The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“The Kami Stone”

by ”Hypnotic Teddy Bear

Everyone agreed he was nothing special. He was neither handsome nor ugly, neither brilliant nor stupid, neither weak nor strong,neither rich nor poor. He was in the middle, having enough of everything to get by, yet not excelling in anything. And he hated it. He was forgettable, a nobody. People even forgot his name five minutes after he had introduced himself (no one ever introduced him; he had few friends). His name was Byron (an unusual name for 1978), but those who even bothered trying to remember his name called him Brian. He felt he had nothing to offer any woman. As a result, he was depressed. As a result of his depression, he buried himself in his work. Now he was excavating a site in Japan where it was rumored that one of the early leaders fled with his army when they were persecuted for practicing black sorcery, or something like that. The ancient script on the support braces was certainly interesting. Byron had gone off on his own to explore one of the side-tunnels, as he often did when the impulse struck him. He was examining the script on a wall that had appeared at the end of the tunnel. It was definitely Japanese, but written in the most peculiar dialect he had ever seen. Literally translated, it said “Exists here our leader wise-wise-magical-one, keeper of the God Stone Power Gem.” The wall was weak, and easily breached when he rammed it a few times with his shoulder. Inside the chamber he found several mummified warriors lying face-up with their heads pointing to the front of the room, where a stone throne had been carved into the wall. In the throne sat a mummified man in decaying robes, clutching something in his hand. As Byron approached the throne, the object began to glow. Millennia of dust and tarnish melted away in an instant, and the object was floating a few feet in front of the sorceror’s chest, his hand having been vaporized by the object.

“Greetings, seeker of knowledge.” the object said. “Behold the Kami Stone. Its previous master has passed into the next world. Only the first to touch its golden radiance will be endowed with its power. Touch it with a wish in your heart.” Byron had his wish in an instant, and reached forward to touch the Kami Stone. As his hand grasped the Stone, his flesh began to burn, and yet he did not feel pain. As the golden light enveloped his body, he was filled with happiness, and knew his fondest wish would be fulfilled.

* * *

Everyone agreed the child was absolutely beautiful. His birth certificate read “Likely, James Byron, May 1, 1978, born to William J. and Stephanie B. Likely”. By age 2 he was showing extreme intelligence. By age 4 he had read everything in the house and was asking for more. By age 6 he was showing athletic ability in addition to his academic prowess. By age 10, he had reached eighth grade by skipping every odd numbered grade. Early on he had shown a fascination with females and what made them tick. His parents were easily able to pay for his college tuition when he turned fifteen.

Jim was excited as he inserted his key into the lock on the doorknob of his new apartment, just off campus. The University of Texas at Tyler was visible from the hallway window. No one knew that his advanced intelligence was due to the wish he had made when he had touched the Kami Stone at the end of his previous life—to be reborn as someone who had something to offer the women of the world. His soul and the power of the Kami Stone had entered the body of a fetus which had been conceived on that day. There had been some disorientation at first, and it had taken almost two years for his personality to return to what it had been before. His flexible and receptive young brain easily assimilated new knowledge, adding it to what he already knew from his previous life. A year ago he had begun to notice the strange new powers allotted him by the Kami Stone. He had discovered Tara McDonald standing on the roof of the high school, about to jump. She was a senior, overstressed by all that was going on in her life, including the deaths of her parents and her brothers due to their car stalling on the railroad tracks. She’d been at home studying with her twin sister when it had happened. As Jim closed the door and set his two suitcases on the couch, he recalled the incident with startling clarity.

Tara had been on the roof of the school. Jim had rushed to the roof. As he arrived, he saw the stressed look on her face, and the anguished tears in her eyes. He felt a tingle in his hands, and at his touch, she instantly relaxed and stopped crying.

“Want to talk about it?” he’d asked. The story burst from her like water from a burst dam, beginning with the night she and her sister had heard of the accident and running through the funeral and all the responsibility that had fallen on her because her sister had reverted to a childlike state and stress at the job and upcoming finals and how she just couldn’t take it anymore. She had been sobbing on his shoulder when she had finished. He felt the tingle again, and she relaxed more. “There, there, Tara.” he’d said. “Your problem is that you’ve taken everything on yourself. I can help you if you let me. You don’t have to be alone anymore. I can help your sister, too. Just relax. You’ve had no one to lean on for two months now. Lean on me and let me help you. That’s it. Good, relax. Everything’s okay, now.” He hadn’t realized he was seducing her at the time, that the power of the Kami Stone had reached into the primal part of her mind and activated her lust, but the release helped her, and as they both lost their virginity, they had become a bonded pair. For some reason, Tara was not jealous when he began boinking her twin sister, Sara. In fact, they quickly began to insist that he take them both at the same time. The sexual release helped them deal with their overly stressful lives. That was the key. He had wished to have something to offer the women of the world, now he had the power to do just about anything, as long as it aided a woman in some way. Tara and Sara were now bound to him. His power had helped reduce their stress by helping him take on more of their responsibilities. He cared for them, provided for them, and sometimes even thought for them. They depended on him more and more as time went on, helping him discover his new powers in return for helping to take away their responsibility (for brief periods) by taking away their wills. They had willingly become his love-slaves, his obedient servants who would gladly lay down their lives for him. Tara and Sara entered, carrying two suitcases each, and set them down on the floor before looking to him for further instructions. Each emitted a happy sigh when he drew them into a warm embrace. Jim didn’t know anyone else who could be so deeply in love with more than one person at a time. He’d known some that cheated on their wives or girlfriends, but that wasn’t really love. He could tell.

There was a knock at the door. Sara answered.

“Hi, we’re the new neighbors.” said the man on the other side. “Just wanted to welcome you to the building on behalf of all of us in 335.” Without warning, Sara wrapped herself around the stranger and planted a hot, passionate kiss on him.

“Uh-oh!” she said. “It seems you’re already taken. Whose cunny is that I taste?”

“Mine.” a woman said from behind the first stranger. Sara unwrapped herself from him and planted an equally passionate kiss on her.

“Sara, would you please go unpack your things?”

“Okay.” Sara said, skipping off into the bedroom.

“Who was that?” asked the male.

“That was Sara. This is Tara. They’re twins, and a package deal to boot. If they were any closer, they’d have been born conjoined.”

“Identical twins?” the woman asked. Now that she had stepped out from behind her significant other, Jim could see her clearly. She had a very nice figure wrapped in a navy blue business suit. Shoulder-length black hair framed her face, which was nice except she was wearing way too much lipstick.

“That’s right.” Jim replied. “I’m Jim Likely. And you are?”

“Barbara Cooper.” the woman said. “This is my boytoy, Fred Erikson.”

“Fred, congratulations, you’ve found a wonderful owner.” Tim said, extending a hand. Fred laughed aloud at that.

“Is she that obvious?” Fred asked.

“Let’s just say I can easily imagine her in leather with a whip.”

“Don’t give her ideas.” Fred said.

“Quiet, Fred.” Barbara said.

“No need to get defensive, honey.” Fred replied. Then the arguement began. Barbara’s voice overpowered Fred’s, and soon Jim’s ears were hurting. Tara had left to help Sara with the unpacking, or so she had said. Jim needed to end this before they started throwing things. He looked at Barbara—then looked into her. He could see the fragile spirit within her; the little girl who was afraid of being dominated, and so built a suit of armor around herself, becoming (on the outside anyway) the dominatrix. Inside, she was afraid of losing control. Through the power of the Kami Stone, he saw memories. Memories of her father, beating her, berating her, even...

Fred left in a hurry, looking for all the world like a dog with his tail between his legs. Barbara was in a rage, seeming to have forgotten she wasn’t in her own apartment—an all-too-frequent occurrence in these cookie-cutter apartments. She turned toward him with rage in her eyes, looking at him but seeing her father. He put one hand on her shoulder, and felt the tingle as he used the power of the Kami Stone to touch her soul, and the still-frightened little girl within her. Barbara burst into tears, and Jim drew her close.

“That’s it, Barbara.” he said gently. “Let it out. Let it all come out.”

* * *

Barbara awoke some time later with a warm sense of satisfaction. She had never let anyone have her like that before. She had always forced her partners to consent to cunningulus, and when they started complaining, she would either break it off or masturbate them into a handkerchief, then throw it in their face. Now, for the first time since her father had been killed in a shootout with police, she was no longer in complete and absolute control of the situation. Something inside her had responded to his gentle strength, and the almost instinctinve knowledge that he wouldn’t hurt her. He had been quite gentle, somehow seeming to sense that she was still technically a virgin. She no longer felt the need to try to escape the gentle, protective arm which even now encircled her as she lay on his chest. She couldn’t remember when she’d felt this good. She knew on some level deeper than even instinct that she had found what she most desperately needed. Even the twins had been wonderful when they had joined in, pleasuring her breasts while Jim had stretched her nether region with his fingers so that it wouldn’t hurt when he went in. She had followed his instructions willingly, knowing in her soul that he had only her best interests at heart.

“Morning, Barbara.” Jim said softly. His voice and the memories of the night before conspired together to melt her heart.

“Good morning, beloved master.” she said. A the raised eyebrow he gave her, she smiled. “I’m completely yours now, and you know it. Just like Tara and Sara.”

“If this really is what you want...”

“It is.” she said, stroking his chest hairs. “I just don’t know how I’m going to tell Fred.”

“I think he heard.” Jim said, kissing her gently. “You’re quite the appreciative one, aren’t you?”

“Only for you.” Barbara said. “I’ve never lost control with anyone but you. And I’ve never had such a powerful orgasm before, either.”

“I’ve found that the greatest pleasure comes from lovemaking, not just sex.” Jim replied.

“True.” Barbara sighed, laying her head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat. She felt a hand rubbing her left thigh, and another on her right buttock, and she smiled at the twins. A girl could get used to this. she thought.

* * *

The year was now 2001. Jim had finished college and med school, and now had a job of sorts. The life of a freelance investigational agent had its perks. The first of which being that most of his time was available to spend with Barbara, Tara and Sara. The second was that due to his reputation, he could set his own asking price. Those who came to him were generally at their wits’ end. He had even done some work for the government. There was a downside, however. Those who would do dastardly deeds and knew of his off-and-on affiliation with the government were occasionally after his hide. In this case, as before, he was in the way of someone’s plans to take over the world.

He came to in what appeared to be an ambulance. A six-foot superfemme stood over him, her lustrous scarlet hair pulled back in a severe bun. Her muscles rippled under her combat fatigues. She wore two ammunition chains over her chest. Twin barettas were tucked into the front of her pants, and a knife that was bigger than anything Jim had in his kitchen was strapped to her boot. A sniper rifle was slung over one shoulder, and she held a mini-gun in her muscular arms. There was something odd about her. Something was wrong in her head, but she knocked him unconscious again before he could find out.

* * *

Jim awoke again quite some time later. When his vision cleared, he was greeted with the sight of a man in his late fifties, perhaps early sixties, standing over him.

“Don’t even worry about it, Bryan, your women are quite safe. It’s not them I’m after.” the man said.

“Who?” Jim began, his mind still muddled from having the butt of a mini-gun slammed in his face.

“Come on, Brian, don’t you even recognize your former sponsor, Kale P. Seth?” the man asked. “I’m hurt. I thought that even a wish for rebirth couldn’t erase the memory of the closest thing you ever had to a friend from your mind. I guess now that you’ve got three women to think about, you don’t have time for former lives.”

“You funded my expedition to Japan. I remember. Time hasn’t been kind to you.”

“No, sadly you touched the Kami Stone before I had the chance to make my wish. Unlike you, I was going to wish for immortality, but then again, popularity with the ladies is good too. I might have to put a little more thought into my wish before I make it.”

“Don’t strain your brain cells, Seth.” Jim answered. “I’m guessing you funded the expedition because you wanted the Stone for yourself.”

“Indeed.” Seth replied. “You see, when the Stone’s last master died, he didn’t die childless. While he had within him the power of the Kami Stone, he fathered several children with several women. When one of a child’s parents, or even distant ancestors, is Keeper of the Stone, the child becomes sensitive to the Stone, and can sense when it or its Keeper is near, and can hear the wish being made if someone else gets to it before they do. I, believe it or not, am in fact one of the sorceror’s descendents. I had planned to take the Stone from my ancestor’s hand and rule the world with it. Unfortunately, you stepped in, Mr. Best Wishes.”

“I suppose you intend to kill me to get the Stone.” Jim said.

“Oh, no, my dear old friend.” Seth said with mock kindness. “The Stone’s power protects you from harm by mortal hands. It must be extracted from you using an ancient spell I have recently procured. I feel obligated to warn you that should you escape me, the rest of my kin will still hunt you down.”

“And what happens to me after you’ve got the Stone?” Jim asked.

“That depends on how cooperative you are.” Seth replied. “If you’re a good boy, I’ll send you back to your girls. If you’re bad, I’ll bury them with you.”

“How kind of you.” Jim said sarcastically. “My name was Byron, by the way, not Brian. You never could remember my name.”

“Really? Byron? And that’s your middle name now, isn’t it? How fitting!”

“Well, what are you waiting for?”

“Patience, my friend. You and the Shinto Priests I’ve hired must fast for four days before the spell can be cast.”

“Figures.” Jim muttered. “If you had to take me against my will, why couldn’t you find a spell where I don’t have to go on a diet?” Seth laughed.

“You’ve developed quite the engaging sense of humor.” he said. “I sincerely hope you won’t let this drive a wedge between us, old friend. I promise I’ll do my best to keep your name straight, James Byron Likely. Did I get that right?”

“For once.” Jim said.

“All right then.”

* * *

Jim was feeling weak from hunger. Worse, he still had six hours left, and wasn’t sure he could make it, Kami Stone or no. The superfemme appeared at his cell door.

“Seth says you are to be purified for the ritual.” she said. Maybe it was his dire emergency, or maybe hers, but suddenly the superfemme’s problem became clear to him. There was a problem with her medula oblongata. It was making her overly agressive—so much so that she was constantly seeking and hungering for battle. They had to use tranquilizers to keep her from killing everyone on her strike team. Without them, she would lash out at anyone and anything that presented itself. She hefted him into a fireman’s carry and walked out of the cell. Time was running out. Jim put his hands on the superfemme’s head and concentrated on healing. She cried out in pain and fell to her knees. Jim was barely able to hang on, but he managed it, and finished the healing job before exhaustion and hunger finally tore the last of his strength from him and he fell to the floor, fluttering between consciousness and unconsciousness. The last thing he saw before unconsciousness won the battle was the superfemme’s feet as she regained her standing posture.

* * *

Something smelled good. Beef broth, his nose told him. He felt something pressed against his lips and he sipped. The broth warmed him from within.

“Come on, drink up.” the superfemme said. She had taken her hair out of the bun, and was wearing a pink bathrobe instead of combat fatigues. “Please don’t die on me.” Jim drank and began to feel better. “Thank you for ending my torment.”

“Where are we?”

“You’re home.” Barbara said.

“And we’re all glad of that.” Sara continued.

“Amen.” Tara concurred.

“How about a burger instead of this broth?” Jim asked.

“There’s nothing I would love more than to fulfill your every desire, my sweet.” the superfemme said. “But we must go slowly or you could kill yourself. My name is Dominique, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you, Dominique. I’m Jim.”

“Seth is angry with me now. I am afraid I may not be able to get a regular job without constantly looking over my shoulder, watching for his agents.”

“I’ll protect you, Dominique. I’ve got connections within the government, don’t forget.” He felt her hand on his knee, and knew that he had said just exactly the right thing as his latest loveslave gave him a hot, passionate kiss. His hands ran down her hard, strong body, and he would have taken her right then and there if he’d had the strength.

“Rest now, love.” she said. “You’ve given so much, its time you were taken care of for a change.”

To be continued?