The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

From Student Visa to Resident Pleaser

Akhila pulled her bad off of the luggage carousel. Her brother had been very precise in his instructions, that is when he wasn’t apologizing for not being able to pick her up in person. When she got her bag, she was supposed to leave the terminal and take a taxi to his apartment. The cab ride, Sunil had told her, wasn’t supposed to cost more than twenty dollars.

Akhila wheeled her bag out of the terminal to find a waiting line of cabs. She waved at the first one and the driver hopped out and he put her bag in the trunk. “Where to, Miss?” the cabbie asked.

“4225 Norwhal Street.”

The cabbie flipped the lever down on the meter. “All right then. Away we go.”

Akhila looked out the windows of the cab. Her brother had been here for five years but this was her first time in America. It had been a long time since she’d seen Sunil and she was looking forward to seeing him again.

“First time visiting,” the cabbie asked as if reading her mind.

“What’s that?”

“Is this your first time in town?”

The young Indian girl smiled demurely, her smile bright against her dark skin. “Yes, it’s my first time here,” she said. “I’m visiting my brother. He’s an engineer here in town.”

“I see, and will you be staying here long?”

“For only a couple of weeks,” Akhila said. “I wish it could be longer, but I don’t have the time. I’ve got to be on my way to school before the end of the month.”

“To school?”

Akhila nodded. “I’m a grad student at Ohio State, or at least I will be in three weeks time.”

“Three weeks?”

“That’s when the school year starts. I got my Bachelor’s degree in India but I’m getting my Master’s degree here.”

“I see,” the cabbied said as he turned the cab onto a street. “So it’s just a short visit then.”

“Too short.”

“Well maybe you’ll get out and see the sights at least while you’re here.”

“I hope so,” Akhila agreed.

The cab pulled up in front of an apartment complex. “Here we are,” the cabbie said.

Akhila looked at the apartment complex. “This is it?” she asked.

“This is it?”

“How much is the fare?”

“That’s thirty-three, seventy-five.”

“But my brother said—”

“Your brother said what?”

Akhila backed down. “Nothing,” she said. “You said it was thirty-three, seventy-five?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Akhila wasn’t sure if she was being ripped off or not but it didn’t really matter because she handed over the fare anyway. “Here you go,” she said.

“Thank you, ma’am, and you have a good day, okay?”

Akhila nodded and then she let herself into the apartment with the key that her brother had sent her and she flopped down wearily onto the couch. It was nice to sit here, she told herself. It was nice to finally relax.

* * *


Someone was bugging her but Akhila tried to ignore the person.

“Hey,” the voice said again.

“Leave me alone,” Akhila grumbled.

“Wake up, sleepyhead.”


“Come on, Akhila. Wake up.”

Akhila’s eyes flew open and there was her brother standing over her and grinning. “Sunil,” she gasped.

“I’d ask how your flight went,” her brother said, “but I think we both know. Tired are we?”

“I didn’t think I was that tired.”

“Sure you did,” Sunil said.

That was so like her brother Akhila told her herself. Always telling her what she was supposed to be thinking or what she was supposed to be doing. Someday, she was going to call him on it but as it turned out, this day, at least, he was right.

“What do you want to do?” her brother asked.

“I want to sleep.”

“Uh uh. You do that and it’ll take you forever to get on local time here. You’ll be awake at three in the morning and asleep at noon.”

“I will not.”

“Yes you will. Now come on. Let’s go.”

“Go where?”

“It’s a little place I know.”

Akhila grumbled, too. That was so like her brother, too. He always seemed to keep something secret. “Fine,” she grumbled. “Let’s go.”

The ‘place’ was a little Indian restaurant. The maitre d’ clearly seemed to know Sunil and Sunil seemed to revel in this, as if being known was some sort of measure of success. “Your usual table,” the man said.

“Yes, please.”

“You’ve got a usual table,” Akhila asked after they’d finally been seated.

“I come here a lot,” Sunil admitted sheepishly.


Akhila didn’t like to admit it but the meal did do her good. Well, she was more tired than she’d been before but at least it was closer to the time when a person might be expected to go to sleep and that was a good thing, wasn’t it?

And suddenly, the maitre d’ was there again. “How was your dinner?” the man asked.

“It was good,” Sunil said.

“And who is this lovely lady?”

It was time to tweak her brother just a bit, Akhila thought. She grabbed her brother’s arm as she looked up at the man. “I’m his wife,” she said.

“Your wife?” the maitre d’ asked an obviously flustered Sunil.

“I ... I ... I—”

“He doesn’t talk about me much,” Akhila said, “but we are very much in love. Can’t you tell?”

“You are right. Sunil did not mention you. It must have been a gross oversight on his part, something which I expect he will have to pay for later.”

“He didn’t mention me,” Akhila joked. “I am shocked,” and then she laughed. “What’s your name?”

“I am Mr. Morrow.”

“Would you like to know something, Mr. Morrow?”


“I’m not really his wife,” the girl said.

“No,” the maitre d’ said in mock shock.

Akhila laughed. “I’m his sister.”

“I sort of figured as much.”

“You did? How’s that? Is it the family resemblance?”

“I wouldn’t say that exactly. You are, after all, quite a striking young woman, and Sunil is, I hope you don’t mind my saying this, but he is rather ordinary looking.”

“Hey,” the girl protested.

The man smiled. “Well that, and the fact that he’s talked of nothing else but your arrival for the past two weeks.”

Akhila turned to look at her brother. “Really?”

“He seems quite fond of you.”

“Hmm. He always seemed to tease me when we were growing up.”

“I’ve grown up,” Sunil said.

“And speaking of which,” Mr. Morrow said, “as much as I hate to chastise a lovely lady, I think you owe our mutual friend here an apology.”


“He was about to have a heart attack, what with the way you were kidding him.”

Akhila patted her brother’s arm affectionately. “You didn’t take me too seriously, did you?”

“Uh uh.”

Akhila laughed. “I think someone did take us seriously, Mr. Morrow. I suppose I should get Sunil to take me home. I think I’m so totally jet lagged that I’m positively giddy.”

“It was nice meeting you,” the man said, “and I agree, you should get Sunil to take you home right now.”

* * *

When Akhila finally awoke the next morning, sunshine was already streaming into her room. How had she been asleep, she wondered. Her watch said 10:30 but was that local time or the time back in India. And did it matter? Akhila didn’t think it did.

Of course Sunil wasn’t around but then her brother had already apologized to her many times about that. They were working on a project with a tight deadline and they needed him on the job and Akhila understood. She wanted him to do what he needed to do.

She went down to the place where Sunil had taken her the night before. The same maitre d’ was there for lunch. “Ms. Akhila,” the man greeted her. “How nice to see you again.”

“Hello, Mr. Morrow. I was wondering if I could get some lunch today?”

“But of course. I see you are recovering well from your jet lag.”

“How so?”

“You seem more up than you were the night before.”

“A good night’s sleep will do that for you,” Akhila agreed.

“Sunil is happy that you are here.”

“I am happy to be here, too.”

“Your husband must be a lucky man.”

“My husband? I’m not married,” Akhila said with a laugh.

“I see. My mistake. I thought you and Sunil were—”

Akhila laughed as she remembered her joke from the day before. “Oh yes. My husband. That’s a good one, Mr. Morrow.”

“I’ll get your waitress for you.”

“Thanks a lot, Mr. Morrow.”

It was a light lunch. Just a little soup, really. She might look like she was okay, but her body was still trying to adjust to the differences in time. She drank her tea as she munched on a cracker. She wondered what she was going to do with herself. It was a shame that Sunil couldn’t have taken some time off from work. She would have liked to have spent some time with him.

It was almost noon when she got up to leave the restaurant. The lunch time crowd was already starting to come in the place and Akhila figured they could use the table. Besides, she’d been there long enough.

It wasn’t long before Akhila was back in the apartment. She couldn’t help herself. She was bored and she didn’t know anyone around town. She felt alone in the big, empty apartment but she understood why he couldn’t be there. He was, after all, a busy man.

She walked down the hall to the bedrooms. She’d peek into the master bedroom. Maybe she’d feel like he was actually there.

But when she looked in the bedroom, she knew almost immediately that something was wrong. It took her a couple of moments before she could figure it out for herself, but when she did, it was like she couldn’t imagine why she hadn’t seen it before. Her stuff. Where was her stuff?

Where was her stuff?

She looked in the bedroom and she was right. There was nothing of her stuff there. Absolutely nothing.

She started to look around the apartment and finding her things wasn’t hard to do. They were in a couple of suitcases in a spare bedroom. What were they doing there, she wondered. As far as she knew, she wasn’t going anywhere.

Well, that could be fixed. She hauled the first of the big suitcases out of the bedroom and she hauled it back to the master bedroom. She laughed as she started to unpack. Look at all this stuff, she told herself. If she didn’t know better, she would have said she was going away for a long time.

With the first bag emptied, she went back for the second one. This one was a smaller bag and in no time at all, she had that bag emptied, too.

There. That was done, she told herself, only why was she feeling tired again.

Maybe it was because she was bored, she told herself, or maybe it was something else, but whatever it was, it was a condition that was easily remedied.

She slipped off her top and then off came her jeans. The bra was next and then she was climbing into that big bed. Just a little nap, she told herself. That’s all it would be. Just a little nap.

* * *

It was a little longer than that. She was awakened by someone shaking her shoulder. “Hey,” the someone was saying. “Hey. What are you doing?”

“Sleeping,” Akhila purred drowsily.

“I can see that,” the voice said. “But why are you sleeping.”

“’Cause I’m tired,” Akhila said, hoping that she wouldn’t have to open her eyes.

“You need to get up,” the voice said. “You need to fix dinner.”

And that’s when Akhila’s eyes finally flew open and she was staring up at her hubby. “Sunil,” she gasped.

“Of course. Who’d you expect it to be?”

“N-no one.”

“So about dinner?”

“Oh my God, Sunil. I don’t have anything prepared. Can we go out to eat?”

“What? Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know.”

“I know, but—”

The man just shook his head. “I don’t get it,” he told his wife. “You’ve been here all day long, and you haven’t got anything done.”

“I said I was sorry.”

“What have you been doing all day long? Besides sleeping that is?”

“I said I was sorry.”

“Yeah, well, put some clothes on,” the man relented, “and we can go get something to eat.”

“You’re not mad are you?”

“Why don’t you flip those covers aside and let me see your body.”

Akhila did as he suggested.

The man looked down at her. “Mmm,” he said. “Now how could I be mad at someone who looks like that.”

“You’re bad,” Akhila taunted him.

“Not yet, but I could be.”

“Oh you. Come on. Stop standing around there gawking at me and let’s go eat.”

“We can do that ... as soon as you put some clothes on.”

The restaurant was busier than it had been the night before but then they’d been here a little later the night before. This, this was the regular evening rush, people coming out for a bite to eat or people coming out on a date or people just doing something different for a change.

“Sunil and Akhila,” the maitre d’ said. “How nice to see you back here again.”

“Somebody forgot to cook dinner,” Sunil chided.

Akhila ducked her head shyly but all the same, she couldn’t help but wonder when it was that her husband was finally going to let it drop. She hadn’t done it on purpose.

It was some time later and the maitre d’ was once more making the rounds of the restaurant. “How was your meal tonight?” he asked.

“It was fine, Mr. Morrow.”

“That’s good to hear, and where is your husband?”

“He went to the bathroom.”

“Ah. I see. You know, I’ve always meant to tell you. I really admire you.”

“Me? Why would you admire me?”

“Why wouldn’t I? As I recall, you’re an only child. Isn’t that right?”

Akhila was about to say something but of course, the man was right. After all, it wasn’t like she had any brothers or sisters.

“And losing your parents at an early age. You must have been so lonely. That must make you want to be really loved.”

Well of course, she wanted that, but then wasn’t that only natural, considering that she didn’t have a family. Wasn’t it natural to find someone she could love.

It was then that Sunil returned to the table. “Can we go?” she pleaded.

“Go,” the man said. “Yeah sure. I guess. If that’s what you want.”

“That’s what I want,” Akhila said. She couldn’t really tell her man what she really wanted but she’d show him later. After all, sometimes, she was just so lonely, and sometimes, she just needed someone to love, and when they were alone together, then she could show him what she really needed.

In fact, it wasn’t all that much later that she and Sunil were home alone. He was on his back and she was between his legs, her mouth moving up and down on his cock. She loved doing this.

Her husband groaned and she was sure she knew what that meant. At least, she hoped she knew what it meant. She just sucked him harder.

Sunil groaned again but that was all he did.

Akhila pulled her mouth free from her husband’s cock and she stroked his shaft even as she looked up at him. “I want you to do it,” she said.

The man groaned again but he wasn’t even looking at her.

“I want you to do it,” Akhila said again. “I want you to do it. I want you to let me taste it.”

Sunil groaned again as his wife once more applied her mouth to his cock but they both knew that this time, there wouldn’t be any holding back. Her mouth moved up and down and up and ...

“Oh fuck,” the man groaned.

Oh fuck was right, the girl thought as she felt the man cum in her mouth. Oh fuck.

* * *

The next day saw Sunil once more gone off to work and Akhila once more left to her own devices. Akhila didn’t care. It wasn’t like she’d come a long distance to see him and it wasn’t like she’d be leaving any time soon. She was in the perfect place for her.

She decided to go down the restaurant for lunch. Sunil probably wouldn’t like it, she told herself. He’d probably think she shouldn’t be wasting money but that was easy for him to say. After all, he got to get out every day. She didn’t.

“Akhila,” the maitre d’ said. “It’s good to see you here again. How’d things go last night?”

For a moment, Akhila wondered what he’d meant. How could he have known what Sunil and she had done? But then she remembered, they’d come here to eat. That must be what the man was talking about. “They went fine,” she told the man. In more ways than one, she told herself. They went fine.

“So what can we do you for today?”

“I just came down here for some lunch, Mr. Morrow.”

Akhila followed the man to her table and he handed her a menu.

“Of course. If you’ll follow me.”

“Your waitress will be Nina. She’ll be with you in a moment.”

Akhila nodded and for the moment at least, she let herself become lost in the menu.

She ordered a salad and for the next half hour, she just sat there and ate her salad and she tried not to think about anything.

“So how was your meal?”

Akhila looked up to find Mr. Morrow standing over her. “It was good,” she said. “I was just debating as to whether I should have dessert or not.”

“If I were you, I’d say go for it.”

“Why’s that, Mr. Morrow?”

“Well from what I hear, you have pretty rich tastes, if you know what I mean?”

“Rich tastes?”

The man nodded. “You know. Sexually, I mean.”

“Mr. Morrow!”

“I’m just saying what I heard.”

Who would say such a thing about her, Akhila wondered. Surely, not Sunil, but if not him, then who?

“It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” the man said. “In fact, it’s rather healthy to want to fuck all the time. It gets the juices flowing, you know.”

“Mr. Morrow, I don’t want to talk about it.”

“I understand,” the man said. “Forget I said anything at all.”

But how could she forget it, Akhila told herself.

She wondered if she should tell Sunil, Akhila thought. Would her hubby be mad at what Mr. Morrow had said to her. Maybe he would. Maybe he wouldn’t want to go back there again. Maybe he wouldn’t want her to go back there again, and she didn’t want to be told she couldn’t go.

So maybe she shouldn’t tell him, but wasn’t it something he should know. If they were saying things like that when he wasn’t around and if nothing happened when they did, who knows what they’d say to her next.

Actually, now that she was thinking about it, she couldn’t help but wonder what they might say to her next. Just thinking about what that might be was enough to get her excited. She almost wanted to hear them say it. Oh, she’d be shocked of course, but still ...

But still what? Wasn’t that the whole reason why she should tell her husband?

And besides, she thought as she finally arrived home at her apartment, there were other things to think about, like how her pussy seemed to be in a near constant state of arousal, like how she really wanted to get herself fucked, like how if a delivery guy just happened to come by the apartment, she’d be hard pressed not to grab the guy and pull him inside. In fact, just the thought of that was enough to make her pussy even wetter.

She could always tell Sunil about what happened in the restaurant later but for now, she needed to take care of her pussy first.

And really, she was quite good at taking care of her pussy. It was weird, she thought as she slipped off her her jeans and let her fingers slide between her legs but it almost seemed to her as if this was the first time she’d ever done something like this.

Of course, how could it be the first time, the girl told herself as she pushed her panties down. How could it be the first time when she needed to be fucked all the time.

Her fingers touched her wet pussy and the girl couldn’t help but moan. Mmm, that felt good. Of course, it would feel better if she had something inside her but for now at least, this would have to do.

Her fingers played with her small breasts and suddenly, she was pulling her top up. She groaned as she pulled her hands from between her legs. The top came all the way off and then her hands were working at the bra, and suddenly, there she was. She was naked on the couch as one hand played with her tits and one hand played with her pussy.

“Oh geez,” the girl moaned as a finger slipped inside her pussy. “Oh geez.”

It would have been nicer if there were a man here, Akhila told herself. It was always so much better with a man and she couldn’t help but moan at the thought of that. It was so much better to have a man between her legs.

She imagined a cock moving in and out of her pussy and her breathing seemed to match the pace of the cock. “Yeah,” she’d moan with every inward thrust and then she’d breathe in as that cock pulled back so she could do it all over again.

Her breathing was coming harder and faster just like her imaginary cock. “Yeah,” she moaned. “Yeah ... yeah ... yeah.”

Oh fuck, she was close. She was so fucking close. In fact ...

She couldn’t help but moan. It felt good to cum on her fingers.

* * *

“You’re such a flirt.”

“Mr. Morrow!”


“You shouldn’t say things like that to me.”

“Why not? You know it’s true.”

Well yes. Of course, it was true, Akhila thought, but still, it wasn’t like the man should say these things to her. “You still shouldn’t say those things,” Akhila said lamely.

“Why not? You know you like to be noticed.”

Well, of course she liked to be noticed, and in a way, it almost turned her on that he’d noticed that she liked to be noticed.

“Besides, it makes you hot when guys notice how sexy you are.”

Well, of course that was true.

“That’s why I said you were such a flirt,” the man said.

It was weird, Akhila thought. When Mr. Morrow put it like that, well, it really did make sense. She really was a flirt, and if she really was a flirt, why shouldn’t she admit it.

“You see what I mean, don’t you?”

Akhila smiled at the man, her white teeth lighting up her dark face. “I do see what you mean,” she said, “but you got me wondering.”


“You got me wondering just what else you’d like to see in me.”

“I’m not sure what you mean.”

The tips of Akhila’s fingers touched the back of the man’s hand. “Oh, I don’t know. You’re a perceptive man, Mr. Morrow. I’m sure you know exactly what I mean.”

Akhila left the restaurant feeling very turned on. That had been fun, she told herself. That had been fun toying with Mr. Morrow. It had been so much fun in fact that she wanted even more.

She hadn’t meant to go to the mall when she’d left the apartment that morning but after she left the restaurant, it was like she just had to go. She had to go and she had to be seen.

She returned home with several purchases, many of them too risque to be warn back home in her native country but some of it was even rather risque here in her new country, but it had made her hot having people stare at her and the hotter she got, the more she knew she had to have the items she purchased.

* * *

The next day, Akhila was back at the restaurant for lunch. Mr. Morrow smiled when he saw her. “Back again, I see,” the man said.

Akhila smiled back at him. “I guess I just couldn’t stay away.”

The maitre d’ nodded. “Loyalty like that must be rewarded. If you’ll follow me, I will show you to your table.”

The girl smiled again. She really liked this man.

It was some time later before Mr. Morrow stopped by to see her again and by that time, her meal had already been eaten. “How did you enjoy your lunch today?” the man asked.

“It was good, Mr. Morrow.”

“That’s good because you need to keep your energy up.”

“My energy?”

“Yeah, you know. Just in case.”

“Just in case, Mr. Morrow?”

“I know what you mean. It’s not likely, what with the peevish attitude your husband takes, but still.”

“My husband.”

“Now, Akhila, wasn’t it you that told me you’ve always wanted a big family but your husband doesn’t want to.”

Hmm. She hadn’t remembered saying that but if that was what he’d heard, she must have said it.

“Neither you nor your husband has any family. Isn’t that correct? The two of you are all alone in the world. Isn’t that correct?”

Akhila nodded. She was an orphan. She was sure of that, and her husband was, too. That’s why they were so good for each other. They had so much in commmon.

“You want a big family, don’t you? You need a family to make yourself complete. It’s your husband that doesn’t feel the same way.”

Well, that was true, Akhila told herself. She’d always wanted a big family. It was her husband that was saying no.

“That’s not fair. You should have what you want.”

“It’s not fair,” Akhila agreed, “but what can I do if my husband doesn’t want to do anything.”

“There are ways of getting what you want.”


“Listen, I’ve got customers I need to attend to but maybe we can talk this over later.”

Akhila wanted to tell the man to wait but if he had customers, who was she to tell him to wait. “Can we talk later?” she asked.

“Of course,” the man said before he walked away from her table.

With the lunch crowd in full effect, the restaurant was getting busier and Akhila could tell. The restaurant people wanted her table.

But she was waiting for Mr. Morrow.

But she had hardly seen him at all. He was just so busy.

She should go, Akhila told herself. She didn’t have the right to sit here and tie up a table, and besides, she could always talk to Mr. Morrow some other time.

She was horny and she was hornier still by the time she arrived home at her apartment. She wasn’t sure why. She just was.

It would be easier she supposed if she had something to do. Sunil had his job and when he was at work, he didn’t have time to think about sex. It wasn’t that way for her. All she had was this stupid apartment and she was bored. She horny and bored and that was never a great combination.

It was mid-afternoon and there was a knock on her door. At least that was something, the woman told herself. At least that was something that for the time being at least could alleviate her boredom and her horniness. She opened the door. “Mr. Morrow!”

“You left before we had a chance to talk.”

“But I thought ... I mean, you were busy.”

“I wasn’t that busy, but no matter, I came to you, so what did you want to talk about?”

Akhila suddenly found herself at a loss for words. She’d thought it was him that wanted to talk to her.

“Is it that you’re so horny right now that you could let just about anyone fuck you and you don’t much care who it is?”

Akhila gasped. How could he know that?

“And of course, the longer you wait, the hotter you get, and the hotter you get, the more imperative it is to fuck.”


The restaurant man stepped closer and then he took Akhila’s hand in his own. “You want to fuck, don’t you?”

There was nothing overtly sexual in the act and yet Akhila couldn’t help but gasp. “Yes,” she said and then realizing what she’d said, she quickly corrected herself. “I mean no.”

“No ... or yes?”

“I ... I can’t.”

“Of course, you can. You know you want to.”

Once the thought was in her head, Akhila found it hard to think of anything else. “I shouldn’t,” she moaned but she wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince the man or herself.

“Of course you should,” the man told her. “You deserve it.”

Of course, she deserved it, Akhila told herself. And besides, it was Sunil’s fault for leaving her all alone. She was so horny and he should have known that.

Wait a minute! What was she thinking. She couldn’t do this.

“You want to do it,” the man said.

Akhila was tugging at her skirt and then she was pushing at her panties even as she watched the man take his slacks down and then pull his cock out of his underwear.

“No wait,” she said.


The girl was staring at the man’s cock. “You’ve got to wear a condom.”

“You don’t want me to wear a condom,” the man said.

“I don’t?”

“You don’t want me to wear a condom,” the man said again. “It’s better this way. It’s more on the edge like this. It’s more dangerous and it’s more exciting, too, the fact that my cock might give you what you want.”

What I want, Akhila thought numbly.

“The thought that at any moment, my cock might make you pregnant. You want to start your family. You want to be pregnant. You know that’s what you want.”

“What I want,” Akhila mumbled.

“You don’t really want me to wear a condom, do you?”

“No, I don’t really want you to wear a condom.”

“Everyone else maybe, but not me.”

“No, not you,” she said again.

“That’s right. Not me. Now turn around and bend yourself over the back of that chair.”

Akhila wasn’t even thinking as she turned herself around and bent herself over the back of an easy chair.

“Now, all we need to do is to give you what you want.”

Akhila couldn’t help but moan as she felt the man come up behind her. She could feel his cock as he pressed it against her pussy and then she felt it again as he shoved it inside. “Oh fuck,” she moaned.

“Yeah. We know what you need.”

Akhila couldn’t help but moan as she felt the man fuck her. Bent over as she was and what with the way he was coming at her, it was almost as if his cock had a direct path to the deepest part of her body and oh geez, the girl thought, oh geez, he was using that. Oh geez, he was fucking her good.

“Now we’re getting somewhere.”

Akhila didn’t much care where they were getting just so long as it meant she was going to get her pussy fucked.

“Oh yeah,” the man groaned. “Oh yeah. Little girl must like this.”

She loved it, Akhila told herself. She wasn’t wild about being called ‘little girl’ but realistically, he could call her whatever he wanted just so long as he kept calling her.

“Oh fuck, I’m going to cum, but you already knew that, didn’t you. I’m going to cum in your tight, little pussy.”

“Oh yeah,” the girl moaned. That was what she wanted.

“I’m going to fill you up,” the man said. “I’m going to fill you up with my sperm and you know my sperm is going to make you pregnant.”

Akhila didn’t care anymore. All she wanted was for him to come in her pussy. All she wanted him to do was to fill her up.

The man groaned. “Oh geez,” he groaned again. “Oh geez. Here it comes.”

Akhila already knew that. She could feel the man cumming inside her but more than that, she could feel her pussy welcoming his sperm. Oh geez, she wanted that. She wanted that sperm to fill her up. She hoped that after today, she’d be pregnant because she couldn’t wait to start making a nice, big family.