The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


© Mesmerr


‘Any second thoughts?’ I asked Athena, once she had settled into the single seat lounge chair opposite me on Friday night at six-forty five. I’d had two days to prepare my thoughts and strategies. During that time I had come across the stories of Gor, the mythical sister planet of Earth where all of the women were made slaves by males and by Nature. The dominant theme of the Gor stories flew straight home to my heart and mind. The concept suited me to a ‘T’. I wasn’t sure just how I would go about using that concept, but I knew that I thought along those lines already.

‘Not really,’ Athena said. She was nervous, but determined not to let it show. Her mind had been on nothing else since she had seen him last. Nikki had asked her how it had gone. Although she had told her she would be meeting him again on Friday she had said little else. She seemed to draw strength of some kind from keeping everything close to her chest at this stage, but had noticed also that Nikki had smiled strangely at the time.

‘Not one question?’ I asked. Her face was serious, as if she were going for a job interview.

‘Curious would be a better word, I guess,’ Athena answered with a nervous grin. She had taken notice of Nikki’s moods over the past two days and had reassured herself that her younger sister’s personality had definitely changed for the better.

‘Curiosity is good,’ I smiled. ‘As long as it’s tempered with the correct amount of natural discipline for doing whatever it takes to get the job done when it comes to your personal happiness.’

Athena nodded, but said nothing. She had already decided how important her personal happiness was going to be to her from then on. She didn’t want to go back to the way she was if there was a chance she could change. There was nothing worth going back for. She was always miserable.

‘Athena,’ I said.

‘I’m sure,’ Athena said immediately, politely cutting him off. She had wasted enough time in her life already and wanted to get on with whatever help he could give her.

‘Speaking of Nikki,’ I added. ’ Did you get a chance to speak further with her for advice of any kind?’

‘Yes,’ Athena nodded. ‘I didn’t tell her about anything that we spoke about,’ she told him. ‘You said to keep it a secret, but she did ask me if it all went okay. And she was happy that I had decided to ask you for help and that you said you would. I don’t think she’ll pry, though. It’s not her style. Besides, she’s changed, I think. Keeps to herself a bit, but she’s better than she used to be.’

I grinned.

‘Once you know something, Athena,’ I smiled. ‘You can’t un-know it. Nikki knows now who she really is and she couldn’t un-know that fact even if she wanted to. There’s too much personal happiness at stake… hers.’

Athena nodded, agreeing with him. She knew that Nikki always seemed happy these days, quiet and a little withdrawn, but always happy and always with a little smile on her face as if she knew a secret that nobody else did.

‘No going back then?’ I asked, happy with her responses so far.

‘No,’ Athena said, shaking her head. ‘Nothing to go back to, except misery.’

I chuckled to relieve a little of her tension. She laughed nervously with me, but only for a few seconds. Then her face became serious again.

‘Athena, the best place to begin is at the beginning. I’ll take it now that we have begun and will proceed accordingly. Okay? And expect you to honour the commitment you said you had toward your own happiness in the future, about doing whatever it takes to get the job done.’

Athena nodded, but said nothing. She did notice, however, that her heart rate had picked up a bit. She felt like she was at the beginning of something really important.

‘Good,’ I said, feeling a surge between my legs. It wasn’t sensuality. It was the feeling of dominance, of control, of a natural power bestowed upon me by Mother Nature. ‘Then let’s begin with teaching you what you are right now, a learned thinking woman and introducing you to who you are, a natural feeling female. I’ll never say or do anything without a reason. I’ll also never say or do anything without there being a lesson in it for you and your happiness, which you will always see ultimately if you’re willing to keep in mind the bigger picture of your personal life and long-term happiness.’

Athena nodded, feeling her inner tension begin to mount. She was excited and nervous both. She swallowed. Her mouth was dry.

‘Who are you?’ I asked.

Athena felt instantly dumb. Her thoughts ran chaotic around her mind for several seconds, but she couldn’t string two of them together to make a sentence. Then she did.

‘Athena?’ She answered nervously. She mouth was so dry. She tried swallowing again, but could hardly find any moisture with her tongue anywhere inside her mouth.

I smiled, enjoying the tempering of her female’s spirit already, before plunging it into the furnace like a Japanese Samurai sword.

‘No, that’s your name,’ I told her. ‘Who are you?’

Athena felt as if she were in front of her school Principal being asked sticky questions to which she did not know the answer.

‘I’m a… I’m a… woman,’ She finally got out.

I grinned softly.

‘No, that’s what you are,’ I told her patiently. ‘Who are you?’

Athena’s gaze rapidly darted left and right and then back at his strong tanned face. Jesus, she thought frantically. Who am I, for Christ’s sake? Then she struggled with,

‘I’m-I’m… my mother’s daughter.’

‘No,’ I laughed gently. ‘That’s your bloodline. Who are you?’

Athena began to blush from embarrassment. She felt really dumb and didn’t like the feeling. Obviously he knew the answer he wanted her to say, but she couldn’t for the life of her figure out what it was. She felt hot and nervous and just a little bit intimidated. His tone, although understanding was beginning to sound a little firm as if she should know. She looked quickly left and right then sighed, defeated and shrugged her shoulders.

I laughed softly.

Athena felt embarrassed to the extreme, knowing she was blushing from her forehead to her knees. She was also becoming just a little angry and wondered if humiliation was a part of the deal in his helping her? She shook her head into his enquiring gaze. He smiled warmly at her. Her initial annoyance at him melted, vanishing instantly as if it had never been. She felt her lips spread into a shy smile as she lowered her gaze from his.

‘Do you think that the patch of black Grecian fur you’ve got between your legs was given to you by Nature just to keep you warm in winter?’ I smiled, but seriously so.

‘What?’ Athena’s mouth dropped open. She sensed it, but couldn’t seem to close it. She was stunned. Her mind questioned her indignantly. How dare he talk to her like that? Did he talk to Nikki like that? Did Nikki like being talked to like that? How is talking rudely to her going to help her overcome her lack of self-confidence?

‘Well?’ I pressed, plunging her into the fiery forge for some tempering. The pain of her embarrassment and growing anger would toughen her female’s spirit to break out of her woman’s shell and would be worth the sacrifice in the long run.

Athena finally managed to get her mouth to close. She glared at him.

‘Why did you speak like that?’ She snapped angrily.

I deliberately lost my smile.

‘You know where it is,’ I said coolly to her, feigning sudden indifference. ‘Close the door on the way out and good luck.’ Then I looked away and picked up a book that lay beside my chair on the small table. I opened it and pretended to begin to read it, ignoring her completely.

Athena’s mouth had once more dropped open without her knowing it and without her seemingly being able to close it. She just sat there dumbly and stared at him and again her mind barraged her with questions. Did he just dismiss her? He’d told her to leave and close the door on her way out? What was the matter with him? How was all this helping her? Then she managed to close her mouth again and swallow. Her mouth was dry. She felt hot and embarrassed and intimidated. Again she began to get angry.

‘Go?’ She croaked, but it sounded like a parched version of the tone she had wanted to place on the word. She had wanted to put an incredulous intonation to it.

I glanced casually over at her. She looked fit to burst. Her face was a bright crimson. I figured her breasts would be, too. Her eyes were two glaring orbs of anger, humiliation and embarrassment that stared at me without blinking. I smiled, politely.

‘Look Athena,’ I said quietly without the trace of a smile. ‘It would seem that we both have better things we could be doing with our evening. Obviously, your definition of whatever it takes to get the job done and mine must come from different dictionaries. You didn’t ask for my help to teach you the English language, so, no hard feelings. You can leave now.’ I turned my face and gaze back down to my book and once again pretended to indifference as to whether she stayed or went.

‘I—’ Athena began, then stopped. Her pulse pounded in her ears. She could feel her heart racing, knowing she had been right. He was dismissing her like a little ten-year-old schoolgirl. Embarrassed and humiliated in the extreme, her temper was rising as well because of it. She could feel it. Again her thoughts assaulted her thinking mind with questions for which she could find no answers.

Definitions and English language, what was he talking about? And why was he being so rude to her? Nikki didn’t tell her about that side of him. Wait until she got home.

‘I—’ She tried again to speak again, and suddenly found she could, but she stopped, simply because she couldn’t think of anything to say.

I looked back over at her in her confusion and anger, and then decided she’d suffered enough and hoped I hadn’t gone too far. I put the book back down on the table, still open as if I intended to go back to it any moment.

‘Listen, Athena!’ I said angrily. ‘I told you I never said or did anything without a reason, a good reason! And I also told you that those reasons would always involve a lesson for you in some way that would help toward overcoming your problem! I didn’t ask you to come, remember? You came to me!’

‘I—’ Athena began, but he cut her off abruptly.

‘It’s obvious to both of us that you’re not ready to learn who you really are for your long-term happiness, so you can stay as what you are and sort out your problems on your own. Now, be a good little girl and do that, sort them out on your own, and close the door on your way out. Okay?’

For the third time Athena knew her mouth was hanging open and she couldn’t remember the last time she’d blinked. Her eyes were tearful in her anger and embarrassment, but she wasn’t crying. She wouldn’t cry in front of him no matter what, she determined.

Once again she tried to speak, but nothing came out. Her mouth was dry. He just sat there, staring at her, waiting for her to get up out of the chair and leave just because she didn’t understand he had only been trying to help her. Her anger and embarrassment grew. She felt hot and sweaty all over. He was dismissing her like a schoolgirl who had done something wrong just because she wouldn’t do whatever it took to get the job done; the job of her personal long-term happiness.

I sat and held her gaze evenly, wondering whether she’d get up and go or breakdown and stay. One of us would have to change their attitude, I mused hopefully, and it wouldn’t be me. Of that there was no doubt, whatsoever. Then suddenly I thought I noticed a slight softening of her gaze, a little less anger as if she were dialoguing with herself mentally.

Whatever it took to get the job done, the thought ran through Athena’s mind. Reasons for everything he said and did that all had to do with her long-term happiness. Stay as what she was and sort out her own problems because she wouldn’t do whatever it took to get the job done, the job of her personal happiness.

And then another thought occurred, a different thought entered the foray of her chaotic and confused mind. Her woman wouldn’t let her do whatever it took to get the job done—her thinking woman—the one that had caused her so much unhappiness and misery already.

Then it suddenly seemed to her that someone had turned on a light inside her mind. She had agreed to do whatever it took and now she wasn’t, but she had meant it, was determined to. Now she wasn’t, but it wasn’t her. It was her woman, her thinking woman. Then everything suddenly became clear. She knew what he was talking about.

‘Mr Davis!’ She began excitedly, but he cut her off immediately with his hand stayed as if for her to shut up. He looked back down to the table and picked up the book he’d been reading. She knew what he’d been talking about. She knew now. She understood.

‘Mr Davis!’ She began again, but he shot his right hand toward her, palm open, again indicating that she should be quiet. Then his hand pointed to the door and he flicked his fingers abruptly. It was another dismissal.

She burned with embarrassment and shame. He wouldn’t even look at her. Tears welled in her eyes and overflowed down her cheeks, but she was not crying. That was just what her tears were doing. Frustration raged inside her mind and body. Her fists clenched tightly on her lap.

He glanced at her. Quickly, she drew breath to speak, but again he beat her to the punch with a quick flick of his fingers. She hated that. She was loosing her temper. She could feel it. He wouldn’t let her speak, just wanted her gone. She understood now, but he wouldn’t let her speak and wouldn’t let her stay.

‘Out!’ I hissed between my teeth menacingly, intending to frighten her a little. I sensed her breaking point was near.

It was too much. She broke.

‘No!’ Athena shouted. ‘No! No! No!’

‘What?’ I hissed angrily, feeling myself being drawn into my own created scenario.

‘I know now!’ Athena blurted out, sounding hysterical. ‘I know! I understand! I do! It was my fault, not mine, my woman’s fault! I don’t know yet! But I will! It was her fault! Don’t make me go! Please! Don’t make me go!’

It had been a close one. I thought I’d lost her for a moment, at least for the time being. My face remained quietly angry.

‘Then who owns the patch of Greek fur between your legs!’ I shouted at her, matching her tension level to keep her up there and out of control.

Athena was stunned again, but only momentarily.

‘I do!’ She shouted at him. ‘I do!’

‘You do or your thinking woman does?’ I shouted back at her.

‘I do! Athena shouted, knowing she was doing just that. ‘I do!’

‘Why doesn’t she own it?’ I shouted questioningly at her.

‘Because it’s mine! It’s mine! Not hers!’

‘She thinks it’s hers!’ I shouted, again matching her tone of voice. ‘She’s always thought that. She thinks everything you’ve ever felt has been hers, because you’ve let her! Your weak female has let her!’

The tears of Athena’s state of mind overflowed her body once more as she answered. They streamed down her face, but she wasn’t crying. In her mind she wasn’t crying.

‘I haven’t!’ Athena shouted more loudly. ‘I didn’t know about her! I do now! I’m not weak! I’m not! I’m strong! I just didn’t know! Please! I didn’t know she did all those things! I didn’t know!’

I sat there and said nothing. My male heart reached out to her female in her forced anguish and distress. The pain of rebirth can be painful, I thought, at any age. The tears rolled down her face, but she wasn’t sobbing. I wondered then if she even knew she was crying. For the first time then I felt her strength, the natural strength of her female.

‘Then show her!’ I suddenly shouted. She flinched at the force I exploded into the word. ‘Show her who’s stronger! Show her whose patch of fur it is! You own it! She doesn’t! And it’s not there between your legs just to keep you warm in winter! Is it!’

Athena felt as if her blood boiled in her veins. She felt hot and angry, but strangely, not with him now.

‘No!’ She shouted angrily. ‘It’s not! It’s mine! And I’m stronger than she is. I am. I am!’

‘Then show her how strong you are!’ I yelled at her forcefully, winding up for a big emotional finish. I was getting into the sincerity of everything I was saying. I could feel it.

‘Show her you can show it if you feel like it and that you’re not ashamed of having it there and that you know it’s not there just to keep you warm in winter! Show her that!’

Athena’s tears streamed unstoppable down along the sides of her face. Her eyes felt like saucers in her head. Her heart thumped mercilessly against her ribs.

‘I will!’ She screamed at him, losing control and knowing it, but she didn’t care. ‘I will! I can! It’s mine! Not hers! Mine!’

Her fists balled and clenched tightly as she yelled at him.

‘Then show it!’ Undo your jeans and show her that you know its not there just to keep you warm in winter. Be strong and have the guts to take down your jeans right now and show her that you know why it’s there! That you know it’s there to allow you to feel good as a natural female! To feel worthwhile to yourself! That it’s there so you can enjoy being who you really are, a natural female who can feel good about herself without feeling guilty or ashamed if you feel like it!’

Athena hesitated, not sure what to do. She was, but she wasn’t.

‘Show her how strong you are then, Athena, if you’ve got the guts! Or have a good cry and go home! Pull your jeans down and show it! To her! To me! To whomever you bloody well feel like showing it to! It’s yours, not hers! Show it! Now, or have a cry and go home to your sisters!’

‘Aaaagh!’ Athena choked as her hands flew to the button on her jeans. Her blazing, tear-filled angry eyes never left him as she quickly unzipped them and reefed them down to her knees in two quick tugs. Then her hands whipped down her yellow knickers to her knees as well. Looking down at herself, she then threw body hard back into the chair and lifted her hips off the cushion, her thick bush of wiry dark Greek carpet absolutely black in its contrast to the backdrop of her shapely white thighs.

‘There!’ She shouted victoriously then glared at him, staring hard through her tears of frustration, anger and lifetime sadness. ‘I’ll do what I like! I’ll do what I like!’

It was a time when whatever words I had been going to say next simply wouldn’t have done the job, wouldn’t have filled the vacuum in my momentary life or hers and Nature hated a vacuum.

She lay there pushing her dark underbrush upward, glaring at me as if in defiance of the devil himself. Like a moth drawn to a brilliant flame in one move I was out of my chair and grabbing her ankles, lifting them upward and apart.

I slid my grip half way down her calves and held them up while kneeling at the front of her chair. Her full, uncut virgin Greek thicket lay open and exposed to me, the pink slit of her virgin glimpsing scarlet through the top of her dark jungle canopy.

‘Ohh!’ Athena gasped, shocked, startled and confused. ‘No! What are y—!’ But her exclamation went no further than to drown in a sudden deep groan of never-before-felt extreme sexual pleasure when she felt what could only be his warm mouth latch itself firmly over her entire sex and begin to lick and suck strongly on her absolute private part.

I barely heard her groaning or gasping, but I knew she was. The taste of her was intoxicating me as I hungrily and passionately fed on her slick crease. Her core pulsed against my tongue each time I licked and stroked it or suckled it deeply. I was rapidly becoming lost in a world of Greek virgins and forests of jet-black pubic hair. Holding her calves high kept her knees back against her belly. She couldn’t move.

I slid my mouth down the slippery gorge of her cleft and tasted her on my tongue before arriving there in fullness and depth. Oh, god, I groaned loudly, fluting my tongue and sucking her juice into my mouth. Then I struck it deep and I struck it hard, as far up inside her steaming tight little virgin Greek cave as I could.

‘Ohhh! Nnnooo! Ohhhh!’ Athena heard herself groan with sensations and feelings she had never felt before; could never have imagined before. His mouth was between her legs, on her private parts, doing things, licking her, sucking her, chewing firmly on her lips down there and pressing her spot.

Her struggles were rapidly fading and turned to grunts and groans while her hips began to thrust without her conscious will to make them do so. She thrashed her head from side to side and tried to sit up or move in any way, but he was holding her legs up. She couldn’t move

I drank as she flowed. Her lacquer was thick and creamy from the source of her Greek virgin Nile. Groaning and almost out of control myself I dragged the flat of my tongue from the deepest bottom of her, rimming her nether necklace as I pushed her calves further backward, which heightened her buttocks.

And then I dragged her upward, right through every warm and wet nook and valley in her thick aromatic forest. My tongue split her crease, opening her drizzling slit fully for me to collect her slick pollen on the next trip down, which I did and then swallowed. I held firmly to her calves while her unexpected early orgasm raged through her body.

‘Ooohhhnnnnnnn!’ Athena groaned from her wildest fantasy. She was losing her mind. Her thighs jerked and thrust. Her breasts burned and her tight little pussy torched and flamed with wave after wave of sexual fire and brimstone that pleasured her tortured mind senseless and silly.

Her eyes rolled back in her head then pinched tightly shut as she stiffened and tensed, wailing her pleasure loud and long at the ceiling of the lounge room of her mother’s friend’s husband. She could hardly move at all and didn’t really know she was or even wanted to. Her knees were held wide apart while he feasted on her, dined on her virginity savagely. She felt as if she were his dinner.

I was relentless in my aggressive mouthing of her succulent virgin flesh. Knowing it had never felt a man’s mouth before drove me to assault her even more brutally there. She was pure, her slit weeping its joy, her cavern spilling and overflowing its levy banks only to find my mouth waiting to suck her overflow down over my tongue and into my deeper male belly. My mouth whipped rapidly from side to side as she suddenly came again with a virgin vengeance, only more strongly so.

‘Ooohhnnnnn!’ Athena cried out uncontrollably. He was eating her again while she climaxed so fiercely. God, oh God, she thought frantically. He was eating her pussy. Then suddenly, before she knew or realised what was happening her loins flamed violently again.

I held her tightly, knowing what was happening with her young virgin body, but not caring. The suddenness and savagery of my mouthing of her sex had forced her physically into multiple orgasms. I was giving her female a dose of feeling that she wouldn’t forget in a hurry. Maybe next time she’d know what I was talking about when I touched on the difference between that part of her and her thinking woman? I held her in her virgin moment of female self-awareness.

‘Ooohhhh, God! Ooohhnnnnnnnnnnnnaahh!’ Athena groaned and shrieked. Her hips and thighs heaved and bucked, twisting violently against the blazing rapture that raced upward from the centre of her buttocks and through her sex until again her nipples and breasts stung and felt heavy. Crying out loudly and long she again bucked and jerked uncontrollably in his grasp. Then her body stiffened and tensed once more.

My fingers dug heavily into the firm calves of each of her legs while her female introduced herself to her woman in no uncertain terms. Her clitoris sang gloriously in my mouth while she came and came hard with a pure female roar.

‘Ooohhhh, God! Oohhhhnnnnnnn!’ Athena cried over and over again until finally she drew a deep breath and collapsed down more deeply into the chair, feeling as if she were going to falling right through the bottom of it.

Slowly I moved my face away from her wide-open still-trembling lower lips. My chin dripped with the slippery joy of her female’s forced liberation. Slowly, I lowered her calves back down to the floor, leaning back a little and noticing once more just how much pubic hair adorned her lower groin and belly, like a dark attractive shroud of Greek mystery.

And as I did that she sighed deeply. Her eyes were closed and relaxed, which was the way her whole face and body looked as her legs fell loosely apart and spread. In fact, she looked younger than her twenty years, I thought, gazing fondly down at her resting in her settling virgin afterglow.

Her lips lay parted on her mouth. I smiled with heartfelt tenderness and left her to bask in her own natural female glory while I rose and went to the bathroom, returning with a warm hand towel. Then gently, I lifted her by the ankles again, only nowhere near as high, just high enough to be able to softly pad her bush and jade gates all clean and dry.

‘Ohhh!’ Athena sighed, feeling as if she was being drained with relaxing warm water.

I lowered her legs and wiped my face then returned the towel to the bathroom, then soaked it in the hand basin. Then I walked back to my basking beauty. Reaching down, I grasped her by the wrists and pulled gently, encouraging her to rise to her feet. With a groan and then a soft sigh she followed my lead and within moments I had her standing.

Her eyes remained closed. Holding her looseness steady with one arm, I pulled up her underwear from her knees and replaced it where I thought it should be, without lifting it too high.

Then, after a little bit of a struggle I eventually got her jeans back up over her hips and around her waist. I did up the button and then zipped her up as one complete, almost untouched Greek virgin package once again. Then gently, I lowered her loose limp body back down into the chair.

She sank into it with a long sigh like a sack of spuds. I let her wrists lay gently on her lap. Walking to the kitchen, I made us both a cool drink, then returned and placed mine down on my small table. I opened the limp fingers of her right hand and wrapped them around the glass, then slowly let go and sat back down with a contented and victorious sigh, along with an inner smile of satisfaction.

I was on my way and so was she. It would now only be the dance of time as it had been with her sister, and as it was yet to be with her twin.

As I idly studied her calm relaxed face her eyes gently opened, blinked a few times then closed again. Then they opened and remained so. Her gaze moved slowly left and right, as someone would look when they first became conscious after a general anaesthetic. Then finally they settled on me.

Truth time, I thought. And then, slowly, but surely they focussed clearly. Briefly, her gaze travelled down her jeans to her groin, but then her deep dark eyes came back to my face. The intelligent awareness of everything that had happened showed immediately in the eyes behind that gaze, but she said nothing, just looked at me. She wasn’t staring.

She just lay there relaxed and just looking at me. I smiled gently, but said nothing. Then she seemed to notice the glass of ice water in her right hand. She looked at it, then back at me, then back at the glass again, and brought it slowly up to her mouth and drank deeply.

As she was drinking, her gaze once more locked and loaded onto mine. The moment of truth would soon be here, I thought. My heart picked up the pace, but I forced myself to remain calm and prayed. Prison stripes were definitely not my fashion of the day.

‘Welcome to the world of your natural feeling female,’ I smiled warmly at her then. ‘How does it feel to feel good about yourself without feeling guilty or ashamed?’

I fell in love with Athena in the next split second with her answer. It didn’t come from her eyes, because they then gently closed down. And it didn’t come from her body language because her body seemed to deflate even more deeply into the chair upon which she lay reclined.

Her answer came from the shape of her lips as she sighed softly through her nostrils and gently smiled. That had been her answer, a Greek female virgin’s soft smile.