The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Hand Off

© Copyright 2008 by Wiseguy

ii: Audrey

The initial rush of excitement at my new power faded a bit on the way home. Sure, being able to make people think and do what I wanted was a boon, but it wasn’t going to solve my problems overnight. Not without creating even bigger ones, anyway.

I needed a plan.

In the spare bedroom that I used as a study I cleared off the whiteboard and divided it into three columns: Nina, Work, and Finances.

It was so tempting to find Nina and use the power to get her to come back to me. The more I thought about that, though, the more I knew I couldn’t do it. If I compelled Nina to come back it would be a hollow, joyless win. I’d either have to win her love back the old-fashioned way or let her go. That didn’t mean I couldn’t do my best to smooth the way, though. I scribbled a few things in the Nina column:

I drew a line through Jenny almost immediately. As valuable an ally as a headstrong teenager can be, Nina’s daughter from her first marriage was also too important to me to mess with. That left Ron, the guy she was sleeping with at the time, and Alice, the closest thing Nina had to a female friend. Alice was also Joe’s wife. She and I had a bit of a history, so I could easily visit with little or no need for a pretext. I also figured that Joe of all people would understand if I needed Alice to do some of my groundwork.

The Work column beckoned and I brainstormed:

Fewer question marks here because none of these mattered to me personally. Chad would have to go, probably. But he was young; he’d bounce back. The right words to Gayle, our managing editor, would make me the front runner to replace him. Melissa I barely knew, but since Chad had put her in the picture I figured she might be useful. And she was damned attractive, too. Not that I’d cheat on Nina, even while I knew she was cheating on me.

The Finance column, the more I thought about it, was unnecessary. Taking Chad’s job, which I should’ve had anyway, would get me a respectable salary bump plus the freedom to start some new income-producing projects without having to stress over my own writing deadlines. Getting Nina back would eliminate the major money drain of paying a divorce lawyer. Sure, I supposed I could try using the Power on a bank teller or two, but my conscience rebelled at the thought. Besides, my moral qualms paled in comparison to the difficulty of hiding that kind of money from the IRS. No, I’d have to earn my living honestly. Or at least make it look that way.

Watch it, Sam, I warned myself. Power corrupts.

By Friday I was feeling pretty confident. I had a plan, I had the means to execute the plan, and if I did it well there’d be no negative repercussions for anyone who didn’t deserve them. That put me in a festive mood, so when Joe called and invited me to join him and Walt for happy hour I agreed right away.

My pals were halfway through their first round of beers when I got there. The waved me over and I pulled up a stool at the small round table they’d staked out near the bar. “Hey, guys.”

Walt was in mid story. “So I write the guy up for an unsafe lane change and for failure to produce his registration. The fine can be 20 to 120 bucks, my discretion. I’m feeling magnanimous, so I write it for the minimum. But when I give the guy the citation to sign, he gets all red in the face and starts sputtering how this is an outrage, he’ll fight this every step of the way and sue me for harassment, yadda yadda yadda. I let him rage for a minute, and when he runs out of steam I just say, ‘Sir, this is the minimum fine for this offense. Do you want me to increase it by a hundred dollars?’ ”

I sensed a movement behind me and beer appeared at my elbow. “Wow,” I said to the waitress who’d brought it, “that was quick. Are you psychic?”

“Not me, hon,” she confessed. “This is from the lady at that corner table over there.”

My eyes followed the motion of her head and spied the table in question. A lone redhead grinned at me and raised her glass. “It’s Audrey, from the deli,” I told Joe as I tipped my glass in thanks. “How the hell?”

Joe had a spit-eating grin on his face. “Saw her there again today and she asked about you. I may have mentioned in passing that we’d be here tonight, about this time, and that you like Black and Tan.”

There was nothing funny about it to me. “I’m married, Joe.”

“On paper, maybe,” Walt said. “If you’d seen Nina and Whats-his-face at Barlow’s the other night ... well, I’m just saying.”

A cold sort of anger took hold. “Just saying what, Walt?”

“Easy, pal. It’s just that, well, they put on a helluva show. If I wasn’t off duty I’d have been tempted to cite them for lewd public behavior.”

“The show was for your benefit, moron,” Joe said, giving Walt a stiff punch to the bicep. “So you’d tell Sam about it and twist the knife a little deeper for her. Nice going.” Then, to me, he added, “Nina’s moved on; it’s time you did, too. Go talk to Audrey. It’ll be good practice. Besides, you already know she wants you.”

And we both know why, don’t we? I thought to myself. Instead of voicing that, I just said, “Practice?”

Joe glanced pointedly at my right hand. “Trust me.”

So with my drink in hand I wandered over to Audrey’s table. “May I?”

She sat up straighter and tossed her hair. “Please do.”

So I took the other chair and sat. “Thanks for the beer.”

“Oh, you’re welcome. I admit it was just a ploy to get you to come sit with me.” She sat forward in the chair and toyed with her own glass. “You’ve been taking some time off, your friend said.”

“Just a couple of days,” I told her. “To unwind. I have a trip coming up for work that’s going to be pretty intense.”

“Sounds interesting.”

The way Audrey was looking at me, I think I could’ve said I was going to go strangle squirrels and she’d have found it interesting. But it was flattering, so I opened up and told her about the Consumer Electronics Show, the magazine, and technology writing in general. She was a Human Resources coordinator for the accounting firm up the street from my office, which explained our frequenting the same lunch spot. More interesting than our small talk, though, was her behavior. She leaned toward me, toyed with things on my side of the table, laughed quickly at my jokes. Then, as she was telling me about a trip to Cancun, I felt her foot brush against my leg. She worked hard to make it seem accidental, but I wasn’t buying it.

That put me in a quandary. I was married to Nina and still in love with Nina; I’d made a promise to forsake all others and all that. But then I recalled Walt’s story, which wasn’t the first time I’d heard about my wife being publicly cozy with her new lover, and started to wonder why I should have to put my balls in cold storage when she wasn’t. Joe said I should practice, and he knew what he was talking about. Audrey was damned attractive, and clearly wanted me. And her foot was rubbing against my leg again, draining the blood from my brain at a critical moment.

I reached out and put my right hand over hers. “Tell me what you really want right now.”

Her face got that vacant look as she answered. “I really want to know you better so I can decide whether I want to sleep with you.” When I let go Audrey’s face turned bright pink. She covered it with both hands and mumbled, “I can’t believe I just said that! God, I’m such a slut!”

And with barely a moment’s thought I reached over and made contact again, pulling a hand down and clasping it. “You’re no slut,” I assured her, staring into her blank eyes. “You’re just very attracted to me. So attracted, in fact, that you’ve already decided to take me back to your place and seduce me. You will forget that I told you this and fully believe that it’s your own idea.”

As her expression returned to normal I felt her squeeze my hand. “You’re so sweet, Sam.” Then she sat up and made a point of looking around. “It’s too noisy here. I live nearby; why don’t we go to my place, where we can hear ourselves talk?”

“Sure,” I said, pretending the offer was a pleasant surprise. “Lead the way.”

As we walked hand in hand the four blocks to her building I told myself I was just experimenting. There had to be limits to this power, so it was important that I learn what they were. If anything did happen, it would be purely physical and done for the greater good of saving my marriage.

I bullshit myself a lot.

Just the possibility that I was about to get laid for the first time in months had me semi-hard in the elevator. Audrey noticed, and every time she brushed against me it got more obvious. By the time she opened the apartment door and ushered me inside Little Sam was at full salute and there was no hiding it.

She waved me to the couch, trying to look casual. “I have some white wine in the fridge. Interested?”


I enjoyed watching Audrey’s body move as she stepped into the kitchen, removed a bottle of wine from the refrigerator, and poured two glasses. She paused in the doorway, out of my view, and when she emerged again one of the glasses had a lot less in it. A gulp for courage, maybe?

As I expected, she sat down next to me and turned her body so that her legs pressed against mine just above the knee. She was in a dark blue slip dress that rode up just enough as she sat to show me some stocking-clad thigh, and the way she leaned toward me seemed intended to draw my eye down the top of the dress to her breasts. It was hormonally impossible for me not to look; in fact, I mused to myself, she might as well just take the dress off and give me the full view.

“I ...” Audrey looked suddenly confused. She let go of my hand and stood up slowly. “I ... might as well ... take this off,” she said, as much to herself as to me.

In the back of my mind I remembered Joe’s voice—With some people you don’t even have to say anything out loud. Yes, Joe, that could be handy.

Audrey still looked conflicted, though. Even as she slowly reached back and unzipped the dress, I could see her struggling with the idea. It took almost a minute, but eventually she shucked it off to reveal a very sheer midnight blue bra, panty, and garter/stocking set. “I ... umm ...” Her face turned six shades of red, but the bra was nowhere near substantial enough to hide the state of her nipples. “Sam ... I need you to know that I don’t normally ... I mean, I’m not ... I don’t ...”

I set my wine glass down on an end table and took both of her hands. “It’s okay,” I told her. “I understand. You don’t normally do this sort of thing, but tonight, right now, you want more than anything else to have sex with me. There’s nothing wrong with that; you should feel confident and certain and absolutely okay with it.”

The blankness cleared and Audrey’s hesitation was gone. “You’re right. You always seem to be right. It’s what we both want, so why pretend?”

She took two steps and climbed right onto my lap, straddling me as she pressed her groin against the tent pole in my pants. Before I could say a word her arms were around me and her lips were pressing into mine. I hadn’t been kissed that way in months either, and it was just about enough to shut down my higher brain functions. My hands decided all on their own to go undo the clasp on her bra and Audrey took that as permission to yank my shirt up and off me and press my face in between her beautiful teardrop-shaped breasts. My head filled with her scent and the next thing I knew there was a nipple in my mouth and a shapely ass in my hands.

We shifted position and in the process my pants and underwear ended up around my ankles and her panties joined the dress and bra on the floor. She pumped my cock with her hand and for a second I thought for sure I was going to come in her hand if she didn’t stop that and climb on right now. She did—of course, because I was still grabbing her ass when I thought it—and as she enveloped my cock in hot, wet, tight flesh it was all I could do to hold on for just a few seconds. I grabbed her breasts and squeezed them and came so hard I saw stars. Audrey’s body went incredibly tense and she squeezed down on me at the same time and let out a series of long, loud grunts while her hands enveloped mine and held them up against her chest.

Our bodies relaxed together and as I folded Audrey into my arms I couldn’t help but feel a little rush of manly pride at how fast and hard she’d come. Nina never came that fast. Hell, porn stars don’t come that fast.

And why do you suppose that is? my inner voice posed. And okay, I had to admit, the chances that my cock had suddenly become a magic orgasm wand were about nil. I had an orgasm, I was touching Audrey at the time, so the power pushed that feeling into her mind and made it an order. Good to know, I figured as I made sure my right hand wasn’t touching her just then, but not all that useful in the long term. Once I got Nina back, though, we’d have months of dynamite sex.

Nina. My rationalizations from before came back to mock me, reminding me that I had just cheated on her with a total stranger and justified it by classic cock logic.

Audrey stirred above me and started kissing the side of my neck. For a moment my body responded, but this time there was too much guilt in my heart. I put my hand on her shoulder and said, “Sleep.” Audrey flopped down on top of me like a big, beautifully-built, wet rag and I heard her sigh a little as she settled into unconsciousness. I slipped out from under her as gently as I could and got dressed, making an effort to avoid looking at her inviting naked form.

As I was about to leave, though, I remembered Rule Three. Would she wake up in the morning? Would she wake up at all? Leaving that to chance would be potentially disastrous. I laid a hand on her head and said, “Wake normally in the morning with no regrets.” Then, with one more glance back, I headed home to my empty bed.