The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“Joker’s Wild”

(MC, MMf?)

by Decker

“I bet ten. And you’re fulla shit, Brian,” Melody said, simultaneously resurrecting an argument from two hours ago and tossing a chip into the pot.

“See your ten, and raise five. You just don’t believe anything that hasn’t been taught to you. No imagination at all.” Brian shook his head in feigned sorrow at Melody’s skepticism.

Charlie reconsidered his options, then threw down his hand with a sigh. “I’m out. But I gotta go with Melody, man, no way. Hypnotism’s one of those nineteenth-century things that lived past its prime, like laudanum or cocaine in soda.”

Melody pursed her lip. “Call. Two to one against you, Brian baby.”

“Like opinion makes scientific fact,” Brian snorted derisively. “Just saying it doesn’t make it so. Give me three.”

“Three for the gullible guy, and one for the lady,” Melody sang, acting as dealer this round. “Hard to prove a negative, and nobody’s demonstrated a positive in, what, a thousand years? C’mon, gimme a break. Wanna stand pat?”

Brian considered; Mel had an innocuous poker face and a stack of chips that represented most of her friends’ weekly income in front of her. Her luck can’t last. “Ten up.”

“I’ll see you, and call. Read ‘em and weep, baby boy. Three queens over sevens.”

“Lucky bitch,” Brian cursed, throwing down his perfectly good three of a kind. Melody raked in the chips and passed the deck to Brian. “How badly do I have to beat you to get you to credit my skill? Have a little faith, Brian,” she smiled ironically.

The trio had met shortly after starting college, and had begun an unlikely friendship. Melody was a smart, vivacious girl majoring in psychology. Redheaded, with a fine body and twinkling blue eyes, she was a natural target for men, which she found more amusing than flattering.

Charlie was the shortest of the three, with unremarkable features and sandy blond hair. A CS major seemingly from birth, he ended up playing the peacemaker to his two more aggressive friends more often than he liked, but he enjoyed their respect for his intelligence and technical skill, and their tolerance for his less-developed social skills.

Brian was tall, with dark hair and brown eyes. Like Melody, he was a Psych major, but more apt to credulity in the more ‘out-there’ parts of his profession. Like Charlie, he’d often wished he had the nerve to ask Melody out, and like Charlie, he’d never followed through. A thought had occurred to him last week, though, and Melody was giving him the perfect opportunity to see it through. And if this works, he thought to himself, life will never be the same!

“Faith. Sure. Care to put your money where your mouth is, Mel?” Brian said, idly shuffling the cards.

“Ohh, a bet! I’m so scared. Charlie, protect me!” she cried in mock horror. Charlie spread his hands in a ‘leave me out’ gesture. “What’s the bet, o great one?”

“Proposition: Hypnosis is real. Validation: I test it on you. Give me ten minutes of quiet, and I’ll prove it to you. Assuming you can shut your mouth that long.”

Melody leaned back and sipped her cola thoughtfully. “Ten minutes? That’s not much time to do the impossible.” She sat up and looked Brian in the eye. “Ok. Fifty bucks says you can’t. Three stipulations, though.”

She bought it! “Maybe. What are they?”

Melody began counting on well-manicured fingertips. “One: in the unlikely event it works, none of this ‘you will recall nothing’ stuff. I want to remember everything. Two: You get, not ten, but fifteen minutes of quiet, but you have to show results by the time I kick you bums out of my apartment for the night, in about two hours. And three: Charlie is the judge and impartial witness, in case you get any funny ideas.”

“Done!” Brian almost shouted, but controlled himself. “Want another hand first, or do it now?”

“Let’s do it now,” Melody said. “No point delaying your humiliation any longer than I have to.”

Part of Charlie’s mind refused to accept what he was seeing. Practical, hard-headed Melody was actually going through with it! A hundred dollars was bunching up in his hand, testament to Melody and Brian’s unwillingness to back down.

After some more taunting, Melody had settled herself onto her overstuffed couch, making herself comfortable. “You want a shiny spoon, or something?” she’d asked mockingly.

“Nah,” Brian had said, pulling up a chair. Just close your eyes and listen to my voice.”

“’K. Hands to yourself, kid. Charlie, knock him out if he tries anything funny.”

And that was that. Brian had spoken, long, pauseless sentences that seemed more about intonation than content, repeating himself in a calm, low voice. “Drifting... mind at ease, body falling away... falling... at peace, at ease... mind falling away... you’re so relaxed, drifting...”

Bored, Charlie quietly fetched himself a drink and returned, checking the clock. Five minutes left. This is never going to work. When will Brian learn? But when he returned, Brian was smiling. “Check it out,” he said, waving a hand at Melody.

Curious, Charlie looked, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. “Looks like she’s asleep,” he offered doubtfully.

“Not at all. Watch this. Mel, can you hear me?”

“Mmmmmyesssss...” Melody drawled, sounding as if she was asleep.

“Good girl. How do you feel?”


Charlie was disturbed. That isn’t like Mel. “Is she really... hypnotized?” he asked, whispering. “No need to whisper, man,” Brian told him happily. “She’s in Underland. Her conscious mind’s asleep, but her unconscious... well, that’s another matter.”

“No way,” Charlie breathed. “Dude... make her do something.”

“Sure. Mel, raise your right hand.” Slowly, her hand drifted upward, like a barely-inflated balloon, wrist limp. She let it hang there until Brian asked her to lower it again.

“No way,” Charlie repeated. “I can’t believe... oh, she’s gonna freak.”

“Maybe yes, maybe no. I kinda planned this, Charlie.”

“What do you mean?”

“Easier to show you. Mel, pull up your sweater.”

Before Charlie could do anything, Melody’s hands had reached down and gripped the hem of her dark blue sweater, tugging it up to her neck. Lying down, it didn’t go very far, but far enough to expose a black brassier to the two men hovering over her. Her face remained impassive, eyes closed. Charlie was speechless.

“Getting any ideas? Yeah. I know I am. And have. She’s not gay; she dated that one jerk for how long? Doesn’t matter. Point is, she’s hot, and we both know it. And she’s never dated either of us. Admit it, Charlie, you’ve wanted to hit that before.” He gazed appreciatively at Melody’s creamy exposed flesh. Charlie looked away, embarrassed. “Well... yeah, I guess. But...” He stopped, not knowing what to say.

“Then listen. I started an argument I knew she’d get on me about, goaded her until she agreed to try to prove me wrong. And now... well, it’s up to you, man. She’s under, so either I wake her up and you declare me the winner, or...”

“Or?” Charlie tore his eyes away from where they’d drifted back to her cleavage, gently rising and falling.

“Or we pretend it didn’t work, let her believe it didn’t work... and leave a few other mental mementoes, too. Like being a little more understanding of our needs.”

Charlie was still coming to grips with Melody’s condition. She’s got to be faking it! Any second now, she’ll sit up, laugh at us both... But Melody lay there, mouth partly open, resting as if asleep. “Brian...” he said in a small voice. He stopped, restarted. “Brian, how did you do this?”

“Wasn’t hard. I’ve read about this years ago, and did a lot of research last week. People use it all the time to lose weight or stop smoking. Funny thing is, Mel’s own disbelief helped me out most of all.”

“Her disbelief? How?”

“Really, she ought to know better. Scientific curiosity should have compelled her to say she was doubtful, or that there’s not enough evidence to prove the effectiveness of hypnosis. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t work, just that we don’t know whether or not it does, and don’t understand the medium. Lie detectors aren’t terribly accurate, either, but they get results, for similar reasons. People believe, and no one believes like a disbeliever.”

Brian patted Melody on the head. “Scientific skepticism would be one thing. But her flat refusal to even consider the idea told me she’s letting her personal feelings get in the way. And if she has personal feelings, that’s something that we can tap into. It’s not that she doesn’t believe it works, but rather that she doesn’t want to believe it works, which is almost as good as believing in the first place. Got it?”

Charlie didn’t, but another question was shouting for attention. “But how, man? I mean... how?”

Brian shrugged. “It’s called suggestion, like sending messages directly to her unconscious mind with little or no filtering by the more rational parts of her brain. They occur to her like her own thoughts. In a way, she’s conscious, simply not aware of what’s going on. You’ve heard that people under hypnosis won’t do anything they wouldn’t normally do anyway, right?”

Charlie nodded, not really following. “You mean she wanted to be hypnotized and, uh, flash us?” He looked anxiously at the prone girl, still blissfully partially undressed.

“Yup. Well, sort of.” Brian thought a moment. “It’s not conscious, but it’s in her head. It could be suppressed or repressed feelings or thoughts, but they’re present. I mean, we’ve thought about... expanding the friendship with her before, right? I’m sure she’s done the same, just never acted on it, for whatever reason. That’s my plan, you see. Relax her inhibitions about dating us a little, and see what happens. At worst, nothing at all. At best... well, who knows?” he concluded.

Charlie hesitated, torn between loyalty and desire. “Um. Well...”

Brian nodded sagely. “The man needs some help deciding, Mel. Arch your back for us.”

Melody obeyed without hesitation, pulling her shoulders back and down. Her breasts rose up like twin peaks, and Charlie’s pants tightened abruptly. Out from under the warm sweater, Mel’s nipples were already beginning to harden in the cooler room air, standing out in relief under the silk brassiere. Charlie pictured those nipples between his fingers, between his lips, pictured those beautiful mounds swaying over him as she straddled him, saw his hands gripping them for support as he slid into her from behind, heard her call his name...

“Don’t take too long, Charlie. My fifteen minutes are almost up.”

“All right,” Charlie said with finality. “Do it.”

Melody opened her eyes. She looked around wildly for half a second, then made a show of yawning. “Mmm... a nice pre-bedtime nap. You really show a girl a good time, Brian; no wonder you’re such a hit with the girls.”

“Funny,” Brian said, arms crossed. “You remember what happened, right?”

“Sure,” Melody said, sitting up and stretching. “You bored me to sleep, told me I’d stand up the moment I see the queen of hearts in the game and declare you the winner. A good test, we just play until it comes up. Anything funny, Charlie?”

Charlie wasn’t a good liar, but did his best. “Nope. Nothing unpleasant happened. Just like you remember.” The queen of hearts was a ruse. Melody remembered that, rather than the real ‘trigger’ card: the Joker. If Brian was right, Mel wouldn’t even see the Joker... but she would definitely react. “Wanna play and see what happens?”

“You’re on,” she said, standing. “You deal. Time to make some spending money off of you two.”

The game had a new tension to it as the three played hand after hand, each looking for the magic card. Brian couldn’t concentrate, Charlie played far more conservatively than usual, and even Melody was making mistakes, dealing too many cards once or twice. But without shuffling, one of the two cards had to come up sooner or later.

They didn’t have to wait long. Charlie dealt out a hand, and was just beginning to sort his cards when Melody smiled and laid her hand down, face-up. “Bingo,” she chimed. She had a nothing hand, but the Queen of Hearts peered back at them. Brian and Charlie looked at Melody expectantly.

Melody waited a beat, then smiled. “I’m not standing, and I’m not calling you a winner, so you can wait all you like.” She waited a moment longer. “Nope. Pay up, Brian-boy.”

“Damn it,” Brian grumbled, pushing some chips at Melody, who cackled and added them to her already-impressive pile. “I really thought that was gonna work.”

“Nope,” Melody said, gathering up the cards to shuffle. “Guess that shows you how smart it is to bet on pseudo-science, eh? You should have... eh? How’d this get in?” Charlie held his breath. Melody was holding up the Joker, its mocking smile leering back at him. “M-must have slipped in,” he stuttered, taking it and setting it aside. “Sorry.”

“S’ok,” Melody said quietly, beginning to shuffle, a faint look of pensiveness on her face. “Honest mistake.”

Now it begins, Brian exulted. The trigger had sprung, now they only had to wait to see if it worked. If it didn’t, nothing would change, and he and Charlie would leave the game a lot poorer. If the suggestion had taken, on the other hand, things were about to get much more interesting...

Nothing seemed to be different at first. Then Melody began to lose. Maybe her luck had run out, or maybe the ‘play poorly tonight’ suggestion was taking hold. Charlie wasn’t sure until several hands later.

“Three of a kind! Time to turn this game around,” Melody said happily. “What you got, boys?”

“One pair,” Charlie said miserably, and looked at Brian.

“Full house,” Brian said, and laid down his hand. Charlie looked: a two, a four, a seven, a Jack, and an Ace. That’s not a full house! That’s... oh...

“Full... so it is,” Melody concurred, conceding the pot to Brian. “Nice hand.” She stood. “Anyone want a drink?”

Brian and Charlie exchanged a look while she was gone. It worked! Charlie said silently, raising his eyebrows. Now the good part, Brian mouthed back. Just wait.

After that, Melody began to lose in earnest. She took bigger chances, drawing on inside straights and bluffing with less conviction than usual. And when she won, half the time Brian—and later, Charlie—would claim hands they didn’t really have. Melody never called them on it, seeing whatever hand they told her, and watched her winnings drain away.

We should have made that change permanent, Charlie rued. I’ve lost a ton of cash to her over the last few months. It’d be nice to win that back, instead of just tonight...

Well, that’s the second suggestion, Brian thought, excited. She’s losing, she buys our bullshit hands... two out of three. The last one, he knew, would be the most contentious, but it had possibilities far beyond winning a few hands of poker. If this one flies... “Call,” he said aloud. Melody tossed her cards down in disgust. “I was bluffing,” she said. “Damn, you guys are lucky. I’m down to my last ten!”

Showtime. “Well, we don’t want to clean you out, do we, Charlie?” Brian gathered his chips and stood as if to go.

“Uh, no, don’t want that,” Charlie said, following Brian’s lead. “So, we’ll just, uh...”

“Hold on, hold on,” Melody protested, stopping them. “I’m not going out like this.”

Brian turned, half-standing. “Got something in mind?”

Melody actually blushed, but didn’t hesitate. “How about we widen the stakes? Say, twenty bucks for my sweater.” Charlie couldn’t breathe. The last suggestion! Not only was Melody on an involuntary losing streak, but now she was suggesting strip poker, just like he’d suggested. She’d keep losing, slowly but surely, shedding clothes in an ultimately futile effort to win her money back.

“That sounds good, don’t you think, Brian?” Charlie said, light-headed.

“Yeah. All right,” Brian replied, sitting down. “But no getting up to put on more clothes, ok? Just what you have on. Jewelry doesn’t count, and socks are one item, not two. Sound fair?”

“Sure, whatever,” Melody said, already shuffling. “Won’t matter, ‘cause I’m gonna have my money back in no time. I’ll teach you to think with the wrong head.”

Melody lost her socks on the very next hand. Two hands later, she got her bluff called on a pair of twos. “Damn it! All right, hold on.” She pulled her sweater off over her head, folding it neatly and setting it by her chair. She glared at Charlie, the round’s winner. “What are you staring at?”

“Just enjoying the scenery,” Charlie grinned at her embarrassment. “Damn, Mel, that’s a nice rack!” Melody almost crossed her arms over her chest, then thought better of it. “Damn straight,” she retorted, compensating. “Now back to the game. You can drool between turns.”

“Uh, you’re still short, Mel,” Brian informed her cheerily.

“No problem,” Melody told him breezily. “I’ve got more clothes, and frankly, the less I wear, the more distracted you two get. What am I bid for one pair of jeans?”

“Twenty-five, same as the socks and sweater,” Brian told her. Before she could protest, he continued. “If you wanted different prices, you should have set some beforehand. Don’t blame me for your short-sightedness, ok?” “Ok,” Melody fumed, finally. “But you’re getting the same raw deal when you’re stripping down.”

Not likely, he thought. “No doubt,” he said. Then, with an exaggerated sigh, he said, “Tell you what. We’ll credit you double for any item you take off with some style.”

“What do you mean, ‘style’?” Melody asked suspiciously.

“You know damn well what I mean. Strip ‘em off with a little bounce and tease,” he said, vaguely. He actually didn’t know, but hoped Melody did. “Give us a little show, you know?”

Melody stared at him for a moment. “You serious?” She turned to Charlie. “You two are nuts. All right, you’re on. This hand for jeans and a show. Deal.”

Three more hands went by before Charlie got impatient. “Two pair, aces and sevens,” he told her, laying down a busted flush. “I guess...” he began, but Melody was already standing up.

“The things I do on a weeknight,” she mumbled, unbuttoning her jeans. “Get a good look, boys.” Melody cocked her hip and unzipped her fly, tugging it down in short, incremental jerks. She folded the triangles of denim to the sides, exposing a pair of black underwear for a moment before turning away. Bumping her hips as if to unseen music, she slid her hands down her sides, palms coming to rest between her jeans and panties. Wrapping her thumbs over the hem, she tugged her pants down in time to the inaudible beat, a few inches on one side, then a few on the other. “Enjoy it while it lasts,” she purred.

Brian and Charlie watched, mouths agape, as she inched her jeans down her long, well-tanned legs, black silk panties glinting in the lights. She kicked her pants aside and posed a moment, arms akimbo, before whirling and sitting down in one quick movement. “Done,” she said, stating the obvious.

Neither boy spoke. Melody waited a moment, looking from face to stunned face. “What? Didn’t get your money’s worth?”

“Ah...” Charlie began.

“That was, ah... that was good, Mel,” Brian said. “Thanks. I guess we just weren’t expecting you to, ah, weren’t expecting you to actually go through with it...”

“Or to put on that good a show! That was great!” Charlie added excitedly. “You could be a professional!”

There was a moment of icy silence. “I mean,” he amended, “Not a professional professional, but, like, um...”

Melody held it in a moment longer, letting him stammer before she burst out laughing. “I know what you meant, silly. Oh, you should see your faces right now!” Still chuckling, she shuffled the cards rapidly and began to deal. “Anyone want to see what I do next?”

Charlie and Brian couldn’t pick their card up fast enough. She won the next two hands, her opponents resisting the strong urge to claim a royal flush right away.

“Damn!” Melody exclaimed, calling Charlie on what turned out to not be a bluff. “When did you get a poker face, Chuck?”

“Just lucky, I guess,” he told her, distracted. God... she’s already down to her underwear! She can’t be faking this! And she just lost, so she’s got nothing left but to...

“Lemme make a proposal,” Melody started. At Brian’s beginning complaint, she waved her arms vigorously to shush him. It worked, more because of the way it made her tits bounce than any actual authority she had over them. “Let me keep my panties. And in return,” she continued, standing and taking a step towards Charlie, “I’ll do this.”

On this, she leaned over and kissed Charlie, holding his head back as her lips met his hungrily. Charlie made a protesting noise at first, muffled through the kiss, the relented when it was clear Melody had no intention of stopping until they both were satisfied. Finally she straightened up and released him with a contented air, eyes sliding sideways to Brian.

“That’s one for you...” she said, advancing on Brian, who just grinned. Returning it, Melody slid into his lap and kissed him deeply, her tongue flicking his playfully. She jumped just a fraction of an inch when his questing hand landed on her bare breast, but then she sighed and leaned closer to him, letting him paw at her for a few seconds before breaking it off.

“...And one for you. Is that... satisfactory, gentlemen?” she asked rhetorically.

Neither Brian nor Charlie wanted to wait any longer, and Melody raised an eyebrow as both boys ended up with a four of a kind... as far as she knew. “No way!” she objected, lower lip pouting out fetchingly. “That’s gotta be some kind of record...”

“You lose, Mel,” Charlie pointed out unnecessarily, eager to do away with the preliminaries. “So, uh... do you wanna keep your underwear, or...”

Melody stood and sighed, more in preparation than resignation. “A little of both, Chuck, a little of both.” She turned to Brian. “Bri? Do me a favor, would you? Pull out the little guy. I always make good on my debts.”

As Brian began to fumble his fly, Melody sank to her knees between his legs, resting her forearms on his thighs. ”Very good...” she sighed, and lowered her head, taking Brian’s erect cock in one dainty hand and guiding it towards her lips.

Brian’s eyes felt like they were seconds from popping out as he stared at the top of Melody’s head. “Jesus, Mel...” he began, not knowing what, if anything, to do now. All this time we wondered... Melody let her tongue flick out ahead of her lips, lapping the head of his tool before engulfing it. Brian gasped at the sudden warmth, her lips sealing intimately around his manhood. For a long minute, she made love to him with her tongue alone, suckling at his penis with a gentle but insistent technique. His senses seemed to have narrowed to a tunnel, his universe comprised of the redhead kneeling before him, servicing him assiduously. Then, with deliberation, she began to swallow him, taking his pole down her throat as smoothly as if it was designed expressly for him. He sighed as she paused at the base, a few errant red hairs tickling his groin, before starting her slow ascent.

“Yes...” he groaned, his hands running along the sides of her skull to hold the back of her head. Within two strokes, her pace was precisely where he wanted it, needed it, and Melody was smiling around his cock as she felt it begin to throb in gratitude. “Mmmmhhh...” she replied, feeling him jerk in her mouth in response. Charlie couldn’t believe what he was seeing. A moment ago, it seemed, three friends were playing poker, like they did once a week almost without fail. Now Brian sat, eyes closed, while Mel—sweet, sarcastic, rowdy, one-of-the-boys Mel—fellated him eagerly, without a trace of doubt, shame, or restraint. Charlie watched in fascination, fixed in place, as Melody gradually built up speed until her head was pumping, head twisting from side to side, and Brian began to tense.

“Oh...” Brian moaned aloud, unable to control himself this close to climax. “God, yes. Yes, yes, yes... Mel... I’m... coming, Mel... coming... commmmmiiiinnnnngggg... AARRRGHHHH!” Brian thrashed in his chair like he’d been struck by lightning, hanging onto Melody’s head for dear life as he surged into her waiting mouth.

She did it. She really did it. She... we’re... Brian never finished the thought. Melody stood and pivoted on one heel, languorously wiping an errant spurt of semen from the corner of her lips as she turned to face Charlie. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten that you won too, Charlie...”

“Uh... Mel... I...” Charlie stuttered, his mind a blank. Just beyond Melody’s naked form he saw Brian, head lolling in contentment.

“Shhh.” Melody put one finger to Charlie’s lips, silencing him even as her other hand undid his belt expertly. “Don’t talk. Don’t move.” As if by magic, Charlie felt her fingers wrap around his penis and pull it free, exposing him.

“Don’t say a word, Charlie.” Melody reached down and tugged her panties aside, and Charlie stared at her neatly-trimmed pussy, blossoming like a delicate pink flower. She eased herself into his lap, her tight vagina barely accommodating his width as she settled onto him.

“Don’t do a thing. Let me show you what you’ve won.” Melody laced her fingers behind Charlie’s neck and pulled herself forward, rocking herself on his root as her supple thighs raised and lowered her in time. Charlie moaned, hands at his sides, and let Melody have her way with him, let her fuck him, just as he’d dreamed.

“Yesss...” Melody hissed in his ear, her breasts pressing against his chest. ”Feel me, Charlie. Feel my cunt... feel how hot it is... for you... feel me... fucking you... fucking...”

At some hidden signal, she began to quicken her pace, twisting his cock deep within her, rocking herself towards their inevitable climax. Charlie’s hands had found their way to her breasts, and he was squeezing them, eyes shut, mouth forming words he could barely hear. “Fuck me... fuck me, Mel, fuck me... do it... fuck me, you fucking slut, fuck me...”

Melody was at speed now, almost bouncing on him, slamming his rod into her cunt like an jackhammer. “Fuck me, Charlie, fuck me... yes, baby, yes, YES! Oh, fuck, Charlie, yes...”

“Gonna come,” Charlie growled, hips rising to meet her pounding thrusts. “Gonna come in your tight... hot... pussy... Mel... I’m...”

Charlie’s head rolled back, and his first surge of come lanced into Melody like a bolt of fire in her belly. It was all she needed to take her over the edge, and she began her climax just as the second shot splashed into her womb. She clutched at his back, holding on even as her hips ground down onto Charlie’s, trying to eke every last drop from his body.

Charlie opened his eyes, blearily. Melody stood midway between her two companions, a light sheen of sweat glinting on her body. Her face was flushed with excitement, and her breasts heaved in breath. She looked from one to the other, a calculating and hungry look on her face.

“Now, gentlemen,” Melody announced, with all the gravity of a lecturing professor. “There will be a short break while I take a shower. However,” she said, beginning an unsubtle sashay towards the bedroom door, “The evening need not yet end.”

She paused at the door, opening it before looking over one gloriously bare shoulder, coyly. “When I am finished, I may be persuaded to do an encore to win back my clothes. Should the two of you wish more of the same, you have but to meet me in my bed to signal your acceptance.”

She made as if to leave, then paused again, not turning this time. “Or...” she began, and ran her hands sensuously down her sides. “Mmmm. I may take it a little further, if tonight’s winnings are added to my pile of clothes. For that, who knows what I will subject myself to at your hands?” Melody took a deep sigh, as if fondly anticipating her supposed depredation. “I wonder if there’s any way to satisfy two men... at once? I imagine it would be a lot of fun to try...” With that she, exited, closing the door on two stunned faces.

A moment passed by. “Brian?”

“You get her clothes, I’ll get the money and meet you in there.”

“Bye, guys! See you in class!” Melody waved. She’d changed into a nightshirt, but up close, both men could still make out the reddish shadow of a triangle at her cleft, and see her nipples tenting out the shirt.

“Uh, Mel?” Charlie asked ask Melody helped them out of the door. “Uh, can we...”

“Do this again? I’ll think about it. I still need a new pair of shoes,” she told him, leading him by the arm. She leaned in close, and both men leaned forward automatically.

“Tell anyone, though, and I’ll make you wish you’d never been born,” she said, voice low and deadly. Straightening up, she added loudly, “Now get! I need some beauty sleep!”

Outside, Charlie looked uncertainly at Brian. “Now what?” he asked.

“Don’t worry, stud,” Brian said, clapping his friend on the shoulder. “She’ll have forgotten all about it by the time she wakes up; that was one of the catches. Don’t tell anyone, especially her, and next week we get to do it again.”

They began to walk home in the dark, tired but satisfied. “You gonna hypnotize her next week, too?”

Brian shook his head. “I didn’t plan that far ahead. Only the Joker suggestion will stay in effect after tonight. It’ll loosen her inhibitions when she sees it, but that’s it; even the cheat suggestion will expire. I don’t really have a good way to convince her to go under again...” he trailed off.

“Still,” he continued, brightening, “In the meantime, we’ve got a hot redhead who’ll play strip poker once a week, who’ll go all the way when she loses, and won’t remember a thing come morning. No point in getting greedy at this point, dude. Let’s enjoy what we have, and see what happens down the line. And hope we play well in the weeks to come.”

“Right,” Charlie said. “That was awesome.”

Melody shut the door before they could do anything else to mess up the moment, and leaned back heavily on the door. “That was awesome,” she told herself, lighting a much-needed cigarette. “Two studs for the price of none. God, I needed that.”

It had been easy, she reflected, easier than she’d hoped. Once Brian got an idea into his head, he wouldn’t let go, no matter how stupid it was. Backing him into a corner had made him rise to the occasion, and the rest went off almost without a hitch. Charlie had been more difficult, more suspicious, and his ill-timed bout with integrity there in the beginning had made her nervous. It all worked out though, she sighed. And now that they’ve had a taste, they’ll come running like hungry dogs. My dogs. And they’ll keep coming as long as they think it’s their idea. And as long as they keep coming, they’ll keep me coming.

The hardest part had been pretending to be hypnotized, right at the beginning. She’d had no good way of knowing what they’d ‘suggest’, but the one remaining command was perfect for her purposes. I see the Joker and get all creamy for the boys. Like I’ll need a card for that! Oh, and I’m supposed to forget anything other than a normal card game happened. Easy enough. They couldn’t have done better by me if I’d written the script for them.

She sighed aloud and flopped down on the couch, wincing at a pleasant ache. We’ve known each other, what, almost a year? And neither had gotten the balls to ask me out. Damn, but I was beginning to wonder if they were gay or something. I was getting tired of waiting for them to get out of that ‘like a sister’ thing...

Decidedly, they were not, as they’d proven amply to her satisfaction. I’m turning into a puddle, she realized. Haven’t been screwed like that in ages. They must have been saving it up for me. She shook her head, taking another drag. Give me a few weeks to break ‘em in, and they’ll get even better. I do so love a man who’s been broken in to the saddle, especially when it’s mine. No, make that a pair of men...

Melody glanced down at the stack of money and smiled again. Two stallions come over, drool over your titties, play poker, fuck you silly, then pay you two hundred for the privilege. And no awkward waking up together in the morning, either. Not bad, hot stuff, not bad at all.

She picked up the wad of cash thoughtfully. I could do a lot with this, and there’s more where this came from. I should be nice to the boys, she decided, and divided the money into two more-or-less equal piles. Half for me, half for them. My half can go for rent, gas, and the phone bill... their half will buy some makeup and a couple of outfits we’ll all enjoy...

Finishing her cigarette, she stubbed it out and headed for the bedroom, a tired smile on her face. Maybe a skirt next time... white cotton bra and panties, go for the ‘girl-next-door’ thing? Or... Melody slid into bed, already thinking out next week’s events. Maybe something slutty, as a treat for finally coming around. I can pretend I’m dating someone, as an excuse to wear something a little more... risqué...

She mused for a minute or two, then shook her head. Nah. I’ll do the ‘nice girl’ thing for a while. No sense in taking it too fast and scaring them away. But then, gradually... She smiled and closed her eyes contentedly. If you boys thought a three-way was kinky, just wait ‘till you see what you’re doing a month from now! Visions of riding crops, ball gags, bondage and latex danced in her head, until she reluctantly put them aside. It was late, and she had all week to decide how it would go. You are under my control, she told her absent lovers. And from now on, Joker’s wild!

The End