The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Escape Room Experience

AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2021.

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It was a Saturday evening again, and the group was all out together. Matthew, Dylan, Elli, Ute, Valerie and Nicky. They had all decided to go to a bar that night, and five of the six of them were drinking cocktails and enjoying the atmosphere. Valli was the only one who wasn’t drinking a cocktail— she preferred to drink coke when they all went out. She didn’t like the feeling of losing control that came from drinking too much.

Four of the six of them had paired off into couples; Valli and Nicky were the only ones there who were single. And each of those four had only paired off recently; Matthew and Elli had been dating for just a few weeks, and Dylan and Ute had been dating the same amount of time.

Both couples had only been together briefly, but each couple was already very happy together; Matthew and Ryan already felt deeply in love with their girlfriends, and Elli and Ute felt the same way about them.

Elli was glad to be dating Matthew. Her head had been full of romantic fantasies since she was young, and so far Matthew had been fulfilling every one of them for her. It wasn’t always the easiest thing for her to date, because she was very shy, but she and Matthew had been friends before they’d decided to start dating, so the usual beginning of relationship shyness Elli usually felt hadn’t happened this time. She felt comfortable with Matthew; and she was already very happy in the relationship.

Matthew was happy with Elli too; and very attracted to her. He liked the way she styled her red hair, he liked her personality; he liked her body, with her pleasing C-cup breasts; and she was younger than him, still in her mid-20s, so she had a bit of that youthful glow about her that tended to fade with age.

Elli liked Matthew; had even liked him before they’d started dating, but liked him even more now that they were. She liked the look of his dark hair; liked the slimness of his frame. And she liked his personality as much as he liked hers; she liked his nerdy side, liked how excited he always got about new movies or new games, liked to see him enjoying himself whenever he was playing one. He was in his early-30s, but his nerdy disposition always made him seem younger that that; and it made him approachable, as far as Elli was concerned.

Elli was looking forward to their first time sleeping together; it hadn’t happened yet, but she had a feeling it would be soon. Elli was really only interested in fairly vanilla sex, and nothing else, but she was looking forward to engaging Matthew in it. She thought he was cute, and she thought his body was cute, too; she knew she’d enjoy their first time very much.

Ute and Dylan were equally happy. Ute was even more shy than Elli, so the fact that she’d been able to connect so well with Dylan was lucky for her. Meeting new people was something she found really hard; that was why most of her friends were people she’d known for years. She and Elli had been friends several years. They got along well, as they were very close in age, both of them in their mid-20s; she’d known Elli as long as the rest of her friends; she’d met Elli when she’d joined the group herself, but the two of them were very close.

Having a friend like Elli had been a great help to her— as Elli had been able to connect her to the rest of them. The two of them had come into their group of friends at the same time, and had bonded over the fact that they were outsiders. It had made it easier for Ute to open up, shy though she was, to know there was someone else just like her who didn’t know everyone that well— who was still partly a stranger. She probably wouldn’t even have started dating Dylan, if it hadn’t been for Elli’s friendly encouragement to go for it.

Ute had been lucky that she’d joined the group— because of that, she’d been able to know Dylan and become his friend. And since she’d had that foundation of friendship with Dylan, just the way Elli had had with Matthew, she found it very comfortable to be dating him now, since she’d already known him so well from being his friend.

Dylan was happy to finally be dating Ute; he’d been attracted to her for some time before they started dating. She was a brunette, which was just his type; and she had a slim body with B-cup breasts; this was also in keeping with his type. He was happy to finally be her boyfriend, and happy to be with her.

Ute was also glad to be with him; she and Elli had been chatting a lot about their new relationships recently, and they’d found they had a lot in common to share with each other. Since Dylan was Matthew’s best friend, the two men were similar; Dylan was nerdy like Matthew, although he was in some ways even nerdier than him. Though they weren’t completely alike; Dylan was a little older than Matthew, in his mid-30s instead of his early 30s. And Ute and Elli hadn’t really known each other until Dylan and Matthew introduced them— back before they had ever started dating. Matthew and Dylan had been friends first, and each one had met Elli and Ute by random chance, and brought them into their group, and so introducing them to each other. It was because the two men were friends that Elli and Ute were now friends; and neither of them had known Valli before meeting Matthew and Dylan, since Valli had been Matthew and Dylan’s friend first; and had already been part of their little friend group.

Ute had been discussing her relationship to Dylan with Elli a lot. Elli had mentioned to her she felt the time was coming soon when she and Matthew would sleep together; Ute felt the same way in her relationship, and she was looking forward to this. Like Elli, Ute was pretty vanilla when it came to sex, but she enjoyed her vanilla sex and was looking forward to having it with Dylan.

Valli had been in the group before Elli and Ute had come in. She had been friends with Matthew and Dylan first; and along with Nicky, she was one of the only two people in the group who were still single. She was shorter than the other women, but she had brown hair like Ute did. She was also younger than most of them; she was only in her early 20s; and she had a bit of an attitude problem. She tended to act like a bitch, even among friends. There was also very little that she enjoyed— she didn’t like sex, she didn’t like drinking, she didn’t like partying. She was very conservative, unlike her friends; she didn’t think any of the partying they did was proper. She came along for things like this, but only to drink her Coke; though she tended to be in the background of her friends’ parties, she rarely participated; she had A-cup sized breasts, too, and tended to dress to hide them, even though there wasn’t much there to see.

Nicky was the other single girl in the group; and the group’s only lesbian. She hadn’t always known she was a lesbian; she had dated men before she’d realized, and she had, at the time, been into them. She was the same age as Valli, in her early 20s, but she was best friends with Elli and had been for a long time; Elli had been her entry-point into the group. She only knew Ute and Valli through Elli.

She had blonde hair, and she was a little overweight— just a little too chubby. But despite the extra weight, she was still only a B-cup breast size. She enjoyed having sexual adventures, and trying new sexual things. She was also a little bit in love with Elli, but Elli didn’t know this. Nicky was too shy to ever tell her; but it had been a little hard on Nicky to watch Elli get together with Matthew, and to see how happy he made her.

All six of them were, so far, enjoying their evening out at the bar. They were all around one bar table, each of the two couples sitting next to each other, four out of the six chairs around the circular table, and the last two remaining chairs filled by Valli and Nicky. All six of them were laughing, enjoying the night, and enjoying their drinks. Even Valli, who tended to be grumpy and take her frustration out on others, was in good spirits that night.

It was still early in the evening; so all of them felt they had a lot more enjoyment to look forward to.

But just as the six of them were laughing at a joke that Dylan had told, a woman approached their table.

She had blonde hair— but her hair might have been her least noticeable feature. She was a very attractive woman; so attractive that it was enough to make any onlooker do a double-take to check that they were really seeing what they thought they were seeing; that a woman that beautiful, that model-like really existed, and was talking to them.

Her outfit was the strangest thing about her, even stranger than her extreme beauty; it was an odd, futuristic style of clothing, and it barely covered her body. Her breasts peeked out around around the band-like top that covered them; and her bottom covering was really little more than a bikini-suit bottom; both pieces of fabric— scraps, really— were a metallic silver color, and didn’t quite look like any known fabric.

The woman was wearing a sign around her neck; it hung from a cord that went up around the back of her neck and then brought the sign down to hang at chest height, against the woman’s breasts. The sign read, “Escape Room.”

Matthew and Dylan, though they were sitting there with their new girlfriends, couldn’t help but appreciate this woman’s body— she was very sexy, and it was hard not to notice.

Nicky was admiring her body too.

“Hello, all of you,” the woman said— her voice was husky, adding to her overall attractiveness. “There’s a new Escape Room that’s just opened up nearby. I’m from there, and we’re looking for test subjects to try it out tonight. Would the six of you be interested in joining us for a test run?”

The six friends looked among each other.

“I don’t think so,” Elli said.

“No, I definitely don’t want to,” Ute agreed.

“It sounds ridiculous, and I’d never take part in something like that,” Valli added, in her trademark judgemental tone.

“…Yeah, I don’t think I would enjoy that,” Nicky added, when the rest of the girls had finished talking.

“Don’t be so negative, girls,” Dylan chided. “I think it sounds really fun.”

“So do I,” Matthew agreed. “We should all do it together. Besides, if it’s a test-run, that probably means it’s free, right?”

“That’s right,” the blonde confirmed.

“So how can we miss out on a free escape room experience like this?”

The four girls all looked reluctant about this.

“But I really don’t want to!” Valli protested. “Especially because— look at her! You can practically see her whole body, she might as well be naked! Any place that would send her as its spokesperson is a place I want nothing to do with. They must be an awful establishment if they have to rely on such blatant sexual pandering to promote themselves!”

But Elli, Ute and Nicky were still sharing looks.

“Do you guys really want to do this?” Elli asked, looking back to Matthew, and Dylan.

“Yes, we do,” Matthew and Dylan said together.

“Alright, then…” Elli said, this time sharing a look with Ute. “I guess we’ll… go.”

“Yes, I’ll go if it means so much to you,” Ute added.

“If they’re going, I’ll go,” Nicky contributed.

“What about you, Valli?” Ute asked; all five friends turned to look at her.

Valli looked between them; she really didn’t like the idea of going— she really didn’t like the way that woman was dressed— but despite all her protests, Valli tended to follow along and haunt her friends parties; so this would be one more place for her to follow them to, and then hang back from, passing judgement on the experience the entire time that she was there.

“Alright,” Valli said, grumpily. “I’ll go too.”

“We’re happy to have you,” the blonde said. “Here’s our card, with our address on it. Just head over there, and they’ll get you all set up inside.”

“Thanks,” Matthew and Dylan said enthusiastically. The other girls were less enthusiastic, but together all six of them got up together, and headed out of the bar.

They went to the address that was printed on the card; but when they arrived at it, they noticed the address was more than just an escape room. There was also a brothel at the same address that looked like it had just opened up; there were stairs that gave access to the second level of the building, where the escape room was located, but the brothel beneath had street level access.

The entire building was located in an industrial area, and they hadn’t had to walk far to get to it.

When the girls saw the brothel there, beneath the escape room, they spoke up again.

Valli was the loudest objector.

“They’re sharing a building with a brothel? What kind of escape room is this? This is an even worse idea than I thought!”

“Valli’s right,” Ute agreed. “It seems kind of shady.”

“Definitely a sketchy place,” Elli added.

“We’ve come this far,” Matthew said. “We may as well go up and see what it’s like inside; it’s clearly separate from the brothel, since they’re on two different floors.”

The girls still seemed reluctant, but when Matthew and Dylan started climbing the steps, they followed after them.

Once they reached the top of the landing, and entered through the main doors, they found that inside, the escape room was done in a high-tech style with all kinds of high-tech decor; everything was shimmering and shiny silver, and oblong shapes with strange angles. It felt like stepping into a different time.

Behind the oddly shaped counter, there were two women standing; they were as attractive as the woman who had come up to their table in the bar; maybe even a little more attractive, and they were wearing the same clothes. Clearly, it was some kind of uniform; a band to cover the breasts just barely, and a sleek covering betwen the legs, that sat between the hips.

“We’re here for the test-run tonight,” Dylan said, once all six of them were inside.

Both of the women smiled, but only one spoke. “That’s fantastic,” the first woman said. “You’ll have to split up, of course. Our escape rooms are only designed to hold four people at a time, so we can’t accommodate all six of you at once.”

The group nodded; this seemed fair.

“We only have one room available at the moment— the other room is in use. And I’m afraid it’s a females only room; but if you four ladies would like to go in, we can send you in right away. And as soon as our second room is available, we’ll send you two gentlemen in. How does that sound?”

Elli sighed in disappointment; Ute didn’t sigh, but she was feeling equally disappointed. “I guess we’ll head in and get started before you two,” Ute said.

Elli and Ute followed after one of the two women into the available escape room. Valli and Nicky hung behind— they would follow in a minute. But first, they were taking a look at their surroundings.

Apart from the front desk, there was a waiting area off to the left-hand side of the room with some futuristic looking seating set-up across from a large flatscreen television; there was also a misshapen silver standing rack that was clearly meant for coats— but there were no coats hanging on it.

There was also no second door visible from the main area— only one door, through which Elli and Ute had already traveled. But if there was only one door, where was the second room that Matthew and Dylan were supposed to be waiting for? And if there were guests already in the second room, why hadn’t they left their coats on the rack in the waiting area?

“Excuse me,” Valli said, to the other woman who was still behind the counter. “If there’s a second room that’s currently in use, why aren’t there any coats or jackets hanging out here in the waiting area? And where’s the door to the second room?”

Nicky didn’t say anything to add to this, but she was nodding along as Valli asked, also listening for the answer.

“The guests who are currently in the other room didn’t bring any belongings with them,” the employee said, serenely. “And the second room is special. It has a different access point— it’s not visible from our main area.”

Valli and Nicky shared a look again. That sounded like an excuse to them; it didn’t seem like there really was any second room, or any other guests.

But Elli and Ute had already gone into the one existing escape room— and Valli and Nicky had both been standing out in the waiting area long enough. Together, they both followed after Elli and Ute, heading into the escape room. As they went through, the women who had led Elli and Ute in came back out, and went back to stand behind the desk.

This left Matthew and Dylan alone out in the lobby. They went over and took a seat in the waiting area, sitting down on the cushioned futuristic chairs, facing the flatscreen TV.

Just as they sat down, the TV flickered to life. It was only a show of bright shifting colors, but for some reason as soon as it came on, Matthew and Dylan found that they could not look away from it. It was doing more than hold their attention. It was making them feel turned on, too. They could both feel themselves getting hard, and all they wanted to do was watch the colors.

The rest of the room seemed to be disappearing around them. The color display was all they could see, and both of them were feeling so good that it made them want to forget everything else. Matthew and Dylan relaxed more, and kept watching the colors. They were so calming; they were so pretty— they seemed to empty their minds.

Everything was gone. Everything they had been thinking about before; awareness of everything that was in the room around them; everything. Matthew watched the display on the flatscreen and thought how soothing it was. Dylan watched it, and thought how beautiful; how perfect; he never wanted to look at anything else, ever again.

It was turning both of them on more, as they watched it. They could each feel arousal moving through their bodies, but for both of them, this arousal was at once enjoyable and at the same time slightly annoying. Enjoyable though it was, it was also a distraction, and neither man wanted to be distracted from the bright color display.

It was taking their focus— each thought they could hear words in the back of their minds. Words that came in whispers, and whispers that told them it was good to watch, and let the colors distract them from everything; that it was so pleasing to watch, and the more they watched the more they felt their bodies filling up with pleasure. The words they couldn’t quite hear, the words that maybe weren’t really words at all, kept whispering and sharing their messages. They had always been here, sitting and looking at the colors. They had no life before; they didn’t even know each other, it was only by chance they happened to be sitting here looking at the same display at the same time.

Matthew thought this sounded wrong; so did Dylan. Hadn’t they come here with… someone? Someone else? Or more than one someone? And they’d come from… somewhere… hadn’t they? They hadn’t always been here… that didn’t sound right…

The colors kept twisting on the screen before their eyes. But each man heard the sound that came when the door to the lobby opened; and each man heard footsteps crossing the waiting area to get to them. Employees of this… place… whatever it was, whyever they had come here… coming to stand in front of them. Both were blonde, but one had a face that each man thought he recognized. Dylan thought he could almost remember… had he been… at… a bar? Had she been there too?

Even though he’d remembered the word, he couldn’t quite remember what exactly a bar was.

Matthew found he still couldn’t remember where he’d been before… and thought he had no hope of placing the one who looked familiar. But he wasn’t worried about it, really. The colors were still there…

Each woman, standing in front of them, was so attractive that both men felt themselves becoming even more aroused than they had been when they were only watching the colors. Both of them felt themselves stiffening tightly in their pants— and the colors were still in their eyes as each girl stepped closing, opening their pants and guiding them out, then reaching down themselves to move their bikini bottoms aside, making way to slide each man home inside them.

The whispering words changed to reflect this; they were getting pleasure because they were obeying, and watching the colors just the way they were supposed to. They only need to keep watching. They only need to let the fucking continue; they only need to enjoy themselves, and forget everything. They had never known anyone else; they had never known anyone. Each of their lives began and ended in this room— it had always been this way, would always be. They just needed to let the colors tell them what to think, or what not to think. They just needed to obey— and they could keep enjoying all this pleasure.

Each employee was very skilled, and bringing the maximum possible amount of pleasure out in the man she was servicing. Each moved her hips with skilled rolls, taking cock deeply and squeezing down hard, somehow perfectly in time with the pulsing of the colors.

Forget, forget, forget… Matthew heard— and even the awareness that the woman who was fucking him was someone who looked familiar, for some reason, was going— Forget, forget, forget, Dylan heard… and he forgot that he’d been in something called a bar earlier. He had only ever been in this room, watching the colors, getting fucked— which worked out perfectly, because it was the only place he ever wanted to be…

As this was happening to Matthew and Dylan, the four girls were stepping into the escape room together. They looked around them when they got in, and found the room that they’d entered was completely empty. The only thing in it was a series of doors— four of them, one of which was labeled “exit.”

There was a clicking noise, and then a voice played out through the room, clearly coming in through a speaker. The voice that spoke sounded familiar— Elli thought it sounded like the woman who had greeted them at the front desk when they’d come in.

“You have to find the key for the main door in the next hour,” she said. “Otherwise, you will lose everything.”

“What does ‘everything’ mean?” Valli called out to the room.

“Yeah, what do you mean by everything?” Nicky repeated.

That clicking sound repeated, the escape room employee clearly deactivating the communication interface. Both Valli’s and Nicky’s questions were left unanswered.

Ute had reached one of the other three doors— she’d stepped up to the second one, ignoring the fourth one on the end that led to the exit. She opened the door without saying anything first, and stepped into the room, leaving her surprised friends behind her.

Inside the room behind the second door, there was a laboratory, which Ute found herself now standing in. It held a lab table; with strange equipment on it Ute couldn’t understand, or name— and to the left of the lab table, there a comfy sitting chair that looked very out of place, set up in front of a display screen. On the other side of the lab table, the right side, there was a clear glass cylindrical chamber.

When Ute entered the second room, Elli, Valli and Nicky all moved to follow after her, but as soon as Ute had gone through it, the door shut itself after her.

The three remaining friends took turns trying to turn the knob of the now-closed door; this resulted in nothing. They tried banging on the door, tried using their own bodies for battering rams to break it down, first one at a time, and then all three together to triple the applied force— this resulted in nothing. The door would not open, no matter they did.

Inside, Ute heard a voice playing out through speakers.

“Maybe you should use the chair— or go in the chamber.”

Ute wondered if this was a clue that would help her progress through the room— and maybe help her find the key that she and her friends all needed.

Ute decided the chair looked comfortable enough— so she stepped past the lab table, and took a seat in the chair.

As soon as she sat down, everything changed. The chair came to life beneath her, whizzing with the sound of electronic gizmos as it did, and it transformed below her. It had looked like a plain arm chair before, but now it extended itself back into a lounge-syle of chair, with a sloping base to support her legs when they were fully extended, and the back of the chair moved back, until it was almost like Ute was lying spread out on a patio lounger.

But the chair didn’t stop there. Armrests came up under her arms— and then the base under legs, and the armrests under her arms each grew metal bands which held her arms legs tight against the chair, so she could not move them.

“Help!” Ute cried out. “Help me! I’m stuck— I can’t move!”

The room did not answer her; was this a glitch or was this supposed to be happening? Was this what this room did? What was fun about that? Ute didn’t want to be a prisoner, bound to a chair— and she didn’t see how this was going to help her find the key at all.

“Let me go!” Ute cried, becoming more desperate. She struggled against her silver metal bonds, struggled against the chair, but she was bound so tightly she could barely move her body at all.

Frustrated tears spilled free from her eyes, and before long Ute was wailing her frustration, openly sobbing in between mangled attempts at cries for help that were barely intelligible when they made it out of her mouth— but it didn’t seem like anyone could hear her.

On the other side of the second door, the three friends had given up trying to break down the door and were now only trying to listen through it— Elli had her ear pressed right up against it, and was straining to hear— but all she could hear was silence.

Valli was a little further down the hall, but still on the other side of the wall from the second room. She had her ear pressed to the wall, and was trying to hear there— but she wasn’t getting anything, either.

Nicky was on the other side of Elli, trying to listen through the wall over there, but all that was greeting her attempts was silence.

Elli stepped away from the door, and shook her head. “It must be soundproofed.”

Back inside the room, Ute was feeling more desperate. Nobody had heard her— nobody was coming, no one could help her, and she was trapped in this chair. And she had no idea what it was going to do to her— but though she tried, there was nothing she could do to get free.

The machine was still moving under her. It had sprouted arm-like metal extensions, which were now tearing the clothes from Ute’s body, and stripping her naked. She cried harder, and tried to reach after her clothes when they went with her hands— but her arms were still bound to the chair, and she couldn’t move them. This only reminded her of her trapped state, and she cried harder.

Then, the base of the chair beneath her legs, which had until then been a single slab, split in two, and from up between that center split emerged another extension of the chair. This one was a very thick, very long dildo, which was already humming to life as it advanced toward the opening of Ute’s pussy.

Ute shook her head frantically to herself. No, this couldn’t happen— it was too horrible— she tried to clench her legs together, but when the base of the chair had become two chair-legs, each one had taken Ute’s bound legs with it, and spread her open so wide that she couldn’t clench shut at all. Her hips were splayed too far apart— the best she could do was clench down with her pussy itself, but all that did was send a small pulse of pleasure through her, which wasn’t going to do anything to protect her from the advancing dildo.

The dildo reached her, and there was nothing Ute could do; it slid deeply into her, filling her completely, and as soon as it was seated in her, the display screen that had been positioned in front of the chair came to life in front of her.

Ute struggled again against the chair as the dildo began thrusting in and out of her. The thrusts seemed to be timed with what was happening on the display before her, which was pulsing light. It was a colorless light; just a pulse of lightness, and it was static, a blinking, like a camera flash going off, although more dim.

Though it was dim, it still seemed to sear the retinas of her eyes, and each pulse left Ute feeling very disoriented. The fact that each one was timed with the thrusts of the dildo didn’t help. Logically, Ute knew that what was happening to her as she watched the light was only visual. The light on the display was only an image; but her mind was becoming confused by the accompanying sensations in her body. It felt like the light was pulsing inside her head, under her skin, in her body. It was so close to her there was no escaping it: and she was becoming so confused, as that light bored in, that she couldn’t remember to try and shut her eyes against it— or keep up the struggle against the chair, the struggle to break free.

The more of it Ute saw, the more her body seemed to loosen up and open, accepting the dildo more deeply, and the deeper that she took the dildo, the more aggressively it fucked her, picking up speed. And as the pace of the dildo picked up, the pace at which the white light was throbbing increased to match.

The light did two things when it surged in her: it left behind it impressions that were a little too vivid to be simply thoughts— and in those gaps of blackness between pulses, it seemed to leave an absence— and that absence was an absence that pulled at Ute. It felt like it was pulling things out of her, out of her mind. With each gap, Ute felt a little more forgetful; information was leaving her, each time the light pulled back.

It was like when it pulsed, it spread through her mind entirely, and gathered up loose information, and when it pulled back, it drew that information out with it. It was a consisent process; and it alarmed Ute, but she didn’t know how to stop it from happening.

Oldest information went first— distant memories from her past. Before the light came in to her head, they were there and she could recall them. But after it left, they were gone and the information they’d contained was lost.

The other side of the light’s coin was that, when it took something out of her head, it left something behind in it— those vivid impressions. Images, feelings— cravings. Ute saw herself wielding power, dominating sexual partners. She’d never been a particularly dominant woman, but with each pulse of light, the image was becoming clearer: she directed, she commanded, and her faceless partners obeyed— and that made her so hot that she craved to dominate more.

Her body was responding to these images, becoming ever more aroused. But Ute didn’t like it. Clearly, this dominant version of herself was something the machine was trying to install in her— and it was taking things out of her to make room for it, wiping her away to leave this dominant behind.

Ute was able to think enough to remember she should struggle again; and she did struggle. She pulled against the bands holding her to the chair, she pulled so roughly against them that the metal cut in to her flesh, she struggled hard enough to break a heavy sweat. The unfortunate thing was that thrusting up from the chair to try and pull free also happened to thrust Ute further onto the dildo that was inside her— so after a few minutes, as the light continued working, it felt more like she was eagerly fucking down on the dildo than trying to break free.

The light had cleared more of her out, now: it had finished eliminating all of her history, and was now clearing out her present. Her preferences, things she liked— recent memories, people in her life— the places she went, the things she did, where she lived. It was like, in the absence of the light, everything else was fading away, leaving behind only this new, dominant woman the chair wanted her to become.

When the light was there, searing into her eyes, there was only one thing Ute knew: she was a dominant, and that was all that mattered— and the only thing she cared about was exerting sexual dominance over others. And when she was in the act of dominating, which was the only act she ever cared to undertake, there were no other feelings inside, no other thoughts: only domination. And dominating was going to be the only thing she ever did.

When the light was gone, in those inbetween gaps of blackness, Ute could remember herself— barely. She was fading away more and more quickly now, now that the chair had eliminated most of her present too. It was starting to eat into her future; her projections for the near future, the medium term future, the long term future, her hopes, dreams and goals— erasing all of that to only leave behind one thing. A future in which Ute dominated, again and again, and nothing else.

Ute tried more desperately to fight each time the light subsided, as each time it went Ute understood she was one step closer to re-emerging as herself for the last time. Soon she wouldn’t be Ute at all, anymore. Most of her was already gone— and the last lingering awareness that she had been someone else before this chair was fading away too.

The light pulsed again, and Ute’s former self was a distant daydream. She was not Ute, mid-20s woman just living out her life. She was Ute, sexual dominant, now. And there was nothing else left inside— and nothing else would ever come to replace that, either.

Back in the hall, Valli, Nicky and Elli were finally deciding that they had to leave Ute behind in the room she had been shut into. Time was still counting down, and they still had to find the key; so the three of them decided to enter the room that was to the left of Ute’s. They were careful to go through all together, at the same time. They didn’t want their group to be split up again.

When the girls entered the room, they were surprised by what they saw there. There was nothing in it; it was completely empty, the only thing inside to see was a series of four digit codes printed on the walls.

As the three of them were standing there, looking at the codes, they heard the door shut behind them. This was followed by a clicking noise— and all three of them turned to look back at the door. Valli rushed to it, trying to push at it and make it open.

Nothing happened. The door was locked and sealed.

Valli gave it another push; she was about eye-level with the panel that was on the inside of the door, which looked like it had a speaker in it. As Valli gave another shove to the door, sound came through it, which so startled Valli that it caused her to jump.

“The three of you have to find the ride code out of all the ones on the walls,” a voice spoke— another one of the women who worked for the escape room.

Elli looked around the room and felt a bit helpless; the walls were covered in codes. Each wall had them— it would take forever to figure out which one was the one they needed.

“But you need to hurry,” the woman was still speaking. “Entering the room has activated the room’s machine. As it operates, it will drain your intelligence, and increase your libido. It will not do this to you all at once. It will target each one of you individually, and you’ll go through this experience in sequence, one after another.”

Valli stared at the panel as the woman spoke— it did not only have a speaker, but also an input screen— clearly, this was the place where the code was to be entered.

At the same time, Nicky was standing and facing one of the walls of the room, already scanning over the codes with her eyes. But then she heard something— she couldn’t tell what it was at first, but when she concentrated on it, she realized it was a low hum. Yes, it was a humming inside her head.

Was this some kind of joke? Some kind of gag put on by the room? Nicky remembered what the woman had just said— but a room couldn’t really drain intelligence, and increase libido, could it? Surely, all it could do was emit a tone, and the more easily frightened person would only imagine that it was having a draining and increasing effect, because their mind had been set-up to think so.

But then Nicky heard a moaning— it sounded like Elli. She turned to look at her friend— she was sweating a bit, and looking very flushed. Her breathing was slow, and heaving: her body moved around each breath in a way that was very sensual to watch— and Nicky felt her cheeks burning.

This was an uncomfortable time for her to have feelings for her friend; but she felt as much affection and love for Elli as she always did, and those same feelings were making it very affecting for Nicky to watch Elli, as she watched Elli flushing, breathing heavily, moving sensually— moaning. It was turning her on.

Elli put a hand to her forehead, moving with that same languid sensuality to get it there. “I feel…” Elli said. “I feel… horny… tipsy…”

Nicky watched her as she swayed on her feet.

“The room must be targeting her first,” Valli said— she sounded a bit scared.

“We’ve got to find the code as soon as possible,” Nicky said. “To stop this.”

“I’ll stay here and input codes,” Valli said. “You tell me what they are. You too, Elli— if you can.”

Elli did try to help; but with each passing second, she seemed to become more confused, and the rate at which she could speak numbers reduced.

Nicky was doing everything she could to make up for this— she spoke the codes to Valli as quickly as she could say them, and Valli input them as fast as she could type— and then Nicky would move onto the next code.

None of them worked.

As Elli stood there, she could hear a loud humming in her head; so loud she wanted to cover her ears to block it out, but it was so close to her, on the inside, that even when Elli’s hands were over her ears, it was still getting in. The only thing there was room for her to think was that it felt amazing in her body; she was so turned on, she didn’t think she’d ever felt like this. The feeling was surging in her, drowning everything else out.

Had she had a name before? Had she ever felt anything besides this feeling now? She knew what she was, because the humming was teaching her, and her body was affirming everything that she was learning. She was a bimbo— and it was good and hot for her mind to be empty. It was good and hot for her to be thoughtless— to be confused, and oblivious to the world. The only thing she needed to know how to do was to fuck, and she realized she liked fucking so much that she wanted to do it all the time. In fact, she wanted to be fucking right now— she wanted to be a mindless fucktoy, and she wanted to be that forever.

When that thought came into her head, Elli let out an even louder moan than before, which drew the attention of both her friends. The new beliefs, encouraged by the humming, had sunk into her mind, and the arousal was so overwhelming that Elli couldn’t remain standing any longer. Elli moaned more as her legs gave out, and she crumpled to the floor. She felt the orgasm of her life overtaking her body, and she shuddered in its grip, gasping as it overwhelmed her with pleasure.

“Elli…?” Nicky asked uncertainly, as she watched her friend twitch on the floor.

“Who… Elli?” Elli moaned. “Only… Bimbo…”

Saying that out loud seemed to increase Elli’s pleasure— because she moaned harder, and began thrusting her hips up towards nothing, rocking her pussy back and forth as the pleasure rocked her.

Nicky watched Elli, distraught— but at that same moment, Valli heard the humming in her head for the first time.

“What’s that sound?” Valli asked, and called Nicky’s attention away from Elli. “Do you hear it too?”

“What, a humming noise inside your head?” Nicky asked.

“Yes,” Valli said. “What is it?”

“I think that’s how the room works,” Nicky guessed. “That’s how it drains intelligence and increases libido. I’ve been hearing mine since the woman on the interface stopped talking.”

“I feel a little woozy…” Valli said. “And a little… turned on…”

“Well, we better hurry and find the code,” Nicky said. She was feeling a little affected herself. She hadn’t noticed before because she’d been looking so hard for the code to try and save Elli, but now it was catching up to her. She was dizzy, and her body was burning with lust. It was very distracting.

“Try this one,” Nicky said, and relayed the next code on the wall that she saw.

Valli inputted it, and watched the panel silently, daring to hope. And then, in the next second, on the input screen flashed the word “Accepted” — and the door opened.

“What a relief,” Valli sighed— together, she and Nicky rushed out of the room. There was no time to go back for Elli; she had become oblivious to her surroundings, she was so far across the room, and both girls were afraid the door would close again and shut them in before they could leave.

Once the two of them were back in the hall, they passed the door to the room which held Ute, in order to go to the other door on the righthand side of it.

They passed through the door together. And after the last room, with its printed codes and input panels, this room looked refreshingly normal. It was furnished with a few things, all of them familiar and normal looking. A couch— a table in front of it, a picture on the wall, a cup on the table, a rug on the floor— and on one of the other walls, there hung a mirror.

“The key we need must be in here,” Nicky said… her words were starting to slur together. Apparently the effect from the last room didn’t wear off— this was bad news for Elli; it probably meant she would stay the way she’d ended up.

“Our time is probably almost out,” Valli said. She still felt clearheaded, for the most part. “We’ve probably only got a few minutes left, so we needed to check everything…”

Valli trailed off speaking when she noticed the mirror on the wall. Was that what she looked like all the time? She’d never noticed that she was so… pretty…

Valli stopped walking in front of the mirror, standing in front of it to stare in more intently. The reflection looking back at her was stunning.

She had judged the girl who had come up to them at the bar, and told them about the escape room. She’d judged her for being dressed so immodestly, so inappropriately, but even through her judgement, she’d had to admit the woman was outstandingly attractive, much more than Valli herself was.

But Valli understood she’d been wrong about that, now— the girl who was looking back at her in the mirror was as beautiful, just as knockout gorgeous as the girl they’d met in the bar. Valli couldn’t take her eyes off of her— couldn’t take her eyes away. Was this what she looked like all the time? Or was it only a trick of the mirror?

If it was a trick, Valli decided she didn’t care. She looked so amazing that she didn’t want to look away.

As Valli watched her mirror image, the girl began to move. She was stripping her clothes off in a showy manner that Valli would never have done herself— and when all her clothes were off, the mirror image Valli slipped a hand between her own thighs and began rubbing there.

This broke the spell for Valli— she didn’t care if the mirror Valli was attractive anymore. Masturbation was offensive to her, and she was annoyed to see her false reflection doing it so shamelessly.

And yet, aside from the annoyance, she realized she was feeling something else too. There was a strange feeling inside her head— the image of her reflection filled it, but Valli felt that her attention was laser-focused on the mirror now. It felt like a magnet was pulling her, felt like something was seizing hold of her mind, grabbing it and holding onto it.

The more she watched, the more Valli felt this way— but the mirror image wasn’t just grabbing and holding her attention. It seemed to be pulling something out of her; after a few minutes, Valli realized that it was draining her intelligence the way the last room done to Elli. It was absorbing her mind the longer she looked at it— she could tell, because her awareness of the room around her was dimming; her knowledge of the outside world was fading. Everything that wasn’t the mirror in front of her was becoming less and less important to her, and soon forgotten.

And the more the mirror did this to her, the sexier the image of her masturbating self became. Valli wasn’t sure if her reflection was actually changing, shifting to reflect what it was taking from her, becoming more powerful and more emboldened the more that it took. Maybe it was only looking sexier and sexier to her because she was becoming more aroused as she stood there; it was impossible to know.

But soon, it didn’t matter to Valli. She could feel her body relaxing. All the tension was draining from her, and her limbs were becoming heavy and limp. She could relax entirely, now… something about her reflection told her that, though she wasn’t sure what. She could relax, and keep looking. It was so fun to look. The Valli in the mirror was very good at masturbating herself, and doing it in such a way that it made a compelling visual show for her viewer.

Her mind was becoming dimmer and dimmer, as it drained away. There was nothing outside this mirror— there was nothing in her head, there had been nothing before, there would be nothing after… only the image… only the image.

Valli’s body relaxed entirely, almost to the point of collapse, and when it did, Valli felt her bladder go— she didn’t have the concentration or control to prevent it from happening; she was too relaxed for that, and now her body did what it wanted, without the interference of her mind. She peed herself, as she stood there, relaxed, and barely noticed.

Nicky, however, did notice. As Valli had been staring at the mirror, Nicky had been looking through the room for the key— but she happened to look over at Valli just as she was peeing, and Nicky saw it happen.

Something was wrong with Valli, if she was frozen in the mirror and urinating herself. Even through the lingering mental fog that hung inside her, Nicky crossed the room, and gave Valli a shake, startling her out of her staring.

“Are you okay?” Nicky asked.

Valli stared at Nicky blearily. What had happened? Where had the reflected image gone? Where was the mirror she’d been looking at before? Could she get it back, now? How?

“Valli,” Nicky said, more forcefully, giving her friend a light shake. “Come on, help me look for the key.”

Nicky turned from her, but only moved a few steps away, keeping herself close by.

Valli frowned. She tried to think… but her mind seemed too weak to sustain a thought. She couldn’t concentrate on anything it seemed— and couldn’t seem to focus for more than a handful of seconds.

Nicky’s last words drifted through her mind… Nicky had given her an indirect command, and maybe she should be following it… but she didn’t know how. The key… what was a key, again…? What did it look like…? Why did she need it?

What was she supposed to be looking for?

Valli looked at Nicky, who was moving aside the things that hung on the walls to look behind their frames. She should do what Nicky was doing, maybe— should walk through the room like Nicky was walking, and move things with her hands.

She stepped to the right of the mirror, turned to face the opposite wall. She moved one of the frames that hung there, the way she’d seen Nicky do it. But when she was done moving it, she was confused again. Why had she done that? What was she doing, and why was she doing it?

It was distressing to be moving and doing things without knowing why she was doing them. She didn’t like feeling this way. The only time she’d felt good since coming into this room had been when she’d watched her reflection her before. She should do that again— then she wouldn’t have to be confused— she could feel good again.

Valli remembered enough to know she had to turn back towards the other wall, and when she did turn, she found the mirror was waiting there for her to look in; she went back to watching it, and felt her body relax all over again.

Nicky didn’t notice what was going on with Valli that time. She was too busy looking for the key— she’d switched over to the opposite wall, the one that was to the right of the mirror, and she was looking behind the frames there, now.

The last of Valli’s mind drained; her legs gave out, and she fell to kneeling. She couldn’t stand anymore, couldn’t have stood even if she wanted to. She was too relaxed— she didn’t even understand what standing was anymore, let alone how to do it. All of that was useless, forgotten information.

Valli felt her eyes roll up into her head— drool was coming down from one side of her mouth.

What she really needed now was to suck— and to suck cock. That was what mindless sluts like her did— somehow, the mirror had taught her that. She wanted to, she wanted to suck and suck and suck, suck cock all day long and be rewarded with sperm. That could be her food now, and she would always suck cock so she could be rewarded with her favorite treat.

This was the only thought in her head. All other thoughts had been cleared away— she wanted to suck cock, she was hungry for sperm— there was nothing else. That was what her future would be, now— she’d learned that from the mirror too. She would be taken down to the brothel downstairs— she’d join its ranks as the newest prostitute, they would set her up in front of a glory hole, and she could suck and suck and suck just the way she wanted to. The way her mouth was already doing, even though there was nothing to suck on yet… suck, thoughtlessly, suck, drooling and mindless…

Nicky let out a sigh of frustration as she moved the last frame aside— there was no key behind it either.

She looked back over the room. She’d checked everywhere else; in the cup, under each sofa cushion, under the rug, under the couch, under each table leg and under the table itself—

When Nicky’s eyes passed over the cup, she realized there was one place she hadn’t checked. She hadn’t checked the underside of the cup.

She rushed across the room, and lifted the cup to look underneath. Sure enough, there it was… the key, tucked in tight against the cup’s base!

“I found it!” Nicky shouted in excitement. Her fingers touched the key to pull it free of its hiding place, and when she had it free, she ran back towards the door to put it in the lock on the inside of the door. The key would open the door to this room, and also the room to the main door in the hall that led out into the waiting area— she’d done it, she’d completed the challenge.

But before she could reach it, the door opened— and three of the escape room employees passed through it.

“Time’s up, Nicky,” one of them said. “You’ve lost everything.”

Nicky didn’t understand what that meant, but one of the three of them was holding a small dial in her hand. She turned it, and Nicky was alarmed to find the frequency in her mind grew louder.

“But… I’m… not in… the other room… anymore,” Nicky tried to say, but the humming in her head was too loud for her to hear herself. It drowned everything else out.

“We can emit the same frequency from anywhere, with this— and it has the same effect on you.”

Nicky could feel that. She could tell her mind was draining away, and her body was becoming more aroused. Her hands were coming up to her breasts now, moving over them, rubbing and stroking and tracing her hands along them.

One of the other escape room girls helped Nicky out of her top, and another added a few stroking touches into the rest of what Nicky was doing herself.

Nicky stroked harder. The humming was telling her that she looked good like this; that her breasts were a powerful asset and she should always be proud to show them off. She should always be proud to show off her body to anyone that she was fucking, because it would enhance their pleasure, and she was for display, meant to look hot and sexy and fuckable, to turn on anyone who was fucking her.

It turned her on to be watched; it was turning her on right now to be watched by the three escape room employees, and she hoped they would keep watching her, because it was making her feel more and more horny. Maybe they could fuck her too, fuck her and watch her as the pleasure affected her. She never wanted to dress again, never wanted to wear clothing again. She wanted to be a complete exhibitionist, showing off for anyone that could see her… that would be sexy… that would be perfect.

Back out in the waiting area, the flatscreen TV was at last shutting off, and the two employees who had been fucking Matthew and Dylan were pulling back from them. In the wake of this, Matthew and Dylan were both feeling empty-headed. They had no memories left— the friends they had had before, the friends they had come with were forgotten— they barely even remembered that they had each been in a relationship.

Each one had the faint memory of being with… someone… but neither one of them could remember who it was they’d been with, and each of them remembered… vaguely… that something had happened to break their relationship up. For some reason, each of their relationships had split up… that didn’t matter now. They were single, in this moment, and both Matthew and Dylan only wanted one thing: a thing they had learned to want from the colors, and the pleasure that came with them. They wanted to go downstairs from the escape room, into the brothel, and party there.

The two girls who had been fucking them until recently each took Matthew and Dylan by the hand, and led them out from the waiting area. They closed the escape room door behind them. It was invitation only, and they had already secured their recruits for the night, so they didn’t need to leave it open. The public was never allowed to come in; so they could shut the escape room up behind them for the night.

Once they had done this, they led Matthew and Dylan down the stairs, and through the exterior door into the brothel.

Inside, there were four girls waiting, each one naked.

“Matthew, Dylan, these are our four newest prostitutes,” one of the escape room girls said. “Elli, Ute, Nicky, and Valli. You can choose anyone of them to sleep with.”

Dylan decided he liked the way Ute looked; Matthew thought Elli looked like a good one to pick. Neither realized they’d chosen their own former girlfriend— neither understood why they felt particularly drawn to Elli or Ute over the other two. But they chose them, and together, both couples went off back into the brothel, each pair going into a bedroom, to spend some time fucking.

Dylan finished with Ute before Matthew finished with Elli. When he came out, one of the employees pointed out that there was a glory hole for him to try, if he wanted. Dylan decided he very much did want to— he put himself through it, and it was Valli’s mouth on the other side of it that welcomed him in.

Valli sucked— Valli drooled— it was just the way the mirror had told her, just the way she knew it would be. She sucked, and she thought nothing. She sucked, and she was mindless, but she sucked perfectly, her lips getting all slobbery with it, and she sucked greedily and hungrily, thinking only of getting her food.

Dylan thought it was probably the best blowjob he’d ever had— and he was coming into Valli’s mouth a few seconds later. And Valli swallowed her food down greedily, grateful to have been fed, before releasing Dylan.

Just as Dylan was pulling away, and beginning to redress himself, Matthew emerged, having finished with Elli, already dressed. Both men were feeling happy as they left together. And both men understood— they never wanted to have a girlfriend again.

They wouldn’t date, wouldn’t have girlfriends anymore. They only wanted to have sex at this brothel from now on. They would bring all their money, and spend it here. They would bring all their friends too— and they would recommend it to anyone they could. Everyone who came here would have the happiest time of their life; and so Matthew and Dylan wanted to make sure everyone knew about it, so they could come here, and be happy. They both paid on the way out, grateful for the time they’d already spent there, and looking forward to coming back again already.

Elli, Ute, Nicky and Valli were happy with their new lives too. But they were only the most recent additions to the brothel… there would be others who would come after them. More girls would disappear from their lives, and end up here… that was how they’d all gotten here, the ones who worked there now… that was how all the next ones would come, too. No one would notice them when they went… and then the brothel could find more girls to take… and more after that too.

It was a very refined system, and it never failed, and each employee who worked there knew the system would keep operating perfectly. They were just the ones lucky enough to help uphold it— the ones lucky enough to help it carry itself out, and they were grateful for that privilege.

* * *