The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Natural Connection

by Mountain Man

Natural Connection, I call it. There’s a reason for the name. Well, a reason beyond the obvious ones—that I carry items that come from nature, and the new-agey “connection” motif that is reflected throughout the store. The reason lies in the connections that I hope to establish, and often do, with a select portion of my clientele. I want the lovely women who fall under my sway to walk in the door thinking about now natural it would be to form a connection—a special connection—with a special person, with me.

Of course, that’s why I opened the shop. It helps that I’m knowledgeable about artifacts of nature—rocks, crystals, fossils, feathers, plants. And it also helps that there’s been an upswing of interest in things of this sort. I carry an variety of items designed to appeal to a certain type—crystals, herbal essences, Native American crafts, ambient music tapes. I find that people who are drawn to these things—to the message that they embody—have a certain openness, a trusting nature, a willingness to suspend disbelief and allow themselves to be guided. And of course, these are exactly the qualities I’m looking for in the women that I choose.

The women—ah, the women! I look for a certain type. No, not a physical type. I like my women to be physically attractive, especially the face; I just love a pretty face. But most men are far less hung-up on particular physical types than women typically believe. Blonde, brunette, red-head, it doesn’t matter. Thin, average, voluptuous—as long as a woman is shapely, build and height are unimportant. Even that much-vaunted quality, breast size, is not nearly as important as most women choose to believe. No, what’s really important (at least to me) is a certain quality that I call “twinkliness.”

A twinkly woman has a gleam in her eye. There’s a certain amusement always there—laughing with people, laughing at the absurdities in life, laughing at herself. Some people might call this quality impishness. You look at such a woman, and know that when she was a little girl, she took pleasure in being naughty—and still does. Her look says, “I’m a bad girl, and don’t you love me for it?”

Of course for my purposes, I like such a woman to be quite suggestible as well. Not the, “I’ll just lay down here, while you walk all over me,” submissiveness that some women display. A true twinkly woman is usually quite independent—“feisty” might be a good word. But surprisingly often, such women also respond well to suggestion, as long as it’s couched appropriately; not as strong commands, but as gentle guidance that fits into her world.

And that world view is what my shop is about. The women who come in are interested in healing, in spirituality, in psychic phenomenon—all topics that easily lead to the type of connection that I enjoy so much, that I establish so easily. I’ll tell you a story of a twinkly woman, and how I developed a connection with her—a natural connection.

She wandered into my shop late one afternoon. I sensed that she was looking for something—not something specific, but just “something.” That’s fine with me; it’s so easy for “something” to become “someone”, and that someone to be me. She spent a few minutes perusing the music CD’s, and then wandered over to the jewelry counter. Since this is usually where I’m positioned, it gave me a opportunity to get a good look at her. She was attractive—long kinky dirty-blonde hair, cute face, well-proportioned body with nice curves in all the right places. She’d never stand out in a crowd, however, except for that sparkle in her blue-green eyes and the lovely smile on her lips. Twinkly with a capital “T”!

I struck up a light conversation with her, explaining that we stocked jewelry featuring gemstones and designs with particular effects on the wearer and the viewer. She seemed quite interested—smiling at me and inquiring as to what I meant.

“Well, when you think about it, the whole purpose of jewelry is simply to cause either the wearer or people who are interacting with the wearer to feel differently.”

“Hmmmm ... that makes a lot of sense, although I’ve never thought about it that way.”

“Once you realize that, you understand that different designs can have different effects. Similarly, different gemstones affect people in different ways.”

“How interesting! What do the different stones and designs do?”

“Got a week to spend with me?” I inquired with a smile, and she laughed with me—a light, musical, lilting laugh that I found irresistible. “Let me tell you about one particular stone. Do you notice the bracelet that I’m wearing?”

“Yes, it’s quite lovely. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a gem quite like that one before. Is that topaz? It seems too rich and dark, somehow.”

“The name of the stone really isn’t important; what’s important is that this particular gem makes it easier for me to connect with others. Do you know that sort of warm glow you get when you meet someone with whom you really connect? Have you had the experience of meeting a stranger, and within just a few minutes as you talk with him, you feel you’ve known that person your whole life?”

“Yes, I’ve had that experience.”

“Then you probably can remember feeling a warm glow when that happens. Is it like that for you when you meet someone special—the sense of warmth and connectedness?”

“Yes, yes it is. Almost like my body is glowing a bit. A warm feeling. Yes, I’ve noticed that.”

“This bracelet helps me to have that feeling. I meet a stranger—someone who I really like, who I think I can connect with, and the bracelet helps me to experience that warm, intimate feeling, that glow. I think you know what I mean. And the lovely thing about this bracelet is that when the person I’m talking with sees me wearing it, there’s something about the colors and design that makes it easier for her to feel that sweet, warm connection as well. Does that make sense to you?”

She was watching the bracelet as I spoke. Her gaze was just a bit distant, as if she were visualizing my words, and her smile grew as she took them in. “Yes, that really makes a lot of sense. And it is a lovely bracelet.”

“Yes, and a lovely lady should also have a lovely bracelet.” She blushed a bit and lowered her eyes. I reached beneath the counter and pulled out a duplicate of the bracelet on my wrist. “When you wear the bracelet, you can feel that warm connection just as easily as I do. Go ahead. Put it on.”

She was gazing into my eyes as she slid the bracelet on her wrist. She gave a soft little sigh, and her eyes grew a bit dreamy. “You can feel that connection even more strongly now, can’t you?”

“Yes. It feels good to be here, talking with you.”

“I feel the same way. It’s as if there’s a flow of energy, an exchange of inner essence—the experience of being with someone who really understands you, who knows you deeply, who wants to be with you, who accepts you. There’s not even a need for words, really, you can simply sense that deep level of understanding, the warmth, the feeling of touching at many levels. Can you feel that sense of connection?”

“I do feel very comfortable with you. I don’t usually feel this way with a stranger. It’s so nice and warm.”

“Yes. Yes, it is. They say that a stranger is simply a friend we haven’t yet gotten to know. And it’s easy to imagine no longer being strangers, that connectedness, that warmth growing. When you think about what it might be like in a few months, or even a few weeks, or just a few days from now, you can imagine that warm, close feeling of being deeply connected, that delightful glow, and how wonderfully and quickly it has grown. Almost as if we’ve known each other our whole lives, so very close, so deeply connected. That warm, deeply soothing, wonderfully intimate feeling. Completely comfortable together, deeply connected. I know you can easily imagine that.” She nodded her head and we smiled at each other.

“And as you enjoy that feeling of warmth, that natural connection between us, as it continues to get stronger, you can enjoy that special feeling of having met someone you like, someone you want to know on many levels, to whom you want to grow very close, as if we’ve been together forever. As you feel that lovely, warm, special connection, with someone who understands you, who feels close to you, it’s natural to want to share that feeling, to respond in that same way.” She was gazing into my eyes, taking in each word. “When you leave here, I’d like you to wear the bracelet, and when I see you again, you can tell me what positive changes you’ve experienced.”

Her dreamy, distant smile was replaced by a look of concern. “Oh, I hadn’t intended buying anything today.”

“Who said anything about buying. I want you to have it.”

“I couldn’t accept it. I don’t even know you, and it looks expensive.”

“I own the shop, so I get a great deal on everything. I’ve enjoyed meeting you very much. When you’re wearing that bracelet and I’m wearing mine, I feel very connected to you. I’d like to continue to think of you wearing it after you leave, and feel that warmth, that special glow, as I wear mine. So, I’m really doing it for myself, so that I can have this delightful, wonderful feeling of being deeply connected with you. Won’t you please accept my gift?”

“When you put it so prettily, how can I refuse?” She smiled as she thanked me. We chatted for another minute or two, and then she told me that she had to go. I replied that I hoped to see her again sometime soon, and she smiled.

* * *

Several days passed. From time to time I wondered how she was responding to the bracelet, and the suggestions that accompanied it. Somehow I knew that I’d see her again. When she did return, she made a beeline for my counter, and her smile when she greeted me lit up the shop.

“I’ve been thinking about our conversation and how nice it was.”

“That’s wonderful. So have I. Have you been enjoying wearing your bracelet?” “Oh, yes! In fact, I’ve hardly taken it off since you gave it to me. I really have felt like there’s a connection between us, and somehow the bracelet makes that more real for me. I’ve never experienced anything like it, and I must say, I’ve been enjoying it.”

She smiled as she gazed into my eyes. After a bit, her eyes dropped to my wrist, and she gave a small exclamation of surprise. “The stone in your bracelet is different. It’s blue now. How did that happen?”

“These bracelets have a feature that I didn’t share with you. The stones can be interchanged. We’ve both worn the stone that builds connection for almost a week; I just changed mine to a different stone. Here, let me have your bracelet for just a moment.” She slipped it off and handed it to me. I pressed the catch at the back of the stone, releasing it, and popped a blue stone matching my own into the lock mechanism. She appeared surprised, but placed the bracelet back on her arm without question.

“See what feels different, then I’ll tell you what the stone is and you can tell me how it affects you.”

“Something does feel different, but I’m not sure what. What sort of stone is it?” She continued gazing into my eyes, her expression a bit unfocused. I could sense that she was very receptive, and I eagerly anticipated what was to come.

“These stones enhance relaxation. When I wear mine, I feel wonderfully relaxed and open. It’s like I’ve had a nice workout, and now I’m enjoying a beautifully warm shower, the water soothing and relaxing me, washing away all my troubles. The water flows, so warm, so relaxing, and everything seems to just float away. So nice to let go, to relax, to enjoy being with someone with whom you connect, whose voice you enjoy, with whom you can feel open and relaxed, deeply relaxed. Are you experiencing that warm, lovely sense of relaxation growing now?”

“Ummmmm. Feels nice.”

“It’s like being in a special place. Someplace you love, where you feel completely at peace, at rest. Can you think of such a place, a place where it’s very, very easy for you to relax, to let go, to be with someone special?”

“The cabin in the woods,” she murmured.

“Yes. A place in the woods, where you feel so relaxed, so at ease, so open. What do you see around you right now?”

“The trees. They’re so tall and green. So beautiful.”

“That beauty fills you. The lovely trees. So beautifully green, so natural. So relaxing to be here. Notice how calm and relaxed you feel in this beautiful forest. You do, don’t you?”

“Ummmm. So nice.”

“Notice the sounds around you now. What do you hear?”

Her eyes were closed, and a dreamy smile played about her lips. “The birds. I can hear them calling. They sound so happy.”

“Yes. And you’re happy to be here with them. To be able to enjoy this beautiful place. This beautiful, relaxing, dreamy place. Where you feel so safe, so comfortable, so at peace, so deeply relaxed. Can you feel the warm sun on your skin?”

“Yes. It feels so good.”

“It does. You notice how it soothes and relaxes you. So warm. So delightful. Like being asleep. The most beautiful, restful, relaxing sleep you’ve ever known. Whenever you’re with me, you can relax like this. And your bracelet will help you to think about how wonderfully relaxed you are whenever you’re with me. You’re looking forward to that, aren’t you?”

“Yes. Yes, I am.”

“It’s time to return from our little journey now, but you can continue to enjoy the feeling of being so relaxed, so comfortable and open whenever you’re with me. Did you enjoy that?”

Her eyes blinked open, and she gave me a lovely warm smile. “That was so nice. Thank you.”

“My pleasure, dear lady. I hope you’ll enjoy wearing the bracelet, and that you’ll be back soon to tell me about it.”

“Oh yes, I surely will.”

* * *

I was unsurprised to see her again the next day. She told me that she had been feeling more relaxed than she could ever remember.

“I have a pretty high-stress job, but I wasn’t feeling any tension at all today. Everything went so well. I kept thinking about you and about the bracelet, and I could just feel my cares and worries melt away. I had the most productive day today that I’ve had in months.” She gave me a 500 watt smile which I happily returned.

“I know I shouldn’t keep coming back and imposing on you, but I’m so curious about the stones ...” Her voice trailed off leaving only the impish curiosity in her face.

“Well, of course you are. And you’re not imposing. How can the presence of someone with whom you feel so connected, so relaxed, be an imposition?” More smiles. “And I knew you’d want to experience more of the power of the stones. Here’s a new set.”

I placed a pair of deep red stones on the counter. She already had her bracelet off, and was handing it to me. Quickly I replaced her stone, and then my own. As she donned the bracelet, her curiosity was almost palpable.

“Hmmmm. My wrist feels warm and tingly. It’s very nice. But I can’t tell what the stones are doing. Won’t you tell me?” Twinkles. I wanted to take her home with me. I wanted to take her there on the counter. Holding myself back, I gave her another smile and replied.

“They are stones of communication. They facilitate open, free, unrestrained communication, particularly between two people who are already feeling a warm, deep sense of connection, who are feeling very relaxed with each other. A desire to share, a desire to let go of barriers. These stones make it so easy. You can simply let go, allow the flow of communication to open, and to follow that. A lovely, unhampered pathway between two minds and souls. Can you feel the stones helping to create a space for us? An open channel for rapport?”

“Yes, I can. I feel so relaxed talking to you—it’s so easy. I really feel I can tell you absolutely anything.”

“Of course. It’s perfectly natural. We’re feeling connected, and we want to communicate deeply. Very deeply. Because we’re both open to each other, and learning to trust each other, we can share deep, deep thoughts and feelings. You can feel free to tell me anything—your hopes, your fears, your dreams, your fantasies. Anything you’ve imagined, you can share with me. Things that excite you, that you’ve felt reluctant to talk about—there’s no reason to hold anything back, is there?”

“No, no reason. I feel so different, so strange. But it feels good. I can feel how easy it is to talk to you. I really want to tell you things—even things I’ve never told anyone. Do you think that will be OK? Does it seem odd?”

“It seems completely natural. A natural connection. A safe place where we can relax together and share together is open now. What would you like to tell me?”

“I want to tell you about the one love of my life. I’m not sure why, but I really want to tell you about it.”

“That sounds nice. I’d enjoy hearing about it.”

“I was 22; I met him hiking in the mountains. We hit it off instantly; we seemed to have so much in common. I felt close to him almost right away. I guess maybe I’m telling you this because I’m feeling some of those same feelings now.”

“The warmth? The connectedness? The sense of rapport?”

“Yes, exactly. It was almost like we thought and felt the same things.”

“That’s such a wonderful experience. You’re remembering what it was like right now, aren’t you?”

“Yes. I miss that so much.”

“But you’re feeling you can have it again, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know. I do feel very warm and comfortable right now.”

“And feeling how very, very easy it is to talk with me, aren’t you?”

“Yes. It’s amazing. It’s so easy to tell you these things.”

“How was your physical relationship with this man?”

She blushed and lowered her eyes, and then raised them to meet mine. “It was terrific. He knew exactly what I wanted, and I could tell that I always pleased him. We used to spend hours in bed. He was so sexy, and I felt so desirable when I was with him.” As she spoke, I noticed a slight flush, and her breathing quickened just a bit.

I nodded, “I know just how that is—having a special connection with someone with whom you can be so open and relaxed and respond to so easily. That’s such a wonderful feeling, being with that person, and feeling those feelings, isn’t it?”

“Yes, yes, it is. I miss that so much.” She was gazing into my eyes, and by the dilation of her pupils and way her lips had parted, I could tell she was reliving being with her lover, but casting me in that role. I helped to reinforce that association.

“Yes, and when you meet someone so easy to talk to—someone you can communicate with at a deep level, with whom you feel deeply relaxed, it feels so right and good. Do you know what I mean?”

“Oh yes, I know exactly what you mean.”

“And when you meet someone like that, someone with whom you share a deep connection, deep warm communication, it’s natural to want to spend more time with that person, to return even more often. Isn’t that so?”

“Yes, it is.”

She was so beautifully open, taking in each of my suggestions, responding to it, making it her own. So willing. So lovely. So very warm and desirable.

“I’d like you to have the new stone for the bracelet, and feel the power of communication as we both wear it. OK?”

“Yes, I’d like that. Thank you.” She gave me such a sweet smile. Yes, this was the one I wanted. I had no doubts.

* * *

The shop was closed on Sunday, but on Monday she hurried into the shop and headed over to my counter. Giving me a million-dollar smile she said, “I’ve been thinking about our last conversation, and feeling so good about it. It was the best talk I’ve had in a long, long time.”

“I loved it too. I could feel the connection and deep communication between us.”

“Yes, that’s exactly it. And I think the stone has been continuing to affect me. I’ve been having such an urge to share with you, to talk with you. I want to tell you everything—how my day was yesterday, how I feel this morning, what I’m going to be doing today, how my life is going, everything I’ve ever done.” Her eyes were shining with enthusiasm, and as her words built into a breathless rush, they spilled over into light laughter. I joined her, and we laughed together for a few moments, gazing into each other’s eyes, smiles abounding. “Oh, and of course, I want to hear everything you’ve ever done as well!” More laughter.

“But you’re wearing a different stone today. That’s such a lovely deep green color. And I must admit, I’m just dying to know ...” Her eyes twinkled, and her smile deepened, revealing her dimples.

“I’m wearing the stone of responsiveness. Here, let me give you its mate. There, how does it feel?”

“I don’t know. Strange. I do feel like I want to respond to you. I’ve been thinking about you a lot, and it seems natural to respond to you. I feel so relaxed when I’m with you.” She was gazing into my eyes, her stare distant, unfocused.

“Yes, it’s lovely to respond. To relax, let go. To feel our connection, our deep communication, and to want to respond to me. To respond to each other. It’s such a delightful feeling. Can you feel how each time you return, that response is getting deeper?”

“Oh, yes I can! It feels like I’ve known you all my life. I want to respond to you so much. It really does feel so good—so right. Each bracelet you’ve given me seems to take me someplace new. I love this new one; it feels so wonderful. I really want to respond to you.”

“It’s a lovely feeling to let go, and feel that desire to respond deeply, isn’t it?”

“I feel so good, being here with you, responding to you. Do you mind me telling you all this?”

“I want you to feel completely open to share, open to give, to receive, enjoying your responsiveness as we connect more and more deeply, as you relax more and more deeply. As I suggest new possibilities to you, it feel so good to be open and responsive to them, doesn’t it?”

“Oh, it does, it does! I just love your ideas. They seem to open new worlds for me.”

“Yes, it’s lovely to feel open and relaxed and responsive when you’re with me, doesn’t it?’

“Very much so. I feel like I’m flying.”

“I’m so pleased,” I replied, smiling at her. “It will continue to become more enjoyable to respond even more deeply—to allow yourself the pleasure of accepting my suggestions more and more.”

Her wide-open eyes were fixed on mine, her lips open just a bit as though she’d forgotten to keep them closed. Her head nodded in agreement, as she murmured her replies.

“Yes, I enjoy your suggestions.”

“So, it’s natural for you to want to return often, and for you to want what I have to offer you, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Yes, it is.”

“You’ll respond more deeply each time you see me. You’re wanting that, aren’t you?”

“Oh, yes I am. I’m wanting it very much.”

“The next time you come in, I’ll have something that will enhance our experience even more. That will make it even easier for you to respond deeply.”

“I can hardly wait,” she said with a smile.

* * *

I was delighted when she returned the following morning.

“I couldn’t wait any longer to see what the next stone is; I’m just so curious.” She smiled as she held her wrist out towards me. “I hope I’m not being too pushy, but I’m just dying to know. I hope that’s ok?”

“Of course. I can understand your curiosity.” I returned her smile. “Here. Let me fit this new stone in. There. I’m already wearing mine; now we match.”

“Oh, it’s beautiful. What kind of stones are they? What do they do?”

“They’re stones of proximity.”


“Yes, closeness. These stones will bring us closer. If you’ll simply relax, let yourself respond, feel our connection, the stone will guide you.”

She was standing on the other side of the jewelry display, her usual spot. As I spoke, her face took on a distant, dreamy expression. Slowly she began to move around the counter, as I continued talking in low, gentle tones. She drifted towards me, her eyes focused on mine, until she was standing close, her head tilted upward.

“There. It feels good to be close, doesn’t it?”

“Oh yes. It feels wonderful. I feel so relaxed, so focused on your voice, so responsive. I can feel the connection between us, and I want to be even closer.”

“Of course you do. That’s natural. It’s natural for us to grow closer and closer, enjoying all the sensations as we do.”

“Oh, I want that. I want that so much. I wish I could stay here all day. I want to be close to you. I have to go to work, but I don’t want to. I want to be here with you, close to you.”

I smiled at her. “Enjoy feeling that desire. That pull. You’ll find it’s quite delightful.”

“Oh, I don’t want to go.”

“You’ll be back soon.”

“Yes, I will. I want to be; I want it so much. I have to go now.”

She kept her eyes on mine as she slowly dragged herself to the door. Every movement of her body, every expression on her face spoke extreme reluctance. It was almost as if she were fighting through a viscous fluid in order to leave. Her eyes lingered on me, a long pause at the door. At last she gave a deep sigh, and turned away.

* * *

As I had anticipated, she was back that afternoon. She hurried over to where I was standing, a bit breathless.

“I thought about you all day. It was like something was pulling me. I wanted to be here so much. I just wanted to see you, talk with you, hear your voice, be close to you.”

She was standing in front of me, almost touching, and I could sense her body straining towards me. I took hold of her wrist, gently removed the bracelet and inserted a new stone. She looked at me with mild astonishment. “A new stone?” But I’ve only been wearing the old one a few hours.”

“Yes, but you’re ready for the next,” I said with a smile.

“And what is the next? Each stone seems to be affecting me more strongly. What will this one do?”

“This stone enhances arousal.”

After fitting the bracelet to her wrist, I had not withdrawn my hand. My thumb rested against the underside of her wrist, lightly supporting it as I gently rubbed the back of her hand with my fingers. She was gazing into my eyes and her eyelids fluttered just a bit in response to my words.

“Go ahead and close your eyes, and imagine that we’re together in that way. You can let go now, and respond to my words. You’re warm, relaxed, enjoying being close to me, and feeling a bit aroused now, aren’t you?”

Her face was taking on a dreamy smile, and she simply nodded in response.

“You can just let yourself float now, drifting with my words as you respond to the feelings of arousal. You’ll find this is relaxing you, and yet exciting you as well.”

She let out a small breathy sigh, and I could feel the muscles in her hand and arm letting go as I continued to hold her wrist.

“Yes, so nice to let go. To follow where I lead you. To just relax into my words, respond to them deeply, and allow your arousal to build.”

Her arm was completely limp now, and her smile wider. Her breathing had become just a bit more rapid, and I could see her breasts firming and tightening beneath her silken blouse. I was delighted at how quickly and positively she was responding.

“It’s easy to respond to me, to grow aroused, to let sexual thoughts, feelings, images fill your mind. To feel your body responding. To experience the warm, tingly sensations of arousal. You can feel all of that, can’t you?”

“Oh, I’m getting so turned on,” she murmured. Her breath was rapid now. She was beginning to squirm, just a bit, pressing her thighs together in a slow rhythm. Eyes still closed, lips parted, her face was lightly flushed, her breathing quickening. I continued my stream of suggestion.

“More and more aroused. Feel your desire. Your need. You know what you want. You can just let it happen. It’s so natural. You know that you can tell me anything as you feel the warm, powerful connection between us. You can let yourself respond deeply. Respond to my voice, to the pull you feel, to your deep arousal. Go ahead and tell me what you want now.”

“I want to kiss you,” she replied. Her eyes opened, and the look she gave me was of complete desire—wanton, sultry, passionate. Slowly she raised her face to mine, her hands moving to the back of my neck. Her eyes never left mine, and I could see the naked desire in them. Her lips were hot, moist, vibrant. She gave a deep moan as we melted into the kiss, pressing herself against me.

After the longest, most passionate kiss I’ve ever experienced, I finally broke free. Panting with desire, I headed for the door, set out the “closed” sign, slipped the lock, and pulled the blinds. When I turned back to her, she was unfastening the last of the buttons on her blouse. As she slipped the fabric from her smooth, creamy shoulders, the tip of her tongue slowly stroked over her lips, while her eyes spoke, saying, “I want you.”

Slowly she moved towards me while unfastening her bra, very slowly and seductively sliding it off. My eyes dropped to her lovely breasts. They were medium-sized, pear-shaped, gathering into full, firm, rosy nipples. I don’t think I’ve ever seen breasts so tempting; I simply had to feel them in my hands. She responded by pressing herself against me, gluing her lips to mine. As I slowly caressed her breasts, pulling gently outward on each stroke, I could feel her nipples lengthening and tightening.

I moved one hand to her gently rounded behind, and pulled her into me. Her moaning increased, and she pressed her crotch against one of my thighs. Removing her hands from my neck, she quickly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. Within moments she had grabbed hold of one of my hands, guiding it beneath the waistband of her panties. Her fur was soft, silky, her folds warm and moist. I stroked her slowly, enjoying the quivering of her body, the low moaning from the back of her throat.

I began to whisper into her ear, “Close your eyes. Relax and feel how very, very aroused you are. When you orgasm, it will be so intense, so pleasurable, and you’ll want even more. Wanting to give yourself. Wanting that so much. More aroused than you’ve ever been. So sexy, so ready, feeling such warm and beautiful desire. Are you ready to cum for me now?”

“Oh yes, oh yes. Please. Oh yes.”

I gently slid my tongue into her ear as I whispered, “Cum now, my lovely darling.” She began to cry, “Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,” as her body shook against me. The tip of my finger was inside her, and I could feel her muscles clutching rhythmically. I continued to murmur words of encouragement and arousal, and she responded enthusiastically.

At last her body stilled. Her eyes opened, and with a look of warm desire she softly said, “Please take me. I want you so much. I’ve never wanted anyone this much. Please. Let me be with you. Please.” How could I refuse a request put so prettily? And such a pretty partner—so warm, so tender, so sexy, so desirable. We moved into the back where I have a small bed, and spent hours pleasurably exploring. I continued to suggest even deeper arousal, and she responded beautifully to each word, to each gesture. We both immersed ourselves in the pleasure of open bodies and open minds.

That was months ago. We’re together now. We’ve shared deeply, growing closer, experiencing a growing passion and desire for each other. And there have been other stones for the bracelets—stones that have enhanced our pleasure, deepened and strengthened her desire and ability to respond to my words, opened her to new experiences, guided her into new realms. But then, that’s really a different story, isn’t it?

* * *