The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


By: BZ2

Part 2

Dr. Dilworth began his probe into Melissa Sampson’s subconscious with the primary objective of finding a control and to establishing some trigger commands. He thought he had a pretty good idea of what the control object could be.

He knew that Melissa had a sweet tooth. He also knew that she kept a stash in her desk; which he quickly retrieved. As he had suspected the stash was all chocolate, she was either a chocoholic already or she could easily become one.

As Dr. Dilworth finished a second dram of Glenlivets his thought naturally centered upon the motionless form reclining on his couch. Melissa had worked in his office for over a year now and Samuel had no real complaints in that regard.

By day she worked as Dr. Dilworth’s secretary and at night, in pursuit of her M.B.A. degree, she took graduate classes at the local University. He had to admit she was a good and efficient worker, always punctual; she’d had only one absence on her record to date.

On the other hand it seemed that every day was casual Friday for Melissa (an oversized sweater and baggy slacks were her attire of choice). And he’d always found it difficult to fathom why asking her to make the coffee in the morning and bringing him in a cup was such a significant issue for her. When asked, her standard retort was; “sorry, that’s not in my job description Doc.”

He began probing; “Melissa you will continue to sleep, you can hear only my voice. I am about to ask you some questions. You must answer all of my questions candidly; you are powerless to lie or to withhold any information I may ask from you. (Melissa nodded her head). Now Melissa, you really like chocolate a lot don’t you?”


“Do you have a very special chocolate that you prefer over all others?”


“Good girl, and what is that scrumptious chocolate treat Melissa?”

“Godiva’s Dark Chocolate Truffles.”

“Good girl Melissa”, Samuel was confident that this would be the perfect control item for his new subject. Now he needed to establish a few triggers commands.

But first his curiosity had to be sated; “Melissa, why did you open the door during my session with Mr. Jones?”

“I have always been interested in hypnosis and how you put people to sleep.”

“Very good Melissa. Because of your interest in hypnosis, tomorrow morning you are going to ask me if you could be one of the subjects in my hypnosis case studies. I will answer YES. I will then provide you with a consent form, which you will fill out, sign and then return to me. Do you understand Melissa?”


“Repeat your instructions.”

“I will ask to be a subject in your case study and fill out and sign the consent form.”

“Good girl Melissa. Now Melissa when you hear me and only me say the phrase ‘training time’ you will instantly and fully return to the very deep sleep state you are in now. Do you understand Melissa?”

“Yes, I will return to the very deep sleep state.”

“You have done very well for today Melissa, when I snap my fingers once you will open your eyes but continue to sleep. You will then return to your desk.” He snapped his finger and Melissa’s eyes opened wide; she slowly rose from the couch and walked back to her desk.

“Good girl. Now repeat after me Training Time. Deep sleep.”

“Training Time. Deep sleep.”

“Good girl Melissa. Continue to repeat the phrase until I tell you to stop.”

“Training Time. Deep sleep. Training Time. Deep sleep … Training Time. Deep sleep.”

Fifteen minutes later he returned. “Good girl Melissa now in a couple of minutes I will buzz you on the inner-com. When you hear the buzzing you will awaken from your sleep feeling very refreshed. But you will have no conscious memory of anything else. You will feel relaxed and refreshed but that is all. You will not even remember ever opening the door to my office. Do you understand?”

“Yes I will remember nothing. Feel refreshed and relaxed.”

“Good girl.” Once back in his office he buzzed the inner-com.

Melissa awoke stretching like a cat and feeling as though she’d just had a month long vacation. Then she heard Dr. Dilworth. “Melissa are you still at it? I thought you had left long ago. Don’t you have a class tonight? You better head on home before I get a reputation as a slave driver.”

Melissa shook her head as if trying to rid herself of some cobwebs, looked at the clock and said; “oh my god. I have to get out of here.”

Melissa felt that something was not quite right, but she couldn’t comprehend exactly what it was. “Oh well, (she thought) maybe it will come to me later.” With that she gathered up her things. If she hurried she could still make it home in time to grab a bite to eat before she had to be at the University for her Economics class.

(End Part 2)