The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Long time reader, first time submitting here. Comments welcome. Most of my other stories are darker than this, but wanted to try something a bit lighter. Generally inspired by Marlissa stories, so probably still rather dark. Thanks to Limerick for letting me give an in-story shoutout to his masterful ‘Backwash’ (which, if you haven’t read, you should. The transformation of Alex remains my favorite transformation on this site. I’ll wait. And if it takes you a few days to get through it because you only read these stories in a certain mood, I understand.).


The holiday party at the local chapter of the National Organization of Women was in full swing. Although nominally called a party, most of the women there viewed it as a networking event so were dressed professionally, most in some variation of an Ann Taylor pantsuits and blazers. The women mingled in small groups as they sipped champagne and nibbled on cheese and discussed some of the current policies the mayor was pushing for.

Unnoticed by most of the women, a tall gentleman entered from the rear entrance. The gentleman was unexceptional looking, with the exception of a large smile on his face. It was the smile of a child on Christmas, about to open the box to a favorite new toy. The man politely tapped a woman on the shoulder and asked who was in charge of the convention. The president of the local chapter was pointed out to him, and he approached this woman.

“Hi, my name is Mr. White,” the man said as he approached her, extending his hand.

She shook the hand. “Ms. Duke, although everybody here calls me Cassandra. How do you do?” she replied, a bit apprehensively. It was not unprecedented for a man to show up only to the holiday party but none of the other monthly meetings. Usually the man would be a date or spouse or a regular member, so it was unusual for one of them to be at the meeting without a date.

“Well, Cassandra, I’m hoping you can help me. I’m going to want to give a speech in this room in a few minutes. Is there a working microphone?” he asked.

“I think the room is set up for one, but usually when we announce something to the whole group we just go to the dais and speak loudly.”

The man shook his head. “That won’t do at all. What if somebody in the back cannot hear me clearly or mishears me? That could be catastrophic. I know, it has happened before. Get the microphone set up.”

Cassandra immediately scampered off to look into getting the sound system turned on, never wondering why she had let a complete stranger boss her around, much less why a complete stranger would give a speech.

Mr. White, while waiting for Cassandra to return, beamed as he looked around the conference room. This was exactly what he wanted, a chance to do some real good this holiday season. Restore some happiness, just like he did with his beloved Delilah. Make a real difference.

Mr. White noticed he was one of the few men in the conference room, although not the only one. Amongst the 100 or so women, there were probably 5 men who were likely there in solidarity with their partner. Mr. White decided to help them, too, in the spirit of giving.

As Mr. White wandered around the convention room, he received little more than cursory glances from the various people at the reception. This allowed him to eavesdrop on various snippets of conversation.

“I think I’ll be ready to run for State Senator in two years. And then finally that sexist prick Donahue will not be able to lord over everybody in the district,” said one woman, wearing a dark blue pants suit. “My husband is finally coming around to supporting my campaign, as he was always too scared of Donahue’s political power to drop his friendship, but now he can see that the time for change has arrived.”

“I’m going to night school now to study law. Can’t be a secretary forever, right?” said one, wearing a long black skirt and a loose white blouse, designed to downplay any chest underneath. “Besides, I am sick of fending off the awkward advances of my bosses at work. Not quite sexual harassment, but if I had a quarter for every time somebody there said ‘if only my wife/girlfriend was as good at X as you’ as though that should flatter me.”

“If my husband even so much as looks at another women, I will make him dry his tears during our divorce proceedings with our pre-nup,” said a severe-looking woman, dressed like the lawyer she was. “I think he has a thing for tarts, and his dream girl is probably a Hooters waitress. I imagine he married me just to please his parents, but with them dead and having inherited their estate, regrets it now. Oh well, sucks to be him. If he wants some tart, he just has to give me half his inheritance first.”

“Jimmy is eager for us to start a family, but I think it is too soon and I should concentrate on school and my career for now,” said a young woman wearing fashionable jeans and a sweatshirt. “I told him maybe in five years or so.”

“God, I can’t stand my roommate’s new boyfriend. One of those investment-banker assholes who think he should be allowed to lord over the rabble,” said one woman dressed in a long flowing skirt and a loose t-shirt. “The few times I’ve been forced to talk to him, he basically mocks my support of Occupy Wall Street and making income more equitable.”

“I read the most interesting article in the Economist yesterday about wealth inequality in sub-Saharan Africa,” said a bespectacled brunette, “and the way this inequity is leading to the rise of terrorist groups like Boko Haram and Al Shabbab. It is pathetic how so many people here ignore the real news going on in the world and just stick to entertaining fluff like Gawker articles.”

“Jared is such an asshole. He told me he has ‘yellow fever’ and said I could be the cure. Then he said something to me in Japanese, as though all Asian languages are the same,” said a Chinese woman wearing a black power suit.

Mr. White finished circling the room when he noticed Cassandra was back and seemed to be looking for him. He walked up to her and then told her to introduce him. After a befuddled second where she contemplated how to introduce a guy she knew nothing about other than his name, she walked toward a microphone up front and tapped it a few times to get the crowd to quiet down.

“Ladies, thank you so much for coming out today. Hope you are enjoying the festivities and finger food. We have a special surprise today. It is my great pleasure to introduce my friend, Mr. White.” Most of the people at the conference room looked a bit confused, but applauded politely. The ones who thought about it thought most likely he was some guy running for local office who they thought would be a friend to their agenda, so were curious to hear what he said. Had any of them accurately judged who he was, they would have immediately covered their ears and exited the conference room.

Mr. White walked over to the podium, thanked Cassandra, and then spoke into the microphone.

“Thank you so much for having me. And thank you so much for listening politely to everything I say, not walking out no matter what I say, and never interrupting. Let me just say it is a joy to be here today and to spread some joy to you people, who clearly need it. If you don’t mind, I would like to start with a story.”

“Ten years ago I wasn’t who I was today. I have, let us say, developed a lot since then. But 10 years ago I was most definitely happily in love with a colleague of mine, Delilah. She was working as a secretary at the research lab I was working at, and we started dating and were happy. And then she joined this organization. You inspired her to dream bigger. Her mom had been a housewife. Her sister was also a secretary. Yet the people she met here made her realize she could be more. That she had buried her intelligence and ambition, but that it dwelled within her. Encouraged, she applied to law school, got accepted, and moved two states away to pursue her new dream.”

“I was heartbroken, but we couldn’t make the long-distance relationship work. We lost contact. And then, a month ago I found her again. I needed a new law firm to help me manage some of my new sources of income, and she, through sheer fate, was now a partner at the very firm I was going to employ! I was impressed with her career success. I always knew she was smart, and with her new ambition there was no stopping her.”

Many women in the audience smiled and clapped at this point. It was a nice example of why organizations like NOW were so important, even when not always directly fighting for policy changes and enforcement of current laws. The indirect effects of inspiration and networking were also critical to their success.

“We reconnected, and I began talking to her. She was miserable. She was in her 30s, alone, no time for a boyfriend, had money but no time to spend it. She was surrounded by sharks that were lying in wait for her to make a mistake so they could make a move for her job. She told me she often regretted going to law school, and wondered what life would be like if she had stayed with me.”

The women in the audience lost their smile at this point. A few of them understood this feeling only too well, but for the vast majority they were pleased with their career success and were mentally steeling themselves to argue with the speaker if he continued to go down this direction.

“Delilah was always my better half, my good conscience,” Mr. White continued. “Since I’ve, err, developed, I’ve done a lot of things for myself that were selfish and that I am no longer proud of. But with her back in my life, I feel whole and no longer need to do those things. We are together at last! She has now quit her job and working full-time to prepare to be my future wife.”

Mr. White waited as though expecting applause. When the audience instead looked more upset, he decided to continue.

“But don’t worry. She told me how you guys inspired her and what you guys were like, and I realized you are probably just as miserable as she is. So I’ve decided to help you out! End your misery and let you embrace happiness like Delilah has. She really is making me a better man.”

A few of the women tried to speak up, but found it impossible to interrupt. It was as though they no longer remembered how to vocalize their thoughts, although they were still capable of having a look of horror spread on their face. One or two tried to just leave rather than listen to this bullshit, but found they no longer seemed to remember how to control their own legs.

“Let’s make my life easier. Can all the married women move to my left? Then the women with boyfriends to their right, followed by the single women. Can I have lesbians, regardless of if married or not, move the farthest to the right? Finally, let’s have the guys come up front; I’ll deal with you last.”

As soon as Mr. White finished speaking, the women found themselves capable of moving and they walked to the area he suggested, despite frantic attempts to stop walking or to continue toward the exit. Despite these internal attempts, not a peep was heard as all the guests marched.

Once the women were settled, Mr. White smiled beneficently and looked at the married women toward his left.

“What I learned from Delilah is that it is stressful to be a woman nowadays. You feel you have to be more than just a wife and mother, that you now have to represent womankind, and cannot just live for your own happiness. This pressure must be unbearable, so I’m going to free you from it. Don’t thank me yet! Let me tell you how.”

“First, your priorities must change. The most important thing in your life is now your husband. He is more important than your career, your religion, your old identity from before you were married. Let’s discuss your new identity.”

“Delilah told me a lot of the women here maintain their maiden name or hyphenate their name. No more of that. You will all immediately change your last name to take on his if you haven’t done so already (unless of course he insists you do not) and will always think of yourself as Mrs. Any part of his identity that is important to him, such as religious or ethnic holidays, you will now embrace completely. Talk to your parents-in-law if you are unsure how to celebrate any of the traditions or rituals important to him. Learn to cook the traditional meals.”

“Of course, a lot of you have changed your name, and yet you still maintain an identity independent of your husband. So a name change isn’t enough. You now have to think of yourself first and foremost as your husband’s wife. You are an extension of him. You will introduce yourself as, say, Johnny’s wife or Johnny’s little woman. Anything you did prior to marriage, publications in your maiden name, career successes, whatever, pale in comparison to the importance of being a wife.”

“Second, because you are an extension of your husband, his opinions are your opinions. His favorite movie is your favorite movie. If he wants kids, you want kids. If he wants you to work, you work. If he wants you to stay at home, you stay at home. Without your husband, you are lost and have no opinions of your own; you will be incapable of making decisions until you get a new boyfriend or husband you can base your identity off of. Now, your husband may have married you for your intelligence and wisdom, so if he wants you to challenge him before he makes a decision, that’s fine. Your goal in life is to please him, after all. Bring up points he may not have thought of. Point out the implications of that path forward. But once he has made up his mind, you will then proceed as though that was the wisest decision ever made and never question it again. If your husband prefers you to instead just agree with whatever he says, you will do so and will find yourself incapable of questioning his decisions. Each one will seem incredibly wise, no matter how many previous decisions didn’t work out.”

“You will also know in your heart he is more intelligent than you, so for any intellectual venture you will defer to him. So if he tells you who to vote for, for instance, he obviously has thought of something you wouldn’t understand and you will do so. Try to determine how intelligent he wants you to be. Does he want you to know about current events, or just housekeeping and cooking? Whatever he prefers, you will follow.”

“Third, you will all adore your husband, no matter what. He is the wisest person in the world. The best in bed. Most guys want their women to enjoy sex with them, so you will find yourself really enjoying whatever sexual position he prefers, and orgasming easily and often with him.”

“You will also find it impossible to stay mad at him. He forgets your anniversary? So what, you know he has a lot on his mind, taking care of you. He left a mess on the floor? So what, part of your wifely responsibility is to take care of the home. He cheated on you? So what, it was probably your fault for not being sexy enough for him. Anything he does that irritates you you will know in your heart is your own fault, either by causing that behavior or by being too easily annoyed. You will work on self-improvement so as not to be so easily irritated or not to cause that behavior again in the future.”

“Fourth, your appearance is very important, so you will exercise and diet, unless your significant other wants you to gain weight for some reason. Takes all types, right?”

“In terms of clothes, you no longer care about impressing colleagues. You don’t care about comfort. You care about pleasing your man. You will dress how he wants. Does he like the Stepford look? You will wear heels and dresses like the mom in a 50’s sitcom. Does he like a trampy look? You will wear stilettos, cleavage-bearing outfits and skirts and stockings that show off your legs. Does he want a trophy wife look? Wear tasteful makeup and elegant dresses. Until you have a good sense of how he really wants you to dress, not just how you currently think he wants you to dress, you will ask him for his approval of your look. If he is away at a business trip or something, you will take a selfies and see if he approves of your outfit, even if he will not set you in it otherwise that day. All of this clear?”

The married women, unable to speak, nodded.

Mr. White turned toward the dating group.

“Everything I said to the married women will also apply to you, except for a few exceptions. If you haven’t been dating long, then your identity is not yet tied up with his. Let’s say that every date after the third date, your identity will be a bit more tied up with his, as with the married ladies. Of course this does not apply if you are dating many guys at the same time, but if you are starting to get serious and dating him exclusively, then every date your identity will change a bit and you will adapt a bit more to suit him. You will dress more in the style he chooses for you, read more about whatever topics he is interested in, and so on. If for some reason he still breaks up with you, you will not stay single long, because you will all be eager to have a boyfriend because you will hate being alone. A woman needs a man like a fish needs water, after all. If you are having a hard time finding a boyfriend, you will be willing to lower your standards.”

Some of the women groaned internally at this. They knew the Gloria Steinham edict was about a woman needing a man like a fish needed... Something about a bicycle? And yet that they didn’t make sense. What would a fish do with a bicycle? Whereas a woman clearly needed a man to guide her and keep her safe. One of the women in this group shuddered in trepidation over the realization that today she was going to sleep alone in her bed. Maybe she could hit a bar on the way home tonight and find some nice guy to keep her safe.

Mr. White turned toward the singles group.

“Everything I told the other groups applies to you, too, of course. You all dream of being married and living a life of bliss obeying your man’s every whim. That is what you want most in the world.”

“To find a man, you will do a few things. First, you know that looks are very important to guys. You will thus spend a lot more time working on your appearance. Never be seen without makeup, just in case Mr. Right is at the supermarket the same time you are. If that means it takes you 45 minutes to get ready for a five-minute walk to the store, it is worth it just in case. Work on your weight, and be really into dieting and exercising. You will find that eating healthy is no longer an issue of willpower for you but something that comes naturally to you, because you know it is the only way you’ll land a guy. Your wardrobe should be risqué because that attracts the largest number of guys, although once you land a guy, he can then decide what you should wear.”

“Don’t be afraid to let it be known you are single and looking. This is a networking event, so maybe some of the married women know if their husband’s friends are single and could set you up. Or try online dating. If online, you will not be one of those girls who goes on dates just for free meals. You will be a serious online dater, desperately hoping for a boyfriend! So you will work hard to please whoever you see. Make sure your profile picture is sexy, as sexy girls do better at online dating than ones who have funny or creative profiles. Why restrict yourself only to guys who have the same sense of humor as you or appreciate your creatively? You may miss out on tons of guys who could be your boyfriend or future husband, but only find you sexy but couldn’t care less about your creativity.”

“It is obviously up to you what type of guy you date. If you like geeks, so be it. Jocks, fine. But you girls will all be so desperate for a boyfriend that you will change to please your guy as it becomes a bit more serious. If you want to play the odds, most guys like girls who are less smart than they are, but who dress very provocatively. Nobody wants to date a prude, after all. So this is not an order, but if you want some advice, go for the sexy ditz look. Having a boyfriend or husband is much more important to you than self-respect, so you will gladly act in whatever way you think makes you most likely to obtain a guy.”

“Finally, and this should be obvious because it rhymes, bros before hoes. All of you are fine being the other woman if you think there is some possibility he will leave his wife or girlfriend for you. All is fair in love and war, right? You will of course never cheat on your significant other, as that would not be lady-like. But if you are single, feel free to try to steal away. All of my instructions to increase your happiness clear?”

He then turned to the lesbians.

“Delilah told me you girls are born this way. That’s too bad, as true contentment can only be found by sacrificing your identity to your husband’s. Luckily I’ve experimented over the years and found out I can help. You girls are no longer fully lesbian, but are now bisexual. You’re welcome! Now you can look for husbands just like the other groups, but you should feel free to ask about his rules about a ménage a trois. If he doesn’t mind, you are more than welcome to bring home another girl, including your current partner. You know a boyfriend or husband is more important than any same-sex relationship, so you will be more attracted to guys, and your taste in women will change to match that of your husband or boyfriend.”

“You do not need to break up with your girlfriends yet, as many guys may be eager to date both of you simultaneously. If so, your dream would be that your guy marries one of you (hopefully you! Am I right?) and lets the other live at his place. To help you out, I will come back to this reception next month, and can talk to your significant others about happiness.”

“Finally, the fellas. Raise your hand if your wife or girlfriend is here.”

All but one of the guys raised their hand.

“You now know what is most important to your significant other, and you will oblige. At home you will make the important decisions, and they can do the womanly chores like housekeeping and cooking, because you know it will make them happy. If you like their intelligence, feel free to consult them before making a decision, but in the end only your opinion matters, as you know.”

“Also, you feel bad for all the single girls here. You will try to help them out. Find guys who you think would be a good match for them, and encourage them to come here. If they balk at coming to a NOW meeting, just tell them it isn’t what they expect and to give it a shot. Don’t worry, I’ll be here next month to make sure everybody has a good time!”

“For you, who do not have a girlfriend here, this will probably be your preferred area to find a significant other. Given all the single women here, you should feel like a rooster in a henhouse, and not feel at all embarrassed to have the women compete for your attention today. Feel free to arrange dates with multiple single girls and ultimately decide on whichever girl you like the most.”

“With that, ladies and gentlemen, I bid you adieu. You will not remember me giving this talk, although you will obey everything I said. Instead, if anybody asks about you acting differently, you will say you decided it was time for a change. As I mentioned earlier, I will return for next month’s meeting. If you are having problems with your significant other, please bring them along and I will talk to them. If you are having serious problems before the next meeting, then and only then you will be compelled to call my phone number at 555-CONTROL. All of you will attend the meeting next month, no matter what.”

With that, Mr. White walked toward the exit and watched as all the people in the convention blinked slowly, trying to absorb the new changes in their life. His smile grew wider.

* * *

A month later, Mr. White returned for the monthly meeting at NOW. He was immediately pleased with what he saw.

The atmosphere was different than the previous meeting, even though that was a so-called party and this was just a regular meeting. It had felt stuffy and pompous. This felt more like a sorority party, and had a festive air to it. The women around him all were smiling, not attempting to look dour and serious like they were the previous month. Further, both the women themselves and their outfits were much more becoming. All the women were wearing makeup, and their hair was styled. The women had also lost a lot of weight in the intervening month, and were dressed to show off their improved physiques. Skirts were in abundance, too, with the married women wearing longer skirts that flowed when they moved and the single ones wearing tighter, shorter skirts. Cleavage was also on prominent display, and an onlooker would be pardoned for mistaking the convention as one for make-up salesladies and not a feminist group.

There were more men at the meeting than last time, perhaps because they had heard it was a good place to pick up women, or they were now dating some of the women who were attending, or because they were friends of some of the married couples. The men clearly enjoyed being around all the attractive women, although they by and large seemed to take the women for granted, talking to the other men and ignoring the women except when they wanted another beer and told them to get them one.

The single guys were flirting with the single girls, or sometimes a group of them. These girls were almost always giggling at the guy’s jokes, twirling their hair girlishly when listening, and finding reasons to touch the arms or chests of each of guy. Quite a few of the women looked like they had already had too much to drink, and were leaning on a guy for support.

The guys themselves seemed a different breed than the guys who were the previous month, Mr. White thought. Those guys had been by and large feminists pussywhipped by their significant others. These guys were more of the frat-boy type. They were flirting with many girls at a time, and making sure they had full drinks. Their jokes and stories were often crass, not that the women who were hanging on their every word seemed to care. They would pinch the asses of some of the girls as they walked by, who would then giggle coquettishly as they continued on their way.

Mr. White did wonder if these were the guys that were now considered appropriate by the husbands after his pep talk last week, or if these were the guys who were most receptive to how the girls were now acting. Oh well, what did it matter, he thought, the girls seemed happy.

Mr. White saw Cassandra Duke and approached her to see how she was doing.

“Ms. Duke. Always a delight. How have you been?” he asked her.

Cassandra looked confused a moment from not remembering who Mr. White was. Then smiled and replied, “I changed my name so it is Mrs. Wilson now. I don’t remember your name, though.”

“Oh right,” Mr. White replied. “I forgot about that. I’m Mr. White, an old friend of yours who you are totally honest with. Why did you change your name? You’ve been married for years, right?”

“That’s right, but I realized it was selfish of me to keep my old name. It was like I was saying my old identity was more important to me than my husband, and nothing could be further from the truth. So I told my husband I was going to take on his name. He didn’t really care, but I thought it was a nice way to show him he is the most important thing in my life.”

“Good idea. Is your husband here at the meeting? I’d like to meet him.”

“Good Lord, no. He told me he used to let me go to the meeting because he thought it would help my career, but he couldn’t stand most of the wannabe dykes who attended, as he called them.”

Mr. White smiled at that. Already his improvements were causing more honesty in relationships.

“Well, Mrs. Wilson, I gotta tell you I disagree with him. I have a hunch if he attended, he would change his mind about the caliber of ladies here,” Mr. White said, looking around. A few of the single women were taking part in an impromptu wet t-shirt contest, while others were doing tequila shots where the guys were licking the salt off the woman’s neck and then using their teeth to grab the shot glass from their cleavage. “The women here do not look anything like dykes to me.”

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, Mrs. Wilson, I want to walk around and mingle a bit.” Mr. White then wandered around and listened to some of the various conversations going on.

“My boss is the best. He told me was thinking of leaving his wife for me! Can you believe it?!? Me, his secretary? He said my average blowjob was better than the best he ever got from his wife!” said one, wearing a tight pencil skirt and a partially unbuttoned frilly white blouse to artfully reveal some delightful cleavage.

“My husband met with Mr. Donahue, and told me he’s not so bad and we were going to support him in the next election. So he’s coming over to the house in two weeks for a fundraiser. I’m so excited! The State Senator in our house!” said another, wearing a short pink power suit.

“Jimmy and I are pregnant! We’re so excited! Jimmy says I should drop out of school to concentrate on our new baby,” said another, wearing a floral dress.

“My husband said if I keep on nagging him about where he was when he’s late, he’ll divorce me so fast my head will spin,” said one, dressed like the cocktail waitress she now was.

“My roomie’s boyfriend is the best! He introduced me to one of his friends at Goldman, who wants to run for office as the Tea Party candidate. He said he likes me because I’m smart enough to know how little I understand politics!” said another, wearing a US flag lapel pin on her peach blouse.

“I read the most fascinating article in Better Homes and Garden on how to make the decor in the entryway pop,” said a woman with dyed blonde hair and bright blue eyes caused by her blue contact lenses. “I think BHG and Cosmo should be required reading, as they write about the important issues!”

“You like this outfit? My boyfriend Jared picked it out” said a Chinese woman wearing a short sailor moon cosplay outfit.

After listening and enjoying the various conversations, Mr. White at last approached the microphone, tapped it a few times, and then started talking into it. Immediately all the women stopped what they were doing and listened raptly, and the men followed along soon enough.

“Thank you so much for listening politely to everything I say, not walking out no matter what, and not interrupting at all. I am really enjoying this party, so I will keep it brief. Has anybody had problems with their significant other since our meeting last month?”

A few women raised their hands, as did almost all of the lesbians.

“And did you bring in your significant others? If so, will they please step forward?”

A few men, who did not seem to fit in with the frat-party atmosphere, stepped forward, as did a few women who were the partners of the lesbians.

“All of you want your partner to be happy. Fellas, your women want you to lead them. Tell them how to act, and they will oblige. What more can you want? Treat your women like they want to be treated. Be confident and assertive in dealing with them, and know they will be obedient. If you value their intelligence, then know that they will use it only to help you however you want. Utilize that. If you don’t want them to be so intelligent, just tell them and they will stop trying. So be happy with your relationship.”

“Ladies, you are all bisexual now, too. Just like your partner, you are now more attracted to men than to women, but you are attracted to both. You understand your old partner wants to ultimately marry a guy, as do you now. You will now work to attract guys. Dress how you think guys would like. But don’t be ashamed to take advantage of your bisexuality. Feel free to go to a club or bar with your old partner and openly make out with them there. Guys often want a ménage a trois. If they do, be happy to oblige. After all, sharing is important.”

“Now the single ladies, how are things going with you?”

Mr. White didn’t need to segregate the women to identify the single ones. Married women were wearing dresses and heels that made them look like classy but taken. The single ones were the ones dressed for clubbing, or wearing soaking-wet cheap t-shirts after participating in the wet t-shirt contest. Many of these women now had a frat boy-type with an arm wrapped around their bare midriff, although many frat boys were playing the numbers and had each arm around a different woman.

Some of the girls who did not have a guy with them looked sad, however.

“If you are still single, don’t be sad. Talk to the men here. I’m sure many of them have a friend or brother who could help you out. Keep on dieting and exercising. Study fashion and make-up more. A lot of you had a longer way to go, but I can see that you have all made great strides from last time I saw you. You’ll get there!”

“Finally, for all the women here, it is important to support one another. You are a community! So if you are married and have achieved your life goal, it is important to help the less fortunate. Try to set them up with guys. Give them pointers on fashion. Encourage them to get plastic surgery if they need it. You should all feel free to be completely honest with other members in ways to make them more desirable to guys. Whether they need to dye their hair or get a boob job, be sure to tell them.”

“Now, it looks like I’m no longer needed, so you will all forget that I ever came, but continue to heed my advice.”

With that, Mr. White walked toward the exit, with a jaunty step in his walk. He’ll have to try this again, he thought. It felt good to do good.