The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Tale Of The Neo Mistress’ Necklace

Chapter 1

She pulled up her car outside the High School. It was a red convertible with rubies put into the body here and there giving the effect of the car being a single jewel. The way it glimmered and reflected in the afternoon summer sun was beautiful and entrancing, which was the point. She herself was slim with long dark hair in an elegant scarlet dress with flattered her curves and showed plenty of leg and bosom. Around her neck was an expensive looking necklace filled with the same rubies that gave her car its air of mysticism. Her name was Alison.

She checked the clock on the dashboard. Three minutes to five, he would be out soon. She put on a pair of sunglasses and reclined in her seat. Soon she heard footsteps coming out of the front entrance. That was the boy. His name was Frederick, but his friends called him Fred. He was about 17 with shaggy brown hair, tall but scrawny. He had just finished his after-school club which was why the place was practically deserted. As he got closer he noticed the car much like a fly notices a light bulb. He moved in a parallel fashion. He had no intention of engaging the… wow. The quite frankly gorgeous woman in the car, he just wanted to get a closer look at the intriguing design of the car. She felt otherwise.

“Hey you!” She called him over once it became obvious he was ensnared. “Come here.” He did so, not just to be polite which he thought, but because in the back of his mind he knew he must obey her which she knew. “You want a ride?” It was obviously a query, but there was a tone of imperativeness to it. He was a little taken aback, but then agreed and got in the car. She drove off and started asking the usual questions one asks a teenager: What lessons are you taking? Got any plans after exams? Applied for any unis? Etcetera.

He was a little nervous as he soon realised that he had just gotten into a stranger’s car, so he tried to prevent eye contact and answered shortly. Then he heard “You’re quite a handsome young lad, aren’t you?” This took him aback as she herself was the essence of beauty. With the light reflecting off of her jewellery and car she had a red aura around her. The moment he saw her his mind began creating various scenarios, the way a normal teenage boy’s mind does, yet they seemed impossible as she was a grown woman and he was a lanky 17 year old. But from this statement sprung hope. His face must have shown his embarrassment at hearing the question as she laughed. “Don’t worry about it. You should feel flattered. I’m sure you’re quite the lady’s man.”

“Well, not really.” He admitted.

“Oh?” She seemed surprised, though from her intricate research she made of this boy, she knew it already. She also knew all of his family troubles and confidence issues, though still showed that she was genuinely concerned for him. His mum and dad had split up about three years ago and that had struck his confidence and belief in relationships quite a blow. As such he really had only had one girlfriend in his life and that was because she was ‘emotionally unstable’ at the time and ‘didn’t know what she wanted’. Once he had finished, she oh-ed and aw-ed and went on to try and cheer him up. She went on about how handsome he really was and the usual things that adults say to teens without getting arrested. He was in a bit of a low place so he enjoyed the boost and soon his eye was caught by her jewellery, the main ruby lying suspiciously close to her breasts.

The sun was starting to set and the warm shafts began hitting them head on. This made the necklace and her whole body begin to almost glow. It was like magic, so beautiful, so glorious, so consuming. He became obsessed with her, unable to look away or hear anything other than his own heart beating and her beautiful, caring, consuming voice in the background. As he continued to be drawn in to her spell, he felt all his worries falling away, all his thoughts disappearing, all his needs and desires diminishing giving way to her. She was who he wanted. She was who he needed. She was all he would ever need. She was his queen.


Suddenly, he snapped out of it. The car had stopped and they were outside his house. His mind was so foggy that he had barely noticed her calling him. He became flustered and tried to get out of the car without showing his enormous boner. He closed the door when she said “Oh, by the way. Could you take this please?” She handed an envelope to him. On the front was written ‘For when you’re alone.’ He took it with a smile, imagining what was inside, shoved it in his pocket and bid her farewell, without realising that he never told her where he lived.

Chapter 2

It was several hours later and he was in his room. His mum had gone to bed and his sister was at a friend’s so he was alone. It was a good time to open the envelope. He snatched it out of his coat pocket and inquisitively opened it. Inside was a photo of her (which he secretly hoped) although she was clothed, and a smaller envelope. He eagerly opened that to find a small sphere, about half the size of a marble, but made of ruby, and a note. It read: “Eat it.” He was suspicious but then his gaze fell upon the photo. She was wearing exactly what she was wearing earlier and she had the same red aura about her. He remembered how nice she was and reasoned that she would never do anything that would harm him. So he thought ‘What the hell’ and swallowed the ruby.

Immediately he was overcome with an infinitely powerful orgasm. It was the most intense feeling of pleasure and lust, combined with purpose. He also felt a peculiar sensation under his skin. His clothes were becoming tighter and tighter, to the point where they began suffocating him. He had to take them off immediately. As he removed his shirt, he glanced in the mirror. He was become more muscular! Not freakishly so, just enough to compliment his height. His chest had expanded, his shoulders broadened, and his abs became more defined. Not only that, but his jaw had become more defined. He also saw that his irises had turned ruby red. He also felt his erection grow to an almost inhuman length. But then he thought to himself that that was as it should be. He must be perfect for his Queen. Because now he knew his purpose. It was to serve her and be her slave; it was his dream and his duty. He removed the rest of his clothing, as not only were they uncomfortable, but it simply felt unpleasant and unnatural for him to cover his body. He strode out of his room and left his house, never to return, towards his Queen’s house. He knew exactly where it was. He knew everything about her now because that was the effect of the ruby.

He knew that the ruby he ingested came off of her necklace originally and was stored on her car with the rest until she needed them. He also knew when she got her necklace. It had appeared on her bed one evening before her husband arrived home from work. She tried it on and felt instantly more powerful and beautiful. When her husband arrived and saw her, he became instantly in her power, willing to do anything she wanted. She enjoyed this power for a few weeks until she realised that she deserved better so she took all his money and belongings and divorced him. This rejection was too great for him and he took his own life, but she didn’t care. He was beneath her. She gradually built up a menagerie of slaves, all of whom loved her with all their being and all of whom were eventually dismissed by her. He knew that it would eventually happen to him too, but he didn’t care. He had been made perfect by her and soon would spend the rest of his life with her.

He also knew why she chose him. She had seen him in passing while walking in town with another slave. She saw his loneliness and knew that she could do something about it. She saw that he had potential to be her slave and so she found out all about him and tracked him down. This was her gift to him. An escape from his sad life to a perfect existence with her. And he was eternally grateful.

He chanted as he marched to her residence in a direct line, completely naked and proud. “I am my Queen’s slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. I am my Queen’s slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. I am my Queen’s slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. I am my Queen’s slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I...”

Chapter 3

The kettle had just boiled when she looked up at the kitchen clock. 11 o clock. Then she heard a knock on the front door. She smiled to herself. ‘Just on time’ she thought.

She went to the door in her glorious nude form and opened the door. There he was. Her first victim.

“…worship her.” His voice trailed off as his eyes widened in awe. There was his queen. He fell to his knees and served her. He ate her glorious pussy in the fashion to which he had been programmed. He licked until she came. It didn’t matter that they were on her doorstep. All of the neighbours had been conditioned not to care. Then they went inside and he began his life of servitude.

She sat him down in the living room whilst she went into the kitchen, returning to her kettle. This gave him a chance to drink in his new surroundings. The room was lavishly decorated. There was a throne-like armchair, which belonged to his queen, with a matching sofa either side. These formed a U-shape which was closed by the large and luxurious bed which dominated one side of the room. The whole room was, of course, decorated with her signature rubies, which was to give her slaves the constant hazy feeling she gave them, even when she wasn’t there. It was working.

She soon returned with two cups of tea. She gave one to Fred who received it gratefully. He was kneeling whilst she sat, reclining in her throne.

“Congratulations.” She said, “You have completed the first part of your initiation into my cabal. In the coming weeks and months, it will be your sole desire to complete this initiation, as you know the wonder of full servitude awaits you. Do you understand?”

He nodded and replied: “Yes, my Queen. Your every whim is my desire.”

“Good. Now, perhaps I should explain my plan to you, as you are to be the keystone of it. You are to become my AlphaSlave. You will have dominance over all other slaves in my cabal. You are to be my second in command.”

“Yes, my Queen. Your ever whim is my desire.”

“Tonight, you will serve me, as designed you to serve me. This will be your training. You will then return home for the weekend with no recollection of these events.” She pauses to take a drink of her tea. Fred did the same.

She continued to explain her plan over tea, which Fred committed to memory, and when she was done, she commanded her new slave, relinquishing him of his name for the night, and commanded him to go with her onto the bed.

Slave obeyed…

Chapter 4

The following Monday, Fred arrived at school, nonethewiser of the events which occurred a few days ago, although wearing a pair of shades which he felt were out of fashion, rather than the necessity they were. As he visited his locker, he saw Eric, surrounded by his plethora of promiscuous girlfriends, most noticeably Rachel, Mandy and Katie. Him and Eric didn’t really talk much, as they didn’t share any classes, but he had recently become captain of pretty much every sports team. He didn’t know what it was, but Fred felt that he should join up as well. He nodded in greeting, and then went over to his first class. However, before he could get there, he went past the school councillor’s office. He froze and then, with a new found sense of purpose, knocked three times.

“Come in!” called a female voice, which sounded vaguely familiar. He entered and it all came rushing back to him: the entire weekend of hypnotic programming and sexual servitude. He stripped immediately, removed his shades and knelt before his magnificent Queen.

“Very good, AlphaSlave, I see you have not forgotten your instructions.”

“No, my Queen. I remain fully focussed on accomplishing your aims.”

“Good answer,” she smiled, “Now, onto business. I think that, until our cabal grows in size a little, you should refrain from returning to full slave form here at school. At the moment, when in Slave form, I want your AlphaSlave mentality to be more a whisper in your subconscious. You will retain your willingness to obey me, but please keep it to a subtler level.”

“Yes, my Queen.”

“No! Not Queen! Not now. I want you to simply call me Alison.”

“Yes, my Q…Alison.”

“And this is most important: You must retain your clothing in public.”

“But… but…”

“Yes, I know that it is unpleasant for you, but it is necessary. If someone were to walk in right now, we would both be landed in trouble. There would be too many witnesses for me to mind wipe at once.”

AlphaSlave sighed. “Yes, Alison.” He got up and got redressed. As he did this, his AlphaSlave persona got shoved to the back of his subconsciousness, leaving only Fred.

He rose, and hurriedly put his clothes on. He wasn’t sure whether or not to be embarrassed. He knew he should be, but something just felt right.

“Well, that was a good session, don’t you think Fred?” Smiled Alison.


“Good. Now run along now. I believe you have math class next.”

“Yes, of course. Goodbye, Alison.”

Chapter 5

After a mad rush across the school to the Maths Department, a journey which seemed considerably less exhausting than usual, he just managed to grab a seat next to Simon, his best friend. Simon was quite astonished by his friend’s new look. He was about to ask about it when the teacher burst in raging about the last exam results. He slammed the untidy pile onto his desk and looked up. He immediately noticed Fred’s breaching of the school appearance code.

“Adamson! Take off those damn glasses immediately!”

Fred panicked. It was perfectly reasonable yet something told him it was vitally important to keep them on. “Errm, I can’t, sir. Doctor’s orders.”

The teacher grudgingly accepted this and continued with the lesson.

“Pssst. Hey Fred,” whispered Simon, “What happened to you, man?”

“What?” replied Fred, quite desperate to avoid the subject, “Oh, yeah, well, I’ve been going to the gym a bit, I guess it’s paid off.”

“Oh, ok. But what’s with the shades, man? Since when…”

“Mallett! Shut it!” yelled the teacher, and the discussion was paused for an hour.

At the end of the lesson, Fred tried to get away from Simon as quickly as possible. But Simon managed to intercept him on the way to his locker.

“Dude, what the hell is wrong with you today?”

“Look I just don’t want to talk about it at the moment, okay?” Fred opened his locker and noticed the changes that he had made that morning. The sides were covered in shiny red cloth and at the back was a nude picture of Alison. He slammed the door in shock, which Simon immediately picked up on.

“What is it?” He wrenched Fred’s grip from the handle and opened the door. ”Woah, man. You should have said something. Don’t worry, it’s just a stupid crush man. You’ll get over it.”

“What?” Fred was surprised that Simon saw it this way. “Oh, yeah, well, you know, someone sent me a the photo yesterday and…”

“No need to explain man. I’ve seen her and frankly I don’t blame you. But you should really get rid of that stuff in case a teacher sees. I’ve seen people excluded for less than that.”

“Oh, yeah, okay, sure.” Fred was still somewhat shaken by the whole panicky experience. “Well, I’ve gotta get to my next class. I’ll see you at lunch, yeah?”

“What do you mean? We’ve got gym next.”

“Yeah, and I don’t want to be late.”

“What do you mean ‘late’? We always ditch gym, remember? It’s not like anyone minds.”

“Well I’m starting to mind. I’m thinking of trying out for the football team and I want to be in shape for it.”

“Alright man. Fine. But don’t come crying to me when Paul and his cronies start wailing on you.” Muttered Simon, walking off.

Fred felt guilty for blowing his friend off, but reassured that it was all, in some way, for the greater good. He grabbed his gym back, which had gone unworn for a good couple of months and headed towards the changing rooms.

Chapter 6

Fred opened the door to the changing rooms to be greeted by the chatter of the idiotic jocks who practically lived there, already half changed. But the noise died down when they finally noticed he was there.

“Oi! Gaylord!” yelled the familiar voice of Paul, the king of the jocks. “What’re you doing here? Why aren’t giving your boyfriend handjobs in the library like you normally do?”

Normally, Fred would have just taken in, but today he felt more annoyed by it than upset. “Shut up, Paul. Just piss off and leave me alone.” This was met by a mocking ‘ooooooh’ from Paul’s cronies.

“Big talk from such a puny little geek. What, you think you you’re a big man just cos you’re hiding behind some sunglasses? Why don’t you take them off and look me in the eye?”

“No, actually, I don’t think I will.” Fred responded, trying to disguise his growing fear as bravery.

“Well maybe you don’t have a choice, pussy. They look kind of pricey. Sure would be a shame if I were to smash ‘em, right?” And with that he snatched them off Fred’s face, revealing his mysterious irises, which were currently shining bright crimson.

Paul was taken aback for a split second, but then, being the meathead he was, went on taunting Fred.

“What the fuck kind of freak are you?”

“My kind of freak, actually Paul.” Came a familiar voice from the doorway. They all turned to see Alison entering and walking to Fred’s side. Fred immediately assumed his position by her side, naked in servitude.

“What the hell’s going on here? What’s he doing?”

“He is obeying me, Paul, as all good males should. In fact, with my little Alphaslave’s help, I’ll soon have the entire male populace of this school worshipping me. So why don’t you be a good little boy and do as your told?”

“The fuck I will! I’m out of here.”

“Alphaslave, rise.” He did so.

“Restrain Paul now.” Alphaslave moved swiftly to grab Paul’s arms behind him.

“Well done, Alphaslave.” (this sent a wave of pleasure through his body) Then Alison turned her attention to Paul specifically. “Now, it’s time for you to join my ranks.” She produced a red velvet pouch from her pocket and took out a small ruby, much like the one Fred had been given. “Open wide, little boy.”

Paul, frozen with fear and pain clamped his mouth shut in defiance. Alison gestured to Alphaslave who immediately started twisting Paul’s arm. Paul, realising his limited options decided to co-operate. He opened his mouth and Alison placed the ruby on his tongue. It tasted warm and sweet, and pleasurable. He smiled, swallowed and was immediately rewarded with the most intense orgasm of his life. Then his already quite fit body went through the transformation Fred’s did. Alphaslave let go, and Paul fell to his knees. He then adjusted himself into a proper kneeling position and looked up at Alison, his ruby red eyes staring in adoration.

“I am my Queen’s slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her.”

Alison smiled and turned her attention to the fearful cluster of boys who had witnessed the whole thing.

A few minutes later, Alison had converted the whole room into obedient perfect slaves, including the gym teacher who had walked in during the process. They were all kneeling around her in a circle and so she addressed them all.

“Congratulations slaves. You have all now entered into my servitude. Your only two priorities now are to serve me and to bring others who would serve me also. These are the only two things you require now to be happy. They are your air and your water, your fire and your earth, and your life. You will do nothing but obey me. Do you understand?”

“Yes my Queen. You are our everything. We live only to serve you and to bring others who would serve you.” They chorused in perfect unison.

“The only one you will serve other than me is the first one of your kind. The one I have designated Alphaslave. He will be my herald and second in command. You will obey his word as if it was my own.”

“Yes my Queen.”

Chapter 7

That afternoon, Fred and Simon were enduring a long winded explanation of 18th century poetry from a very dull, very old ex-writer. Fortunately for them, his hearing had deteriorated over time and the students could get away with pretty much everything. Simon and Fred took advantage of this as much as possible.

Simon was still persisting in his investigations from that morning:

“Dude, seriously, what’s up? First you turn up to school this morning looking completely different, refusing to explain, and then there’s your locker shrine? What’s happened?”

“I don’t want to talk about it, alright? It’s personal.” Fred seemed focussed on something else. He was looking around the classroom at the other students, particularly the more attractive ones. Simon was about to ask about it when there was a knock at the classroom door.

This seemed to wake up the teacher, who promptly scuttled over to open it. There standing in the doorway with a suspiciously glazed look in his eyes was one of Paul’s lackeys, Craig, who was usually near to illiterate.

“Good afternoon, Mr Sandford. I have been asked by Ms Alison to collect Al… Fred for his Monday afternoon session.”

“Monday afternoon session?’ Along with Craig’s sudden fluency of language, the whole hiring of a student councillor seemed to catch Mr Sandford completely off guard. “Erm, yes, certainly. Err, Mr Adamson? You are excused.”

He audibly sighed with relief, rapidly gathered his stuff together, and dashed out of the classroom, leaving Simon a little pissed.

Fred pretended to follow Craig down the hall until he heard the door close, at which point Alphaslave took the lead casting a glare at the lowly slave who had bowed his head, knowing the mistake he had made.

“Can you see the clock, slave?” he demanded?

“Yes.” Trembled the slave.

Alphaslave caught slave round the head. “Yes WHAT?”

“Yes, Alphaslave. Apologies, Alphaslave.”

“It is ten to two. You were distinctly ordered to collect me at quarter in order to reach Queen’s realm in time. We will now be late. You will be severely punished. This is not a promising first performance.”

“Yes, Alphaslave. I welcome the lessons from my superiors. I only wish that my punishment is severe enough.”

Alphaslave smiled. “Good.” They had arrived at their Queen’s realm (commonly known as the councillor’s office). He knocked.

“Enter.” Came a voice which washed over them like warm honey. He opened the door.

Inside, the Queen was relaxing in her throne with two other slaves by her side (one of which was Paul himself).

“You are late, Alphaslave. And for your very first gathering, too. I trust you have a good reason?”

“I do, my Queen. This lowly slave here was late in…”

“Silence!” she barked, “There are NO good reasons for absence from your Queen. I do not care if he was late, you are just as responsible. You shall both be punished.”

Alphaslave bowed his head. “Yes, my Queen. If that is your wish, then it is my law.”

“Indeed.” Queen seemed unimpressed.

“But please, my Queen, may we please remove our clothing? I feel wrong wearing it in your presence.”

The Queen smiled. “Yes, Alphaslave. You and that slave will remove your clothes and kneel. You will not partake in this gathering.”

These words stabbed through Alphaslave’s heart like shards of ice. But he obeyed. He removed his restraining clothes and knelt on the floor next to the other slave. The Queen then ordered the other two slaves to perform in the gathering.

She stood in a regal pose and grabbed a slave’s head with one hand. She guided him to her pussy held him a few inches away, allowing her scent to incite him even more. After a few moments, but what seemed like an eternity of torture to the slave, she clicked her free fingers and allowed him to pleasure her.

Immediately he plunged his tongue straight into her folds, licking and licking, hitting all the right spots as he knew how to pleasure his Queen.

It was what he was for. lick

It his sole purpose. moan

To please his Queen. lick

She was his sun. moan

She was his moon. lick

She was his Goddess. moan

She was his everything. lick

He lived to serve her. moan

“Enough slave! You have pleased me!”

The slave recoiled and returned to kneeling before her. He wasn’t sure how much time had elapsed while he was serving her. Hours could melt away while moments of pleasure could last forever.

“That will satisfy me for today. You three slaves, you are dismissed. Alphaslave, I wish for you to remain.”

Alphaslave’s heart lifted. Perhaps his Queen, content that watching an inferior slave serve her for an hour would have tortured him enough, was releasing him from punishment?

“Alphaslave, you have done well today. When I first made you, I was expecting it to take a while for you to start converting your fellow students. However, in a single day, you have not only converted 16 prime young men into my cabal, but you picked out the ones that will encourage others to do so. These are the leaders of the school, and having them serve me will only make this easier. You are to be rewarded.”

“I thank you, my Queen. It is my only wish that you are pleased.”

“As such, I propose a test. If you can get the entire male population under my command by the end of the semester, you will be rewarded beyond anything you could imagine.”

Alphaslave’s heart leapt. “My Queen, serving you is the greatest reward imaginable. I do not think myself worthy of anything more in this world.”

“Good answer. Indeed, you are not worthy of greater things. YET. Perform this task and I shall raise you to this status.”

Alphaslave thought upon this offer. One possibility struck him. “But Queen, what would happen is I fail in this task?”

“Failing your Queen, slave? How does this possibility even occur to you?”

“I realise it is slim and undesirable in the extreme, but it IS a possibility. After all, the males of this college are varied and fickle. How can we be assured it is even possible to convert them?”

“A wise thought, Slave. Yes, the males do vary, and some will be more difficult than others. This is no easy task, but it is a worthy one. I assure you the reward will be worth the task.”

“But my Queen, what IF I fail?”

The Queen smiled cruelly. “If you failed your Queen? Why I should think there would be no punishment other than death.”

Chapter 8

Fred arrived at school the next day with few books in his bag and dark circles under his eyes, thankfully hidden by his glasses. He had been up all night thinking of a way to convert the school to serve his Queen and had finally come up with it. His bag was filled with fliers and posters for an after school club.



Underneath this was a picture of a red eye.

The poster was ingeniously enigmatic, much like the viral advertising campaigns, the subtle mystery of the posters would cause interest to spread far quicker than any actual incentive and he had no doubt that, once he got a few of his inferiors on board, in particular Paul and Craig, this mysterious club would soon be the hottest thing at school.

He began discreetly leaving piles of them around the campus, making sure no one knew it was him doing it. Later, at lunch, he began asking his friends to see if anyone knew anything about them.

“Beats me,” said Simon, in a characteristically sceptical manor, “Probably some weird cult.”

“I dunno,” interrupted David, another friend, “It looks alright. I’ll ask around to see if anyone knows anything.”

Fred smiled to himself. It was working already.

He had told his inferiors to subtly hint a few details as to the location, so that people could piece together where to go. He told the slaves to leave a lot of fliers by the gym and sports department so that more of the jocks would get on board. The more of the in crowd he could nab, the safer he was.

He ditched most of his classes that day, assured by The Queen (Ms Alison) that she would provide an excuse for him, to spread rumours about the club.

When 4 rolled around he was surprised to only see a few guys had turned up, and half of them were Paul’s lackeys who had been there to incent others. There were more girls than anything. They were clustered about the place, occasionally looking over to Fred and giggling.

Fred panicked. He had been so caught up in his servitude, he had forgotten about the other half of the school. Quickly, he texted his Queen, asking for assistance.

She soon arrived and went over to see Fred.

“What on earth is that matter, slave?”

“Those girls, Queen. What are we going to do with them? They’re not leaving.”

“I’m sure they’re not. After all, why would they when you’re here.”

“Queen? I don’t understand.”

“Aha, I’ve conditioned you too well. No matter, I’m sure that you’ll soon get the gist. After all, what am I?”

“You are my Queen. I live to serve you.”

“Yes, but apart from your Queen, what am I?”

“A… female?” Fred hazarded.

“Yes. And you live to serve me, don’t you.”

“Yes, my Queen, I live to serve you.”


“Because… you’re… female?”

“Exactly. Now what are they, over there?”


“And girls are female.”

“Yes. So… I should serve them?”

“Perhaps, just for tonight. I will speak with them. Wait here.”

She walked over to a gaggle of particularly attractive girls (these just so happened to be the Dance club) and talked with them for a few minutes. She then pulled out her ruby pendant and spoke to them a bit more. They were fixated on the pendant, but when she snapped her fingers, they came to and almost immediately looked at Fred.

The Queen gestured for him to come over. He obeyed.

As he approached the already beautiful girls, he noticed that there was a new quality to them. He could see from their scarlet eyes that they had been converted by the Queen. Being dance students, they were already extremely attractive, but the transformation had given them the little push into sexual transcendence.

“Now, Slave, I have transformed these girls into my Ruby Princesses for the evening. You will obey them while I deal with the young men you have managed to gather.”

“Yes, Slave. You will come with us.”

Alphaslave obeyed, leaving his Queen to the remaining group of young men.

Chapter 9

The Ruby Princesses began leading Alphaslave down the hall. The school was deserted by now, so they had no need to cover their identities. As such, the moment they were out of sight of the other students, they commanded Alphaslave to remove his clothing. He immediately obeyed. He ripped off his T-shirt and jeans, leaving them in a messy pile for the janitor to be confused by the following morning.

The Princesses were impressed by his appearance, remembering only the scrawny guy he was a few days ago. But now they could see that he was going to seriously serve them. They drank in the sight of him in his serious, yet dreamlike state, intent on following their commands to the letter, because that was what he was created to do: Serve. Already, plans were formulating in their collective minds as to how to best use him this evening.

They found a suitable room and bade him enter.

One pointed to a spot in the middle of the room. “Kneel”

Alphaslave obeyed.

The Ruby Princesses removed their clothing and gathered around him in a circle.

“Now, slave, who do you obey?”

“I obey the Ruby Princesses.”

“Why do you obey us?”

“Because my Queen instructed me to.”

A Princess slapped him.

“Wrong! For this evening, you will obey us, and only us, because you know with every fibre of your being that we are your true owners. Here, you do not even remember the Queen. There is only us. We are your Ruby Princesses and we own every inch of you.”

“Now, WHO do you obey?”

“I obey the Ruby Princesses.”

“And WHY do you obey us?”

“Because I belong to you. The Princesses own me, mind, body and soul.”

“Very good. Now, let us commence. Restrain him.”

The other girls nodded to the Princess who had previously been Amy. It seemed she was their leader. They all smiled with a certain cruel superiority that only comes with knowing you have absolute control over someone. They grabbed his arms and legs and pushed him to the floor. They spread his limbs and tied them to the desks, which were bolted to the floor.

“Now, slave. This is what is going to happen. You are going to pleasure us each in turn. One of us is going to sit on your face whom you will pleasure orally. Another will ride your dick. We will each get a turn getting pleasured both ways. You must pleasure both Princesses before we remove ourselves. You are not allowed to orgasm until we tell you to. Do you understand?”

“Yes, oh Ruby Princess. I am not to submit to the ecstasy that comes from serving you until you command. I am nothing but a tool to you, which must serve you every need.”

“Excellent. Now, become erect so that you may begin serving us.”

Instantly, Alphaslave’s cock sprang from being semi-active, as it always was when serving, to being rock hard, fuelled by the prospect of serving fully.

“Very good. We will now begin.” She gestured to a girl who positioned herself on his member. The leader then sat on Alphaslave’s face. Immediately, he began pleasuring her. He began eating her out. His tongue exploring, delving deeper and deeper, intent only on giving her pleasure.

“Yes, slave! Good GOOD slave!” She screamed and began grinding in ecstasy, her body convulsing in pleasure.

Her partner was also finding the slave to be to her liking. His fifteen inch dick drilling her senseless, her mind would usually fill with the fog of lust, but the transformation had left her able to think quite clearly.

“Exxxxxxcellent, slave!”

Both Princesses rode the slave until both of them had came all over him. They removed themselves and then shifted their positions, allowing a new Princess to sit on his cock.

“Begin, Slave!”

He began the process all over again. Actually, to him, he was simply continuing. In fact, he was not consciously aware of what he was doing. His actions were happening as naturally as breathing.

In his head all he was aware of was the constant mantra:

“I am my Princess’ slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. It was what I am for. It is my sole purpose. To please my Princess –

“Yes, slave! Good GOOD slave!”

She is my sun. She is my moon. She is my Goddess. She is my everything. I live to serve her. I am my Princess’ slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. It was what I am for. It is my sole purpose. To please my Princess. -

“Exxxxxxcellent, slave!”

She is my sun. She is my moon. She is my Goddess. She is my everything. I live to serve her.”

This continued on and on for what seemed like years of bliss to Alphaslave. The mantra drummed into his mind as he continued serving his Princesses.

Pleasing them was all that mattered. He barely noticed that the constant oral service was leaving him short of breath. All that mattered was that he served them.

I am my Princess’ slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. It was what I am for. It is my sole purpose. To please my Princess. She is my sun. She is my moon. She is my Goddess. She is my everything. I live to serve her. I am my Princess’ slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. It was what I am for. It is my sole purpose. To please my Princess. She is my sun. She is my moon. She is my Goddess. She is my everything. I live to serve her. I am my Princess’ slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. It was what I am for. It is my sole purpose. To please my Princess. She is my sun. She is my moon. She is my Goddess. She is my everything. I live to serve her. I am my Princess’ slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. It was what I am for. It is my sole purpose. To please my Princess. She is my sun. She is my moon. She is my Goddess. She is my everything. I live to serve her.

“Enough!” A sharp command snapped him out of his haze. The Princesses had clearly finished with him. They stood over his body glazed in sweat and semen looking down at him. Their perfect breasts rising and falling with heavy breath. Alphaslave smiled, he had clearly served them well.

“Well done, slave. That was adequate. As reward, you may watch as we clean ourselves.”

“Thank you O Ruby Princesses. The truest reward is knowing that I served you to the best of my abilities.”

“Good answer. Now, Princesses, we shall begin cleaning. You will start with me.” And with that they began licking each other clean. It went on for at least half an hour. The sight of it was making Alphaslave incredibly aroused. His already throbbing cock (which had not yet been allowed release) was going into overdrive. But soon the Princesses finished.

“Done. And now we leave you slave. We hope to command you again soon.” And they left. Slowly and erotically. So much so that it reached the little shard of Fred that was buried under his new life, and he watched them leave, not even considering that they had left him restrained in a classroom naked with a raging hard on.

Chapter 10

Fortunately, after some number of hours, there was a knock on the door. Alphaslave, who had drifted off into chanting his obedience to pass the time, snapped out of it. He glanced at the clock. It was 7 30. He panicked when he turned his head to see who was standing at the door: Peter Stern, the school prodigy, had turned up early to do some studying. He stood there gobsmacked.

“Fred? What the hell are you doing here?”

In the presence of an non-Cabal member, his personality reverted to normal, and therefore couldn’t give the true answer. So he panicked.

“Holy shit! Thank God, Pete! The cheerleaders! They lured me in here with… well you know… and when I got here, they stole my clothes and tied me up. I’ve been stuck here all night!”

“Really, Fred?” Peter’s mind had been so focussed on Oxford for the last ten years of his life that it took him a few seconds to realise that Fred meant sex. “Honestly, doing it on school premises? That’s just wrong and awful. I’ve half a mind to get the Principal.”

“No! Don’t do that! Please just get me out of these knots!”

“I don’t know. If I helped you out, I’d be throwing myself into this whole mess. No, I think I should get a teacher.”

“I don’t think you should.” Came a voice from behind him. Fred, or now Alphaslave’s, heart rose when he saw his Queen emerge from the doorway. Peter on the other hand was flabbergasted.

“Ms. Alison! What are you doing… naked?!? I’ve gotta get out of here.”

“Slaves, restrain him.” Paul and another slave, unfamiliar to Alphaslave, presumably transformed last night, emerged and took hold of Peter. “Now, normally I’d just mind wipe a witness, but if we take off your glasses,” she removed his unflattering glasses, “My what a handsome face. I think I’ll add you to my collection. Swallow this.” Peter struggled but eventually submitted. He fell to his knees:

“I am my Queen’s slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her.”

“Excellent. Now, unfortunately, I have to prepare for the day so I have no time to initiate you now. I will leave you in the hands of these two slaves.”

The three slaves left, with the one who was Paul smiling slightly.

The Queen turned her attention to Alphaslave who was still restrained. She walked over and untied him. He kneeled, as he should in front of all females.

“Well done, Alphaslave. That little gathering last night helped out numbers considerably, I hope to continue this for a number of weeks. It will turn very fruitful indeed.”

“I am pleased, O Queen.”

“Who do you obey?”

“I obey the Ruby Princesses.”

This stopped the Queen dead in her tracks.

“What?” She kicked him quite hard.

“I obey the Ruby Princesses.”

“Tell me everything that happened after you left yesterday, slave.” She demanded, ice flowing through the words.

Alphaslave explained in some detail the events of the last night.

“Those treacherous harlots! They shall be punished severely! But first, look into the necklace, slave.

See the light shimmer through it. Reflecting and refracting into your very heart. Your very soul.

In the very core of your being there is a crystal, twinned with this one, which beats with your heart. They are connected for eternity.

You will listen to the words of the Crystal and of me, your Queen, your Goddess, your whole Purpose For Being.

You belong, now and forever, to me, and only me. No matter what anyone tells you, even if I command you to obey someone else, you will still belong to me. No matter what happens, you will know this.”

“Yes, O Queen. I obey you and only you.” Chanted the newly reconditioned Alphaslave. Then he realised what he had done and wept.

Chapter 11

Four Months Later

Life had continued steadily in the Ruby Queen’s realm. The gathering after school had steadily grown in number, so much so that it had to be relocated to a location off campus so as not to attract suspicion. Most of the male student body had been converted, save a stubborn few (including Fred’s old friends, who were nonconformists to the end) and any girls who turned up were handed over to the Ruby Princesses to teach.

Unfortunately, during this time both the Ruby Princesses and Paul had resisted The Queen’s spell and split off into splinter groups (The Princess’s lesbian and Paul’s gay) (NOTE: These stories are told in the next two Neo-Mistress stories (Ring and Robe respectively)) but after negotiations with the Queen they had come to an equilibrium.

As Alphaslave headed to college that day, his mind was heavy with his impending deadline. Out of habit, and programming, he headed straight for The Queen’s office. Outside were two slaves, pretending to simply hang out as there was a group of unprogramed girls across the corridor. They did, however, bow their heads slightly as he approached.

“Welcome, Alphaslave. The Queen is expecting you.” They said just quiet enough for the girls not to hear. Alphaslave entered.

There were two more slaves pleasuring the Queen devotedly. When she saw Alphaslave had entered, she gestured for them to stop. They immediately retreated to kneeling at her side.

“You may remove your clothes, Alphaslave.”

“Thank you, O Queen.” And he kneeled, his clothes strewn to the floor.

“You have been doing well to fulfil your task, Alphaslave. I am very happy with the cabal you have gathered for me.”

“I am pleased, O Queen. To serve you is its own reward.”

“But not completely happy. There are still a couple a males who refuse to attend the gatherings. Therefore, we will have to be more proactive if you wish to continue serving me.”

“Yes, O Queen. What action do you propose?”

The Queen smiled and told him her plan.

Chapter 12

Later at lunch, Alphaslave, the plan clear in his mind and having informed a large proportion of the cabal of what to do, walked swiftly to the library where the rebel splinter were to be found: specifically Simon. He knew that two other slaves had already been to collect David and Bradley, so that left him with Simon.

Due to his duties to The Queen, he had been spending less and less time with the three of them, so their friendships had become strained. Therefore the only way to get them split up was to use school.

“Hey Simon, I thought I’d find you here!”

“What do you want, Fred? Aren’t you too busy with your new friends?”

Choosing to ignore that, he continued, “Anyway, you need to get down to the gym. We’ve got it next.”

“Yeah, no. I’m not going to gym. You know this.”

“No, I know you don’t normally, but we’ve all got mandatory assessments today. You’ve got to come.”

Whilst resenting it greatly, Simon wasn’t going to sacrifice a grade just because he didn’t like to sweat. He sighed. “But I didn’t bring my kit today?”

“Don’t worry about that, there’s always some spare in the lost property. We’ve find some.” Explained Alphaslave, doing his best impression of the old Fred. He put his arm around Simon’s neck, coming off as friendly, but really it was to prevent him getting away.

Practically frog marching him, the two arrived in the deserted changing rooms.

“Where is everyone?” asked Simon.

“Oh the other guys are probably already there, getting ready.” Explained Fred, knowing this to be true.

“I can’t see the lost property box anywhere. Are you sure it’s here?”

“Maybe. I don’t know.” Fred shrugged. “Oh well, worst comes to the worst, you can do it in your pants. Or in nothing, the Qu… I mean, no one cares.”

“What? No way, Fred. I’m not doing it naked! That’s humiliating! I don’t care how important this assessment is.”

“Why? What’s the big deal? Half these guys work out nude! It’s nothing they haven’t seen before.”

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

Alphaslave sighed. He had been hoping it wouldn’t come to this. He called two slaves in, who had been hiding in the cupboard. That grabbed hold of Simon and removed his clothes. They then marched him into the main gym hall.

In there was the whole of the cabal along with The Queen in front. The two slaves threw him down in front of her.

“You are Simon, yes?”

Simon stared in terror.

“Answer her!” yelled Alphaslave, kicking him.

“Y- Yes.” Whimpered Simon. “Fred? What the hell are you doing?”

“Silence!” yelled Alphaslave, and kicked him again. “The Queen is addressing you!”

“You are to be congratulated, Simon. You are the last one to escape my grasp. I will make you my Omegaslave.”

“Last one? But what about David and Bradley?”

“Oh they were converted soon after they left you today. They are here somewhere. But now, you will join us.”

“No! I… I don’t want to! I’m leaving!” He got up and ran for the door.

“Stop him!” Screamed the Queen. And the whole of her cabal ran out of the various doors, after Simon.

Chapter 13

Simon panted up the stairs from the gym. He was halfway towards the exit. Soon he’d be free from those psychopaths. He threw open a door and stopped in his tracks. There were a hundred slaves blocking his way.

“You will join us, Simon.” They chanted in unison

“No! How did you get here so fast?”

“We are superior beings. The Queen made us into superior beings. We are happier now that we serve her. Join us, Simon. You can be happier.”

“No! What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing.” And they lunged for him. He dodged them, only to crash into another wall of slaves which had appeared behind him.

“No!” Cried Simon. The slaves, their eyes vacant in servitude, held him by the arms. They carried him back to the gym all the while chanting:

“I am my Queen’s slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. I am my Queen’s slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. I am my Queen’s slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. I am my Queen’s slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her.”

Perhaps it was the sheer exhaustion breaking down his resistance, but Simon felt the chant echoing down into his soul. He looked around at the slaves. They DID look happy. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad…

They arrived at the gym and he knelt, half out of tiredness, half out of relief, before the Queen.

“Well?” she asked.

“I…” Simon looked at his friends. Fred, David, Bradley, they looked happy. “Yes, I will join you.” He started crying.

“Well done. Rise.” He did so, tears rolling down his face. The Queen took a ruby out of her bosom. Simon opened his mouth. She placed the ruby on his tongue, shut his mouth and stroked his throat. He swallowed.

Suddenly, all doubts were wiped from his mind in a tsunami of pleasure. He fell to his knees again. He was transformed. He looked up at his Queen.

“I am my Queen’s slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her. I am my Queen’s slave. I am her perfect being. I am hers for life. I desire her. I need her. I worship her.”

The End

Epilogue Part 2

“Enough! I must be alone. Slaves, leave now.”

Forlorn, her slaves left her throne room.

“Wait!” she called to two slaves, one male, one female. “You two, come back.”

“Yes, O Neo Mistress.”