The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Read no more if you are under 18, if reading this kind of material is illegal under your local laws, or if you are offended by graphic descriptions of sexual activity. This story is for fantasy only — the events depicted herein should not be attempted in real life. This story is not to be redistributed, archived, forwarded, or reposted without express written permission of the author. If you’re reading this anywhere other than, it’s been stolen.

Copyright © 1999-2004 by le Duc de Kavaliere


Part 1

Emily couldn’t believe she’d let Anna talk her into this.

Everyone know that hypnosis was just a trick caused by people wanting to see something so badly that they convinced themselves it was true.

Yet Anna had practically begged Emily to go with her to a stage hypnotist. Emily’s first response was to refuse, but Anna had told her how nervous she was going to feel with a hypnotist in the room, and Emily had eventually agreed to go along.

Now Anna was shouting through the bathroom door. “Come on, we’ll be late!”

“I’m almost ready,” Emily replied. Slip on the sweater — a nice blue — and tie the hair up into a comfortable and convenient bun. After slipping on her delicate glasses and checking once in the mirror, she emerged.

Emily allowed herself to look skeptically up at her friend. Anna was taller and more full-figured than Emily; her thick red hair was cropped close to her neck. She was wearing black jeans, a black vest, and a dark green sweater that brought out her sea green eyes. That’s not the only thing that’s going to bring out her eyes, Emily noted to herself, as she noticed Anna had put on layers of eye shadow and mascara. Emily would never admit this to Anna, of course, but she had always been envious of Anna’s pale skin and classical features. They made her look like something out of a Renoir painting.

Anna was already pushing Emily’s long red overcoat into her hands and fumbling with her car keys. “It’s way past time to go.”

“I still can’t believe I agreed,” Emily sighed, nimbly stepping down the stairs into the night after her friend. “You know this is going to be totally fake. Hypnosis isn’t real.”

“I know,” said Anna glibly, “which is why I know you don’t have anything to worry about!”

Some minutes later — after Emily had quietly commented on Anna’s speeding — the two seized themselves a table in the nightclub. Anna ordered a strawberry daiquiri, but Emily was content with apple juice. The house lights had already begun to dim as they sat down. In a few seconds the club was plunged into complete blackness.

A spotlight ignited the curtains on stage, drawing the eyes of everyone in the club onto the huge circle of light and holding them fast.

“And now,” a voice droned from overhead, “it is our pleasure to present the world’s most enchanting hypnotist, Miss Scarlett!”

Emily started. It was a woman?

“I am so happy to be here tonight!” came her wonderful voice.

She was there on the stage. No warning. She hadn’t emerged from behind the curtains or stepped forward from offstage. She was just suddenly there.

Emily had never heard of a female hypnotist. But there she was, with every pair of eyes riveted to her.

“Thank you, Henry! Yes, my name is Miss Scarlett, and I have been a practicing hypnotherapist for more than ten years now.”

Emily could hear the entire audience suck in their breath and hold it.

“I have only been doing stage shows for a few months, but every place I’ve been to so far has invited me back. Pretty amazing, don’t you think, for people who couldn’t remember why they wanted to see me perform again?”

On cue, the audience laughed, as one.

Emily’s mind was reeling. Miss Scarlett was the most magnetic woman she had ever beheld. That low, soothing voice, with just the hint of a Kentucky drawl, echoed through the brain of every listener in the club. She was dressed all in black. A corset wrapped around her torso, tied elegantly over her back. From her waist fell an ocean of black velvet, flowing down to her high heels. A gleaming silver pocket watch, on a glittering chain, sat around her neck and seemed to wink at her whenever Miss Scarlett moved. Miss Scarlett’s hair was darker than midnight; it flowed from a simple part at the top of her head down to her waist and past. And she was so tall — she must have been over six feet even without the heels.

All this Emily took in with just one glimpse. More than anything else Emily had to notice her eyes. Even from a distance Emily could see how black and bottomless those eyes were, the largest eyes Emily had ever seen. What a pair of eyes she had. Emily tried not to stare — those incredible, unusual eyes — then she seemed to remember that Miss Scarlett was on stage. It had to be okay to stare. No one would notice.

“And now, my friends, you know what has to happen now. If I don’t have some volunteers, you will have to make do with me making jokes — which I guarantee are so boring they will put you right to sleep! Ladies, gentlemen, please come up here to volunteer! I guarantee, hypnosis is the safest form of entertainment ever invented. All the action will be in your imagination.”

Emily just sat there dumbly in her seat as a good dozen people — no, more like twenty — twenty-five? rose from their chairs and approached the stage. She was dimly aware of Anna jumping up and darting towards the stage too.

Anna jumping up?

“Anna!” Emily called, as softly as she could manage. Mustn’t embarrass her friend. “You said you were going to watch!” Didn’t say anything about volunteering, you oaf.

By now Anna, along with thirty other men and women, was already on the stage. Inwardly, Emily sighed as Anna found her in the audience, winked at her, and mouthed “watch my purse.”

“Splendid!” Miss Scarlett was saying as everyone on stage took their seats. Emily shook her head in disbelief, then let her eyes follow Miss Scarlett as she walked gracefully across the stage. What incredible poise that woman had. What a soft Southern voice.

“How many of you have been hypnotized before? Raise your hands.” A half-dozen volunteers’ hands went up, including Anna’s. Anna’s? Emily wondered.

“Marvelous! Simply marvelous. What did you think of it?”

Miss Scarlett, her entire being oozing grace and posture, tipped the microphone towards one of the volunteers, a handsome black man.

“It was great!” the man grinned up at the woman.

“Did you have fun?” she asked, tipping the microphone to Anna.

“Oh, yes,” Anna smiled.

Anna never told me anything like that! Emily thought.

“See? everything will be wonderful, everything will be safe,” Miss Scarlett purred. Yes, that has to be the best way to describe that voice, Emily thought. Power and charisma simply radiates from her.

“Now, all of you on stage, look at me. Keep your focus on me. Look at me, and listen to my voice.”

Emily almost wished she were on stage. She didn’t believe in hypnosis, but she thought that it would be an incredible experience to have the full force of Miss Scarlett’s personality directed towards her. It’s not as if she could really hypnotize anyone, anyway.

Miss Scarlett continued to walk back and forth across the stage, her soft Southern voice speaking seemingly not above a whisper, yet fully audible to everyone on stage and in the audience. Emily noticed that every volunteer was gazing at this amazing woman; their faces followed her wherever she walked. On cue, a soft new age music started playing, Enya or something like that. After a moment, no one remembered that there was music playing at all.

“Look at me,” Miss Scarlett continued, “look only at me. Look directly at me. Don’t look at anything else; don’t pay attention to anything else, just focus on me. Let the rest of the world slip away; nothing else is important. Just keep looking at me and keep focused on me.”

Miss Scarlett’s voice was so beautiful, Emily was beginning to see why everyone on stage was staring at her.

“Focusing on me . . . it’s so easy just to look at me. And as you look, you know you’re listening to my voice, my wonderful voice.”

Her voice really is wonderful, Emily thought.

“My voice soothes you and relaxes you, soothes you and relaxes you. It’s so easy just to let everything go and just listen to my soothing voice. My soothing voice is all you notice, all you hear. I am all you notice, all you hear. Let everything slip away, slip away. Nothing else is important. There is only me. Just keep on listening to me and looking at me. It’s so easy.” As she said this, Miss Scarlett was continuing to walk back and forth across the stage. Everyone on the stage was still gazing fixedly at her; Emily dimly noticed that several people in the audience were as well.

“As you listen to my voice you find that my voice relaxes you. It soothes you and relaxes you, soothes you and relaxes you. There is nothing else in the world but my voice. Nothing else at all. Let all your cares and worries go. Let go of all the stress and worries of the day. It’s time to let go of all of that. You’ve been longing to let go of all of it. Let it go, now. My voice washes through you, taking away all your cares and worries. My voice relaxes you and soothes you. My voice moves through you, washing away all your cares and worries.

“With every breath you take, you are becoming more and more relaxed. You inhale slowly, exhale slowly, completely relaxed. With every breath you take you become more relaxed. With every breath you take it becomes easier and easier to listen to my voice. The more you listen to me, the more relaxed you become. The more relaxed you become, the easier it is to listen to my voice. The more you listen to me, the more relaxed you become. The more relaxed you become, the easier it is to hear my voice. You know nothing else, you hear nothing else, just my voice.

“Everything else is drifting away, now. You feel your whole body relaxing now . . . feel your toes relaxing . . . feel your knees relaxing . . . feel your arms relaxing . . . feel your shoulders relaxing . . . feel your neck relaxing . . . feel your head relaxing. You feel so relaxed. You are so relaxed. With every breath you breathe in relaxation. With every breath you breathe in awareness of me. Every time you exhale, you let go of all stress. With every breath you breathe in my words, my voice.

“Feel yourself going deeper. You are relaxing deeper, the more you listen to my voice. My voice soothes you and relaxes you, relaxes your whole body, relaxes you so completely.

“Let your awareness go . . . you feel as if you are falling into a deep, gentle sleep. You are aware of nothing but my voice, aware of nothing but me. You feel your body getting heavier, it’s getting heavier, and heavier. So heavy, you want to give into relaxation, you want to surrender to it, absorb it, embrace it.”

Emily noticed that several of the volunteers, Anna included, had gone as limp as a rag doll. Anna’s eyes were shut and she was leaning against the man next to her, who was in turn leaning against the woman next to him.

“Let the relaxation cover you, absorb you. You are one with relaxation, you are one with my voice. My voice becomes your thoughts. You are completely relaxed, aware of nothing but my voice. You are now completely relaxed, feeling so sleepy, going deeper into relaxation, deeper into sleep. Sleep for me now, sleep completely, deeply asleep, deeply asleep. Sleep.”

Miss Scarlett stopped walking across the stage and took a long look at all her volunteers. Emily saw only two people still with their eyes open; a man and a woman on the far right corner. Both of them were staring fixedly at the hypnotist.

Miss Scarlett squatted down to their eye level and addressed them both, gazing at one, then the other.

“Your eyelids are getting heavy . . . they are getting heavier . . . heavier . . . go deeper for me now . . . eyelids closing . . . good . . . wonderful . . . so good . . . you are now asleep . . . you are deeply asleep.”

Emily saw both the man’s and the woman’s eyelids flutter as they gazed fixedly at Scarlett, then slowly close. Their heads nodded once or twice, and then both their bodies went limp.

“Splendid! Marvelous. You are all doing so well, so perfectly. You are deep in trance, deep in trance. You hear only my voice, my voice in your mind, my voice is your mind. You are aware of nothing but me. You are completely in the power of my voice, completely in my power. You know you are hypnotized, and you are in my power. You know you will always obey my voice. You can’t help but obey my voice. My voice is your mind.”

Emily was dumbfounded. Each person on stage had fallen asleep, just as Miss Scarlett had suggested. It must be because they want to be part of the show, Emily thought to herself. It must be. Part of the show.

“You are all doing sooooo well!” Miss Scarlett purred. “You have never felt more relaxed and more comfortable in your life. Now, anyone can be hypnotized who has a good imagination, and you are all doing sooo purr-fectly I know you all have wonderful imaginations. Now, gentlemen, right now I want you to imagine that you’re time travelers, and have traveled back to the year 1956. Eisenhower is president, and the rock and roll revolution has just begun, thanks to Elvis Presley! Elvis is at the peak of his popularity and everyone wants him to tour in their area. And tonight, he can, because you are the best Elvis impersonators in the business! You were coached personally by the King himself. You look just like him, you sing just like him, you dress just like him, you act just like him. Your impersonation is so good that people stop you on the street asking if you’re really him. And tonight, you are! Gentlemen, when I count to three and snap my fingers, you will come on stage and perform the best impersonation of your lives! The audience loves you and everything is perfect. One, two, three!”

Miss Scarlett snapped her fingers. Emily started, as if someone had just poured cold water on her. On cue, each of the men on the stage stood up and started swinging their hips and playing imaginary guitars. “You ain’t nothing but a hound dog” began and each man performed — just like Elvis. Emily giggled a bit as each man swayed their hips back and forth and seized imaginary microphones.

After two or three minutes of the audience laughing — Emily included — Miss Scarlett stepped forward and whispered softly, “sleep,” snapping her fingers.

Emily’s eyes closed; her body relaxed of its own accord and slumped forward onto the table. Each man on stage immediately stopped what they were doing, arms hanging limp, heads nodding.

“And now,” Miss Scarlett continued, “I’m speaking only to the ladies on the stage, only to the ladies —”

She was interrupted by a loud whistle from the audience. Gazing out, she noticed a small group of people pointing at something on a table . . . no, someone . . .

Miss Scarlett stepped down off the stage and onto the floor. Again, every person’s gaze in the audience was riveted to her as she strode, nimble as a cat, over to Emily’s table.

Miss Scarlett arrived at Emily’s table almost instantly and gazed down at the sleeping woman.

“Miss?” Scarlett said into the microphone in her soft Kentucky voice. “Miss, can you hear me?”

Emily nodded slightly.

Miss Scarlett placed her hand, with her exquisite long red nails, on Emily’s head. “Speaking only to the young woman I’m touching right now, only to the young woman I’m touching. You feel completely relaxed and totally wonderful. On the count of three you will open your eyes and say, ‘Miss Scarlett, more than anything I’d like to join your show.’ One, two, three.”

The hypnotist snapped her fingers. Emily’s eyes popped open and she sat up straight. “Miss Scarlett, more than anything I’d like to join your show,” she said.

Scarlett took Emily’s hand in hers and, to torrents of applause and hollers from the audience, led Emily up onto the stage. The lovely black-haired hypnotist then helped Emily into a chair and squatted down in front of her. Scarlett took Emily’s hand again and stared directly into her blue eyes. Emily, fascinated, stared back.

“Sleep,” Miss Scarlett said softly, and snapped her fingers. Emily’s eyes closed immediately and she slumped over, lolling onto the person next to her.

“Anyway!” said Scarlett, to the laughter of the audience, “Talking only to the ladies on-stage, only to the ladies. Tonight we’re very lucky to have you here with us — for each of you, just for tonight, has become Madonna! You all know exactly how to be her, exactly how to sing like her, exactly how to dance like her. On the count of three, you will all awaken, wide awake, and refreshed, and will begin to dance like sexy Madonna as soon as the music starts. One, two, three, wake up, wide awake.”

Immediately “Like a Virgin” began playing. Emily, along with each woman on the stage, opened her eyes and rose from their chairs. Quickly she took off her glasses and stuffed them into a pocket. Walking around the frozen men, each woman began dancing to the music. Emily sang the words softly, as did some of the others; a few ladies mouthed them. When the chorus came along, Emily, Anna and the other women swung their hips and roamed their bodies with their hands. The audience whistled and hollered. By the time the second verse ended, Emily had pulled the scrunchie from her bun and had shaken her hair out. Several men whistled as her straight, smooth blond hair tumbled down from her head and swirled around her waist as she danced. By the end of the third verse each of the women on the stage were caressing their bodies from their thighs up to their navel.

“Very good, now sleep.” Miss Scarlett said. The women froze in place, and were rewarded by disappointed moans from the men in the audience.

Miss Scarlett held up one finger. The audience looked on expectantly. “To my dear volunteers — you are very happy and very relaxed. On the count of three you will all wake up and return to your chairs. When you sit down, you will feel wave after wave of ecstasy wash over you. One, two, three.” She snapped her fingers.

The volunteers opened their eyes and each obeyed Scarlett’s instructions. Upon sitting, each volunteer got a huge smile on their faces and their eyelids fluttered. Several of them squirmed in their chairs, much to the audience’s delight.

“Now, my dear volunteers,” Miss Scarlett said, “When you wake up, you will find yourself alone in a movie theater. Everyone’s gone except for you. You’re totally alone and won’t get caught. You’ve found the only reel in the entire theater and set it moving. The movie’s beginning . . . wake up . . .” Miss Scarlett snapped her fingers. As one, the volunteers opened their eyes, then started looking out over the audience at an imaginary movie screen. “You see the hero, how romantic and dreamy and sexy he is . . . here’s the heroine . . . she is so alluring and beautiful. Now the heroine and the hero are kissing . . . it’s so sweet . . . you’re so happy for them . . . you want to cry it’s so happy . . . you want a hand to hold . . .” The volunteers started to snuggle up to one another, smiling, looking for someone’s hand. Several of them found one, which they held on to tightly, regardless of the person’s gender. “Now you see the hero and the heroine taking off their shirts . . . remember, you’re alone, so you’re not -really- holding anyone’s hand . . .” The volunteers complied and let go. “Now they’re doing foreplay . . . really getting into it . . . oh my gawd, it’s a porno movie . . .” Several of the volunteers sat backwards; a number of the men, and some women, leaned forward in their chairs. “Now they’re having sex . . . goodness me look at that . . .” Emily draped her long hair over her face. “Now they’re done . . . had such a wonderful time . . .” The volunteers were getting antsy. “Help yourself to some popcorn . . .” They started plucking imaginary popcorn from thin air. “Now sleep . . . sleep . . . wonderful.

“Now, my wonderful volunteers, you are the best volunteers I’ve ever had, you are doing perfectly, completely perfectly . . . now when you wake up, you will be Chippendale’s erotic dancers . . . you are all strippers . . . you love your work . . . you really get into it when you perform . . . there is nothing at all to be embarrassed about, this is just your work . . . but you really won’t take your clothes off . . .” The audience sighed in disappointment. " . . .Unless you want to!” Scarlett was rewarded by thunderous applause from the audience. She awakened the people on stage and started the music. Several of the men had their shirts off in the first minute; Emily just pretended to remove clothes, but Miss Scarlett put the volunteers back under when Anna was about to remove her bra.

The lovely hypnotist then produced several fun-fair plastic glasses. “Now these are magic x-ray glasses . . . when you put them on you will see anyone you look at in the nude . . .”

After several more minutes of performance the announcer told Scarlett that it was time to quit. She moaned theatrically, and the audience took their cue.

“From now on all hypnotic suggestions are canceled, all hypnotic suggestions are finished with . . . the show’s over . . . you will all emerge from hypnosis feeling awake and completely refreshed. One, two, three.”

Slowly, the volunteers opened their eyes and, looking disoriented, looked around. Emily began to turn red. “What am I doing up here?” she asked confusedly.

“Why, you asked to come up, young lady!” Scarlett replied.

Emily looked stunned. “No, I didn’t!” she said.

“YES, YOU DID!” hollered the audience.

“Let’s have a big round of applause for Miss Scarlett, the world’s loveliest hypnotist!” said the announcer. The volunteers stood up and began to exit the stage; Emily, in confusion, was led off by Anna.