The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


By Jennifer Kohl

Chapter Five

Christina slid bonelessly to the floor. She stared up at Karnath, her eyes wide in awe. He smirked down at her, and she felt it, suddenly, overwhelmingly, the sheer tital force of his will. Something had gone out of her, and he was replacing it, taking over.

Acting on pure instinct, she rolled out of his circle—and just like that, the pressure was gone.

Karnath snarled. “Get back here!”

The force slammed into her again—but far, far weaker than before. She felt it pulling at her, the desire to go to him, to kneel, to serve, to let him finish claiming her as his own—but she could resist it. “No,” she said simply.

A warm hand fell on her shoulder. She looked into Leslie’s face, her friend, and understood. “You didn’t make her mine,” Christina said. “You made her yours and... loaned her to me!”

“I did only what you asked of me,” Karnath said, but Christina only saw Leslie’s mocking smile and empty eyes.

Leslie gripped Christina’s arm and started pulling her back toward the circle that held Karnath.

“Fight it!” Christina shouted. “You can do it, Leslie! Fight his control!” But she could still feel Karnath’s will pulling at her, and Leslie’s physical pull, and the combination of the two was so much when she was so tired, and she could feel the droplet of cum slowly running down her inner thigh and remember just how good it had felt to be taken—“No!” she shrieked, and pulled away from Leslie. “If you won’t fight him, then get away from him! Get out of my house!”

Instantly, Leslie let go of Christina, and walked to the stairs. Christina stared after her in shock, only shaking herself out of it when she took a half-step closer to the circle. “You weren’t lying. She really does have to do what I say.”

“I told you,” Karnath said. “I cannot lie to you so long as I am bound in your service.”

The basement door swung shut behind Leslie. They were alone. “Then,” Christina said slowly, “you have to obey me, too. I can order you to leave forever! Banish you back to where you came from.”

“If you did, I would have no choice,” Karnath agreed. His smirk crept slowly outward into an eerie grin. “The question is whether you can.”

“Of course I can!” Christina snapped. She opened her mouth to order him to leave—and stopped. The pressure to go to him was gone, replaced by something else: pressure against banishing him. She could just about fight that force to a standstill—but a standstill meant she couldn’t talk. Again she remembered how good it had felt. Coudl she really send that away forever? If she could find a way to do it safely—“No!” she shouted again. But she couldn’t bring herself to order him away, which meant there was only one way to get to something like safety.

Karnath’s mocking laughter followed her up the stairs.

* * *

Christina sat on the edge of her bed, staring blankly at the wall. After what happened with Karnath, she couldn’t think of anywhere else to go but her room—and, exhausted, she’d fallen asleep almost immediately.

But it hadn’t been very restful. Her dreams tumbled with nightmares—of the evil in her basement spreading up through the house, of friends and loved ones turning on her, of her mother with Karnath’s cruel smile and Leslie’s blank eyes. But worse by far than the nightmares were the fantasies of Karnath taking her, using her, claiming her, fucking her. Worse because they felt so good, because she wanted them, because, despite everything, she was tempted.

It would be so easy...

She shook her head. She could feel the drag on her mind, the siren call to go back to that basement and give herself up to him, but she was getting used to it, or it was getting weaker, or something. She could push through it.

She considered talking to her mother, but pushed the thought away. She’d never believe a word of it, and the first thing she’d do is storm down into the basement to see for herself. She wouldn’t stand a chance. Of course there was a risk that she would go down into the basement anyway, but she didn’t go down there very often, and she’d be sure to go if Christina told her. No, better to stay quiet.

There was really only one place Christina could go, the place she was supposed to go: school. Maybe a dose of normality would help her figure this out—and, if nothing else, appearing normal would reduce the chance of anyone getting close to Karnath. He was stuck in her basement, after all, and nobody would be getting in.

* * *

Downstairs, Karnath raged as he had all night. Stupid, stupid, stupid! He’d been impatient, moved too quickly. Those long millennia bodiless in the demonic realm had dulled his instincts for dealing with mortals. Of course Christina had an unusually strong will, otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to pierce the veil and call him here! So of course he’d need more than two souls to break her in a single fuck!

It wasn’t just memory. He’d let it go to his head—two souls of his own, with no one trying to take them away from him, had made him feel more powerful than he’d been in centuries. The demonic realm was a place of endless combat, a world of predators with only each other for prey. When the flow of human souls stopped, the fighting quickly mounted until only the strongest demons had any real power, with the rest fighting over the scraps that remained, a mere handful of souls between them.

But it would be different now. Karnath was in the mortal world again, surrounded by more souls than he could have imagined—and they’d all but forgotten his kind. There didn’t seem to be any defenses anywhere against him—except one. Snarling, he punched the barrier that surrounded him, but of course it didn’t give in the slightest. A hurricane could have blown through here and destroyed the house, and still Karnath would be trapped in this exact spot.

Christina was the only one who could break this barrier, and she’d slipped through his fingers. But not for long...

He smiled grimly as Leslie walked into the halls of her high school. So many fresh young souls, just ripened! Full of promise and potential, with hardly any defenses at all... Yes, he could feed well from this. And, courtesy of Leslie’s mind, he knew just where to start.

* * *

“Hey Ash!”

Ashley turned to see Leslie coming toward her. “Hi,” she said quietly, with a shy smile.

Leslie widened her eyes in mock fear. “Who’s this shy girl? What happened to my friend Ashley, the demon who tore up the court last weekend against City High?”

Ashley blushed. She’d always been shy, ever since grade school when she’d been teased for being a head taller than all the other girls. She’d spent years trying to be as invisible as possible, but everything came bubbling out of her when she played. The gym teacher had noticed that ferocity freshman year, and she’d persuaded Ashley onto her team. It had definitely helped with her popularity—and hanging out with a group of girls as tall as she was had, too.

“I mean,” Leslie continued, “would a shy girl dress like this?”

Ashley’s blush deepened. She had been trying out new looks lately, in the hopes of getting some attention and maybe even a date—she didn’t want to graduate without ever going on one! But her outfit today bumped right up against the school dress code—jean shorts that had been cut open on both sides, then laced back together, and a corset-like top with similar lacing up the sides. She was showing a lot of skin, she had to admit.


“And I know a shy girl wouldn’t dye her hair like that.”

“It’s just highlights!” Ashely insisted. Green highlights, sure, but with her shade of brown hair that light green actually worked.

“Uh-huh,” said Leslie. “Still. You don’t look like a girl who doesn’t want to be seen.”

Ashley giggled. “I guess not.”

Leslie leaned in and whispered conspiratorially. “What if I told you I knew somewhere to be seen?”

“What do you mean,” asked Ashley?

“You know what I mean. A club. A special one, only for people who know. And you would not believe the boys there...”

Ashley’s blush was back. “I mean—ah, you know, I—I mean, it sounds fun, but—”

Leslie grinned. “Great! Let’s go!”

“What, now? What kind of club is open at eight a.m. on a Monday?”

“That’s how it stays so secret!” Leslie responded. “C’mon, how often do you get a chance like this? Seriously, the college boys are all over this place.”

“Well...” Ashley dithered. But she knew she’d end up going. She couldn’t deal with losing her teammates’ friendship, so she always went along with everything. Anything else was too risky.

Leslie knew that, of course. It was what Karnath had been counting on.

* * *

Christina stared out the window. What am I doing? she thought. There’s a demon in my basement and here I am sitting in class. How did I get here?

It had started with the book, of course. A book of spells, from the public library. But how had it gotten there? She hadn’t thought to ask that before, but it was an obvious question now: demons were real, magic worked, and a library had a spellbook that would let her summon them? How had nobody else done it before?

The library had to keep records of where their books came from, right? Maybe somebody there could tell her, and maybe that would lead to... what? Someone who could help? She would have to go there after school—and that was because she wanted to learn more, not an excuse to avoid going home, to stay farther away from what lurked in her basement...

“Miss Moran!”

Christina’s head snapped up. The teacher was standing right in front of her desk, glowering at her.

“Would you like to share the deep insights into trigonometry you have no doubt received as a result of your intense meditation on the view through that window?”

Christina sighed. After school. For now, maybe it would be better to just try to have a normal day.

* * *

“Um, Leslie? This doesn’t seem much like a club. It’s just a house.” Ashley stood at the bottom of Christina’s driveway, looking dubiously up at the house.

“That’s how it stays so secret!” Leslie insisted, grabbing Ashley’s hand. She led the other girl up to the house, and Ashley didn’t resist, though she was starting to have serious doubts. She’d been pranked with fake parties and false friendships before, but she didn’t want to believe that was happening again. The team were real friends—weren’t they? Ashley was one of them! They wouldn’t have spent all of high school grooming her for one prank, would they?

“We have to go around the back,” said Leslie. Ellen had known Christina would lock the front door when she left for school, so she’d unlocked the rarely used back door before leaving for work herself. As a result, there were no obstacles as Leslie led Ashley into the house and down into the basement.

“Um... this really doesn’t seem like a club,” said Ashley. “There’s a freezer and a bunch of boxes, this is just a basement.”

“Trust me,” said Leslie. “There’s so much more here than meets the eye. Like over there.”

Ashley’s gaze followed Leslie’s finger, and found nothing, just an unremarkable corner. “What am I looking at?” she asked.

“Trust me!” Leslie repeated. “Just go over there, you’ll see.”

This is a prank, Ashley thought. No question. They’ll probably pour blood all over me, or pants me and take a photo, or something. So why am I going along with it? But she knew why. Because I want them to like me, and because I’m a wimp.

She went into the corner, then turned to face Leslie. “So what am I—yeek!” She started as a hand fell on her shoulder, and half turned. She found herself looking into the most gorgeous eyes she’d ever seen. A few inches further down, an equally gorgeous smile formed.

“Hello,” said Karnath. “I understand you’re looking for a little fun.”

* * *