The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Mission Of The Raptor Cult.

By The Slaver.

Deputies Crewe and Lester stood in front of Sheriff Wentworth’s desk; both men were wondering why they had been called in, when they were both meant to be off duty! Both Crewe and Lester were of the same hight and build, with well-defined abs and six packs. But both men were also different as well. Crewe was 25, blue eyed, dark haired, which was cut into a mullet. Lester on the other hand, was 23, and had eyes that you could not tell what the colour was, his fiery red hair was cut in a modem crew-cut. Their uniforms clung to their bodies. Wentworth, a great bear of a man with a salt and pepper horse-shoe cut, and neatly trimmed salt and pepper beard, sat behind his desk looking at Crewe and Lester for a few moments before he spoke.

“Crewe, Lester. I’ve asked you two to come here tonight, as the D.A has asked us to look into the Mission of Raptor cult. It seems that there are some very strange reports coming out of there, of late. And the D.A want someone to investigate. So I at once thought of you two!” The Sheriff stopped talking and look at the two deputies.

For a time no one said anything, then Lester cleared his throat and asked, “Why us Sir?” An almost lustful look briefly crossed the Sheriff’s face, before he answered. “Why not, both of you fit the sort of men that join that cult, and then suddenly vanished. Your both single, Hetro, and fuck any female under the age of 35.”

The two deputies looked at each other, and then back at Wentworth. “It seems that many of the men that join the cult, after a few weeks there just vanish without a track. The only link between the disappeared men is that like you two, they too fucked like rabbits. The men who have wives, or ordinary sex-lives seem to just live out their time in the cult, as do all of the female members! The D.A, as do WE wants to know what is really going on in that cult, and what’s happened to all those missing men. Over the last six months over 79 male members have just vanished from the face of the Earth.” Wentworth took a sip of water from the water bottle on his desk.

Once again the two Deputies looked at each other and then back at the Sheriff, “The two of you are to go undercover at the cult’s local mission, tomorrow. The two of you are both to report back to me every night at 12 AM.”

Crewe opened his mouth to say something, but the Sheriff cut him short, “There is no, I won’t do this Sir about this! The pair of you will attend the interview booked for you at 8:30 AM tomorrow. That is the end of it. Dismissed.” The abruptness of the dismissal was a shock to both Crewe and Lester; without a word the two men turn and walked out of Wentworth’s office.

As soon as Crewe and Lester had left his office, Wentworth opened the top draw of his desk, and took out a burn phone, after checking that the outer office was empty; Wentworth sent a text. The Text read: ‘They will be there 8:30 AM tomorrow’ A few seconds later a reply came back, just one word, ‘Good’

8;30 the next morning, Lester’s car pulled up at the gates of the local branch of the Mission of the Raptor. Lester and Crewe give their names to the guard at the gates, the guard nodded his head and waved a hand. The gates were opened and Lester drove through, the gates closed behind them. As they drove up to the large house that still onto of a small hill, that was the cults administration building, Crewe and Lester looked out at the sense around them.

Men and women in simple white cotton uniforms could be seen working at long strips of land, tending to vegetables, and Barley. Or repairing lines of wooden buildings; Crewe figured that these building was where the members lived. Other groups of people in the distance could be seen doing other things, but they were too far away to see what they were doing.

Patrolling the high wire fence that run round the compound were black glad security men, with large sticks and tasers in their belts, all the men held a walkie-talkie in their hand. More black clad guards monitored the CCTV cameras that could be seen everywhere, from a large building by the gates. Lester stopped the car by the large house; both he and Crewe got out of the car.

A tall well-built man, dressed in a grey suit, and with his hair cut in a High and Tight came down the steps of the house to greet them; his hand held out to them, “You must be, Crewe and Lester, Welcome to you both! I am Melbury, the Master Raptor’s representative at this mission.” Melbury shook hands with both Crewe and Lester. “First of all I’ll give you a tourer, and then we can retire to the Temple of Welcome; there I will answer any questions that I can.” He lead the two men into the large house.

90 minutes later The tourer was going to an end, Crewe and Lester had been shown the Temple Knowledge, which was really just a large room full of shelfs, upon shelfs of leather bound books, at tables in the middle of the room people sat, their eyes seemed to be glued to the page in front of them. They had seen the Temple of Peace, in this room were people line rows, each one in the Lotus position, eyes closed in meditation.

And finally, the Temple of Pleasure, this was a very large room that at that time was empty, but for the many mattresses that were all over the floor. As they left the temple, both Crewe and Lester thought for a moment that they could smell the smell of dry Cum and body juices, but the smell pasted in a moment.

Crewe and Lester were now sitting in the Temple of Welcome. The Temple of Welcome was a room far larger than the other temples. Row upon row of wooden chairs fill nearly all of the floor space. The rows of chairs all faced towards a woodened stage on which was a table, with a single chair behind it. Crewe and Lester stood up and shock hands with Melbury, thanking him for his time. Melbury smiled as he watch the two men walk away out of the Temple of Welcome.

Melbury nodded his head at the shadows by the door, two of the black clad security guards stepped out of the shadows and quietly followed Crewe and Lester. The two did not reach Lester’s car; before they both were tasered from behind by the two guards. Crewe and Lester’s bodies spasmed and shook as they were Tasered, it seemed like hours to both Crewe and Lester that they were Tasered, before they passed out and fell to the floor, Both Crewe and Lester were grateful, as a great blackness swallowed them up.

A while later Crewe and Lester opened their eyes, and groaned. Both of them were back in the Temple of Welcome; they were tied to two chairs in the front row of chair, facing the stage. One of the black clad guards was standing on the stage next to the table; on the table now stood a large metronome. Lester and Crewe opened their mouths to speak. But before they could, they felt a sharp prick in the backs of their necks. Two more guards were standing behind them, and had just injected Crewe and Lester with some sort of drug.

Out of nowhere a voice was heard, “Welcome back Deputies Crewe and Lester. Did both of you really think that WE did not know who you both really were, and why you came here?” Said the voice. Both Crewe and Lester opened their mouths too speak, but they could not. “Well as the two of you have gone to so much trouble to find out what had happened to those men, we’ll show you!” The guard by the table started the metronome swinging. At once Crewe and Lester’s eyes locked onto it. Crewe and Lester did not even hear the guards leave the temple.

“Now, focus on the metronome. Keep your eyes on the tick and the tock. Left tick, breathe in. Right tick, breathe out.” The voice instructed. On a screen not far away Melbury, watched as Crewe and Lester follow the voice’s instructions. “With every tick, you feel relaxed, comfortable, peaceful. So good, and relaxed. Keep breathing. Calm, relaxed. The sound of my voice makes you feel safe, calm, at peace. Breathe in. Breathe out.”

The dazed Crewe and Lester regulate their breathing to match the timing of the swinging metronome. The two men through the drugged haze that filled their minds stared intently at the metronome. The tip of the metronome caught the rays of light from the nearby candles, the candle light on the tip of the metronome sparkled like a crystal in sun-light. On the screen, Melbury could see the effect of the sedative, that had been forced into Crewe and Lester, calming the two men.

“Relaxed. Calm. Your arms feel so heavy. You can barely lift them. Your legs, your body, your chest feels limp, relaxed and heavy. Breathe in. Breathe out.” Melbury watched as Crewe, Lester and their bodies reacting to the entrancing effect of the voice and the metronome induction. “Your eyelids are so heavy. You can barely keep your eyes open.” The voice intoned, the two men were slowly losing it.

Slowly, Crewe and Lester began to nod off and fall asleep. On the Screen Melbury could clearly see the rhythm of their breathing. With every tick, they breathed in. With every tock, they breathed out. Melbury smiled, “Got you, both, you cocky pricks!” He said as he picked up a Mike and turned it on.

In the room the voice ended suddenly, to be replaced, by Melbury’s own voice, “Now, count down the ticks, starting at 10. When you reach 0, you will feel relaxed and open to suggestion. 10 – 9 – 8 …”, Melbury slowly counted down into the mike until he reached 0, “ And 0. Now you both are, relaxed, calm, empty, ready to listen to my voice and do what you’re told. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” Both Crewe and Lester, replied as one in an empty sort of voice. “Whose voice can you, both hear?” Melbury asked, a second later both Lester and Crewe replied in that same sort of empty voice. “Melbury’s voice.”

“And whose voice, do you both obey?” Melbury asked, “Melbury’s voice.” Came the reply, “And whose voice tells you what to do?”

“Melbury’s voice.” The two men replied “And who tells you what to do?” Melbury’s voice asked, “Melbury.” Was the reply from the two men. “And so that makes Melbury your master. Who is Melbury?”

“Master.” Both Crewe and Lester answered. “Master Melbury will tell you both what to do from now on. Do you understand?” Melbury’s voice said, “Yes.” Came the reply from Crewe and Lester. “Yes, Master Melbury.” Melbury snapped. “Yes, Master Melbury.” The two men answered.

Melbury stared at the two entranced studs on the screen in front of him. “Sleep.” Melbury said into the Mike: he silently watched Crewe and Lester sleeping peacefully, slumped in their chair He walked away from the screen towards the door of the room, and stepped out. “Follow me. We’ve worked to do!” He simply said to the several Cult followers that stood outside of the room he had just left.

“Yes, Master!” Was all the followers said, in flat empty voices, all the followers were well built men, but there was something not quite right about these followers. Each follower was completely naked, but for the metal cages that encased their semi-hard cocks, they were also completely hairless from the top of their heads, down. There was not a single hair anywhere on them. And there was a empty, vacant look in their eyes; sort of like the lights are on, but there’s no one home look.

Melbury and the Cult followers walked towards the doors of the Temple of Welcome; between then the Cult followers were pushing two gurneys; Melbury and the Cult followers burst into the Temple of Welcome. The entranced Crewe and Lester did not moved. Melbury and the followers moved towards the two Lawmen. Melbury stepped away from Crewe and Lester, and watch as they were untied, stripped naked; and then placed on the gurneys, and strapped down on them, tightly. “Take them to the Temple of Learning!” Melbury ordered.

Silently, between them the followers pushed the gurneys out of the Temple of Welcome. The two gurneys were pushed down a corridor towards what looked like a section of wooden panelled wall. The section of wooden panelled wall side open as Melbury and the followers drew near. The group of followers and Melbury pasted through the opening; the wall slid closed behind them.

The Temple of Learning, looked more like some sort of high Tec Lab/ Bondage Dungeon than any sort of Temple. The room in which Melbury, the Cult followers and the gurney bound Crewe and Lester was now; was littered with strange looking equipment, and rubber and Leather Bondage equipment. On a table, on the edge of a large clear space in the middle of the room, were hundreds, and hundreds of boxes; each box contained a metal cock cage, the same as those worn by the followers. Only the specially chosen Cult followers, all of whom were Male, aged between 18-35, good-looking, highly sexed, and straight ever went there. The guys may have been straight when they went into the Temple of Learning; but by the time they left, all of them were definitely not straight any longer.

Shortly; after their time in the Temple, the followers would just disappear, supposedly they’d gone to another of the Cults centres somewhere, but no trace of them was ever found.

Over the next seventy- two hours, Crewe and Lester would listen to a continual loop of Melbury’s voice, sound-waves and lapping waves. “Close your eyes you’re on an Island. Now listen to the waves as they ripple upon the shore of the Island. You can feel the cool Island breeze wafting across your naked body, as you relax, lay still, and find that perfect place to empty your mind. You don’t mind, or notice the cage gripping your worthless cock. An empty mind, and a caged cock has no stress. It feels good to have an empty mind, and caged cock.” An IV was pushed into each of Crewe and Lester’s arm, Melbury and the Cult followers watch a bright yellow liquid run into Crewe and Lester’s arms, and then into their bodies.

“An empty mind, and a caged cock has no stress. It feels good to have an empty mind, and a caged cock. Being empty and caged is fun. It makes you giggle, as you’re silly, empty and caged. Breathe in and breathe out. Let your mind free itself of stress, and your cock becomes semi hard. You’re an empty, giggling silly boy. You like being empty, and caged. You like being an empty caged slut. You want to be an empty, caged slut!” As Melbury and the Cult followers watched, as both Crewe and Lester’s caged soft cock, seemed to spring to too life; instantly both cocks become semi-hard; the two men’s semi-hard cocks pushed against the metal ribs of the metal cages on the cocks, the spikes on the metal rips bit into Crewe and Lester’s semies.

“Empty, caged sexy slut. Empty, caged sexy slutty boy. A silly slut with an empty head, and caged cock. Himbos like having an empty head, and caged cock. Himbos likes being silly. Himbos likes having an empty head, and caged cock. Himbos like having an empty head, and caged cock. Himbos likes being silly. Himbos like having an empty head, and caged cock. Himbos likes being silly. Himbos like having an empty head, and caged cock. Himbos likes being silly.” The yellow liquid in the IVs was running low; Melbury watched as two Cult followers changed the IV bags, and a new dose of the liquid entered the two men’s body.

“Himbos like being sexy sluts. Himbos love being sexy sluts. Himbos can’t live without being sexy sluts. Himbos like being sexy sluts. Himbos love being sexy sluts. Himbos can’t live without being sexy sluts. Himbos like being sexy sluts. Himbos love being sexy sluts. Himbos can’t live without being sexy sluts. Himbos like being sexy sluts. Himbos love being sexy sluts. Himbos can’t live without being sexy sluts.” On and on the voice went filling the two drugged men’s minds; inside the two metal cages, both Crewe and Lester’s semi-hard cocks twitched, and tried to become hard and erect, but could not, the spikes bit harder into their cocks.

You are a himbo. You like having an empty head, and caged cock. You like being silly. You are a himbo. You like having an empty head, and caged cock. You like being silly. Himbos love cock and cum. You love cock and cum. Himbos can’t think of anything but cocks and cum. Himbos love having sex with men. Having sex with men makes you horny and happy. Having sex with men makes you happy, horny, and empty. Himbos love cock and cum. You love cock and cum. Himbos can’t think of anything but cocks and cum. Himbos love having sex with men. Having sex with men makes you horny and happy. Having sex with men makes you happy, horny, and empty.” Pre-cum leaked from the piss-slits of the two men’s semi-hard caged cocks.

“Himbos love cock and cum. You love cock and cum. Himbos can’t think of anything but cocks and cum. Himbos love having sex with men. Having sex with men makes you horny and happy. Having sex with men makes you happy, horny, and empty. You are a himbo. With an empty head, and caged cock, relaxed, horny. You can’t wait to suck a cock and eat some cum.” Melbury nodded his head, all but two of the Cult followers left the Temple of Learning. Before he too left the Temple of Learning, Melbury, briefly spoke to the two remaining Cult followers; making sure that they know what to do for the 72 hour. Melbury then left the temple.

Seventy-two hours later, Crewe and Lester were back, sitting naked, and caged in two seats in the front row, in the Temple of Welcome; both men had an empty look in their eyes. Melbury walked into the temple and over to Crewe and Lester; he stopped in front of the two men. Melbury then began shedding his clothes, first his tie, then his shirt, white T-shirt, pants, shoes and socks. The fit, tanned 34-year old stood in his compression Jock-strap admiring the studly duo of Crewe and Lester.

“Can you hear me?” Melbury asked, rubbing the front of his Jock-strap. “Yes, Master Melbury.” The two studs answered, “Good. From now on, both of you are gay. Understand?”

“Yes, Master Melbury.” Melbury could not help smiling, “And also both of you are bottoms. Understand?” Both Crewe and Lester replied robustly, but in an twinkish sort of voice. “Yes, Master Melbury.” Again Melbury smiled, “And you’ll both want cock, continuously. Understand?”

“Yes, Master Melbury.”

“And you’ll want Master Melbury and high ranking Cult members to be that cock in your life. Understand?” Melbury said he could feel his cock hardening in his compression Jock-strap, “Yes, Master Melbury.”

“Because you lust for Master Melbury and high ranking Cult members; you want their large, big cocks.” Melbury said, after which he let out a low moan. “Yes, Master Melbury.” Replied Crewe and Lester both men had started to leak Pre-cum from the piss-slits of their caged cocks, “The Cult has a big house far away from here, where two former Lawmen, bottom boys like yourselves could live. Do you want to live there and be slutty little bottom boys?”

“Yes, Master Melbury.”

“Good, little bottom boys. From now on, you will serve as Master Melbury, and high ranking Cult members as bottom boys. Master Melbury and high ranking Cult members will fuck you. Do you want Master Melbury and high ranking Cult members to fuck you?”

“Yes, Master Melbury.”

“Master Melbury and the high ranking Cult members all have large, big cocks. All of us will fuck you. Do you understand?” Melbury said, both men were silent for a moment, but then they replied, “Yes, Master Melbury.”

“Later on both of you will go to report to your boss and tell them that there is nothing wrong here. After that you will say that you’re taking some leave and will be back on duty in a few weeks-time! But neither of you will ever be seen again. Both of you in your new, but dim lives will experience the sheer joy and pain, when another man has his cock buried deep in your asses. You will also continuously suck cock, when ordered to. You love Master Melbury and the Cult. You desire Master Melbury, and high ranking Cult members. You lust for Master Melbury, and high ranking Cult members. You will obey Master Melbury. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master Melbury.” Both Crewe and Lester answered.

“Who do you serve?”

“Master Melbury, and high ranking Cult members.” The two men replied, Melbury smiled, and let out another moan, his cock so needed seeing to.

“Very good. I’m going to count to five. When I reach 5, you will awaken, but both of you are still under the control of the Cult as well as my control. Do you both understand?

“Yes, Master Melbury.”

“1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5.” Melbury said. Crewe and Lester opened their eyes. They looked at Melbury, who stood before them in his compression Jock-strap, his cock straining to be free from the pouch of his Jock.

Melbury studied the Cult’s two new studs’ physiques. Both Lester and Crewe stood in the Temple of Welcome, each of them wearing only the metal cages. Their sizable semi-hard cocks straining in the confines of the cage on their cock. Both men were still leaking Pre-cum.

For a moment Melbury felt sorry for the two massive cocked former Lawmen, who would never use their cocks again; as they were now bottom boys. Melbury shook his head, no longer feeling sorry of Crewe and Lester he lowered his compression Jock-strap and sat on the edge of the stage, Melbury spread his legs and said, “Suck my cock, bottom boys. I know both of you want it. Don’t you, both?”

“Yes, Master Melbury.” Crewe and Lester answered, they get on their knees, in front of Melbury, fighting for Melbury’s cock. Reluctantly at first, but then with gusto Crewe and Lester took turns licking Melbury’s bulbous, mushroom head, his long, thick shaft and dangling, tight-skinned, lemon sized nut sac. Melbury leaned back on the stage, relaxed, and enjoyed the two former Lawmen sucking his cock, getting him hard. Melbury casting aside any regret he held for converting Crewe and Lester into personal sex toys, for himself and high ranking Cult members. They would serve the Cult’s libido at will, clueless, and dim as shit Crewe and Lester would submit to all of the Cults and his commands. Both Lester and Crewe would obey his and the Cults every word.

After only a few minutes, the extremely horny Melbury felt his balls, tighten and rise up, panting heavily, Melbury just managed to pull his cock out of Lester’s mouth; before his cock erupted. Melbury shot his extra-large load of his Man-juice all over, both the faces of Crewe and Lester. By the time Melbury had finished shooting his load over the two men’s faces: both Crewe and Lester’s face looked like glazed donuts. As he came down from his high; Melbury watch as the former Lawmen scrapped his Cum from their faces with their fingers, and then licked them clean, before scrapping off more Cum from their faces, and then licking their fingers clean again.

The door of the Temple of Welcome, opened, and a group of men, high ranking Cult members walked in. Like Melbury, the Cult members removed their suits, white T-shirts, shoes and socks. The high ranking Cult members stood in front of Lester and Crewe; clad only in their compression Jock-straps, leering at the two men, as they finished eating the last of Melbury’s Cum from their faces. “Kneel on a chair, bottom boys. And show that arse of yours to the world!” Lester and Crewe knelt on a chair, both guys leaned forwards, and held the chair back, with their faces just above their hands, looking over the chair. Four of the high ranking Cult members moved over too Crewe And Lester.

Two members stood just in front of Crewe and Lester’s faces, they pulled aside their compression Jocks, their cocks fell free. Both cocks where erect, hard and full with blood. Lester and Crewe opened their mouths wide, each of then swallowed a Cult members cock down to its base: two sets of ball sacs slapped against Crewe and Lester’s chin. The two Cult members, grabbed the back of Crewe and Lester’s heads, holding the two guys on their cock, as they began to Face-fuck the two Lawmen. Lester gagged a few time, but after a few hard slaps across his face, Lester stopped gagging. Melbury sat on the stage, jerking his cock, as he watching Crewe and Lester getting roughly Face-fucked for the first time. The other two members moved behind Crewe and Lester; each member licked one of the fingers.

Lester and Crewe moaned around the cocks filling their mouths, as the two members slid their wet fingers into Crewe and Lester’s virgin whole. More muffled moans were heard from Lester and Crewe as the two fingers were worked deeper into then, opening up their wholes. After a time, the members pulled out their fingers, pulled down the compression Jock-straps, freeing their rock-hard erections. The two members spat on their hand, then rubbed the spit over their hard erections, as lube; before thrusting into Crewe and Lester’s wholes, popping both of the two men’s cherries.

Tears run down both Crewe and Lester’s checks as they were penetrated for the first time in the lives. For a while it felt to both of them, like a large tree truck was being thrust into their wholes. Both Lester and Crewe moan around the cocks filling their mouth, as they were Fucked hard and deep; tears continued to roll down their checks. Slowly, the moans stopped, as did the tears as the two former Lawmen fell into their new life as slutty bottom boys. The two members Face-fucking Crewe and Lester suddenly pushed deeper down the two men’s throats; the two members cocks exploded deep down Lester and Crewe’s throats. The two members moaned, as Crewe and Lester swallowed their Cum; the two members moaned even louder as the felt the two former Lawmen’s throats milking their cocks of every last drop of their cum.

Crewe and Lester finished milking the cocks in their mouths: the two cock had just been pulled from their mouths; when the two members Arse-fucking Crewe and Lester, Screamed out loud; as their massif cock, buried deep in the two lawmen’s whole exploded. Both men shot some much Cum into Lester and Crewe’s guts, that cum dripped out of the wholes. The two members pulled out of Crewe and Lester; as their soft cocks slid out of the two lawmen’s whole the drips of Cum that leaked from their whole, seemed to become a steady run of Cum. Watching, Melbury just smiled, and clicked his fingers. Four more members moved in front of, and behind Crewe and Lester; their welcome to the Cult of The Raptor had only just begun!

Several hours later, the piles of flesh, Cum and sweat the had once been the two lawmen; Crewe and Lester, lay whimpering, but unnoticed on the floor. The only other person in the room was Melbury, everyone else had left; the two lawmen’s welcome to the Cult was complete. Smiling down at the two whimpering men; Melbury pulled his cock out from his compression jock, and then let lose a stream of his piss all over Crewe and Lester. Once finished pissing, Melbury pushed his cock back in his jock, picked up his clothes, and left the two lawmen still whimpering on the floor. In a few minutes time, both Crewe and Lester would be cleaned up, clothed, and send back to make their report, accompanied by two cult members who waited outside for the two lawmen.

Once Crewe and Lester had made their report, they and the two cult members would return to the mission of the Raptor; where the two lawmen would by prepped for their journey to their new life. Both men would be stripped naked, completely shaved of all hair from the top of their heads down, then plugged, Dildo gagged, and encased in cling-film. Once this was done Crewe and Lester would be placed in wooden crates, the tops would then be nailed in place, and the crates would then be taken to in the dead of night to a lonely airfield. Where the two lawmen’s crates, along with several other crates would be flown out of the country.

Melbury stood in the trees at the edge of the airfield and watched as the DC10 took off, with the crates holding Crewe and Trot aboard. Melbury turned to leave when a figure stepped out of the shadows. Now standing in front of Melbury was the Grand Master Raptor, A.K.A Sheriff Wentworth. Melbury bowled his head, and stood silently, waiting for Wentworth to say something. An evil snear spread over the Grand Master Raptor’s face.

“You fucking Shit-brained dick. Because of you I’ve lost two of my men, they had to replace the two that escaped from you and run straight to the D.A. It was sear luck that I managed to convince the DA that I would look it to the Raptor cult, and that he believed me. He let me place the two runaways in custody for safe keeping. The two fuckers are now back in the Temple of Learning, both are heavily drugged, neither of them are going anywhere, just now. They waiting for you to join them!”

On hearing this Melbury’s head shot up and he opened his mouth to protest, Wentworth lifted up his hand, in it was a strange looking sort of gun. There was a hiss of air, and Melbury felt a sharp sting in his neck. The dart took effect almost at once; Melbury’s eyes rolled up into the back of his head and without a sound, he collapsed in a heap onto the grass. Still with that snear still on his face the Grand Master Raptor stepped over to Melbury. He pulled open his pants, and pulled aside his Jock-strap, freeing his erect 10″ beer can cock. Pointing his cock downwards, towards Melbury; Wentworth let rip his piss. In no time, Melbury’s clothes were completely soaked in Master Raptor’s piss.

But still he kept on pissing, it had been some hours since he had had a piss; and the Grand Master Raptor was going to give all his pent up piss to Melbury. Looking up at the night sky, the Grand Master Raptor watch as the DC 10 banked, for a moment the plane showed up black against the moon, before it speed away in to the dark night sky. Wentworth finished pissing, he shook his cock, and watch as the last few drops of his piss fell from his piss-slit, and landed on the piss soaked Melbury. The Raptor put away his cock, and zipped up his pants.

The Raptor then pulled out his burn phone and made a call; too have Melbury picked up and taken back to the Temple of Leaning. Melbury would be out for several more hours. Looking up at the sky again, the Raptor smiled as he thought that the next plane that was going to leave the airfield would have Melbury on board, heading for his new life, outside of the country. Just before his call was answered, the Grand Master Raptor wondered if in their new, but dim-witted lives, weather Crewe and Lester would recognise, or even remember Melbury; or if Melbury would remember, or recognise the two Deputies.