However, they had also knocked some of her knick-knacks off the table, causing the noise that had woken her earlier.

Doreen tightened her grip on her lamp.

The figure turned, and Doreen could see that it was a woman. She looked closer— there was no obvious gun on her belt, or suspicious bulge in the vicinity of her pockets. That didn’t mean she wasn’t hiding other weapons elsewhere. But Doreen felt temporarily more confident in her plan. She raised the arm that held the lamp a little higher, in preparation.

If the woman just came a little closer, she’d have a clear shot to bring the lamp down on her head.

The figure in question, having replaced the knick knacks on the coffee table, turned back towards the far wall. She was clearly not interested in the knick knacks, and more interested in what Doreen had on her mantle.

Doreen couldn’t blame her. She had some gold trinkets up there— and they were made of real gold.

Now was her chance, with the thief’s back turned toward her. She could sneak out, cross those last few steps, and strike her over the head. There were no creaky spot in her beautiful hardwood living room floor, either, so as long as the thief kept her attention on the mantle…

Doreen crept silently across the room, her tread light on the floor. Even she couldn’t hear her own steps.

She brandished the lamp with both hands. She had a solid enough grip that she would be able to bring it down hard. Probably hard enough that she’d be able to get the bulb to smash.

Just an inch away— she raised her arms a half an inch higher—

“It’s adorable that you think you can sneak up on me,” the thief said, without turning back around to face her.

It was so unexpected that Doreen was the one who jumped from nerves. And the reflex took hold of her so violently that she dropped the lamp.

This was the moment the thief chose to turn around and look at her. “Oh, you are cute,” she said, again. “The idea of a wispy little thing like you ambushing me. And you’re even cuter in your little sleep outfit.”

Doreen looked down at herself. It tended to run a bit hot in her house, so she usually slept in little night shorts, and a night top that bared her midriff. To top it all off, the top and shorts were pink.

She had to admit it wasn’t the most intimidating outfit.

The thief was holding the little gold sewing box. Doreen had never used it to keep needles or thread— she wasn’t a seamstress. But she’d chosen it because it was so nicely sized, and satisfying to look at.

“That’s mine,” Doreen said, indicating it with a gesture of her hand.

The thief’s face was not visible— it was obscured behind a black face covering. But her tone was still clearly amused. Apparently, Doreen was a joke to her. “Are you going to fight me for it?” There was an undercurrent of a challenge in it.

“Maybe,” Doreen threw back. “If you hadn’t startled me, I would have brained you with that lamp.”

“Are you really sure you can take me, if you can’t catch me unaware? I mean, if you charge me now, I’m ready for you.”

“Not quite,” Doreen countered, pouncing before she had time to think— hoping that this at least would surprise the thief for a few seconds. Hoping that she had been just a few seconds ahead of her intruder’s expectations.

It seemed she had been, because she managed to knock the other woman down. She thought for a second that she had the upper hand— and had visions of tying the woman’s hands and keeping her pinned while waiting for the police to come.

The sewing box was discarded, and roughly— the gold finish would likely be scratched from that impact. But Doreen couldn’t keep the woman down. Though she had been caught briefly off-guard, she recovered quickly, and fought back with a ferocity Doreen wasn’t prepared for.

In the matter of a few seconds, their positions had been switched. The thief had flipped them, and gotten Doreen pinned against the floor.

“You are a feisty one,” she said. She still sounded amused! Doreen wanted to hit her.

She struggled to try and free her hands from the thief’s grip, but made no headway. “If you try to kidnap me— or kill me, or something, I’ll scream so loud that I’ll wake the whole neighborhood!”

Doreen’s chest was heaving from her accelerated breaths. The thief had been breathing heavily before, but now seemed to have regained her composure.

“I won’t harm you,” she said. Then there was a thoughtful silence. “Do you know, I think I won’t even rob you. I came looking for pricey little trinkets to steal, but I think I’ve found something more valuable here.”

Doreen’s brow furrowed. What the hell was this crazy thief talking about? “What do you mean, you’ve found something more valuable here?”

The thief kept her grip on Doreen’s hands, but otherwise her stance partially relaxed. “I mean, I see an opportunity here for something more than some easy money. I’ll show you. I think you’ll appreciate this too.”

Doreen still wasn’t following, but the woman was still speaking. “The fight response is all very primal. Animalistic. But do you know what the fight response is? It’s a state of arousal. And maybe you didn’t know this, but one state of arousal tips very easily into another.”

One state of arousal…?

Doreen’s understanding caught up to the conversation, and she felt her cheeks burn. “You’re going to…”

“It only takes a little push,” the woman said. “And don’t worry. I don’t even have to touch you. Just have to help you see this from within a different frame. All that adrenaline running through you is so ripe for me to exploit… I think even the sound of my voice may be able to do it.”

Doreen was worried that the thief was right. She was definitely using a low, coaxing bedroom voice. And Doreen’s heart was pounding in her ears, and she could feel the adrenaline running through her veins. She was in an aroused state. But with the combination of the woman’s tone of voice… and her weight spread over Doreen’s body, her hands around Doreen’s wrists…

There was a whisper of something more. Just a slight edge to it that was… other.

“Are you starting to feel it shift?” The woman asked. “All the functions in your body are speeding along— it’s burning so much energy, to help you prepare to fight for your life. You may as well be an animal preparing to fight to the death. Everything is running at a hundred and ten capacity— all your senses are on high alert, all of your nerves are over-sensitized. Your system is watching out for the first sign of attack.”

The woman shifted her grip of Doreen’s wrists, so that she was holding them both with one hand. She lifted the other hand to Doreen’s face, and gave her cheek a light stroke.

The sensation was incredible. No touch had ever felt so intense— the thief’s touch burned.

The edge lining Doreen’s adrenaline got a little thicker.

“That feels good, doesn’t it? Your body is so sensitized from arming itself for battle that any little touch is going to be amplified a hundred times its usual.”

It made sense. Doreen could feel how hyper alert her body was; she could hear her heart pounding in her ears. To combine that hyper awareness with such a gentle touch… well, it only made sense that that when that touch was received, its impact would be amplified.

The thief ran her hand more slowly down the side of Doreen’s face. “It feels good,” she repeated. “Your body was expecting a strike, but instead you got a stroke. You just want to keep feeling that— it’s calming when you’re so keyed up by nerves, isn’t it?”

It was, and Doreen hated it. The thief was now basically petting at the side of her face in the same, repetitive calming motion. Like she was a spooked animal.

Her captor was getting her fingers into Doreen’s hair, too. As she sent her hand down softly along Doreen’s face, she trailed them gently through her hair.

“I can speak right to your body, like this,” the thief said. “And completely bypass your mind. My touch is soothing all of that built up stress. Just enjoy it— you just want to keep enjoying it.”

In her mind, Doreen wanted to fight her way out of her pinned position. But the thief’s repeated stroking was having such a pronounced effect that she couldn’t deny it. Her heart rate was slowing— her energy levels had crashed from the point of adrenaline down to a place of relaxation. She felt very passive and accepting of her situation, at least physically, in spite of the fact that her mind was railing against it.

“You feel so good, you want to do anything I say,” the thief added. And again, though Doreen argued inside her head, she could feel the thief’s words sinking in. Some part of her was accepting them, and Doreen couldn’t do anything about that.

“So when I tell you that I’m going to come back to visit you tomorrow night, and the night after that— and the night after that, you want that too. When I do, you won’t be shocked to see me. You’ll be glad. And when I get up to leave right now, you’ll let me go without trying to attack me, or turn me in.”

Doreen’s mind was getting hazier as the petting continued. It was making all her thoughts blur together— especially her thoughts of objection. The thief’s words found no resistance in her mind; only sank in deep.

At last, Doreen’s wrists were released, and her intruder rose to her feet. “I’ll see you tomorrow night. I think I’ll have a lot of fun with you.”

She disappeared down the hall, and out of sight.

Doreen, for her part, stayed lying on the floor for awhile staring up. That feeling of calm passivity had yet to leave her.

Eventually, she did get up, to go back up the stairs to her bedroom. As she lay down in bed to fall back asleep, she drifted off with only one passing thought to keep her company.

How nice it would be to see the thief again.

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