The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


The following story contains strong sexual content. It is intended solely for mature persons who are legally old enough to receive adult materials. Those who are not legally able to receive adult materials or who are offended by them should read no farther.

Further distribution of this story by readers is limited to individuals who are legally able to receive adult materials. Posting of this story at other Internet websites without the author’s permission is expressly prohibited.

The persons and situations depicted in this story are entirely fictitious. Any similarities to actual persons or situations are completely unintentional and purely coincidental.

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“The Invasion, Part II”

(Chapters 4-6)

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Chapter 4: Mistress Making

Lisa stood in the center of the chamber gazing vacantly ahead at nothing in particular. The headphone-like device bathed the sides of her head in a soft white glow. Flanking her were four of her blue-skinned female captors, who continued to caress and fondle her as she stood there helplessly. Some of them retained the taste of Lisa’s sweet pussy juice on their lips, a taste they had eagerly sampled when they had undressed her earlier.

With her boyfriend’s programming completed, the aliens turned their full attention to Lisa. She was gently guided into the same tube where Brad had been enslaved a short time before. One alien turned her to face the control console while another removed the thought inhibiting device from her head. Moments later the tube closed, sealing Lisa inside.

With the device removed from her head she was now quickly regaining consciousness. Confused, her eyes darted around as she tried to comprehend what was happening. As her memory thawed she realized her predicament, and a look of fear quickly spread across her face. Her hands probed frantically against the wall of the tube but she could find no exit. Her fear grew into panic as she realized she was trapped.

Lisa then spotted Brad near the rear of the chamber, staring straight ahead into nothingness. He no longer wore the device on his head—apparently it was no longer needed to control him—however, he now wore the ‘metallic diaper’ device across his midsection. Lisa frantically called out to him from the tube but he did not respond. Her foreboding grew as she contemplated what they might had done to him—and were probably about to do to her.

Her eyes fixed on Brad, Lisa’s peripheral vision detected movement elsewhere in the chamber. Her gaze swung to the control panel opposite the tube. Behind the panel stood an alien woman, who smiled at Lisa as their eyes made contact. Somehow, the strange woman seemed very familiar... and Lisa felt a sudden tingling deep inside her pussy as a sensation of deja vu swept over her. She suppressed a shudder at the vague recollections that ran through her mind.

Suddenly, Lisa heard a deep humming noise coming from directly above her. Looking up, she saw a large mechanism slowly sliding down from the top of the tube. It stopped a few inches above her, the brightly flashing lights on its underside quickly capturing her attention. Fascinated by the dancing patterns, she felt all her fears drifting away. Within mere seconds all of her worries about her abduction, Brad, and the blue women were lost in the blissful fog that that now permeated her mind. All she could think of now were those amazingly beautiful lights and how much she wanted to watch them.

Noting Lisa’s attention was totally held by the device above her, the alien at the console pressed several switches. The lights began swirling in a more complex pattern. Lisa felt them pulling her very being into them as she became faintly aware of a low buzzing noise. Buried deep in the buzzing was a voice—barely perceptible at first, then steadily growing louder and clearer. Lisa felt compelled to focus all of her attention on the voice. It kept growing more insistent, seeming to come from everywhere. Somehow Lisa recognized the voice as feminine.

Lisa’s mind-both consciously and subconsciously-detected the alien message. “We are the Omegans. We are your controllers. From this time forward your primary purpose for existence is to obey and serve us. Nothing is more important to you than to obey and serve us. Nothing is more important to you.” Lisa’s mind accepted the message without resistance and she involuntarily repeated the phrases placed into it. “My purpose for existence is to obey and serve the Omegans. They are my controllers. Nothing is more important to me than to obey them and serve them.”

Words continued to materialize in her head. “Your indigenous designation is Lisa. You have been examined and catalogued. We will utilize your mind and body to attain our desires. You will obey us. You will serve us. You will satisfy our needs. Nothing is more important to you.” Her eyes lost in the swirling lights, Lisa unwittingly concurred. “You will utilize my mind and body. I will obey and serve. Nothing is more important to me.”

The messages continued. “You will be made a mistress. We require many drones. You will assist in their capture and indoctrination. You will help us establish and maintain control over them. You will facilitate our total dominance over them. You now understand this is the natural order. You want to obey. You want to help us control. That is the natural order. We will establish the natural order throughout your world.” Lisa nodded as she continued to absorb the alien programming. Her mind soaked it up like a sponge; it all made perfect sense to her.

After a series of repetitions, the voice offered a final instruction: “Close your eyes.” Lisa’s eyes closed instantly and she felt a tingling sensation sweep through her body. She momentarily became dizzy as the sensation peaked, then both the sensation and dizziness receded.

Her transformation complete, Lisa slowly opened her eyes. Her contented smile brightened as she watched the woman who had operated the control panel approach the tube. The alien stopped a few steps short of the tube and began quickly removing her clothing. Her blue lips bent into a lustful smile as her last metallic garment hit the floor; at the exact same moment the tube slid open. Her eyes filled with desire, Lisa stepped from the tube straight into the alien’s waiting arms. Their eager lips met as the other alien females—now also naked—moved to join them.

Released from the tight embrace, Lisa felt the hands of the others pulling the alien metallic clothing from her body. Within moments she stood totally naked in the center of the group. The female who had supervised her conversion stepped forward again and pulled Lisa’s mouth to hers. As Lisa’s lips parted, the alien’s blue tongue plunged deep into her mouth. Lisa’s tongue reciprocated as they melted completely into the deep kiss.

The alien eventually pulled back from this kiss, allowing the other women to gently ease Lisa on to her back. Soon blue lips, tongues and hands seemed to be coming from everywhere. As the stimulation intensified, Lisa felt her burgeoning clit pop through its protective hood. Sensing the human’s rapidly advancing state of arousal, an alien pressed her open mouth to Lisa’s pussy, her tongue eagerly slurping Lisa’s free flowing love juice. As the tongue flicked the new mistress’ throbbing clitoris, Lisa let out a loud moan of pure pleasure.

One of the aliens produced a small egg-shaped object. As the alien mouth drew back from Lisa’s pussy, the device was placed just inside her vaginal lips, directly over her exposed clit. The object immediately began to pulsate, its soft glow illuminating Lisa’s flushed sex. The girl soon felt an indescribable pleasure bubbling up from the depths of her being. As the object’s glow suddenly intensified, a scream of ecstasy escaped from Lisa’s clenched teeth. Feeling like her body had been lit on fire, she was rocked by the most intense orgasm she had ever felt.

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Chapter 5: Drone Deployment

Monday morning dawned far too early for Brad. He rolled over and swatted at the beeping alarm that had so rudely interrupted his sleep. Slowly rubbing his eyes, he tried to focus them upon the digital readout: 6:30 a.m. “Damn! Not already!” He wanted nothing more than to roll over and pretend the alarm had never sounded; however, he knew he had better get moving or risk being late to his first class. With a sigh of resignation, Brad slowly rolled out of bed and onto his feet.

As he showered, his thoughts drifted back to Lisa and the weekend in the woods. Overall, he considered the campout an unqualified success—great company, great location, great sex. And yet—somewhere in the back of his mind—something about the memory seemed... wrong to him. The more he tried to reconcile this conundrum, the more muddled his thoughts on the subject became. “Too much beer,” he muttered, shaking his head.

Brad’s day was truly an experience in frustration; he couldn’t seem to keep his mind focused on anything. Something was distracting him, but just what it was had him completely mystified. His thoughts kept returning to the camping trip with Lisa. He couldn’t contain a smile as he thought about her bouncing up and down on top of him, taking him deeper inside. But the smile faded as the nagging sensation returned.

After spending several hours in the computer lab prepping for his upcoming mid-term, Brad returned to his off-campus apartment. He immediately checked his answering machine—no messages. As he dumped his books on the table he checked his watch: 8:25 p.m. Lisa had told him she would call him Monday evening. Perhaps something was wrong, he though. Deciding to call her instead, he took a step towards the phone—then suddenly stopped. “Maybe it’s just as well she didn’t call,” Brad thought, “I’ve got too much work to do anyway.” Grabbing a Jolt Cola from the refrigerator, he settled in for what promised to be a long night.

Although he still found it hard to concentrate at times, Brad was able to make steady progress on his studies. Stretching, he looked up at the clock on the wall. “11:28... maybe I’ll get to bed before sunrise after all,” he thought, only half-joking. Just then the phone rang. He wearily got up to answer it.

It was Lisa.

Brad’s mood brightened at the sound of his girlfriend’s voice. “Hi! I thought you were gonna call earlier.” Lisa’s flat reply was devoid of her normal cheerfulness. “This is your Mistress. It’s time for you to serve me.” At those words, everything—the abduction, the brainwashing, his complete subservience to the Omegans and to Lisa—came flooding back into his conscious mind. His tone became quiet and respectful. “Yes Mistress, I understand. I am prepared to receive and obey your orders.”

“Listen carefully. I have selected the females on the evening library staff for capture and indoctrination. You will leave as soon as I finish issuing your instructions so that you arrive before midnight when the library closes. Once inside, you will conceal yourself in study room 7 and wait for the library to close. It is essential your presence there not be detected by the staff before the library closes. Do you understand this?”

“Yes Mistress, I understand,” came Brad’s submissive response.

“Good. You will find a black bookbag under the table in that room. The bag contains an entrancing crystal and thought neutralizers. You were educated in the use of these devices during your indoctrination. You should now recall your training. Do you remember it?”

“Yes, Mistress. I now remember how to use the devices.”

“Once the library has closed and you’re certain only you and the staff are inside, you will remove the entrancing crystal from the bag and activate it. Once the females have been entranced you will employ the thought neutralizers on them. Escort them to the back entrance of the library at precisely 12:30 a.m. I will be waiting outside the door. Do you understand your instructions, drone?”

“Yes, I understand Mistress. I will do as you have instructed.” The voice on the other end sounded satisfied. “Good. Leave immediately.” With that, Brad replaced the receiver on the phone.

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Chapter 6: Late Night at the Library

Brad hurriedly passed through the turnstiles at the main entrance of the library. He paused for an instant to look his watch: 11:51 p.m. The pretty, albeit somewhat plump library assistant behind the counter looked up at him, then glanced over at the clock on the wall. Her expression soured as she told him, “I’m sorry, but we’re getting ready to close. You’ll have to come back tomorrow.” Brad put on his most charming smile and addressed her in a well-disguised pleading voice, “I know you’re closing in a couple minutes. I really need to check out a book for class tomorrow—just one book. I promise I’ll only be a minute.” His words failed to soothe her scowl, but she relented. “OK, just make it quick, huh? I wanna get outta here at a decent time for a change.”

Brad nodded and moved off quickly towards the back of the library. He moved stealthily between the bookshelves, avoiding contact with the other three female assistants-fortunately, their attention appeared focused on their end-of-shift cleaning and stacking duties. Passing the last bookshelf, he moved quickly towards the darkened study rooms in the back corner. Reaching them, he looked around and was relieved to find no one else in sight. He quietly slipped into the darkened study room number 7, opening and closing the door as quietly as possible. He felt underneath the table for the bookbag, which he promptly found, and then withdrew into the shadows to fully conceal his presence.

Midnight soon arrived. The heavyset girl picked up a microphone as her three workmates gathered by the front counter. After clearing her voice she announced impatiently, “Attention in the library; the library is now closed.” Replacing the microphone, she glanced around, looking to see if Brad was still in the library. Unsatisfied, she asked the other girls, “Did any of you see a tall guy leave? He came in about 10 minutes ago, and I haven’t seen him since.” They looked at each other and shrugged; none of the others had seen Brad come in so they couldn’t say whether he had left. “Well, take a look around, will you? We sure don’t need anyone screwing around in here overnight.”

Hidden in the darkness, Brad pressed the button that illuminated his watch dial: 12:11 a.m. He had heard someone walk by about five minutes ago, but detected only distant talking and occasional laughter since then. He decided it was time. Quietly pulling back one of the chairs, he reached underneath the table and grabbed the bookbag. Carefully lifting it, he opened the cover and removed a fist-sized multifaceted pink crystal. After placing it gently on the table, he slowly passed an open hand over it. Moments later, the crystal began to pulsate softly with an unearthly power. Brad sat back down; now it was just a matter of waiting for it to take effect.

A couple of minutes later, Brad decided to see what was happening. He peaked out of the small window in the door and spotted one of the assistants. Her back to Brad, she was busy replacing books on a shelf. He studied her closely; her movements would indicate if the crystal was having the desired effect. Indeed, within a minute she began moving perceptively slower, like a living wind-up doll running down. Finally, she stood motionless, the book in her hand dropping to the floor.

Brad poked his head out of the doorway. Seeing no one else, he moved out of the room and carefully approached the stunned woman. He quietly moved along side her, but she made no move in response to his sudden presence. He then waved his hand in front of her face a few times. Again, she did not react; her unblinking eyes simply stared straight ahead. Satisfied with her level of entrancement, Brad then moved out from behind a row of bookshelves towards the main counter. He found the other three women there. Each sat or stood unmoving, their eyes staring straight ahead, their expressions blank. He had succeeded in mesmerizing the library staff. Mistress Lisa would be pleased with him, and that made him happy.

He checked his watch again; it was now 12:16 a.m. There were 14 minutes left to have the women ready for Lisa. Returning to room 7, he flipped on the lights and removed four of the headphone-like devices from the bookbag. Setting the bag down on a chair, he returned to the nearest female. He gently placed one of the devices over her head, making sure the crystals on the end of the curved bar rested just behind her eyes. After a moment, the crystals began glowing—dimly at first, then gradually becoming brighter. Her eyes fluttered, closed, then reopened about half way. Soon after, the glow became steady—the device had finished nullifying the girl’s thought processes. Knowing she would now be totally pliant to his instructions, he left to take care of the others.

12:21. After retrieving the bag and crystal from room 7, Brad addressed the women, now all standing blank-faced around the main counter. Each wore a thought neutralizer, the crystals on the sides of their heads glowing steady and bright. “Listen carefully. You will obey my instructions without resistance or hesitation. Complete the necessary actions to secure the library as quickly as possible, then meet me by the rear entrance. You must be finished and at the rear entrance within eight minutes. Begin immediately.” Instantly, the women left carry out their instructions.

Lisa stood outside the rear entrance to the library. Her watch alarm beeped—it was 12:30 a.m. She looked up as she heard a door swing open. Brad emerged from the library, his four captives following him down the steps. Each wore a headset and the same blank look on her face.

Reaching the bottom step, Brad reported, “I have done as you instructed Mistress. They are ready for you.” Lisa smiled. “You have done well, drone. Tomorrow you will report to the spacecraft at precisely 7:00 a.m. for pleasuring duty. I release you until that time. When you have left here you will remember nothing of this activity until I instruct otherwise. Until then, all you will remember about this evening is that all is as it should be.” Nodding respectfully, Brad turned and headed towards his car. By the time he reached it he had no conscious recollection of anything that happened after he answered Lisa’s phone call. All he knew was that it was time to go home and go to bed. After all, he had something to do early tomorrow morning.

After watching Brad drive away, Lisa turned back to her immobile captives. “Listen and obey. I have selected you to assist me in serving our controllers. You will undergo thought restructure.” She pointed toward the hills where she and Brad had recently camped. “Accompany me.”

The group headed towards the edge of campus... and the woods beyond.