The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Johnny Kicks The Habit

A Short Story by Xavier

Johnny Baines was a big head, Johnny Baines was a bully; the biggest bully in my school. Worst of all, he’s in my class. Most of the lads have been subject to Johnny’s demands, some more than others. He has a small circle of mates, all of whom are bullies too, but to a lesser degree.

Apart from being the biggest bully in school and, in many’s eyes, the biggest twat, he was the biggest womaniser imaginable. Not that half the girls took kindly to his advances; most, if not all of the ones with any inkling of common sense steered well clear of him. There were, of course, the slags which would do just about anything just to get a bit of dick up them.

The one thing which Johnny has in his favour is his looks, looks which would melt any girl’s heart, before, that is, he opens his mouth and puts his foot in it! At 16 he is, in my eyes anyway, an Adonis. Despite the fact that he has ‘borrowed’ various items from me and extorted money I can’t help feel a certain attraction, a certain lust toward him. How my heart leaps as I see him in the showers after football; his 5′ 7″ frame perfectly formed. How my heart sinks like a stone to the pit of my stomach as the reality, that I would probably never get the chance to touch the huge piece of meat which hangs, so heavily, between his legs, hits home. I was nothing to him, nothing more than another hapless victim that he could manipulate at will. How I longed, along with many other lads in my class, to turn the tables and teach the ‘cock of the class’ a lesson, a fuckin’ good lesson.

Little did I know that the opportunity I dreamed of would come my way, and from a very unexpected source. My brother, Curt, is 22 and studying for a degree in psychiatry. I was looking around his room one night, trying to find something I had lent him, when I came across a book entitled, ‘Hypnotism- fact or fiction?’ I sat on his bed and started to flip through the pages.

“Hey there Ben! What yer doin’ in my room then mate? Lookin’ for a girlie mag I’ll bet.” I looked up from the book and into my brother’s eyes, so blue. “Naw, just tryin’ to find those marker pens you borrowed from me the other night, I need them for my homework.” He walked up to a chest of drawers, reached inside and pulled out the plastic wallet containing my pens. “Here they are,” he laughed, throwing them to me. “What’s that you’re reading then?” I lifted the book so that Curt could see the title. “Just something that caught my eye. Is this what you’re studying at the moment, hypnotism?” “Sure is Benny boy, sure is.”

He sat on the bed next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. Curt and I have always been very close and the warmth of his body made me feel so secure. “Does it really work then?” I asked. “I mean, can you really get people to do things an’ stuff?” Curt smiled. “Well, we don’t exactly use it to get people to ‘do’ things Ben; it’s not a stage act you know. But, yes, if you wanted to get someone to eat a raw onion it would certainly be possible.” “Is it easy?” “Anything’s easy, once you know how. How come you’re so interested then?” I thought for a moment and wondered if I should reveal to Curt my true thoughts, thoughts which included a ‘lesson’ for Johnny.

“Come on, out with it,” encouraged Curt, roughing my hair with a laugh. “Don’t be shy.” “Well,” I paused. “Well what? Don’t tell me, you want to make some money by hypnotising your school mates to help them pack up smoking.” What a brilliant idea! Little did Curt know that he had given me the ideal ruse. “Yeah, that’s right. Think you can teach me what to do?” Curt pulled my head against his shoulder and laughed. “Course I can. I’ll do anything for my little brother, but,” he continued, “you’ll have to be careful not to overstep the mark.” He let go of my head and stood. “How do you mean? Is it dangerous?” “A lot of people think of hypnotism as a stage show, in fact that’s the only side of it that most ever get to see. But it is a serious and powerful psychological tool which shouldn’t be taken lightly.” Curt looked real serious all of a sudden. I wondered if he were going to change his mind.

“You know me Curt,” I reassured him. “I’ll be careful not to do anything you wouldn’t. I’ll follow your instructions to the letter. Promise.” A smile came back to Curt’s face. “Oh course you will. I know you won’t be getting any of those girls to go to bed with you.” He winked. I felt a tingle between my legs and my balls began to tighten. It wasn’t the thought of getting some silly cow into bed which was causing the effect I can tell you.

Over the next month or so Curt spent many an hour going over the theory of hypnotism and explaining some of the more complex aspects covered in the book. I felt certain I could master the techniques outlined and induce a hypnotic trance in the subject of my choice, namely one Johnny Baines!

Finally, after letting Curt induce a trance in me and him ‘suggesting’ that I had an overwhelming urge to clean his bedroom, I was ready, ready to take my new found skills to the playground or rather, behind the bicycle sheds to be more precise.

It was tricky, getting close enough to someone like Johnny without raising any suspicions as to my true intent. I had to bide my time, not rush things. Finally, after about five weeks of observing Johnny’s every move, my opportunity came, an opportunity which was sent from heaven above.

“And if you carry on smoking for another 40 years,” concluded the science master, gesticulating to a model of the human respiratory system, “this is what your lungs will look like. At your post-mortem that is.” I noticed a look of horror on several of my classmates’ faces but non could compare with the look on Johnny’s. He didn’t seem so tough at the thought that his ‘innocent’ habit, of smoking 20 a day to impress his mates, could finish him off in a none too pleasant way.

Now I had let it be known that Curt was studying hypnotism and that he had ‘helped’ several people kick the habit so it was no surprise when Johnny, along with a couple of his mates, cornered me behind the bike sheds.

“I hear your brother is a hypnotist,” jibed Johnny as he pushed me against the wall. “He’s a hypnotherapist,” I retorted. “And he’ll be a psychiatrist soon.” “OOOO, get him! A hypnotherapist soon to be a psychiatrist,” taunted one of his mates. “Listen, you little fucker,” growled Johnny as he almost choked me with my tie, “I don’t give a fuck what his grand title is. Can he help people stop smoking or not?” “Course he can but he wouldn’t help you. You couldn’t afford his fee.”

“Perhaps I can’t afford his fee but I can afford yours. You owe me one, cunt. Is it true what some of your weedy mates have been tellin’ me, that you can hypnotise people too? Learn it from your brother did we?” “Who told you that? It’s supposed to be a secret,” I lied. “Is it true?” growled Johnny as he placed his left hand between my legs, grabbed my nuts and began to squeeze. “Arrgh! Yeah, yeah, it’s true but I’m not as good as Curt.”

Johnny let go and stood back. I bent double, clutching my aching bollocks. “Quite a handful you have there then Benny boy; ever used it on a girl?” They all laughed, a fact which made me feel even more insignificant in their presence but which made me even more determined to carry out my plan. “Never mind the size of his fuckin’ bollocks,” interrupted one of his mates, “can he help us stop smokin’ or not?”

Johnny pretended to straighten up my tie and brush down my blazer. “Course he can help us. Be glad to, wouldn’t you Ben?” I knew I didn’t have any choice in the matter, not that I wanted any. Things were going better than I could have planned for I never imagined Johnny asking me to hypnotise him. Sure I was determined to manipulate the situation somehow, perhaps hinting that I could ‘help’ him kick his dangerous and expensive habit, but to actually have him, and a couple of his mates, ‘ask’ for my help, well, ‘fortunate’ or what!

“Okay, okay, I’ll do my best but I can’t promise that I can stop you smoking. You have to WANT to stop. I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to, I mean, really want to.” I threw the last bit in to ‘reassure’ them that they would still be in control. What a stroke of genius.

The next day, at lunch time, found me waiting beneath the school stage; a quiet spot where we wouldn’t be disturbed and a spot where Johnny and his mates gained access by ‘acquiring’ a key to the door, which he had slipped to me during morning registration.

At 12:35, after I had been there about five minutes, the door opened and in strolled Johnny. “Glad to see you kept our ‘appointment’ then Hammet” he sneered, condescendingly. “This had better be good, boy, or you know what to expect.” I knew what to expect all right, more bullying, humiliation and verbal abuse. I made up my mind that this was the last time that Johnny would speak to me in such a manner; the last time he would have the upper hand.

Johnny had, naturally for a big tough lad, wanted to bring his mates along but I had convinced him that individual sessions worked better. He was a bit hesitant at first, of meeting me alone, a fact which I put down to his own insecurity, a common trait in bullies. I wanted him and his mates divided, in order to concentrate on each in turn. Luckily, for me at any rate, the two which wanted to be hypnotised into giving up their ‘filthy habit’ were two of his toughest henchmen, way up in the pecking order of his ‘gang’. Get them in my power, I thought, and the rest would follow.

I gestured to a chair. “Sit here.” Johnny said nothing as he sat, which surprised me being that I had ‘snapped’ my instruction at him. I decided then and there that this was the best approach, sensing a susceptibility to submission, a susceptibly which lay buried deep within his subconscious, a susceptibility ripe for exploitation with the right tools.

I took a pen from my blazer pocket. “Now, watch this pen.” I held it, vertically, in front of Johnny’s face and started to move it, slowly, back and forth. “Concentrate on the tip of the pen Johnny. Concentrate. You can see nothing else, nothing else in the room matters. You can hear nothing but my voice. My voice is soothing to you. It makes you feel good; relaxed and content.”

Although secluded in our meeting place we were not immune to the noise of footsteps above as the odd person traversed the stage but Johnny did as he was told and concentrated on my voice. He was an amazing subject, I couldn’t believe just how easy it was to lower him into a trance. Curt had told me that some people were more susceptible than others but that the main thing was if the subject felt in control and really wanted to be hypnotised, if they did then inducing a trance is made 100 times easier. Johnny must’ve really wanted to quit smoking and I knew that he felt ‘in control’ of me. I wondered at this stage just how wrong I could prove him.

I continued with my inducement for the next ten or so minutes, reassuring him constantly of how good he felt. Finally, when I was absolutely satisfied I began my real task, that of ‘helping’ poor little Johnny kick his filthy habit. Only trouble was, and my balls tightened at the thought, I was determined to replace it with another. One which would cause him as much humiliation and loss of standing with his ‘mates’ as possible.

Johnny sat, eyes closed, as if in a deep sleep. “Can you hear me John?” I said, softly. “Yes,” came the monotone reply. “How do you feel? Do you feel good? Relaxed? Happy?” “Yes. I feel really relaxed.” “Good. Now, every time I speak to you you will feel even more relaxed, more content and more willing to do anything I ask of you. Do you understand?” “Yes. I feel better and better every-time I hear your voice. It feels natural to do whatever you say.”

I couldn’t believe that I had actually done it. I had him in my power. What to do first? Where to start? My head swam with possibilities, possibilities that made me shake with excitement.

“You came to ask for my help didn’t you John?” “Yes. I want your help.” “Tell me what you want me to help you with.” “I want you to help me stop smoking. Please help me to stop. I’m afraid of what it is doing to my lungs.” “Oh yes, you are afraid John, so afraid, afraid of getting cancer, of heart disease, of all the things the science teacher mentioned. In fact you are so afraid that you’d do anything in order to kick the habit of smoking, the habit which gives you so much pleasure and social standing.” “So much pleasure,” he moaned, a grimace upon his face.

“Oh how you want to stop smoking John; but you can’t, you can’t stop without my help and you know that. You do know that don’t you John?” I was getting an added bonus out of calling him John as I knew he hated it and no one, but no one, called him that. “Yes, I know I can’t stop without your help.” “You do want me to help you don’t you? You’ll do anything for me to help you because you know I can give you what you want; what you really want. Only I can give you release from that craving you have for a cigarette, a craving which, from now on, will seem even stronger and you will realise that you need my help even more. Even as I speak you want a cigarette. You NEED a cigarette.”

“I need a cigarette. Please give me a cigarette.” “You will imagine that you are smoking twice as many as last week. Every cigarette you smoke from now on will register in your mind as two and you’ll become increasingly desperate for help. You’ll beg me to hypnotise you again, in front of your best mates. You’ll tell them how only I can help you and that you feel I am helping you. You’ll encourage them to allow me to hypnotise them and reassure them of my integrity. You will do that for me won’t you John?” “Yes, I’ll do that Ben. I know I must convince them of how good it is to be hypnotised by you and that only you can help them kick their habit.”

“Excellent. Now, I think that will do for today John. I am going to count from 10 to 1. When I reach one you will open your eyes, be wide awake and feel oh so good. You will remember all the things I told you about how good it is to be hypnotised by me and how you are to convince your mates. Also, the next time I hypnotise you you will feel even more content and happy to do exactly what I tell you, no matter what. You will go into an even deeper trance with each session and you will treat me as one of your best friends. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. I understand. You are one of my best mates.”

I counted from 10 to 1 and, upon reaching one, Johnny opened his eyes. “Boy do I feel good,” he said with a stretch and reaching for his cigarettes. “Fancy a drag then Ben?” He offered me a cigarette, something he’d never done before. I knew my suggestions were taking effect. “Er, no thanks John; I don’t smoke. How many have you had today?” I knew he’d only had about 5 because he was a creature of habit and I’d been observing him closely over the previous weeks. “About ten today, I think.” Great, I thought, every aspect of my suggestions seem to be working.

Johnny’s attitude toward me over the next few days changed dramatically. He’d greet me with a smile and offer me a fag on every occasion. I knew he’d been talking about our first ‘session’ to his mates because each of the two in question came up to me in turn and asked when they could be ‘done’. I explained that I wanted to concentrate on Johnny and sort him out first before I started on them. The transformation in our relationship, after just one session on Johnny was incredible. Of course, some of my friends were still the subject of his unwanted attentions.

A week passed before I ‘agreed’ to another session with Johnny. Monday lunch time found us in my ‘consulting room’ beneath the stage. It took only moments to induce a trance and, as intimated, the trance was even more profound than before.

Filled with my new found confidence I stood for a moment before my subject, eyeing him up and down, taking in his gorgeous looks. My eyes caressed every part of his body, something which they could do only in strict moderation prior to this point, catching the odd surreptitious glance here, the sly furtive look there. But that was a thing of the past for now, now I could grope him at leisure, and not only with my eyes!

My bollocks began to tighten within the confines of my school trousers as my gaze started at his feet. How scuffed and grubby his shoes were, typical of a lad who was always in the rough of things. Slowly, my eyes drifted upward, past the snow white of his socks, which were in stark contrast to the jet black of his trousers, and up his leg. Upward, upward, savouring every inch, wondering at the close fit of the smooth material around his solid, yet lean, thighs. My gaze tarried, as if drawn by some unseen force, at his crotch, that mound of soft flesh covered, so seductively, by the smooth, worn and thin material. How the material stretched. How it caught the light of the fluorescent tube above with its slight sheen, gained, no doubt, from endless rubbing by Johnny of what lay beneath. Upward again my eyes climbed as I tore them away from heaven, the waistband of the trousers giving way to the brightness of his white shirt which peered at me from beneath his open blazer. My eyes finally alighted upon his face and, in particular, his lips. Such luscious lips, they looked so soft and inviting, lips which I was determined should be put to better use than kissing some silly little girl.

“Now then John, you want me to help you don’t you? I mean, really help you.” “Yes Ben, I want you to help me.” “And you know that in order to help you you have to do exactly as I say, even if you don’t particularly enjoy what I tell you to do?” “Yes Ben. I’ll do whatever you say because I know you’re only trying to help me.” “Okay then. First of all, the best way to stop one habit, that of smoking in this case, is to replace it with something else, something a little less harmful, something which will give you just as much pleasure. Agreed?” Johnny didn’t move or open his eyes but just mumbled, “Agreed.”

“John, I’m going to ask you some really personal questions now, about your sexual habits. You’ll feel comfortable talking about them with me, so relaxed and not in the slightest bit embarrassed. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben; I understand. I’m not embarrassed.” “You must tell me the truth though John. It’s no use lying about anything because if you do I can’t help you. Okay?” “Okay.”

I took a deep breath, pulled up another chair and sat in front of him. “Do you masturbate John?” “Yes,” came the concise and unabashed response. “How often do you masturbate then John?” “Usually twice a day; once before I get up in the morning and once before I go to bed at night.” “Have you ever had sex with a girl?” There was a slight hesitation. “Come on John, you know you’ll feel better when you have told me.” “Not properly.” “What do you mean, ‘not properly’?” “I mean I’ve only kissed them and sometimes they have given me a hand job but I haven’t fucked any of them.”

I was surprised at his revelation. Surprised because I always imagined him, from his bragging and attitude, to have had full sex with his girlfriends. What a sham it was!

“What do you think about when you masturbate then John?” “Girls of course! What else?” “What specifically?” “About fucking them up their cunts. About sticking my cock up them.” “So thinking about ‘fucking them up their cunt’ really turns you on then does it; makes your cock go hard?” “Yeah, sure does.”

I glanced down between Johnny’s legs. There was no mistaking the fact that the bulge which nestled there was more prominent. The shaft of his penis was clearly visible extending slightly down his right leg.

“Is the thought of sticking your cock up their cunts turning you on now then John? Are you getting excited?” “Yeah, it’s turning me on.” I thought for a moment. “You know I said that in order to break your habit of smoking that we must replace it with another habit?” “Yes, you said that would make it easier.” “And you really enjoy masturbating?” “Yeah, course I do.” My balls tightened again and I felt my prick stir within my pants.

“Does anybody else know that you masturbate? Do you talk about it with your mates?” “Course not! We talk about wanking but I don’t tell ‘em anything about what I do or what I think about. They all think that I’m shagging every bird I go out with.” “Well, the first step in kicking your habit is to be more open about masturbation. Every time you crave a cigarette you will think about how much you like to masturbate. As you reach for your cigarettes you will get a hard on and you will feel really horny. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. Whenever I want a cigarette I will feel horny and I will get a hard on in my pants when I light up.” “Good but, in addition, as you smoke you will talk to your mates about masturbation, about how you like to wank yourself off in bed every morning. The more you talk about it, the better your cigarette will taste and the more comfortable you will feel. Understand?” “Yeah, the more I talk about wanking the better I feel and the cigarette tastes better.” “Good and don’t forget, your cock stays hard until you’ve finished your fag. Understand?” “Yes, Ben, my cock stays hard in my pants until I put my fag out.”

I wondered just how far I could push the fucker on this first occasion and decided to put another thought into his subconscious.

“Starting tonight John, when you have a wank, you won’t want to think about girls and fucking their fannies. Every time you think about girls your cock will go soft, as soft as putty. Understand?” “Yes, Ben.” “The only way you will be able to get your prick on the hard again is to think about your mates, the two others which want to give up smoking. Understand?” “Yes Ben. I have to think about my two mates who want to give up smoking if I want to get a hard on.” “But it’s no use just thinking about your mates in general, oh no. You have to think about how their trousers cling to their bums and how nice their crotches look. From now on, when you are with your mates, especially when you are smoking and talking about wanking, you will be looking at their trousers, their arses and their crotches. You will recall these images when you think of your mates when you are masturbating. Understand?” “Yes Ben. I understand. I will think of my mates’ trousers and crotches if I want a hard cock; if I want to wank.” “Good, very good John. Don’t forget, you won’t be able to get a stiff on by thinking about girls any more, you can only get a hard on by thinking about what lays beneath your mates’ trousers. The more you think of that, the harder your cock gets.” “The harder my cock gets,” mumbled Johnny.

“Where do you usually shoot your load then John? When you are in bed in the morning?” There was another slight hesitation. I knew that this was deeply embarrassing for Johnny, big tough kid that he was. I probed ever deeper, determined to get at every last detail of his masturbation techniques. “Come on John, you want to tell me. You’ve got to tell me. What do you do with your spunk when you masturbate in bed in the mornings? Do you cum in your pyjamas? Do you starch your sheets? What would mummy say if she found your big load in your bed eh?” Johnny’s face started to colour up and I knew I had hit a really raw nerve despite his trance. “I, I take some toilet paper to bed with me and put it under my pillow. I always do that, ever since I had a couple of wet dreams and my mum found the stains. I felt so embarrassed.” “So, you cum in some toilet paper do you?” “Yes.” “And then what do you do with it?” “I flush it down the loo, before anyone sees it.” “And what about the load you shoot off at night, before going to bed?” “I usually sit on the toilet and cum down the bowl. That way I can flush it straight away.”

By this stage my cock was so hard inside my underpants. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My tormentor of so long, the big tough kid who had threatened me so much, there he was, admitting to me that he shot his wads into some toilet paper every morning and that his mum found some cum stains on his sheets once. The thought of Johnny, big tough Johnny, staining his sheets and being embarrassed when his mum found it was a real turn on for me. I tried to picture his face when he woke up and found a load lying in his bed, there would be no way he could hide the fact that he had cum from his mum. A thought occurred to me. Wicked it might be, but I found it exciting all the same.

“John, from now on, every night before you go to bed, when you usually get the toilet paper ready for the morning, you will forget to take it into the bedroom with you. Even if you remember, you will not take any into bed with you. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben, I understand. I mustn’t take toilet paper to bed with me any more.” “But when you wake up in the morning you will always have a raging hard on. You will want to masturbate more than ever. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. When I wake up in the morning I will have a raging hard on and will be dying for a wank more than ever.” “Trouble is John, you won’t have any toilet paper to shoot off in will you? Because you forgot to take some to bed with you didn’t you?” “Yes Ben, I forgot to take any to bed with me.” “But you’ve just got to wank off John. You can’t get any toilet paper because your parents might see you going to the bathroom and they’d notice your big stiff dick in your pyjamas now wouldn’t they?” “Yes Ben, they’d notice my raging hard on sticking in my pyjamas.” “And you’d be really really embarrassed by that now wouldn’t you John?” “Yes Ben, really embarrassed if my parents saw my big dick hard on in my pyjamas.” “So what are you going to do then John? You have to cum off. You have to have your wank before getting up. Where are you going to put that big big load of yours?” “I don’t know Ben. Where can I put it? Can you tell me?” “Oh yes John, I can tell you. This is what you are going to do. You will get out of bed, lower your pyjama trousers and crouch down. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. I’ll crouch down beside my bed with my pyjamas round my ankles.”

“Good lad. Doing what I tell you makes you even more excited doesn’t it? You’ll find your prick is stiffer and more sensitive than it’s ever been. Now, once you are in position you will start to masturbate. What do you think of when you are masturbating then John?” “I think of my mates’ trousers and their arses and their crotches.” “Yes, that’s right John, and thinking of your mates’ arses and big bulging crotches makes you want to spunk, really spunk. The images of their crotches are really strong and clear in your mind and you want to shoot off; don’t you John?” “Oh yes Ben. Just thinking of my mates’ crotches makes me want to spunk off.”

I looked down at Johnny’s crotch again. I could see the outline of his dick down the inside seam of his right trouser leg. Boy was he stiff! I looked closer, having no fear of him now, and noticed a small damp patch appearing where his knob end was pressed tightly into the material. The cunt! He was actually dripping in his trousers just at the thought of wanking off in the morning. Fuck if he’s that horny just by being told what to do I could just imagine him wanking off in the morning. Boy would there be a load!

“You grab hold of your prick and peel your foreskin right back. You do have a foreskin don’t you John?” “Yes Ben. I do have a foreskin and I will peel it right back.” “Good boy. Then you’ll start to wank, real slow to start with and then, as you think of your mates, as pictures of their tight arses flash into your mind, you’ll really start to fuck that fist of yours. Before long you’ll feel your spunk building, building, building. You can’t hold out much longer and you just HAVE to spunk your load. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. I can’t hold my load any longer and I’ll have to spunk off.”

“You push your cock, stiff as it is, down between your legs and point it toward the back of your pyjama trousers. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. I’ll force my stiff prick between my legs and point it toward my pyjama trousers.” “You’re really excited now John and I mean REALLY excited. More excited than you have ever been. You really want to juice yourself, to cum in the back of your pyjama bottoms. Just thinking of cumming off in your pyjama bottoms makes you wild with excitement. You can’t hold your juice any more. Another rub and you’ll shoot. You’ll cum your wads. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. I’ll be so excited at the thought of cumming in my pyjamas that I’ll cum a big wad of spunk.”

“Good boy John. Apart from the feeling of a wonderful orgasm you’ll feel really good at having done what I have told you, so good that you’ll be all the more willing to do anything else that I may tell you. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. I’ll feel so good that I’ll want to do anything else you say, knowing that it’ll make me feel good too.”

“Right, once you have cum in your pyjama bottoms, spraying your thick wads around the inside of the arse, you’ll stand up and, very carefully, take them off. You’ll place them just under your blanket and cover them lightly, so that your mummy will find them. You know she’ll find them very shortly. You know your load of spunk will still be wet and sticky. You’ll feel so embarrassed at the thought of her seeing your cream in the back of your pyjamas but you don’t have time to clean it off or try to hide it. You then get ready for school. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. I’ll leave my spunky pyjamas for my mum to find then I’ll get ready for school.”

“Oh John, you’ll feel so good when you get to school that you’ll want to come and tell me what you’ve done and you’ll want to do that each and every school day. Now, tell me what you have to do each morning that you come to school.” “I’ll wake up with a raging hard on. I’ll get out of bed, pull my pyjamas down and crouch beside my bed. I’ll wank off in the back of my pyjamas whilst thinking of my mates’ bulging crotches and tight arseholes. I’ll spray the back of my pyjama bottoms with my spunk before leaving them for my mum to find. I’ll then come to school and tell you what I’ve done.” “And what else John? Something very important.” “Oh yes, and I’ll feel really good about doing the things you tell me.”

“Okay then John, time to wake up now and get back to class, lunchtime’s nearly over. When I count from ten to one you’ll wake up and remember only what I have told you. You will not have noticed me gazing at you nor will you think anything to the fact that you have a bit of a damp patch in your trousers. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben.”

I counted from ten to one and, as before, John awoke with a stretch. “Boy I feel good. Fancy a fag Ben? Oh I forgot, you don’t smoke do you?” I laughed. “No, and neither will you by the time I’ve finished with you.” I looked, craftily, at his crotch as he lit his fag. Sure enough, as he stood there smoking, I could see a definite hard on in his trousers. So far so good, I thought. I couldn’t wait to see what happened when he lit up with his mates.

I didn’t have to wait long, only until the afternoon break, when he met his mates behind the bike sheds for a drag. I just ‘happened to be passing’, glancing at Johnny’s erection within his trousers, when I overheard him say, “I had a fuckin’ great toss this morning lads, before I got up.” His mates’ faces were a picture. It was working, the more he smoked that fag the harder his prick got in his pants and the more he talked about how great it was to wank off. It was going better than I could’ve imagined. Johnny really did want to be hypnotised and who was I to disappoint!

I was standing by the entrance to the outside bog the next morning when I saw Johnny approaching. “Hi there mate,” he beamed. “Hi Johnny. How’s it goin’.” “Great, just great. I’ve just gotta tell you what a great wank I had this morning Ben. It was fuckin’ fantastic.” I pretended to look shocked. “What? You want to tell me about what a great wank you had this morning?” “Yeah, sure, why not? We’re mates aint we?” “Yeah, course we are but I didn’t think you’d want to tell me about how you had a wank this morning. I mean, are you gonna tell me where you dropped your load?” “Sure mate, I’ll tell you anything you want but first I just gotta have a fag, the first one today you know.” With that he lit up and instantly thrust his hand into his left trouser pocket. I could see he was playing with himself but he was unashamed and seemingly unaware he was doing it. My little suggestions were working a treat.

Johnny told me everything about his morning wank. How he’d forgotten to take some bog roll into his room and how he had woken up with a raging hard on. Nothing was left to my imagination and I didn’t need to prompt him once. I knew he had done everything I had told him. I wondered what his mother would think when she made his bed? Just imagining all Johnny’s sperm sticking to the back of his pyjama bottoms, thick and creamy, made my cock as hard in my pants as Johnny’s was. What a horny fucker his mother would think him to be, suddenly finding sperm in her son’s pyjama bottoms, and in the back. There was no way, at least in her mind, that it could have got into such a position by means of a nocturnal emission. He must be masturbating. Her son was a wanker and there would be no doubt that she would realise just how big a wanker by the time I’d finished with him!

Certain that Johnny would carry out my instructions every morning I decided to let him be for a couple of weeks. I knew he would gradually get used to thinking of his mates’ whilst beating his meat and that before long it would seem as though he had thought of nothing else. I also knew that he was starching the back of his pyjama bottoms each and every day and leaving the evidence for his mum to find. Boy did that turn me on!

Whilst Johnny boy was starching his pyjamas, and shocking his mother, I thought I may as well make a start on his two mates, Leslie Seaman and Steven Ince. I got them each in turn, just as I had with Johnny, and discovered that they too were secret masturbators although Leslie only milked himself once a day, in the bathroom, before leaving for school. Both of them were reticent to talk about their masturbatory thoughts but I soon broke down their barriers. I got them to talk openly, just like Johnny, and told them to think of one another and Johnny when they had a wank. They both wore pyjamas to bed and both were soon leaving little deposits for their mothers to find.

Having planted similar instructions into all three subjects’ subconscious thoughts it became really easy for them to talk about masturbation whenever they had a fag together. I quite frequently ‘happened to be passing’ when they were huddled in their usual spot, craftily overhearing them telling one another about how good it was to wank. All three sported hard ons in their trousers as they puffed away.

But my favourite bit each day was when Johnny, I didn’t bother to have the other two report, came up to me each and every morning and told me about him cumming in his pyjamas. I quite often had a quick wank in the bogs before class at the thought of it.

I decided to make his mother even more ‘aware’ of the frequency of her son’s masturbatory habits by having Johnny milk himself straight into his bed, on the sheets, BEFORE going to sleep instead of him shooting it down his loo; such a waste! I also made him wank off in his bed on Saturdays and Sundays, both in the morning AND at night. His sheets must’ve been spunk stiff!

Three weeks after my initial induction of Johnny I was getting bored, not to mention frustrated, with just the thought of Johnny being embarrassed by his mother finding his sperm. Exciting though it was to imagine him masturbating into his pyjamas and hearing all about it the next day, I wanted to see something for myself; something other than the outline of the cunt’s prick down his leg. I decided it was time for Johnny to really start paying for the pain he had inflicted upon me.....

Johnny’s eyes closed and for the fourth time he was under my control beneath the stage. “Tell me what you think about John, what you think about when you rub that big tool of yours. You do want to tell me don’t you John?” “Yes Ben; I want to tell you. I think about Leslie’s tight arse and how his black trousers really ride up his crack. I think about Steven’s crotch and how damp the material of his trousers must be as it is pulled tightly over his hot nuts. I think of both their big tools and how they like to wank off.” “Is that right John? Do you ever think about girls? About sticking your prick right up their cunts?” “Naw. I can’t even get a hard on thinkin’ about girls’ cunts. Much better to think of Les’s tight backside.”

My prick swelled at hearing the ‘big lad’ talking about his best mates in such a way. “You know how you milk your tool off every morning and leave your cum in your pyjamas for mummy to find. Does she ever say anything to you about it, or the stains on your sheets?” “She sometimes says that I ought to try to find something more productive to do with my time.” I laughed, thinking that Johnny’s prick was being more than productive. “So there is no doubt that she has noticed your loads then.” “Oh she’s noticed all right.”

“Perhaps we ought to give mummy a bit of a rest, not let her see your morning load, at least not straight away. From now on then John, every morning, when you wake up with a raging hard on you will get out of bed and put on your school uniform. You will not wank off in your pyjamas. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben; but I need to spunk off every morning.” “So you shall Johnny; so you shall it’s just that you’re gonna cum somewhere different from now on. Somewhere where you can show me the evidence. You’d like to show me the evidence wouldn’t you Johnny? Let me see the result of your wank?” “Oh yes Ben. I’d love to let you see my spunk.” “Good boy. Here’s what you’ll do EVERY school day from now on then. As I said, you’ll get out of bed and put on your uniform. Once you are dressed you will lower your trousers around your ankles followed by your underpants. You will crouch down, as you used to before, and start to wank that big hard on of yours. You’ll feel even more sexy and horny than before, your school trousers giving you a real buzz as the smooth material rubs against your calves.

“You will carry on wanking, thinking of Leslie and Steven, until you feel yourself cumming. You will then push your dick back between your legs, and the more that hurts the more excited you become, until it is pointing toward the back of your underpants. You will then cum boy, cum the biggest load of your life, right inside the back of your underpants. Once you have filled your pants with thick boy juice you will pull them up, quickly followed by your school trousers. You will then come straight to school, no stopping for breakfast or a wash, I want to see you here, beneath the stage each morning at 8:30 sharp. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. I’ll cum inside the back of my underpants and then come straight to school and meet you here at 8:30.” “Good lad, and then you will tell me all about your morning wank only this time you will want to lower your trousers and let me look inside the back of your underpants, just to prove to me that what you are telling me is true. You will let me look inside your underpants, won’t you John? It will make you feel oh so good to show me.”

“Oh yes Ben. I’ll want to show you just how much I’ve cum inside my underpants.” “Not only that John, you’ll think that you’ll feel better if your pants are even damper, had more sticky spunk in them so you will ask me, yes, ask me to put some more in there. Now, you will want me to cum inside the back of your underpants now won’t you?” “Oh yes Ben. It’ll feel oh so good to have my pants even stickier with cum.”

I brought him around and went straight to the bogs for a wank. Fuck, would he show me his spunk in his pants? Would he even go as far at to cum in his pants and then come to school. Most of all would he let me spunk in them too? I came wads down the loo at the thought. I couldn’t wait for tomorrow.

Tomorrow finally came and it found me beneath the stage awaiting Johnny’s arrival. He was dead on time and greeted me with his usual smile, his soft lips looking, somehow, even more luscious than ever. “Hi Ben. Thought I’d find you here. Want to hear about the great wank I had this morning?” “Yeah, sure,” I laughed. “Come and sit down.”

“I woke up this morning with a huge hard on but I thought I just had to get to school quickly so I got dressed. But I couldn’t resist crouching down and having a wank, like I normally do, but this time I came in my underpants.” “Oh really,” I replied, trying to sound uninterested. “Yeah, in the back. Like to see? It’s a real big load.” “You want to show me your load then?” “Sure! What are mates for?” “Okay then, but only if you’re certain you don’t mind me seein’ your spunky pants.”

Johnny stood, undid his belt and the waistband of his trousers, lowered them and bent forward slightly. “Go on mate, have a look.” I lifted the back of his white shirt and straight away could see the back of his underpants, light blue underpants, were wet, really wet. They were so wet that they had become slightly transparent and I could see some dark pubic hair around Johnny’s arsehole, not much but just enough to tell me how many to expect around his dick when I finally got to see it up close.

Johnny didn’t move as I touched the back of his pants with the tip of my finger. He didn’t flinch as I ran it down the crack of his arse. Nor did he move as I ran it upward and placed it in the elasticated waistband and pulled it backward and downward to reveal his smooth skin beneath. There was no doubting the aroma of fresh spunk, aroma which was backed up with visual evidence as there, right near his arsehole, was thick white spunk. Johnny must’ve literally cum in his pants and walked the short distance from his home to where we were now without even going into the bathroom for a piss. He’d done everything I had told him to. Here was the proof.

My cock begged my attention and swelled to a full hard on when Johnny said “My pants feel really great all spunky like this Ben but I bet they’d feel ever better if I had some more spunk in them. Be a real mate and shoot your cum in there for me will yer?” There was a slight tremor in my voice as I replied “Sure Johnny; if you want me to.” “Course I do, but hurry up or we’ll be late for registration.”

I needed no further encouragement and quickly pulled my now aching prick from my trousers. Johnny, very kindly, reached behind him and pulled back his pants, giving me a clear view of his arse crack. I stood back a little and caught sight of the fuckers’ tight arsehole. It seemed to wink at me as I wanked, urging me to splatter my load right in the middle of it.

It took only a few minutes for me to reach a climax, a climax the likes I had never before experienced. Boy did I shoot! Boy did it feel great as my thick and creamy boy load surged down my shaft and erupted from my knob end. Each spurt landed with force on Johnny’s arsehole and ran down his crack, over his balls and into his pants. The sight of my spunk running over the tough lad’s arse coaxed still more spurts of thick ejaculate from my knob until, finally, I was finished. Johnny’s arse was covered in my spunk!

“Thanks Ben; you’re a real mate,” sighed Johnny as he stood, pulled up his underpants, trousers and tidied himself. “Better be getting to registration then,” he added with a smirk. “It’ll feel really great sitting in class in my spunky pants.”

I couldn’t believe what I had just done. Johnny, the lad who’d been knocking me about and calling me a twat for so long had actually let, no, asked me to wank off over his arse, leaving my spunk in his underpants before going to registration. Fuck! And the cunt was still smoking 20 a day. He definitely needed more treatment. I sat, dazed, beneath the stage for a moment before following Johnny. What a turn on to walk into registration to see him sitting next to Leslie, knowing that he had both his own and my spunk soaking into his underpants and through to his black school trousers. Roll on the next morning I thought as I eyed up the jet black material as it clung to his legs. How much better, I thought, if my spunk were deposited directly into the back of his trousers. Perhaps from next week Johnny boy wouldn’t be wearing any underpants. Who knows! My mind ran wild with horny thoughts.

I contented myself with wanking off over Johnny boy’s arse, leaving my load to run and soak into his pants, for the rest of that week. However, when Johnny reported on the Monday morning I decided it was time for another ‘therapeutic’ session.

Johnny sat, as per usual, eyes closed and deeply relaxed following my induction. How easy it was for me to create a deep and susceptible trance in him. I just couldn’t get over how willing a subject he had turned out to be. As once before, I stood and eyed him up, drinking in the beautiful sight before me. This time though, my confidence boosted ever higher by the past week’s events, I went just a little further.

“You feel so relaxed and comfortable John; so contented. The more you hear my voice the more contented you feel. That’s right isn’t it John? Come on, be a good boy and tell me how good you feel.” “Yes, that’s right Ben. I feel really good. I like to hear your voice and I enjoy doing what you tell me.”

“I know you enjoy doing what I tell you John but from now on you will enjoy doing whatever I tell you even more than before and if I tell you to do something which involves anything sexual you will find it extremely stimulating. So stimulating that any orgasm which follows will be twice as intense as normal. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. I understand. When I cum after anything which you tell me to do I will shoot twice as much as normal.”

I crouched down beside him and started, very lightly, to run my finger along his leg. The material of his trousers, slightly worn from the rough and tumble of school days, felt even smoother than I had imagined. I felt the warmth of his body permeating the thin, jet black material. I could resist no longer. Slowly, as my cock swelled inside my own pants, I moved my fingers ever higher until they found their ultimate goal, that mound of pleasure; his crotch!

The material stretched tightly over his soft orbs, lifting and separating them like two satsumas in a bag. His trousers felt slightly damp, the heat of his big bollocks causing perspiration in the stuffy atmosphere beneath the stage.

“You like what I am doing don’t you John? It makes you feel oh so nice. Oh so sexy,” I whispered in his ear. “Tell me how much you like the feeling then John.” “I like what you are doing Ben. I can feel my cock swelling in my pants and I feel really horny.”

There was no hiding the fact that John’s cock was really stiff in his pants. I could both see and feel the shape of it. I became more adventurous, driven on by my lust for my beautiful contemporary as he sat there, completely in my power. I began to stroke his shaft, sticking, as it was, like some hard sausage, into the material. I ran my fingers over his knob. I shuddered as I felt his rim. Boy was he stiff. His cock was rigid and as solid as a rock. This was no half hearted hard on that was for sure!

“John, I want you to listen very very carefully to my next instructions. It’s very important that you do exactly what I tell you otherwise I won’t be able to help you to stop smoking. You do still want me to help you do that don’t you?” “Oh yes Ben, more than anything.” “Good. Now then, starting tonight you will stop masturbating at home. You will not cream your bed or cum in your pants. In fact you will find it impossible to get a full erection at home from now on. No matter what you see or how much you play with yourself you will be unable to get a wanking hard on. Is that clear?” “Yes Ben; that’s clear. I won’t wank off at home any more. No matter what.” “In addition to not being able to get a wanking hard on at home you won’t be able to get one anywhere else. Is that clear?” “Yes Ben.”

“You will meet me here tomorrow morning as usual. When you see me you will immediately tell me how horny you are feeling because you will be feeling really really sexy. You’ll be feeling so randy that as soon as you start talking to me you will get a hard on, a real boner. Understand?” “Yes Ben; I understand.”

“Trouble is John, trouble is you’ve been in such a hurry to come and meet me here that you’ve put your trousers on without any underpants beneath. You mean to put them on but you just haven’t the time. You can’t spare the seconds it takes to put on your underpants. You know you have left them off and you feel acutely aware that you have non on. You think people are looking at you as you walk to school. Everybody you pass will appear to stare at your crotch. Everybody you pass will have a knowing look on their face. Everybody you pass will know that John Baines doesn’t have any underpants on. Everybody you pass will know that John Baines is a wanker and a sexy bastard. They know John, everybody knows that you are a wanker and that you are not wearing anything beneath your black school trousers. You are so conscious of the fact that everybody knows you have left your pants off. Do you understand what I am saying John? Tell me what you understand so far.”

“I know I mustn’t wank at home. I know I can’t get a wanking hard on at home or anywhere else. I know I have to come and meet you at 8:30 every morning when I come to school. I know I don’t have time to put on my underpants even though I know I should wear them. I think that everybody I pass knows I haven’t got anything under my trousers and I think they all know I’m a wanker.”

“You know all the right things John. I’m very pleased with you, very pleased. It makes you feel good that I am pleased with you doesn’t it John? It makes you feel very good.” “Yes Ben. I feel really good that you are pleased with me. I’ll do anything to make you pleased with me.” “Good, it’s nice to know that we understand each other. It makes my helping you all the more pleasant and effective. Now, as I said, as soon as you meet me beneath the stage, here, where we are now, you will get a boner in your trousers. You’ll describe to me exactly how you feel; how sexy you are. You’ll tell me about all the people you saw on the way to school and how they all knew you had left your underpants off. After you have told me everything you will tell me that you feel so randy that you just have to masturbate. You won’t say wank, you’ll say masturbate. Do you know why you will say masturbate instead of wank John?” “No Ben. Why will I say masturbate instead of wank?” “Because it pleases me, pleases me to hear you say that word. You sound really sexy when you say it and when you hear yourself say it it will make you feel even hornier. Is that clear John.” “Yes Ben, very clear. It pleases you and makes me feel even hornier.”

“You will then ask me if I would like to watch you masturbate. You want me to watch you masturbate. You’ll be very disappointed if I don’t watch you masturbate. Your cock will shrivel up if I say I don’t care to see you masturbate and it will make you feel really sad. Understand?” “Yes Ben. I really want you to watch me masturbate and I’ll feel really sad if you don’t want to watch.”

“Good, very good. You’ll want to show me how you used to wank off in the back of your pyjamas, the only trouble is, you don’t have your pyjamas with you so what do you do? I’ll tell you what you do John, you use your trousers that’s what you’ll do. You’ll pretend that you are cumming in the back of your pyjamas. You’ll show me exactly how you used to masturbate in your pyjamas and the back of your underpants. Then you’ll cum your load John, oh how you’ll cum your load. Your orgasm will be so powerful, so intense, that your whole body will shudder. You’ll spray a huge load of spunk into the seat of your trousers. You’ll keep cumming and cumming, you feel so so sexy. When you have finished you will ask me to look at your load. You’ll feel so ashamed at me seeing it but you will still want to show it to me. Is everything clear in your mind then John? Do you know what I want you to do, what will please me so that I can help you?” “Yes Ben.; everything is clear.”

“But we haven’t finished yet John, oh no. After I have looked at your load, your big load, of thick and snow white spunk which is lying in a pool in the seat of your trousers you will stand and pull them up. You will fasten them, zip up your fly and tidy yourself. You will then light up a cigarette which, of course makes you feel horny again. You will stand, as you smoke, and rub your hands around your arse, rubbing all your creamy load into that soft skin of yours. The feel of your load on your arse makes you feel real sexy and you’ll get another boner. You like having a boner and you know that having even more cream in the back of your trousers will make your boner even harder. You want more cream in the back of your trousers. You want my cream in the back of your trousers and you will ask me to put it there. Understood?” “Yes Ben.”

“You’ll let me do what I want in order to put my cream in the back of your trousers and when I do it’ll make you feel real good. After I have cum in your trousers you will pull them up, tidy yourself and go straight to registration. You will feel so sexy having spunk around your arse as you sit in class but you get annoyed that it dries so quickly as you enjoy the dampness, the sticky feeling on your skin. You want to feel good John, you want to feel sexy all the time but you find the good feelings ebbing away as the spunk dries. You just have to have wet spunk in the back of your trousers but where can you get it? Where can you get more spunk? You’ve no more in that dick of yours because, as the spunk dries, you don’t feel randy any more. You’ve just got to get some spunk in the back of your trousers, that’s all you can think about”

All the time I was giving Johnny his instructions, planting my commands in his subconscious, I was stroking his hard on through his trousers. I was tempted, very tempted, to unzip him and take a look at the real thing but I wanted to save that pleasure for the next day; to see him rubbing it like fuck as he had himself off in the back of his trousers. I was almost cumming myself as I continued with my ‘requests’.

“You’ll look around the classroom and see me, whichever class we are in, you will look around. We could be in any class as the spunk in your trousers finally dries out and you’ll seek me out. The very first chance you get you’ll excuse yourself and ask to go to the toilet, you know the school rules, that the teacher cannot refuse a boy to go to the toilet unless it is in the middle of an exam. You will go to the outside toilet and wait in a spare cubicle. I will also ask to leave the room and follow you. When I arrive in the cubicle we will only have a few minutes so you will lower your trousers and crouch down in front of the toilet bowl as soon as I enter. You will stay there, without speaking, and allow me to deposit a load of cum in the seat of your trousers. When I have done so, the sight of my cum will turn you on and your dick will swell. You’ll want to wank off, to masturbate and you will do so, forcing your hard tool downward and into the seat of your trousers until your knob end is almost touching my spunk which will be lying in a pool there. You’ll masturbate yourself to a full orgasm and it will be intense, just as your first load of the day, beneath the stage. I will leave the cubicle and you will follow a minute later, returning to class feeling much much better having replenished the wet spunk in your trousers. Do you understand everything I have told you? Is there anything you are unclear about?” “No, Ben; everything is clear and I know what I must do in order to both please you and make myself feel good.”

I stood back and went through the routine to bring Johnny around. It seemed to take a little longer for him to regain his senses than on previous sessions. He certainly was taking every instruction to heart, going into a deeper and deeper state of trance on each occasion. I abstained from depositing my load in his underpants that morning, preferring instead to await the next day. I wanted an extra large load for the back of the cunt’s black and shiny trousers.

I could hardly sleep that night, thinking of all the new instructions I had planted in Johnny’s, big tough Johnny’s, subconscious. Would he do everything I had suggested? Would he dash to school and omit to put on his pants? 8:30 the next morning seemed an eternity away.

“Morning Ben,” beamed Johnny as he carefully closed the door beneath the stage behind him. “Thought I’d find you here.” I smiled to myself; he seemed totally oblivious to the fact that I had said I would be there and that I had told him to meet me. What a total cunt he was; but the best type to know!

Johnny came and sat on a packing crate next to me. I wondered, my heart pounding, whether he would carry out my subliminal commands. I didn’t have to wait long.

“Fuck, Ben, do I feel horny or do I feel horny!” “What do you mean Johnny?” “I mean I’ve got a fuckin’ boner in my trousers and I feel like masturbating; that’s what I mean.” “Oh,” I responded, as if it didn’t interest me in the slightest.” “Know what Ben?” “What?” “I came out this morning in such a fuckin’ hurry that I forgot to put my fuckin’ pants on.” “Is that so?” “Yeah, too fuckin’ true mate and I reckon everybody I saw on the way here knew I’d left them off too.” “Get out! How could they know? They must’ve been looking really closely.” “They were mate! I swear it. One woman almost walked into a tree and a bloke tripped over a paving stone.” I smiled at the thought of Johnny walking down the street causing such disruption, at least in his mind.

“God I feel horny. Look I’ve got a real boner here.” He ran his hand over his leg until it came to rest on his obvious hard on, pressed hard as it was by his trousers to his thigh. “I’ve just got to masturbate Ben. Would you like to watch me? I can show you how I usually masturbate at home, in the back of my pyjamas.”

This was where I really felt wicked. I wanted to frustrate the bastard as much as I could, to prolong his agony and my ecstasy. The thought of having control of this tough kid’s cock turned me on something rotten. My own dick was rock hard in my pants.

“Why do you want me to watch you have a wank then Johnny? What makes you think I’m the slightest bit interested? Don’t think I’m a fuckin’ queer do you? You’re not queer are you?” Johnny went a bright scarlet. “Course not Ben. Neither of us are queer. I just thought...” “Just thought what?” “I just thought that as you’re my mate and are helping me to stop smoking, that it would be the least I could do to let you see me masturbate.”

This was great! The fucker really sounded upset at the thought that I might not want to see him wanking off, shooting his boy cum.

“Oh I don’t know Johnny. I don’t think it’s right. I mean best mates don’t watch one another wank off. No, you do it in private. I’m off now. See you in registration.” The look of disappointment on Johnny’s face as I got up to leave had to be seen to be believed. I actually thought the tight arsed cunt was gonna cry! “But Ben, please don’t go. Please stay and watch me masturbate.”

I continued to walk toward the door but turned to see Johnny standing there. The protrusion which was his boner had gone. His dick was completely flaccid. My every subconscious command was being carried out to the letter. I had him where I wanted him; exactly. I quickly thought what to do. Should I stay and watch him spunk off, filling his trousers with his johnny juice. Hah, that’s a laugh; johnny juice! It was johnny juice because it was Johnny’s juice out of Johnny boy’s Johnny. If I allowed him to cum he would ask me to cum in his trousers too, something I was dying to do, something I had imagined for a long time. If I didn’t allow him to cum he wouldn’t be able to follow through with the rest of my instructions and would build up an even bigger load in his bollocks.

The thought of frustrating the randy cunt overcame my immediate desire to fill his trousers with my sperm. I would make him wait, wait until he was having wet dreams, until his cock was bursting with love juice. He’d be so randy his trousers would reek of the stuff.

I closed the door behind me without another word, knowing that Johnny’s cock would have shrivelled and be useless to him. I settled into my seat at registration and smiled to myself as I looked over at Johnny. How miserable the bastard looked; totally frustrated.

For the rest of that week Johnny met me beneath the stage at 8:30 sharp. Each day would be the same. He would tell me how he’d left his underpants off and how horny he felt. Then the question, ‘did I want to watch him masturbate?’ Each day I made an excuse. Each day I revelled in the look of sheer frustration on his face. Each day I wanked my load down the school bogs.

I used the time to induce further trances in Leslie and Steven. I gave each of them suggestions that they too could not masturbate to orgasm at home but I did allow them to become erect. Oh yes they could become erect, fully erect, as any healthy 16 year old should but they could not spunk. What would this result in? Of course, more wet dreams. They would get so horny, wanking on their boy toys, but they wouldn’t be able to cum; their only release, a wet dream. Great; more stains for mummy to find.

Apart from the suggestion that they couldn’t climax I also suggested that they start to look at Johnny’s black trousers more. They should notice how smooth and shiny they were, so smooth that just looking at them gave them an erection, a fully blown boy hard! As they wanked on their hard dicks at home they were to think of Johnny’s trousers and in particular how they fitted his cute little arse cheeks. They would climax in their dreams, filling their beds with their spunk, whilst vivid images of Johnny’s black trouser covered arse cheeks flashed before them.

There was one exception to the ‘no spunk’ rule, one very important exception. I told them that they couldn’t cum, no matter how much they fucked their fist, that they could only cream their beds. However, should Johnny ask them if they would care to, they could ejaculate in the back of his trousers. If they did do so then their orgasm would be so pleasurable, so intense that they would crave it even more, their every thought and dream filled with the image of their sperm filling their gang leader’s trousers.

The stage was set. The players rehearsed. The time had come to see the show.

I chose a Tuesday to see the first performance. Eight-thirty arrived at last and it found me sitting in my usual secluded spot beneath the stage. I shook with anticipation, my cock throbbing in a semi tumescent state.

“Morning Ben,” came Johnny’s familiar greeting. I could see his piece of meat hanging slightly down his right leg when he walked over to me. I could also see that it was, as per usual, getting stiffer by the second as he spoke. Pretty soon, as he sat beside me on the crate, his tool was fully aroused and straining against the sheath which was his trousers. I knew he must be really full of jack, but just how much I couldn’t have imagined.

“Morning Johnny. How are you toady?” Just as before he told me how randy he felt but with one exception, he actually told me that he had had a wet dream the previous night and that he had woken up to find a big pool of sticky boy cum in his bed. Of course he had made no attempt to clean it off because I had told him to leave it for his mummy to find. I also knew that his spunk bag must be overflowing and jack fuckin’ full if he were having ‘nocturnal emissions’.

“God I feel horny. Look I’ve got a real boner here.” Just as he had done on every other morning, as though it were an action replay, he ran his hand over his leg until it came to rest on his obvious hard on. “I’ve just got to masturbate Ben. Would you like to watch me? I can show you how I usually masturbate at home, in the back of my pyjamas.”

I could wait no longer, no longer to see Johnny’s cock in action. “Okay then Johnny; I’ll watch you wank but only if you really want me to. It’s not really the right thing to do though is it? I mean, two mates, one watching the other wank.” “Yes Ben, I really want you to watch me masturbate and what’s wrong with that?”

“Right then; you’re gonna show me how you used to wank in your pyjamas then?” “Yeah but I’ll pretend my trousers are my pyjamas okay?” “Okay then mate. We’ll imagine that your trousers are your pyjama pants.”

Johnny rose to his feet, removed his blazer and started to unbuckle his belt. His trousers soon became loose as he quickly unzipped himself. Oh the sound of Johnny boy’s zip. It sounded like something from heaven! Bare flesh, so soft and pink, was slowly revealed as Johnny’s trousers were pushed down. I sat, mesmerised, as he crouched before me, cock in hand. That was the first time I had actually seen Johnny’s tool on the hard, in the flesh. Boy what a cock! His helmet was a deep purple, his foreskin peeled right back. The shaft was perfectly straight and must’ve measured a good six and a half to seven inches not only that but it was thick, about an inch in diameter. No wonder the girls wanted it up ‘em, or perhaps it was his size which put them off, who knows?

Johnny wasted no time, no time at all, in getting down to a hard wank. His balls clung tightly to his body, his piss hole emitted globules of clear fluid. And then a thought, a wicked thought. I waited a moment, until Johnny was starting to push his knob downward and backward, toward the seat of his trousers.

“I think I’d better leave you to it Johnny. I’ll be late for registration.” I got up and walked toward the door. Johnny stood, his hand around his rapidly softening tool. “Naw, please Ben, don’t go. Please stay and watch me masturbate.” His voice was shaky, he was really desperate to drop his load but needed my permission to do so.

I returned to my seat. “Okay then Johnny. But hurry up.” Johnny resumed his position and his prick was soon as hard as it was before. As he started to push, with some difficulty, his hard shaft downward I stood and walked behind him. I could now see his knob end sticking back between his legs as he crouched. I could see strands of clear fluid adhering to the thin black material which was the seat of his trousers. The black material which would soon be coated, no soaked, with pure white semen.

I crouched for a better view. I pulled Johnny’s shirt up a revelled in the sight of his lower back where it joined his arse cheeks. So smooth, so soft, so sexy!

Johnny held his dick for a moment with his left hand whilst he moved his right around the outside of his thigh and around the back, grabbing his purple knob end and wanking in earnest. I knew from Johnny’s breathing that he wasn’t far from orgasm. Neither was I; my own cock felt damp in my pants. I knew I had to cum off too.

Faster and faster Johnny wanked. Harder and harder my prick became in my pants.

Suddenly, accompanied by an almighty groan from Johnny, I saw the first small spurt of thick spunk erupt from his knob end and hit the jet black material. Another ‘ugh’ from Johnny signalled the eruption of another three powerful spurts from his gaping piss slit. These were followed by an enormous fourth and then a fifth before his orgasm subsided with several smaller spurts concluding in a short dribble.

“Take a look Ben,” gasped Johnny. “What?” was my response. “Take a look in the back of my trousers. See just how much I have cum.” I looked down, more closely this time, and sure enough there, in the seat of Johnny’s trousers, was the most enormous pool of thick and creamy boy cum that I had ever seen. His trousers were awash with the stuff and it smelled real good. Really boyish!

“Cor! What a fuckin’ load of spunk Johnny. You must’ve been horny.” “I was mate,” he said, standing, a look of embarrassment on his face. He quickly pulled up his trousers, tucked his shirt in and did them up. He reached into his blazer pocket and pulled out his cigarettes. Having lit one up he just stood there and rubbed the seat of his trousers with his right hand whilst smoking with his left. I sat on the crate and watched him for a moment, willing the next command to kick in. I watched, for what seemed like ages, as he puffed away and rubbed his spunk into his bum cheeks. I got up and walked behind him. I looked at his arse. His trousers seemed no more than slightly damp although I knew there was a huge load of boy juice swilling around in there. This was great, it wouldn’t be too obvious to anyone who wasn’t in the know as to just what the dampness on Johnny’s arse was. He could have sat on a wet wall or on the damp grass for all they knew. In any case, why where they looking at a lad’s arse anyway? Nope, no one would know it was boy cream in there unless, that is, they could smell it!

“Boy that makes me feel so good,” said Johnny. “What does?” “The wet and sticky feeling around my arse and the way my spunk is starting to coat the back of my bollocks and run slightly down my leg.” “You mean you have spunk running down your leg and on the back of your balls?” “Course I have, it doesn’t stay thick for long. Trouble is,” He looked worried. “Trouble is it dries out too fuckin’ quick. I need a bit more in there. Will you put yours in my trousers too?”

“Get fucked Johnny. I can’t do that.” Johnny looked disappointed. “Ah go on, I thought you were my mate. It’ll make me feel real good. Please Ben, please cum in my trousers.”

I could wait no longer. “Okay, but only because you asked mind. I wouldn’t think of it otherwise! Come on, drop your trousers around your knees and bend over a bit; I want to spray your arse cheeks with my spunk.” “But Ben, I want you to fill the back of my trousers with your cum not spray my bum.” “Don’t be such a pillock Johnny, once you pull up your trousers my cum will be filling them won’t it.” “Yeah, suppose so,” he said, slightly disappointed. “And it will still run down your legs.” “Yeah, course it will.” He sounded happier at the thought of my cream running down his smooth, almost hairless legs.

I shuddered with excitement as Johnny lowered his trousers around his knees and bent over. I had a perfect view of his bare arse, of the valley of pleasure which for so long I had admired from afar. The valley which was normally hidden from view by his trousers. It was one thing to glimpse it, slyly, in the showers but to have an unobstructed close up, well that’s another thing entirely!

Johnny said nothing as I slowly unzipped my flies. I reached inside and pulled the waistband of my underpants forward and downward so that the whole of my cock and bollocks was sticking from my trousers. My knob was slippery with pre-cum. My helmet was purple. I was fully erect, erect and ready for Johnny.

Slowly, in order to savour every moment, is started to rub my cock, peeling my foreskin back and forth over my shiny dome. I looked at Johnny boy’s arse, at those small hairs I had seen through his spunk wet pants. They were hardly anything and certainly did not obscure my view of his most prized possession, his arsehole!

I wanked faster now as I noticed Johnny’s spunk glistening on his skin. I looked at the inside of his trousers, the pool of spunk now merely a damp patch, the bulk of the liquid having either been absorbed into the material or evaporated into the atmosphere. I could smell the odour of his cum as it wafted from his hot skin. How it turned me on.

I could hold my load no longer and felt my knees beginning to buckle as it moved down my shaft. I felt hot and could not help groaning as the first spurt of semen leapt from my knob and hit Johnny dead on his arsehole. The first spurt was followed, in quick succession, by six more. Some hit him deep within his crack, others strafed his cheeks. My spunk was thick. My spunk was sticky. His trousers would be really damp when he pulled them up. And that’s exactly what he did, without a word, my huge load being pushed into them as it lay on his skin.

As we walked along the corridor I could see, just beneath the edge of his blazer, that the damp patch had spread a little; it now extended slightly more down his legs and, in particular, down his right one. How sexy that made me feel, to know that when he sat in his seat behind his desk, next to his pal, he had my spunk in his trousers. I watched him carefully as he lowered himself. I had a clear view from where I was sitting. The material stretched even tighter as he sat and I thought I detected a slight glistening of the dampness as it turned slightly to wetness, the semen being forced through more readily. Someone would need to investigate more closely than a cursory glance though to know exactly what the wetness was. After all, who would suspect a tough ‘straight’ lad like Johnny Baines to have semen in the seat of his trousers. It was unthinkable!

It was after the first break, during our third lesson of the day, when Johnny raised his hand. “Yes Baines,” snapped the teacher, “what is it?” “Please may I be excused to go to the toilet sir?” “Yes, but be back within five minutes or else you’ll have me to answer to.” Fuck, why did Johnny have to ask to be excused during Cairn’s lesson, he didn’t stand for any nonsense and when he said five minutes he meant five minutes. I knew I had to be quick, a realisation which made my pulse beat faster and my cock throb to a full hard on as I saw Johnny vanish through the door.

I raised my hand, hoping no one would suspect anything or notice it trembling slightly. “Yes Hammet, what do you want?” snapped Cairns. “Please may I go to the toilet too sir?” “Can’t you wait boy? You know I don’t like too many boys out of the class at one time.” “No sir. I know your rule but I’m really desperate.” “Very well then, but the same applies to you as to Baines, back in five minutes or else.”

I was breathless as I arrived at the outside bogs, having run across the deserted playground. There were only three cubicles in there, two of which were open so I knew what awaited me in the third. I pushed open the door and, sure enough, there sat Johnny. I went in and closed the door, locking it behind me. Not a word was spoken as Johnny stood, turned away from me, lowered his trousers and crouched, hands on the bowl.

I reached into my flies, having quickly unzipped them, and pulled my throbbing pole from within. I wondered how many minutes had passed since leaving the classroom and guessed at about one and a half, two for Johnny. I wanked on my tool like fuck. Luckily, in my excitement, it wasn’t long before my second load of the day was being deposited in the seat of Johnny’s trousers. This time I shot directly onto the dried spunk in the back of them. It was a great sight.

I looked around the front of Johnny and saw that his tool was as stiff as a pole and boy, was he pulling on it. Within seconds of me spunking off in the seat of Johnny’s trousers his own second load of the day was joining it, swelling the pool of spunk even more.

As soon as he had cum, he stood and dressed. There was a distinct odour of boy sex in the cubicle, an odour which left no doubt as to where it was coming from; the pool of cum in Johnny boy’s trousers.

The fact that I left the cubicle first meant that I returned to the classroom first, and with time to spare. It was a very hurried affair but, as I said, it all seemed to add something to the excitement.

Johnny wasn’t so lucky as seven minutes had passed by the time he returned. He was just lowering himself into his chair, his trousers beautifully wet with semen, when a voice boomed “Baines, get out here.” My heart leapt as Johnny rose from his seat and headed toward the front of the class. Would anyone notice the wetness around his arse? Would anyone work out exactly what it was? Luckily, his blazer was obscuring the wettest part, the part which was, by this time, glistening slightly with the viscous fluid which oozed through the fibre of his trousers.

“I thought I told you no longer than FIVE minutes boy,” bellowed Cairns, slapping Johnny around the head. “Now stand in the corner there and don’t move until I tell you to.” Johnny walked over to the corner of the room and stood. “Turn and face the wall then Baines. You don’t think I want to look at your ugly mug do you? Whilst you are at it put your hands behind your head and keep them there.” Johnny turned, faced the wall and placed his hands behind his head. This resulted in his blazer riding up his back somewhat revealing still more of his bum.

Luckily Cairns was busy marking books and most of the lads were writing so no one, except me and perhaps Leslie and Steven, took much notice of Johnny. It was just as well really because there was no doubting that the seat of his trousers were damp, very damp. The material rode up his crack really well, the spunk acting like some sort of glue. As I watched I could see Johnny spread his legs slightly. I imagined what all that, now cold and clammy, spunk felt like around his bum. What it felt like to have spunk running down his legs. But I couldn’t have asked for a more humiliating episode for him. Imagine having to stand in front of the whole class in your spunk filled trousers. I glanced in Leslie’s direction. Sure enough he was staring at Johnny’s backside, his hand down between his legs. He was hard in his pants. Everything was going so so smoothly!

Over the next couple of days I came in Johnny’s trousers at least twice a day, sometimes three, depending upon his perception as to when they were dry. In all then he had AT LEAST four loads of boy juice deposited in the seat of his trousers each day, two of his own and two of mine.

It was on the following Monday, when Johnny reported to me at 8:30, that I noticed his trousers had been washed. They were perfectly clean again, ready for the next impregnation! I wondered, as I watched him jacking into the back of them for the first time that week, what his mummy had thought when she put them in the washing machine. Had she felt the now stiff material? Had she sniffed the hardened deposit, Was she familiar with the smell of dried boy spunk. Surely she must know from Johnny’s sheets, his pants and his pyjamas. What a randy cunt she must think her son is!

I enjoyed the spunking of Johnny’s trousers at this level for the next two weeks, revelling in the thought that his arse was constantly wet with semen. That’s just what he deserved to be, damp with boy cream and to smell of it.

But I wanted more. I wanted to really humiliate the big bully, repay him for what he had done to me over the years. I decided that he should make use of my old school trousers, trousers which were worn so thin that the slightest drop of sperm would find do difficulty in penetrating them. I rummaged through my wardrobe and finally found their crumpled black form beneath some old books. Boy would these be tight on him. Boy would he look a right CUNT!

But Johnny wasn’t going to have the luxury of wearing my old trousers without having them ‘adjusted’; adjusted to allow easier access to his body, for easier access was what I desired. To be able to gain entry to that tight hole of his in seconds, for seconds ate into the minutes and minutes could be all we had. I borrowed mum’s sewing kit for the evening and set to work doctoring the trousers. I knew that Johnny was about my size so they would fit his waist okay but I wasn’t certain how tight they would be around his arse or his crotch.

I sat with them across my lap, on my bed, and examined the seams. The seam around the arse was pulling apart slightly, the thread allowing access to the tip of my little finger. I pulled it slightly and it gave way. I pulled again and the seam allowed three fingers to enter. I quickly threaded a needle and began to reinforce the ends of the split, so that it would not run any further, thus revealing its presence. Once done I proceeded to do the same to the crotch, the part which would be right beneath Johnny boy’s bollocks, right between the fucker’s legs. I made the hole large enough to accommodate his soft cock and big bollocks. My mind was working overtime.....

When I had finished I removed my jeans and underpants and put on my old trousers. They were a snug fit but felt, and looked, really sexy. I ran my fingers around my arse, down my crack and found the small hole. I looked in the mirror; you couldn’t see the hole at all as it closed between my cheeks. Perfect, I thought. I again found the hole and pushed my fingertip through. I found the centre of my arsehole. Perfect again, the positioning was just right. I tested the hole beneath the crotch, it was just big enough to pull my soft dick through and my balls too if I wanted but, once out, there was no way a hard cock would pull back accidentally. No sireee, once out and on the stiff Johnny’s dick would be there for all to see.

I waited until a Monday morning before inducing another trance beneath the stage. Johnny was under within seconds and I knew his subconscious was mine, mine to do with as I pleased.

“John,” I whispered, “you really enjoy listening to my voice don’t you? You really like doing anything I tell you?” “Yes Ben. I love your voice, it makes me feel oh so good.” “Okay John, you love havin’ semen in your trousers and around your bum don’t you?” “Yes Ben. I really like the feel of spunk on my bum and in my trousers. It feels really good sitting in class with spunky trousers.” “And you’d really like more cum in your trousers wouldn’t you? Imagine how good you would feel if you had loads more fresh cum in your trousers, right in the back, around your arsehole.” “Oh yes Ben, that would be good, really good to have loads more cum in the back of by trousers. Ohh my arsehole would feel so sticky.”

“But we can’t expect your mummy to wash your spunk filled trousers for you now can we? That wouldn’t be fair on her would it?” “No Ben, it’s not fair to ask my mum to wash my spunky trousers.” “I have the solution to your problem though John. Would you like me to tell you what it is?” “Oh yes please Ben; please tell me what I can do so that I can have spunk in the back of my trousers and not have to trouble my mum to wash them.”

“Well, it just so happens that I have some old school trousers which I think would fit you. I don’t want them anymore so I can give them to you. Would you like that?” “Would you Ben? Would you really give me your old school trousers?” “Yes John, but only because you’re my mate and I know that you’ll look after them. You will look after them won’t you?” “Yes Ben, I’ll look after them for you. I promise.”

“Okay then John here they are.” I reached into my bag and pulled out my old trousers. I had washed and ironed them so they looked perfectly okay, just a little worn around the crotch and a little more shiney than usual around the arse. “Now then John, every morning, when you meet me here, you will find these trousers behind this crate. Open your eyes and see where I mean.” John opened his eyes and I placed the trousers behind a crate, where I knew no one would find them. “Do you know where the trousers are then John?” “Yes Ben, behind that crate over there.” “Okay then, you can close your eyes again now.” Johnny closed his eyes.

“When you find the trousers every morning you will take yours off and put them in your bag. You will then put these on. You will still not have time to put your underpants on before coming to school so you will be bare arsed beneath your trousers. Understand?” “Yes Ben, I understand. I’ll find your old trousers and put them on my bare arse.”

“When you have put on the trousers you will do as you have been doing so far, that is, tell me how horny you are, ask me to watch you masturbate and then ask me to cum in the back of your trousers. You will also continue with leaving the room and going to the outside bogs in order for me to spunk you up again when your trousers feel dry. Okay?” “Yes Ben, I’ll carry on as before.”

“Good, that’s really good John. I am really pleased with you. There is something extra I want you to do though John, something which will make me even more pleased with you. You’d like that wouldn’t you John; like me to be even more pleased with you?” “Oh yes Ben; please tell me what I can do to make you even more pleased with me.”

“Well it’s something really simple and something which you’ll really enjoy. Every time you see Leslie and Steven for a smoke behind the bike sheds and when you are alone with them, apart from me sometimes, you will ask them if they would like to shoot off in the seat of your trousers. No, wait a minute, you won’t ask them if they’d like to shoot off in the seat of your trousers, you will ask them if they would ‘care to EJACULATE in the seat of your trousers’. Is that clear John? The wording is important.” “Yes Ben, I’ll ask if Steven and Leslie would ‘care to EJACULATE in the seat of my trousers’ whenever I am alone with them behind the bicycle sheds.”

“If Leslie and Steven say that they would care to ejaculate in the seat of your trousers then you will do as you do in the bogs with me. That is lower your trousers, crouch down and allow them to fill your trousers with their semen. You will not masturbate yourself though, you only do that in front of me. Understand?” “Yes, Ben. I’ll do as I do with you in the bogs but I mustn’t masturbate.

“If you do exactly as I have just said John you’ll make me really really pleased and that’s what matters most to you isn’t it? To make me really really pleased?” “Oh yes Ben. I want you to be really really pleased with me.”

“Although I’ll be pleased if you do that for me I’ll be even more pleased if, after the lads have ejaculated in the back of your trousers you pull them up and then come and find me. You’ll do that for me won’t you John? You’ll come and find me just as soon as you can after Steven and Leslie have ejaculated in your trousers?” “Oh yes Ben, I’ll find you as soon as they’ve ejaculated in my trousers.”

“That’s good John, very good. Now listen, listen very very carefully to my next instruction because if you get it wrong I shall be very annoyed with you, so annoyed that I might not help you any more and you wouldn’t like that would you? “Oh no Ben. I’ll do exactly as you say. I won’t get it wrong, I promise.”

I couldn’t believe the level of trance I had induced in Johnny, he was so receptive to my every whim, he was even making promises. What more could I ask for?

“When you find me, wherever I am, you will whisper to me, being very careful not to let anyone else hear, that both Steven and Leslie’s semen is in your trousers. I will laugh and walk away, you will follow me. I may go to the bogs, I may come here, but wherever I go on that occasion, in those circumstances, you will follow me. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben, I understand. I must follow you if I have Steven and Leslie’s fresh spunk in my trousers.”

“From that moment, whenever I say ‘sleep’ and click my fingers, you will immediately go into a trance just as deep as you are now, but you will not fall over if you are standing. You will then do as I tell you, whatever that may be. Understand me John? You will do as you are told because that is what pleases me.” “Yes Ben, I will do as you say because it pleases you.”

“Right then John, you will start from tomorrow, putting on the old trousers. For today you will do nothing more. You will awake when I count from ten down to one and you will feel refreshed and happy.”

I had to go through the revival sequence twice before I could bring Johnny around again and remembered what Curt had said. “You’ll have to be careful not to overstep the mark.” Perhaps I’d better not let Johnny’s trances get any deeper, I thought, just in case.

I allowed Johnny a day’s grace from masturbating, allowing a nice reserve of semen to build up in his body and also allowing him the relative comfort of clean trousers. I knew his body would be in the habit of producing several loads a day by now as he had been wanking in his trousers at least twice a day over the past few weeks so stopping him for a day would allow a huge big load to fill his spunk bag.

Eight thirty finally arrived and so did Johnny. He greeted me as per usual but this time made straight for the crate and fished out my old trousers. He immediately exchanged them for his own which he placed in his bag. Boy did those trousers hug the cunt’s arse. Boy did his big dick show, pressed tightly to his belly by the close fitting material. Slowly, as he began to talk to me, to tell me how horny he felt, his cock grew stiffer and stiffer. Finally, it was fully erect within his trousers, a real spunk pole begging for attention.

What I omitted to tell you, and Johnny, is the fact that, when I arrived beneath the stage that morning, I went straight to my old trousers and gobbed in the crotch a couple of times. So, not only would big tough Johnny have my spunk around his arsehole but he’d also have my gob around his tight nuts too!

Johnny continued with his daily, detailed, account of how he thought people knew he was bare arsed beneath his trousers and how everyone he passed seemed to be staring at his crotch. It wasn’t long before he was asking me to watch him masturbate in the back of my old trousers, which he did. Those trousers looked real good on him I can tell you, squashing his spunk even further up his crack than his own. They looked real good when I filled the back with my juice too. Boy, did that material allow the spunk to ooze!

Now, I knew that Johnny always met Steve and Leslie during the first 15 minute break of the day, for a quick fag, and I wondered if my suggestions to the three of them would inter-react in the way I had planned. I decided to tag along with Johnny and, sure enough, he headed straight for the bike sheds where we found his two tight arsed, big cocked mates.

“Hi there lads,” grinned Johnny as he reached for his cigarettes. I looked at Johnny’s crotch. Yes, sure enough he was gaining a hard on which grew stiffer by the second. The cunt hadn’t forgotten any of my earlier suggestions either then. He still got a hard on whenever he smoked!

I carefully observed Leslie and Steven, watching closely where their eyes went. They groped Johnny’s crotch and arse in no uncertain terms. It was obvious that my instructions to them were also working. This should be fun, I thought to myself as I hoped no one else would turn up for a fag.

Five minutes passed before I heard Johnny, quite blatantly, say “Hey lads, would either of you care to ejaculate in the seat of my trousers?” I felt a twinge of excitement run down my spine and my balls tingle at the sound of Johnny actually saying that to his mates. He was really asking his best mates to spunk in his fuckin’ trousers, right there behind the bike sheds!

“Thought you’d never ask mate,” grinned Leslie as he started to unzip his fly. “Me too,” added Steven, doing the same. As both lads reached into their fly and pulled out semi erect boy toys Johnny was busy lowering his trousers to his ankles. By the time Johnny was crouched, holding back his trousers to form a nice well in the seat, Steven and Les’s cocks were fully erect. Les’s dick was slightly larger than Steve’s but at 6 or so inches of real boy meat even that was not to be sneezed at.

Les was the first to get behind Johnny and begin to jack in earnest. I walked behind him, staring at his tight trousers as they were pulled even further up his crack and over his firm bum cheeks by the fact that his hard dick was out of his flies. He arched his back, tensing his arse cheeks so that little dimples appeared on each buttock. He really had that spunk rod on the go and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I caught my first glimpse of his spunk. Would it be as white as Johnny’s? Would it be as thick? Most of all, would there be as much of it?

“Uhh huh!” gasped Les as he dropped to his knees and thrust his purple knob end into the recesses of Johnny boy’s trousers. “I’m gonna cum!” And cum he did. Wad after wad of hot shag juice leapt from his knob and into Johnny’s trousers, covering the jet black material with its sticky form. Again and again, as Les yanked back his foreskin so hard that I thought he’d injure himself, still more jism sprayed out. He was really jetting his juice and no mistake.

No sooner had Les’s orgasm subsided than he was pushed aside by an eager Steve. “I can’t hold it he gasped,” as he too thrust he fully erect penis into the seat of Johnny’s trousers. “Fuck! I’m gonna shoot my load!” He groaned and gasped even more than Leslie as his thick load shot forth and joined his mate’s in the well of Johnny’s trousers. The fuckin’ things were soaked in boy spunk and I mean SOAKED because the material had absorbed just as much as it could from Johnny’s own load, not to mention mine.

I decided it was time to leave, in order to see if my next instruction would be carried out. I stood by the door of the outside bogs. There was only about five minutes of the break left but that was time enough for what I had in mind.

I didn’t have to wait long, Johnny must’ve quite literally pulled up his trousers and followed me.

“Hiya Ben, Johnny said with a grin. He came close to me. “Guess what mate,” he whispered. “What?” “I’ve got Steve and Les’s semen in the back of my trousers.” Those words were music to my ears. Every last detail of what I had told him was being acted upon. My prick swelled in my pants as I just laughed at him and walked into the bogs.

Seeking out a spare cubicle, I entered. Johnny was close on my heels and I locked the door behind him. “Sleep,” I whispered, snapping my fingers. Johnny immediately closed his eyes and I knew from the look on his face that he was in a deep trance, just like under the stage.

I looked at my watch, about 4 minutes to spare before the bell. I whispered in Johnny’s ear, I didn’t want the lads who were coming and going just the other side of the cubicle door to know what was happening, that a big tough bully boy was paying for his crimes.

“Johnny this is where I really help you to stop smoking. I am going to let you have something which will take away your desire for a fag for the rest of the day. When you have had it you won’t want to smoke again today. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben; when I have had what you are going to give me I won’t want to smoke again today.” “You’ll enjoy what I am going to give you John won’t you, because it will help you stop smoking.” “Oh yes Ben. I’m really going to enjoy what you are going to give me.”

As I spoke, conscious of the time, I unzipped my flies and pulled my already stiff dick over the waistband of my underpants. I wanked myself as I ran my hand over Johnny boy’s arse, relishing the slimy feeling of the spunk ridden material as it clung to his tight buttocks. What a feeling the cunt must’ve had with all that cream gradually thinning and running down his legs, drying on his skin like some exclusive beauty lotion.

“Get down on your knees John and don’t make a sound.” He fell to his knees in front of me, his back to the cubicle door. “Open your mouth as wide as you can John and put your head back a little.” He opened his mouth and tilted his head; I could see his pearly white teeth, his tongue and his tonsils behind. “Now stay like that John. Don’t move and don’t make a sound because I’m now going to give you something that you will want instead of cigarettes from now on. I am going to put something in your mouth. You will love the taste, a very special taste, and you will remember it vividly.”

I was almost on the verge of cumming the second load of the day as I inserted my knob just inside Johnny’s gaping gob. I rested the tip of my prick on his tongue and gave my foreskin one last yank. That was enough to trigger my orgasm and I knew I had passed the point of no return. Johnny had had my spunk in his trousers so it was only fair that he should have some in his body too.

I felt my knees buckle as my juice pumped up my rod and erupted from my knob, coating Johnny’s tongue in an instant. Johnny started to splutter as another powerful stream hit the back of his throat. He instinctively closed his mouth and swallowed, getting another wad over his lips for his trouble, before opening it again to receive my final offering.

“Good boy John. Close your mouth and swallow everything I have put in it for you. You love it, love that taste.” Johnny closed his mouth and swallowed once, twice, three times. I knew my jack juice was on its way! Then, much to my surprise, Johnny, tight arsed big boy Johnny, started to lick his lips. Yes the cunt was actually licking the cream from his lips and I didn’t even have to tell him. He must’ve really enjoyed the taste.

I slipped my rapidly softening cock back inside my pants just in time to hear the bell go.

“Stand up John.” He stood. “Now, when I click my fingers and say ‘awake’ you will wait 20 seconds and be wide awake. You will not remember anything that has just happened. You will think you have just come in for a good shit. But you WILL remember the taste of my spunk and crave more. You will not realise what the taste is but you still want more. You want more of that taste even more than a cigarette. You don’t want any more cigarettes today. Do you understand John?” “Yes Ben. I will awake 20 seconds after you tell me and think I’ve come in for a shit. I really want to taste some more of that creamy stuff you gave me but I don’t know what it is. I want to taste more even more than I want a fag. I don’t want any more fags today.”

“Good lad. Now, before you go home tonight you will swap your trousers over and put your clean ones back on. You will put your spunky ones back under the stage ready for tomorrow and then you will go home. Remember you don’t masturbate at home.” I clicked my fingers, said ‘awake’ and dashed off to class. I was seated in English when Johnny came in. The damp patch on his arse looked just like he had been sitting on wet grass. No one took a blind bit of notice.

Johnny’s trousers must’ve felt damp all day because he didn’t ask to go to the bog at all, still, four loads should have kept him happy!

For the next two weeks we carried out the same ritual. Johnny would come in and put on my old trousers. Boy were they getting stiff around the arse! Then he would masturbate in the back and ask me to do the same. He would go for a fag in the first break and his mates would cream his pants. He then found me and I shot in his gob, coating the bastard’s tongue with my shag juice. My cock was almost constantly erect at the thought of having Johnny in my control and him having four loads of jack juice in his trousers every day. But it wasn’t only Johnny, it was Leslie and Steve too. Johnny’s smoking was cut down to one or two a day, at least when he was at school. He was getting what he wanted and, boy, was I getting what I wanted.

As I said, I let Johnny swallow my spunk and walk around in cum filled trousers for about a fortnight before I decided I wanted something different, something that would really teach the tight arsed fucker a lesson. I thought that Johnny boy was getting off lightly and needed to be prevented from doing something which gave him great pleasure, and I’m not thinking of smoking either!

On a Friday night I retrieved the trousers from behind the crate and took them home with me. I wish you could have seen them. They had so much boy cum in the back that the material felt thicker than usual and certainly less pliable. It was strange though, despite their being about 40 or more loads in there there was remarkably little evidence, once dry, on the outside. The inside was quite stained though as you can imagine. On the Saturday, when mum and dad were out, I slipped them into the washing machine and drier. They came out perfect, all soft and smooth. They were ready for the next stage of Johnny’s ‘treatment’.

Monday morning found me waiting for Johnny in our usual place. As soon as he walked in I clicked my fingers and said ‘sleep’, not knowing if my quick induction would work outside the circumstances for which I had set it up. It did. He was soon in a deep trance ready for his next session.

“John,” I said in my usual low voice, “I am now going to give you some new instructions, instructions which will override any that I have given you before. If you get confused in any way you must say and I will go over them again. You must be certain that you understand what I am going to tell you. Do you understand what I am saying.” Johnny assured me, in his usual sleepy voice, that he understood what I wanted.

I decided to try to make my instructions as concise as possible, hoping to avoid any conflicting thoughts. I knew it wouldn’t be easy but I wanted to set up something really special. I shook with excitement at the thought of what I was going to do.

“John, you still don’t have time to put any underpants on in the morning so you will come to school without any. You will keep the trousers which you normally find beneath the stage in your locker from now on. You will put them on in the toilets each morning, keeping your own in your locker during school hours. You will change back into your own trousers before leaving the school.

“As soon as you put the trousers on you will feel really sexy. The feel of the smooth material around your bare arse really turns you on and makes your cock get bigger and bigger until, by the time you get to your first class, you will be FULLY erect and so excited. Do you have any questions so far John?” “No Ben; everything is perfectly clear.”

“That’s a good lad. Now, once your cock is fully erect, in other words as stiff as a pole, it will stay that way until you ejaculate. Your cock will stay hard in your trousers and I mean HARD. Your cock will throb as you walk around the school and you will be acutely aware of your hard on. You’ll think every boy you pass is looking at your hard dick as it juts into your trousers. You’ll feel embarrassed John; ashamed. You don’t like having an erection in your trousers John but there is nothing you can do about it, nothing at all because you are so excited by the feel of your tight trousers as they rub against your skin. You’ll try to hide your erection with your blazer, hoping none of your mates will notice but you know they do.

“Despite your cock being hard John, you mustn’t touch it. The only time you touch your dick is when you go for a piss. You mustn’t masturbate because if you do it will hurt, hurt so much that you’ll think your balls will fall off and you also know that if you do masturbate that I won’t help you to feel good any more or help you to stop smoking. You won’t touch that hard dick of yours now will you John.” “Oh no Ben. I won’t touch my hard cock.”

“That’s good John, really good. It makes me happy to think that you won’t be wasting your time playing with that hard dick of yours because it would be a waste of time wouldn’t it? A very painful waste of time because you wouldn’t be able to cum anyway. From now on John, from this very moment, you cannot, and MUST not, cum without my express permission or in circumstances other than I suggest. Is that clear?” “Yes Ben; I mustn’t cum without you saying it’s okay so it’s a waste of time me playing with my hard on.”

“Yes, that’s right John, it’s a complete waste of time playing with your dick if it is hard because it will hurt if you do and you can’t cum anyway. Now, as I said, once your penis is erect it will stay erect until you ejaculate but, also as I said, you can’t ejaculate without my permission so, what’s the result? Come on John, I asked you a question. Answer me.” Johnny thought for a moment. “I will have a hard dick in my trousers all day I suppose. It just depends when you say I can cum.” “There’s a clever lad then John. Yes, you’ll have a hard on for as long as I want, all fuckin’ day if I like, even longer perhaps; who knows.

“But we don’t want anyone at home thinking there is anything wrong now do we John?” “No Ben.” “No, it wouldn’t do for your mummy to think there is anything wrong with that cock of yours and cart you off to the doctor for an examination. So, in order to avoid any complications, your cock will go as soft as fuck as soon as you change back into your own trousers before going home. You will not , MUST NOT, masturbate at home, nor will you be able to get an erection, you will have no feeling in that dick of yours at all.

“Now then, as I said, your cock will be hard from your first lesson and it will throb and pulsate all the time you are wearing those old trousers I have given you. You will feel that a couple of rubs will make you shoot your load and you will WANT to masturbate but you know you MUSTN’T. You mustn’t touch your hard dick John except when you piss. Even when you piss your cock won’t go down, it will stay as hard as a rock and you will still feel that you can cum off really quick.

“Now then John, listen very carefully to my next instruction, it is probably the most important. Are you listening?” “Yes Ben. What is the most important thing you want me to do?”

“If Leslie or Steven sit next to you they might put their hand over and touch your cock as it is hard in your trousers. If they do you will get really excited and your cock will throb even more. If they do touch your hard penis you will oblige them by carefully, so as no one will notice, manipulating your shaft down the leg of your trousers which is nearest to them. Once your hard dick is sticking down your leg you will place your hands on the desk. Steven or Leslie will probably put their hand under the desk and start to rub your knob end through the material of your black trousers. You’ll like it John, it’ll make your whole body shudder with excitement and your cock will go so stiff it will ache.

“Once your cock starts to ache and you feel as though you are about to cum you will look into your mate’s eyes and if he winks at you you will start to cum in your trousers. If he doesn’t wink at you you can’t cum, your cock just aches more and more but you just CAN’T CUM. If you haven’t cum by the end of the lesson, and there is a break following, you will meet me by the door of the outside toilets and then follow me in. Once we are inside a cubicle you will take your hard penis from your trousers and, with it jutting from your flies, you will wank. Yes John, on this occasion you CAN rub your aching spunk pole. You’ll really want to masturbate John. Your balls will be so tight that they are aching too. Your whole body will be tense. You really want to cum.

“You’ll carry on wanking until you feel you can hold your load no longer but you just cannot cum without my say so. Very quietly, you will ask me if you have my permission to ejaculate. If I say yes you won’t make a sound as you jet your juice into your left hand which you will cup beneath your gaping piss hole. You will catch every last drop of spunk from your aching tool and then, once you have cum your wads, you will lick the whole lot from your hands, leaving them clean and loving every drop. This is the taste you are yearning for John and that taste cancels out your desire to smoke completely for the next 24 hours. However, and this is VERY important John, if I say NO when you ask if you have my permission to ejaculate you will immediately replace your erection within your trousers and go about your business. On NO ACCOUNT will you ejaculate. Not a drop of cum is to escape from that tool of yours which will remain jack hard as per normal. Now, DO YOU UNDERSTAND what I have said?”

Ben affirmed that he had understood all my instructions so far.

“Now, that’s all for now so when I snap my fingers and say ‘awake’ you will feel wide awake and refreshed. You will remember all my instructions in your subconscious only otherwise you act as you normally do.”

The next morning the first I saw of Johnny boy was when he walked into registration. He was wearing my old arse hugging trousers and sporting a half hard on by the looks of it. I kept a close eye on his crotch and noticed that, by the time he entered our first period his cock was jack hard. It was working!

I decided that Johnny, having been used to cumming his wads on a daily basis, should ‘abstain’ for a few days. It’d be good for his soul. It’d also be good for him to get nice and frustrated at getting a stiff dick and all the associated feelings but not being able to do anything with it.

I used the next couple of days to ‘re-programme’ his two mates, they were just as susceptible to my suggestions as poor Johnny was. I told both of them that if they were sat next to Johnny in class, starting from the next Monday, that they would have an overwhelming urge to touch Johnny boy’s cock through his trousers. It’d make them feel so good to touch their mate’s cock under the desk, they wouldn’t be able to resist it so they would put their hand over and squeeze his dick for him. They were to wait whilst Johnny ‘adjusted’ himself, as he surely would, and then start to play with his knob down his leg. They would keep playing with Johnny’s knob end, rubbing it through the thin and worn material, until Johnny looked them in the eye. This would indicate that Johnny was on the verge of orgasm.

Now here’s the really good bit. If there was a female teacher they were to wink at Johnny but if the teacher was male they were to just laugh at him, quietly, turn away and stop touching him up. What a rub eh! Imagine, Johnny boy’s cock throbbing in his school trousers, on the verge of cumming loads of thick and sticky semen. What did him shooting his load and gaining relief depend upon though? Yes, the pure randomness of whether the teacher is male or female! I can tell you this, we had more blokes teaching at our school than we did women. And if he didn’t gain relief at the hands of his mates, and cream his trousers, then the decision on whether he cums his juice or not is still mine. Perfect, just perfect.

I wanked myself silly each and every day as I watched Johnny walking around school with his spunk pole on the hard. How embarrassed he looked as he passed lads in the corridor and out in the yard. How he tried to cover his aching tool with his blazer. How miserable and frustrated he looked by the Friday. I knew he was horny but I also knew my subconscious command was preventing him from gaining any form of sexual relief and that, for a boy like Johnny, used to cumming every day and fucking around with girls, must’ve been sheer torture! My cock swelled and filled with juice at the thought. Another two days, over the weekend, to go before my next instructions kicked in. A weekend of frustration for poor old Johnny boy, his limp cock useless to him in the privacy of his bedroom. What a cunt the bastard was turning out to be!

Monday finally came and again the first I saw of Johnny boy was in registration. I was determined to see everything that happened to him that day so I made an extra effort to stay as close as I could without raising suspicion.

His cock was on a full hard as he sat behind his desk for the first period of the day, history with Mr. Davis. Leslie sat next to him and I had a clear view, from the next aisle, of both their crotches beneath the desk. As Mr. Davis droned on about the Magna Carta I noticed that Leslie’s hand was on Johnny’s crotch. I continued looking, slyly, and noticed Johnny, very carefully and slowly, manipulating his dick down his left leg. I could just make out his stiff shaft sticking down his leg, almost directly in line with the inside seam. Johnny placed both hands on his desk and then went one better, he put his elbows on the desk, pulled himself really close under it and supported his chin on his hands.

In this position Leslie had easy access to Johnny’s hard shaft and it was only moments before his hand was back between his legs. I could see Leslie’s fingers gently stroking the shaft back and forth and then start to play with Johnny’s knob. My own cock swelled at the thought of Johnny having his dick played with in class like that, especially as I knew he hadn’t cum in over a week! Better than that, with Mr. Davis being there, he wasn’t going to get ‘permission’ from Leslie to cum now. The wanker!

Leslie continued to stroke Johnny’s hard knob for about five minutes. It was easy to tell Johnny was gaining intense stimulation from the way he tensed his legs together every now and then. I knew, when I saw him look Leslie in the eye, that his dick, his whole body, was on the verge of orgasm. I heard Leslie give a quiet laugh and saw him pull his hand away. I wish you could’ve seen the look on Johnny’s face as he was left high and dry. The next 45 minutes were spent writing an essay on the essence of the Magna Carta. Not once during that period did Johnny touch his cock as it throbbed within his trousers.

The next period was English which would be followed by morning break. I shuddered with excitement in the knowledge that our English teacher was Mr. Edwards. No relief for the cunt in this lesson either and this time the stimulation was going to come from his other good friend, namely Steven.

Steven performed as good as Leslie and he carried out my instructions to the tee. Boy were these straight lads lovin’ touching Johnny boy’s cock. Boy would they be embarrassed if they realised what they were doing. But, as I said, they wanted to give up smoking and I was very kindly helping them. Surely it was a fair exchange, my help for a look at their sexual antics.

Finally, the end of the lesson came and I hurried to the door of the outside toilets. Within seconds of getting there I was joined by Johnny. I entered the bogs, found a free cubicle and closed the door behind us. Johnny said not a word as he stood, back to the door, and unzipped his close fitting trousers. He struggled to get his rampant dick from within but eventually managed to reveal it’s full 7 inches. Fuck was his knob end shiny; it was a sort of purply red and clear fluid was oozing from its hole. Johnny’s shaft was absolutely rigid. I mean it was HARD, you could’ve hung your wellingtons on it!

Still without a word Johnny started to masturbate. He started just by running his finger beneath his knob and down his shaft. He did this a couple of times and I could see that his hand was shaking. I also noticed beads of perspiration appearing on his top lip, just where the beginnings of a moustache were showing. Fuck did he look sexy.

I was surprised when he said, without wanking any harder, “Ben, do I have your permission to ejaculate?” The bastard was asking me if he could ejaculate, if he could whop off, if he could jet his juice. Fuck, he must be frustrated to be on the very brink of orgasm after only having touched his dick so lightly. Still he hadn’t come off for a week so I suppose it was to be expected.

I looked at him. I rather liked what I saw. A big tough cunt, on the verge of orgasm, unable to gain relief. I also liked to see him squirming in such a manner. I made up my mind in a flash.

“NO John, you DO NOT have my permission to ejaculate.”

Johnny said nothing but quickly thrust his dripping tool back inside his trousers. Within seconds I was alone in the cubicle as Johnny went about his business, his cock still hard and full of fuck juice in his trousers.

I suddenly thought what the next lesson was, games. Johnny would have to change, in full view of the whole class, and put on his white football shorts. I couldn’t recall whether he would keep his stiff on when in his shorts or not. Did I tell him to keep stiff only in his old trousers? I wondered what Johnny’s interpretation of my instructions would be. I couldn’t decide which of the two options I would like to see as I entered the changing rooms.

Johnny, hard cock in his trousers, started to change into his sports kit. First his blazer and shirt came off and then his socks and shoes. Finally, having put on his top, he lowered his trousers to reveal his hard dick which jutted from his firm belly at quite an angle. Some of the lads saw his hard cock and made various derisory comments. I smiled as I saw Johnny boy blush, intensely, at their unwanted attention.

As Johnny pulled his shorts up, his erection subsided. Johnny had, I think, made a wise interpretation of my instructions and was only going to remain erect whilst wearing the ‘special’ trousers. I thought it was probably for the best as I didn’t want my ‘treatments’ to be obvious to anyone I didn’t want them to be. Still, it would have been fun if Johnny had suffered the additional humiliation of his dick jutting from the leg of his sports shorts.

The first period after lunch was Maths and the teacher was the lovely Miss Hoyle. Johnny was in luck, his load would soon be in his trousers, again!

Leslie sat next to Johnny this time and it was only a matter of minutes into the lesson when I saw his hand starting to wander. As before, it soon found Johnny’s pole. It found it as hard as before, it regaining its involuntary state of arousal as soon as Johnny had replaced his trousers. Johnny obliged and worked his tool down his leg again and Leslie got to work on his knob, that fuckin’ shiny purple dome.

Johnny started to take notes from the blackboard, writing with his right hand whilst steadying his book with the other. Leslie continued to work on his knob. I knew that, when Johnny did cum, he’d cum wads of the stuff, all in his trousers.

I waited, almost creamin’ my pants, as Leslie brought Johnny to that certain point. How Johnny’s buttocks dimpled as he tensed and squirmed. No one else in the class, and certainly not Miss Hoyle, was aware of the impending cream explosion.

Then, from the corner of my eye as I wrote some equation or other, I saw Johnny look Leslie in the eye. Leslie winked and pulled his hand away in order to get on with his work. Johnny just stared into space, an expression of pain and pleasure on his face as beads of sweat ran from his forehead. And then I saw it, beneath the desk. I saw Johnny’s knob, pressed down the inside of his left leg and jutting into the material, appear to swell. Immediately, through the thin material, there appeared a globule of white fluid which contrasted starkly with the trousers. The globule grew and grew and I perceived Johnny’s shaft pulsating. It took a good 30 seconds for the pulsating to stop, such was the pent up force of Johnny boy’s orgasm. He had dropped his load!

The thick fluid began to run down Johnny’s thigh, on the outside of his trousers, and formed a wet patch on his chair. I then saw him slyly place his hand between his legs and scrape the oozing sperm from the material. His fingers were coated in his shag juice. And then I saw something I hadn’t expected. I know I had told him that he yearned for ‘that taste’ but what I saw took me completely by surprise. He, slowly, raised his spunk covered fingers to his lips and began to suck them. He reached down between his legs again and scraped up more of his jism, coating his fingers again, before he licked them clean. Again and again he wiped his fingers over the oozing mound until there was nothing left but a small damp patch. He’d EATEN his own juice! He really did yearn for the taste of boy cum.

After the orgasm to end all orgasms Johnny looked shattered. The poor sod hadn’t cum for a week, hadn’t been able to milk himself in the privacy of his own bedroom or bathroom and now he’d dropped his load in his trousers in the classroom, surrounded by his contemporaries. Was he a cunt or was he a cunt!

My instructions did not allow for a flaccid penis whilst he was in school and wearing those trousers and so, although slightly diminished, his dick remained at attention. Johnny spent the remaining hour of the period sitting in his spunk filled trousers doing endless calculations whilst his cock continued to beg for attention, attention which he couldn’t give it.

There were two more periods that day, each a double and each with a male teacher. On each occasion Steven sat next to him and on each occasion he rubbed his shaft beneath the desk only to frustrate Johnny by laughing when he looked at him. I denied him permission to ejaculate in the afternoon break and so this left Johnny with a dick full of spunk by the time school finished and he changed back into his own trousers.

Tuesday, I knew, would bring poor Johnny no direct relief, he would not be cumming off in class, despite the kind attentions of his ‘friends’. No, he wouldn’t be creaming his trousers because all the teachers would be male that day. Boy was I going to enjoy myself.

At first break Johnny joined me, as per his instructions, in the outside bog. Naturally, I refused him permission to ejaculate so early in the day. The same thing happened when he reported at lunch time. He was one frustrated bastard!

I decided that the afternoon break should be really special, so special that I made certain I had my bag with me when I waited outside the bog door.

Right on cue, Johnny joined me and we soon were standing in the cubicle, Johnny with his fuck pole on show. I watched him wank for a short period, to really allow him to get to ‘that point’, before I snapped my fingers and said ‘sleep’. Johnny immediately stopped masturbating and stood, dick out of flies, motionless. What a sight he made. I couldn’t resist running my hands around his bum as he stood there in all his glory. I soon found my fingers caressing his purple dome, rubbing his pre-cum over its surface and making it really slippery. I dropped to my knees and sniffed his tool. The smell was like perfume to me, rare and exotic perfume.

I reached into my trousers and pulled out my throbbing cock as I slowly enveloped Johnny’s spunk organ with my lips. It tasted so sweet, his pre-cum coating the tip of my tongue like nectar. I sucked him a little, running my hands around his trouser covered arse and finding the small hole which I had engineered. I just couldn’t resist sucking him harder, taking his shaft ever deeper into my throat, as I prised apart the thin black material to feel the heat of his body beneath.

I felt Johnny’s dick throb in my mouth as I finally touched his arsehole, that overripe cherry, through his trousers. ‘Not so fast my friend. Not so fuckin’ fast’ I thought to my self as I pulled back. I knew Johnny was ready for my ultimate ‘present’, the thing which would help him most to give up smoking.

I stood and whispered in Johnny’s ear. “Put that dick back inside your trousers boy and zip up your flies.” Johnny did as I said, ramming his rampant and almost cumming tool back within the confines of his trousers. Once he was fully dressed, blazer and all, just as he had come from the classroom, I again whispered in his ear, acutely aware of other lads just outside the door.

“Walk over to the toilet John and face the cistern.” He did as he was told. Still whispering I continued “Put your hands on the top of the cistern and bend forward slightly, spreading your legs a little.”

I now had Johnny where I wanted him, wearing a tight pair of trousers which would offer no resistance to my attempts to get at his fuck hole. He was frustrated as fuck, his cock full of boy sperm. His balls would be tight but his arsehole, yes his boy ring, his cherry, was ripe for picking and guess who intended to pick it!

I reached into my bag and retrieved a tube of KY. Luckily I had no fear of buying it over the counter. The girl gave me a ‘knowing’ look and smiled as she handed it to me. Little could she realise in just what circumstances my purchase would be used.

Quickly, being aware of limited time, I smeared the length of my 8″ shaft with the clear gel. My cock twitched in anticipation of the treat in store for it. A treat indeed, for not many cocks get the privilege of penetrating such a tight and untouched hole as Johnny boy’s. But penetration was the name of the game and I was determined that this break time was going to be the first of many lengths which straight boy Johnny was going to receive.

My cock prepared, I ran my hands over the back of Johnny’s trousers and revelled in the smoothness of the material. I dropped to my knees and sniffed the delicate aroma of his boy hole. Pulling apart the material, I peered inside and I got my first close up view of that heavenly place, that temple of delight. Johnny’s sphincter contracted as I blew through his trousers, it’s delicate pinkness ‘winking’ at me through the material.

Slowly, very slowly, I started to push my index finger into the virgin entrance. Johnny moaned a little, but didn’t move, as I felt my finger slip within his body. I quickly added a second and then a third digit until, after about two minutes, I had all three buried deep into the twitching orifice.

Apart from the physical excitement of having my fingers stuffed right up Johnny’s tight arse the thought of doing it to him in such a manner drove me wild. I began to shake, my legs becoming jelly like, as my excitement grew. How easy it seemed, after all my preparations, to gain access to Johnny’s most private parts. How I wanted to prolong the sensations but I was all too aware of the restrictions placed upon me as our next lesson fast approached.

My cock oozing pre-cum I withdrew my fingers. Johnny’s hole didn’t want to release them though, his sphincter gripping them tightly to the very last moment. How he moaned, a deep, quiet moan, as his body gave them up.

I stood behind the bending Adonis and rubbed my dripping knob down his crack until it found the hole in the material. It popped inside readily and I felt the heat of Johnny’s rosebud surrounding my tip. Instinctively I began to push, lightly at first, and then harder as my knob began to enter his 16 year old body.

“John,” I whispered, “can you hear me?” “Yes Ben. I can hear you.” “Good. You are going to feel something really nice happening to your body. It might hurt a little at first, but you won’t mind that because you know it is going to make you feel oh so nice. Yes John, you are going to feel really horny. Your cock is going to really want to spurt its load.”

I pushed my knob further and further into his arsehole until I felt it pop through his ring. Johnny winced a little but, as I had my hand on his cock, I felt his pole stiffen and throb as I continued to work my shaft still further into him.

I began to screw him, to massage his internal organs with my knob, and then I began to fuck. “You really like this feeling John don’t you?” I gasped. “Yes Ben; it feels strange up my arse but I feel really good.” “John, you are going to feel a pulsating up your arse pretty soon as I pump my spunk into you. When you feel me cumming you will cum as well. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. I will cum when I feel a pulsating up my arse.”

I was really fucking him now. My shaft disappeared and reappeared like a piston through his trousers. I couldn’t believe I was actually shafting Johnny Baines, the toughest lad in my class and the lad who’s caused me so much misery in the past. But I was, I was fucking Johnny Baines and I was loving every second of it.

I felt my spunk moving, my balls tightening, and I knew Johnny boy would soon have a huge load of cum up him, his first! I thrust deep into him and shuddered. I tried not to make any noise as I pumped wad after wad of spunk through his trousers and deep into his body but I just had to let out a stifled moan. I heard other lads coming and going as I continued to inseminate Johnny. It wasn’t long before I felt Johnny’s arsehole pulsating, contracting and relaxing around my shaft, as he pumped his boy load into his school trousers. I felt his sticky spunk oozing through and onto my hand. I rubbed it over the material and coated my fingers before raising them to Johnny’s face. Instinctively, he started to lick them, cleaning every drop of his semen from my finger tips. He was finally mine and I had had him!

After that first fuck I just couldn’t get enough of tough boy Johnny’s arse. The thought of working my spunk right up him kept me horny most of the time and the sight of him walking around school, knowing I could fuck him when I wanted, kept my cock on the stiff for most of the day.

After about 4 or 5 weeks I thought it was selfish of me to keep Johnny’s arsehole to myself. Surely, I thought, he would love to share it with Leslie and Steve, after all, they were his ‘mates’.

“Now listen very carefully John,” I instructed at his next ‘session’. “In order to give up smoking entirely you must allow two more people access to your fuck hole. Steven and Leslie are your best friends aren’t they?” “Yes,” he replied. “Right. Starting from tomorrow this is what you MUST do; this is what you WANT to do. Do you understand?” “Yes Ben. I understand. I want to do what you say I must.”

“You’ll come to school and change into your ‘special’ trousers as you usually do. Your cock will become erect immediately, you don’t wait for your first lesson. Understand me John?” “Yes Ben; I understand you. My cock will get hard as soon as I put my trousers on.” “Remember that to mustn’t play with your erection and that you cannot cum without my permission unless you are getting a load of spunk pumped up your arsehole.” “I mustn’t cum without permission except if I am getting fucked,” he mumbled.

“Good lad John; we really understand one another now and that makes me feel really pleased with you. Now, when you go for a smoke behind the bike sheds you will wait until you are alone with your two mates and me and then you will just put your hands up against the wall and spread your legs. You won’t say a word; you’ll just wait. You won’t move until you have cum in your trousers or until someone disturbs us.”

During the lunch and afternoon breaks I ‘suggested’ to Leslie and Steven that they would gain immense pleasure and would be able to give up smoking if they shafted Johnny. I told them that when they saw Johnny place his hands on the wall behind the bike shed and spread his legs that they would feel an overwhelming urge to stick one up him. They were to get their rampant erections and pull them from their flies. Having made certain no one else, apart from me, was around they would proceed to insert their poles through the back of Johnny’s trousers and up his arse. They were to fuck him until they came and they would enjoy it; it would be the best orgasm they’d ever had and they would want to do it as much as they could.

I knew from previous suggestions that the tight arsed cunts would follow my every command and so, the following morning, I tagged along with Johnny as he headed for the bike sheds.

Johnny’s cock was as stiff as ever as he placed his hands against the wall, spreading his legs slightly as per my instructions. It was like a dream. No one said anything. Leslie was the first to approach Johnny, his hard teenage boy pole sticking from his black school trousers. Johnny didn’t budge as Les slowly worked his tool through the back of his trousers and up his arse. Boy was the cunt on heat! He started to shag his mate straight away, which was just as well considering the risk of being caught.

I watched closely as Leslie’s fuck pole vanished deep into Johnny’s body. In and out it went, in and out. Both lads started to sweat a little; I could see definite beads of perspiration appearing on Johnny’s face. His fuck hole must’ve been really hot and I could imagine it getting quite sore at being shafted so vigorously without proper lubrication. But I didn’t care. Johnny deserved a sore arsehole, a really sore arsehole.

Leslie kept shagging, faster and faster, for about 5 minutes. Finally, with one almighty heave and me touching his tensing buttocks through his trousers, he dropped his wads deep inside Johnny. I reached in front of Johnny and felt his crotch as he was being pumped up. His cock was jack hard and the material around his knob was wet with cum. The tight arsed bastard had dropped his load in his trousers and he still had another cock to take up his backside.

Steven wasted no time in inserting his throbbing, dripping boy cock into Johnny’s spunk lubricated entrance. Leslie just stood, as Steven had done, and watched his mate fuck Johnny. Steven took less time to pump up him as he had obviously become more aroused at the sight of Les shafting him. There was a groan from Steven after about 10 strokes, he was filling his mate with still more hot boy cum.

There were still a couple of minutes left before the end of break. I looked around; no one was approaching. I was as horny as fuck, who wouldn’t be if they had just witnessed what I had. I just had to work my dick deep into Johnny boy there and then; I just couldn’t wait any longer. Within seconds of pulling my tool from my pants I was experiencing that wonderful sensation of my knob slipping past Johnny’s tight ring. I fucked him as hard as I could, reaching around and squeezing his spunk sodden crotch. I came up him. Again and again I pumped hot spunk deep into his fuck hole. He deserved it, he deserved as much spunk up him as I could give him. Boy was his hole hot and boy, was he gonna have a sore ring!

Johnny boy ‘made himself available’ to his two mates on almost every occasion they were behind the bike sheds. The only times he didn’t was when I wasn’t with them or there were other lads around. Normally he got four lengths a day up him but on some days he could get upto six. His two mates seemed insatiable, their cocks as hard as Johnny boy’s. I had achieved my goal, to get Johnny and his mates having sex together; they had replaced one habit with another!

After a couple of months of shagging Johnny’s backside I decided I wanted to take control of his cock completely. Curt had told me, in conversation about his course work, that it was possible to make people have ‘waking dreams’. Curt explained that he could make his patients imagine something was happening and believe it were real, producing definite physical changes. He used the technique in order to relax patients, slow their heart rate, aid digestion. I decided to see if I could increase the blood flow to Johnny’s penis.

As luck would have it Johnny and I were given the task of clearing out an old store cupboard beneath a stairwell. It was just big enough to accommodate a couple of lads and was quite private with the door closed. I closed it.

“Sleep,” I whispered in Johnny’s ear, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Now sit on this seat and remove your blazer.” Johnny did as he was told without question. “Now then John, your penis is swelling and you feel uncomfortable with it inside your trousers. Get it out.” Johnny’s hands moved to his fly, opened it and pulled his stiff boy cock from within. His knob was already dripping cum, he’d been hard inside his trousers for a couple of hours and was no doubt expecting a good fucking during his first break.

“You will put your hands behind your head John and sit upright in the seat. You will not move your hands under any circumstances, unless I say so. Do you understand me?” “Yes Ben. I must not move my hands unless you say so,” he droned.

I started his ‘waking dream’. “You are lying in bed at home John. You have just woken up with a big hard on. A big throbbing hard on. You want to masturbate. You HAVE to masturbate. Your cock is begging for attention. You throw back your sheets. You grab your aching pole. You begin to masturbate. You’re masturbating now John, really jacking on your cock. Does it feel good?” “Oh yes Ben. It feels really good.”

Johnny’s cock throbbed and twitched as I continued to take him through his masturbatory awakening. More and more cum oozed from his purple dome as he became harder and harder. I couldn’t resist kneeling before him and licking some of it from him, coating my tongue with his pre-cum.

“John, you are really wanking now and you feel so good. You want to cum don’t you John?” “Oh yes Ben. I want to cum.” “You’re gonna cum, aren’t you boy?” “Oh yes Ben; I’m gonna cum.” “Then cum boy. Shoot a really big load of hot spunk from your throbbing tool as you wank on it. Here it comes John, your biggest load of spunk for ages.”

I looked closely at his hard boy dick. It swelled and swelled until it was like a rod of iron. What a fuck pole that kid had between his legs. I saw him tense his buttocks on the seat. He grimaced and I knew, knew he was gonna cum his rocks without touching his cock at all. Just the thought of having a wank was sufficient for him to cover his crotch with his semen. He was about to have a wet dream to end all wet dreams.

I leapt back as the first wad of spunk leapt from his piss hole. It was followed by another and another until, after six or so, his trousers were coated with his juice, his 16 year old boy juice.

I made Johnny eat his own cum, scraping it from his trousers with his fingers, before bringing him around. But that wasn’t before I ‘re-programmed’ him into responding to a new key word. If I were to say ‘wet dream’ in his ear whilst touching his shoulder, he would immediately think of his early morning masturbatory sessions. Needless to say he would imagine himself reaching orgasm and, also needless to say, he would physically drop his spunk.

I really did take advantage of the poor cunt from then on. I’d whisper ‘wet dream’ into his ear whilst we were out on cross country and he would cum in his shorts. I would whisper ‘wet dream’ in his ear when we were sitting, quietly in the school library and he would cream his trousers under the table whilst ‘reading’ a book. I had him spunking when and where I wanted. Johnny was dropping his cream and getting no fun out of it. I was draining his boy cum from him and he didn’t have a clue what was happening.

“Thanks for helping me stop smoking,” he said to me about six months later. “I’ve saved a packet on fags but I can’t seem to get very far with girls any more. You couldn’t help me with that could you?” I smiled. “Johnny, I can help you with whatever you like. Anything for a mate.”