The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

This story is dedicated to Trilby Else, who inspired it.

Ethics 101 for Mind Controllers

by This Guy ()

Part I—The Debate

“So, what is the status of free will these days?” John asked.

“Still going strong,” Rhonda said, “thank you very much.”

Kari laughed, tossing back her blonde curls. “How exactly did we get on this subject?” she asked.

It was late at night, and the window of John’s dorm room looked out on a nearly deserted quadrangle. Five students were relaxing on the beds and chairs in various stages of fatigue and inebriation; a good-sized collection of empty beer bottles in the corner attested to the amount of celebrating that had already occurred. John’s room would ordinarily have housed two students. But by some quirk of administration he had it to himself, and it had become something of a social center for the students on his corridor. Though John himself tended to be rather quiet, he had quickly made friends with most of the others in the dorm.

The room was known as ‘The Romper Room,’ both for the socializing that went on there and for the succession of girls that John had brought home in his astonishingly successful dating career. The secret of his success was widely debated in the dorm; though reasonably good-looking, tall and thin with brown hair and piercing green eyes, there was nothing obvious about John to explain why so many women fell for him.

As is often the case with late-night college discussions, especially when ample supplies of beer are on hand, the conversation had turned to The Deep Questions. Jasmine took a swig from her own bottle and answered Kari.

“I think we started from the ethics of medical practice and took a right at the nature of consciousness. But I might have missed something.”

Though three girls were present, none of them were among John’s conquests. All were friends from the dorm. Rhonda and Kari were roommates from down the hall: Rhonda was a tall, slim brunette, and Kari a short, curvy blonde with an infectious laugh. Kari was an art major, while Rhonda majored in philosophy, which was what had invited the question about free will in the first place. Jasmine, the third girl, was a petite Japanese girl who (like John) was studying psychology, and who tended to keep to herself. This was the most outgoing that anyone had ever seen her.

The only other guy present gave a snort. “Free will is a myth,” Gary declared decisively.

Gary was a sharp contrast to John. He stood six foot three, with large muscles, wavy blond hair and deep blue eyes. His track record with the ladies was nearly as impressive as John’s, though no one wondered at his success; nor did he have John’s knack of avoiding recriminations. At the moment, four different girls were in love with him (that he knew about), and all of them hated each other poisonously, while at least three others had progressed to the stage of hating Gary poisonously. That was the way Gary liked it. He found the idea of monogamy extremely dull. Gary was pre-law, and already had plans for how to spend his first million as a top attorney. Perhaps for practice, he also enjoyed taking the side of any argument which was most opposed by the people he was with, whoever they might be.

“How on earth can you say that?” Rhonda demanded disgustedly. She was not among Gary’s corps of admirers.

“Simple physics. Our brains are just machines, like computers, programmed in a certain way. If you could measure them well enough, you could predict everything we do. If you could alter the pattern of our neurons, you could make us think and do whatever you wanted. Where’s the free will in that?”

Jasmine spoke up. “At the level of the single brain cells that might be true...”

“There you go!” said Gary triumphantly.

“...but the brain as a whole is so complex, it couldn’t be predicted in practice, by any conceivable means.”

“In principle is good enough for me, babe,” Gary said. Jasmine flushed.

“Well, I feel like I have free will,” Kari intervened. “I mean, I think and do things, and I make decisions.”

“Only an illusion,” Gary said. “If I could reprogram you to do something else, that would seem like your own decision as well.”

Kari shuddered. “That’s a creepy thought.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it,” Rhonda said. “And anyway, it’s irrelevant. Even if he could take away your free will—which is impossible—he’d still have his own free will. It wouldn’t make free will a myth.”

“Not really,” Gary denied. “I’d still be controlled by my natural programming.”

“That’s crap, Gary,” Rhonda said flatly. “You are your natural programming. That’s like saying you’d be a slave of yourself. It’s meaningless.”

John seemed more interested in the earlier point. “So, if I had a machine to reprogram Kari here, you would still believe in free will?”

“Absolutely,” Rhonda said.

“Why is everyone picking on me?” Kari pouted. “Why don’t you reprogram Gary?”

“OK,” John agreed with a smile. “Say I could reprogram Gary. What would that prove about free will?”

“Nothing,” Rhonda maintained. “And besides, it would be very immoral to do that. Even to Gary.”

“Gee, thanks a lot,” Gary said, flashing the grin that had brought many a coed to her knees.

“Do you think so?” John asked. “Would it be immoral under all circumstances? How is it any different from ordinary persuasion?”

“It’s completely different. When you persuade someone, they have a chance to think about your arguments and make a decision. If you reprogram someone they don’t.”

“Is there any more beer?” Kari asked.

“In the fridge,” John said. “Why don’t you bring one for everybody? And I think there’s another bag of chips over there.”

This proposal was approved by everyone except Jasmine, who claimed to still have plenty in her bottle. Kari got up from her seat on the second bed (John was reclining on the first) and fetched beers for everyone while the argument continued.

“I think that reprogramming someone wouldn’t always be immoral,” Jasmine said. “I mean, imagine using it to cure mental illness. That would be good.”

“I don’t know,” Rhonda said. “It sounds dubious to me even then. I mean, if you reprogram someone, you’re changing who they are.”

“Not necessarily,” Jasmine argued. “A minor change wouldn’t have to alter their identity...”

“You girls are such wimps,” Gary said. “If I had a machine to reprogram people I’d use it in a heartbeat, and I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.”

Rhonda rolled her eyes. “Oh, please.”

“Seriously,” Gary insisted. “Why not? You’ve got to use every advantage you’ve got. Survival of the fittest. The best will prosper.”

“They shouldn’t let civilians read Nietzsche without a license,” Rhonda said. “Or is it Ayn Rand in your case? But I don’t think even you would use something like that without suffering a moral qualm.”

“Maybe if I were using it to hurt people,” Gary said. He accepted a new beer from Kari and took a drink. “But I’d just be using it to help myself. No different from any other advantage.”

“What do you think, Kari?” John asked her, as she settled back onto the bed next to Rhonda. “Would reprogramming people’s minds always be immoral?”

“I think this is the silliest debate yet,” Kari said. “Cheers!”

“But aren’t there things you’d like to change about yourself?” Jasmine asked. “You could...oh, I don’t know. Stop biting your nails, or something. Wouldn’t that be worthwhile?”

Kari examined her well-chewed cuticles critically. “Well, maybe. But I’d only want it to be used with my own permission. Having someone change me without knowing about it is creepy.”

“So, to sum up,” John said, ticking them off on his fingers. “Rhonda thinks it would be immoral under all circumstances; Kari thinks it might be all right with her permission; Jasmine thinks it would be moral if used for the good of others; and Gary...”

“In a heartbeat,” Gary said with a grin.

“Interesting,” John said. “Oh, Kari, by the way: do I have your permission? I promise only to do good things with it.”

Rhonda gave a groan, but Kari laughed. “Sure, John,” she said. “Why not? Fire away.”

“Thanks a lot,” John said gratefully. “I appreciate it, just for the record.” He sat up and raised a hand. “OK, everybody. Nap time now.”

John snapped his fingers, and Gary, Jasmine and Kari all immediately slumped into apparent unconsciousness. Jasmine’s beer bottle slipped from her limp fingers and began spilling onto the floor.

“Oh, shit,” Rhonda said.

Part IIA—The Test: Practical Experience

“OK, guys,” Rhonda said. “Very funny. Ha ha. The joke’s on me.”

Gary, Jasmine and Kari remained oblivious. John sighed.

“They can’t hear you,” he told Rhonda. “They’re all asleep. I wanted to have a private chat with you. Would you mind picking up that bottle, by the way? It’s spilling everywhere.”

Rhonda righted the bottle while saying, “So, what am I supposed to think? That you have a machine that reprogrammed them, just like that?”

“No machine,” John said. He tapped his forehead. “I’m all natural.”

“Sure you are,” Rhonda said. “Jeez, guys, get up. How gullible do you think I am?”

“All right,” John said with another sigh. “Proof. Why don’t you try leaving the room?”

Rhonda looked at him suspiciously. “Why? Is there some practical joke rigged outside?”

“No jokes,” John said. “Just try it.”

With a shrug, Rhonda got up and went to the door. There was a long pause.

“Um, John?”

“Yes, Rhonda?”

“I can’t open the door.” She looked back at him over her shoulder with growing anxiety.

“Why not? It’s not locked,” John said calmly.

“No, that’s not it. I can’t raise my hand to put it on the knob.”

“That’s strange,” John said, as if he didn’t find it the least bit strange. “Why not try your other hand?”

There was another pause, and Rhonda said. “That one doesn’t work either.” Slowly, she turned and looked back into the room. “Did you do this to me?”

“I’m afraid so,” John said apologetically. “Sorry—I’m not quite as scrupulous as you are.”

Rhonda returned and sat, staring at him wide-eyed. “You mean—you’re psychic or something? You’re controlling us?”

“Something like that,” John said. “But only a little bit, in your case. I’m not letting you leave until we’re done talking. And you can’t yell, or attack me, or try to attract help. Don’t worry,” he added, as Rhonda reacted to this list, “I’m not going to hurt you. I just found the discussion interesting, and I wanted to follow up on it.”

“I don’t believe it,” Rhonda said, without much conviction.

“Then try screaming,” John suggested. Rhonda opened her mouth, held it open for a few seconds, then closed it. She shook her head.

“Or I could give you a command. What’s the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?”

“I was twelve,” Rhonda said promptly, “at school, when I had my first period...I was wearing white shorts, and everyone could see...” She clapped her hands over her mouth in astonishment, her cheeks flaming.

John smiled. “That’s pretty tame, actually,” he said. “You shouldn’t feel bad about it.”

Rhonda lowered her hands. “Ohmigod.”

“Ah, a theist as well,” John said. “But never mind. You see that the ethics of mind-control are of more than theoretical interest to me.”

“Ohmigod,” Rhonda said, “Ohmigod, ohmigod. Oh. My. God.”

John waited politely for a moment. “Finished?” he inquired after a bit.

“For the moment,” Rhonda said. “I can’t believe it. I mean, I believe it,” she said hastily, “you don’t need to prove it anymore.! I mean...I never thought...”

“It’s all right,” John said. “I get this reaction all the time.”

“So, this is how you got all those hot girls to date you?” Rhonda asked suddenly.

John spread his hands. “I’m afraid so. A bit of an unfair advantage, I admit, though no one has ever complained.”

Rhonda shook her head, as though unable to take it in. “So, I guess you don’t agree with my ethical stance, anyway.”

“No. Though I find it interesting. And disturbing, I must admit. I’ve always taken a view more like Jasmine’s. But it does worry me—what if I’m wrong?”

Rhonda laughed. “Yeah. You get all those girls to fuck you for their own good.” Abruptly she realized her own position, and added, “Uh, what I mean is...”

“It’s all right,” John said. “You won’t offend me. Be honest. But, to answer your question, yes. In a sense. They might not normally choose to sleep with me, but I make sure they have a very good time. And I do things for them. Fix personal problems that they have. Help them handle stress and study better. Stuff like that. So you might say that I do fuck them for their own good.”

“You’re a real philanthropist,” Rhonda said. “Of course, you could fix their problems without making them sleep with you.”

“I could,” John admitted, “if I were a philanthropist. I think a little quid pro quo isn’t too unreasonable. I leave everyone better off.”

“But you change who they are,” Rhonda said.

“Not really,” John said. “Or only in minor ways. I’ve affected you. Do you feel like a different person?”

“No,” Rhonda said grudgingly. “But you said yourself you weren’t doing much to me.”

“Not yet, anyway,” John said, smiling. Rhonda felt a chill.

“Please, don’t” she said.

“Shhh, don’t worry,” John said. “I told you, I’m not going to hurt you.”

“Are you going to make me...sleep with you?” Rhonda asked.

“Only if you want me too,” John said ambiguously. “But don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. I can do things no normal man can. For instance...” he snapped his fingers. “Come!”

Without preliminaries, a powerful orgasm ripped through Rhonda’s body. She threw her head back and gasped in pleasure, her hips spasming around a nonexistent cock, as a wave of ecstasy spread out from her loins to the furthest points of her body and reflected back, to converge again in her center. Stars danced in front of her, and she nearly passed out. Certainly the world went gray for a while; when it returned, Rhonda found herself lying on her back, staring up at the ceiling and drawing in deep, ragged gulps of air.

“Ohmigod,” she said again.

“Yeah,” John agreed. “Though I prefer to do things the traditional way. It’s more fun. And it lasts longer. After a few of those, a girl isn’t usually up to much for quite a while.”

“I can believe it,” Rhonda said, still staring at the ceiling while her pulse gradually calmed. “ snapping your fingers part of it?”

“Nah,” John said. “I just do it for effect.”

“Oh,” she said.

John kept quiet for a few minutes while Rhonda recovered. He got up and tidied away the beer bottles and chips. He adjusted the positions of the three sleepers to make them more comfortable.

“So, what do you want with me?” Rhonda asked eventually.

“In our little debate before,” John said, “you were arguing completely in principle. You didn’t believe that this kind of mind control was possible.”

“Yeah,” Rhonda said, wondering where this was going.

“I just wondered if practical experience might make you change your mind.”

Rhonda sat up. The aftereffects of the orgasm seemed to slow her thinking; or maybe it was too much beer. “You think my being controlled by you will make me change my mind about the ethics of mind control?”

“No, no,” John said. “That’s where our three friends here come in.”

Rhonda shook her head, confused. “You control them, too.”

“Sure,” John said. “But now, so do you.”

While Rhonda stared at him in incomprehension, Kari abruptly opened her eyes. “Hi, Rhonda!” she said in a dreamy tone.

“Careful what you say to her,” John cautioned. “Right now, she’ll do and feel anything you tell her to. You’re in complete control of her.”

“Me!” Rhonda said in horror.

“That’s what I meant by practical experience,” John said.

Rhonda looked at him, then at Kari, who lazily blinked up at her from the bed. “Kari, can you hear me?” Rhonda asked her.

“Of course, I can, silly,” Kari giggled.

“And you’ll do whatever I say?” Rhonda said.

“Sure.” Kari batted her eyelashes at Rhonda, for all the world as though flirting with her.

“All right,” Rhonda said. She shot a sidelong glance at John, then said “Run quickly out of the room and call the police!”

Kari giggled. “Don’t be silly!” she said.

“I should have mentioned,” John said. “The same safeguards I took with you also apply to her. Sorry about that. She’ll do anything you say that won’t result in harm or exposure for me or anyone else in this room.”

Rhonda sighed and sat down again. “Then forget it. I’m not going to do anything to her. You must be crazy!”

“Not at all,” John said. “And don’t be too hasty. Think about what Jasmine said.” Upon her name being spoken, Jasmine opened her eyes and blinked at Rhonda as well. “You can use your ability to do good.”

“Hi, Rhonda,” Jasmine said, in the same dreamy voice that Kari had used. “Do you want to tell me to do something? That would be very nice, I think.”

“What am I supposed to do that will help them?” Rhonda asked sarcastically.

“Well, you could always cure Kari’s nail-biting,” John suggested.

“Yeah!” Kari said with vague enthusiasm.

“Nail-biting is harmless,” Rhonda hooted. “Messing around in her psyche is criminal. Besides, she’s probably fulfilling an oral fixation, or something; if I make her stop she might just find another outlet, and a worse one.”

“Oral fixations. They shouldn’t let civilians read Freud without a license,” John said, and Rhonda flushed.

“Forget it,” she said. “I’m not touching Kari.”

“All right,” John said equably. “What about Jasmine, then?”

“There’s nothing wrong with Jasmine,” Rhonda said. “She’s the most level-headed person I know.”

“That’s what one would think,” John agreed. He got up and circled around the bed to stand next to Jasmine’s chair. “Tell me, Jasmine,” he said conversationally, “are there any secrets you’re keeping from the people in this room?”

“Sure!” Jasmine said happily.

“You can’t get her to tell her secrets!” Rhonda hissed. “That’s just wrong!”

“I don’t think she’d mind your knowing this particular secret,” John said. “Right, Jasmine?”

Jasmine shook her head, still glassy-eyed. “No...Rhonda’s all right. It’s Gary.”

“You’ve got a secret from Gary?” Rhonda asked in spite of herself.

Jasmine’s placid expression took on an unhappy tinge. “Yes. I’m in love with him. Horribly, degradingly in love with him. I want to sleep with him and do all sorts of nasty things. Whenever I’m around him I feel like rolling over and panting. It’s awful.”

“Why is being in love with Gary so horrible?” Rhonda asked John, then thought about it. “Never mind. I get it.”

“You know how he treats the girls who like him,” John said. “Jasmine’s too smart to have any illusions about Gary, so she doesn’t want to tell him how she feels. But she can’t help loving him. It’s making her very unhappy.”

“How do you know all of this?” Rhonda demanded.

John shrugged, and returned to his bed to sit down. “I can sense things, as well as influence people’s behavior. I can’t read thoughts, but I can sense emotions, and sometimes at what or whom they’re directed. I’ve known about Jasmine’s feelings for Gary nearly as long as she has.”

“Well?” Rhonda said irritably. “What is it that you’re proposing I do? Not that I’m going to do it.”

John smiled. “Well, there are several possibilities. The easiest is that you could ‘cure’ Jasmine of her feelings for Gary.”

“What!” Rhonda said, aghast. " ‘Cure’ her of being in love?”

“Sure,” John said. “A few words from you right now would be all it took. And she’d be much happier.”

“How can you be sure of that?” Rhonda said. “People often get a lot of joy out of being in love, even if it’s unrequited. And it’s obviously in her nature to fall in love with someone like Gary; it wouldn’t be right to change that. Loving someone is a deep and profound thing. I couldn’t take that away from her. Even if he is a louse.”

“Well, that brings us to option 2,” John said.

At this point, Gary opened his eyes and smiled at Rhonda as well.

“Hey, babe,” he said drowsily. “Gonna reprogram me? I’d reprogram you.” His grin, without ever quite becoming focussed, took on a lascivious tinge. “In a heartbeat.”

Part IIB—The Test: What’s My Motivation?

Rhonda stared at Gary with an expression of dismay.

“Option 2 is that you could make Gary fall in love with Jasmine,” John said, a bit redundantly

“Now there’s a fabulous idea!” Rhonda said. “The only thing I can think of that’s worse than unrequited love for Gary is requited love for Gary. You said yourself that he treats his girlfriends like shit.”

“Well, yes,” John agreed. “But of course, you could change that.”

Rhonda stopped, astonished. “You mean...I could just tell him to be a nicer person?”

“I’m afraid you’d have to be a bit more specific than that,” John said. “But basically, yes. Think of it as a public service.”

“Not for Gary, it isn’t,” Rhonda said. She looked over at Gary, who continued smiling, oblivious to the discussion about him.

“Actually, it might be,” John argued. “He might actually be happier with some of his more unpleasant characteristics toned down.”

“I’m sure lobotomized people are happy, too,” Rhonda said, shivering.

“Lobotomies are crude, destructive, and haphazard,” John said. “They have no way of controlling the effects of the surgery. You can change things with precision, and positively. Gary has a lot of good qualities—he’s smart, and disciplined, and ambitious, with a lot of charm—but his selfishness goes a long way towards turning his virtues into vices. He wasn’t kidding when he said he would use my talent without a second thought. You should be glad that it’s me who has it and not him; you’d all be his mindless sex slaves now, with no thought except the best way to suck his cock.”

“While instead we’re your slaves,” Rhonda said bitterly. “I fail to see a difference.”

John smiled grimly. “Believe me, there is one.” He got to his feet again and paced. “Even without mind control, Gary can do a lot of harm. He’s hurt several girls quite badly since he’s been here—more than you know about—and more, back in high school. Think what he’ll do when he’s a rich lawyer.”

Rhonda sighed. “Even if I believe everything you say,” she said, “even if everyone, including Gary, would be better off, I still can’t do it. I don’t have the right. I’d be substituting my judgment for his in the way he runs his own life. It’s wrong. I can’t do it.”

John looked thoughtful. “You make a good case,” he admitted. “Of course, judgment is all we have. Sometimes we do override other people’s judgment for the public good.”

“Sure,” Rhonda said. “We lock up criminals and treat the insane. Even there we’re often on shaky moral ground, I think. But Gary’s no criminal, and he’s not insane. He’s just a spoiled brat. It’s his right to be as spoiled as he likes, and I can’t change it.”

“All right,” John said.

Rhonda waited apprehensively while John stood in thought. Finally she cleared her throat. “So, are you done with me?” she asked. “Will you let me go? Let all of us go? I promise I won’t tell anyone anything.”

“No,” John said, “you won’t tell anyone. But I’ve got one more test.”

“Please, don’t” Rhonda said, half begging. “I’ve told you what I think. You might reprogram me to think differently, but then it wouldn’t really be my opinion any more. You’d be changing me. Please. You say you won’t hurt me. That, to me, is the biggest harm you could do.”

“I said I wouldn’t hurt you,” John said, “and I won’t. This won’t take long.”

“What are you going to do?” Rhonda asked.

John smiled, his usual friendly smile, not at all sinister. “Actually, I’ve already done it. My arguments before were kind of abstract, and so were your rebuttals. I thought I might see what you’d do with more direct motivation.”

“What do you mean?” Rhonda said, confused. Motivation? She certainly didn’t feel any different.

Before John could answer, Kari gave a little giggle.

“Oooo, that’s nice!” she said, getting to her feet and flashing a smile at John. “Thanks!”

“Kari,” Rhonda said anxiously, “what did he do?”

Kari sighed happily. “He made me feel really, really good,” she said.

“Good, how?” Rhonda asked her, filled with misgivings.

Kari started unbuttoning her blouse. “I’ll show you,” she said. “And then maybe I can make you feel good, too!”

Rhonda stared, stunned, as her roommate undressed. It certainly wasn’t the first time she’d seen Kari’s body. Living in one room, it was nearly unavoidable. But it had never affected her the way it did now. As Kari’s blouse opened, Rhonda found herself captivated by the smooth curve of her breasts, above the cups of her white cotton bra. Kari’s nipples were hard, and they stood out visibly through the fabric. Rhonda imagined touching them, squeezing them, sucking them, and felt a surge of lust pass through her. Aside from a handful of carefully-guarded daydreams, Rhonda had never felt attraction for another woman. She was now more attracted to Kari than she’d ever been to anyone. As Kari dropped her blouse and began undoing her jeans, Rhonda’s knees felt weak.

“What did you do to me?” Rhonda asked John with horror.

“Not that much, actually,” he said thoughtfully. “Gave your libido a nudge and loosened up some of your inhibitions. Your sex drive is rather like Gary’s now. Or mine,” he added, eyes twinkling. “Thought you might enjoy feeling how the other half lives.”

“Well, turn it off,” Rhonda said. Kari had kicked her shoes off, and now pulled off her jeans. Rhonda’s eyes seemed locked to her roommate’s body against her will. Kari didn’t seem to mind. Rather, she drew in a deep breath, breasts rising, and swayed her hips seductively.

“You can have her, if you want her,” John said. “She’d be more than happy to do anything you wanted. Actually, Kari’s normally mildly bisexual. If you’d made a try, you could probably have had her before now.”

“I didn’t want her,” Rhonda said unconvincingly.

“No? Well, maybe not consciously,” John said. “Keep going, Kari.”

With another seductive sway, Kari unhooked her bra and removed it, dropping it on her other clothes. Her breasts were large and firm, with wide brown nipples that had contracted into hard points. She was lightly tanned, with visible strap lines. She tugged off her panties and stepped out of them. The dark blonde hair between her legs was curly, and damp with arousal. Rhonda could feel her own arousal soaking the crotch of her underwear.

“Rhonda?” Kari said. “Do you want me to make you happy?”

Rhonda closed her eyes to blot out the erotic vision before her. It didn’t help. She knew Kari was there, and she wanted her.

“This isn’t a fair test,” she said to John. “If you give me an overwhelming urge to violate my ethics, of course I will.”

“You may think that I’ve pushed your lust past your natural level,” John said, “but I haven’t. Under the right circumstances, you would really feel this way.”

“These aren’t the right circumstances, though,” Rhonda said. She opened her eyes. Kari was still there, still beautifully naked, looking at her sadly.

“Don’t you want me, Rhonda?” Kari asked.

“You know I do,” Rhonda said desperately, “but it’s because John’s changed me. He’s changed you. You wouldn’t usually act like this, you know you wouldn’t.”

“I know,” Kari said. “But it’s nice. To act all uninhibited and sexy, for once. To feel all this lust without worrying about the consequences.”

“ ‘Without worrying about the consequences,’ " Rhonda quoted to John. “There’s a formula for ethical disaster if ever I’ve heard one.”

“Touche’, " John said. He seemed almost pleased with her resistance. “Just one more thing, and we’re done.”

“What more?” Rhonda asked warily.

“I know how fond you are of Kari,” John said. “Refusing her—someone you really love—shows how much you believe in your ethical scruples.”

“So?” Rhonda said.

At this point, Jasmine and Gary got up and started undressing as well.

“Love is all very well,” John said, “but sometimes a smorgasbord is nice, too.”

Part III—The Reward

If Rhonda had thought that her new-found lustful thoughts were limited to Kari alone, she was quickly disabused of that notion. Unable to stop herself, she drank in the sight of Jasmine’s slight body, almost boyish except for the slight curve her her hips and swell of her breasts. Gary was big and muscular, his massive biceps and pectorals attesting to hours of working out in the gym; his face was classically handsome, and his long, hard cock made Rhonda’s mouth go dry. She could imagine that cock pumping into her wet pussy and driving her to ecstasy; Kari’s firm nipples between her lips; Jasmine kissing her way over Rhonda’s body, fondling her own tits, the three of them together making her come again and again. She wanted to come. She wanted to come badly.

Without waiting for her agreement this time, the three friends moved towards Rhonda. She found herself unable to resist as Gary grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it off over her head. Jasmine had knelt to remove her shoes and socks, and Kari was busy unbuckling her jeans. In seconds, the three of them had her completely nude. Kari and Jasmine each took one of her hands and placed it on their breasts; as if they had a mind of their own, Rhonda’s fingers began fondling the two girls. Kari pressed her lips against Rhonda’s and kissed her, tongue slipping out to tease her into opening her mouth just a little and let it in. Gary was behind her, now; his arms encircled her, pulling her back against his hard chest, his hands cupping her tits and kneading them gently while he kissed the back of her neck. The tip of his cock touched her back and ass from time to time as he shifted position.

Kari was kissing her more urgently, now, and Jasmine’s hand had slipped down between Rhonda’s legs to stroke her damp flesh. It all felt so good; so amazingly good; so unbelievably good...

With a desperate motion, Rhonda pulled her mouth away from Kari’s. Squeezing her eyes shut, she begged “Please, all of you, let me go! Move away from me! Go over to the other bed and sit down!”

Abruptly, all the hands left her. She heard them all, obediently moving away. Her body cried out for them to come back, to finish what they’d started. It took all her willpower not to call for them to return. She sagged back onto the bed, breathing heavily.

“I’m impressed,” John said quietly.

Rhonda opened her eyes to see him standing over her, watching her almost sympathetically.

“I hope you’re satisfied,” she said. Against her will, a tear formed in her eye and trickled down her cheek. Gently, John reached out a hand and brushed it away. Rhonda lacked the energy to object to the gesture, which was oddly comforting.

“Yes, I am,” John said. “No more tests. I’m very sorry. I didn’t mean to distress you like this. Please don’t feel so bad.”

Just like that, the knot in Rhonda’s chest loosened and disappeared; the burning ache of her flesh faded. She heaved a sigh and managed a watery smile.

“You just made me feel better, didn’t you?” she asked John.

He made a little grimace of acknowledgment. “Guilty. It only seemed fair, since I caused the pain in the first place. I told you my talent could do good things as well as bad.”

“I’m not complaining,” Rhonda said. She felt very tired, and closed her eyes again. “So, what happens now?”

There was a pause, as if John were thinking it over. “I’ve put you through the wringer. It seems like I should offer you some kind of reward...”

There was a rustle of movement, and a weight settled next to her onto the bed. “Rhonda,” came Kari’s voice, softly.

“Oh, no,” Rhonda murmured, but without heat.

“It’s all right,” John told her. “It’s not your responsibility. I’m doing this. You have no choice. Any guilt is mine, not yours.”

“No guilt,” Rhonda said musingly. She opened her eyes to see Kari looking down on her, with an expression of tenderness and concern. Rhonda felt a weight lift from her.

“No guilt,” Kari agreed, smiling. Rhonda smiled back, lovingly.

Slowly, Kari leaned down and kissed her, her heavy breasts swinging free to brush Rhonda’s chest. Rhonda sighed, and returned the kiss with a gradually growing fervor. Kari’s hand found her nipples, and Rhonda returned the favor, the two of them stroking each other, little butterfly flutters of pleasure. After a few minutes of this, Kari shifted her position, drawing Rhonda’s mouth to her breast like a suckling infant, crooning little encouragements as her roommate began gently working the tit with her lips and tongue.

Rhonda was content. Her body was warm with pleasant languor, and her mind was calmed by the knowledge that she had no choice in what was happening. She sucked at Kari’s tits—something that before she had imagined only in her most private fantasies. After a bit, she moved one hand between Kari’s legs, and began softly touching that most intimate center, moist with Kari’s pleasure and desire.

“Oh, Rhonda, that feels so good,” Kari said. “Please, touch me just like that. Please. I love you, Rhonda. I love you.”

Rhonda continued to caress her roommate’s body, drawing out Kari’s slowly mounting pleasure. She was unaware of how much time was passing; she felt endlessly patient as Kari came closer and closer to the peak. Then the moment came; Kari cried out “Oh, God, Rhonda!” and came, shuddering violently against the other girl as the waves of orgasm passed through her.

The two friends lay in each other’s arms for a while. Rhonda became aware of activity elsewhere in the room and turned her head. On the other bed, Jasmine was riding Gary’s cock with an expression of startled delight, while Gary teased her small breasts with his fingers and whispered endearments. They both looked very happy.

A hand touched Rhonda’s shoulder, and she looked the other way. John stood next to the bed, looking at the two of them solicitously. He was completely nude; obviously he had removed his clothing while they were distracted with each other. His prick was stiffly erect, covered by a condom.

“May I join you?” he inquired politely. “I think those two are going to be occupied for quite a while.”

Kari laughed a little, and shifted to the side. Rhonda rolled over on her back and spread her legs.

“Only if you promise to fuck my brains out,” she said. “I really need that, right now.”

“I promise,” John said. He leaned over to give Kari a kiss, then slid onto Rhonda, and into her. She moaned as his hard cock filled her, feeling marvelous against her sensitized clit. “I think I can say without boasting,” John went on, starting to pump slowly in and out of her, “that I’ve never had an unsatisfied customer.”

Part IV—Afterwards

When Rhonda woke up she suffered a moment of disorientation, before the memories of the previous night came flooding back. They might have seemed no more than a vivid dream, except that she was in John’s room, and Kari was curled up naked next to her, still asleep.

Rhonda looked around, and saw John sitting up in the other bed, looking back at her. There was no sign of Jasmine or Gary.

Rhonda cleared her throat. “Good morning,” she said.

“Good morning,” John returned. Answering her unspoken question, he added “I sent them back to Gary’s room. These beds are a bit too small for three people. I trust that you enjoyed last night?”

Rhonda thought back to the night before. Making out with Kari and bringing her to orgasm. Mind-blowing sex with John, then John fucking Kari as well, while Rhonda watched avidly. Afterwards, he’d moved to the other bed, and Jasmine had graciously lent Gary to them while she and John made love. After that it got hazy, but Rhonda thought it had been quite a while before they’d finally gone to sleep.

“Most of it,” she admitted.

“Good,” John said with a smile.

“Do you do that sort of thing often?” Rhonda asked curiously.

“Not too often,” John said. “I don’t have the energy! But I think a nice orgy from time to time is good for my morale.”

“Mine too,” Rhonda said. She yawned. Maybe she should get some more sleep. Kari showed no signs of waking up.

“So what happens now?” Rhonda asked eventually.

“Well...” John said. “Gary will surprise everyone, including himself, by being the most devoted boyfriend that Jasmine could ever wish.”

“A lot of girls are going to hate her for that,” Rhonda said.

“No, they won’t,” John said. “I’ll take care of it. Neither of them will remember much of what went on last night, by the way, so don’t bother to ask them about it.”

“And us?” Rhonda said, indicating the still-sleeping Kari and herself.

“Well,” John mused, “I could erase your memory as well. But, painful as it may have been for you, I found our little debate last night very valuable. I think it would be nice to keep you around to talk to. You’ll help keep me honest—as much as possible, anyway.”

Kari stirred a little then, and mumbled something in her sleep. She put an arm around Rhonda and settled down again.

“Of course,” John went on, “I’ll let you keep Kari here. I think the role of your secret lover suits her.”

Rhonda thought about it for a moment. “I don’t have any choice in the matter, do I?” she asked.

“None whatsoever,” John assured her.

“Cool.” Rhonda yawned. When John didn’t say anything more, she snuggled closer to Kari and closed her eyes for another hour or two of sleep. After all, it had been a very late night.