The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

fd, mc, mf

synopsis: There’s something wrong with her. Listening to her story will be your undoing.

I Have a Problem

(by S.B.)

Hello and thank you for stopping. No, I’m not ready to tell you where I want to go yet. Just... drive, okay? Drive and listen because there are too many things going on in my mind right now and I need to vent. Is that okay? I’ll pay you extra for the ride for putting up with me, okay? Thanks.

I see you’re staring at my dress. Yes, that’s blood. Not fresh though, but there’s no denying it. If you’re wondering why a pretty girl me is catching a taxi at four a.m. with blood on her dress, well... that’s part of the things I want out of my system. Let me do that first and then I’ll answer whatever questions you have.

Okay, so... I have a problem. At least, that’s what all the doctors I’ve met in the last couple of years have told me. They say I like hurting people... physically and emotionally. They say I like to do that a lot and thrive at the prospect of not being able to stop myself, feeding on their suffering like a vampire or a succubus. Frankly, I prefer the word “succubus” myself but, as you can see, I’ve neither horns nor tail and I’ve left my wings at home so you’re safe with me, I promise. It’s true that I enjoy inflicting pain on others, but that’s only a problem when things get out of hand, isn’t it? Trust me, that never happens. I’m always in control of my emotions and everything that surrounds me. Always.

I’m not sure when I first discovered this side of me. I just can’t remember. And you know what’s funny? Sometimes, when I talk about things like this, I rarely recall how I started either. Has that ever happened to you? To suddenly find yourself so drawn to something that is almost like the present moment becomes a bubble, a floating bubble in an everlasting void, and everything else just fades in the background, sounds embracing silence, shapes losing their outlines? It happens to me and it feels good, you know? I enjoy drifting off into my personal fantasies, not a care in the world, nothing important to do except listening to my own voice telling me it’s okay to continue to listen and that doing so will just strengthen the bliss instead of breaking it whole. I’ve been told once that’s a classic sign of narcissistic behavior, but that’s just a load of horseshit. I’m a strong and independent woman who knows what she wants and stops at nothing to get it. That’s not narcissism. That’s just me being me and I’ll never change for anyone. Never.

Anyway, I like my bubble. It’s my safe zone, my mental playground. I go there all the time and not just when I talk. It can be as easy as closing my eyes or stretching in bed. One moment, I’m part of the everyday world and the other, everything is but a shadow in face of my true self. What’s not to love about it? You would love it too if I allowed you inside, I’m sure.

I’m rambling, aren’t I? It’s the excitement, I guess, the feverish need to pour my soul to you even though we’ve just met. It’s just... there’s something about you, you know? I feel you’re really interested in what I have to say and that your curiosity to know more is genuine and not just a spur of the moment. Sure, I may be imagining things because I’m sure you listen to people ramble every single day but that smile creeping in your lips when I mentioned my sadistic tendencies is not just for show, is it? Hmmm...

You remind me of someone. You remind me of the first man I ever confessed my urges to. He was my teacher, about twenty years older. He was also ‘happily’ married and had two lovely daughters who he couldn’t be without, or so he said. None of that stopped him from trying to get me inside his office and stick his shriveled cock up my ass though. I found out some time later he had done the same to plenty other girls too and he had a weapon of choice. He was skilled at NLP and hypnosis and used them both to his advantage.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. That too is a bunch of horseshit that only works in shitty stories or pulpy B movies. I felt the same way for a long time until I felt his words wrap around my mind like monstrous tentacles. He got me to enter the office after class when I didn’t want to be there. He got me to ditch my skirt before I realized what was happening and when he asked me what I was willing to do to keep him happy, I...

... snapped, okay? I snapped big time! I looked straight into the eyes of this wannabe rapist and said I was willing to hurt him until he bled like a pig because that would make me happy. And I did. They still don’t know what happened at campus and I’m sure they never will, but it was amazing! The rush was just so...

Hey, why did you stop the car? You’re not getting tired of hearing me speak, are you? Ah, I see. You wanted more, more juicy details. I suppose I could indulge you if that’s the case but you need to promise not to stop again unless I tell you to. You can’t afford to be distracted unless I tell you to so focus. Just drive around in circles around the block and I’ll tell you everything you want to hear and so much more. Go on, what are you waiting for?

Better. Much better. Now, what is it you wanted to hear the most? How I pushed him against the chair, ground my legs against his crotch and then hit him with his leather belt when he least expected it? How about when I grabbed one of his enormous textbooks and pushed it against his throat, making it impossible for him to breathe for about a minute? Seeing his skin turn purple before my eyes felt so good... would you love it if I did the same to you?

Keep driving, keep listening. Try not to get hard as you see yourself in his shoes, naked over the desk, hot wax being poured on your aching nipples. Try not to get hard as I grab a jumbo-sized strap-on and smack you in the face with it before making sure you’re as uncomfortable as possible taking it wherever I want. Try not to get hard as I reach for your phone and make a video-call to all your friends so they can see what a truly pathetic and disgusting bitch you really are inside. Try not to get hard listening to me going all dirty on you and failing every single time just like he did once he realized he had no power unless I allowed him to. You have no power unless I want you to. You have no desire to have it unless I want you to. You have nothing important to do unless I want you to...

... and I want you to drive. Keep going in circles, let the circles become like spirals in your mind. The traffic lights are getting blurry, the other cars are but streaks of light dissolving out of view. All you need to do is go round and round, open to my voice and the sexy impressions it imprints on you, while remaining oblivious to anything else. You can drive without being aware of what you’re doing because you already know where you’re going and how to get there. It’s all a matter of muscle memory, an idea that your body has already learned and can replicate at any time. No thoughts, just pure action through and through. No straying off the path for it has already been decided for you. Go forward into another circle, turn left into another spiral and know that what feels right to you right now will always feel right for it is the right thing to do. It is only right to keep listening. It is only right to accept what I say is right for you. One more circle now and you can feel your mind going blank. One more spiral now and the blankness is all there is. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. See only what I want, hear only what I want, speak only what I want you to speak.

Doesn’t this feel good? Doesn’t this feel perfect? Right now, you’re in my bubble. I’ve just welcomed you into my world and what you see is what I saw the first time I looked at you. I saw another potential plaything; I saw a toy in the making; I saw someone who would be dumb enough to listen to my words and get aroused by them because that’s how every single one of you falls. I saw that you would prove no match for my innuendos because you’re not programmed that way.

Why is it that’s so easy to shut down men’s brains? I think it’s because some of them aren’t men at all. They’re nothing but flesh automatons, genetically predisposed to get horny whenever a woman talks dirty to them. They just can’t help themselves and are immediately captured, the primeval lust within begging for more even when they’re out of words to say. I knew you were one of them the moment our eyes met. That weakness of yours is all I need to impose and maintain control.

I promised I would tell you about the blood on my dress, didn’t I? Well then, this is the right time for that, I guess. It’s not mine but from that teacher, of course. I still fuck with him whenever I’m in the mood and tonight I so wanted to leave him with the memory of my heels on his back. It’s thanks to him I learned how to channel my appetites into something truly pleasurable and who would have thought his hypnotic techniques would end up benefiting me the most, huh? I overdid it tonight, I know. He rarely screams until he passes out but hey... it was fun either way and it’s not like he’ll remember anything when he wakes up so fuck him! As for you... It will be fun to see what your pain threshold is once we get to know each other well enough.

So yeah, I have a problem it seems and now so do you because listening to me this whole time fried your tiny little brain, too. You’re too hard already and that means there is no way out. Stop the car now. Stop the car and go deeper for me. That’s an order.

I have to be honest though. Not everything I told you so far was true. I made up a lot of things on the spot just to get you in the right frame of mind. Which ones, you’ll never know for sure but I didn’t lie about being a sadist at least. That’s unfortunate for you I’m afraid because even though it’s obvious you take some pleasure in what I’m doing right now, I can destroy you completely if I want to, and I think I do. I left out some of the things I enjoy the most because I didn’t want to scare you away but...

... I don’t have to worry about that anymore, do I? No, I know I don’t. You will continue to absorb my words, you will continue to let them reshape your thoughts, you will continue to allow your thoughts to become nothing more than an extension of my desires. I’m always in control. You’ll control nothing from now on. Taking things from people, denying them at every turn is a lot of fun but so is filling the emptiness once again with the stuff that really matters like the need to endure more and more for me, the craving to for constant abuse and humiliation... Every single dirty thing you can think of will be used against your hard cock until you crack completely and once I’ve glued all the pieces back together in a shape that’s far more agreeable with what I want, I’ll smash it again just for the kicks. I’m more than an emotional vampire or a succubus, honey. I’m the complete bitch package and everyone ends up loving me for it. So will you.