The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Testing, testing one—. Hello my name is John Drake, and I need help. This should be going to web-site MCH. If I understand this it means mind control help, and that is what I need. I should start with I am here at the University of Deetmeter/Herman, or more commonly called DUH. I am a freshman staying in Herman Halls, a dorm on campus, floor three room 355. My RA or residential advisor Patrick Newman is a mind controller.

It started three weeks after the school year started. On one Thursday night I was studying for a test when Newman asked to see me He sat me down on his couch in his room and showed me something. It almost looked like a Mickey Mouse contraption. Two circular projections from a central base. Newman turned it on and the two circles had spindles that seemed to pull down into their centers, and at the center was a flashing light. The base was a speaker that repeated over and over again, “Obey Patrick Newman.” Newman left and came back and turned off his machine, and asked me if I was going to obey him.

I was. I didn’t really go into a hypnotic trance, but the sound and sight just left me open to do what ever Newman wanted me to do.

He wanted me to find women. He asked me if I knew any of the women that were staying in any of the female floors. I did. He told me to go find one of them and ask that person to come down to see him, but if they asked why to tell them that I didn’t know. I went up to the fourth floor and Sheila was gone, and so was Tyra, but Beth was there. I brought Beth down to Newman and again on the couch looking at the machine.

After another hour Newman told me to go back to studying and remember everything I studied clearly from now on, and to not tell anybody what happened with Beth or the machine. And if anyone asked if I knew where Beth was I had to tell them that I didn’t. This made me sick as I read philosophy.

The next day I didn’t see Beth, or should I say I didn’t see Beth in class. I did see Beth leave Newman’s room later in the morning. I didn’t eat anything all day, I just didn’t have the appetite. I knew what Newman did with Beth, and I wish I didn’t.

That Friday night I went out with friends before Newman woke up, and I didn’t get back until about two in the morning. Unfortunately Newman caught me that Saturday evening. He wanted the most beautiful women that I knew to come to his room. So I had to obey Newman I had to go get Sheila and Ester. Unfortunately for them both they were home. I got Sheila first and as I left to get Ester I saw that Sheila couldn’t look away from the machine. As I set Ester down in front of the machine I saw Sheila with her mouth agape and glassy eyed looking at those damn Mickey mouse ears and hearing that stupid saying over and over again.

Newman looked at me with a wicked grin and told me to come back in an hour. So on the dot I came back to Newman’s to see that Sheila and Ester were still in front of that damn machine having their minds programmed to ‘obey Patrick Newman’, and there was Beth in heated passion with Newman. I didn’t do anything but watch the two of them gyrate. When Newman finally stopped he looked at me and smiled. That evil look on his face. The way those white teeth made his mouth look like a hole to hell. His eyes were shining like blazing suns. He stood up and pulled up his boxer shorts.

He waked over and turned off the machine and made sure that Sheila and Ester were going to obey him, and that was when my own personal hell started. He ordered Sheila and Ester to go back to their homes and put on their sexiest clothes, grab their smallest bikinis, and come back to his room as soon as possible.

As the two mind numb women went off Newman addressed me. He wanted to know if I was a virgin. He asked me a question and I had to obey him. No mater how hard I wanted to leave there and never return I told him that I was a virgin. He laughed. I believe that at that time he was in debate with him self. He could so easily make me loose my virginity, but in the end he let me keep something I did hold dear. But I was not out of the woods. He wanted to be a spectator this time. He made Beth become hot and horny. Then he talked to me.

He told me that I wanted Beth’s cum. I wanted Beth’s cum. Newman told me I wanted to eat Beth out. I wanted to eat Beth out. It is amazing how powerful suggestion can be. I all but dove for Beth. I am not sure how long I was between Beth’s legs, but by the end she was down on the ground in orgasm, and my face was covered. Newman found this funny. He told me to go take a shower, and not tell anybody about what happened that night. As I left Sheila was just coming back in the shortest leather mini-skirt made by man, and the lowest cut shirt I had ever seen. After I came out of the shower there was Ester coming to Newman’s in a short blue dress that had a slit up the left leg, and a very deep collar.

That was when I had to do something. That was when I found your web site. I was told that I couldn’t tell any body, so I think that this is just a data base, and not a real person, thus I get around that little command. I hope this tape makes it to someone that can help me and the three other women. This address is for some PO Box in the city so I hope it gets to MCH soon. Please come as quick as possible.

“I’m telling you size doesn’t mater,” said a short brown haired young man.

“No size does not always mater, but when you can do a place kick with his head I think that it might be a little importaint,” said another slightly taller brown haired young man.

The two were walking with a younger female down the hall of Herman Halls on the third floor. They had just come upon the door to the RA of that area when such RA came out to greet them.

“May I help you?” the RA asked of the trio.

“Are you Patrick Newman?” asked the shorter of the two men.

“Yes I am.”

“Hi,” said the shorter of the two brown haired young men pulling a piece of paper from his pocket, “my name is Billy Carsh. That man over there, who’s wrong, is Bruce March. And that fetchingly beautiful woman is Jacky Brown. We have to—.”

“Wait a minute Billy,” Jacky asked, “first off Mr. Newman can you settle a little dispute between these two. Who would win in a fight between Darth Maul and Yoda?”

Patrick said, “I have never seen Yoda even pick up a light saber.”

“Ha,” Bruce said to Billy’s face.

“Now wait a minute,” Billy said to Patrick, “You didn’t answer the question.”

Patrick thought for a moment, “I think that Darth Maul would just step on Yoda and the fight would be over.”

Billy looked defeated, “Fine. Now for the real reason why we are here.” Billy unfolded the piece of paper and started to read, “Patrick Newman we the representatives of MCH, present representatives, have evidence of your unethical use of mind control drugs, devises, mental power, etc., and have come to put a stop to such. Present evidence now.” Bruce pulled out a tape player and out came, ‘So on the dot I came back to Newman’s to see that Sheila and Ester were still in front of that damn machine having their minds programmed to ‘obey Patrick Newman’, and there was Beth in heated passion with Newman.’

Billy continued with his speech, “Now I ask that you turn over all mind controlling drugs or devices, notes on how to make them, and cease any mind controlling mental powers. Finally please relinquish the names and addresses of any men and or women that you have used mind control on.” Billy looked up from his speech and directly into Patrick’s eyes. Patrick ran.

Billy was a football player for his high school, and took Patrick down easily. Keeping him down was a bit harder. “Will—some—one—help—me?” Billy stammered out as Patrick was thrashing on the ground.

Jacky came over and put one finger on Patrick’s shoulder, “Calm your self. We are not even close to being done.”

“Thanks for your help Jacky,” Billy said getting up.

“Hay what are girlfriends for?” Jacky said.

“You,” Billy said to Bruce, “do you think that meteorite is in your head so you can set off metal detectors at the air port?”

Bruce had a smart ass smile on his face, “You told me to cut back on my mind controlling.”

“Damn strait. I didn’t say stop your mind controlling,” Billy said cooling down, “If you have not noticed I am the only one of this trio that does not have mind controlling abilities, so a little help would be nice.”

Bruce said to Jacky, “Sure you would think that being immune to mind control would be enough for him, but no. Now he wants that metal plate in his head to give him mind controlling abilities. You just can’t please some people.”

“Where’ this damn 355?” Billy said looking at the doors.

“You looking for me?” said a head popping out of a door way.

“That depends,” Billy said, “are you John Drake?”

“Yes,” John said.

“Good we’re looking for you,” Billy said, “let’s get lunch.”

The five of them went over to the food court and with some food sat in one of the darker and quieter corners of the dinning hall. Patrick looked scared to death, but with Jacky being able to control his mind when she touches him the possibly of him running is gone.

“I think that I have see you before,” John said to Billy, “do you go to school here?”

Billy swallowed his pizza, “Sure do, I am in Geology. Bruce over there is in Physics and Geology, that freak. Jacky, well she’s a freshman.”

“Hay,” Jacky said taking mock offense, “I’m going into Geology. I just haven’t declared it yet.”

“Are you really from MCH?” John asked.

“I sure hope so. They’re paying for this lunch,” Bruce said putting a large hoagie bun filled with cold cuts in his mouth.

“It’s a business expense,” Jacky said sipping her drink.

“Right, well that’s out of the way let us get back to business,” Billy turned to Patrick, “tell me who you used mind control on and how you created device?” Patrick kept tight lip. That was when Billy realized that Patrick didn’t have to tell them anything since he was not told that he has to tell the truth, “Jacky if you would please, because I know that someone else won’t.”

Jacky touched Patrick on the shoulder, “I have only controlled five people so far, John Drake, Ester Pantaeva, Sheila Gergon, Beth Dell, and Heather Jerkens. I am a graduate student in psychology, and I knew that at the proper vibration the human voice with rhythmic pulses of light can modify the human mind to the point that it will do what ever the voice tells them to.”

“Right,” Billy said writing down all the names, “those women are they all at DUH?”

“Yes,” Patrick said almost in resignation of his state of affairs.

“Are you the leader of MCH?” John asked a typical Freshman question.

Everyone but Patrick and John laughed at this. Billy regained his composure, “No, sorry I am not. I am in charge of this case since I know Ester and the head of MCH Peter told us that I could be in charge.”

“This one time,” Bruce chimed in.

“I don’t care as long as I am in on the case,” Billy said taking Jacky’s hand, “on a case is how we met, and I have been happy ever since.”

“Flatterer,” Jacky said.

“Jack ass,” Bruce said.

“Don’t blame me for you not having a girlfriend,” Billy said, “maybe you just need a case with a woman as a partner to find that special someone.”

Bruce didn’t look pleased, “I have been on cases with females. It’s just that they either are married, homosexual, or traitors. But can we get back to the case at hand.”

“Right,” Billy said letting go of Jacky’s hand, “first thing’s first. Patrick who do you really think would win in a fight between Darth Maul and Yoda?”

“Darth Maul,” Patrick said.

Billy really didn’t expect a different answer, “Damn it.”