The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: In a Minute

AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2020.

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Kitty looked up at the ceiling as Joelle shifted in the bed beside her. She had her fists balled up under the sheets, and she kept all her focus on looking up, and not turning to look at Joelle, who she knew was facing her in the bed. She didn’t need the distraction of Joelle’s image as she lay there. If she looked at her now, she might not be able to speak at all.

“Joelle,” she said, pressing her fists into the mattress, “in a minute, I’m going to get up. I’m going to get dressed—and I’m going to leave.”

Joelle shifted again, next to her—in her peripheral vision, Kitty saw her raise her head and rest it against her hand. “Are you?” She asked.

It almost tempted Kitty to turn and look at her—Joelle didn’t sound particularly concerned about Kitty’s plan. She sounded carefree; she was using that light tone of voice that usually accompanied a series of open-ended questions that gave nothing away about Joelle but managed to draw out of Kitty more than she wanted to give.

Kitty chose not to answer Joelle’s question, but to go on speaking. “When I leave, that’s the end of this,” she said firmly. “After that, I won’t see you again. I’ll keep away, and we won’t speak, and you’ll find someone else, and I’ll move on with my life. Less than a minute now. Stand up, clothes, out the door, gone forever.”

It was a coherent plan. It was a good plan. Saying it out loud almost made Kitty feel like she might really be able to do it—she wanted to do it. Things with Joelle were becoming too much... and too bizarre.

Joelle was silent for a second. “Well, why wait until the end of the minute? You may as well get up and leave right now.”

There was a challenge in Joelle’s voice—she probably thought Kitty was bluffing. If she got up but didn’t leave as she’d said she would, it would be a failure. If Kitty was bluffing (and she couldn’t be sure herself that she wasn’t) having that bluff fail would complicate the situation even more, and make it that much harder to leave. So taking the challenge would be a mistake.

Then again, if she stayed lying in the bed when given the opportunity to get up and leave, that would make it that much harder to actually leave a few seconds later. It would seem like she actually didn’t want to go. So not taking the challenge would be a mistake.

With one casual question, Joelle had put Kitty in a nearly impossible situation. She had a habit of doing this. More than a habit, even—she had a talent for it.

Of the two options presented to her, Kitty really didn’t have any other choice but to get up out of the bed. If she didn’t get up, at this opportunity, she wouldn’t get up at all. And it was more than likely that she and Joelle would go another round—they’d already done it three times so far that night. So Kitty pushed back the blanket, and stood from the bed.

“Nice to see you taking my suggestion,” Joelle said. “That’s easy to do, isn’t it?”

Kitty kept her eyes on the floor, scanning for her hastily discarded clothes. “I’m not taking your suggestion. It seemed as good a time as any to get up.” She spotted her top, and reached down to retrieve it from where it had been kicked under the bed.

“Oh, I see. Well, the first stage of your plan has been a success. How long do you think the second phase will take you?”

“I just need to find my clothes—” and she spotted her underwear—“and get dressed. 5 minutes at the most; and then I’ll walk out without a goodbye, and that will be that.”

“And then you’ll move on with your life,” Joelle stated. Her voice was still light and casual.

“And then I’ll move on with my life,” Kitty repeated, only paying half attention as she retrieved her bra. She only needed to find her skirt and she could dress.

“And you won’t call me, or answer my calls; so we’ll never speak again. And you won’t come to see me, or let me in to see you; so we’ll never see each other again.”

“That’s right,” Kitty said, finally catching sight of her skirt. With all articles of her clothing returned to her, she began to dress. “As soon as I’m dressed—in just a minute, I’ll be gone and this will be over.”

“What exactly do you mean by, ‘this?’” Joelle asked, with a casual curiosity.

“This—this strange relationship... and the strange things that we do; or you do.. or I feel...” Kitty made sure she was facing the wall with her back to the bed. She needed to keep her resolve.

“And what are the strange things that we do, Kitty?”

Kitty had gotten her underwear on, and was hastily clicking her bra clasp into place. “You putting me into trance—I’d say that’s pretty strange.”

“You agreed to it,” Joelle reminded her.

“Yes, but it’s becoming something else. Something more than I agreed to,” Kitty said, finally having gotten her bra into place.

“So you’ll never go into trance again?”

Kitty shook her head, pulling her top down onto her body. “Never again—I had a taste of hypnosis; more than a taste. A fair, multi-month sampling, and my curiosity has been satisfied. I never need to experience it again.”

“Is there anything about it you’ll miss?”

Kitty knew she needed to ignore the question. She’d given away more than she’d meant to already. And she only had her skirt left. She pulled it up over her hips, and reached behind to pull up the zipper.

When Kitty didn’t provide an answer, Joelle went on. “I guess you won’t even miss being induced. I came up with an induction just for you—I’ve never used it with anybody else. If it’s over between us, I’ll never use it again. It was just for you. But I guess you won’t even miss the waves.”

Kitty flinched at the exact wrong time, and jerked the zipper in the wrong way, getting it jammed at an odd angle in the zipper’s teeth. She cursed under her breath, and hunched closer, trying to see exactly which tooth the zipper was snagged on.

She couldn’t help but feel Joelle had carefully timed her sabotage. Even referring to her induction method by name had too much of an effect on Kitty, and Joelle knew it. It was one more sign that this whole hypnosis thing was spinning out of control, and becoming too powerful.

“I won’t miss them,” Kitty said, stiffly, but her voice was thin. She jerked at the zipper of her skirt more desperately. It was really jammed, and it wasn’t coming free, even though she needed it to.

“You won’t miss the way they washed through your body,” Joelle said, and her voice had turned low and coaxing.

“Nope,” Kitty said, jerking harder at the zipper. It was rocking back a quarter of the inch along the track now, at least—maybe it would be enough. It would have to be enough.

“You won’t miss the way they smoothed out all your stress and worry. Or the way that they spread peace and comfort to every part of your body, until you went limp with calm.”

“I won’t,” Kitty ground out, but her hands were shaking as she worked the zipper back and forth along the same quarter inch of the track.

“You won’t miss the way they washed your mind out until it was clean... and then the way they transformed from cleansing, calming waves into waves of muted pleasure. And then you definitely won’t miss the way that pleasure grew indefinitely, blanking your mind out further as it went on.”

“No,” Kitty said, and she was pulling at the zipper with all her strength.

“No,” Joelle said. “Why would you? You won’t lie awake in the middle of the night thinking about them. And I’m sure you aren’t currently having dreams of them that give you such pleasure you come in your sleep. And even if you were, really, there’s no evidence that would continue if you never saw me again. After all, the kind of sensual pleasure and intense ecstasy you can experience in trance is run-of-the-mill. Your average sexual experience measures up to it—it’s probably even better. It’s not like the trysts you’ve had with me are the best of your life, or anything. There’s no reason you should miss them at all.”

She had almost worked the zipper back onto the track, but her focus was slipping now, when she needed it most. She was thinking of the waves—of trance—of the dreams—of the uncanny way that Joelle could somehow know all of this information without Kitty telling her about it verbally.

The zipper aligned with the track, and with one swift, steady pull, she had zipped up her skirt. She shifted it around her hips, so the zipper was in the back and not the front. And she turned to face Joelle.

“I’m leaving now,” She said, her hands hanging oddly at her sides.

Joelle tilted her head. “You said you’d go without saying goodbye.”

“I won’t say goodbye,” she repeated. “I just want to make sure that you know that I’m leaving—and I’m never coming back, and I’m never going to miss any of this—and especially nothing to do with trance. And especially not you.”

Joelle gave her a simple, unbothered smile. “Great. All the best to you.”

Kitty just needed to turn away and go—that was it—she’d done the hardest part. She’d told Joelle that it was over, she’d actually gotten out of the bed, and she’d managed to fully clothe herself. She just needed to turn... and go...

“This is the last stage of your plan,” Joelle said, with an inquiring look. “You’ve completed all the other steps—the only thing left to do now is to leave.”

Kitty still wasn’t turning. She was trying to put all her concentration on this last task, but it was spreading everywhere. She could feel the waves licking at her skin, kissing her ankles. They’d surge up and take her whole body if she would just—if she would just—

“I’ll leave,” Kitty said, tensing her hands into fists again. “In less then a minute, I’ll leave...”

“Why wait until the end of the minute?” Joelle asked. “Why not leave right now?”

She could feel the waves... they were rising through her body now, one surge at a time. “Because the waves are taking me...” She said, and it was more of an exhalation.

“I can help you with that,” Joelle said. “Tell me to send them away; I will. And you can leave just like you want to.”

She knew it wasn’t a trick; Joelle really would do it if Kitty told her to. But—But—

“Don’t send them away.” The words fell out of her; she didn’t want them gone, didn’t want to stop feeling like this. She didn’t want to go the rest of her life, and never feel like this again—never see Joelle again. She sank down to sit on the bed. “Take me under again—let trance wash over me again... I.. want that...”

Joelle smiled again, shifting forward on the bed to plant a kiss on Kitty’s cheek. “As you like,” she said. “The waves are washing over you—washing through your mind—”

And the waves carried Joelle’s words off with them, and Kitty’s thoughts too. As they always did, they washed away who she was, they washed everything out of her, and filled her back up with good, delicious feelings. She never knew, when they took her, if they would wash her back up onto shore, and she would be conscious again. And she didn’t know if she would surface to consciousness in hours, or days, or weeks, or years; nor did she know if she would still want to leave when she came up again, let alone if she would be able to.

But it didn’t matter—it was worth it just to relax into the warmth and let them carry her wherever it would. After all, that was where she really wanted to be.

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