The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

I recently saw a brief portion of the TV show “Beast Master.” (I had not even been aware such a show existed, but anyway.) In this segment, an evil looking lord of some sort was examining a group of young women, in white gowns, kneeling before him on some type of stage. As some gazed into his eyes, his eyes flashed, and the women were apparently under his control. I have no idea how the episode ended, as I was unable to tune back in, though I have no doubt that in the end the hero saved the day, the evil lord was defeated, and the women were freed. (If I’m wrong about the last part I’ll really look forward to finding the rerun.) Regardless, that brief scene sparked me to write this. It is still rough, I’m not sure that it qualifies as erotic, but here it is. Any comments or criticisms are welcome, please address them to me at or visit my webpage at

This story may be reposted at any free site as long as it is in no way altered and you contact me first to let me know. If you are under tha ge of consent in your jurisdiction, I respectfully suggest that you stop reading now and save evryone a lot of trouble.


by cvn88

Audra did not really want to stop in the small village ahead, but she had little choice. She had managed to elude her pursuers, but had been kept on the go for days with little sleep. Though it was only noon, she knew that if she did not rest soon she’d likely cause herself harm or, worse yet, blunder back into the path of the hounds. If that happened, and her mission fail, it would mean trouble for the Duke.

The village itself was unremarkable, nestled as it was near one end of a long and narrow valley. A scattering of houses, a smithy, and a mill surrounded a small inn, while farms dotted the landscape beyond. Audra guessed there were two or three more like it in the valley. As isolated as the valley was, few outside the immediate region likely knew nor cared of its existence, which would make it an ideal place to rest before resuming her journey.

Her mind made up, the tall redhead stepped out of the treeline, cursing once again the need to abandon her mount in order to throw off pursuit. While she thought it highly unlikely a suitable steed could be found here, she would remember to ask.

Entering the village she drew curious but non-threatening stares from those about on the streets. She could not help but notice that the men looked a bit longer and a bit harder than did the women. Few strangers likely came through here and none likely presented her image. By tying back her hair, she left bare her pleasant face with its bright green eyes. Though her long cloak his her fighting leathers, it could not disguise her well-formed figure, with the large breasts and wide hips which had made her sword training so difficult that she could not qualify for the Duke’s guard. She still regretted that, but her consolation rested in the fact that she was often entrusted with delicate missions like the one she was now on, where her skill was enough to give her a good chance at survival against all but the best opponents.

Striding purposefully forward, Audra quickly reached the inn. Other than the curious villagers she had seen nothing of note, increasing her confidence she could safely remain here until morning.

Inside, the common room was deserted, except for the innkeeper himself, drinking behind the bar. The thin, hard-faced man greeted her with some surprise, though with a smile that belied his harsh looks.

“Ah, milady. Forgive me, but I was not expecting any guests, especially female guests, today. I am Miken, owner of the Lord’s Vow and mayor of this village. How may I be of service?”

“A room, innkeeper, with a comfortable bed. And a hot meal this evening. This is all I require.” When the man seemed to hesitate, she added, “Fear not, I have coin to pay.”

“It is not that, milady. I could sense that you were not one to try and take what you cannot afford.” The man paused, clearly uncertain. “It is just that, well, tonight is Festival, and by law all women who have not yet been presented must participate. Should you stay here, you too would be required to attend tonight. Perhaps you would like to continue your journey. There remains enough day so that should you take the Old Western Road you can make Piedra by dusk. Lachin runs a fine establishment there and would certainly provide you with what you seek.”

Though Audra wondered at an innkeeper who would refuse a guest at an otherwise empty inn she knew she was too tired to continue. Plus, west was the last direction she wanted to go. “No, good innkeeper. I fear that I can travel no more until I rest. If need be I shall attend your festival, after I have slept and eaten. . . . And a bath would be more than welcome, if possible.”

Miken sighed, but did not argue further. After negotiating a reasonable fare he led Audra up the back stair. “My daughter and I have the first two rooms on the right, those on the left are for guests. You may have your choice. Before dusk, I shall send my daughter Rita with a small meal, since there shall be much to eat at Festival. She shall also assist you in your bath and in preparing for tonight, if such is acceptable to you.”

Assenting, Audra thanked the innkeeper and then selected a room which would allow her to hear anyone coming up the stair, yet had a window through which she could flee should the need arise. It was only after Miken left that Audra realized she had not asked about a horse, but decided to wait until evening. Stripping down to her shift and placing her weapons within easy reach, she bolted the door and lay down. Though the bed was uncomfortable, she was asleep before she would think of complaining.

Some time later, Audra awakened to the sound of someone coming up the stairs. She grasped her short sword, silently climbing out of bed and positioning herself near the door. Momentarily, there came a tentative knock, and a female voice gently calling, “Milady, are you awake. I am here with supper. Milady?” Not having heard anyone else, Audra cautiously opened the door to find an attractive young woman, a few years younger than herself, waiting with a tray upon which sat a bowl of stew, some bread, and a flagon of ale. Audra allowed the young brunette into her room, hiding the short sword behind her back so as not to frighten her visitor.

“I am Rita. My father sent me with supper and to help you prepare for Festival.”

Audra gratefully began eating, trusting that the innocent-seeming innkeeper and his daughter would not stoop to poisoning her. Between bites, she began to ask about the ceremony.

“Please, Rita, call me Audra. I am no Lady. But tell me, what exactly is this festival, and why must I, a traveler just passing through, attend? Mind you, I have no objection, but is it really required by law”

“Mil . . . Audra, the Festival takes place every seven years. It is both a celebration and a remembrance of the time generations past when the first Lord Vergne took our valley under his protection. To this day his descendents continue to keep us safe from the dangers of the outside world. Without them, we would be at the mercy of marauders, given our isolation from the High King’s realm and his justice.”

Though she had never heard of any Lord Vergne on her travels, Audra could understand such a situation. Many isolated areas swore fealty to a local noble, no matter to what kingdom the maps said they belonged. This valley was certainly isolated enough, though it was unusual for one family to hold sway for an extended period without attracting some notice. Even as she thought this, she realized Rita was continuing to answer her questions.

“. . . and as part of the Compact made long ago. In return for his protection, Lord Vergne asked merely that the four villages of the valley each provide him with two young women to serve as handmaidens. These women would leave their former lives behind and live with him at his manor for the rest of their days. Every seven years the offering would be repeated, so long as Lord Vergne kept up safe. It is at Festival that Lord Vergne selects his handmaidens, and the law says that all women in the valley, not all women of the valley, must present themselves once to be chosen. If not selected, they are free from all obligations in this regard.”

Here Audra interrupted, “But what is she does not want to serve? I for one have no desire to be some noble’s companion.”

“Please, Audra, do not worry. According to custom, Lord Vergne must give the Chosen an opportunity to decline the honor, in which case another is selected in her place. However, it has been so long since this happened that none alive today can remember it. For most women, this is our only real chance to escape our fate and see more of the world than our home village. Plus, the Chosen’s family is exempt from most taxes until the next Festival. It is my greatest hope that Lord Vergne chooses me tonight.”

Audra could understand how the girl felt. Not all women had her opportunity to travel and see the world, although being bound to serve some lord was not her idea of an alternative to village life. “Very well, for your sake then I hope you are chosen. As for me, I shall attend, though if selected I will have to refuse.”

Rita audibly sighed in relief. “I am glad you agree. Had you refused, you would have been placed under sentence of death, as would all who knew of your presence but let you avoid the Festival. Father and I knew we could not force you to attend, and are thankful that you made the choice of your own free will. Now that you have eaten, would you like to bathe?”

Audra did not like the idea of a death sentence hanging over the head of women who did not want to participate in this ceremony. She decided she would bring this situation to the Duke’s attention once his current crisis was resolved. For now, however, she would not place her hosts at risk and would attend the ceremony. After both women had bathed, Audra produced the clothing they would wear to the ceremony, saying that she and her father had acquired Audra’s clothing while she slept. Over their shifts they would wear a shear white robe rimmed in blue, along with old but comfortable sandals and a garland of flowers in their hair. Audra was mildly concerned she would have to go unarmed, but rationalized it, thinking that if nothing else, participating in the Festival would be the last thing her pursuers would expect in the unlikely event they stumbled into the valley. “Hiding in plain sight” she muttered to herself as Rita led her out of the chamber.

Outside, she saw the rest of the villagers milling about, gradually forming into a procession with Miken at its head. Immediately behind the mayor stood about a dozen young women, ranging in age from young teens to women about Rita’s age, attired as Audra and Rita. “Come, though father shall lead the village to the Festival, but we have the place of honor at the head of the line.”

Following Miken and accompanied by music and singing, the villagers made their way into the valley, with Rita explaining that the Festival site was located as much as possible an equal distance from each village. Along the way Audra introduced herself to the other berobed women. Some of the older ones were already married, one having had a daughter, and these hoped they were not chosen, having already begun their adult lives. Most of the younger ones, girls really, shared Rita’s view and hoped they would be selected.

When they reached their destination they found the residents of the other three villages themselves just arriving. The Festival site was a large clearing lit by torches and a bonfire, with a stone building at one end. To the side of the building’s lone door a large dais had been erected, and it was here that Rita and the other women led Audra. She saw that each village presented about the same number of young women, and the only way to tell the villages apart was that each had a different color trim for their robe. On the stage, there were areas marked with each color, so Audra followed Rita into the blue section at one end of the dais. There were two lines, marked in blue, along the rear of the dais.

“When the gong sounds we kneel here, the younger ones in front, the older ones behind. As the oldest, your place is at the end of the second line. Once Lord Vergne emerges from the building there will be a brief ritual. Answer ‘yes’ to the one question that will be put to us. While Lord Vergne makes his choices, remain kneeling with your head bowed. After he has Chosen, there will be another brief ritual, then he and his handmaidens will depart, Only then can you rise and join the celebration. With luck, I shall not be here to join you.”

Audra nodded and wished the young woman luck. She hoped it would not take long for the ceremony to begin. Fortunately, after just a few moments an unseen gong sounded and Audra joined the women on the dais as they knelt. She saw a small group of men emerge from the building. Some were clearly guards, though from their lack of military bearing Audra wondered if Lord Vergne could truly defend the valley from attack. Others were clearly the lord’s advisors and functionaries, with Rita mentioning some of their roles.

Audra needed no help in identifying Lord Vergne. A tall, generally plain man with a shaved head, he was, from a distance, an unremarkable figure. But when Audra caught a glimpse of his eyes, she sensed a self-assurance that most men, including nobles, lacked. He radiated a feeling of confidence and command that Audra had to admire. Wearing a bright colored robe and bedecked with minimal jewelry, just a few rings and bracelets, a necklace, and a tiara, Lord Vergne followed his men to a position at the front of the dais and faced the assembled villagers.

An aged man Rita identified as the Castellan addressed the crowd. “Attention all! The time of the Festival is upon us once again. All praise to those who swore the oaths, and all praise to their descendant who honor these vows tonight. As it has been, and as it shall be, tonight the Lord and his people renew their Compact rejoice, for through this pact peace and joy continue for us all.”

“In return for his protection, the Lord asks only that you provide his handmaidens to serve at his side. Have all those who are required to present themselves been assembled?”

Audra was ready to reply, but stopped when she saw Miken and three other men whom she assumed to be the other mayors, step forward from the crowd. In unison, they responded, “All are present, Great Lord, and are ready to be Chosen,” and then stepped back into the crowd.

The men on the dais then turned their backs to the crowd and faced the assembled women. “You have presented yourselves in accordance with custom and the law,” spoke the Castellan. “Are you prepared to be Chosen?” Even though she wasn’t, Audra went along and joined the others as they responded affirmatively. After speaking, the women bowed their heads. From the corner of her eye Audra saw that Lord Vergne stepped forward, starting at the far end from Audra with those women wearing green trim.

He stopped before each woman, whether plain or beautiful, and paused as he examined them. With some, he used his finger to gently raise her chin and look her in the face. After this, he stepped away, moving on to the next as the woman lowered her gaze.

At the fifth woman, Lord Vergne took a slightly longer pause, and as he stepped away the woman, a young, full-figured blonde, kept her head upraised. Once he had fully moved from in front of her she rose and stood at attention, looking strait out at the crowd. Audra heard a cry, though she could not tell if it was one of sorrow or joy, from some of the villagers even as Rita needlessly whispered “She is the first to be Chosen.”

A few minutes later another blonde, this one a little older and with a lean, athletic build arose, prompting a similar reaction from the crowd. As she did so, Lord Vergne ignored the rest of the women from that village and moved on to the next group. The Chosen remained at attention, while their companions sagged with released tension.

The process repeated itself with the next two groups of women. From what she could see, there was no pattern to Lord Vergne’s selections. He chose from the oldest and youngest women present, without apparent regard to hair color, height, body shape or any other factor. In no instance did he examine all the women from a village before making his selections, and he never went back to a bypassed woman. As he progressed to the final group, the six Chosen remained at attention, not moving even to turn their heads.

When the noble began examining Audra’s group, she soon realized that her position would make her the last to be examined. “If he gets this far,” she thought, hoping she would not be put in the position of having to refuse being chosen. But as the lord continued his perusal, he selected none of the girls in the front row, and Audra could see their disappointment as their shoulders slumped as he passed them by. She could also sense Rita’s growing excitement as the young woman’s chances of being selected increased.

Audra’s reaction was just the opposite, and her unease grew as Lord Vergne bypassed one woman after another. Soon only three remained, Audra, Rita, and a tall, brown-haired girl named Lara. It seemed that Audra’s goal of getting rested and quietly moving on would be thwarted. She could only hope her refusal would be understood by all involved.

To her dismay, she saw Lord Vergne bypass Lara, causing the crowd to murmur with amazement and Rita to nearly squealed with glee. Lord Vergne stopped in front of Rita and lifted her chin. A moment later Audra heard the girl gasp and saw her shudder in pleasure. As Lord Vergne stepped in front of her, Audra was aware of Rita rising to attention.

Even as Audra prepared to refuse the “honor” about to be bestowed upon her, Lord Vergne lifted her face just enough so that she looked up upon him. Up close, she could see that her earlier impressions had been correct. An otherwise unremarkable face was dominated by the cold confidence of his eyes. As he began to smile, a smile which worryingly did not reach his eyes, Audra’s gaze rose slightly to the gem embedded in his tiara. The blue stone seemed to be glowing ever so slightly and . . .

Audra gasped as a wave of pleasure coursed through her body. Never before had she felt anything like this. Every inch of her skin felt so sensitive, and everything, from her clothing to the air itself, caused her arousal to increase. She knew, to the core of her being, that this pleasure came as a gift from this man, this most handsome man, this god, her Master, who stood before her, allowing her to bask in His glory. While to all who watched only a second passed, to Audra it was an eternity of pleasure, each moment of which strengthened the love and loyalty she felt towards her Lord.

Eventually, even this eternal moment came to an end and her Master stepped from in front of her. As He did so, Audra heard His voice, His harmonious, melodious voice, inside her head. “Arise, my slave, and stand ready.” Gracefully, as a proper slave should when in the presence of her Master, Audra obeyed, assuming the same attentive stance as her fellow Sisters.

The Master moved back to the front of the dais. Audra knew other men awaited him there, but they, like the villagers, the unchosen women, the Duke, her mission, and everything else, were irrelevant. Only the Master mattered. Only the Master, and Obedience.

His voice rang out as he addressed the crowd, and it was the sweetest sound Audra had ever heard. “I have Chosen, and I am pleased with my handmaidens. The Compact has been upheld; the promise made has been kept. Now I present to you the Chosen, and according to custom give them the choice of whether to accept the Choice.”

With that His voice again sounded inside Audra’s mind, “Come forward, my slaves, and accept the honor that has been bestowed upon you.”

With no thought of disobeying, Audra, along with her Sisters, stepped forward, ignoring the other women even as they made way. It felt as if she were floating on air rather than walking as she approached her Master, eager to swear herself to Him. Upon reaching the front of the dais Audra and her Sisters formed two lines, one on each side of their Master, angled slightly toward the crowd, with Audra anchoring the far end of the line on His right. She looked across at she who had been first Chosen. In passing she noted that the young blonde’s eyes were now milky white and assumed hers were as well. “The Mark of the Master, showing that I am His,” Audra thought with pride.

In the order selected, each of the Chosen declared their acceptance of being selected, and when it was Audra’s turn she echoed their statements, in a clear, forceful voice, never having been more sure of anything in her life.

“I accept with joy the honor of being Chosen. I forsake all that I am, all that I was, all that I would have been. From this day forth, I am Handmaiden to my Lord.”

Audra heard the crowd cheer as she finished, but her attention was focused solely on her Master as his wonderful voice again filled her ears. “Thus have they been Chosen, thus have they accepted of their own free will. As Handmaidens, they have no place in the common world; they do not, and never did, exist. None shall speak of them again, their possessions are to be sold or destroyed, in accordance with custom and the law.”

“So shall it be done,” intoned the crowd.

“Now, I must depart, and return to my watch over the valley and its people. Feast and dance to your heart’s content, for it is Festival, a time of joy!” As Lord Vergne finished speaking the fires slowly dimmed to their previous level. Preceded by his advisors and guards, the Lord stepped down from the dais and moved towards the stone building. As he did so, his handmaidens, responding to his mental command of “Attend me,” moved into position, four to each side of Him, two ahead and two behind. Audra had the honor of leading the line on the right. Looking neither left nor right, she proudly preceded her Master into the building, eagerly looking forward to the chance to serve. When the entire party had entered the building, a stone door slid shut, and outside Festival resumed with food, wine, and song.

Though Lord Vergne and his advisors would return for the next Festival, neither Audra nor any of the other Handmaidens were ever seen again.