The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Iron Mountain Break-In

mc, mf, ff, md, ma

Synopsis: A mind controlling painting from the past is stolen and used on the population.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, mostly. The first part of the story is true, if you cut out the part of a mind controlling painting and the artist being possessed. Sometimes the best stories are from history. The Iron Mountain secure warehouses are real, but their security and what they look like are completely from the author’s imagination. The last part is not intended as an insult to anyone or any country or culture. I just needed a bad guy. I hope you enjoy the story.

The painting was considered the work of the devil. It was to never be seen, by anyone. If anyone with an ounce of morality in them would have burned it at once. It was such a powerful tool, or weapon, that the painting was kept. However how the painting was created is just as good of a story as how it was stolen. To understand where the painting came from and why it was made one must go back over two hundred fifty years.

There’s a reason why artists are considered mentally off. Most are close to the edge of madness. Reality and truth sway within their minds like the winds in the trees. The thin vale of this world and one of demons or gods can be glimpsed and even open to those that creates from imagination. This was never truer than for the painter Nicolas de Largillière. The man’s chosen medium was the portrait and for most of his adult life he would go from patron to patron in order to capture their likeness.

In 1714 Nicolas finished the portrait of Fredrick Augustus the first, also known as August II the Strong, and this put him in touch with the noble’s son Fredrick Augustus II. The son was trying to get married to Maria Josepha from Austria, and things were not going well. The Augustus family even converted to Catholicism and still Maria had no interest in Fredrick II. This was about the time that the artist Nicolas was saying he was having visions, and was being possessed by demons.

Maria was looking at the big picture. Maria was the oldest daughter to Joseph the first, the Holy Roman Emperor. Joseph was a true asshole since he said that if Maria wanted to marry she and her sister would have to renounce their position in the line of succession. The story goes Maria didn’t want to give up a sweet future gig. Maria’s younger sister didn’t want to give up a future sweet gig. However Joseph wanted his third daughter Maria (yes another one) Theresa to get his title. So Fredrick Augustus II, August II the Strong, and Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor all wanted Maria to do things outside of her interest. This is when the demon, or madness, that possessed Nicolas de Largillière comes into the story.

Nicolas was locked up in August II the Strong’s mansion, which really wasn’t much more than a big house. No one really wanted to get close to him since it was said at this time his works of art had an effect on people who saw it. Even when he would make something on his plate with food the servants would see it and either become unable to stop screaming or laughing or both. There was one rumor that survived in a letter of a maid going to wash his bed sheets he’d covered in his own fluids, and after one look at simply went blank and would have to be told to do anything for the rest of her days. So those, who wanted to marry off Maria, made a proposition to the possessed Nicolas. If he could paint something to make Maria agree to renounce her line of succession and marry Fredrick, then August II the Strong would set Nicolas free. In recovered letters it is said Nicolas attacked a canvas with supplied paint. The painting was finished in less than two days of no sleep or rest.

This painting was given as a type of peace offering to Maria to ask for her hand in marriage. The story goes that she was less interested in seeing the painting than she was in seeing Fredrick, and that was saying something. It wasn’t until Maria’s younger sister got curious about what the painting looked like that the young woman lifted the protective covering. What exactly happened next is lost to time, however what was recorded was that on August tenth, 1719 Maria Josepha renounced her claim to the line of succession and ten days later she was married to Fredrick.

Nicolas was let out of the mansion, and right into the arms of soldiers that took him to a priest to have the exorcism right performed on him. This apparently drove out the demon, and Nicolas went on to paint many more works of art before he died in 1746. What happened to Fredric and Maria could fill a book, and is really quite interesting. If you are trying to find the painting, you never will. It was kept in Poland for over a century, locked and hidden away. Then when World War II started up the painting was moved to America and put in one of the most secure facilities you’ve probably never heard of.

* * *

“Oh God! Oh God! I am so fired,” A short balding man said as he nervously paced back and forth in front of a large warehouse. His face was red except for his left eye, which looked like it was swelling and that there was going to be a bad bruise or black eye there soon enough.

The stern looking older gentleman with a graying crew cut and square shoulders said nothing. The man had a swollen and starting to discolor left eye. He had on the uniform with white letters spelling, ‘SECURITY’ predominantly displayed on a dark blue background. The security man simply narrowed his eyes at the short bald man. “Richard,” the security man said, “If all you get is fired call yourself lucky.”

The short balding man named Richard stopped in his tracks and looked at the security man. “It wasn’t my fault. I can’t be blamed for this,” He said and then pointed his finger at the security man. “Your people, Mister Vermont, didn’t take their jobs seriously enough.”

“My people were the ones attacked,” Mister Vermont said and then looked up at the sound of a car on the gravel drive.

There was a large area around the warehouse that was over two hundred yards of nothing but grass, but buried were seismic detectors, as well as thermal detectors spotted around the grassy field. This was bordered by a fifteen foot fence that had razor wire at the top. Then there was a ten foot fence, also topped with razor wire. The taller fence was electrified, and the short fence had motion detection sensors. There were cameras both standard and thermal every fifty feet along the fence. Beyond the fence was filled with a dense thicket of pine trees of various sizes.

The only way in or out was a double lined security channel that would only let one vehicle through at a time. As one vehicle went through one gate, and it was closed behind them, the vehicle would be scanned, and if cleared the second gate would be opened. That’s what would happen if the gates were intact. The metal bars and twisted wires were bent and buckled. The gate was compromised and thus security was compromised. Pylons that were imbedded in the ground and stood three feet tall, blocked the entrance.

Mr. Vermont went to the security shack and checked that the dark black SUV was the one expected. As soon as the ID, license plate, and make and model of car were verified he lowered the pylons. The SUV drove up to the mangled inner gate and stopped, as an electronic scanner went over the car looking for extra heat signatures, extra EMF fields from either a tracker or a cell phone, and even using the weight on the different tires to make out how many people should be in the SUV. This checked out, three people, and Mister Vermont dragged opened the second gate. Mister Vermont reset the security pylons and gate as soon as the SUV was past.

From the SUV came three people, two women and one man. The man was short, thin, and looked like he scared easily. One woman had ancestors from Asia with her dark straight hair, thin eyes, white skin, and predominate cheekbones. The other woman was tall, broad shouldered, and even under her pant suit the muscles on her were obvious. This tall woman had skin that was slightly brown in a natural way, long black hair with a natural curl, dark brown eyes, and full lips. She also looked pissed.

“Verify identities, now!” The tall woman yelled.

“OH, um, Richard Stine, head of Iron Mountain storage facility 1042-B,” Richard said.

Mister Vermont was not as nervous, on the outside, when he said, “Thomas Vermont, head of security at Iron Mountain storage facility 1042-B.”

“My name is Niccole Bowman,” the broad woman said sounding clipped. “These are my colleagues, Darcy Shuey, and Kevin Altena. We will be finding out what the hell happened here. Is there a place to talk?”

“The conference room,” Richard said quickly.

“Fine, let’s do this,” Niccole said and started for the warehouse.

At a small conference table that barely had enough chairs for everyone let alone space everyone sat as Darcy took out a laptop and powered it up. Kevin pulled out an even more impressive tablet and started working away at it. “Let’s take it from the top,” Niccole said to Richard and Thomas. “What was the first indication that something had happened?”

“The gate alarm went off at 3:42 this morning,” Thomas said in a matter of fact way. “I was notified of this by my cell phone. I attempted to call the two guards on duty, but there was no answer.”

“How did you try to contact them?” Darcy asked in a high voice.

“I first called the guard shack land line, but there was no answer, then I tried the personal cell phones of both guards on duty, and again no answer. By that time I was on my way here,” Thomas said.

“When were you contacted?” Niccole asked Richard.

“Oh, um it was just about 3:50 I got a call on my cell phone, from Mister Vermont about the alarm and his inability to contact any of the guards,” Richard said.

“Then what happened?” Niccole asked.

Thomas took a deep breath and said, “By the time I got here Jackson West’s car was on fire, and he was still in the passenger seat. I luckily keep a fire extinguisher in my truck and was able to put out the flames enough to get him out. This was when I called for an ambulance.”

“I arrived just after Mister Vermont pulled Mister West from his car,” Richard offered.

“Where was the car?” Darcy asked.

Thomas rubbed the bridge of his nose as if in pain. “The car was about thirty feet past the outside gate,” Thomas said sounding a little choked up. “It looked like Jack drove his car through the gates, activated the hydraulic pylons in the roadbed, and the resulting damage to the underside of his car caused the fire.”

Niccole looked at Ricard and asked, “What did you do next?”

“I stayed with Mister West until the ambulance arrived,” Richard stated.

“Is this when you called Jackson West’s wife?” Niccole asked.

Richard choked for a second. He took some deep breaths before saying, “The ambulance was only about two minutes away, so I called Mister West’s wife as soon as I learned where they were taking him.”

Darcy spoke up and asked, “Did you tell her what had happened?”

The look of someone not wanting to tell secrets crossed Richard’s face. Eventually he said, “I didn’t actually talk to Mrs. West. I talked to a man who relayed the information to Mrs. West, whom I could hear in the background. All I said was that Mister West was being taken to Saint Mary’s after an accident.”

Niccole looked over at Thomas Vermont and asked, “What did you do after Mister Stine showed up and relieved you of Mister West’s charge.”

“I went looking for the other guard,” Thomas said sounding sad.

“This would be one Audrey Conklin?” Darcy asked.

“Yes,” Thomas said sitting up straight, “a newer higher. She worked the night shift due to being in college and I let her do homework as long as it didn’t interfere with her job.”

Nichole wrote something down. “Were you able to locate her?” Niccole asked.

“Yes,” Thomas said making it sound like the answer was difficult to say.

“Would you please describe where you found her and what state she was in?” Darcy asked.

It looked like Thomas was bracing himself for this answer. He rubbed his head, the back of his neck, and his face. He sighed and then said, “I found her at the back of the warehouse, near the second guard shack, on the ground. She was naked, covered in sweat and what looked like female cum, and masturbating.”

“Masturbating?” Niccole asked in the first tone of surprise for the entire interview.

“Yes,” Thomas said, “and she didn’t stop when I found her.”

“Did she say anything?” Darcy asked.

Thomas had a hand over his mouth for a few moments and then with a deep breath he told the interviewers, “She seemed in a daze, but she said something that sounded like, ‘I must make myself cum eighty-four more times,’ or something like that.”

This was the first time an unspoken question went between Darcy and Niccole. The two women looked back at Thomas. Niccole was the first to speak, “Did you try to stop her?”

“In a way,” Thomas said. “I took off my jacket and put it on her thinking to hold down her arms, but as soon as the jacket touched her she screamed and threw it off. I tried to restrain her, but she fought me.” Thomas pointed to his soon to be black eye, “She did this to me with an elbow, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to have bruises up and down my side.”

“Then what happened?” Darcy asked.

Thomas sighed more and said, “I got my cuffs out and restrained her with hands behind her back.”

“Did this do anything?” Niccole asked.

“She started screaming even louder about needing to masturbate,” Thomas said. “Then, you have to understand Audrey is young and thin and far more flexible than I gave her credit for. She was able to pull up her legs, and slip the cuffs under herself so her hands were in front.”

“And this resulted in, what?” Niccole asked.

Thomas put his head down as if not wanting to face the women. “She went back to masturbating,” Thomas said.

Darcy looked up at this and then again to Niccole. The two had an unspoken conversation for a moment. “When did you go into the building?” Darcy asked.

“I didn’t note the time. I’m sure the exact time would be on the entrance logs,” Thomas said, “but after I decided that Audrey wasn’t going to do anything to stop me I punched the code into the security door of the warehouse, unlocked the door, and went inside. My first stop was the back security panel to see if there were any motion sensors being activated, there weren’t. My next stop was the underground vault, and found that door to be closed and no obvious signs of being opened. The computer room was equally locked up tight. By this time Richard was in the main office checking the door log.”

Niccole looked over at Richard. He looked paler than before. He said, “According to the log, the front door was opened by Mister West ten minutes after it was first opened, and two minutes after the back door was opened.”

“Would you care to explain this?” Darcy asked.

Richard answered, “The guards alternate between who goes through the warehouse to check things. They typically pick random times to do so. I know Mister West would roll dice to decide when he would do his walkthrough. I’m not sure how Missus Conklin would pick her time.”

“Same way,” Thomas added quickly.

Richard nodded, “So they would open their door, either front or back, do a walkthrough to check everything was okay, exit the opposite door, walk around the building one and a half times to end up at their post. The walkthrough takes at least five minutes, and then it takes about ten minutes to do their walk around. Someone somehow got Mister West’s key, code, and thumbprint. They must have timed it so they would enter the warehouse when he left it.”

“What did this person do next?” Niccole asked finally.

“I don’t know,” Richard stated. “I was checking the logs and less than a minute after the front door was opened the door to the sensitive items room was opened. Six minutes after that the back door was opened. In that time none of the ultrasonic motion alarms were tripped. Sixteen minutes after the back door was opened the front gate alarm went off.”

“What was taken?” Darcy asked.

Richard swallowed hard. “It was a painting,” He said nervously. “It is said to be an impressionist painting by Nicolas de Largillière titled ‘The Wedding Vow’. It is also said to be cursed.”

“Cursed?” Kevin said looking up from his tablet.

“The instructions for the painting came from the person who is paying us to keep it safe,” Thomas said evenly. “No one is to ever, under any circumstances, look at the painting.”

“Did you ever look into why?” Niccole asked.

“No,” Thomas said and then added, “That’s not my job.”

Richard spoke up, “It’s not the first, or only, cursed object we have here.”

“What happened after you discovered that this painting was stolen?” Niccole asked.

“We called for another ambulance for Audrey, and then called you,” Thomas said.

“I’ve been fending off calls from police and news people to down play that Iron Mountain is not secure,” Richard stated. “No one needs to know what happened here other than an accident.”

“Kevin,” Niccole asked the small man, “did you find anything?”

“I just finished looking at the video footage,” Kevin started saying. “This is all outside, because per protocol there are no cameras inside. I believe a man, got out of the trunk of Jackson West’s car while he went on his rounds. Went to the door’s key pad and punched in the code, put a piece of paper to the thumb pad, and then used a key he had to open the door. Just after the door was opened I can see he pulled out a large white sheet and held it in front of himself. Then nothing until he came out the back door, minus the sheet, but holding a painting. Audrey Conklin immediately turned on the guy, but then he pulls up on the covering over the painting and she stops. I’m not sure what was said, but she quickly takes off all her clothes, gets on her knees, starts to finger herself, and proceeds to give him a blow job. This takes a minute, then after he does what is to be expected all over her chest, and says something else to her. She lies down on the gravel and really starts to masturbate. The cameras lose sight of him for a few seconds but then he’s back at the front where Jackson West is. This guy shows the guard the painting, and Jackson just stops. A few words are spoken, and then Jackson gets into his car and shoots gravel with his tires before pealing out into the gate. He slams through the first gate, the hydraulic pole shoots up, takes out the back end of the car, but the car keeps going through the second gate. The car comes to a stop. The thief runs through the busted gates, and into the woods. Seconds later you can see flames start to form under Jackson’s car. A minute later Mister Vermont shows up.”

“So what can you extrapolate from that?” Darcy asked.

Kevin shrugged his shoulders, “I bet if you ask Mister West’s wife if they had any break-ins or keys moved, she’d say yes. Whomever did this must have been watching this place for a while, knowing who the guards were, knowing what security systems were in place, and what he would need to get inside. If we look in the woods around here I’m sure we’d find a spot where someone had been watching, crushed pine needles and the like. Whomever did this also knew that there were no cameras inside the warehouse, and that the motion alarms were ultrasonic, hence the sheet. The sheet sucks up the sound waves so there’s nothing to bounce off of and set off the alarms. He headed straight for the painting, so he knew where it was, and what it could do. The painting was his exit strategy. I’d say look at whoever paid us to secure the painting.”

Darcy spoke up, “Is the painting cursed?”

Kevin again shrugged his shoulders. “Cursed,” he began, “enchanted, or just really well painted, either way it has a profound effect on people who see it.”

“By making them masturbate?” Thomas accused.

“The key is in the name,” Kevin stated. “The typical ‘wedding vow’ is to love, honor, and obey. All of the people who see this painting seem to obey what they are told to do. Knowing that this painting is out there in the world makes me want to find a deep hole to hide in.” For a small guy he did know and understand a great deal.

Niccole picked up the thread of the conversation, “Okay, Darcy I want you to start looking into who paid us to secure the painting. Kevin I want you to start going on-line and see if there is any chatter about the painting.”

“What can we do?” Richard asked indicating himself and Thomas.

“Fix the front gate, and keep doing your jobs while you still have them,” Niccole said with a touch of anger. She calmed down and stated, “I have little doubt that there will be an official police inquiry. Be honest, but do not offer any information that they do not specifically ask for. I’ll arrange to have an attorney with you for any questioning. Given everything I’ve seen, Iron Mountain, and you two specifically, have nothing to be afraid of litigation speaking.”

Just then everyone’s cell phones activated with a text. “Oh that’s never good,” Kevin said pulling out his smart phone. The text was actually a picture with some text at the bottom. The picture was that of a painting, and not a really intriguing painting, two tall, pale, and simple looking people, one man and one woman, stood before a priest at an altar. However the effect on all who looked at the painting was profound. They all stopped what they were doing, looked at the picture, and then the text at the bottom of the image. ‘You are insatiably aroused. Show this picture to all around you, and then fuck everyone hard for the rest of your life.’

Kevin held up his phone to Niccole. She had gotten her phone out and was about to look at the text when she saw Kevin was showing her something, and she looked. Kevin said, “Let’s fuck for the rest of our lives!”

Unable to resist the command given to her, after looking at the image, Niccole reached over and ripped Kevin’s shirt off. Kevin was also compelled to obey the text and ripped Niccole’s clothes off, to get to her body sooner. In seconds they were both naked and Niccole was sitting on the conference table with her legs spread wide and her hairy pussy wet and dripping. Kevin’s erection stood out before him as he savagely rammed into Niccole. Niccole wrapped her legs around Kevin to pull him into her even further. Kevin couldn’t help himself from ramming hard into Niccole over and over again. The pain was mixed with pleasure as his cock filled her up and then pulled almost all the way out before smashing into her cunt. He did this over and over again and climaxed hard into Niccole whom was pushed over the edge to her own orgasm. Niccole squirted out of her body onto the tech nerd’s slim body. Kevin didn’t stop, even thou he had cum, but he was still hard as he continued to pound into his superior.

Richard, Thomas, and Darcy had all seen the text at the same time, and the three of them were in the throes of intense sexual lust. Darcy was sucking hard on Richard’s rather small and thin dick. Darcy had also thrown off her skirt and panties as Thomas was going like a jack hammer on her pussy from behind. Richard leaned down and started to fondle Darcy’s exposed breasts. Thomas was rubbing her clit with one hand and the other he was holding onto her ass. Darcy let out a cry as she came with her legs shaking and her eyes rolling back into her head.

Niccole had been flipped over and her face was on the conference table with her legs over the edge. Kevin was pushing his hard dick into her pussy over and over again. He was deliberately stabbing the head of his cock right onto Niccole’s g-spot. Niccole squealed with each thrust feeling the nerd’s cock slam over and over again on her sensitive nether regions. Niccole could feel her orgasm building, and it was going to be a huge one. Niccole clenched her pussy muscles around Kevin’s unrelenting cock. Kevin couldn’t see straight as the sensation of Niccole using her body to grab onto his dick was unbelievable. It felt amazing!

Kevin wanted Niccole to cum. He wanted her orgasm to be the maximum level of her ability to orgasm. Kevin reached out for his phone and with the press of a button the painting popped up. Kevin covered the text with his thumb and showed the painting to the withering Niccole. The second Niccole glimpsed the painting she couldn’t look away.

Kevin said, “From now on your orgasms will be so powerful you’ll black out. Your threshold for an orgasm is now half of what it was. Now orgasm!”

Niccole screamed in orgasmic pleasure. Her body sang with the orgasm as every muscle took on a life of its own. Her pussy clenched. She squirted the floor. Her pussy clenched. She saw stars. Her pussy clenched, and clenched, and clenched as the orgasm ripped her apart. Niccole’s vision started to go dark around the edges as her body kept climaxing. Then the darkness covered her vision and she lost everything. Kevin smiled at himself as Niccole dropped after having a huge squirting orgasm. Unconscious or not Kevin was still aroused so he scooped up some of Niccole’s own juices, and lubricated her back door.

Darcy, Thomas, and Richard were naked now. Darcy was squeezed between the two men with her ankles at eye level with Thomas. Thomas’s dick was driven over and over again into Darcy’s body. Richard had his dick buried deep into Darcy’s puckered ass hole. Richard was doing something his wife never let him do, and he was loving it. Richard loved how tight she was and how she gripped his dick as he pushed harder and harder into her tight hole. Darcy’s mind was a mix of pleasure and pain as she felt both men squeeze her between their bodies. She felt both dicks deep inside her, making her full of man meat. The smell, the pressure, the feeling of fullness pushed her over the edge again as she climaxed. Darcy tried to make a screaming pleasuring sound but all that came from her mouth was a squeak.

The scenario was similar all over the country. Anyone with a smart phone was sent the picture, and instantly started having sex with anyone nearby. College campuses became huge orgies. Grocery stores became huge orgies. Airports became huge orgies. Sex was all over, and when you’re having sex, or looking desperately for sex you’ll neglect certain things that can have dire consequences.

* * *

The single story hotel was small, dark, and shabby. The place looked like it was one violation away from being condemned. The only thing going for it was announced on the large sign out front, ‘Free High Speed Internet’. It was the perfect place for the thief to hold up.

The room matched the outside, since it was dark and shabby. The carpet hadn’t been clean since it was new. The bedspread might have been washed that decade. The bathroom reeked of bleach and still looked disgusting. However the table with the wobbly chair was serviceable and that’s where the thief had set up the laptop and was using the video chat program.

The thief had a round head, and dark black hair. His face had deep lines like he’d seen too much sun when he was young. He was a bit on the tall side, and his body was ripped with muscles. When he spoke it was in Arabic with a slight English lilt. “There you are,” the thief said.

On the laptop screen an Arab looking man with a thick salt and pepper mustache looked up at the camera. His hair was wrapped in a white turban. His face was deeply tanned and showed many wrinkles around his dark brown eyes. “God be praised,” the Arab man said in Arabic. “I wasn’t sure how to do this.”

“It seems you are doing fine,” the thief said. “Would you like to skip the pleasantries?”

“Yes, lets,” the Arab man said. “How is the mission going?”

“Done,” the thief stated. “I stole the painting, and used it to make a text message that went out to everyone. Your people were spot on with the hacking of the cell towers to access everyone’s phone.”

“Good, and you are sure that it will stay in the United States,” the Arab man asked.

The thief shrugged his shoulders. “The text went out to everyone within range of the cell towers, got into their phones, and was sent to everyone in their address file. The text is in English, so there’s not much chance of spreading outside of the English speaking world. To be on the safe side I advise using those special glasses, like the ones you gave me, to look at your phone for the next few days. Other than that the United States is free for the taking.”

“God be praised,” the Arab man said. “I will alert the collective that we can make moves to conquer America.”

“I guess you’ll have to stop saying, ‘death to America’ now,” the thief joked.

“We will always have enemies,” the Arab man said. “You, however, are our friend, so you may have your payment.”

“My own Hawaiian island with numerous beautiful women,” the thief said with his eyes distant. “There’s a ballet troop I saw in France, once. I might have to swing by there to have my pick of women.”

“What of the painting?” The Arab man asked.

The thief focused again on his laptop. “I have it in a safe and secure area,” the thief said.

“Good- what do you want?” The Arab man asked to someone off screen. “I’m busy. I’m on a zoom call. Are- are you naked?” Just then on screen the thief watched as a youngish man held out his cell phone like it was a magic talisman. The thief heard the young man tell the old man in Arabic, “You are insatiably aroused. Let’s fuck hard for the rest of our lives.” The old man went off the screen and then the thief heard cloth ripping. The thief closed the laptop.

About this time the thief heard more, and closer, explosions than he was comfortable with. He went to the door and opened it. Chaos was going on outside. Cars had crashed into other cars, and light posts, and buildings. Some structures were on fire. The thief saw that the restaurant next to the hotel was on fire, and that was too close. This was worst than he had expected. Then the power everywhere went out. The thief decided it was time to run.

He tossed everything into a bag. The whole time he was thinking about hiding out in the distant mountains. His car had half a tank of gas. If there was a gun shop on the way he’d stop off for ammunition and survival food, and gear. Give it half a year and things should calm down.

Just then the thief realized the light from the doorway had changed. It was much darker now with the light being blocked. The thief turned around and took everything in with just a glance. There was a woman blocking the door, a very large woman. This woman had short brown greasy hair. Her brown eyes were small on her very fat face. Her body was huge with fat, and with legs that were as thick as the thief’s shoulders were wide. She was so big that she’d have to squeeze to get through the door way. Her arms were enormous, thicker than the thief’s thighs. In her left hand she held a smart phone, facing out, to the thief, showing the painting.

The End